def updateinvo(jo, thisdate): idata = Invoices.query.filter(Invoices.Jo == jo).all() total = 0.0 for idat in idata: each = float(idat.Qty) amtea = float(idat.Ea) amount = each * amtea idat.Amount = nodollar(amount) db.session.commit() total = total + amount for idat in idata: idat.Date = thisdate idat.Total = nodollar(total) db.session.commit() if jo[1] == 'T': ldata = Invoices.query.filter(Invoices.Jo == jo).order_by( Invoices.Ea.desc()).all() myo = Orders.query.filter(Orders.Jo == jo).first() cache = myo.Storage + 1 pdata1 = People.query.filter( == myo.Bid).first() pdata2 = Drops.query.filter( == myo.Lid).first() pdata3 = Drops.query.filter( == myo.Did).first() from make_T_invoice import T_invoice T_invoice(myo, ldata, pdata1, pdata2, pdata3, cache, thisdate, 0) if cache > 1: docref = f'tmp/{scac}/data/vinvoice/INV' + myo.Jo + 'c' + str( cache) + '.pdf' # Store for future use else: docref = f'tmp/{scac}/data/vinvoice/INV' + myo.Jo + '.pdf' for ldatl in ldata: ldatl.Pid = ldatl.Original = docref db.session.commit() myo.Path = docref myo.Storage = cache db.session.commit() if jo[1] == 'O': odat = OverSeas.query.filter(OverSeas.Jo == jo).first() invooder = cache = nonone(odat.Cache) + 1 from invoices import invoiceO invo, err, leftscreen, leftsize, docref, invodate = invoiceO( invooder, 0) if cache > 1: docref = f'tmp/{scac}/data/vinvoice/INV' + jo + 'c' + str( cache) + '.pdf' # Store for future use else: docref = f'tmp/{scac}/data/vinvoice/INV' + jo + '.pdf' odat.Cache = cache modata = OverSeas.query.get(invooder) jo = modata.Jo booking = modata.Booking ldata = Invoices.query.filter(Invoices.Jo == jo).order_by( Invoices.Jo).all()
def main(odata, ldata, pdata1, invojo, involine, paidline, refline, balline, invodate, cache, payment): # pdata1:Bid (Bill To) # pdata2:Lid (Load At) # pdata3:Did (Delv To) from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import landscape from reportlab.platypus import Image from reportlab.lib.units import inch import csv import math import datetime import shutil from viewfuncs import sdiff, sadd, dollar, nodollar, nononef from CCC_system_setup import myoslist, addpath, bankdata, scac joborder = invojo file1 = addpath(f'tmp/{scac}/data/vinvoice/INV'+joborder+'.pdf') file2 = addpath(f'tmp/{scac}/data/vinvoice/INV'+joborder+'c'+str(cache)+'.pdf') type = joborder[1] #today ='%m/%d/%Y') # if invodate is None or invodate==0: # invodate=today # else: try: invodate = invodate.strftime('%m/%d/%Y') except: err = 'ivodate already a string' billhistory = involine payhistory = paidline openbalance = balline custref = refline pyopenbal = odata.BalFwd pyopenbal = nononef(pyopenbal) pyopenbal = nodollar(pyopenbal) a = pyopenbal for j, i in enumerate(openbalance): if billhistory[j] != '' or payhistory[j] != '': openbalance[j] = sadd(a, i) a = openbalance[j] if j > 0: b = openbalance[j-1] else: b = pyopenbal # 'a' is the last open balance and should be added to the bill try: prevbal = float(b) except: prevbal = 0.00 def avg(in1, in2): out = (in1+in2)/2 return out def comporname(company, name): if company is None or company == '': nameout = name else: if len(company) < 4: nameout = name else: nameout = company return nameout def