Example #1
    def activate(self, display, actor, key):
        if self.target is not None and self.shift() is False:


        if display.g_type == "marker":
            l = display.backend[key]
            # Actor is actually a group of VTK objects
            index = l.index(actor)
            editor = editors.marker.MarkerEditor(self.interactor,
                                                 index, display, self)
        elif display.g_type == "text":
            l = display.backend[key]
            index = l.index(actor)
            editor = editors.text.TextEditor(self.interactor,
                                             index, display, self)
        elif is_label(key):
            obj = get_attribute(display, key)
            editor = editors.label.LabelEditor(self.interactor, obj, display,
            editor = None

        if self.target:
            self.target = editor
Example #2
    def activate(self, display, actor, key):
        if self.target is not None and self.shift() is False:


        if display.g_type == "marker":
            l = display.backend[key]
            # Actor is actually a group of VTK objects
            index = l.index(actor)
            editor = editors.marker.MarkerEditor(self.interactor, vcs.getmarker(display.g_name), index, display, self)
        elif display.g_type == "text":
            l = display.backend[key]
            index = l.index(actor)
            editor = editors.text.TextEditor(self.interactor, vcs.gettext(display.g_name), index, display, self)
        elif is_label(key):
            obj = get_attribute(display, key)
            editor = editors.label.LabelEditor(self.interactor, obj, display, self)
            editor = None

        if self.target:
            self.target = editor
Example #3
    def in_display_plot(self, point, dp):
        #Normalize the point
        x, y = point
        w, h = self.interactor.GetRenderWindow().GetSize()
        if x > 1 or y > 1:
            point = (x / float(w), y / float(h))
            x, y = point

        if dp.g_type == "fillarea":
            fill = vcs.getfillarea(dp.g_name)
            info = editors.fillarea.inside_fillarea(fill, *point)
            if info is not None:
                self.clicked_info = info
                return fill
        elif dp.g_type == "line":
            l = vcs.getline(dp.g_name)
            # Uses screen_height to determine how much buffer space there is around the line
            info = editors.line.inside_line(l, *point, screen_height=h)
            if info is not None:
                self.clicked_info = info
                return l
        elif dp.g_type == "marker":
            m = vcs.getmarker(dp.g_name)
            info = editors.marker.inside_marker(m, point[0], point[1], w, h)
            if info is not None:
                self.clicked_info = info
                return m
        elif dp.g_type == "text":
            tc = vcs.gettextcombined(dp.g_name)
            info = editors.text.inside_text(tc, point[0], point[1], w, h)
            if info is not None:
                self.clicked_info = info
                return tc
            fudge = 5 / float(w)
            return in_template(point, t(dp.template), dp, (w, h), fudge=fudge)
Example #4
    def in_display_plot(self, point, dp):
        #Normalize the point
        x, y = point
        w, h = self.interactor.GetRenderWindow().GetSize()
        if x > 1 or y > 1:
            point = (x / float(w), y / float(h))
            x, y = point

        if dp.g_type == "fillarea":
            fill = vcs.getfillarea(dp.g_name)
            info = editors.fillarea.inside_fillarea(fill, *point)
            if info is not None:
                self.clicked_info = info
                return fill
        elif dp.g_type == "line":
            l = vcs.getline(dp.g_name)
            # Uses screen_height to determine how much buffer space there is around the line
            info = editors.line.inside_line(l, *point, screen_height=h)
            if info is not None:
                self.clicked_info = info
                return l
        elif dp.g_type == "marker":
            m = vcs.getmarker(dp.g_name)
            info = editors.marker.inside_marker(m, point[0], point[1], w, h)
            if info is not None:
                self.clicked_info = info
                return m
        elif dp.g_type == "text":
            tc = vcs.gettextcombined(dp.g_name)
            info = editors.text.inside_text(tc, point[0], point[1], w, h)
            if info is not None:
                self.clicked_info = info
                return tc
            fudge = 5 / float(w)
            return in_template(point, t(dp.template), dp, (w, h), fudge=fudge)
Example #5
    def test_vcs_read_old_2(self):

