def all_stories() -> Tuple[Story, ...]: story0 = Story(component=BaseLayout, props=dict( language='EN', extrahead=None, )) story1 = Story(component=BaseLayout, plugins=(themabaster, ), singletons=( (sc, SphinxConfig), (html_config, HTMLConfig), (page_context, PageContext), (theme_config, ThemeConfig), ), usage=html('<{BaseLayout} />')) story2 = Story(component=BaseLayout, plugins=(themabaster, ), singletons=( (sc, SphinxConfig), (html_config, HTMLConfig), (page_context, PageContext), (theme_config, ThemeConfig), ), usage=html('<{BaseLayout} doctype={doctype} />')) return story0, story1, story2
def __call__(self) -> VDOM: return html('''\n {[ html('<link rel={link["rel"]} href={link["href"]} title={link["title"]} />') for link in self.resolved_links ]} ''')
def __call__(self) -> VDOM: if self.display_toc: return html('''\n <h3><a href={self.resolved_pathto}>Table of Contents</a></h3> {self.toc} ''') return html('')
def all_stories() -> Tuple[Story, ...]: story0 = Story( component=AboutTravisButton, props=dict( travis_button=theme_config.travis_button, travis_path=theme_config.travis_path, github_repo=theme_config.github_repo, github_user=theme_config.github_user, badge_branch=theme_config.badge_branch, ), ) story1 = Story( component=AboutTravisButton, props=dict( travis_button=True, travis_path=theme_config.travis_path, github_repo='thisrepo', github_user='******', badge_branch=theme_config.badge_branch, ), ) story2 = Story(component=AboutTravisButton, usage=html('<{AboutTravisButton} />')) story3 = Story( component=AboutTravisButton, usage=html( '<{AboutTravisButton} travis_button={True} github_repo="thisrepo" github_user="******" />' )) return story0, story1, story2, story3
def all_stories() -> Tuple[Story, ...]: story0 = Story( component=Donate, props=dict( donate_url=theme_config.donate_url, opencollective=theme_config.opencollective, opencollective_button_color=theme_config.opencollective_button_color, project=sphinx_config.project, tidelift_url=theme_config.tidelift_url, ), ) story1 = Story( component=Donate, props=dict( donate_url='someurl', opencollective=theme_config.opencollective, opencollective_button_color=theme_config.opencollective_button_color, project=sphinx_config.project, tidelift_url=theme_config.tidelift_url, ), ) story2 = Story( component=Donate, usage=html('<{Donate} />') ) story3 = Story( component=Donate, usage=html( '<{Donate} donate_url="" opencollective="" tidelift_url="" />') ) return story0, story1, story2, story3
def all_stories() -> Tuple[Story, ...]: story0 = Story( component=AboutGitHubButton, props=dict( github_button=theme_config.github_button, github_repo=theme_config.github_repo, github_user=theme_config.github_user, github_type=theme_config.github_type, github_count=theme_config.github_count, ), ) story1 = Story( component=AboutGitHubButton, props=dict( github_button=True, github_repo='repo', github_user='******', github_count='true', github_type='watch', ), ) story2 = Story(component=AboutGitHubButton, usage=html('<{AboutGitHubButton} />')) story3 = Story( component=AboutGitHubButton, usage=html( '<{AboutGitHubButton} github_button={True} github_repo="thisrepo" github_user="******" /> ' )) return story0, story1, story2, story3
def __call__(self) -> VDOM: shortcut = html( '<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href={self.shortcut_href} />' ) if self.shortcut_href else None png = html( '<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href={self.png_href} />' ) if self.png_href else None precomposed = html( '<link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" type="image/x-icon" href={self.png_href} />' ) if self.png_href else None if self.favicons.sizes: sizes = [] for size in self.favicons.sizes: size_href = self.pathto(join('static', size.filename), 1) size_size = size.size sizes.append( html( '<link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" sizes={size_size} href={size_href} />' )) else: sizes = None return html('''\n {shortcut} {png} {precomposed} {sizes} ''')
def __call__(self) -> VDOM: if not self.sidebars: return html('') else: return html('''\n <div class="sphinxsidebar" role="navigation" aria-label="main navigation"> <div class="sphinxsidebarwrapper"> {[sidebar for sidebar in self.resolved_sidebars]} </div> </div> ''')
def __post_init__(self): # Alabaster wraps the main content in <div class="bodywrapper"> # if nosidebar is true. Thus, get the main content first, then # insert in the two flavors of response. main_content = html('''\n <{Relbar1}/> <div class="body" role="main"> {self.body} </div> <{Relbar2}/> ''') self.inner = main_content if self.nosidebar else html('<div class="bodywrapper">{main_content}</div>')
def __post_init__(self): self.resolved_previous = html('''\n <li> ← <a href="{}" title="Previous Document">{self.previous.title}</a> </li> ''') if self.previous else None self.resolved_next = html('''\n <li> <a href="{}" title="Next Document">{}</a> → </li> ''') if self.previous else None
