Example #1
def semblance(st, s, baz, winlen):
    Returns the semblance for a seismic array, for a beam of given slowness and backazimuth.

    st : ObsPy Stream object
        Stream of SAC format seismograms for the seismic array, length K = no. of stations in array
    s  : float
        Magnitude of slowness vector, in s / km
    baz : float
        Backazimuth of slowness vector, (i.e. angle from North back to epicentre of event)
    winlen : int
        Length of Hann window over which to calculate the semblance.

    semblance : NumPy array
        The semblance at the given slowness and backazimuth, as a time series.


    # Check that each channel has the same number of samples, otherwise we can't construct the beam properly
    assert len(set([
        len(tr) for tr in st
    ])) == 1, "Traces in stream have different lengths, cannot stack."

    nsta = len(st)

    stack = linear_stack(st, s, baz)

    # Taper the linear stack
    stack_trace = Trace(stack)
    stack_trace.taper(type='cosine', max_percentage=0.05)
    stack = stack_trace.data

    shifts = get_shifts(st, s, baz)

    # Smooth data with sliding Hann window (i.e. convolution of signal and window function)
    window = np.hanning(winlen)

    shifted_st = st.copy()

    for i, tr in enumerate(shifted_st):
        tr.data = np.roll(tr.data,
                          shifts[i])  # Shift data in each trace by its offset
        tr.taper(type='cosine', max_percentage=0.05)  # Taper it

    # Calculate the power in the beam
    beampower = np.convolve(stack**2, window, mode='same')

    # Calculate the summed power of each trace
    tracepower = np.convolve(np.sum([tr.data**2 for tr in shifted_st], axis=0),

    # Calculate semblance
    semblance = nsta * beampower / tracepower

    return semblance
Example #2
def semblance(st, s, baz, winlen):
    Returns the semblance for a seismic array, for a beam of given slowness and backazimuth.

    st : ObsPy Stream object
        Stream of SAC format seismograms for the seismic array, length K = no. of stations in array
    s  : float
        Magnitude of slowness vector, in s / km
    baz : float
        Backazimuth of slowness vector, (i.e. angle from North back to epicentre of event)
    winlen : int
        Length of Hann window over which to calculate the semblance.

    semblance : NumPy array
        The semblance at the given slowness and backazimuth, as a time series.


    # Check that each channel has the same number of samples, otherwise we can't construct the beam properly
    assert len(set([len(tr) for tr in st])) == 1, "Traces in stream have different lengths, cannot stack."

    nsta = len(st)

    stack = linear_stack(st, s, baz)

    # Taper the linear stack
    stack_trace = Trace(stack)
    stack_trace.taper(type="cosine", max_percentage=0.05)
    stack = stack_trace.data

    shifts = get_shifts(st, s, baz)

    # Smooth data with sliding Hann window (i.e. convolution of signal and window function)
    window = np.hanning(winlen)

    shifted_st = st.copy()

    for i, tr in enumerate(shifted_st):
        tr.data = np.roll(tr.data, shifts[i])  # Shift data in each trace by its offset
        tr.taper(type="cosine", max_percentage=0.05)  # Taper it

    # Calculate the power in the beam
    beampower = np.convolve(stack ** 2, window, mode="same")

    # Calculate the summed power of each trace
    tracepower = np.convolve(np.sum([tr.data ** 2 for tr in shifted_st], axis=0), window, mode="same")

    # Calculate semblance
    semblance = nsta * beampower / tracepower

    return semblance
Example #3
def power_vespa(st, s, baz, winlen):
    Returns the power vespa (i.e. the power in the linear delay-and-sum beam) for a seismic array, for a beam of given slowness and backazimuth.

    st : ObsPy Stream object
        Stream of SAC format seismograms for the seismic array, length K = no. of stations in array
    s  : float
        Magnitude of slowness vector, in s / km
    baz : float
        Backazimuth of slowness vector, (i.e. angle from North back to epicentre of event)
    winlen : int
        Length of Hann window over which to calculate the power.

    power : NumPy array
        The power of the linear beam at the given slowness and backazimuth, as a time series.
    amplitude = linear_stack(st, s, baz)
    power = np.convolve(amplitude**2, np.hanning(winlen), mode='same')
    return power
Example #4
def power_vespa(st, s, baz, winlen):
    Returns the power vespa (i.e. the power in the linear delay-and-sum beam) for a seismic array, for a beam of given slowness and backazimuth.

    st : ObsPy Stream object
        Stream of SAC format seismograms for the seismic array, length K = no. of stations in array
    s  : float
        Magnitude of slowness vector, in s / km
    baz : float
        Backazimuth of slowness vector, (i.e. angle from North back to epicentre of event)
    winlen : int
        Length of Hann window over which to calculate the power.

    power : NumPy array
        The power of the linear beam at the given slowness and backazimuth, as a time series.
    amplitude = linear_stack(st, s, baz)
    power = np.convolve(amplitude ** 2, np.hanning(winlen), mode="same")
    return power
Example #5
def stack_vespagram(st,
    Plots a stack vespagram for a seismic array over a given slowness range, for a single backazimuth.