        testfile = os.path.join("uvcdat-testdata", "data", "vcs", "old_2.scr")
        Ns = {}
        Es = {}
        for k in list(vcs.elements.keys()):
            Ns[k] = len(list(vcs.elements[k].keys()))
            Es[k] = vcs.listelements(k)
        Ns2 = {}
        for k in list(vcs.elements.keys()):
            Ns2[k] = len(list(vcs.elements[k].keys()))
        diffs = {
            'projection': 0,
            'colormap': 4,
            'isofill': 102,
            'marker': 15,
            '3d_dual_scalar': 0,
            'texttable': 1,
            '3d_scalar': 0,
            'fillarea': 404,
            'font': 0,
            '3d_vector': 0,
            '1d': 19,
            'template': 128,
            'textcombined': 0,
            'textorientation': 0,
            'xvsy': 0,
            'xyvsy': 15,
            'isoline': 3,
            'boxfill': 3,
            'fontNumber': 0,
            'line': 16,
            'meshfill': 0,
            'yxvsx': 17,
            'taylordiagram': 1,
            'list': 68,
            'display': 0,
            'vector': 5,
            'scatter': 2,
            "streamline": 0
        for k in list(vcs.elements.keys()):
            print("Cheking number of new elements for", k)
            self.assertEqual(diffs[k], Ns2[k] - Ns[k])

        gm = vcs.getmarker("navy")
        self.assertEqual(gm.type, ['dot'])
        self.assertEqual(gm.size, [2])
        self.assertEqual(gm.color, [250])
        gm = vcs.getisofill("AMIP2_psl")
            [[-1e+20, 97000.0], [97000.0, 97500.0], [97500.0, 98000.0],
             [98000.0, 98500.0], [98500.0, 99000.0], [99000.0, 99500.0],
             [99500.0, 100000.0], [100000.0, 100500.0], [100500.0, 101000.0],
             [101000.0, 101500.0], [101500.0, 102000.0], [102000.0, 102500.0],
             [102500.0, 103000.0], [103000.0, 103500.0], [103500.0, 104000.0],
             [104000.0, 1e+20]])
        self.assertEqual(gm.ymtics1, "lat5")
        self.assertEqual(gm.fillareastyle, "solid")
            [30, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 35, 36])
Example #6
def marker(name):
        gm = vcs.getmarker(str(name))
    return jsonify(vcs.utils.dumpToDict(gm)[0])
Example #7
def spaghetti_plot(variables,
    This file is ready to be imported by your scripts, and you can just call this function.

    Sample usage is below.

    variables: List of variables to plot
    template: The template to use as the base for the plot.
    min_y: If you want to adjust the y axis bounds, you can set a minimum value. Will be derived from data if not specified.
    max_y: If you want to adjust the y axis bounds, you can set a maximum value. Will be derived from data if not specified.
    left_label: Text to put on the left Y axis
    right_label: Text to put on the right Y axis
    tick_sides: A list of "left" or "right" values indicating which side of the chart you want the variable axes to be displayed.
    line: A line object or name of a line object used to describe the lines plotted. Set to None to hide.
    marker: A marker object or name of a marker object used to describe the markers plotted. Set to None to hide.
    x_labels: Dictionary for setting axis tick labels
    y_labels: Dictionary for setting axis tick labels
    if canvas is None:
        canvas = vcs.init()

    if isinstance(template, (str, unicode)):
        template = vcs.gettemplate(template)

    if template is None:
        # Use our custom default template for 1ds
        template = vcs.createtemplate()
        # Shrink the template a bit
        template.scale(.78, "x")
        template.move(.02, "x")
        template.yname.x = .01
        template.data.y1 = .1
        template.box1.y1 = .1
        ticlen = template.xtic1.y2 - template.xtic1.y1
        template.xtic1.y1 = template.data.y1
        template.xtic1.y2 = template.xtic1.y1 + ticlen
        template.xtic2.priority = 0
        template.xlabel1.y = template.xtic1.y2 - .01
        template.legend.x1 = template.data.x2 + (1 - template.data.x2) / 3.
        template.legend.x2 = .95
        template.legend.y1 = template.data.y1
        template.legend.y2 = template.data.y2
        template.yname.y = (template.data.y1 + template.data.y2) / 2.
        template.xname.y = template.xlabel1.y - .05

    # The labels don't make any sense with multiple values; hide them.
    template.min.priority = 0
    template.max.priority = 0
    template.mean.priority = 0
    template.dataname.priority = 0
    templates = EzTemplate.oneD(len(variables), template=template)
    templates.x = canvas

    if tick_sides is None:
        tick_sides = ["left"] * len(variables)

    clean_ticks = []
    for t in tick_sides:
        if t.lower() not in ('left', 'right'):
            raise ValueError(
                "tick_sides must be a list of 'left' or 'right' values; found '%s'."
                % t)

    tick_sides = clean_ticks
    if len(tick_sides) < len(variables):
        tick_sides += tick_sides[-1:] * len(variables)

