Example #1
def G1(N, H, I):
    HdotI = dot(H, I)
    if HdotI <= 0.:
        return 0.
    NdotH = dot(N, H)
    NdotI = dot(N, I)
    return 2. * NdotH * NdotI / HdotI
Example #2
    def intersect(self, ray):
        t1 = None
        t2 = None
        if dot(ray.D, self.lside.N) < 0:  # front facing
            t1 = self.lside.intersect(ray)
            #print('intersect left face', t1)
        if dot(ray.D, self.rside.N) < 0:  # front facing
            t2 = self.rside.intersect(ray)
            #print('intersect right face', t2)

        tmin = None
        if t1 is None or t2 is None:
            if t1 is None:
                tmin = t2
            if t2 is None:
                tmin = t1
            tmin = min(t1, t2)

        hit = None
        if tmin is not None:
            p = ray(tmin)
            if p.z <= 0.:
                if tmin == t1:
                    #print('hit left side')
                    hit = Hit(p, self.lside.N, 'left')
                elif tmin == t2:
                    #print('hit right side')
                    hit = Hit(p, self.rside.N, 'right')
        return hit
Example #3
def hit_sphere(center, radius, r):
    oc = r.origin - center
    a = dot(r.direction, r.direction)
    b = 2. * dot(oc, r.direction)
    c = dot(oc, oc) - radius * radius
    discriminant = b**2 - 4 * a * c
    return discriminant > 0
Example #4
 def GLambdaWalter(self, w, wh):
     costhetav = math.fabs(w.z)
     if costhetav < SMALLFLOAT:
         return 1
     tanthetav = math.sqrt(1.0 - costhetav * costhetav) / costhetav
     if tanthetav < SMALLFLOAT:
         return 1.0
     a = 1.0 / (self.alpha_x * tanthetav)
     if (a < 1.6):
         iG1i = ChiPlus(vec3.dot(w, wh) / w.z) * (
             3.535 * a + 2.181 * a * a) / (1 + 2.276 * a + 2.577 * a * a)
         iG1i = ChiPlus(vec3.dot(w, wh) / w.z)
     return iG1i
Example #5
    def intersect(self, ray):
        O = ray.O
        D = ray.D
        P = self.P
        N = self.N

        # Return the distance from O to the intersection of the ray (O, D) with the
        # plane (P, N), or +inf if there is no intersection.
        # O and P are 3D points, D and N (normal) are normalized vectors.
        denom = dot(D, N)
        if abs(denom) < 1e-6:
            return TMAX
        d = dot(P - O, N) / denom
        if d < 0:
            return TMAX
        return d
Example #6
    def hit(self, ray, t_min, t_max):

        oc = ray.origin - self.center
        a = ray.direction.length_squared()
        half_b = dot(oc, ray.direction)
        c = oc.length_squared() - (self.radius * self.radius)
        discriminant = (half_b * half_b) - (a * c)

        if discriminant > 0:

            root = math.sqrt(discriminant)

            temp = (-half_b - root) / a
            if t_min < temp < t_max:
                rec = HitRecord()
                rec.t = temp
                rec.position = ray.at(rec.t)
                outwardNormal = (rec.position - self.center) / self.radius
                rec.setFaceNormal(ray, outwardNormal)
                rec.material = self.material
                return True, rec

            temp = (-half_b + root) / a
            if t_min < temp < t_max:
                rec = HitRecord()
                rec.t = temp
                rec.position = ray.at(rec.t)
                outwardNormal = (rec.position - self.center) / self.radius
                rec.setFaceNormal(ray, outwardNormal)
                rec.material = self.material
                return True, rec

        return False, HitRecord()
Example #7
    def scatter(self, ray_in, rec):
        attenuation = Vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
        if rec.frontFacing:
            etai_over_etat = 1 / self.refractive_index
            etai_over_etat = self.refractive_index

        unit_direction = ray_in.direction.norm()

        cos_theta = min(dot(rec.normal, -unit_direction), 1.0)
        sin_theta = math.sqrt(1.0 - cos_theta * cos_theta)

        if etai_over_etat * sin_theta > 1.0:
            reflected = reflect(unit_direction, rec.normal)
            scattered = Ray(rec.position, reflected)
            return True, scattered, attenuation

        reflection_probability = schlick(cos_theta, etai_over_etat)
        if random.random() < reflection_probability:
            reflected = reflect(unit_direction, rec.normal)
            scattered = Ray(rec.position, reflected)
            return True, scattered, attenuation

        refracted = refract(unit_direction, rec.normal, etai_over_etat)
        scattered = Ray(rec.position, refracted)
        return True, scattered, attenuation
Example #8
File: quat.py Project: Eelis/klee
def fromnormals_faster(n1,n2):
	axis= vec3.normalize(vec3.cross(n1, n2))