    The individual beam traces for each slowness step are plotted as a function of time (in s) and slowness (in s/km).

    st : ObsPy Stream object
        Stream of SAC format seismograms for the seismic array, length K = no. of stations in array
    slowness_min : float
        Minimum magnitude of the slowness vector, in s/km
    slowness_max : float
        Maximum magnitude of the slowness vector, in s/km
    n_steps  : int
        Maximum backazimuth, in degrees
    baz : float
        Backazimuth of slowness vector, (i.e. angle from North back to epicentre of event)
    winlen : int
        Length of Hann window over which to calculate the power.
    separation : float
        Fraction of a single beam that overlaps with its neighbours. Smaller separations make a denser vespagram.

    slowness_range = np.linspace(slowness_min, slowness_max, n_steps)

    vespas = [linear_stack(st, slowness, baz) for slowness in slowness_range]
    times = st[0].times()

    plt.figure(figsize=(14, 10))

    # Find maximum and minimum amplitudes of the beam in order to set y-axes for beam traces.
    max_y = np.max(np.array(vespas))
    min_y = np.min(np.array(vespas))

    trace_height = 1. / (1 + (n_steps - 1) * separation)

    # Plot beam trace for each slowness value
    for i, trace in enumerate(vespas):
        # rect = [left, bottom, width, height]
        trace_bottom = (
            1 - trace_height) + (i - n_steps + 1) * separation * trace_height
        rect = [0, trace_bottom, 1, trace_height]
        ax = plt.axes(rect, axisbg=None, frameon=False)
        plt.plot(times, trace, alpha=0.6)
        plt.ylim(min_y, max_y)
        plt.xlim(0, 350)

    # Create external axes to contain beam traces, and set its slowness range
    plt.axes([0, 0, 1, 1], axisbg='none')
    main_ax_slowness_max = slowness_max / (1 - 0.5 * trace_height)
    main_ax_slowness_min = slowness_min - 0.5 * trace_height * main_ax_slowness_max

    plt.ylim(main_ax_slowness_min, main_ax_slowness_max)
    plt.xlim(0, 350)
    plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
    plt.ylabel('Slowness (s / km)')

Example #6
def stack_vespagram(st, slowness_min, slowness_max, n_steps, baz, separation=0.5):
    Plots a stack vespagram for a seismic array over a given slowness range, for a single backazimuth.

    The individual beam traces for each slowness step are plotted as a function of time (in s) and slowness (in s/km).

    st : ObsPy Stream object
        Stream of SAC format seismograms for the seismic array, length K = no. of stations in array
    slowness_min : float
        Minimum magnitude of the slowness vector, in s/km
    slowness_max : float
        Maximum magnitude of the slowness vector, in s/km
    n_steps  : int
        Maximum backazimuth, in degrees
    baz : float
        Backazimuth of slowness vector, (i.e. angle from North back to epicentre of event)
    winlen : int
        Length of Hann window over which to calculate the power.
    separation : float
        Fraction of a single beam that overlaps with its neighbours. Smaller separations make a denser vespagram.
    slowness_range = np.linspace(slowness_min, slowness_max, n_steps)

    vespas = [linear_stack(st, slowness, baz) for slowness in slowness_range]
    times = st[0].times()

    plt.figure(figsize=(14, 10))

    # Find maximum and minimum amplitudes of the beam in order to set y-axes for beam traces.
    max_y = np.max(np.array(vespas))
    min_y = np.min(np.array(vespas))

    trace_height = 1. / (1 + (n_steps - 1) * separation)

    # Plot beam trace for each slowness value
    for i, trace in enumerate(vespas):
        # rect = [left, bottom, width, height]
        trace_bottom = (1 - trace_height) + (i - n_steps + 1) * separation * trace_height
        rect = [0, trace_bottom, 1, trace_height]
        ax = plt.axes(rect, axisbg=None, frameon=False)
        plt.plot(times, trace, alpha=0.6)
        plt.ylim(min_y, max_y);
        plt.xlim(0, 350);

    # Create external axes to contain beam traces, and set its slowness range
    plt.axes([0, 0, 1, 1], axisbg='none')
    main_ax_slowness_max = slowness_max / (1 - 0.5 * trace_height)
    main_ax_slowness_min = slowness_min - 0.5 * trace_height * main_ax_slowness_max

    plt.ylim(main_ax_slowness_min, main_ax_slowness_max)
    plt.xlim(0, 350)
    plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
    plt.ylabel('Slowness (s / km)')