fullname(first, middle, last): if first is not None: nameout = first else: nameout = '' if middle is not None: nameout = nameout+' '+middle if last is not None: nameout = nameout+' '+last if len(nameout) > 55: nameout = first + ' ' + last return nameout def address(addr1, addr2, addr3): street = addr1 if addr3 is None or addr3 == '': cityst = addr2 else: if len(addr3) < 5: cityst = addr2 if addr2 is None or addr2 == '': cityst = addr3 if len(addr2) < 3: cityst = addr3 if addr2 and addr3: if len(addr2) > 3 and len(addr3) > 3: street = addr1 + ' ' + addr2 cityst = addr3 return street, cityst def nononestr(input): if input is None or input == 'None': input = '' return input def nonone(input): if input is None: input = 0 return input billto = list(range(5)) if pdata1 is not None: billto[0] = comporname(pdata1.Company, fullname(pdata1.First, pdata1.Middle, pdata1.Last)) billto[1] = nononestr(pdata1.Addr1) billto[2] = nononestr(pdata1.Addr2) billto[3] = nononestr(pdata1.Telephone) billto[4] = nononestr(pdata1.Email) else: for i in range(5): billto[i] = ' ' us = list(range(4)) us[0] = 'FIRST EAGLE LOGISTICS INC' us[1] = '505 HAMPTON PARK BLVD UNIT O' us[2] = 'CAPITOL HEIGHTS MD 20743' us[3] = '301-516-3000 [email protected]' line1 = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'] line2 = ['Quantity', 'Item Code', 'Description', 'Price Each', 'Amount'] line3 = billhistory line41 = payhistory line42 = custref line5 = openbalance note = list(range(3)) note[0] = '*All invoices that are 15 days past due will incurr a $35.00 late fee.' note[1] = '*After 60 days an additional late fee will be assessed in the amount of $100.00.' note[2] = '*If your account reaches 90 days past due it will be submitted for collection.' lab1 = 'Balance Due' lab2 = 'Add $39.00 for all international wires' nonote, bank = bankdata('FC') # ___________________________________________________________ ltm = 36 rtm = 575 ctrall = 310 left_ctr = 170 right_ctr = 480 dl = 17.6 tdl = dl*2 hls = 530 m1 = hls-dl m2 = hls-2*dl m3 = hls-3*dl m4 = hls-4*dl m5 = hls-5*dl m61 = hls-6*dl m62 = hls-7*dl m63 = hls-8*dl m7 = hls-20*dl m8 = hls-23*dl m9 = hls-27*dl fulllinesat = [m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m61, m62, m63, m7, m8, m9] p = [0]*13 p[0] = ltm+87 for i in range(1, 13): p[i] = p[i-1]+37.7 n1 = ltm+58 n2 = ltm+128 n3 = rtm-140 n4 = rtm-70 sds2 = [n1, n2, n3, n4] q1 = ltm+180 q2 = rtm-180 sds3 = [q1, q2] bump = 2.5 tb = bump*2 c = canvas.Canvas(file1, pagesize=letter) c.setLineWidth(1) logo = addpath("tmp/felpics/logo3.jpg") c.drawImage(logo, 185, 680, mask='auto') # Date and JO boxes dateline = m1+8.2*dl c.rect(rtm-150, m1+7*dl, 150, 2*dl, stroke=1, fill=0) c.line(rtm-150, dateline, rtm, dateline) c.line(rtm-75, m1+7*dl, rtm-75, m1+9*dl) if type == 'S': # Address boxes ctm = 218 c.rect(ltm, m1+dl, 175, 5*dl, stroke=1, fill=0) #c.rect(ctm, m1+dl,175,5*dl, stroke=1, fill=0) #c.rect(rtm-175, m1+dl,175,5*dl, stroke=1, fill=0) level1 = m1+5*dl c.line(ltm, level1, ltm+175, level1) # c.line(ctm,level1,ctm+175,level1) # c.line(rtm-175,level1,rtm,level1) for i in fulllinesat: c.line(ltm, i, rtm, i) for k in p[0:12]: c.line(k, m1, k, m61) for l in sds2: c.line(l, m62, l, m7) for