def stateToPX(self, x): """ y = stateToPX applies camera models to obtain pixel observations INPUTS x - 6 x 1 - rigid body state OUTPUTS y - 2 x Nf x Nc - pixel observations in each camera """ # Transform geometry to world coordinate system p = cam.rigid(self.g, geom.euler(x[0:3,0]), x[3:6,:]) # Initialize pixel locations y = np.kron( np.ones((2,self.Nf,self.Nc)), np.nan) # Loop through cameras for c in range(self.Nc): # Apply DLT if hasattr(self,'dlt'): y[...,c] = cam.dlt(p, self.dlt[...,c]) # Apply Zhang camera model else: if isinstance(self.cams[c],dict): R = self.cams[c]['R'] t = self.cams[c]['t'] A = self.cams[c]['A'] d = self.cams[c]['d'] else: R = self.cams[c].R t = self.cams[c].t A = self.cams[c].A d = self.cams[c].d z = cam.zhang(p, R, t, A, d) y[...,c] =[[0,1],[1,0]]),z) return y
def stateToPX(self, x): """ y = stateToPX applies camera models to obtain pixel observations INPUTS x - 6 x 1 - rigid body state OUTPUTS y - 2 x Nf x Nc - pixel observations in each camera """ # Transform geometry to world coordinate system p = cam.rigid(self.g, geom.euler(x[0:3, 0]), x[3:6, :]) # Initialize pixel locations y = np.kron(np.ones((2, self.Nf, self.Nc)), np.nan) # Loop through cameras for c in range(self.Nc): # Apply DLT if hasattr(self, 'dlt'): y[..., c] = cam.dlt(p, self.dlt[..., c]) # Apply Zhang camera model else: if isinstance(self.cams[c], dict): R = self.cams[c]['R'] t = self.cams[c]['t'] A = self.cams[c]['A'] d = self.cams[c]['d'] else: R = self.cams[c].R t = self.cams[c].t A = self.cams[c].A d = self.cams[c].d z = cam.zhang(p, R, t, A, d) y[..., c] =[[0, 1], [1, 0]]), z) return y
def rigid(p,r,r2R=geom.euler): """ q = rigid apply rigid transformation to points INPUTS p - 3 x Nf - 3D points to transform r - 6 x N - rigid body state (optional) r2R - function - transforms rotation vec (3x1) to rotation mat (3x3) e.g. geom.euler or cva.rodrigues OUTPUTS q - 3 x Nf x N - transformed 3D points """ Nf = p.shape[1] N = r.shape[1] q = [] for n in range(N): R = r2R(r[0:3,n:n+1]) t = r[3:6,n:n+1] q.append(cam.rigid(p,R,t)) return np.dstack(q)
def rigid(p, r, r2R=geom.euler): """ q = rigid apply rigid transformation to points INPUTS p - 3 x Nf - 3D points to transform r - 6 x N - rigid body state (optional) r2R - function - transforms rotation vec (3x1) to rotation mat (3x3) e.g. geom.euler or cva.rodrigues OUTPUTS q - 3 x Nf x N - transformed 3D points """ Nf = p.shape[1] N = r.shape[1] q = [] for n in range(N): R = r2R(r[0:3, n:n + 1]) t = r[3:6, n:n + 1] q.append(cam.rigid(p, R, t)) return np.dstack(q)
def obs(self, x, **d): """ z = obs transforms geometry features to world coordinates INPUTS x - 6 x N - N rigid body state hypotheses OUTPUTS z - Nd*Nf x N - geometry feature locations """ # Initialize observation z = np.kron( np.ones((self.Nd*self.Nf,x.shape[1])), np.nan); # Loop through state hypotheses for k in range(x.shape[1]): # Transform geometry to world coordinate system y = cam.rigid(self.g, geom.euler(x[0:3,k]), x[3:6,k:k+1]) z[:,k] = y.flatten(1) if hasattr(self,'viz0'): self.viz0 = self.viz0 + 1 if hasattr(self,'viz') and self.viz and not(self.viz0 % self.viz): N = z.shape[1] if 'mocap' in d.keys(): z0 = d['mocap'] if not('ld' in self.plt['2d'].keys()): self.plt['2d']['ld'] = [[] for