Example #1
    def __new__(klass, name, project, which):
        Return the right subclass for kind, if it exists.

        from vcpx import TailorException

        kind = name[:name.index(':')]
        subclass = klass
        subclassname = kind.capitalize() + 'Repository'
        modname = 'vcpx.repository.' + kind
            concrete = __import__(modname, globals(), locals(), [kind])
            subclass = getattr(concrete, subclassname, klass)
        except SyntaxError, e:
            raise TailorException("Cannot import %r: %s" % (kind, e))
Example #2
class Repository(object):
    Collector for the configuration of a single repository.

    METADIR = None
    The name of the "meta" directory used by this kind of repository.
    Subclasses should override this, obviously.

    Other eventual "meta" directories.

    The name of the external command line tool, for some backends.

    Particular flags for rsync, used by disjunct working dirs.

    def __new__(klass, name, project, which):
        Return the right subclass for kind, if it exists.

        from vcpx import TailorException

        kind = name[:name.index(':')]
        subclass = klass
        subclassname = kind.capitalize() + 'Repository'
        modname = 'vcpx.repository.' + kind
            concrete = __import__(modname, globals(), locals(), [kind])
            subclass = getattr(concrete, subclassname, klass)
        except SyntaxError, e:
            raise TailorException("Cannot import %r: %s" % (kind, e))
        except (AttributeError, ImportError, AssertionError), e:
            raise TailorException("%r is not a known VCS kind: %s" % (kind, e))
Example #3
    def workingDir(self):
        Return an instance of the specific WorkingDir for this kind of

        from vcpx import TailorException

                wdname = self.kind.capitalize() + self.which.capitalize() + 'WorkingDir'
                modname = 'vcpx.repository.' + self.kind + '.' + self.which
                wdmod = __import__(modname, globals(), locals(), [wdname])
                workingdir = getattr(wdmod, wdname)
            except (AttributeError, ImportError), e:
                wdname = self.kind.capitalize() + 'WorkingDir'
                modname = 'vcpx.repository.' + self.kind
                wdmod = __import__(modname, globals(), locals(), [wdname])
                workingdir = getattr(wdmod, wdname)
        except SyntaxError, e:
            self.log.exception("Cannot import %r from %r", wdname, modname)
            raise TailorException("Cannot import %r: %s" % (wdname, e))
Example #4
                wdname = self.kind.capitalize() + self.which.capitalize() + 'WorkingDir'
                modname = 'vcpx.repository.' + self.kind + '.' + self.which
                wdmod = __import__(modname, globals(), locals(), [wdname])
                workingdir = getattr(wdmod, wdname)
            except (AttributeError, ImportError), e:
                wdname = self.kind.capitalize() + 'WorkingDir'
                modname = 'vcpx.repository.' + self.kind
                wdmod = __import__(modname, globals(), locals(), [wdname])
                workingdir = getattr(wdmod, wdname)
        except SyntaxError, e:
            self.log.exception("Cannot import %r from %r", wdname, modname)
            raise TailorException("Cannot import %r: %s" % (wdname, e))
        except (AttributeError, ImportError), e:
            self.log.critical("Cannot import %r from %r", wdname, modname)
            raise TailorException("%r is not a known VCS kind: %s" %
                                  (self.kind, e))

        return workingdir(self)

    def command(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Return the base external command, a sequence suitable to be used
        to init an ExternalCommand instance.

        This return None if the backend uses a different way to execute
        its actions.

        executable = kwargs.get('executable', self.EXECUTABLE)
        if executable:
            cmd = [executable]