def addrelay(request): if not request.user.has_perm('controlpanel.siteadmin'): return redirect('/accounts/login/') reply_dict = common.get_reply_dict(request) if request.method == 'POST': relaydomain = request.POST['relaydomain'] if Domain.objects.filter(domain=relaydomain): msgclass = 'error' msg = 'Domain %s is already present in the system' % relaydomain else: try: d = Domain(domain=request.POST['relaydomain'], type='relay', enabled=True) msgclass = 'ok' msg = 'Relay domain %s created' % relaydomain except: msgclass = 'error' msg = 'Error: Unable to create relay domain:' % sys.exc_info()[1] reply_dict['relaydomain'] = relaydomain reply_dict['msg'] = msg reply_dict['msgclass'] = msgclass return render_to_response('controlpanel/siteadmin_index.html', reply_dict, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) return render_to_response('controlpanel/siteadmin_addrelay.html', reply_dict, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def addalias(request): if not request.user.has_perm('controlpanel.siteadmin'): return redirect('/accounts/login/') reply_dict = common.get_reply_dict(request) if request.method == 'GET': return render_to_response('controlpanel/siteadmin_addalias.html', reply_dict, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) elif request.method == 'POST': if not request.POST.has_key('aliasdomain'): msg = 'Error: You must specify an alias domain name' msgclass = 'error' return render_to_response('controlpanel/siteadmin_addalias.html', reply_dict, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) elif not request.POST.has_key('targetdomain'): msg = 'Error: You must specify a domain name to alias to' msgclass = 'error' return render_to_response('controlpanel/siteadmin_addalias.html', reply_dict, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) aliasdomain = request.POST['aliasdomain'] targetdomain = request.POST['targetdomain'] if Domain.objects.filter(domain=aliasdomain): msgclass = 'error' msg = 'Domain %s is already present in the system' % aliasdomain else: try: d = Domain(domain=aliasdomain, maildir=targetdomain, type='alias', enabled=True) msgclass = 'ok' msg = 'Alias domain %s directed to %s' % (aliasdomain, targetdomain) except: msgclass = 'error' msg = 'Error: Unable to create alias domain: %s' % sys.exc_info()[1] reply_dict['aliasdomain'] = aliasdomain reply_dict['targetdomain'] = targetdomain reply_dict['msg'] = msg reply_dict['msgclass'] = msgclass if msgclass == 'ok': return render_to_response('controlpanel/siteadmin_index.html', reply_dict, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) else: return render_to_response('controlpanel/siteadmin_addalias.html', reply_dict, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def addlocal(request): if not request.user.has_perm('controlpanel.siteadmin'): return redirect('/accounts/login/') reply_dict = common.get_reply_dict(request) if request.method == 'POST': # We mostly check for errors, make this the default msgclass to return. # If things go well, we can change it to 'ok' later :-) msgclass = 'error' if len(request.POST['localdomain']) == 0: msg = 'Error: Please enter a valid domain name' elif request.POST['password_one'] != request.POST['password_two']: msg = 'Error: Passwords do not match' elif len(request.POST['password_one']) == 0 or \ len(request.POST['password_two']) == 0: msg = 'Error: Passwords cannot be blank' elif not request.POST['uid'].isdigit(): msg = 'Error: UID must be numeric' elif not request.POST['gid'].isdigit(): msg = 'Error: GID must be numeric' elif not request.POST['sa_tag'].isdigit(): msg = 'Error: Spam tag score must be numeric' elif not request.POST['sa_refuse'].isdigit(): msg = 'Error: Spam refuse score must be numeric' elif not request.POST['max_accounts'].isdigit(): msg = 'Error: Maximum number of accounts must be numeric' elif common.check_domain_exists(request.POST['localdomain']): msg = 'Error: Domain already exists' else: avscan = 1 if request.POST.has_key('avscan') else 0 blocklists = 1 if request.POST.has_key('blocklists') else 0 complexpass = 1 if request.POST.has_key('complexpass') else 0 mailinglists = 1 if request.POST.has_key('mailinglists') else 0 pipe = 1 if request.POST.has_key('pipe') else 0 spamassassin = 1 if request.POST.has_key('spamassassin') else 0 try: domain = Domain(domain=request.POST['localdomain'], type='local', enabled=True, maildir=os.path.join(settings.VEXIM_MAILHOME, request.POST['localdomain']), uid=request.POST['uid'], gid=request.POST['gid'], max_accounts=request.POST['max_accounts'], avscan=avscan, blocklists=blocklists, complexpass=complexpass, mailinglists=mailinglists, pipe=pipe, spamassassin=spamassassin, sa_tag=request.POST['sa_tag'], sa_refuse=request.POST['sa_refuse'], tagline=request.POST['tagline']) # Django has an annoying limitation: The username is limited to # 30 chars. Whose bright idea was that? # Doesn't matter. We use the email field for user authentication # anyway, so let's make the username the first 30 chars of the # md5, just to keep it random user = User.objects.create_user(username=hashlib.md5('postmaster@%s' % request.POST['localdomain']).hexdigest(), email='postmaster@%s' % request.POST['localdomain'], password=request.POST['password_one']) user.userprofile_set.create(, localpart='postmaster', uid=domain.uid, gid=domain.gid, maildir=os.path.join(domain.maildir, 'postmaster'), type='admin', antivirus_enabled=domain.avscan, spamassassin_enabled=domain.spamassassin, sa_tag=domain.sa_tag, sa_refuse=domain.sa_refuse) msg = 'Domain %s added' % domain.domain msgclass = 'ok' except: msg = 'Error: Unable to create local domain: %s' % sys.exc_info()[1] # This is a hack - we can take the variables we care about, and put them # back into reply_dict and send them back to the form. This lets us # re-populate the form on load if we failed to add the domain. # We can't just: reply_dict.update(request.POST) # If we do that, our variables get printed as: u[''] posted = ('localdomain', 'uid', 'gid', 'maxaccounts', 'piping_enabled', 'antivirus_enabled', 'antivirus_enabled', 'spamassassin_enabled', 'sa_tag', 'sa_refuse') for var in posted: if request.POST.has_key(var): reply_dict.update({var: request.POST[var]}) reply_dict['msg'] = msg reply_dict['msgclass'] = msgclass if msgclass == 'ok': return render_to_response('controlpanel/siteadmin_index.html', reply_dict, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) # If we return this, it is because this is the first page load or # msgclass=="error" return render_to_response('controlpanel/siteadmin_addlocal.html', reply_dict, context_instance=RequestContext(request))