p in range(self.Nf)] if not('ld' in self.plt['3d'].keys()): self.plt['3d']['ld'] = [[] for p in range(self.Nf)] xlim = []; ylim = []; zlim = [] ax2 = self.plt['2d']['ax'] ax3 = self.plt['3d']['ax'] for p in range(self.Nf): dx = np.vstack((z[self.Nd*p, 1:(N+1)/2], z[self.Nd*p, np.zeros((N-1)/2,dtype=int)], z[self.Nd*p, (N+1)/2:])) dy = np.vstack((z[self.Nd*p+1, 1:(N+1)/2], z[self.Nd*p+1, np.zeros((N-1)/2,dtype=int)], z[self.Nd*p+1, (N+1)/2:])) dz = np.vstack((z[self.Nd*p+2, 1:(N+1)/2], z[self.Nd*p+2, np.zeros((N-1)/2,dtype=int)], z[self.Nd*p+2, (N+1)/2:])) xlim.append([dx.min(),dx.max()]) ylim.append([dy.min(),dy.max()]) zlim.append([dz.min(),dz.max()]) if not self.plt['2d']['ld'][p]: self.plt['2d']['ld'][p] = ax2.plot(dx,dy,'.-',lw=2,ms=10) ax2.legend(self.labels,ncol=6) ax2.axis('equal') ax2.set_xlabel('$x$ (mm)'); ax2.set_ylabel('$y$ (mm)'); for k,l in enumerate(self.plt['2d']['ld'][p]): l.set_xdata(dx[:,k]); l.set_ydata(dy[:,k]) if not self.plt['3d']['ld'][p]: self.plt['3d']['ld'][p] = [ax3.plot(dx[:,k],dy[:,k],dz[:,k],'.-',lw=2,ms=10)[0] for k in range(dx.shape[1])] #ax3.axis('equal') ax3.set_xlabel('$x$ (mm)'); ax3.set_ylabel('$y$ (mm)'); ax3.set_zlabel('$z$ (mm)'); ax3.view_init(elev=20.,azim=-130.) for k,l in enumerate(self.plt['3d']['ld'][p]): l.set_xdata(dx[:,k]); l.set_ydata(dy[:,k]) l.set_3d_properties(dz[:,k]) #ax3.auto_scale_xyz(dx[:,k],dz[:,k],dz[:,k]) if not('ly0' in self.plt['2d'].keys()): self.plt['2d']['ly0'], = ax2.plot(z0[0,:],z0[1,:],'rx',lw=2,ms=10) self.plt['2d']['ly0'].set_xdata(z0[0,:]); self.plt['2d']['ly0'].set_ydata(z0[1,:]) if not('lt' in self.plt['2d'].keys()): bbox = dict(facecolor='white') self.plt['2d']['lt'] = [ax2.text(z0[0,k],z0[1,k],'%d'%k,bbox=bbox) for k in range(z0.shape[1])] for k in range(z0.shape[1]): if not( np.isnan(z0[0,k]) ): self.plt['2d']['lt'][k].set_x(z0[0,k]+10) self.plt['2d']['lt'][k].set_y(z0[1,k]+10) if not('ly0' in self.plt['3d'].keys()): self.plt['3d']['ly0'], = ax3.plot(z0[0,:],z0[1,:],z0[2,:],'rx',lw=2,ms=10) self.plt['3d']['ly0'].set_xdata(z0[0,:]); self.plt['3d']['ly0'].set_ydata(z0[1,:]) self.plt['3d']['ly0'].set_3d_properties(z0[2,:]) xlim = np.array(xlim); xlim = np.array([xlim[:,0].min(),xlim[:,1].max()]) xlim = (xlim[0]-0.1*np.diff(xlim),xlim[1].max()+0.1*np.diff(xlim)) ylim = np.array(ylim); ylim = np.array([ylim[:,0].min(),ylim[:,1].max()]) ylim = (ylim[0]-0.1*np.diff(ylim),ylim[1].max()+0.2*np.diff(ylim)) zlim = np.array(zlim); zlim = np.array([zlim[:,0].min(),zlim[:,1].max()]) zlim = (zlim[0]-0.1*np.diff(zlim),zlim[1].max()+0.1*np.diff(zlim)) ax2.set_xlim(xlim); ax2.set_ylim(ylim) ax3.set_xlim(xlim); ax3.set_ylim(ylim); ax3.set_zlim(zlim) #ax2.relim() #ax2.autoscale_view(True,True,True) #ax3.relim() ax2.set_title('%d'%self.viz0) self.fig.canvas.draw() return z
