Example #1
    def test_contract(self) -> None:
        g = Graph([(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3), (2, 4), (2, 2)])
        assert g[1].adj_vertices() == {
        }, "vertex 1 should be adjacent to vertices 2 and 3"

        g.get_edge(1, 2).contract(remove_loops=False)

        assert g[1].adj_vertices() == {
        }, "after edge contraction, vertex 1 should be adjacent to vertices 1, 3, and 4"
        assert g[1].loop_edge is not None
        assert (
            g[1].loop_edge.label == "(1, 1)"
        ), "vertex 1 should have loop edge (1, 1), due to loop that was on vertex 2"
        assert not g.has_vertex(
            2), "after edge contraction, vertex 2 should be removed"

        g2 = Graph([("a", "b"), ("b", "c"), ("b", "b")])
        g2.get_edge("a", "b").contract(remove_loops=True)
        assert not g2[
            "a"].loop_edge, "loop edge should be removed after edge contraction"
Example #2
 def test_weight(self) -> None:
     g = Graph([(1, 2), (3, 4, 9.5)])
     assert (
         g.get_edge(1, 2).weight == edge_module.DEFAULT_WEIGHT
     ), "edge without a specified weight should default to edge_module.DEFAULT_WEIGHT"
     assert g.get_edge(
         3, 4).weight == 9.5, "weight of edge (3, 4) should be 9.5"
     with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
         g.get_edge(3, 4).weight = 100  # type: ignore
Example #3
    def test__eq__(self) -> None:
        g1 = Graph([(1, 2), (3, 4, 2.5)])
        g2 = Graph([(1, 2), (3, 4, 5.0)])

        assert g1.get_edge(1,
                           2) == g2.get_edge(1,
                                             2), "edges (1, 2) should be equal"
        assert g1.get_edge(3, 4) != g2.get_edge(
            3, 4), "edges (3, 4, 2.5) and (3, 4, 5.0) should not be equal"
Example #4
    def test_weight(self) -> None:
        g = Graph()
        g.add_edge(1, 2)
        edge_data1 = pp_module.EdgeData.from_edge_obj(g.get_edge(1, 2))
        assert edge_data1.weight == edge_module.DEFAULT_WEIGHT, "weight should be default"

        g.add_edge(3, 4, 9.5)
        edge_data2 = pp_module.EdgeData.from_edge_obj(g.get_edge(3, 4))
        assert edge_data2.weight == 9.5, "weight should be 9.5"

        v5 = pp_module.VertexData("5")
        v6 = pp_module.VertexData("6")
        edge_data3 = pp_module.EdgeData(v5, v6)
        assert edge_data3.weight == edge_module.DEFAULT_WEIGHT, "weight should be default"
Example #5
    def test_incident_edges_and_loop_edge(self) -> None:
        g = Graph()
        assert not g[0].loop_edge, "vertex 0 should not have a loop edge"

        g.add_edge(1, 1)
        assert g[1].incident_edges() == {g.get_edge(
            1, 1)}, "vertex 1 should have self loop as incident edge"
        assert g[1].loop_edge, "vertex 1 should have a self loop"

        g.add_edge(1, 2)
        assert len(g[1].incident_edges()
                   ) == 2, "vertex 1 should have two incident edges"
Example #6
    def test_remove(self) -> None:
        g = Graph([(1, 2), (2, 3)])
        assert g.has_edge(1,
                          2), "prior to removal, graph should have edge (1, 2)"
        assert not g[1].is_isolated(
        ), "vertex 1 should not be isolated prior to edge removal"

        g.get_edge(1, 2).remove(remove_semi_isolated_vertices=False)

        assert not g.has_edge(
            1, 2), "after removal, graph should not have edge (1, 2)"
        assert g.has_vertex(
        ), "after edge removal, isolated vertex 1 should still be in graph"
        assert g[1].is_isolated(
        ), "vertex 1 should be isolated after edge removal"

