Example #1
 def __init__(self, vertexIds):
     self.vertices = dict((name, Vertex(self, name)) for name in vertexIds)
     # 'd1': Vertex('d1'),
     self.edges = dict()
Example #2
    def init_objects(self):
        # Add meter
        meter = MeterPoint()
        meter.measurementType = MeasurementType.PowerReal
        meter.name = 'CoRElectricMeter'
        meter.measurementUnit = MeasurementUnit.kWh

        # Add weather forecast service
        weather_service = TemperatureForecastModel(self.config_path)

        # Add inelastive asset
        # Source: https://www.ci.richland.wa.us/home/showdocument?id=1890
        #   Residential customers: 23,768
        #   Electricity sales in 2015:
        # Total:     100.0#   879,700,000 kWh     100,400 avg. kW)
        # Resident:   46.7    327,200,000          37,360
        # Gen. Serv.: 38.1    392,300,000          44,790
        # Industrial: 15.2    133,700,000          15,260
        # Irrigation:  2.4     21,110,000           2,410
        # Other:       0.6      5,278,000             603
        #   2015 Res. rate: $0.0616/kWh
        #   Avg. annual residential cust. use: 14,054 kWh
        #   Winter peak, 160,100 kW (1.6 x average)
        #   Summer peak, 180,400 kW (1.8 x average)
        #   Annual power supply expenses: $35.5M
        # *************************************************************************
        inelastive_load = LocalAsset()
        inelastive_load.name = 'InelasticLoad'
        inelastive_load.maximumPower = -50000  # Remember that a load is a negative power [kW]
        inelastive_load.minimumPower = -200000  # Assume twice the averag PNNL load [kW]

        # Add inelastive asset model
        inelastive_load_model = OpenLoopRichlandLoadPredictor(weather_service)
        inelastive_load_model.name = 'InelasticLoadModel'
        inelastive_load_model.defaultPower = -100420  # [kW]
        inelastive_load_model.defaultVertices = [
            Vertex(float("inf"), 0.0, -100420.0)

        # Cross-reference asset & asset model
        inelastive_load_model.object = inelastive_load
        inelastive_load.model = inelastive_load_model

        # Add inelastic as city's asset

        # Add Market
        market = Market()
        market.name = 'dayAhead'
        market.commitment = False
        market.converged = False
        market.defaultPrice = 0.0428  # [$/kWh]
        market.dualityGapThreshold = self.duality_gap_threshold  # [0.02 = 2#]
        market.initialMarketState = MarketState.Inactive
        market.marketOrder = 1  # This is first and only market
        market.intervalsToClear = 1  # Only one interval at a time
        market.futureHorizon = timedelta(
            hours=24)  # Projects 24 hourly future intervals
        market.intervalDuration = timedelta(
            hours=1)  # [h] Intervals are 1 h long
        market.marketClearingInterval = timedelta(hours=1)  # [h]
        market.marketClearingTime = Timer.get_cur_time().replace(
            hour=0, minute=0, second=0,
            microsecond=0)  # Aligns with top of hour
        market.nextMarketClearingTime = market.marketClearingTime + timedelta(

        self.campus = self.make_campus()
        supplier = self.make_supplier()

        # Add campus as city's neighbor
        self.neighbors.extend([self.campus, supplier])
Example #3
# directed_railway.add_edge(harwick_station, peel_station)
# directed_railway.add_edge(peel_station, callan_station)
# path_exists = directed_railway.find_path('harwick', 'harwick')
# print(path_exists)

# print("\n\n\nFinding path from harwick to callan\n")
# new_path_exists = directed_railway.find_path('harwick', 'callan')
# print(new_path_exists)
# print("\n\nTrying to find path from harwick to ulfstead\n")
# no_path_exists = directed_railway.find_path('harwick', 'ulfstead')
# print(no_path_exists)

# ------- Test refractor find_path ------------
railway = Graph()

callan = Vertex('callan')
peel = Vertex('peel')
ulfstead = Vertex('ulfstead')
harwick = Vertex('harwick')


railway.add_edge(peel, harwick)
railway.add_edge(harwick, callan)
railway.add_edge(callan, peel)

peel_to_ulfstead_path_exists = railway.find_path('peel', 'ulfstead')
harwick_to_peel_path_exists = railway.find_path('harwick', 'peel')
Example #4
 def test_creat_vertex(self):
     my_vertex = Vertex(1., 2., -2.6)
     assert my_vertex.tolerance == 1e-06
     assert my_vertex.x == 1.
     assert my_vertex.y == 2.
     assert my_vertex.z == -2.6
Example #5
def build_graph():
    graph = Graph()

    rogue_encampment = Vertex("Rogue Encampment")
    blood_moor = Vertex("Blood Moor")
    den_of_evil = Vertex("Den Of Evil")
    cold_plains = Vertex("Cold Plains")
    cave_1 = Vertex("Cave Level 1")
    cave_2 = Vertex("Cave Level 2")
    burial_grounds = Vertex("Burial Grounds")
    crypt = Vertex("Crypt")
    mausoleum = Vertex("Mausoleum")
    stony_field = Vertex("Stony Field")
    tristram = Vertex("Tristram")
    underground_passage_1 = Vertex("Underground Passage Level 1")
    underground_passage_2 = Vertex("Underground Passage Level 2")
    dark_wood = Vertex("Dark Wood")
    black_marsh = Vertex("Black Marsh")
    tower_1 = Vertex("Forgotten Tower Level 1")
    tower_2 = Vertex("Forgotten Tower Level 2")
    tower_3 = Vertex("Forgotten Tower Level 3")
    tower_4 = Vertex("Forgotten Tower Level 4")
    tower_5 = Vertex("Forgotten Tower Level 5")
    tamoe_highland = Vertex("Tamoe Highland")
    monastary_gate = Vertex("Monastary Gate")
    outer_cloister = Vertex("Outer Cloister")
    barracks = Vertex("Barracks")
    jail_1 = Vertex("Jail Level 1")
    jail_2 = Vertex("Jail Level 2")
    jail_3 = Vertex("Jail Level 3")
    inner_cloister = Vertex("Inner Cloister")
    cathedral = Vertex("Cathedral")
    catacombs_1 = Vertex("Catacombs Level 1")
    catacombs_2 = Vertex("Catacombs Level 2")
    catacombs_3 = Vertex("Catacombs Level 3")
    catacombs_4 = Vertex("Catacombs Level 4")