    # Store min/max per side for appropriate scaling
    min_vals = {"left": min_y, "right": min_y}
    if min_y is None:
        for i, var in enumerate(variables):
            v_min = min(var)
            min_y = min_vals[tick_sides[i]]
            if min_y is None or min_y > v_min:
                min_vals[tick_sides[i]] = v_min

    max_vals = {"left": max_y, "right": max_y}
    if max_y is None:
        for i, var in enumerate(variables):
            v_max = max(var)
            max_y = max_vals[tick_sides[i]]
            if max_y is None or max_y < v_max:
                max_vals[tick_sides[i]] = v_max

    if isinstance(line, (str, unicode)):
        line = vcs.getline(line)
    if isinstance(marker, (str, unicode)):
        marker = vcs.getmarker(marker)

    to_pad = []
    if line is not None:
        widths = line.width

        styles = line.type

        colors = line.color

    if marker is not None:
        markers = marker.type

        marker_colors = marker.color

        marker_sizes = marker.size

    for padded in to_pad:
        if len(padded) < len(variables):
            padded += padded[-1:] * (len(variables) - len(padded))

    for n in range(len(variables)):
        gm = vcs.create1d()

        if line is not None:
            gm.line = styles[n]
            gm.linewidth = widths[n]
            gm.linecolor = colors[n]
            gm.linewidth = 0

        if marker is not None:
            gm.marker = markers[n]
            gm.markersize = marker_sizes[n]
            gm.markercolor = marker_colors[n]
            gm.marker = None

        gm.datawc_y1 = min_vals[tick_sides[n]]
        gm.datawc_y2 = max_vals[tick_sides[n]]

        template = templates.get(n)
        gm.xticlabels1 = x_labels
        if tick_sides[n] == "left":
            if tick_sides.index("left") == n:
                template.ylabel1.priority = 1
                if left_label is not None:
                    template.yname.priority = 0
                    left_text = vcs.createtext(
                    left_text.x = template.yname.x
                    left_text.y = template.yname.y
                    left_text.string = [left_label]
                template.ylabel1.priority = 0
                template.yname.priority = 0
            template.ylabel2.priority = 0
            gm.yticlabels1 = y_labels
            gm.yticlabels2 = ""
            template.ylabel1.priority = 0
            if tick_sides.index("right") == n:
                template.ylabel2.priority = 1
                if right_label is not None:
                    right_text = vcs.createtext(
                    right_text.x = template.data.x2 + (template.data.x1 -
                    right_text.y = template.yname.y
                    right_text.string = [right_label]
                template.ylabel2.priority = 0
            gm.yticlabels1 = ""
            gm.yticlabels2 = y_labels
        if n != 0:
            template.xlabel1.priority = 0
            template.xname.priority = 0

        var = variables[n]
        templates.x.plot(var, gm, template)
    return templates.x
Example #8
def spaghetti_plot(variables, template=None, min_y=None, max_y=None, left_label=None, right_label=None, tick_sides=None, line="default", marker="default", x_labels="*", y_labels="*", canvas=None):
    This file is ready to be imported by your scripts, and you can just call this function.

    Sample usage is below.

    variables: List of variables to plot
    template: The template to use as the base for the plot.
    min_y: If you want to adjust the y axis bounds, you can set a minimum value. Will be derived from data if not specified.
    max_y: If you want to adjust the y axis bounds, you can set a maximum value. Will be derived from data if not specified.
    left_label: Text to put on the left Y axis
    right_label: Text to put on the right Y axis
    tick_sides: A list of "left" or "right" values indicating which side of the chart you want the variable axes to be displayed.
    line: A line object or name of a line object used to describe the lines plotted. Set to None to hide.
    marker: A marker object or name of a marker object used to describe the markers plotted. Set to None to hide.
    x_labels: Dictionary for setting axis tick labels
    y_labels: Dictionary for setting axis tick labels
    if canvas is None:
        canvas = vcs.init()

    if isinstance(template, (str, unicode)):
        template = vcs.gettemplate(template)