m in sds3: c.line(m, m8, m, m9) c.line(ltm, m1, ltm, m9) c.line(rtm, m1, rtm, m9) h1 = avg(m8, m9)-3 c.line(q2, h1, rtm, h1) c.setFont('Helvetica-Bold', 24, leading=None) c.drawCentredString(rtm-75, dateline+1.5*dl, 'Invoice') if payment != 0: c.setFont('Helvetica-Bold', 18, leading=None) c.drawCentredString(rtm-75, dateline-50, 'Payment Received') c.setFont('Helvetica', 12, leading=None) c.drawCentredString(rtm-112.5, dateline+bump, 'Date') c.drawCentredString(rtm-37.7, dateline+bump, 'Invoice #') c.drawString(ltm+bump*3, m1+5*dl+bump*2, 'Bill To') # c.drawString(ctm+bump*3,m1+5*dl+bump*2,'Load At') # c.drawString(rtm-170+bump*2,m1+5*dl+bump*2,'Delv To') dh = 12 ct = 305 if payment != 0: try: thispay = float(payment[0]) except: thispay = 0.00 top = m1+4*dl-5 try: c.drawString(ct, top, 'Your payment of '+payment[0]+', Ref No. '+payment[1]) c.drawString(ct, top-dh, 'was applied on '+payment[2]) except: c.drawString(ct, top, 'There is no payment data as of yet') else: thispay = 0.00 c.drawString(ct, m1+dl, 'Balance Fwd from 2018: $'+pyopenbal) j = 0 ctr = [avg(ltm, n1), avg(n1, n2), avg(n2, n3), avg(n3, n4), avg(n4, rtm)] for i in line2: c.drawCentredString(ctr[j], m63+tb, i) j = j+1 top = m8-1.5*dh for i in bank: c.drawCentredString(ct, top, i) top = top-dh top = m1+9*dl-5 for i in us: c.drawString(ltm+bump, top, i) top = top-dh bottomline = m8-23 c.setFont('Helvetica-Bold', 12, leading=None) c.drawString(q2+tb, bottomline, 'Balance Due:') c.setFont('Helvetica', 10, leading=None) c.drawCentredString(avg(q2, rtm), m9+12, 'Add $39.00 for all international wires') c.setFont('Times-Roman', 9, leading=None) j = 0 dh = 9.95 top = m7-dh for i in note: c.drawString(ltm+tb, top, note[j]) j = j+1 top = top-dh # _______________________________________________________________________ # Insert data here # _______________________________________________________________________ c.setFont('Helvetica', 12, leading=None) dh = 13 top = level1-dh lft = ltm+bump*3 for i in billto: c.drawString(lft, top, i) top = top-dh x = avg(rtm-75, rtm) y = dateline-dh-bump c.drawCentredString(x, y, joborder) x = avg(rtm-75, rtm-150) try: c.drawCentredString(x, y, invodate) except: err = 'Date not set yet' c.setFont('Helvetica', 9, leading=None) c.drawCentredString(avg(ltm, p[0]), m2+tb, '2019 by Month:') c.drawCentredString(avg(ltm, p[0]), m3+tb, 'Bill History') c.drawCentredString(avg(ltm, p[0]), m4+tb, 'Pay History') c.drawCentredString(avg(ltm, p[0]), m5+tb, 'Cust Ref No.') c.drawCentredString(avg(ltm, p[0]), m61+tb, 'Open Balances') for j, i in enumerate(line1): ctr = avg(p[j], p[j+1]) c.drawCentredString(ctr, m2+tb, i) c.drawCentredString(ctr, m3+tb, line3[j]) c.drawCentredString(ctr, m4+tb, line41[j]) c.drawCentredString(ctr, m5+tb, line42[j]) c.drawCentredString(ctr, m61+tb, line5[j]) total = 0 top = m63-dh for data in ldata: qty = int(nonone(data.Qty)) each = float(nonone(data.Ea)) subtotal = qty*each total = total+subtotal line4 = [str(qty), data.Service] line5 = nononestr(data.Description) line6 = [each, subtotal] ctr = [avg(ltm, n1), avg(n1, n2)] for j, i in enumerate(line4): c.drawCentredString(ctr[j], top, i) ctr = [n4-tb*2, rtm-tb*2] for j, i in enumerate(line6): c.drawRightString(ctr[j], top, dollar(i)) line5a = line5.splitlines() for line in line5a: c.drawString(n2+tb, top, line) top = top-dh top = top-dh if prevbal > 0: c.drawString(n2+tb, top, 'Open balance from previous month') c.drawRightString(rtm-tb*2, top, dollar(prevbal)) total = total+prevbal-thispay c.drawRightString(rtm-tb*2, bottomline, dollar(total)) c.showPage() # # Now make a cache copy shutil.copy(file1, file2)
