class VideoCamera(object): def __init__( self, src=0, flip = False, usePiCamera = True, fps = 20.0, resolution = (640,480), record = False, record_duration = None, record_timestamp = True, record_name = None ): if resolution is None: resolution = (320, 240) self.vs = VideoStream(src=src, usePiCamera = usePiCamera, resolution = resolution).start() #if usePiCamera is False: # # we need to change things here because it will ignore resolution if not using the piCam # # # # this is not currently working!!!! #, resolution[0]) #, resolution[1]) self.flip = flip # Record settings ### # no recording set at init self.rec_set = False self.record = record # trigger record self.trigger_record = record self.resolution = resolution self.fps = fps # we might be in trouble if we switch from color to grayscale self.isColor = self.is_color() self.record_start = None self.record_name = record_name if (record_duration is not None): session_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(record_duration, '%H:%M:%S') # Transform the time into number of seconds seconds = (session_time.hour * 60 + session_time.minute) * 60 + session_time.second self.record_duration = seconds self.record_timestamp = record_timestamp # this is so that all timestamped things have a consistent format self.timestamp_format = '%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%S' if (self.record == True): # we will use timestamps to prevent overwriting if self.record_name is None: = + "_output" else: = f"{}_{str(self.record_name)}_output" # start video_writer self.video_writer = VideoWriter(, fps=self.fps, resolution = self.resolution) time.sleep(2.0) def __del__(self): self.vs.stop() if (self.record): self.video_writer.stop() def is_color(self): frame = if (len(frame.shape) == 3): return True else: return False def flip_if_needed(self, frame): if self.flip: return np.flip(frame, 0) return frame def read(self): # this is the read function we want to do processing frame = self.flip_if_needed( timestamp = if (self.trigger_record): # check whether the video size is ok or we need to chunk self.check_video_filesize() if (self.record_timestamp): cv2.putText(frame, str(timestamp), (10, 50), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (255,255,255), 1) # let's only call it if the framerate is ok if (self.check_framerate(timestamp)): self.video_writer.put_to_q(frame, timestamp) # self.record(frame) return frame # This function handles the posting of .jpg through ip stream def get_frame(self, label_time, camera_stamp = None): # This function ends up converting to jpg and timestamping # intended for streaming upload_frame = self.flip_if_needed( if (label_time): cv2.putText(upload_frame,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), (10, 50), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (255,255,255), 1) if (camera_stamp is not None): cv2.putText(upload_frame, str(camera_stamp), (10, self.resolution[1] - 50), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (255,255,255), 1) ret, jpeg = cv2.imencode('.jpg', upload_frame) return jpeg.tobytes() # We can use this function if we had a classifier that was well suited # It might need computation power to do this in real time def get_object(self, classifier): found_objects = False frame = self.flip_if_needed( gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) objects = classifier.detectMultiScale( gray, scaleFactor=1.1, minNeighbors=5, minSize=(30, 30), flags=cv2.CASCADE_SCALE_IMAGE ) if len(objects) > 0: found_objects = True # Draw a rectangle around the objects for (x, y, w, h) in objects: cv2.rectangle(frame, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (0, 255, 0), 2) ret, jpeg = cv2.imencode('.jpg', frame) return (jpeg.tobytes(), found_objects) # The function below has problems with frame rate not being constant # We account for frame rate by assuming constant frame rate but that fails in real life def record(self, frame): """ Opencv VideoWriter This time we create a VideoWriter object. We should specify the output file name (eg: output.avi). Then we should specify the FourCC code (details in next paragraph). Then number of frames per second (fps) and frame size should be passed. And last one is isColor flag. If it is True, encoder expect color frame, otherwise it works with grayscale frame. Example comes from here """ if (self.rec_set == False): self.fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID') self.recorder = cv2.VideoWriter(, self.fourcc, self.fps, self.resolution, self.isColor) self.rec_set = True self.prev_frame = time.time() self.record_start = self.prev_frame else: # account for fps # otherwise, we would need to account for this via waitKey(int(1000/fps)) current_frame = time.time() if (current_frame - self.prev_frame > 1/self.fps): self.prev_frame = current_frame if (self.prev_frame - self.record_start > self.record_duration): print(self.prev_frame) print(self.record_start) print(self.record_duration) # stop the recording (not the camera) self.trigger_record = False def check_framerate(self, timestamp): if (self.rec_set == False): self.rec_set = True self.prev_frame = timestamp self.record_start = self.prev_frame return True else: # account for fps # otherwise, we would need to account for this via waitKey(int(1000/fps)) delta_time = (timestamp - self.prev_frame).total_seconds() if (delta_time > 1/self.fps): self.prev_frame = timestamp return True current_duration = (self.prev_frame - self.record_start).total_seconds() if (current_duration > self.record_duration): print(self.prev_frame) print(self.record_start) print(self.record_duration) # stop the recording (not the camera) self.video_writer.stop() # stop triggering record in the future self.trigger_record = False # if we got up to here and no conditions were met return False def check_video_filesize(self): #TODO: Potential problem harcoded extension, it's also harcoded on videowriter if os.path.exists( + ".avi"): current_size = os.stat( + ".avi").st_size # size will be in bytes, let's have a limit of 100 Mb if (current_size > 100 * 1024 * 1024): # stop the video writer self.video_writer.stop() print("Video truncated...initializing new clip") if self.record_name is None: = + "_output" else: = f"{}_{str(self.record_name)}_output" # start the writer again self.video_writer = VideoWriter(, fps=self.fps, resolution = self.resolution)
30, (realsensecam().W, realsensecam().H), threaded=False) breakpoints = args.b__breakpoints or [] while (True): img = controller().next_frame() if img is None: print("Controller reports end of capture. Terminating.") break cv2.imshow('DynamicUIs', img) k = cv2.waitKey(1) if ord('q') == k: break else: controller().on_key(k) if args.video_output is not None: videowriter.process_frame(realsensecam().bgr, realsensecam().depth_processed) if controller().frame in breakpoints: print("Paused at breakpoint", controller().frame) print("Press Space to advance by a single frame") k = cv2.waitKey() if k == ord(' '): breakpoints.append(controller().frame + 1) realsensecam().stop() # Stop camera if args.video_output is not None: videowriter.stop() if logger is not None: logger.dump(args.logfile)