    graph.add_edge(rogue_encampment, blood_moor)
    graph.add_edge(blood_moor, den_of_evil)
    graph.add_edge(blood_moor, cold_plains)
    graph.add_edge(cold_plains, cave_1)
    graph.add_edge(cave_1, cave_2)
    graph.add_edge(cold_plains, burial_grounds)
    graph.add_edge(burial_grounds, crypt)
    graph.add_edge(burial_grounds, mausoleum)
    graph.add_edge(cold_plains, stony_field)
    graph.add_edge(stony_field, tristram)
    graph.add_edge(stony_field, underground_passage_1)
    graph.add_edge(underground_passage_1, underground_passage_2)
    graph.add_edge(underground_passage_1, dark_wood)
    graph.add_edge(dark_wood, black_marsh)
    graph.add_edge(black_marsh, tower_1)
    graph.add_edge(tower_1, tower_2)
    graph.add_edge(tower_2, tower_3)
    graph.add_edge(tower_3, tower_4)
    graph.add_edge(tower_4, tower_5)
    graph.add_edge(black_marsh, tamoe_highland)
    graph.add_edge(tamoe_highland, monastary_gate)
    graph.add_edge(monastary_gate, outer_cloister)
    graph.add_edge(outer_cloister, barracks)
    graph.add_edge(barracks, jail_1)
    graph.add_edge(jail_1, jail_2)
    graph.add_edge(jail_2, jail_3)
    graph.add_edge(jail_3, inner_cloister)
    graph.add_edge(inner_cloister, cathedral)
    graph.add_edge(cathedral, catacombs_1)
    graph.add_edge(catacombs_1, catacombs_2)
    graph.add_edge(catacombs_2, catacombs_3)
    graph.add_edge(catacombs_3, catacombs_4)

    return graph
Example #6
def parse_chem(filename):
    # Properties of the graph. Characterized in the first block of a graph-file
    n_of_nodes = 0
    n_of_edges = 0
    nodes_label = True
    edges_label = True
    directed_graph = False

    #Booleans to check in which part of the Chem-Graph we are
    into_vertices = False
    into_vertex_labels = False
    into_edges_one = False
    into_edges_two = False
    into_edges_label = False

    #Lists to save all vertices, edges and teh respective labels to then create the graph-object from
    vertices_all = []
    vertex_labels_all = []
    edges_one_all = []
    edges_two_all = []
    edges_labels_all = []

    # Vertex list is characterized in the 2nd block of a graph-file
    vertex_list = []

    # Edge list is characterized in the 3rd block of a graph-file
    edge_list = []

    # dict for accessing the vertices via their names
    vertex_dict = {}

    with open(filename, 'r') as file:
        file_content = file.readlines()
        for i in range(0, len(file_content)):
            temp: str = file_content[i].replace('\n', '')
            temp = temp.replace(' ', '')
            #finish reading the file after the important first few blocks
            if temp == '"coords":[':
            if temp == '"aid":[':
                into_vertices = True
            elif temp == '"element":[':
                into_vertex_labels = True
            elif temp == '"aid1":[':
                into_edges_one = True
            elif temp == '"aid2":[':
                into_edges_two = True
            elif temp == '"order":[':
                into_edges_label = True
            elif temp == '],' and into_edges_one:
                into_edges_one = False
            elif temp == '],' and into_edges_two:
                into_edges_two = False
            elif temp == ']' and into_edges_label:
                into_edges_label = False
            elif into_vertices and temp == '],':
                into_vertices = False
            elif into_vertex_labels and temp == ']':
                into_vertex_labels = False
            elif into_vertices:
                temp2 = temp.split(',')
            elif into_vertex_labels:
                temp2 = temp.split(',')
            elif into_edges_one:
                temp2 = temp.split(',')
            elif into_edges_two:
                temp2 = temp.split(',')
            elif into_edges_label:
                temp2 = temp.split(',')
        # creating graph-object after finishing reading the file
        for i in range(0, len(vertices_all)):
            v = Vertex(vertices_all[i])
            e = element(int(vertex_labels_all[i]))
            vertex_dict.update({v.name: v})

        for i in range(0, len(edges_one_all)):
            e = Edge(vertex_dict.get(edges_one_all[i]),

        n_of_nodes = len(vertices_all)
        n_of_edges = len(edges_one_all)

    graph = Graph(vertex_list, edge_list, n_of_nodes, n_of_edges, nodes_label,
                  edges_label, directed_graph)
    return graph
 def add_vertex(self, label: str):
     self.__vertices__[label] = Vertex(label)
     self.__prev__[label] = None
     self.__adjacency_map__[label]: dict = {}
Example #8
from algorithm import Algorithm
from edge import Edge
from vertex import Vertex

node1 = Vertex("A")
node2 = Vertex("B")
node3 = Vertex("C")
node4 = Vertex("D")
node5 = Vertex("E")
node6 = Vertex("F")
node7 = Vertex("G")
node8 = Vertex("H")
node9 = Vertex("I")
node10 = Vertex("J")
node11 = Vertex("K")
node12 = Vertex("L")
node13 = Vertex("M")
node14 = Vertex("N")
node15 = Vertex("O")
node16 = Vertex("P")
node17 = Vertex("Q")
node18 = Vertex("R")
node19 = Vertex("S")
node20 = Vertex("T")

edge1 = Edge(10, node1, node2)
edge2 = Edge(13, node1, node6)
edge3 = Edge(10, node2, node1)
edge4 = Edge(17, node2, node3)
edge5 = Edge(7, node2, node7)
edge6 = Edge(17, node3, node2)
Example #9
from color import Color
from vertex import Vertex


#______TRUE VERBOSE______________________
vtx0 = Vertex(0, 0, 0)
print vtx0
red = Color(255, 256, 512)
green = Color(256, 255, 0)
blue = Color(0, 0, 511)

unitx = Vertex(1, 0, 0, green)
unity = Vertex(0, 1, 0, red)
unitz = Vertex(0, 0, 1, blue)

print unitx
print unity
print unitz

#______FALSE VERBOSE_____________________

sqra = Vertex(0, 0, 0)
sqrb = Vertex(4.2, 0, 0)
sqrc = Vertex(4.2, 4.2, 0)
sqrd = Vertex(0, 4.2, 0)

print sqra
print sqrb
print sqrc
print sqrd
Example #10
 def __init__(self, vs=[], normal=Vertex(0,0,0)):
   self.vs = vs
   self.normal = normal
Example #11
    def fill_nodes(self, UDGraph):
        UDGraph.add_node(Vertex(0, 0))
        UDGraph.add_node(Vertex(1 / 3, 0))
        UDGraph.add_node(Vertex(1, 0))
        UDGraph.add_node(Vertex(2, 0))
        UDGraph.add_node(Vertex((sqrt(33) - 3) / 6, 0))
        UDGraph.add_node(Vertex(1 / 2, 1 / sqrt(12)))
        UDGraph.add_node(Vertex(1, 1 / sqrt(3)))
        UDGraph.add_node(Vertex(3 / 2, sqrt(3) / 2))

        UDGraph.add_node(Vertex(7 / 6, sqrt(11) / 6))
        UDGraph.add_node(Vertex(1 / 6, (sqrt(12) - sqrt(11)) / 6))
        UDGraph.add_node(Vertex(5 / 6, (sqrt(12) - sqrt(11)) / 6))

        UDGraph.add_node(Vertex(2 / 3, (sqrt(11) - sqrt(3)) / 6))
        UDGraph.add_node(Vertex(2 / 3, (3 * sqrt(3) - sqrt(11)) / 6))
        UDGraph.add_node(Vertex(sqrt(33) / 6, 1 / sqrt(12)))

        UDGraph.add_node(Vertex((sqrt(33) + 3) / 6, 1 / sqrt(3)))
            Vertex((sqrt(33) + 1) / 6, (3 * sqrt(3) - sqrt(11)) / 6))
            Vertex((sqrt(33) - 1) / 6, (3 * sqrt(3) - sqrt(11)) / 6))

