def updateVideo(self): try:,), (), ()) image_data = self.videoscene.removeItem(self.dispGI) self.devImg = QImage(image_data, self.size_x, self.size_y,\ QImage.Format_RGB888) self.devImg.bits() #Necessary to prevent Seg Fault (unknown why) target = QRectF(self.targetX, self.targetY, self.targetWidth, self.targetHeight) source = QRectF(self.sourceX, self.sourceY, self.sourchWidth, self.sourceHeight) self.dispGI = VidImage(self, target, self.devImg, source) self.videoscene.addItem(self.dispGI) self.dispGI.setZValue(-1) self.videoscene.update() except: pass
def lvStartPB(self): = v4l2capture.Video_device("///dev/video0") self.size_x, self.size_y =, 800),), (), ()) image_data = self.devImg = QImage(image_data, self.size_x, self.size_y,\ QImage.Format_RGB888) self.devImg.bits() #Necessary to prevent Seg Fault (unknown why) target = QRectF(0, 0, self.devImg.width(), self.devImg.height()) source = QRectF(0, 0, self.devImg.width(), self.devImg.height()) self.dispGI = VidImage(self, target, self.devImg, source) self.videoscene.clear() self.videoscene.addItem(self.dispGI) self.dispGI.setZValue(-1) self.videoscene.update() self.timer.start()
class VideoController(): def __init__(self, mainWin, parent = None): self.mainWin = mainWin self.videoview = self.mainWin.VideoStreamWindow self.videoscene = QGraphicsScene() self.videoscene.setSceneRect(QRectF(0, 0, 1280, 800)) self.videoview.setScene(self.videoscene) self.size_x = 0 self.size_y = 0 = None self.devImg = None self.dispGI = None = None self.timer = QTimer() self.timer.setInterval(10) self.targetX = 0 self.targetY = 0 self.targetWidth = 1280 self.targetHeight = 1024 self.sourceX = 0 self.sourceY = 0 self.sourchWidth = 1280 self.sourceHeight = 1024 def createConnections(self): QObject.connect(self.timer, SIGNAL("timeout()"), self.updateVideo) self.videoview.mousePressEvent = self.videoViewPress self.videoview.mouseReleaseEvent = self.videoViewRelease self.videoview.mouseMoveEvent = self.videoViewMove self.mainWin.lvStartPB.pressed.connect(self.lvStartPB) self.mainWin.lvStopPB.pressed.connect(self.lvStopPB) def videoViewPress(self, event): if event.button() == 1: x, y = event.pos().x(), event.pos().y() mapScene = self.videoview.mapToScene(x, y) x, y = mapScene.x(), mapScene.y() position = QPointF(x, y) = RectangleSection(position) self.videoscene.addItem( if event.button() == 2: """ self.targetX = 0 self.targetY = 0 self.targetWidth = 1280 self.targetHeight = 1024 self.sourceX = 0 self.sourceY = 0 self.sourchWidth = 1280 self.sourceHeight = 1024 """ matrix = self.videoview.matrix() matrix.reset() self.videoview.setMatrix(matrix) def videoViewRelease(self, event): if event.button() == 1: #self.videoscene.removeItem( x = y = width = height = """ self.targetX = 0 self.targetY = 0 self.targetWidth = 1280 self.targetHeight = 1024 self.sourceX = x self.sourceY = y self.sourchWidth = width self.sourceHeight = height """ matrix = self.videoview.matrix() matrix.reset() matrix.scale(1280/width, 800/height) self.videoview.setMatrix(matrix) self.videoview.centerOn(x + 0.5*width, y + 0.5*height) self.videoscene.removeItem( = None def videoViewMove(self, event): if != None: x, y = event.pos().x(), event.pos().y() mapScene = self.videoview.mapToScene(x, y) x, y, = mapScene.x(), mapScene.y() aspRNum = x - aspRDom = y - if aspRNum > 0 and aspRDom > 0: aspectRatio = self.dispGI.boundingRect().width()/self.dispGI.boundingRect().height() appliedRatio = aspRNum/aspRDom if appliedRatio >= aspectRatio: = y - = 1.6*(y - if appliedRatio < aspectRatio: = x - = (x - else: = 1 = 1 self.targetX self.targetY self.targetWidth self.targetHeight self.sourceX self.sourceY def updateVideo(self): try:,), (), ()) image_data = self.videoscene.removeItem(self.dispGI) self.devImg = QImage(image_data, self.size_x, self.size_y,\ QImage.Format_RGB888) self.devImg.bits() #Necessary to prevent Seg Fault (unknown why) target = QRectF(self.targetX, self.targetY, self.targetWidth, self.targetHeight) source = QRectF(self.sourceX, self.sourceY, self.sourchWidth, self.sourceHeight) self.dispGI = VidImage(self, target, self.devImg, source) self.videoscene.addItem(self.dispGI) self.dispGI.setZValue(-1) self.videoscene.update() except: pass def lvStartPB(self): = v4l2capture.Video_device("///dev/video0") self.size_x, self.size_y =, 800),), (), ()) image_data = self.devImg = QImage(image_data, self.size_x, self.size_y,\ QImage.Format_RGB888) self.devImg.bits() #Necessary to prevent Seg Fault (unknown why) target = QRectF(0, 0, self.devImg.width(), self.devImg.height()) source = QRectF(0, 0, self.devImg.width(), self.devImg.height()) self.dispGI = VidImage(self, target, self.devImg, source) self.videoscene.clear() self.videoscene.addItem(self.dispGI) self.dispGI.setZValue(-1) self.videoscene.update() self.timer.start() def lvStopPB(self): self.timer.stop()
class STBimageviewer(QMainWindow, ui_16bitimagewindow.Ui_MainWindow): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(STBimageviewer, self).__init__(parent) self.setupUi(self) self.currentDir = os.getcwd() self.cParser = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() try: os.mkdir(self.currentDir+"/.config") file(self.currentDir+"/.config/.polImgPro.cfg", 'w') self.cParser.add_section('PREFIMGPATHS') self.cParser.set('PREFIMGPATHS','Path1','None') self.cParser.set('PREFIMGPATHS','Path2','None') self.cParser.set('PREFIMGPATHS','Path3','None') self.cParser.set('PREFIMGPATHS','Path4','None') with open(self.currentDir+"/.config/.polImgPro.cfg", 'w') as \ configFile: self.cParser.write(configFile) except: pass self.view = self.graphicsView self.scene = QGraphicsScene() self.view.setScene(self.scene) self.comboBox = self.comboBox self.compositeview1 = self.graphicsView_2 self.compositescene1 = QGraphicsScene() self.compositeview1.setScene(self.compositescene1) self.compositeview2 = self.graphicsView_3 self.compositescene2 = QGraphicsScene() self.compositeview2.setScene(self.compositescene2) self.compositeview3 = self.graphicsView_4 self.compositescene3 = QGraphicsScene() self.compositeview3.setScene(self.compositescene3) self.compositeview4 = self.graphicsView_5 self.compositescene4 = QGraphicsScene() self.compositeview4.setScene(self.compositescene4) self.lastcircle = [] self.lastline = None self.compinstanceL = [] self.zoom = "+" self.enableQuadMag = False self.process = None self.videoview = self.VideoStreamWindow self.videoscene = QGraphicsScene() self.videoscene.setSceneRect(QRectF(0, 0, 1280, 800)) Rectangle = RectangleSection(QPointF(0,0)) self.videoscene.addItem(Rectangle) self.videoview.setScene(self.videoscene) self.count = 0 self.path = QDir.homePath() self.connect(self.actionOpen, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.OpenClicked) self.selectedbrowser = self.SelectedTextBrowser self.livebrowser = self.LivetextBrowser self.pic = None self.C1Def = self.C1Def self.C2Def = self.C2Def self.C3Def = self.C3Def self.C4Def = self.C4Def self.path1 = None self.path2 = None self.path3 = None self.path4 = None self.Image = None self.dotpermission = False self.connect(self.comboBox, SIGNAL( "currentIndexChanged(int)" )\ , self.comboChange) self.actionPreferences.triggered.connect(self.preferencesTriggered) self.size_x = 0 self.size_y = 0 = None self.devImg = None self.dispGI = None self.timer = QTimer() QObject.connect(self.timer, SIGNAL("timeout()"), self.updateVideo) = None self.videoview.mousePressEvent = self.videoViewPress self.videoview.mouseReleaseEvent = self.videoViewRelease self.videoview.mouseMoveEvent = self.videoViewMove def videoViewPress(self, event): if event.button() == 1: print "Hello" x, y = event.pos().x(), event.pos().y() mapScene = self.videoview.mapToScene(x, y) x, y = mapScene.x(), mapScene.y() position = QPointF(x, y) = RectangleSection(position) # self.videoscene.addItem( if event.button() == 2: print "RIGHT CLICK" matrix = self.videoview.matrix() matrix.reset() self.videoview.setMatrix(matrix) def videoViewRelease(self, event): if event.button() == 1: self.videoscene.removeItem( x = y = width = height = matrix = self.videoview.matrix() matrix.reset() matrix.scale(1280/width, 800/height) self.videoview.setMatrix(matrix) # self.videoview.centerOn(event.pos().x(), event.pos().y()) self.videoview.centerOn(x + 0.5*width, y + 0.5*height) = None def videoViewMove(self, event): if != None: x, y = event.pos().x(), event.pos().y() mapScene = self.videoview.mapToScene(x, y) x, y, = mapScene.x(), mapScene.y() aspRNum = x - aspRDom = y - if aspRNum > 0 and aspRDom > 0: aspectRatio = self.dispGI.boundingRect().width()/self.dispGI.boundingRect().height() appliedRatio = aspRNum/aspRDom if appliedRatio >= aspectRatio: = y - = 1.6*(y - if appliedRatio < aspectRatio: = x - = (x - else: = 1 = 1 def updateVideo(self): try:,), (), ()) image_data = self.videoscene.removeItem(self.dispGI) self.devImg = QImage(image_data, self.size_x, self.size_y,\ QImage.Format_RGB888) self.devImg.bits() #Necessary to prevent Seg Fault (unknown why) target = QRectF(0, 0, self.devImg.width(), self.devImg.height()) source = QRectF(0, 0, self.devImg.width(), self.devImg.height()) self.dispGI = VidImage(self, target, self.devImg, source) self.scene.clear() self.videoscene.addItem(self.dispGI) self.dispGI.setZValue(-1) self.videoscene.update() except: pass def on_lvStartPB_pressed(self): print "LIVE START!" = v4l2capture.Video_device("/dev/video0") self.size_x, self.size_y =, 800),), (), ()) image_data = self.devImg = QImage(image_data, self.size_x, self.size_y,\ QImage.Format_RGB888) self.devImg.bits() #Necessary to prevent Seg Fault (unknown why) target = QRectF(0, 0, self.devImg.width(), self.devImg.height()) source = QRectF(0, 0, self.devImg.width(), self.devImg.height()) self.dispGI = VidImage(self, target, self.devImg, source) self.scene.clear() self.videoscene.addItem(self.dispGI) self.dispGI.setZValue(-1) self.videoscene.update() self.timer.start() def on_lvStopPB_pressed(self): print "LIVE STOP!" self.timer.stop() def preferencesTriggered(self): prefDialog = PreferenceDialog(self) def process_start(self, cmd): self.process = QProcess() self.process.start(cmd) self.connect(self.process, SIGNAL("readyRead()"),\ self.process_readyRead) self.connect(self.process, SIGNAL("finished(int)"),\ self.process_finished) def process_readyRead(self): self.count = self.count + 1 try: out = self.process.readAll() #readAllStandardOutput() self.pic = numpy.fromstring(out, dtype = numpy.uint8) #print self.pic if len(self.pic) == 1000000: self.pic.resize((1000, 1000)) stream = VideoStream(self.pic, self.count) self.videoscene.clear() self.videoscene.addItem(stream) except: print "Empty channel" def process_finished(self): print "FINISHED!" self.count = 0 def on_distancebutton_released(self): ########################################## ########################################## ### #### #### ##### ###### ####### ###### #### ### ### ### #### ##### ####### ###### #### ### #### ## #### ##### ####### ###### #### ### #### ## #### ##### ####### ###### #### ### ### ### #### ##### ####### ####### #### ##### ###### ########################################## ########################################## print "To Do: Write Distance Function" def on_SNRbutton_released(self): pathfour = self.path1 shape = (1000,1000) image_file = open(pathfour) # load a 1000000 length array image_array_1D5 = numpy.fromfile(file=image_file, dtype=numpy.uint16) image_file.close() image_array_2D5 = image_array_1D5.reshape(shape) image_8bit = (image_array_2D5 >> 6) fourierarray = image_array_1D5 fourier = numpy.fft.fft(fourierarray, 1000000) t = numpy.arange(1000000) sp = fourier freq = numpy.fft.fftfreq(t.shape[-1]) # print max(sp.real) #print len(freq) plt.plot(freq, abs(sp.real))#, freq, sp.imag) ########################################## ########################################## ### #### #### ##### ###### ####### ###### #### ### ### ### #### ##### ####### ###### #### ### #### ## #### ##### ####### ###### #### ### #### ## #### ##### ####### ###### #### ### ### ### #### ##### ####### ####### #### ##### ###### ########################################## ########################################## print "To Do: Write SNR Function" def on_MagnifyPushButton_released(self): if self.enableQuadMag == False: self.MagnifyPushButton.setText("Turn Off Magnifying Glass") self.enableQuadMag = True return if self.enableQuadMag == True: self.MagnifyPushButton.setText("Turn On Magnifying Glass") mag = False return def comboChange(self): if str(self.comboBox.currentText()) == "": self.ClearButton.setEnabled(False) else: self.ClearButton.setEnabled(True) def on_ClearButton_released(self): self.scene.clear() if self.comboBox.currentText() == "All": self.loadinit("A", "Clear") if self.comboBox.currentText() == "3 Channels": self.loadinit("3C", "Clear") if self.comboBox.currentText() == "Channel 1": self.loadinit("1", "Clear") if self.comboBox.currentText() == "Channel 2": self.loadinit("2", "Clear") if self.comboBox.currentText() == "Channel 3": self.loadinit("3", "Clear") if self.comboBox.currentText() == "Channel 4": self.loadinit("4", "Clear") def keyPressEvent(self, event): if event.key() == 16777248: self.zoom = "-" def keyReleaseEvent(self, event): if event.key() == 16777248: self.zoom = "+" def on_LoadComposite_released(self): if self.comboBox.currentText() == "All": self.loadinit("A", "Load") if self.comboBox.currentText() == "3 Channels": self.loadinit("3C", "Load") if self.comboBox.currentText() == "Channel 1": self.loadinit("1", "Load") if self.comboBox.currentText() == "Channel 2": self.loadinit("2", "Load") if self.comboBox.currentText() == "Channel 3": self.loadinit("3", "Load") if self.comboBox.currentText() == "Channel 4": self.loadinit("4", "Load") def loadinit(self, type, mode):"/.config/.polImgPro.cfg") if mode == "Load": if type == "1" or type == "A" or type == "3C": if self.C1Def.isChecked() == True: self.path1 = self.cParser.get('PREFIMGPATHS','Path1') else: self.path1 = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, \ "Open File", self.path , str("Images (*raw)")) self.c1label.setText(str(self.path1.split("/")[-1])) print "1" if type == "2" or type == "A" or type == "3C": if self.C2Def.isChecked() == True: self.path2 = self.cParser.get('PREFIMGPATHS','Path2') else: self.path2 = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, \ "Open File", self.path , str("Images (*raw)")) self.c2label.setText(str(self.path2.split("/")[-1])) print "2" if type == "3" or type == "A" or type == "3C": if self.C3Def.isChecked() == True: self.path3 = self.cParser.get('PREFIMGPATHS','Path3') else: self.path3 = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, \ "Open File", self.path , str("Images (*raw)")) self.c3label.setText(str(self.path3.split("/")[-1])) print "3" if type == "4" or type == "A": if self.C4Def.isChecked() == True: self.path4 = self.cParser.get('PREFIMGPATHS','Path4') else: self.path4 = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, \ "Open File", self.path , str("Images (*raw)")) self.c4label.setText(str(self.path4.split("/")[-1])) print "4" if mode == "Clear": if type == '1' or type == 'A' or type == '3C': self.path1 = None self.c1label.setText('') if type == '2' or type == 'A' or type == '3C': self.path2 = None self.c2label.setText('') if type == '3' or type == 'A' or type == '3C': self.path3 = None self.c3label.setText('') if type == '4' or type == 'A': self.path4 = None self.c4label.setText('') print "5" IG = ImageGenerator(mainwin) IG.generate(self.path1, self.path2, self.path3, self.path4) print "6" def on_DotOn_released(self): self.dotpermission = True self.DotOff.setEnabled(True) self.DotOn.setEnabled(False) def on_DotOff_released(self): self.dotpermission = False self.DotOff.setEnabled(False) self.DotOn.setEnabled(True) def on_ClearDots_released(self): imageitems = self.scene.items() for item in imageitems: if str(item.__class__.__name__) == "DistanceLine"\ or str(item.__class__.__name__) == "CircleMarker": self.scene.removeItem(item) self.scene.update() self.lastline = None self.lastcircle = [] def on_SearchButton_released(self): x = self.xedit.text() y = self.yedit.text() itemlist = self.view.items() for item in itemlist: if str(item.__class__.__name__) == "GraphicsItem": item.searchExecuted(x, y) def on_SearchButton2_released(self): x = self.xedit2.text() y = self.yedit2.text() itemlist = self.compositeview1.items() + self.compositeview2.items()\ + self.compositeview3.items()\ + self.compositeview4.items() if x == '' or y == '': pass else: for item in itemlist: if str(item.__class__.__name__) == "QuadView": try: item.searchExecuted(x, y) except: print "Invalid Type" break def OpenClicked(self): print "File Open Not Functional" path = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, "Open File", self.path , str("Images (*raw *png)")) ftype = str(path.split(".")[-1]) if ftype == "raw": self.ImageGenerator(path, None, None, None) # image_file = open(path) if ftype == "png": #import png as numpy array Image = mpimg.imread(str(path)) #scale pixel values which are originally between 0 and 1 so that #their values fall between 0 and 255 scaledimage = 255*Image #reformat pixel data type from float to numpy.uint8 scaled_num_array = numpy.array(scaledimage,dtype=numpy.uint8) shape = (scaled_num_array.shape[0], scaled_num_array.shape[1]) channel1 = scaled_num_array[:,:,2] channel2 = scaled_num_array[:,:,1] channel3 = scaled_num_array[:,:,0] alpha_array = 255*(numpy.ones(shape, dtype=numpy.uint8)) # apparently alpha gets stacked last. load BGRA because the byte #order in memory for each channel is stored in memory as BGRA #0xBBGGRRAA by little-endian CPU's such as intel processors for #future overlay work do #example>>>>> image_ARGB = numpy.dstack(/ #[image_Blue,image_Green,image_Red,alpha_array]) image_ARGB_3D = numpy.dstack([channel1,channel2,\ channel3,alpha_array]) # reshape to a 2D array that has 4 bytes per pixel image_ARGB_2D = numpy.reshape(image_ARGB_3D,(-1,\ scaled_num_array.shape[1]*4)) #Reshape does not copy, only manipulates data structure holding the #data #Numpy buffer QImage declaration Image = QImage(, scaled_num_array.shape[1],\ scaled_num_array.shape[0],\ QImage.Format_ARGB32) Image.ndarray = image_ARGB_2D # necessary to create a persistant reference to the data per QImage #class target = QRectF(0, 0, Image.width(), Image.height()) source = QRectF(0, 0, Image.width(), Image.height()) compImage = CompImage(target, Image, source, self.selectedbrowser,\ self.livebrowser, self.pixelValueBrowser, channel1) self.scene.clear() self.scene.addItem(compImage) self.Image = Image def ImageGenerator(self, path1, path2, path3, path4): width = 1000 height = 1000 shape = (width, height) alpha_array = 255*(numpy.ones(shape, dtype=numpy.uint8)) zero_array = numpy.zeros(shape, dtype=numpy.uint8) Red = zero_array Blue = zero_array Green = zero_array Yellow = zero_array Cyan = zero_array Magenta = zero_array White = zero_array image_array_2D1 = zero_array #Blue try: image_file = open(path1) # load a 1000000 length array