Example #1
def GetPageCount(pagename):
  memcache_id = KeyName(pagename)
  val = memcache.get(memcache_id)
  if (val != None):
    return val
  val = LoadPageCount(pagename)
  memcache_id = KeyName(pagename)
  memcache.set(memcache_id, val)
  return val
def GetPageCount(pagename):
    logging.debug("pagecount.GetPageCount(pagename='" + pagename + "')")
    memcache_id = KeyName(pagename)
    val = memcache.get(memcache_id)
    if (val != None):
        return val
    val = LoadPageCount(pagename)
    memcache_id = KeyName(pagename)
    memcache.set(memcache_id, val)
    return val
def geocode(addr, usecache=True, retrying=False):
    """convert a human-readable address into a "lat,long" value (string)."""
    loc = addr.lower().strip()

    # already geocoded-- just return
    if is_latlongzoom(loc):
        return loc

    if is_latlong(loc):
        # regexp allow missing comma
        # TODO: pick a smart default zoom, depending on population density.
        return loc + ",4"

    loc = re.sub(r'^[^0-9a-z]+', r'', loc)
    loc = re.sub(r'[^0-9a-z]+$', r'', loc)
    loc = re.sub(r'\s\s+', r' ', loc)

    memcache_key = "geocode:" + loc
    val = memcache.get(memcache_key)
    if usecache and val:
        logging.info("geocode: cache hit loc=" + loc + " val=" + val)
        return val

    if not retrying:
        params = urllib.urlencode({
            'address': loc.lower(),
            'sensor': 'false',
            'region': 'us',
            'client': private_keys.MAPS_API_CLIENT_ID

        request = "/maps/api/geocode/json?%s" % params
        signature = sign_maps_api_request(request)
        fetchurl = "http://maps.googleapis.com" + request + "&signature=" + signature
        logging.info("geocode: cache miss, trying " + fetchurl)

        fetch_result = urlfetch.fetch(fetchurl,
        if fetch_result.status_code != 200:
            # fail and also don't cache
            logging.info("gecode: fail %s %s" %
                         (str(fetch_result.status_code), fetch_result.content))
            return ""

        res = fetch_result.content
        respcode, zoom, lat, lng = parse_geo_response(res)
        if respcode == '200':
            logging.info("geocode: success " + loc)
            val = lat + "," + lng + "," + zoom
            rev_geocode_json(lat, lng)
            memcache.set(memcache_key, val)
            return val

    logging.info("geocode: failed " + loc)
    return ""
def geocode(addr, usecache=True, retrying = False):
  """convert a human-readable address into a "lat,long" value (string)."""
  loc = addr.lower().strip()

  # already geocoded-- just return
  if is_latlongzoom(loc):
    return loc

  if is_latlong(loc):
    # regexp allow missing comma
    # TODO: pick a smart default zoom, depending on population density.
    return loc + ",4"

  loc = re.sub(r'^[^0-9a-z]+', r'', loc)
  loc = re.sub(r'[^0-9a-z]+$', r'', loc)
  loc = re.sub(r'\s\s+', r' ', loc)

  memcache_key = "geocode:" + loc
  val = memcache.get(memcache_key)
  if usecache and val:
    logging.info("geocode: cache hit loc=" + loc + " val=" + val)
    return val

  if not retrying:
    params = urllib.urlencode(

    request = "/maps/api/geocode/json?%s" % params
    signature = sign_maps_api_request(request)
    fetchurl = "http://maps.googleapis.com" + request + "&signature=" + signature 
    logging.info("geocode: cache miss, trying " + fetchurl)

    fetch_result = urlfetch.fetch(fetchurl, deadline = api.CONST_MAX_FETCH_DEADLINE)
    if fetch_result.status_code != 200:
      # fail and also don't cache
      logging.info("gecode: fail %s %s" % (str(fetch_result.status_code), fetch_result.content))
      return ""

    res = fetch_result.content
    respcode, zoom, lat, lng = parse_geo_response(res)
    if respcode == '200':
      logging.info("geocode: success " + loc)
      val = lat + "," + lng + "," + zoom
      rev_geocode_json(lat, lng)
      memcache.set(memcache_key, val)
      return val

  logging.info("geocode: failed " + loc)
  return ""
Example #5
 def load_friends(self):
     key_suffix = self.account_type + ":" + self.user_id
     key = 'friends:' + key_suffix
     total_key = 'total_friends:' + key_suffix
     self.friends = memcache.get(key)
     self.total_friends = memcache.get(total_key)
     if not self.friends:
         self.friends = self.get_friends_by_url()
         memcache.set(key, self.friends, time=USERINFO_CACHE_TIME)
     return self.friends
Example #6
def get_user(request):
    for cls in (TestUser, FriendConnectUser, FacebookUser):
        cookie = cls.get_cookie()
        if cookie:
            key = 'cookie:' + cookie
            user = memcache.get(key)
            if not user:
                    user = cls(request)
                    memcache.set(key, user, time=USERINFO_CACHE_TIME)
                    # This hides all errors from the Facebook client library
                    # TODO(doll): Hand back an error message to the user
                        "Facebook or Friend Connect client exception.")
                    return None
            return user
Example #7
def geocode(addr, usecache=True, retrying = False):
  """convert a human-readable address into a "lat,long" value (string)."""
  loc = addr.lower().strip()