    if template is None:
        # Use our custom default template for 1ds
        template = vcs.createtemplate()
        # Shrink the template a bit
        template.scale(.78, "x")
        template.move(.02, "x")
        template.yname.x = .01
        template.data.y1 = .1
        template.box1.y1 = .1
        ticlen = template.xtic1.y2 - template.xtic1.y1
        template.xtic1.y1 = template.data.y1
        template.xtic1.y2 = template.xtic1.y1 + ticlen
        template.xtic2.priority = 0
        template.xlabel1.y = template.xtic1.y2 - .01
        template.legend.x1 = template.data.x2 + (1 - template.data.x2) / 3.
        template.legend.x2 = .95
        template.legend.y1 = template.data.y1
        template.legend.y2 = template.data.y2
        template.yname.y = (template.data.y1 + template.data.y2)/2.
        template.xname.y = template.xlabel1.y - .05

    # The labels don't make any sense with multiple values; hide them.
    template.min.priority = 0
    template.max.priority = 0
    template.mean.priority = 0
    template.dataname.priority = 0
    templates = EzTemplate.oneD(len(variables), template=template)
    templates.x = canvas

    if tick_sides is None:
        tick_sides = ["left"] * len(variables)

    clean_ticks = []
    for t in tick_sides:
        if t.lower() not in ('left', 'right'):
            raise ValueError("tick_sides must be a list of 'left' or 'right' values; found '%s'." % t)

    tick_sides = clean_ticks
    if len(tick_sides) < len(variables):
        tick_sides += tick_sides[-1:] * len(variables)

    # Store min/max per side for appropriate scaling
    min_vals = {"left": min_y, "right": min_y}
    if min_y is None:
        for i, var in enumerate(variables):
            v_min = min(var)
            min_y = min_vals[tick_sides[i]]
            if min_y is None or min_y > v_min:
                min_vals[tick_sides[i]] = v_min

    max_vals = {"left": max_y, "right": max_y}
    if max_y is None:
        for i, var in enumerate(variables):
            v_max = max(var)
            max_y = max_vals[tick_sides[i]]
            if max_y is None or max_y < v_max:
                max_vals[tick_sides[i]] = v_max

    if isinstance(line, (str, unicode)):
        line = vcs.getline(line)
    if isinstance(marker, (str, unicode)):
        marker = vcs.getmarker(marker)

    to_pad = []
    if line is not None:
        widths = line.width

        styles = line.type

        colors = line.color

    if marker is not None:
        markers = marker.type

        marker_colors = marker.color

        marker_sizes = marker.size

    for padded in to_pad:
        if len(padded) < len(variables):
            padded += padded[-1:] * (len(variables) - len(padded))

    for n in range(len(variables)):
        gm = vcs.create1d()

        if line is not None:
            gm.line = styles[n]
            gm.linewidth = widths[n]
            gm.linecolor = colors[n]
            gm.linewidth = 0

        if marker is not None:
            gm.marker = markers[n]
            gm.markersize = marker_sizes[n]
            gm.markercolor = marker_colors[n]
            gm.marker = None

        gm.datawc_y1 = min_vals[tick_sides[n]]
        gm.datawc_y2 = max_vals[tick_sides[n]]

        template = templates.get(n)
        gm.xticlabels1 = x_labels
        if tick_sides[n] == "left":
            if tick_sides.index("left") == n:
                template.ylabel1.priority = 1
                if left_label is not None:
                    template.yname.priority = 0
                    left_text = vcs.createtext(Tt_source=template.yname.texttable, To_source=template.yname.textorientation)
                    left_text.x = template.yname.x
                    left_text.y = template.yname.y
                    left_text.string = [left_label]
                template.ylabel1.priority = 0
                template.yname.priority = 0
            template.ylabel2.priority = 0
            gm.yticlabels1 = y_labels
            gm.yticlabels2 = ""
            template.ylabel1.priority = 0
            if tick_sides.index("right") == n:
                template.ylabel2.priority = 1
                if right_label is not None:
                    right_text = vcs.createtext(Tt_source=template.yname.texttable, To_source=template.yname.textorientation)
                    right_text.x = template.data.x2 + (template.data.x1 - template.yname.x)
                    right_text.y = template.yname.y
                    right_text.string = [right_label]
                template.ylabel2.priority = 0
            gm.yticlabels1 = ""
            gm.yticlabels2 = y_labels
        if n != 0:
            template.xlabel1.priority = 0
            template.xname.priority = 0

        var = variables[n]
        templates.x.plot(var, gm, template)
    return templates.x