Example #1
def visualize(conf, refeed_img = True):
    image_batch, actions, states = build_tfrecord_input(conf, training=True)

    with tf.variable_scope('model'):
        if refeed_img:
            model = Model(conf, test=True)
            encoder = Encoder(conf)
            pred_and_dec = Predictor_and_Decoder(conf)

    print 'Constructing saver.'
    # Make saver.
    saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.VARIABLES), max_to_keep=0)

    gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=0.9)
    # Make training session.
    sess = tf.InteractiveSession(config=tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options))


    saver.restore(sess, conf['visualize'])

    image_batch_raw, actions, states = sess.run([image_batch, actions, states])
    states = np.split(states, 1)
    image_batch = np.split(image_batch_raw, conf['sequence_length'], axis=1)
    image_batch = [np.squeeze(img) for img in image_batch]

    gen_images = [np.zeros([conf['batch_size'], 64, 64, 3]) for _ in range(conf['sequence_length'])]
    gen_images[0] = image_batch[0]
    gen_images[1] = image_batch[1]

    lt_states = []

    # refeeding images
    for t in range(1,conf['sequence_length']-1):
        gen_img0 = np.expand_dims(deepcopy(gen_images[t-1]), axis= 1)
        gen_img1 = np.expand_dims(deepcopy(gen_images[t]), axis=1)
        images01 = np.concatenate((gen_img0,gen_img1), axis=1)

        if refeed_img:
            feed_dict ={
                        model.images_01: images01,
                        model.actions_01: actions[:, t-1: t+1],

            [images_12] = sess.run([model.images_12_rec],
        else: # propagate latent..
            if t==1:
                feed_dict = {
                    encoder.images_01: images01,

                [inf_lt_state01] = sess.run([encoder.inf_lt_state01], feed_dict)
            # predict and decode:
            feed_dict = {
                pred_and_dec.lt_state_01: lt_states[-1],
                pred_and_dec.actions_01: actions[:, t-1: t+1]
            [pred_lt_state_23, images_12] = sess.run([pred_and_dec.pred_lt_state_23 , pred_and_dec.images_rec],
        images_2 = images_12[:, :, :, 3:6]  # 0:3
        gen_images[t + 1] = images_2

    file_path = conf['output_dir']
    cPickle.dump(gen_images, open(file_path + '/gen_image_seq.pkl', 'wb'))
    cPickle.dump(image_batch_raw, open(file_path + '/ground_truth.pkl', 'wb'))
    print 'written files to:' + file_path
    video_prediction.utils_vpred.create_gif.comp_video(conf['output_dir'], conf, suffix='_refimg{}'.format(refeed_img))

Example #2
def main(unused_argv):
    os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = str(FLAGS.device)
    print 'using CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=', FLAGS.device
    from tensorflow.python.client import device_lib
    print device_lib.list_local_devices()

    conf_file = '/'.join(str.split(lsdc.__file__, '/')[:-3]) +\
                '/tensorflow_data/autoenc/' + FLAGS.hyper + '/conf.py'
    if not os.path.exists(conf_file):
        sys.exit("Experiment configuration not found")
    hyperparams = imp.load_source('hyperparams', conf_file)

    conf = hyperparams.configuration
    if FLAGS.visualize:
        print 'creating visualizations ...'
        conf = adapt_params_visualize(conf, FLAGS.visualize)
    print '-------------------------------------------------------------------'
    print 'verify current settings!! '
    for key in conf.keys():
        print key, ': ', conf[key]
    print '-------------------------------------------------------------------'

    if FLAGS.visualize:
        visualize(conf, refeed_img= True)
        # visualize(conf, refeed_img= False)

    print 'Constructing models and inputs.'
    with tf.variable_scope('model') as training_scope:
        images, actions, states = build_tfrecord_input(conf, training=True)
        images_val, actions_val, states_val = build_tfrecord_input(conf, training=False)

        train_cond = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[], name="train_cond")

        image, actions, states = tf.cond(train_cond > 0,  # if 1 use trainigbatch else validation batch
                                                   lambda: [images, actions, states],
                                                   lambda: [images_val, actions_val, states_val])
        model = Model(conf, image, actions, states)

    print 'Constructing saver.'
    # Make saver.
    saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.VARIABLES), max_to_keep=0)

    gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=0.9)
    # Make training session.
    sess = tf.InteractiveSession(config= tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options))
    summary_writer = tf.train.SummaryWriter(
        conf['output_dir'], graph=sess.graph, flush_secs=10)


    itr_0 =0
    if conf['pretrained_model']:    # is the order of initialize_all_variables() and restore() important?!?
        saver.restore(sess, conf['pretrained_model'])
        # resume training at iteration step of the loaded model:
        import re
        itr_0 = re.match('.*?([0-9]+)$', conf['pretrained_model']).group(1)
        itr_0 = int(itr_0)
        print 'resuming training at iteration:  ', itr_0

    tf.logging.info('iteration number, cost')

    starttime = datetime.now()
    t_iter = []
    # Run training.
    for itr in range(itr_0, conf['num_iterations'], 1):
        t_startiter = datetime.now()
        # Generate new batch of data_files.
        feed_dict = {model.prefix: 'train',
                     model.iter_num: np.float32(itr),
                     model.lr: conf['learning_rate'],
                     train_cond: 1}
        cost, _, summary_str = sess.run([model.loss, model.train_op, model.summ_op],

        # Print info: iteration #, cost.
        if (itr) % 10 ==0:
            tf.logging.info(str(itr) + ' ' + str(cost))

        if (itr) % VAL_INTERVAL == 2:
            # Run through validation set.
            feed_dict = {model.lr: 0.0,
                         model.prefix: 'val',
                         model.iter_num: np.float32(itr),
                         train_cond: 0}
            _, val_summary_str = sess.run([model.train_op, model.summ_op],
            summary_writer.add_summary(val_summary_str, itr)

        if (itr) % SAVE_INTERVAL == 2:
            tf.logging.info('Saving model to' + conf['output_dir'])
            saver.save(sess, conf['output_dir'] + '/model' + str(itr))

        t_iter.append((datetime.now() - t_startiter).seconds * 1e6 +  (datetime.now() - t_startiter).microseconds )

        if itr % 100 == 1:
            hours = (datetime.now() -starttime).seconds/3600
            tf.logging.info('running for {0}d, {1}h, {2}min'.format(
                (datetime.now() - starttime).days,
                (datetime.now() - starttime).seconds/60 - hours*60))
            avg_t_iter = np.sum(np.asarray(t_iter))/len(t_iter)
            tf.logging.info('time per iteration: {0}'.format(avg_t_iter/1e6))
            tf.logging.info('expected for complete training: {0}h '.format(avg_t_iter /1e6/3600 * conf['num_iterations']))

        if (itr) % SUMMARY_INTERVAL:
            summary_writer.add_summary(summary_str, itr)

    tf.logging.info('Saving model.')
    saver.save(sess, conf['output_dir'] + '/model')
    tf.logging.info('Training complete')
def main(unused_argv, conf_script= None):
    if FLAGS.device != None:
        os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = str(FLAGS.device)
        os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = str(0)
    print 'using CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=', FLAGS.device

    from tensorflow.python.client import device_lib
    print device_lib.list_local_devices()

    if conf_script == None: conf_file = FLAGS.hyper
    else: conf_file = conf_script

    if not os.path.exists(FLAGS.hyper):
        sys.exit("Experiment configuration not found")
    hyperparams = imp.load_source('hyperparams', conf_file)
    conf = hyperparams.configuration
    if FLAGS.visualize:
        print 'creating visualizations ...'
        conf = adapt_params_visualize(conf, FLAGS.visualize)
    print '-------------------------------------------------------------------'
    print 'verify current settings!! '
    for key in conf.keys():
        print key, ': ', conf[key]
    print '-------------------------------------------------------------------'

    print 'Constructing models and inputs...'