image_array_1D1 = numpy.fromfile(file=image_file,\ dtype=numpy.uint16) image_file.close() image_array_2D1 = image_array_1D1.reshape(shape) image_8bit1 = (image_array_2D1 >> 6) except: image_8bit1 = 0*alpha_array #Green try: image_file = open(path2) # load a 1000000 length array image_array_1D2 = numpy.fromfile(file=image_file,\ dtype=numpy.uint16) image_file.close() image_array_2D2 = image_array_1D2.reshape(shape) image_8bit2 = (image_array_2D2 >> 6) except: image_8bit2 = 0*alpha_array try: image_file = open(path3) image_array_1D3 = numpy.fromfile(file=image_file,\ dtype=numpy.uint16) image_file.close() image_array_2D3 = image_array_1D3.reshape(shape) image_8bit3 = (image_array_2D3 >> 6) except: image_8bit3 = 0*alpha_array image_array_2D3 = alpha_array.reshape(shape) #Georg try: image_file = open(path4) # load a 1000000 length array image_array_1D4 = numpy.fromfile(file=image_file,\ dtype=numpy.uint16) image_file.close() image_array_2D4 = image_array_1D4.reshape(shape) image_8bit4 = (image_array_2D4 >> 6) except: image_8bit4 = 0*alpha_array channelcombolist = [self.channel1combobox, self.channel2combobox,\ self.channel3combobox, self.channel4combobox] imagelist = [image_8bit1, image_8bit2, image_8bit3, image_8bit4] for item in range(4): if channelcombolist[item].currentText() == "Red": Red = Red + imagelist[item] elif channelcombolist[item].currentText() == "Blue": Blue = Blue + imagelist[item] elif channelcombolist[item].currentText() == "Green": Green = Green + imagelist[item] elif channelcombolist[item].currentText() == "Yellow": Yellow = Yellow + imagelist[item] elif channelcombolist[item].currentText() == "Cyan": Cyan = Cyan + imagelist[item] elif channelcombolist[item].currentText() == "Magenta": Magenta = Magenta + imagelist[item] elif channelcombolist[item].currentText() == "White": White = White + imagelist[item] image_ARGB_3D = numpy.dstack([(Blue + Cyan + Magenta + White)\ .clip(0,255).astype(numpy.uint8),\ (Green + Cyan + Yellow + White)\ .clip(0,255).astype(numpy.uint8),\ (Red + Magenta + Yellow + White)\ .clip(0,255).astype(numpy.uint8),\ alpha_array]) # reshape to a 2D array that has 4 bytes per pixel image_ARGB_2D = numpy.reshape(image_ARGB_3D,(-1,width*4)) #Numpy buffer QImage declaration Image = QImage(, width, height, QImage.Format_ARGB32) Image.ndarray = image_ARGB_2D target = QRectF(0, 0, Image.width(), Image.height()) source = QRectF(0, 0, Image.width(), Image.height()) compImage = CompImage(self, target, Image, source,\ self.selectedbrowser, self.livebrowser, \ self.pixelValueBrowser, image_array_2D1) self.scene.clear() self.scene.addItem(compImage) self.Image = Image self.compinstanceL = [] QV1 = QuadView(self,image_8bit1, zero_array, alpha_array, \ self.compositeview1, self.label11, \ self.SelectedTextBrowser_2, self.LivetextBrowser_2) self.compositescene1.clear() self.compositescene1.addItem(QV1) self.compositeview1.resetMatrix() matrix = self.compositeview1.matrix() horizontal = 0.5 vertical = 0.5 matrix.scale(horizontal, vertical) self.compositeview1.setMatrix(matrix) QV2 = QuadView(self, image_8bit2, zero_array, alpha_array,\ self.compositeview2, self.label12,\ self.SelectedTextBrowser_2, self.LivetextBrowser_2) self.compositescene2.clear() self.compositescene2.addItem(QV2) self.compositeview2.setMatrix(matrix) QV3 = QuadView(self, image_8bit3, zero_array, alpha_array,\ self.compositeview3, self.label21,\ self.SelectedTextBrowser_2, self.LivetextBrowser_2) self.compositescene3.clear() self.compositescene3.addItem(QV3) self.compositeview3.setMatrix(matrix) QV4 = QuadView(self, image_8bit4, zero_array, alpha_array,\ self.compositeview4, self.label22,\ self.SelectedTextBrowser_2, self.LivetextBrowser_2) self.compositescene4.clear() self.compositescene4.addItem(QV4) self.compositeview4.setMatrix(matrix)