        UDGraph.add_node(Vertex((sqrt(33) + 1) / 6, (sqrt(11) - sqrt(3)) / 6))
        UDGraph.add_node(Vertex((sqrt(33) - 1) / 6, (sqrt(11) - sqrt(3)) / 6))

            Vertex((sqrt(33) - 2) / 6, (2 * sqrt(3) - sqrt(11)) / 6))
            Vertex((sqrt(33) - 4) / 6, (2 * sqrt(3) - sqrt(11)) / 6))

            Vertex((sqrt(33) + 13) / 12, (sqrt(11) - sqrt(3)) / 12))
            Vertex((sqrt(33) + 11) / 12, (sqrt(3) + sqrt(11)) / 12))

        UDGraph.add_node(Vertex((sqrt(33) + 9) / 12, (sqrt(11) - sqrt(3)) / 4))
            Vertex((sqrt(33) + 9) / 12, (3 * sqrt(3) + sqrt(11)) / 12))

        UDGraph.add_node(Vertex((sqrt(33) + 7) / 12,
                                (sqrt(3) + sqrt(11)) / 12))
            Vertex((sqrt(33) + 7) / 12, (3 * sqrt(3) - sqrt(11)) / 12))

            Vertex((sqrt(33) + 5) / 12, (5 * sqrt(3) - sqrt(11)) / 12))
        UDGraph.add_node(Vertex((sqrt(33) + 5) / 12,
                                (sqrt(11) - sqrt(3)) / 12))

            Vertex((sqrt(33) + 3) / 12, (3 * sqrt(11) - 5 * sqrt(3)) / 12))
        UDGraph.add_node(Vertex((sqrt(33) + 3) / 12,
                                (sqrt(3) + sqrt(11)) / 12))

            Vertex((sqrt(33) + 3) / 12, (3 * sqrt(3) - sqrt(11)) / 12))
        UDGraph.add_node(Vertex((sqrt(33) + 1) / 12,
                                (sqrt(11) - sqrt(3)) / 12))

            Vertex((sqrt(33) - 1) / 12, (3 * sqrt(3) - sqrt(11)) / 12))
        UDGraph.add_node(Vertex((sqrt(33) - 3) / 12,
                                (sqrt(11) - sqrt(3)) / 12))

        UDGraph.add_node(Vertex((15 - sqrt(33)) / 12,
                                (sqrt(11) - sqrt(3)) / 4))
            Vertex((15 - sqrt(33)) / 12, (7 * sqrt(3) - 3 * sqrt(11)) / 12))

            Vertex((13 - sqrt(33)) / 12, (3 * sqrt(3) - sqrt(11)) / 12))
            Vertex((11 - sqrt(33)) / 12, (sqrt(11) - sqrt(3)) / 12))
        if v is None:

    return path

print('Initializing map...')
map_file = open('testmap2.json')
map_json = json.loads(map_file.read())

vertex_list = []

for v in map_json['vertices']:
        Vertex(v['id'], (v['coordinates']['x'], v['coordinates']['y'])))

test_course = Graph(vertex_list)

for v in map_json['vertices']:
    current_v = test_course.search(v['id'])
    if 'directed' in v:
        directed = True
        directed_index = v['directed']['index']
        previous_vertex = test_course.search(v['directed']['previous'])
        directed = False
        directed_index = None
        previous_vertex = None
    current_v.directed = directed
    current_v.directed_index = directed_index
    def update_vertices(self, mkt):
        # Creates active vertices for a non-transactive neighbor, including demand
        # charges.
        # INPUTS:
        # mkt - Market object
        # OUTPUTS:
        # - Updates self.activeVertices for active time intervals.

        # Gather active time intervals
        time_intervals = mkt.timeIntervals  # TimeInterval objects

        # Get the maximum power maxp for this neighbor.
        maximum_power = self.object.maximumPower  # [avg.kW]

        # The maximum power property is meaningful for both imported (p>0) and
        # exported (p<0) electricity, but this formulation is intended for
        # importation (power>0) from an electricity supplier. Warn the user and
        # return if the maximum power is negative.
        if maximum_power < 0:
            _log.warning('Maximum power must be positive in BulkSupplier_dc.m')
            _log.warning('Returning without creating active vertices for ' +

        # Get the minimum power for this neighbor.
        minimum_power = self.object.minimumPower  # [avg.kW]

        # Only importation is supported from this non-transactive neighbor.
        if minimum_power < 0:
                'Minimum power must be positive in "BulkSupplier_dc.m')
            _log.warning('Returning without creating active vertices for ' +

        # Cost coefficient a0. This is unavailable from a supply curve, so it
        # must be determined directly from the first, constant cost parameter.
        # It does NOT affect marginal pricing.
        a0 = self.costParameters[0]  # [$/h]

        # Full-power loss at is defined by the loss factor property and the
        # maximum power.
        full_power_loss = maximum_power * self.object.lossFactor  # [avg.kW]

        # Minimum-power loss at Vertex 1 is a fraction of the full-power loss.
        # (Power losses are modeled proportional to the square of power
        # transfer.)
        minimum_power_loss = (minimum_power /
                              maximum_power)**2 * full_power_loss  # [avg.kW]

        # Index through active time intervals
        for i in range(len(time_intervals)):
            # Find and delete active vertices in the indexed time interval.
            # These vertices shall be recreated.
            self.activeVertices = [
                x for x in self.activeVertices if x != time_intervals[i]

            # Find the month number for the indexed time interval start time.
            # The month is needed for rate lookup tables.
            month_number = time_intervals[i].startTime.month

            if is_heavyloadhour(time_intervals[i].startTime):
                # The indexed time interval is an HLH hour. The electricity rate
                # is a little higher during HLH hours, and demand-charges may
                # apply.
                # Look up the BPA energy rate for month_number. The second
                # parameter is HLH = 1 (i.e., column 1 of the table).
                energy_rate = bpa_energy_rate[month_number -
                                              1][0]  # HLH energy rate [$/kWh]

                # Four active vertices are initialized:
                # #1 at minimum power
                # #2 at the demand-charge power threshold
                # #3 at the new demand rate and power threshold
                # #4 at maximum power and demand rate
                vertices = [
                    Vertex(0, 0, 0),
                    Vertex(0, 0, 0),
                    Vertex(0, 0, 0),
                    Vertex(0, 0, 0)

                # Evaluate the first of the four vertices
                # Segment 1: First-order parameter a1.
                # This could be stated directly from cost parameters, but this
                # model allows for dynamic rates, accounts for losses, and models
                # demand-charges, which would require defining multiple
                # cost-parameter models. The first-order parameter is the
                # electricity rate. In this model, the rate is meaningful at a
                # neighbor node location at zero power transfer.
                a1 = energy_rate  # [$/kWh]

                # Vertex 1: Full available power transfer at Vertex 1 is thus the
                # physical transfer limit, minus losses.
                vertices[0].power = (minimum_power - minimum_power_loss)

                # Vertex 1: Marginal price of Vertex 1 is augmented by the value
                # of energy from the neighbor that is lost. (This model assigns
                # the cost of losses to the recipient (importer) of electricity.)
                vertices[0].marginalPrice = a1 * (
                    1 + self.object.lossFactor * minimum_power / maximum_power
                )  # [$/kWh]

                # Evalauate the second of four vertices
                # Vertex 2: Available power at Vertex 2 is determined by the
                # current peak demand charge threshold pdt and possibly scheduled
                # powers prior to the indexed time interval. The demand threshold
                # in the indexed time interval is at least equal to the
                # parameter. NOTE this process will work only if the demand
                # threshold is is updated based on actual, accurate measurements.
                peak_demand_threshold = self.demandThreshold  # [kW]

                # Also consider, however, scheduled powers prior to the indexed
                # interval that might have already set a new demand threshold.
                # For simplicity, presume that new demand thresholds would occur
                # only during HLH hour types. More complex code will be needed
                # if only HLH hours must be considered. NOTE this process will
                # work only if the load forcasts are meaningful and accurate.