    with tf.variable_scope('train_model', reuse=None) as training_scope:
        model = Model(conf)

    with tf.variable_scope('fwd_model', reuse=None):
        fwd_conf = copy.deepcopy(conf)
        fwd_conf['batch_size'] = conf['num_smp']
        fwd_model = Model(fwd_conf, reuse_scope= training_scope)

    train_images, train_actions, train_states = build_tfrecord_input(conf, training=True)
    val_images, val_actions, val_states = build_tfrecord_input(conf, training=False)

    print 'Constructing saver.'
    # Make saver.
    saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.VARIABLES), max_to_keep=0)

    gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=0.9)
    # Make training session.
    sess = tf.InteractiveSession(config= tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options))
    summary_writer = tf.train.SummaryWriter(
        conf['output_dir'], graph=sess.graph, flush_secs=10)


    if conf['visualize']:
        saver.restore(sess, conf['visualize'])

        itr = 0

        ## visualize the videos with worst score !!!
        videos, states, actions, bestnoise, worstnoise = run_foward_passes(conf, fwd_model,
                                                                              val_actions, sess, itr)

        feed_dict = {model.images: videos,
                     model.states: states,
                     model.actions: actions,
                     model.noise: bestnoise,
                     model.prefix: 'visual',
                     model.iter_num: 0,
                     model.lr: 0,

        gen_images, mask_list = sess.run([model.gen_images, model.gen_masks], feed_dict)
        file_path = conf['output_dir']
        cPickle.dump(gen_images, open(file_path + '/gen_image_seq.pkl','wb'))
        cPickle.dump(videos, open(file_path + '/ground_truth.pkl', 'wb'))
        cPickle.dump(mask_list, open(file_path + '/mask_list.pkl', 'wb'))
        print 'written files to:' + file_path

        trajectories = video_prediction.utils_vpred.create_gif.comp_video(conf['output_dir'], conf, suffix='_best')
        video_prediction.utils_vpred.create_gif.comp_masks(conf['output_dir'], conf, trajectories, suffix='_best')

        ### visualizing videos with highest cost noise:
        feed_dict = {model.images: videos,
                     model.states: states,
                     model.actions: actions,
                     model.noise: worstnoise,
                     model.prefix: 'visual',
                     model.iter_num: 0,
                     model.lr: 0,

        gen_images, mask_list = sess.run([model.gen_images, model.gen_masks], feed_dict)
        file_path = conf['output_dir']
        cPickle.dump(gen_images, open(file_path + '/gen_image_seq.pkl', 'wb'))
        cPickle.dump(videos, open(file_path + '/ground_truth.pkl', 'wb'))
        cPickle.dump(mask_list, open(file_path + '/mask_list.pkl', 'wb'))
        print 'written files to:' + file_path

        trajectories = video_prediction.utils_vpred.create_gif.comp_video(conf['output_dir'], conf, suffix='_worst')
        video_prediction.utils_vpred.create_gif.comp_masks(conf['output_dir'], conf, trajectories, suffix='_worst')


    itr_0 =0
    if conf['pretrained_model']:    # is the order of initialize_all_variables() and restore() important?!?
        saver.restore(sess, conf['pretrained_model'])
        # resume training at iteration step of the loaded model:
        import re
        itr_0 = re.match('.*?([0-9]+)$', conf['pretrained_model']).group(1)
        itr_0 = int(itr_0)
        print 'resuming training at iteration:  ', itr_0

    tf.logging.info('iteration number, cost')

    starttime = datetime.now()
    t_iter = []
    # Run training.
    for itr in range(itr_0, conf['num_iterations'], 1):
        t_startiter = datetime.now()

        # Generate new batch of data_files.
        videos, states, actions, bestnoise, worstnoise = run_foward_passes(conf, fwd_model,
                                                                           train_actions, sess, itr)

        feed_dict = {model.images: videos,
                     model.states: states,
                     model.actions: actions,
                     model.noise: bestnoise,
                     model.prefix: 'train',
                     model.iter_num: np.float32(itr),
                     model.lr: conf['learning_rate'],
        cost, _, summary_str = sess.run([model.loss, model.train_op, model.summ_op],