d2last = d2 delta = d2 - d1 chassisdays = delta.days + add fromjay = chassisdays * 30 netpay = paytojay - fromjay #print (d1,' to ',d2, data.Jo, chassisdays) #print(' ') elif ticket1 is not None or ticket2 is not None: truckjobcontainers.append(container) print('Have mismatch in tickets on job') explain = 'Trucking for ' + patron.Company itemlist.append([ d1.strftime('%m/%d/%Y'), d2.strftime('%m/%d/%Y'), booking, container, explain, nodollar(paytojay), str(chassisdays), nodollar(fromjay), nodollar(netpay) ]) odata = OverSeas.query.filter((OverSeas.PuDate >= start) & (OverSeas.PuDate <= end)).filter( OverSeas.Driver.contains("Khoder")).order_by( OverSeas.PuDate).all() for data in odata: booking = data.Booking container = data.Container ticket1 = Interchange.query.filter( Interchange.Container == container).first()
def jaycalcs(): today ='%m/%d/%Y') invodate ='%m/%d/%Y') sdate = request.values.get('start') fdate = request.values.get('finish') start = datetime.datetime.strptime(sdate, '%Y-%m-%d') end = datetime.datetime.strptime(fdate, '%Y-%m-%d') startdate = itemlist = [] truckjobs = [] oceanjobs = [] jayjobs = [] partjobs = [] jaypartjobs = [] yardmoves = [] conlist = [] def get_take(con): take = 0 type = 'J' move = 'deliver' cdata = Interchange.query.filter(Interchange.Container == con).all() for cdat in cdata: driver = cdat.Driver chassis = cdat.Chassis if "Khoder" in driver or "Jay" in driver: take = take + 1 odat = Orders.query.filter(Orders.Container == con).first() if odat is not None: type = 'T' ndat = OverSeas.query.filter(OverSeas.Container == con).first() if ndat is not None: type = 'O' if 'toll' in chassis.lower(): type = 'Y' if move == 'ym1toll1': move = 'ym2toll2' if move == 'ym1': move = 'ym2toll1' if move == 'deliver': move = 'ym1toll1' if 'yard' in chassis.lower(): type = 'Y' if move == 'ym1toll1': move = 'ym2toll1' if move == 'ym1': move = 'ym2' if move == 'deliver': move = 'ym1' print(con, chassis, move) return take, type, move def get_chassisdays(con): d1 = None d2 = None ticket1 = Interchange.query.filter( Interchange.Container == con).first() try: ticket2 = Interchange.query.filter( (Interchange.Container == con) & ( != except: ticket2 is None chassisdays = 0 if ticket1 is not None and ticket2 is not None: date1 = ticket1.Date date2 = ticket2.Date if date1 > date2: d1 = date2 d2 = date1 else: d1 = date1 d2 = date2 delta = d2 - d1 chassisdays = delta.days + 1 return d1, d2, chassisdays def get_special(con): dispo = 'N' ticket = Interchange.query.filter(Interchange.Container == con).first() if ticket is not None: chassis = ticket.Chassis if 'yard' in chassis.lower(): dispo = 'Y' if 'toll' in chassis.lower(): dispo = 'T' return dispo def jay_special(con): dispo = 'N' booking = 'UNK' ticket = Interchange.query.filter(Interchange.Container == con).first() if ticket is not None: chassis = ticket.Chassis booking = ticket.Release if 'jay' in chassis.lower(): dispo = 'J' return dispo, booking def jay_special2(con): dispo = 'N' booking = 'UNK' d1 = 'None' ticket = Interchange.query.filter(Interchange.Container == con).first() if ticket is not None: chassis = ticket.Chassis booking = ticket.Release d1 = ticket.Date if 'jay' in chassis.lower(): dispo = 'J' return dispo, booking, d1 idata = Interchange.query.filter( (Interchange.Date >= start) & (Interchange.Date <= end)).filter( (Interchange.Driver.contains("Khoder")) | (Interchange.Driver.contains("Jay"))).order_by( Interchange.Date).all() for idat in idata: if idat.Status == 'IO': con = idat.Container take, type, move = get_take(con) if move == 'deliver': if take == 2 and con not in conlist: conlist.append(con) if type == 'O': oceanjobs.append(con) if type == 'T': truckjobs.append(con) if type == 'J': jayjobs.append(con) if take == 1: if type != 'J': partjobs.append(con) else: jaypartjobs.append(con) else: yardmoves.append(con) print('yard=', yardmoves) #Financial Calcs:Ocean containers total = 0.00 for con in oceanjobs: odat = OverSeas.query.filter(OverSeas.Container == con).first() d1, d2, chassisdays = get_chassisdays(con) if d1 >= startdate: booking = odat.Booking explain = 'Ocean container warehouse + return' paytojay = 500.00 fromjay = 0.00 netpay = paytojay - fromjay total = total + netpay itemlist.append([ d1.strftime('%m/%d/%Y'), d2.strftime('%m/%d/%Y'), booking, con, explain, nodollar(paytojay), str(chassisdays), nodollar(fromjay), nodollar(netpay) ]) #Financial Calcs:Trucking with containers for con in truckjobs: odat = Orders.query.filter(Orders.Container == con).first() d1, d2, chassisdays = get_chassisdays(con) if d1 >= startdate: order = odat.Order booking = odat.Booking company = odat.Shipper explain = 'Trucking job ' + company contractamt = float(odat.Amount) paytojay = .8 * contractamt if 'Global' not in explain: fromjay = 30.0 * chassisdays else: fromjay = 0.00 netpay = paytojay - fromjay total = total + netpay itemlist.append([ d1.strftime('%m/%d/%Y'), d2.strftime('%m/%d/%Y'), booking, con, explain, nodollar(paytojay), str(chassisdays), nodollar(fromjay), nodollar(netpay) ]) #Financial Calcs:Trucking with dry van odata = Orders.query.filter((Orders.Date >= start) & (Orders.Date <= end) & (Orders.Driver.contains("Khoder")) & (Orders.Container.contains('53DV'))).all() for odat in odata: d1 = odat.Date d2 = odat.Date2 order = odat.Order booking = odat.Booking company = odat.Shipper explain = 'Dry van job ' + company contractamt = float(odat.Amount) paytojay = .8 * contractamt fromjay = 0.00 netpay = paytojay - fromjay total = total + netpay itemlist.append([ d1.strftime('%m/%d/%Y'), d2.strftime('%m/%d/%Y'), order, con, explain, nodollar(paytojay), str(chassisdays), nodollar(fromjay), nodollar(netpay) ]) #Financial Calcs:One way Items for con in partjobs: odat = Orders.query.filter(Orders.Container == con).first() if odat is not None: d1, d2, chassisdays = get_chassisdays(con) #d1=odat.Date #d2=odat.Date2 if d1 >= startdate: chassisday = 'None' order = odat.Order booking = odat.Booking company = odat.Shipper