                # Gather scheduled powers sp
                scheduled_powers = self.scheduledPowers

                if len(scheduled_powers) == 0:
                    # Powers have been scheduled, order the scheduled powers by
                    # their start time
                    ordered_scheduled_powers = sorted(
                        key=lambda x: x.timeInterval.startTime)
                    ordered_scheduled_powers = ordered_scheduled_powers[:i + 1]

                    # The peak demand determinant is the greater of the monthly
                    # peak threshold or the prior scheduled powers.
                    ordered_scheduled_powers = [
                        x.value for x in ordered_scheduled_powers
                    peak_demand_threshold = max(ordered_scheduled_powers)  # kW

                # Vertex 2: The power at which demand charges will begin accruing
                # and therefore marks the start of Vertex 2. It is not affected
                # by losses because it is based on local metering.
                vertices[1].power = peak_demand_threshold  # [avg.kW]

                # Vertex 2: Marginal price of Vertex 2 is augmented by the value
                # of energy from the neighbor that is lost.
                vertices[1].marginalPrice = a1 * (
                    1 + self.object.lossFactor * vertices[1].power /
                    maximum_power)  # [$/kWh]

                # Evaluate the third of four vertices
                # Look up the demand rate dr for the month_number. The second
                # parameter is HLH = 1 (i.e., the first column of the table).
                demand_rate = bpa_demand_rate[month_number - 1][
                    0]  # bpa_demand_rate(month_number, 1)  # [$/kW (per kWh)]

                # Vertex 3: The power of Vertex 3 is the same as that of Vertex 2
                vertices[2].power = peak_demand_threshold  # [avg.kW]

                # Vertex 3: The marginal price at Vertex 3 is shifted strongly by
                # the demand response rate. The logic here is that cost is
                # determined by rate * (power-threshold). Therefore, the
                # effective marginal rate is augmented by the demand rate itself.
                # NOTE: Some hand-waving is always needed to compare demand and
                # energy rates. This approach assigns a meaningful production
                # cost, but it is not correct to say it describes an energy
                # price. The cost is assigned to the entire hour. Shorter time
                # intervals should not be further incremented. Evenso, a huge
                # discontinuity appears in the marginal price.
                vertices[2].marginalPrice = vertices[
                    2].marginalPrice + demand_rate  # [$/kWh]

                # Evaluate the fourth of four vertices
                # Vertex 4: The power at Vertex 4 is the maximum power, minus losses
                vertices[3].power = maximum_power - full_power_loss  # [avg.kW]

                # The marginal price at Vertex 4 is affected by both losses and
                # demand charges.

                # Marginal price at Vertex 3 from loss component
                vertices[3].marginalPrice = a1 * (1 + self.object.lossFactor
                                                  )  # [$/kWh]

                # Augment marginal price at Vertex 4 with demand-charge impact
                vertices[3].marginalPrice = vertices[
                    3].marginalPrice + demand_rate  # [$/kW (per hour)]

                # Assign production costs for the four vertices
                # Segment 1: The second-order cost coefficient a2 on the first
                # line segment is determined from the change in marginal price
                # divided by change in power.
                a2 = (vertices[1].marginalPrice - vertices[0].marginalPrice
                      )  # [$/kWh]
                a2 = a2 / (vertices[1].power - vertices[0].power)  # [$/kW^2h]

                # Vertex 1: The cost at Vertex 1 can be inferred by integrating
                # from p=0 to Vertex 1.
                vertices[0].cost = a0 + a1 * vertices[0].power + 0.5 * a2 * (
                    vertices[0].power)**2  # production cost [$/h]

                # Vertex 2: The cost at Vertex 2 is on the same trajectory
                vertices[1].cost = a0 + a1 * vertices[1].power + 0.5 * a2 * (
                    vertices[1].power)**2  # production cost [$/h]

                # Vertex 3: Both the power and production cost should be the same
                # at Vertex 3 as for Vertex 2.
                vertices[2].cost = vertices[1].cost  # production cost [$/h]

                # Vertex 4: The cost on the third line segment has a new
                # trajectory that begins with the cost at Vertex 3 (an
                # integration constant).
                vertices[3].cost = vertices[
                    2].cost  # partial production cost [#/h]

                # Segment 3: The new first-order term for the third line segment
                # is the marginal price at Vertex 3. This applies only to power
                # imports that exceed Vertex 3.
                a1 = vertices[
                    2].marginalPrice  # first-order coefficient [$/kWh]

                # Vertex 4: Add the first-order term to the Vertex-4 cost
                vertices[3].cost = vertices[3].cost + a1 * (
                    vertices[3].power - vertices[2].power
                )  # partial production cost [$/h]

                # Segment 3: NOTE: The second-order coeffiecient a2 on the second
                # line segment is unchanged from the first segment

                # Vertex 4: Add the second-order term to the Vertex-4 cost.
                vertices[3].cost = vertices[3].cost + 0.5 * a2 * (
                    vertices[3].power -
                    vertices[2].power)**2  # production cost [$/h]

                # Convert the costs to raw dollars
                # NOTE: This usage of Matlab hours() toggles a duration back
                # into a numerical representation, which is correct here.
                interval_duration = get_duration_in_hour(

                vertices[0].cost = vertices[0].cost * interval_duration  # [$]
                vertices[1].cost = vertices[1].cost * interval_duration  # [$]
                vertices[2].cost = vertices[2].cost * interval_duration  # [$]
                vertices[3].cost = vertices[3].cost * interval_duration  # [$]

                # Create interval values for the active vertices
                interval_values = [
                    IntervalValue(self, time_intervals[i], mkt,
                                  MeasurementType.ActiveVertex, vertices[0]),
                    IntervalValue(self, time_intervals[i], mkt,
                                  MeasurementType.ActiveVertex, vertices[1]),
                    IntervalValue(self, time_intervals[i], mkt,
                                  MeasurementType.ActiveVertex, vertices[2]),
                    IntervalValue(self, time_intervals[i], mkt,
                                  MeasurementType.ActiveVertex, vertices[3])

                # Append the active vertices to the list of active vertices
                # in the indexed time interval

            else:  # indexed time interval is a LLH hour
                # LLH hours
                # The indexed time interval is a LLH hour. The electricity rate
                # is a little lower, and demand charges are not applicable.
                # Look up the BPA energy rate for month m. The second parameter
                # is LLH = 2 (i.e., column 2 of the table).
                energy_rate = bpa_energy_rate[month_number - 1][
                    1]  # bpa_energy_rate(month_number, 2)