	half_n= vec3.normalize(vec3.add(n1, n2))
	cos_half_angle= vec3.dot(n1, half_n)
	sin_half_angle= 1.0 - cos_half_angle**2
	return vec3.mulN(axis, sin_half_angle) + (cos_half_angle,)
Example #9
def fromnormals_faster(n1, n2):
	axis = vec3.normalize(vec3.cross(n1, n2))

	half_n = vec3.normalize(vec3.add(n1, n2))
	cos_half_angle = vec3.dot(n1, half_n)
	sin_half_angle = 1.0 - cos_half_angle ** 2
	return vec3.mulN(axis, sin_half_angle) + (cos_half_angle,)
Example #10
 def GB(self, wo, wi, wh):
     den = vec3.dot(wi, wh)
     if den < SMALLFLOAT:
         return 1
     nom = 2.0 * wh.z * wi.z
     if nom > den:
         return 1
     if nom < SMALLFLOAT:
         return 0
     return nom / den
Example #11
 def zipinRatio(self, wo, wh, prob):
     denom = math.fabs(vec3.dot(wo, wh))
     if denom < microfacet.SMALLFLOAT:
         return 1
     nom = math.fabs(wo.z * wh.z * 2.0)
     if nom < microfacet.SMALLFLOAT:
         return 0 
     gr = nom/denom * prob
     if gr > 1:
         gr = 1
     return gr 
Example #12
 def visible(self, theta, n=100000):
     I = vec3.FromAngle(theta)
     N = vec3.Z
     # integrate over the hemisphere
     dcos = 1 / n
     dcos_sum = 0.0
     for i in range(n + 1):
         cosh = i / n
         H = vec3.FromCosAngle(cosh)
         G = vgroove.G1(N, H, I)  # other self-shadowing functions?
         HdotI = vec3.dot(H, I)
         dcos_sum += 0.5 * G * self.D(H) * HdotI * dcos
     return 2 * math.pi * dcos_sum
Example #13
    def scatter(self, ray, record):
        reflected = vec3.reflect(vec3.normalize(ray.direction), record.normal)
        outward_normal = (0, 0, 0)
        idx_ratio = 0

        if vec3.dot(ray.direction, record.normal) > 0:
            outward_normal = vec3.scale(record.normal, -1)
            idx_ratio = self.ri
            cos = self.ri * vec3.dot(vec3.normalize(ray.direction),
            outward_normal = record.normal
            idx_ratio = 1.0 / self.ri
            cos = -vec3.dot(vec3.normalize(ray.direction), record.normal)

        refracted = vec3.refract(ray.direction, outward_normal, idx_ratio)
        if refracted:
            reflect_prob = self.schlick(cos, self.ri)
            if random.random() < reflect_prob:
                return Ray(record.p, reflected)
            return Ray(record.p, refracted)
            return Ray(record.p, reflected)
Example #14
 def hit(self, ray, t_min, t_max):
     record = HitRecord()
     oc = vec3.subtract(ray.origin, self.center)
     a = vec3.squared_length(ray.direction)
     b = vec3.dot(oc, ray.direction)
     c = vec3.squared_length(oc) - self.radius**2
     discriminant = b**2 - a * c
     if discriminant > 0:
         t = (-b - math.sqrt(discriminant)) / a
         if (t < t_max and t > t_min):
             record.t = t
             record.p = ray.point_at_time(t)
             record.normal = vec3.normalize(
                 vec3.subtract(record.p, self.center))
             record.material = self.material
             return record
     return None
Example #15
 def Pdf(self, wo, wh):
     normFactor = 4.0 * vec3.dot(wo, wh)
     if normFactor < microfacet.SMALLFLOAT:
         return 0
     pdf = self.microfacet.Pdf(wh)
     return pdf/normFactor
Example #16
def reflect(wo, n):
    return -wo + n * vec3.dot(wo, n) * 2.0
Example #17
def fromnormals(n1, n2):
	axis, angle = vec3.normalize(vec3.cross(n1, n2)), math.acos(vec3.dot(n1, n2))
	return fromaxisangle((axis, angle))
Example #18
File: quat.py Project: Eelis/klee
def fromnormals(n1,n2):
	axis,angle= vec3.normalize(vec3.cross(n1, n2)), math.acos(vec3.dot(n1, n2))
	return fromaxisangle((axis,angle))
Example #19
def transmulvec3(m_trans,v):
	return tuple([vec3.dot(v, m_c) for m_c in m_trans])
Example #20
 def scatter(self, ray, record):
     reflected = vec3.reflect(vec3.normalize(ray.direction), record.normal)
     scattered = Ray(record.p, reflected)
     return scattered if vec3.dot(scattered.direction,
                                  record.normal) > 0 else None
Example #21
def reflect(N, I):
    return I - N * (2 * dot(N, I))
Example #22
def transmulvec3(m_trans, v):
    return tuple([vec3.dot(v, m_c) for m_c in m_trans])
Example #23
def multiply(rotation, w):
    x = vec3.dot(rotation[0], w)
    y = vec3.dot(rotation[1], w)
    z = vec3.dot(rotation[2], w)
    return vec3.Vec3(x, y, z)