Example #1
def lst(args):
    List orgs
    c = VCloudAPIClient()
    for org in c.org_list().orgs:
Example #2
    def test_org_list_should_return_list_of_orgs(self):
        c = VCloudAPIClient()
        org_list_xml = fixture('orglist')

        # org_list should work out where to look from the hypermedia returned
        # at the /session path. "/myCustomOrgListPath/" is where the orgList
        # is defined to exist in the "session" fixture
        self.register_response('get', API_ROOT + '/myCustomOrgListPath/', 200, {}, org_list_xml)

        org_list = c.org_list()
        assert_equal(len(org_list.orgs), 3)
    def test_org_list_should_return_list_of_orgs(self):
        c = VCloudAPIClient()
        org_list_xml = fixture('orglist')

        # org_list should work out where to look from the hypermedia returned
        # at the /session path. "/myCustomOrgListPath/" is where the orgList
        # is defined to exist in the "session" fixture
        self.register_response('get', API_ROOT + '/myCustomOrgListPath/', 200,
                               {}, org_list_xml)

        org_list = c.org_list()
        assert_equal(len(org_list.orgs), 3)