        g2 = Graph([(1, 2), (1, 1), (2, 3)])
        g2.get_edge(1, 2).remove(remove_semi_isolated_vertices=True)
        assert not g2.has_vertex(
        ), "after edge removal, semi-isolated vertex 1 should have been removed"
Example #7
 def test_equality_operator(self) -> None:
     g = Graph([(1, 2), (3, 4, 3.5), (4, 5, 7.5, {
         "color": "blue"
     }), (6, 7, 9.5, {
         "k": "v"
     g2 = Graph([(2, 1), (3, 4), (4, 5, 7.5, {
         "color": "red"
     }), (6, 7, 9.5, {
         "k": "v"
     assert g.get_edge(1, 2) == g.get_edge(
         1, 2), "edge (1, 2) should equal itself within the same graph"
     assert g.get_edge(1, 2) == g2.get_edge(
         2, 1), "edges (1, 2) and (2, 1) should be the same edge"
     assert g.get_edge(3, 4) != g2.get_edge(
         3, 4), "edges (3, 4) should not be equal due to different weights"
     assert g.get_edge(4, 5) != g2.get_edge(
         5), "edges (4, 5) should not be equal due to different attributes"
     assert g.get_edge(6,
                       7) == g2.get_edge(6,
                                         7), "edges (6, 7) should be equal"
Example #8
    def test_attr(self) -> None:
        v1 = pp_module.VertexData("1")
        v2 = pp_module.VertexData("2")
        edge_data = pp_module.EdgeData(v1, v2)
        assert not edge_data.attr, "there should be no attributes by default"
        assert not edge_data.edge_object, "there should be no edge object reference"
        edge_data.attr["color"] = "blue"
        assert edge_data.attr[
            "color"] == "blue", "should have 'color' attribute set to 'blue'"

        g = Graph()
        g.add_edge(1, 2)
        edge_data2 = pp_module.EdgeData.from_edge_obj(g.get_edge(1, 2))
        assert not edge_data2.attr, "there should be no attributes from edge (1, 2)"
        edge_data2.attr["color"] = "blue"
        assert edge_data2.attr[
            "color"] == "blue", "should have 'color' attribute set to 'blue'"
Example #9
 def test_repr_str_and_label(self) -> None:
     g = Graph([(2, 1)])
     assert g.get_edge(2,
                       1).label == "(1, 2)", "edge label should be (1, 2)"
     assert (g.get_edge(2, 1).__str__() == g.get_edge(
         2, 1).__repr__()), "edge __repr__ should equal __str__"
     assert g.get_edge(
         2, 1).__str__() == "(1, 2)", "edge __str__ should be (1, 2)"
     g.add_edge(3, 4, weight=1.5)
     assert g.get_edge(2,
                       1).label == "(1, 2)", "edge label should be (1, 2)"
     assert (
         g.get_edge(2, 1).__str__() == "(1, 2, 1.0)"
     ), "edge __str__ should be (1, 2, 1.0) after adding weighted edge to graph"
Example #10
    def test_attr__getitem__setitem__(self) -> None:
        g = Graph([(1, 2)])
        edge = g.get_edge(1, 2)
        assert not edge.has_attributes_dict(
        ), "attr dict should not be instantiated"
        _ = edge.attr
        assert (edge.has_attributes_dict(
        )), "attr dict should be instantiated after using property accessor"
        edge.attr["mass"] = 1000
        assert edge.attr[
            "mass"] == 1000, "edge should have 'mass' attribute set to 1000"
        assert edge[
            "mass"] == 1000, "edge __getitem__(key) should be alias for edge.attr[key]"
        edge["color"] = "blue"
        assert (
            edge.attr["color"] == "blue"
        ), "__setitem__(key, value) should be alias for attr[key] = value"

        with pytest.raises(KeyError):
            _ = edge["unknown_key"]
Example #11
    def test_is_vertex_type(self) -> None:
        g = Graph()
        v: Vertex = g.add_vertex(1)
        assert vertex_module.is_vertex_type(
            v), "Vertex object should be a VertexType"