                # Two active vertices are created
                # #1 at minimum power
                # #2 at maximum power
                vertices = [Vertex(0, 0, 0), Vertex(0, 0, 0)]

                # Evaluate the first of two vertices
                # First-order parameter a1.
                a1 = energy_rate  # [$/kWh]

                # Vertex 1: Full available power transfer at Vertex 1 is thus the
                # physical transfer limit, minus losses.
                vertices[0].power = (minimum_power - minimum_power_loss
                                     )  # [avg.kW]

                # Vertex 1: Marginal price of Vertex 1 is augmented by the value
                # of energy from the neighbor that is lost. (This model assigns
                # the cost of losses to the recipient (importer) of electricity.)
                vertices[0].marginalPrice = a1 * (
                    1 + self.object.lossFactor * minimum_power / maximum_power
                )  # [$/kWh]

                # Evaluate the second of two vertices
                # Vertex 2: The power at Vertex 2 is the maximum power, minus losses
                vertices[1].power = maximum_power - full_power_loss  # [avg.kW]

                # Vertex 2: The marginal price at Vertex 2 is affected only by
                # losses. Demand charges do not apply during LLH hours.
                # Vertex 2: Marginal price at Vertex 2 from loss component
                vertices[1].marginalPrice = a1 * (1 + self.object.lossFactor
                                                  )  # [$/kWh]

                # Assign production costs for the two vertices
                # The second-order cost coefficient a2 on the lone line segment
                # is determined from the change in marginal price divided by
                # change in power.
                a2 = (vertices[1].marginalPrice - vertices[0].marginalPrice
                      )  # [$/kWh]
                a2 = a2 / (vertices[1].power - vertices[0].power)  # [$/kW^2h]

                # The cost at Vertex 1 can be inferred by integrating from
                # p=0 to Vertex 1.
                vertices[0].cost = a0 + a1 * vertices[0].power + 0.5 * a2 * (
                    vertices[0].power)**2  # production cost [$/h]

                # The cost at Vertex 2 is on the same trajectory
                vertices[1].cost = a0 + a1 * vertices[1].power + 0.5 * a2 * (
                    vertices[1].power)**2  # production cost [$/h]

                # Convert the costs to raw dollars
                interval_duration = get_duration_in_hour(
                vertices[0].cost = vertices[0].cost * interval_duration  # [$]
                vertices[1].cost = vertices[1].cost * interval_duration  # [$]

                # Create interval values for the active vertices
                interval_values = [
                    IntervalValue(self, time_intervals[i], mkt,
                                  MeasurementType.ActiveVertex, vertices[0]),
                    IntervalValue(self, time_intervals[i], mkt,
                                  MeasurementType.ActiveVertex, vertices[1])

                # Append the active vertices to the list of active vertices
                # in the indexed time interval
Example #14

if __name__ == '__main__':

    from_vertex = None
    to_vertex = None
    vertex_list = list()

    read_line = sys.stdin.readline()
    vertex_number = int(read_line)
    for x in range(0, vertex_number):
        vertex = Vertex(x)

    edge_number = sys.stdin.readline()
    edge_number = edge_number.rstrip('\n')

    while edge_number != '':
        edge_number = edge_number.split(' ')
        from_vertex = int(edge_number[0])
        to_vertex = int(edge_number[1])
        edge_number = sys.stdin.readline()
        edge_number = edge_number.rstrip('\n')
        #edge_number = re.split("\s+", edge_number)
Example #15
    def __init__(self, v1, v2, v3):
        self.v1 = v1
        self.v2 = v2
        self.v3 = v3

        vect1 = Vector.generateVector(v1, v2)
        vect2 = Vector.generateVector(v1, v3)
        self.n = Vector.cross(vect1, vect2)


    def toVertexTuple(self):
        return (self.v1, self.v2, self.v3)

    def getSurfaceNormal(self):
        return self.n

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from vertex import Vertex

    v1 = Vertex(0, 0, 0)
    v2 = Vertex(0, 1, 0)
    v3 = Vertex(0, 0, 1)

    face = Face(v1, v2, v3)

Example #16
 def __init__(self, number_of_vertices: int):
     self.vertices: Dict[int, Vertex] = {}
     for i in range(number_of_vertices):
         self.vertices[i] = Vertex(i)
Example #17
def findperim(linesList):
    cto = distToOrigin(linesList[0].a)
    ctov = linesList[0].a
    for i in linesList:
        if distToOrigin(linesList[i].a) < cto:
            cto = distToOrigin(linesList[i].a)
            ctov = linesList[i].a
        elif distToOrigin(linesList[i].b) < cto:
            cto = distToOrigin(linesList[i].b)
            ctov = linesList[i].b

    #now cto should have the point closest to the origin
    #now we find the point farthest to the origin
    fto = distToOrigin(linesList[0].a)
    ftov = linesList[0].a
    for i in linesList:
        if distToOrigin(linesList[i].a) > fto:
            fto = distToOrigin(linesList[i].a)
            ftov = linesList[i].a
        elif distToOrigin(linesList[i].b) > fto:
            fto = distToOrigin(linesList[i].b)
            ftov = linesList[i].b

    #now we find the midpoint
    mid = Vertex((ftov.x - ctov.x) / 2, (ftov.y - ctov.y) / 2, ftov.z)

    #now we try to find the perimeter based on these facts:
    #find a line segment in which either point is the same as the previous
    #if multiple ones, then store the one with the least distance to mid
    ret = []
    last = ctov
    d = 99999
    tba = Vertex(-1, -1, -1)
    dtba = 99999
    while not last.eq(ctov):
        for i in linesList:
            if linesList[i].a.eq(last) and dist(
                    mid, linesList[i].b) >= d and dist(last,
                                                       linesList[i].b) <= dtba:
                tba = linesList[i].b
                d = dist(mid, linesList[i].b)
                dtba = dist(last, linesList[i].b)
            elif linesList[i].b.eq(last) and dist(
                    mid, linesList[i].a) >= d and dist(last,
                                                       linesList[i].a) <= dtba:
                tba = linesList[i].a
                d = dist(mid, linesList[i].a)
                dtba = dist(last, linesList[i].a)
            d = 99999
            dtba = 99999
            last = linesList[i].a

    return ret

# def main():
# 	  #command line arguments: file, layer thickness, #shell layers, %infill (0-100)
# 	thickness = .4
# 	layer_height = 1
# 	shell_no = 2
# 	infill = .2

# 	vers = (Vertex(0,0,0),
# 			Vertex(0,10,0),
# 			Vertex(10,0,0),
# 			Vertex(10,10,0),
# 			Vertex(0,0,10),
# 			Vertex(0,10,10),
# 			Vertex(10,0,10),
# 			Vertex(10,10,10))

# 	facets = ((vers[0], vers[1], vers[2]),
# 			  (vers[1], vers[2], vers[3]),
# 			  (vers[0], vers[4], vers[5]),
# 			  (vers[0], vers[4], vers[1]),
# 			  (vers[0], vers[4], vers[2]),
# 			  (vers[0], vers[4], vers[6]),
# 			  (vers[4], vers[5], vers[6]),
# 			  (vers[5], vers[6], vers[7]),
# 			  (vers[3], vers[7], vers[1]),
# 			  (vers[3], vers[7], vers[2]),
# 			  (vers[3], vers[7], vers[5]),
# 			  (vers[3], vers[7], vers[6]))