def obs(self, x, **d): """ z = obs transforms geometry features to world coordinates INPUTS x - 6 x N - N rigid body state hypotheses OUTPUTS z - Nd*Nf x N - geometry feature locations """ # Initialize observation z = np.kron(np.ones((self.Nd * self.Nf, x.shape[1])), np.nan) # Loop through state hypotheses for k in range(x.shape[1]): # Transform geometry to world coordinate system y = cam.rigid(self.g, geom.euler(x[0:3, k]), x[3:6, k:k + 1]) z[:, k] = y.flatten(1) if hasattr(self, 'viz0'): self.viz0 = self.viz0 + 1 if hasattr(self, 'viz') and self.viz and not (self.viz0 % self.viz): N = z.shape[1] if 'mocap' in d.keys(): z0 = d['mocap'] if not ('ld' in self.plt['2d'].keys()): self.plt['2d']['ld'] = [[] for p in range(self.Nf)] if not ('ld' in self.plt['3d'].keys()): self.plt['3d']['ld'] = [[] for p in range(self.Nf)] xlim = [] ylim = [] zlim = [] ax2 = self.plt['2d']['ax'] ax3 = self.plt['3d']['ax'] for p in range(self.Nf): dx = np.vstack( (z[self.Nd * p, 1:(N + 1) / 2], z[self.Nd * p, np.zeros((N - 1) / 2, dtype=int)], z[self.Nd * p, (N + 1) / 2:])) dy = np.vstack( (z[self.Nd * p + 1, 1:(N + 1) / 2], z[self.Nd * p + 1, np.zeros((N - 1) / 2, dtype=int)], z[self.Nd * p + 1, (N + 1) / 2:])) dz = np.vstack( (z[self.Nd * p + 2, 1:(N + 1) / 2], z[self.Nd * p + 2, np.zeros((N - 1) / 2, dtype=int)], z[self.Nd * p + 2, (N + 1) / 2:])) xlim.append([dx.min(), dx.max()]) ylim.append([dy.min(), dy.max()]) zlim.append([dz.min(), dz.max()]) if not self.plt['2d']['ld'][p]: self.plt['2d']['ld'][p] = ax2.plot(dx, dy, '.-', lw=2, ms=10) ax2.legend(self.labels, ncol=6) ax2.axis('equal') ax2.set_xlabel('$x$ (mm)') ax2.set_ylabel('$y$ (mm)') for k, l in enumerate(self.plt['2d']['ld'][p]): l.set_xdata(dx[:, k]) l.set_ydata(dy[:, k]) if not self.plt['3d']['ld'][p]: self.plt['3d']['ld'][p] = [ ax3.plot(dx[:, k], dy[:, k], dz[:, k], '.-', lw=2, ms=10)[0] for k in range(dx.shape[1]) ] #ax3.axis('equal') ax3.set_xlabel('$x$ (mm)') ax3.set_ylabel('$y$ (mm)') ax3.set_zlabel('$z$ (mm)') ax3.view_init(elev=20., azim=-130.) for k, l in enumerate(self.plt['3d']['ld'][p]): l.set_xdata(dx[:, k]) l.set_ydata(dy[:, k]) l.set_3d_properties(dz[:, k]) #ax3.auto_scale_xyz(dx[:,k],dz[:,k],dz[:,k]) if not ('ly0' in self.plt['2d'].keys()): self.plt['2d']['ly0'], = ax2.plot(z0[0, :], z0[1, :], 'rx', lw=2, ms=10) self.plt['2d']['ly0'].set_xdata(z0[0, :]) self.plt['2d']['ly0'].set_ydata(z0[1, :]) if not ('lt' in self.plt['2d'].keys()): bbox = dict(facecolor='white') self.plt['2d']['lt'] = [ ax2.text(z0[0, k], z0[1, k], '%d' % k, bbox=bbox) for k in range(z0.shape[1]) ] for k in range(z0.shape[1]): if not (np.isnan(z0[0, k])): self.plt['2d']['lt'][k].set_x(z0[0, k] + 10) self.plt['2d']['lt'][k].set_y(z0[1, k] + 10) if not ('ly0' in self.plt['3d'].keys()): self.plt['3d']['ly0'], = ax3.plot(z0[0, :], z0[1, :], z0[2, :], 'rx', lw=2, ms=10) self.plt['3d']['ly0'].set_xdata(z0[0, :]) self.plt['3d']['ly0'].set_ydata(z0[1, :]) self.plt['3d']['ly0'].set_3d_properties(z0[2, :]) xlim = np.array(xlim) xlim = np.array([xlim[:, 0].min(), xlim[:, 1].max()]) xlim = (xlim[0] - 0.1 * np.diff(xlim), xlim[1].max() + 0.1 * np.diff(xlim)) ylim = np.array(ylim) ylim = np.array([ylim[:, 0].min(), ylim[:, 1].max()]) ylim = (ylim[0] - 0.1 * np.diff(ylim), ylim[1].max() + 0.2 * np.diff(ylim)) zlim = np.array(zlim) zlim = np.array([zlim[:, 0].min(), zlim[:, 1].max()]) zlim = (zlim[0] - 0.1 * np.diff(zlim), zlim[1].max() + 0.1 * np.diff(zlim)) ax2.set_xlim(xlim) ax2.set_ylim(ylim) ax3.set_xlim(xlim) ax3.set_ylim(ylim) ax3.set_zlim(zlim) #ax2.relim() #ax2.autoscale_view(True,True,True) #ax3.relim() ax2.set_title('%d' % self.viz0) self.fig.canvas.draw() return z