  # already geocoded-- just return
  if is_latlongzoom(loc):
    return loc

  if is_latlong(loc):
    # regexp allow missing comma
    # TODO: pick a smart default zoom, depending on population density.
    return loc + ",4"

  loc = re.sub(r'^[^0-9a-z]+', r'', loc)
  loc = re.sub(r'[^0-9a-z]+$', r'', loc)
  loc = re.sub(r'\s\s+', r' ', loc)

  memcache_key = "geocode:" + loc
  val = memcache.get(memcache_key)
  if usecache and val:
    logging.info("geocode: cache hit loc=" + loc + " val=" + val)
    return val

  if not retrying:
    params = urllib.urlencode(
    fetchurl = "http://maps.google.com/maps/geo?%s" % params
    logging.info("geocode: cache miss, trying " + fetchurl)
    fetch_result = urlfetch.fetch(fetchurl, deadline = api.CONST_MAX_FETCH_DEADLINE)
    if fetch_result.status_code != 200:
      # fail and also don't cache
      logging.info("gecode: fail %s %s" % (str(fetch_result.status_code), fetch_result.content))
      return ""

    res = fetch_result.content
    logging.info("geocode: maps responded %s" % res)
    respcode, zoom, lat, lng = parse_geo_response(res)
    if respcode == '200':
      logging.info("geocode: success " + loc)
      val = lat+","+lng+","+zoom
      memcache.set(memcache_key, val)
      return val

  if retrying or respcode == '620':
    params = urllib.urlencode(
    fetchurl = "http://pipes.appspot.com/geo?%s" % params
    fetch_result = urlfetch.fetch(fetchurl, deadline = api.CONST_MAX_FETCH_DEADLINE)
    res = fetch_result.content
    logging.info("geocode: datastore responded %s" % res)
    respcode, zoom, lat, lng = parse_geo_response(res)
    if respcode == '200':
      val = lat+","+lng+","+zoom
      memcache.set(memcache_key, val)
      return val
    if respcode == '620' and not retrying:
      logging.info("geocode: retrying " + loc)
      return geocode(addr, usecache, True)

  logging.info("geocode: failed " + loc)
  return ""
Example #8
def geocode(addr, usecache=False, retrying=False):
    """convert a human-readable address into a "lat,long" value (string)."""
    loc = addr.lower().strip()

    # already geocoded-- just return
    if is_latlongzoom(loc):
        return loc

    if is_latlong(loc):
        # regexp allow missing comma
        # TODO: pick a smart default zoom, depending on population density.
        return loc + ",4"

    loc = re.sub(r'^[^0-9a-z]+', r'', loc)
    loc = re.sub(r'[^0-9a-z]+$', r'', loc)
    loc = re.sub(r'\s\s+', r' ', loc)

    memcache_key = "geocode:" + loc
    val = memcache.get(memcache_key)
    if usecache and val:
        logging.info("geocode: cache hit loc=" + loc + " val=" + val)
        return val

    if not retrying:
        params = urllib.urlencode({
        fetchurl = "http://maps.google.com/maps/geo?%s" % params
        logging.info("geocode: cache miss, trying " + fetchurl)
        fetch_result = urlfetch.fetch(fetchurl)
        if fetch_result.status_code != 200:
            # fail and also don't cache
            return ""

        res = fetch_result.content
        logging.info("geocode: maps responded %s" % res)
        respcode, zoom, lat, lng = parse_geo_response(res)
        if respcode == '200':
            logging.info("geocode: success " + loc)
            val = respcode + "," + zoom + "," + lat + "," + lng
            memcache.set(memcache_key, val)
            return val

    if retrying or respcode == '620':
        params = urllib.urlencode({
            'q': loc.lower(),
        fetchurl = "http://pipes.appspot.com/geo?%s" % params
        fetch_result = urlfetch.fetch(fetchurl,
        res = fetch_result.content
        logging.info("geocode: datastore responded %s" % res)
        respcode, zoom, lat, lng = parse_geo_response(res)
        if respcode == '200':
            val = lat + "," + lng + "," + zoom
            memcache.set(memcache_key, val)
            return val
        if respcode == '620' and not retrying:
            logging.info("geocode: retrying " + loc)
            return geocode(addr, usecache, True)

    logging.info("geocode: failed " + loc)
    return ""