def __call__(self) -> VDOM: if self.show_sourcelink and self.has_source and self.sourcename: return html('''\n <div role="note" aria-label="source link" data-testid="sourcelink"> <h3>This Page</h3> <ul class="this-page-menu"> <li> <a href={self.resolved_pathto} rel="nofollow">Show Source</a> </li> </ul> </div> ''') return html('')
def __post_init__(self): self.resolved_copyright = f'© {self.copyright}.' if self.copyright else '' self.resolved_powered_by = html('''\n {'|' if self.copyright else ''} Powered by <a href="">Sphinx</a> ''') if self.show_powered_by else html('') if self.show_sourcelink and self.has_source and self.sourcename: ps = self.pathto(f'_sources/{self.sourcename}') self.resolved_page_source = html('''\n {'|' if self.show_copyright or self.show_powered_by else ''} <a href={ps} rel="nofollow">Page source</a> ''') else: self.resolved_page_source = html('')
def main(): site = dict(title='My Site') page = dict(title='My Page') return render(html(''' <{App} site={site} page={page} /> '''))
def main(): todos = ['first'] return render( html(''' <h1>{title}</h1> <{TodoList} todos={todos} /> '''))
def __call__(self) -> VDOM: return html('''\n <{AboutLogo} /> <{AboutDescription} /> <{AboutGitHubButton} /> <{AboutTravisButton} /> ''')
def all_stories() -> Tuple[Story, ...]: story0 = Story( component=LocalToc, props=dict( display_toc=page_context.display_toc, master_doc=sphinx_config.master_doc, pathto=page_context.pathto, toc=page_context.toc, ), ) story1 = Story( component=LocalToc, props=dict( display_toc=False, master_doc=sphinx_config.master_doc, pathto=page_context.pathto, toc=page_context.toc, ), ) story2 = Story( component=LocalToc, usage=html('<{LocalToc} />') ) return story0, story1, story2
def all_stories() -> Tuple[Story, ...]: story0 = Story( component=FaviconSet, props=dict( favicons=dataclasses.replace(theme_config.favicons), pathto=fake_pathto, ), ) story1 = Story( component=FaviconSet, props=dict( favicons=no_shortcut, pathto=fake_pathto, ), ) story2 = Story( component=FaviconSet, props=dict( favicons=no_sizes, pathto=fake_pathto, ), ) story3 = Story(component=FaviconSet, usage=html('<{FaviconSet} />')) return story0, story1, story2, story3
def all_stories() -> Tuple[Story, ...]: story0 = Story(component=Head, props=dict( extrahead=None, pathto=fake_pathto, )) story1 = Story(component=Head, props=dict( extrahead=extrahead, pathto=fake_pathto, )) story2 = Story(component=Head, scannables=( canonical_link, cssfiles, faviconset, jsfiles, linktags, title, ), usage=html('<{Head} />')) return story0, story1, story2
def all_stories() -> Tuple[Story, ...]: story0 = Story(component=Body, ) story1 = Story(component=Body, plugins=(themabaster, ), usage=html('<{Body} />')) return story0, story1
def all_stories() -> Tuple[Story, ...]: story0 = Story(component=Content, ) story1 = Story(component=Content, scannables=(relbar1, ), usage=html(f'<{Content} />')) return story0, story1
def __call__(self) -> VDOM: return html('''\n <div class="footer"> {self.resolved_copyright} {self.resolved_powered_by} {self.resolved_page_source} </div> ''')
def __call__(self) -> VDOM: return html('''\n <body> <{Header} /> <{Content} /> <{Footer} /> </body> ''')
def __call__(self) -> VDOM: if self.pagename != 'search' and self.builder != 'singlehtml': return html('''\n <div id="searchbox" style="display: none" role="search" data-testid="searchbox"> <h3>{{ _('Quick search') }}</h3> <div class="searchformwrapper"> <form class="search" action="{self.resolved_pathto}" method="get"> <input type="text" name="q" /> <input type="submit" value="Go" /> <input type="hidden" name="check_keywords" value="yes" /> <input type="hidden" name="area" value="default" /> </form> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript">$('#searchbox').show(0);</script> ''') return html('')
def all_stories() -> Tuple[Story, ...]: story0 = Story( component=Header, props=dict(), ) story1 = Story(component=Header, usage=html('<{Header} />')) return story0, story1
def __call__(self) -> VDOM: return html('''\n {self.doctype} <html ...{self.html_props}> <{Head} extrahead={self.extrahead} /> <{Body} /> </html> ''')
def __call__(self): c = self.children return html('''\ <section> <h1>{self.site_name}</h1> <div>{self.children}</div> </section> ''')
def all_stories() -> Tuple[Story, ...]: story0 = Story( component=Sidebar1, props=dict(), ) story1 = Story(component=Sidebar1, usage=html('<{Sidebar1} />')) return story0, story1
def __call__(self) -> Optional[VDOM]: if self.show_button: return html('''\n <p> <iframe src="{self.github_user}&repo={self.github_repo}&type={self.github_type}&count={self.github_count}&size=large&v=2" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="0" width="200px" height="35px"></iframe> </p> ''') return None
def __call__(self) -> VDOM: return html('''\n <{Sidebar1} /> <div class="document"> <{Document} /> <{Sidebar2} /> <div class="clearer"></div> </div> ''')
def __call__(self) -> VDOM: return html('''\n <nav id="rellinks"> <ul> {self.resolved_previous} {self.resolved_next} </ul> </nav> ''')