def test_normalize(x, y):
    assume(x != 0)
    assume(y != 0)

    a = Vector_C(x, y)

    assert abs(a.norm - 1) < eps
def test_limit(x, y, limits):
    assume(x != 0)
    assume(y != 0)

    a = Vector_C(x, y)

    for limit in limits:
        assert abs(a.norm - abs(limit)) < eps or a.norm < abs(limit)
def test_init(x, y):
    a = Vector_C()

    assert a.x == 0
    assert a.y == 0

    a = Vector_C(x, y)

    assert a.x == x
    assert a.y == y
def test_set_mag(x, y, mags):
    assume(x != 0)
    assume(y != 0)
    assume(0 not in mags)

    a = Vector_C(x, y)

    for mag in mags:
        assert abs(a.norm - abs(mag)) < eps
def test_heading(x, y, length):
    a = Vector_C(x, y)

    assert math.atan2(a.y, a.x) == a.heading
    assert -math.pi <= a.heading <= math.pi

    b = Vector_C().from_angle(a.heading, length=a.norm)

    assert abs(a.x - b.x) < eps
    assert abs(a.y - b.y) < eps
def test_set(values):
    x1, x2, y1, y2 = values

    a = Vector_C(x1, y1)
    b = Vector_C(x2, y2)

    assert a.x == b.x
    assert a.y == b.y

    assert a.x == x2
    assert a.y == y2
def test_sub(x1, y1, x2, y2):
    a = Vector_C(x1, y1)
    b = Vector_C(x2, y2)

    c = a - b

    assert c.x == a.x - b.x
    assert c.y == a.y - b.y

    assert a.x == x1
    assert a.y == y1

    assert b.x == x2
    assert b.y == y2
def test_add(x1, y1, x2, y2):
    a = Vector_C(x1, y1)
    b = Vector_C(x2, y2)

    c = a + b

    assert c.x == a.x + b.x
    assert c.y == a.y + b.y

    assert a.x == x1
    assert a.y == y1

    assert b.x == x2
    assert b.y == y2
def test_dist(x1, y1, x2, y2):
    a = Vector_C(x1, y1)
    b = Vector_C(x2, y2)

    eps = 1e-6

    assert a.dist(b) == b.dist(a)
    assert abs(a.dist(b) - distance(x1, x2, y1, y2)) < eps
    assert abs(b.dist(a) - distance(x1, x2, y1, y2)) < eps
def test_isub(x1, y1, x2, y2):
    a = Vector_C(x1, y1)
    b = Vector_C(x2, y2)
    c = a.copy()

    a -= b

    assert a.x == c.x - b.x
    assert a.y == c.y - b.y

    if x1 != 0 and x2 != 0:
        assert a.x != c.x

    if y1 != 0 and y2 != 0:
        assert a.y != c.y

    a -= Vector_C(1, 1)

    assert a.x == c.x - b.x - 1
    assert a.y == c.y - b.y - 1
def test_iadd(x1, y1, x2, y2):
    a = Vector_C(x1, y1)
    b = Vector_C(x2, y2)
    c = a.copy()

    a += b

    assert a.x == c.x + b.x
    assert a.y == c.y + b.y

    if x1 != 0 and x2 != 0:
        assert a.x != x2

    if y1 != 0 and y2 != 0:
        assert a.y != y2

    a += Vector_C(1, 1)

    assert a.x == c.x + b.x + 1
    assert a.y == c.y + b.y + 1
def test_setter(x, y):
    a = Vector_C()

    assert a.x == 0
    assert a.y == 0

    a.x = x

    assert a.x == x
    assert a.y == 0

    a.y = y

    assert a.x == x
    assert a.y == y

    a.x = 0
    a.y = 0

    assert a.x == 0
    assert a.y == 0
def test_mul(x, y, z):
    a = Vector_C(x, y)
    b = a * z

    assert b.x == x * z
    assert b.y == y * z
def test_random(_):
    a = Vector_C().random()

    assert -1 <= a.x <= 1
    assert -1 <= a.y <= 1
def test_imul(x, y, z):
    a = Vector_C(x, y)
    a *= z

    assert a.x == x * z
    assert a.y == y * z
def test_from_angle(angle):
    a = Vector_C().from_angle(angle)

    assert abs(a.heading - angle) < eps
def test_norm(x, y):
    a = Vector_C(x, y)
    norm = a.norm

    assert norm == math.sqrt(a.x**2 + a.y**2)
def test_zero(x, y):
    a = Vector_C(x, y)

    assert a.x == 0
    assert a.y == 0