# 	z = 0
# 	height = 10
# 	while z <= height:
# 		print "*********************************************************"
# 		print z
# 		lines = []
# 		for f in facets:
# 			boo = facetIntersect(f[0], f[1], f[2], z)
# 			lines.extend(boo)
# 			#print "intersection num: %.2f" % len(boo)
# 		z = z + layer_height

# main()
Example #18
 def insert_vertex(self):
     Inserts a new vertex into the graph
     self.vertices[self.count_vertex()] = Vertex(self.count_vertex())
Example #19
def parse(filename):

    # Properties of the graph. Characterized in the first block of a graph-file
    n_of_nodes = 0
    n_of_edges = 0
    nodes_label = False
    edges_label = False
    directed_graph = False

    # Vertex list is characterized in the 2nd block of a graph-file
    vertex_list = []

    # Edge list is characterized in the 3rd block of a graph-file
    edge_list = []

    # c is a counter to know in which block of the graph-file we are
    c = 0

    # dict für das Zugreifen auf die Vertices über ihre Namen
    vertex_dict = {}
    with open(filename, 'r') as file:
        file_content = file.readlines()
        for i in range(0, len(file_content)):
            temp = file_content[i].replace('\n', '').split(';')
            if temp == ['']:
                c += 1
            elif temp is not '' and c == 0:
                if temp[0] == '#nodes':
                    n_of_nodes = temp[1]
                elif temp[0] == '#edges':
                    n_of_edges = temp[1]
                elif temp[0] == 'Nodes labelled':
                    if temp[1] == 'True':
                        nodes_label = True
                        nodes_label = False
                elif temp[0] == 'Edges labelled':
                    if temp[1] == 'True':
                        edges_label = True
                        edges_label = False
                elif temp[0] == 'Directed graph':
                    if temp[1] == 'True':
                        directed_graph = True
                        directed_graph = False
            elif c == 1:
                v = Vertex(temp[0])
                if nodes_label:
                    {v.name: v}
                )  # Vertex wird für Edges-Initialiserung gespeichert (Name=Key)
            elif c == 2:
                e = Edge(vertex_dict.get(temp[0]), vertex_dict.get(temp[1]),
                         None, None, directed_graph)
                if edges_label:

    graph = Graph(vertex_list, edge_list, n_of_nodes, n_of_edges, nodes_label,
                  edges_label, directed_graph)
    return graph
Example #20
    def init_objects(self):
        # Add meter
        meter = MeterPoint()
        meter.measurementType = MeasurementType.PowerReal
        meter.name = 'CampusElectricityMeter'
        meter.measurementUnit = MeasurementUnit.kWh

        # Add weather forecast service
        weather_service = TemperatureForecastModel(self.config_path, self)

        # Add inelastive asset
        inelastive_load = LocalAsset()
        inelastive_load.name = 'InelasticBuildings'  # Campus buildings that are not responsive
        inelastive_load.maximumPower = 0  # Remember that a load is a negative power [kW]
        inelastive_load.minimumPower = -2 * 8200  # Assume twice the average PNNL load [kW]

        # Add inelastive asset model
        inelastive_load_model = OpenLoopPnnlLoadPredictor(weather_service)
        inelastive_load_model.name = 'InelasticBuildingsModel'
        inelastive_load_model.engagementCost = [
            0, 0, 0
        ]  # Transition costs irrelevant
        inelastive_load_model.defaultPower = -6000  # [kW]
        inelastive_load_model.defaultVertices = [Vertex(0, 0, -6000.0, 1)]

        # Cross-reference asset & asset model
        inelastive_load_model.object = inelastive_load
        inelastive_load.model = inelastive_load_model

        # Add solar PV asset
        solar_pv = SolarPvResource()
        solar_pv.maximumPower = self.PV_max_kW  # [avg.kW]
        solar_pv.minimumPower = 0.0  # [avg.kW]
        solar_pv.name = 'SolarPv'
        solar_pv.description = '120 kW solar PV site on the campus'

        # Add solar PV asset model
        solar_pv_model = SolarPvResourceModel()
        solar_pv_model.cloudFactor = 1.0  # dimensionless
        solar_pv_model.engagementCost = [0, 0, 0]
        solar_pv_model.name = 'SolarPvModel'
        solar_pv_model.defaultPower = 0.0  # [avg.kW]
        solar_pv_model.defaultVertices = [Vertex(0, 0, 30.0, True)]
        solar_pv_model.costParameters = [0, 0, 0]
        solar_pv_model.inject(self, power_topic=self.solar_topic)

        # Cross-reference asset & asset model
        solar_pv.model = solar_pv_model
        solar_pv_model.object = solar_pv

        # Add inelastive and solar_pv as campus' assets
        self.localAssets.extend([inelastive_load, solar_pv])

        # Add Market
        market = Market()
        market.name = 'dayAhead'
        market.commitment = False
        market.converged = False
        market.defaultPrice = 0.04  # [$/kWh]
        market.dualityGapThreshold = self.duality_gap_threshold  # [0.02 = 2#]
        market.initialMarketState = MarketState.Inactive
        market.marketOrder = 1  # This is first and only market
        market.intervalsToClear = 1  # Only one interval at a time
        market.futureHorizon = timedelta(
            hours=24)  # Projects 24 hourly future intervals
        market.intervalDuration = timedelta(
            hours=1)  # [h] Intervals are 1 h long
        market.marketClearingInterval = timedelta(hours=1)  # [h]
        market.marketClearingTime = Timer.get_cur_time().replace(
            hour=0, minute=0, second=0,
            microsecond=0)  # Aligns with top of hour
        market.nextMarketClearingTime = market.marketClearingTime + timedelta(

        # City object
        city = Neighbor()
        city.name = 'CoR'
        city.description = 'City of Richland (COR) electricity supplier node'
        city.maximumPower = 20000  # Remember loads have negative power [avg.kW]
        city.minimumPower = 0  # [avg.kW]
        city.lossFactor = self.city_loss_factor

        # City model
        city_model = NeighborModel()
        city_model.name = 'CoR_Model'
        city_model.location = self.name
        city_model.transactive = True
        city_model.defaultPower = 10000  # [avg.kW]
        city_model.defaultVertices = [
            Vertex(0.046, 160, 0, True),
                   160 + city.maximumPower * (0.046 + 0.5 * (0.048 - 0.046)),
                   city.maximumPower, True)
        city_model.costParameters = [0, 0, 0]
        city_model.demand_threshold_coef = self.demand_threshold_coef
        city_model.demandThreshold = self.monthly_peak_power

        # Cross-reference object & model
        city_model.object = city
        city.model = city_model
        self.city = city