        # Print info: iteration #, cost.
        if (itr) % 10 ==0:
            tf.logging.info(str(itr) + ' ' + str(cost))

        if (itr) % VAL_INTERVAL == 2:

            videos, states, actions, bestnoise, worstnoise = run_foward_passes(conf, fwd_model,
                                                                               val_actions, sess, itr)

            feed_dict = {model.images: videos,
                         model.states: states,
                         model.actions: actions,
                         model.noise: bestnoise,
                         model.prefix: 'val',
                         model.iter_num: np.float32(itr),
                         model.lr: 0.0,
            _, val_summary_str = sess.run([model.train_op, model.summ_op],

            summary_writer.add_summary(val_summary_str, itr)

        if (itr) % SAVE_INTERVAL == 2:
            tf.logging.info('Saving model to' + conf['output_dir'])
            saver.save(sess, conf['output_dir'] + '/model' + str(itr))

        t_iter.append((datetime.now() - t_startiter).seconds * 1e6 +  (datetime.now() - t_startiter).microseconds )

        if itr % 100 == 1:
            hours = (datetime.now() -starttime).seconds/3600
            tf.logging.info('running for {0}d, {1}h, {2}min'.format(
                (datetime.now() - starttime).days,
                (datetime.now() - starttime).seconds/60 - hours*60))
            avg_t_iter = np.sum(np.asarray(t_iter))/len(t_iter)
            tf.logging.info('time per iteration: {0}'.format(avg_t_iter/1e6))
            tf.logging.info('expected for complete training: {0}h '.format(avg_t_iter /1e6/3600 * conf['num_iterations']))

        if (itr) % SUMMARY_INTERVAL:
            summary_writer.add_summary(summary_str, itr)

    tf.logging.info('Saving model.')
    saver.save(sess, conf['output_dir'] + '/model')
    tf.logging.info('Training complete')
Example #4
def main(unused_argv):
    os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = str(FLAGS.device)
    print 'using CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=', FLAGS.device
    from tensorflow.python.client import device_lib
    print device_lib.list_local_devices()

    conf_file = FLAGS.hyper
    if not os.path.exists(conf_file):
        sys.exit("Experiment configuration not found")
    hyperparams = imp.load_source('hyperparams', conf_file)

    conf = hyperparams.configuration

    conf['event_log_dir'] = conf['output_dir']
    if FLAGS.visualize:
        print 'creating visualizations ...'
        conf['data_dir'] = '/'.join(
            str.split(conf['data_dir'], '/')[:-1] + ['test'])
        conf['visualize'] = conf['output_dir'] + '/' + FLAGS.visualize
        conf['event_log_dir'] = '/tmp'
        filenames = gfile.Glob(os.path.join(conf['data_dir'], '*'))
        conf['visual_file'] = filenames
        conf['batch_size'] = 18

    print 'Constructing models and inputs.'
    with tf.variable_scope('trainmodel') as training_scope:
        images, actions, states, poses = build_tfrecord_input(conf,
        model = Model(conf, images, poses)

    with tf.variable_scope('val_model', reuse=None):
        images_val, actions_val, states_val, poses_val = build_tfrecord_input(
            conf, training=False)
        val_model = Model(conf,

    print 'Constructing saver.'
    # Make saver.
    saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.VARIABLES),

    gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=0.8)
    # Make training session.
    sess = tf.InteractiveSession(config=tf.ConfigProto(
    summary_writer = tf.train.SummaryWriter(conf['event_log_dir'],


    print '-------------------------------------------------------------------'
    print 'verify current settings!! '
    for key in conf.keys():
        print key, ': ', conf[key]
    print '-------------------------------------------------------------------'
    if FLAGS.visualize:
        visualize(conf, sess, saver, val_model)

    itr_0 = 0

    if FLAGS.pretrained != None:

        conf['pretrained_model'] = FLAGS.pretrained

        saver.restore(sess, conf['pretrained_model'])
        # resume training at iteration step of the loaded model:
        import re
        itr_0 = re.match('.*?([0-9]+)$', conf['pretrained_model']).group(1)
        itr_0 = int(itr_0)
        print 'resuming training at iteration:  ', itr_0

    tf.logging.info('iteration number, cost')

    starttime = datetime.now()
    t_iter = []
    # Run training.
    for itr in range(itr_0, conf['num_iterations'], 1):
        t_startiter = datetime.now()
        # Generate new batch of data_files.
        feed_dict = {
            model.prefix: 'train',
            model.iter_num: np.float32(itr),
            model.lr: conf['learning_rate'],
        cost, _, summary_str = sess.run(
            [model.loss, model.train_op, model.summ_op], feed_dict)

