Example #1
File: git.py Project: lukaszb/vcs
    def fill_archive(self, stream=None, kind='tgz', prefix=None):
        Fills up given stream.

        :param stream: file like object.
        :param kind: one of following: ``zip``, ``tgz`` or ``tbz2``.
            Default: ``tgz``.
        :param prefix: name of root directory in archive.
            Default is repository name and changeset's raw_id joined with dash

        :raise ImproperArchiveTypeError: If given kind is wrong.
        :raise VcsError: If given stream is None

        allowed_kinds = ARCHIVE_SPECS.keys()
        if kind not in allowed_kinds:
            raise ImproperArchiveTypeError('Archive kind not supported use one'
                'of %s', allowed_kinds)

        if prefix is None:
            prefix = '%s-%s' % (self.repository.name, self.short_id)
        elif prefix.startswith('/'):
            raise VCSError("Prefix cannot start with leading slash")
        elif prefix.strip() == '':
            raise VCSError("Prefix cannot be empty")

        if kind == 'zip':
            frmt = 'zip'
            frmt = 'tar'
        cmd = 'git archive --format=%s --prefix=%s/ %s' % (frmt, prefix,
        if kind == 'tgz':
            cmd += ' | gzip -9'
        elif kind == 'tbz2':
            cmd += ' | bzip2 -9'

        if stream is None:
            raise VCSError('You need to pass in a valid stream for filling'
                           ' with archival data')
            arch_path = None

        popen = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True,

        buffer_size = 1024 * 8
        chunk = popen.stdout.read(buffer_size)
        while chunk:
            chunk = popen.stdout.read(buffer_size)
        # Make sure all descriptors would be read
Example #2
File: hg.py Project: lukaszb/vcs
    def fill_archive(self, stream=None, kind="tgz", prefix=None):
        Fills up given stream.

        :param stream: file like object.
        :param kind: one of following: ``zip``, ``tgz`` or ``tbz2``.
            Default: ``tgz``.
        :param prefix: name of root directory in archive.
            Default is repository name and changeset's raw_id joined with dash

        :raise ImproperArchiveTypeError: If given kind is wrong.
        :raise VcsError: If given stream is None

        allowed_kinds = ARCHIVE_SPECS.keys()
        if kind not in allowed_kinds:
            raise ImproperArchiveTypeError("Archive kind not supported use one" "of %s", allowed_kinds)

        if stream is None:
            raise VCSError("You need to pass in a valid stream for filling" " with archival data")

        if prefix is None:
            prefix = "%s-%s" % (self.repository.name, self.short_id)
        elif prefix.startswith("/"):
            raise VCSError("Prefix cannot start with leading slash")
        elif prefix.strip() == "":
            raise VCSError("Prefix cannot be empty")

        archival.archive(self.repository._repo, stream, self.raw_id, kind, prefix=prefix)

        # stream.close()

        if stream.closed and hasattr(stream, "name"):
            stream = open(stream.name, "rb")
        elif hasattr(stream, "mode") and "r" not in stream.mode:
            stream = open(stream.name, "rb")