def minimize_stochastic(target_fn, gradient_fn, x, y, theta_0, alpha_0=0.01):
    data = zip(x, y)
    theta = theta_0                             # initial guess
    alpha = alpha_0                             # initial step size
    min_theta, min_value = None, float("inf")   # the minimum so far
    iterations_with_no_improvement = 0
    # if we ever got 100 iterations with no improvement, stop
    while iterations_with_no_improvement < 100:
        value = sum(target_fn(x_i, y_i, theta) for x_i, y_i in data)
        if value < min_value:
            # if we have found a new minimum, remember it and go back to the 
            # original step size
            min_theta, min_value = theta, value
            iterations_with_no_improvement = 0
            alpha = alpha_0
            # otherwise we are not improving, so try shrinking the step size
            iterations_with_no_improvement = iterations_with_no_improvement + 1
            alpha = alpha * 0.9
        # and take a gradient step for each of the data points
        for x_i, y_i in in_random_order(data):
            gradient_i = gradient_fn(x_i, y_i, theta)
            theta = vector_subtract(theta, scalar_multiply(alpha, gradient_i))
    return min_theta
Example #2
def minimize_stochastic(target_fn, gradient_fn, x, y, theta_0, alpha_0=0.01):
    data = zip(x, y)
    theta = theta_0  # initial guess
    alpha = alpha_0  # initial step size
    min_theta, min_value = None, float("inf")  # the minimum so far
    iterations_with_no_improvement = 0

    # if we ever got 100 iterations with no improvement, stop
    while iterations_with_no_improvement < 100:
        value = sum(target_fn(x_i, y_i, theta) for x_i, y_i in data)

        if value < min_value:
            # if we have found a new minimum, remember it and go back to the
            # original step size
            min_theta, min_value = theta, value
            iterations_with_no_improvement = 0
            alpha = alpha_0
            # otherwise we are not improving, so try shrinking the step size
            iterations_with_no_improvement = iterations_with_no_improvement + 1
            alpha = alpha * 0.9

        # and take a gradient step for each of the data points
        for x_i, y_i in in_random_order(data):
            gradient_i = gradient_fn(x_i, y_i, theta)
            theta = vector_subtract(theta, scalar_multiply(alpha, gradient_i))

    return min_theta
Example #3
def remove_projection_from_vector(v, w):
    """If we want to find further components beyond the first, we first remove the 
    projections from the data using this function"""
    """projects v onto w and subtracts the result from v"""
    return vector_subtract(v, project(v, w))