        # Print info: iteration #, cost.
        if (itr) % 10 == 0:
            tf.logging.info(str(itr) + ' ' + str(cost))

        if (itr) % VAL_INTERVAL == 2:
            # Run through validation set.
            feed_dict = {
                val_model.lr: 0.0,
                val_model.prefix: 'val',
                val_model.iter_num: np.float32(itr),
            _, val_summary_str = sess.run(
                [val_model.train_op, val_model.summ_op], feed_dict)
            summary_writer.add_summary(val_summary_str, itr)

        if (itr) % SAVE_INTERVAL == 2:
            tf.logging.info('Saving model to' + conf['output_dir'])
            oldfile = conf['output_dir'] + '/model' + str(itr - SAVE_INTERVAL)
            if os.path.isfile(oldfile):
                os.system("rm {}".format(oldfile))
                os.system("rm {}".format(oldfile + '.meta'))
            saver.save(sess, conf['output_dir'] + '/model' + str(itr))

        t_iter.append((datetime.now() - t_startiter).seconds * 1e6 +
                      (datetime.now() - t_startiter).microseconds)

        if itr % 100 == 1:
            hours = (datetime.now() - starttime).seconds / 3600
            tf.logging.info('running for {0}d, {1}h, {2}min'.format(
                (datetime.now() - starttime).days, hours,
                (datetime.now() - starttime).seconds / 60 - hours * 60))
            avg_t_iter = np.sum(np.asarray(t_iter)) / len(t_iter)
            tf.logging.info('time per iteration: {0}'.format(avg_t_iter / 1e6))
            tf.logging.info('expected for complete training: {0}h '.format(
                avg_t_iter / 1e6 / 3600 * conf['num_iterations']))

        if (itr) % SUMMARY_INTERVAL:
            summary_writer.add_summary(summary_str, itr)

    tf.logging.info('Saving model.')
    saver.save(sess, conf['output_dir'] + '/model')
    tf.logging.info('Training complete')
Example #5
def visualize(conf):
    gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=0.9)
    # Make training session.

    sess = tf.InteractiveSession(config=tf.ConfigProto(


    input_distrib = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,
                                          conf['num_objects'], 64, 64))

    images = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,
                            shape=(conf['batch_size'], conf['sequence_length'],
                                   64, 64, 3))

    with tf.variable_scope('model', reuse=None):
        val_images, _, _, object_pos = build_tfrecord_input(conf,
        model = CorrectorModel(conf, images, pix_distrib=input_distrib)


    saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.VARIABLES),
    saver.restore(sess, conf['output_dir'] + '/' + FLAGS.visualize)

    ground_truth, object_pos_npy = sess.run([val_images, object_pos])

    object_pos_npy = object_pos_npy[:, 0]  #take first time step only
    one_hot_img = np.zeros([conf['batch_size'], conf['num_objects'], 64, 64])
    for ob in range(4):
        for b in range(conf['batch_size']):
            coords = mujoco_to_imagespace(object_pos_npy[b, ob])
            one_hot_img[b, ob, coords[0], coords[1]] = 1

    output_distrib_list, gen_masks_list, gen_image_list = [], [], []

    for t in range(conf['sequence_length'] - 1):

        if t == 0:
            _one_hot_images = one_hot_img
            _one_hot_images = output_distrib

        feed_dict = {
            model.prefix: 'ctrl',
            model.lr: 0,
            ground_truth[:, t:t + 2],  #could alternatively feed in gen_image
            input_distrib: _one_hot_images

        gen_image, gen_masks, output_distrib = sess.run(
            [model.gen_images, model.gen_masks, model.gen_distrib], feed_dict)

        combine_obj = np.zeros([conf['batch_size'], 64, 64])
        for i in conf['num_objects']:
            combine_obj += output_distrib[:, i]


    file_path = conf['output_dir']
    cPickle.dump(gen_image_list, open(file_path + '/gen_image_seq.pkl', 'wb'))
    cPickle.dump(ground_truth, open(file_path + '/ground_truth.pkl', 'wb'))
    cPickle.dump(gen_masks_list, open(file_path + '/mask_list.pkl', 'wb'))
                 open(file_path + '/output_distrib_list.pkl', 'wb'))
    print 'written files to:' + file_path

    trajectories = make_video(conf['output_dir'], conf)
                                                       conf, trajectories)