Example #1
def testMoreElaborate(seed):
    # Confirm that HMC still works in the presence of brush.  Do not,
    # however, mess with the possibility that the principal nodes that
    # HMC operates over may themselves be in the brush.
    ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed)
    ripl.assume("x", "(tag (quote param) 0 (uniform_continuous -10 10))")
                "(tag (quote param) 1 (uniform_continuous -10 10))",
    ripl.assume("xout", """
(if (< x 0)
    (normal x 1)
    (normal x 2))""")
        "(multivariate_normal (array xout y) (matrix (list (list 1 0.5) (list 0.5 1))))"
    # Note: Can't observe coordinatewise because observe is not flexible
    # enough.  For this to work we would need observations of splits.
    # ripl.observe("(lookup out 0)", 0)
    # ripl.observe("(lookup out 1)", 0)
    # Can't observe through the ripl literally because the string
    # substitution (!) is not flexible enough.
    # ripl.observe("out", [0, 0])
    ripl.observe("out", val.list([val.real(0), val.real(0)]))

    preds_mh = collectSamples(ripl,
                              infer="(resimulation_mh default one 10)")
    preds_hmc = collectSamples(ripl, "pid", infer="(hmc 'param all 0.1 20 10)")
    return reportSameContinuous(preds_mh, preds_hmc)
Example #2
def compareSampleDicts(dicts_hists,labels,plot=False):
    '''Input: dicts_hists :: ({exp:values}) | (History)
     where the first Series in History is used as values. History's are
     converted to dicts.''' 

    if not isinstance(dicts_hists[0],dict):
        dicts = [historyNameToValues(h,seriesInd=0) for h in dicts_hists]
        dicts = dicts_hists
    dicts = map(filterScalar,dicts) # could skip for Analytics
    stats = (np.mean,np.median,np.std,len) # FIXME stderr
    stats_dict = {}
    print 'compareSampleDicts: %s vs. %s \n'%(labels[0],labels[1])
    for exp in dicts[0].keys():
        stats_dict[exp] = []
        for dict_i,label_i in zip(dicts,labels):
            s_stats = tuple([s(samples) for s in stats])
            print '\nDict: %s. Exp: %s'%(label_i,exp)
            print 'Mean, median, std, N = %.3f  %.3f  %.3f  %i'%s_stats

        print 'KS SameContinuous:', '  '.join(testResult.report.split('\n')[-2:])
        stats_dict[exp].append( testResult )
    fig = qqPlotAll(dicts,labels) if plot else None
    return stats_dict,fig
Example #3
def testForceBrush5(seed):
    ripl = get_ripl(seed=seed)
    ripl.assume("x", "(normal 0 1)", label="pid")
    ripl.assume("y", "(if (< x 0) (normal x 1) (normal (+ x 10) 1))")
    ripl.observe("y", 8)
    preds_mh = collectSamples(ripl, "pid", infer="(mh default one 10)")
    preds_hmc = collectSamples(ripl,
                               infer="(hmc default one 0.1 20 10)")
    return reportSameContinuous(preds_mh, preds_hmc)
def testRollingResample():
    ripl = get_ripl()
    ripl.assume("a", "(normal 10.0 1.0)", label="pid")
    ripl.observe("(normal a 1.0)", 14.0)

    flat_resample = "(do (resample 5) (likelihood_weight) (resample 1))"
    predictions1 = collectSamples(ripl, "pid", infer=flat_resample)

    rolling_resample = "(repeat 5 (do add_particle (resample 1)))"
    predictions2 = collectSamples(ripl, "pid", infer=rolling_resample)

    return reportSameContinuous(predictions1, predictions2)
Example #5
def testAAAHyperInference(seed):
    def try_at_five(maker):
        r = get_ripl(seed=seed)
        r.assume("mu", "(normal 0 1)")
        r.assume("obs", "(%s mu 1 1 1)" % maker)
        r.observe("(obs)", 5)
        infer = "(mh default all %d)" % default_num_transitions_per_sample()
        return collectSamples(r,

    collapsed = try_at_five("make_nig_normal")
    uncollapsed = try_at_five("make_uc_nig_normal")
    return reportSameContinuous(collapsed, uncollapsed)
Example #6
def testTwoSampleKS(seed):
    rng = np.random.RandomState(seed)
    data1 = rng.normal(size=100, loc=0., scale=1)
    data2 = rng.normal(size=100, loc=0., scale=1)
    return reportSameContinuous(data1, data2)