Example #1
    def _list(self, args):
        """List the supported CVEs.

        table = VeryPrettyTable()

        table.field_names = ["CVE", "Description", "Versions affected"]
        for exploit in self.exploits:
            table.add_row([exploit[0], exploit[1], exploit[2]])

        self.logger.handle(table.get_string(), None)
Example #2
net_total = total_net(netsalarylist)
roundednettotal = round(net_total, 2)
sal_total = total_sal(salaries)
roundedsaltotal = round(sal_total, 2)
ret_total = total_ret(retdollarlist)
roundedrettotal = round(ret_total, 2)

#rounding the lists themselves to two decimal places
roundedretdollarlist = [round(x, 2) for x in retdollarlist]
roundednetsalarylist = [round(x, 2) for x in netsalarylist]
roundedsalarieslist = [round(x, 2) for x in salaries]

#defining space as a place holder  to make room in the pretty table
space = ' '

#adding the information to the pretty table column by column
x.add_column("Employee Code", employee_code)
x.add_column("Salary($)", roundedsalarieslist)
x.add_column("Retirement($)", roundedretdollarlist)
x.add_column("Net Salary($)", roundednetsalarylist)

#adding a blank row to created space in the pretty table between the values and the totals
x.add_row([" ", space, space, space])
#adding the last total row to the pretty table
x.add_row(["Total($):", roundednettotal, roundedrettotal, roundedsaltotal])

#printing the pretty table with the title "Title Boxing Franchise"
print(x.get_string(title="Title Boxing Franchise"))

#printing the employee with the largest salary
print("Note! Employee: %s has the largest salary!" % maxemployee)