        # Add city as campus' neighbor

        # Add buildings
        for bldg_name in self.building_names:
            bldg_neighbor = self.make_bldg_neighbor(bldg_name)
 def add_edge(self, label1: str, label2: str, weight: int = float("inf")):
     self.__adjacency_map__[label1][label2] = Vertex(label2, weight)
 def vertex(self, substate):
   if substate not in self.vertices:
     self.vertices[substate] = Vertex(substate, self)
   return self.vertices[substate]
Example #23
 def addVertex(self, key):
     self.numVertices = self.numVertices + 1
     newVertex = Vertex(key)
     self.vertList[key] = newVertex
     return newVertex
Example #24

# faces = np.array(np.genfromtxt('quads_Torus.csv', delimiter=';'))
# verts = np.array(np.genfromtxt('vers_Torus.csv', delimiter=';'))
faces = np.array(np.genfromtxt(quads_file, delimiter=';'))
verts = np.array(np.genfromtxt(verts_file, delimiter=';'))
#faces = np.array(np.genfromtxt('sphere_quads_coarse.csv', delimiter=';'))
#verts = np.array(np.genfromtxt('sphere_verts_coarse.csv', delimiter=';'))

#faces = np.array([[0, 1 , 2, 3], [1, 5, 6, 2], [0, 1, 5, 4], [3, 2, 6, 7], [0, 3, 7, 4], [4, 5, 6, 7]])
#verts = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0, 1.0]])
quads = [None] * faces.shape[0]

listOfVertices = []
for i in range(len(verts)):
    listOfVertices.append(Vertex(i, verts[i]))

for i in range(faces.shape[0]):
    face_vertices = [
        listOfVertices[faces[i].astype(int)[j]] for j in range(len(faces[i]))
    quads[i] = Quad(i, face_vertices)

    for vertex in face_vertices:
#neighbours_test = quads[4].find_neighbors(quads)

[vertices_refined, faces_refined] = DooSabin(listOfVertices, quads, 0.5, 1)
[vertices_refined1, faces_refined1] = DooSabin(vertices_refined, faces_refined,
                                               0.5, 2)
    def init_objects(self):
        # Add meter
        # meter = MeterPoint()
        # meter.name = 'BuildingElectricMeter'
        # meter.measurementType = MeasurementType.PowerReal
        # meter.measurementUnit = MeasurementUnit.kWh
        # self.meterPoints.append(meter)

        # Add weather forecast service
        weather_service = TemperatureForecastModel(self.config_path, self)

        # # Add inelastive asset
        # inelastive_load = LocalAsset()
        # inelastive_load.name = 'InelasticBldgLoad'
        # inelastive_load.maximumPower = 0  # Remember that a load is a negative power [kW]
        # inelastive_load.minimumPower = -200
        # # Add inelastive asset model
        # inelastive_load_model = LocalAssetModel()
        # inelastive_load_model.name = 'InelasticBuildingModel'
        # inelastive_load_model.defaultPower = -100  # [kW]
        # inelastive_load_model.defaultVertices = [Vertex(float("inf"), 0, -100, True)]
        # # Cross-reference asset & asset model
        # inelastive_load_model.object = inelastive_load
        # inelastive_load.model = inelastive_load_model

        # Add elastive asset
        elastive_load = LocalAsset()
        elastive_load.name = 'TccLoad'
        elastive_load.maximumPower = 0  # Remember that a load is a negative power [kW]
        elastive_load.minimumPower = -self.max_deliver_capacity

        # Add inelastive asset model
        # self.elastive_load_model = LocalAssetModel()
        self.elastive_load_model = TccModel()
        self.elastive_load_model.name = 'TccModel'
        self.elastive_load_model.defaultPower = -0.5 * self.max_deliver_capacity  # [kW]
        self.elastive_load_model.defaultVertices = [
            Vertex(0.055, 0, -self.elastive_load_model.defaultPower, True),
            Vertex(0.06, 0, -self.elastive_load_model.defaultPower / 2, True)

        # Cross-reference asset & asset model
        self.elastive_load_model.object = elastive_load
        elastive_load.model = self.elastive_load_model

        # Add inelastive and elastive loads as building' assets

        # Add Market
        market = Market()
        market.name = 'dayAhead'
        market.commitment = False
        market.converged = False
        market.defaultPrice = 0.0428  # [$/kWh]
        market.dualityGapThreshold = self.duality_gap_threshold  # [0.02 = 2#]
        market.initialMarketState = MarketState.Inactive
        market.marketOrder = 1  # This is first and only market
        market.intervalsToClear = 1  # Only one interval at a time
        market.futureHorizon = timedelta(
            hours=24)  # Projects 24 hourly future intervals
        market.intervalDuration = timedelta(
            hours=1)  # [h] Intervals are 1 h long
        market.marketClearingInterval = timedelta(hours=1)  # [h]
        market.marketClearingTime = Timer.get_cur_time().replace(
            hour=0, minute=0, second=0,
            microsecond=0)  # Aligns with top of hour
        market.nextMarketClearingTime = market.marketClearingTime + timedelta(

        # Campus object
        campus = Neighbor()
        campus.name = 'PNNL_Campus'
        campus.description = 'PNNL_Campus'
        campus.maximumPower = self.max_deliver_capacity
        campus.minimumPower = 0.  # [avg.kW]
        campus.lossFactor = self.campus_loss_factor

        # Campus model
        campus_model = NeighborModel()
        campus_model.name = 'PNNL_Campus_Model'
        campus_model.location = self.name
        campus_model.defaultVertices = [
            Vertex(0.045, 25, 0, True),
            Vertex(0.048, 0, self.max_deliver_capacity, True)
        campus_model.demand_threshold_coef = self.demand_threshold_coef
        # campus_model.demandThreshold = self.demand_threshold_coef * self.monthly_peak_power
        campus_model.demandThreshold = self.monthly_peak_power
        campus_model.transactive = True

        # Avg building meter
        building_meter = MeterPoint()
        building_meter.name = self.name + ' ElectricMeter'
        building_meter.measurementType = MeasurementType.AverageDemandkW
        building_meter.measurementUnit = MeasurementUnit.kWh

        # Cross-reference object & model
        campus_model.object = campus
        campus.model = campus_model
        self.campus = campus

        # Add campus as building's neighbor
# Import Interlude

# We’re keeping things organized by storing our classes in separate files, so let’s do a brief review on how to use code from another file.
# Python gives us the ability to import code from another file. Here’s how we can use our Vertex class from within graph.py.
#  # from <file_name> import <class>
#  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#  # inside of ./vertex.py file
#  class Vertex
#    # code for the class...
#  # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#  # inside of ./graph.py file
#  from vertex import Vertex
#  my_vertex = Vertex("Import Accomplished!")

