Example #1
def test_solver_exact_discrete_solution():
    def tilde_w(w, dt):
        return (2. / dt) * asin(w * dt / 2.)

    def u_numerical_exact(t):
        return I * cos(tilde_w(w, dt) * t)

    w = 2.5
    I = 1.5

    # Estimate period and time step
    P = 2 * pi / w
    num_periods = 4
    T = num_periods * P
    N = 5  # time steps per period
    dt = P / N
    u, t = solver(I, w, dt, T)
    u_e = u_numerical_exact(t)
    error = abs(u_e - u).max()
    # Make a plot in a file, but not on the screen
    from scitools.std import plot
         legend=('numerical', 'exact'),

    assert error < 1E-14
def run_simulations(N, dt0, num_periods):
    Run N simulations where the time step is halved in each
    simulation, starting with dt0.
    Make subdirectories tmp_case0, tmp_case1, etc with plot files
    for each simulation (tmp_*.png).
    for i in range(N):
        dt = dt0 / 2.0**i
        u, t = solver(I=1, w=2 * pi, dt=dt, T=num_periods)
        # visualize_front removes all old plot files :)
        visualize_front(u, t, I=1, w=2 * pi, savefig=True, skip_frames=2**i)
        # skip_frames is essential: for N=4 we have to store
        # only each 2**4=16-th file to get as many files
        # as for the dt0 simulation!

        # Move all plot files tmp_*.png for movie to a
        # separate directory. Delete that directory if it
        # exists and recreate it.
        dirname = 'tmp_case%d' % i
        if os.path.isdir(dirname):
            shutil.rmtree(dirname)  # remove directory (tree)
        os.mkdir(dirname)  # make new directory
        for filename in glob.glob('tmp_*.png'):
            # Move file to subdirectory dirname
            os.rename(filename, os.path.join(dirname, filename))
def test_solver_exact_discrete_solution():
    def tilde_w(w, dt):
        return (2.0 / dt) * asin(w * dt / 2.0)

    def u_numerical_exact(t):
        return I * cos(tilde_w(w, dt) * t)

    w = 2.5
    I = 1.5

    # Estimate period and time step
    P = 2 * pi / w
    num_periods = 4
    T = num_periods * P
    N = 5  # time steps per period
    dt = P / N
    u, t = solver(I, w, dt, T)
    u_e = u_numerical_exact(t)
    error = abs(u_e - u).max()
    # Make a plot in a file, but not on the screen
    from scitools.std import plot

    plot(t, u, "bo", t, u_e, "r-", legend=("numerical", "exact"), show=False, savefig="tmp.png")

    assert error < 1e-14
def run_simulations(N, dt0, num_periods):
    Run N simulations where the time step is halved in each
    simulation, starting with dt0.
    Make subdirectories tmp_case0, tmp_case1, etc with plot files
    for each simulation (tmp_*.png).
    for i in range(N):
        dt = dt0/2.0**i
        u, t = solver(I=1, w=2*pi, dt=dt, T=num_periods)
        # visualize_front removes all old plot files :)
        visualize_front(u, t, I=1, w=2*pi, savefig=True,
        # skip_frames is essential: for N=4 we have to store
        # only each 2**4=16-th file to get as many files
        # as for the dt0 simulation!

        # Move all plot files tmp_*.png for movie to a
        # separate directory. Delete that directory if it
        # exists and recreate it.
        dirname = 'tmp_case%d' % i
        if os.path.isdir(dirname):
            shutil.rmtree(dirname)  # remove directory (tree)
        os.mkdir(dirname)           # make new directory
        for filename in glob.glob('tmp_*.png'):
            # Move file to subdirectory dirname
            os.rename(filename, os.path.join(dirname, filename))
Example #5
def test_solver_memsave():
    from vib_undamped import solver
    _, _ = solver_memsave(I=1, dt=0.1, w=1, T=30)
    u_expected, _ = solver        (I=1, dt=0.1, w=1, T=30)
    data = np.loadtxt('tmp.dat')
    u_computed = data[:,1]
    diff = np.abs(u_expected - u_computed).max()
    assert diff < 5E-13, diff
Example #6
def test_solver_memsave():
    from vib_undamped import solver
    _, _ = solver_memsave(I=1, dt=0.1, w=1, T=30)
    u_expected, _ = solver(I=1, dt=0.1, w=1, T=30)
    data = np.loadtxt('tmp.dat')
    u_computed = data[:, 1]
    diff = np.abs(u_expected - u_computed).max()
    assert diff < 5E-13, diff
def run_solver_and_plot(solver, timesteps_per_period=20,
                        num_periods=1, I=1, w=2*np.pi):
    P = 2*np.pi/w  # duration of one period
    dt = P/timesteps_per_period
    Nt = num_periods*timesteps_per_period
    T = Nt*dt
    t_mesh = np.linspace(0, T, Nt+1)

    solver.set(f_kwargs={'w': w})
    solver.set_initial_condition([0, I])
    u, t = solver.solve(t_mesh)

    from vib_undamped import solver
    u2, t2 = solver(I, w, dt, T)

    plt.plot(t, u[:,1], 'r-', t2, u2, 'b-')
    plt.legend(['Euler-Cromer', '2nd-order ODE'])
    plt.xlabel('t');  plt.ylabel('u')
    plt.savefig('tmp1.png'); plt.savefig('tmp1.pdf')
Example #8
def run_solver_and_plot(solver,
                        w=2 * np.pi):
    P = 2 * np.pi / w  # duration of one period
    dt = P / timesteps_per_period
    Nt = num_periods * timesteps_per_period
    T = Nt * dt
    t_mesh = np.linspace(0, T, Nt + 1)

    solver.set(f_kwargs={'w': w})
    solver.set_initial_condition([0, I])
    u, t = solver.solve(t_mesh)

    from vib_undamped import solver
    u2, t2 = solver(I, w, dt, T)

    plt.plot(t, u[:, 1], 'r-', t2, u2, 'b-')
    plt.legend(['Euler-Cromer', '2nd-order ODE'])
Example #9
from vib_undamped import solver, plot_empirical_freq_and_amplitude
from math import pi
dt_values = [0.1, 0.05, 0.01]
u_cases = []
t_cases = []
for dt in dt_values:
    # Simulate scaled problem for 40 periods
    u, t = solver(I=1, w=2 * pi, dt=dt, T=40)
plot_empirical_freq_and_amplitude(u_cases, t_cases, I=1, w=2 * pi)
from vib_undamped import solver, plot_empirical_freq_and_amplitude
from math import pi
dt_values = [0.1, 0.05, 0.01]
u_cases = []
t_cases = []
for dt in dt_values:
    # Simulate scaled problem for 40 periods
    u, t = solver(I=1, w=2*pi, dt=dt, T=40)
plot_empirical_freq_and_amplitude(u_cases, t_cases, I=1, w=2*pi)
Example #11
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from vib_undamped import solver, plot_empirical_freq_and_amplitude
from math import pi

tau_values = [0.1, 0.5, 0.01]
u_cases = []
t_cases = []

for tau in tau_values:
    # Расчитываем безразмерную модель для 40 периодов
    u, t = solver(U=1, omega=2 * pi, tau=tau, T=40)

plot_empirical_freq_and_amplitude(u_cases, t_cases, U=1, omega=2 * pi)