        g2 = DiGraph()
        di_v: DiVertex = g2.add_vertex(1)
        assert vertex_module.is_vertex_type(
            di_v), "DiVertex object should be a VertexType"

        g3 = MultiGraph()
        multi_v: MultiVertex = g3.add_vertex(1)
        assert vertex_module.is_vertex_type(
            multi_v), "MultiVertex object should be a VertexType"

        g4 = MultiDiGraph()
        multi_di_v: MultiDiVertex = g4.add_vertex(1)
        assert vertex_module.is_vertex_type(
            multi_di_v), "MultiDiVertex should be a VertexType"

        assert vertex_module.is_vertex_type(
            10), "int vertex label should be a VertexType"
        assert vertex_module.is_vertex_type(
            "s"), "str vertex label should be a VertexType"
        assert vertex_module.is_vertex_type(("s", {
            "color": "blue"
        })), "vertex tuple should be a VertexType"
        assert not vertex_module.is_vertex_type(
            10.99), "float should not be a VertexType"
        assert not vertex_module.is_vertex_type(
            ("s", "t")), "edge tuple should not be a VertexType"
        assert not vertex_module.is_vertex_type(
            ("s", "t",
             4.5)), "edge tuple with edge weight should not be a VertexType"
        g.add_edge("s", "t")
        assert not vertex_module.is_vertex_type(g.get_edge(
            "s", "t")), "edge object should not be a VertexType"
Example #12
    def test_parse_edge_type(self) -> None:
        g = Graph()
        g.add_edge(1, 2)
        edge_data1 = pp_module.parse_edge_type(g.get_edge(1, 2))
        assert edge_data1.vertex1.label == "1"
        assert edge_data1.vertex2.label == "2"

        mg = MultiGraph([(3, 4), (3, 4)])
        edge_data2 = pp_module.parse_edge_type(mg.get_edge(3, 4))
        assert edge_data2.vertex1.label == "3"
        assert edge_data2.vertex2.label == "4"

        edge_tuple = (1, 2)
        edge_data3 = pp_module.parse_edge_type(edge_tuple)
        assert edge_data3.vertex1.label == "1"
        assert edge_data3.vertex2.label == "2"

        edge_tuple_weighted = (3, 4, 3.5)
        edge_data4 = pp_module.parse_edge_type(edge_tuple_weighted)
        assert edge_data4.vertex1.label == "3"
        assert edge_data4.vertex2.label == "4"
        assert edge_data4.weight == 3.5

        edge_tuple_attr = (4, 5, {"color": "blue"})
        edge_data5 = pp_module.parse_edge_type(edge_tuple_attr)
        assert edge_data5.vertex1.label == "4"
        assert edge_data5.vertex2.label == "5"
        assert edge_data5.weight == edge_module.DEFAULT_WEIGHT
        assert edge_data5.attr["color"] == "blue"

        edge_tuple_weighted_attr = (6, 7, 9.5, {"k": "v"})
        edge_data6 = pp_module.parse_edge_type(edge_tuple_weighted_attr)
        assert edge_data6.vertex1.label == "6"
        assert edge_data6.vertex2.label == "7"
        assert edge_data6.weight == 9.5
        assert edge_data6.attr["k"] == "v"
Example #13
 def test_vertex1_vertex2(self) -> None:
     g = Graph()
     g.add_edge(2, 1)
     assert g.get_edge(1, 2).vertex1 == 2, "vertex1 should be 2"
     assert g.get_edge(1, 2).vertex2 == 1, "vertex2 should be 1"
Example #14
 def test_loop(self) -> None:
     g = Graph([(1, 1)])
     assert g.get_edge(
         1, 1).is_loop(), "edge (1, 1) should self identify as a loop"
     assert g.get_edge(1, 1).vertex1 == 1, "loop edge vertex1 should be 1"
     assert g.get_edge(1, 1).vertex2 == 1, "loop edge vertex2 should be 1"