# Use the file explorer to tab between vertex.py, graph.py, and script.py. When you’re ready to continue tab over to script.py.
# Inside of script.py, import Graph and Vertex from their respective files.
from graph import Graph
from vertex import Vertex

# Make an instance of Graph and assign it to the variable railway.
railway = Graph()

# Make an instance of Vertex with the string "Ballahoo" and assign it to the variable station.
station = Vertex("Ballahoo")

# Call .add_vertex() on railway and pass station as the argument.
Example #27
    def make_supplier(self):
        # Add supplier
        supplier = Neighbor()
        supplier.name = 'BPA'
        supplier.description = 'The Bonneville Power Administration as electricity supplier to the City of Richland, WA'
        supplier.lossFactor = 0.02
        supplier.maximumPower = 200800  # [avg.kW, twice the average COR load]
        supplier.minimumPower = 0.0  # [avg.kW, will not export]

        # Add supplier model
        supplierModel = BulkSupplier_dc()
        supplierModel.name = 'BPAModel'
        #supplierModel.demandThreshold = 0.75 * supplier.maximumPower
        supplierModel.converged = False  # Dynamically assigned
        supplierModel.convergenceThreshold = 0  # Not yet implemented
        supplierModel.effectiveImpedance = 0.0  # Not yet implemented
        supplierModel.friend = False  # Separate business entity from COR
        supplierModel.transactive = False  # Not a transactive neighbor

        # Add vertices
        # The first default vertex is, for now, based on the flat COR rate to
        # PNNL. The second vertex includes 2# losses at a maximum power that
        # is twice the average electric load for COR. This is helpful to
        # ensure that a unique price, power point will be found. In this
        # model the recipient pays the cost of energy losses.
        # The first vertex is based on BPA Jan HLH rate at zero power
        # importation.
        d1 = Vertex(0, 0, 0)  # create first default vertex
        d1.marginalPrice = 0.04196  # HLH BPA rate Jan 2018 [$/kWh]
        d1.cost = 2000.0  # Const. price shift to COR customer rate [$/h]
        d1.power = 0.0  # [avg.kW]
        # The second default vertex represents imported and lost power at a power
        # value presumed to be the maximum deliverable power from BPA to COR.
        d2 = Vertex(0, 0, 0)  # create second default vertex
        # COR pays for all sent power but receives an amount reduced by
        # losses. This creates a quadratic term in the production cost and
        # a slope to the marginal price curve.
        d2.marginalPrice = d1.marginalPrice / (1 - supplier.lossFactor
                                               )  # [$/kWh]
        # From the perspective of COR, it receives the power sent by BPA,
        # less losses.
        d2.power = (1 -
                    supplier.lossFactor) * supplier.maximumPower  # [avg.kW]
        # The production costs can be estimated by integrating the
        # marginal-price curve.
        d2.cost = d1.cost + d2.power * (d1.marginalPrice + 0.5 *
                                        (d2.marginalPrice - d1.marginalPrice)
                                        )  # [$/h]
        supplierModel.defaultVertices = [d1, d2]

        #   COST PARAMTERS
        #     A constant cost parameter is being used here to account for the
        #     difference between wholesale BPA rates to COR and COR distribution
        #     rates to customers like PNNL. A constant of $2,000/h steps the rates
        #     from about 0.04 $/kWh to about 0.06 $/kWh. This may be refined later.
        #     IMPORTANT: This shift has no affect on marginal pricing.
        supplierModel.costParameters[0] = 2000.0  # [$/h]

        # Cross-reference object & model
        supplierModel.object = supplier
        supplier.model = supplierModel

        # Meter
        bpaElectricityMeter = MeterPoint()  # Instantiate an electricity meter
        bpaElectricityMeter.name = 'BpaElectricityMeter'
        bpaElectricityMeter.description = 'BPA electricity to COR'
        bpaElectricityMeter.measurementType = MeasurementType.PowerReal
        bpaElectricityMeter.measurementUnit = MeasurementUnit.kWh
        supplierModel.meterPoints = [bpaElectricityMeter]

        return supplier
Example #28
#import Vertex below....
from vertex import Vertex
#import Graph below...
from graph import Graph

print("\nend imports\n")

#Make the Graph instance here
#Make an instance of Graph and assign it to the variable railway.
railway = Graph()

#Make the Vertex instance here
#Make an instance of Vertex with the string "Ballahoo" and assign it to the variable station.
#station = Vertex("Ballahoo")

#Call .add_vertex() here
#Call .add_vertex() on railway and pass station as the argument.

#Make the Vertex instance here
station_one = Vertex("Ballahoo")
station_two = Vertex("Penn")

#Call .add_vertex() here

#Call .add_edge() here
railway.add_edge(station_one, station_two)
print("Edges for {0}: {1}".format(station_one.value, station_one.get_edges()))
print("Edges for {0}: {1}".format(station_two.value, station_two.get_edges()))
Example #29
def test_production():
    from local_asset_model import LocalAssetModel
    from market import Market

    print('Running test_production()')
    pf = 'pass'

    #   Create a test object
    test_object = LocalAssetModel()

    #   Create a test market
    test_market = Market()

    #   Create several active vertices av
    av = [
        Vertex(0.0200, 5.00, 0.0),
        Vertex(0.0200, 7.00, 100.0),
        Vertex(0.0250, 9.25, 200.0)

    # Create a time interval ti
    dt = datetime.now()
    at = dt
    #   NOTE: Function Hours() corrects the behavior of Matlab hours().
    dur = timedelta(hours=1)
    mkt = test_market
    mct = dt
    st = dt
    ti = TimeInterval(at, dur, mkt, mct, st)

    # Assign activeVertices, which are IntervalValues
    test_object.activeVertices = [
        IntervalValue(test_object, ti, test_market,
                      MeasurementType.ActiveVertex, av[0]),
        IntervalValue(test_object, ti, test_market,
                      MeasurementType.ActiveVertex, av[1]),
        IntervalValue(test_object, ti, test_market,
                      MeasurementType.ActiveVertex, av[2])

    ## CASE: Various marginal prices when there is more than one vertex
    test_prices = [-0.010, 0.000, 0.020, 0.0225, 0.030]

    p = [0] * len(test_prices)  #zeros(1, length(test_prices))
    for i in range(len(test_prices)):  #for i = 1:length(test_prices)
        p[i] = production(test_object, test_prices[i], ti)

    print('- the function ran without errors')

    # p(1) = 0: below first vertex
    # p(2) = 0: below first vertex
    # p(3) = 100: at first vertex, which has identical marginal price as second
    # p(4) = 150: interpolate between vertices
    # p(5) = 200: exceeds last vertex

    #if ~all(abs(p - [0, 0, 100, 150, 200]) < 0.001):
    expected = [0, 0, 100, 150, 200]
    if not all([p[i] - expected[i] < 0.001 for i in range(len(p))]):
        pf = 'fail'
        raise Exception('- the production cost was incorrectly calculated')
        print('- the production cost was correctly calculated')

    ## CASE: One vertex (inelastic case, a constant)
    test_object.activeVertices = [
        IntervalValue(test_object, ti, test_market,
                      MeasurementType.ActiveVertex, av[2])

    for i in range(5):
        p[i] = production(test_object, test_prices[i], ti)

    #if ~all(p == 200 * ones(1, length(p))):
    if not all(x == 200 for x in p):
        pf = 'fail'
        raise Exception(
            'the vertex power should be assigned when there is one vertex')
        print('- the correct power was assigned when there is one vertex')

    ## CASE: No active vertices (error case):
    test_object.activeVertices = []

        p = production(test_object, test_prices[4], ti)
        pf = 'fail'
        raise Exception(
            '- an error should have occurred with no active vertices')
        print('- with no vertices, system returned with warnings, as expected')

    #   Success
    print('- the test function ran to completion')
    print('Result: #s\n\n', pf)
Example #30
 def addVertice(self, vertexId):
     self.vertices[vertexId] = Vertex(self, vertexId)