contractamt = float(odat.Amount) dispo = get_special(con) if dispo == 'N': explain = 'Half-trucking job' paytojay = .5 * contractamt if dispo == 'Y': explain = 'Move to Yard' paytojay = 50.00 if dispo == 'T': explain = 'Reposition with Tolls' paytojay = 100.00 fromjay = 0.00 netpay = paytojay - fromjay total = total + netpay itemlist.append([ d1.strftime('%m/%d/%Y'), d2.strftime('%m/%d/%Y'), order, con, explain, nodollar(paytojay), str(chassisdays), nodollar(fromjay), nodollar(netpay) ]) ndat = OverSeas.query.filter(OverSeas.Container == con).first() if ndat is not None: d1 = ndat.PuDate d2 = ndat.RetDate try: d1s = d1.strftime('%m/%d/%Y') except: d1s = 'None' try: d2s = d2.strftime('%m/%d/%Y') except: d2s = 'None' booking = ndat.Booking dispo = get_special(con) if dispo == 'N': explain = 'Half-warehouse job' paytojay = 250.00 if dispo == 'Y': explain = 'Move to Yard' paytojay = 50.00 if dispo == 'T': explain = 'Reposition with Tolls' paytojay = 100.00 fromjay = 0.00 netpay = paytojay - fromjay total = total + netpay itemlist.append([ d1s, d2s, booking, con, explain, nodollar(paytojay), str(chassisdays), nodollar(fromjay), nodollar(netpay) ]) #Financial Calcs: Jay containers for con in jayjobs: d1, d2, chassisdays = get_chassisdays(con) if d1 >= startdate: verify, booking = jay_special(con) explain = 'Jay job verified as: ' + verify paytojay = 0.00 fromjay = 30.00 * chassisdays netpay = paytojay - fromjay total = total + netpay itemlist.append([ d1.strftime('%m/%d/%Y'), d2.strftime('%m/%d/%Y'), booking, con, explain, nodollar(paytojay), str(chassisdays), nodollar(fromjay), nodollar(netpay) ]) #Financial Calcs: Jay part containers for con in jaypartjobs: verify, booking, d1 = jay_special2(con) explain = 'Jay job missing ticket: ' + verify paytojay = 0.00 chassisdays = 6 fromjay = 30.00 * chassisdays netpay = paytojay - fromjay total = total + netpay itemlist.append([ d1.strftime('%m/%d/%Y'), d1.strftime('%m/%d/%Y'), booking, con, explain, nodollar(paytojay), str(chassisdays), nodollar(fromjay), nodollar(netpay) ]) for con in yardmoves: idat = Interchange.query.filter(Interchange.Container == con).first() booking = idat.Release take, type, move = get_take(con) d1, d2, chassisdays = get_chassisdays(con) if move == 'ym2toll2': explain = 'Two yard moves 2 tolls' paytojay = 150.00 if move == 'ym2toll1': explain = 'Two yard moves 1 toll' paytojay = 125.00 if move == 'ym2': explain = 'Two yard moves each' paytojay = 50.00 if move == 'ym1toll1': explain = 'Yard move with toll' paytojay = 75.00 if move == 'ym1': explain = 'Yard move' paytojay = 50.00 chassisdays = 0 fromjay = 0.00 netpay = paytojay - fromjay total = total + netpay print('Here is:', booking, con, explain, move) itemlist.append([ d1.strftime('%m/%d/%Y'), d1.strftime('%m/%d/%Y'), booking, con, explain, nodollar(paytojay), str(chassisdays), nodollar(fromjay), nodollar(netpay) ]) bitemlist = [] #Find expenses paid for Jay paymentlist = [] servicelist = [] #Financial Calcs:Income Credits to Jay, Items Jay Paid For odata = OverSeas.query.filter((OverSeas.PuDate >= start) & (OverSeas.RetDate <= end) & (OverSeas.BillTo.contains("Jays"))).all() for odat in odata: d1 = odat.PuDate d2 = odat.RetDate jo = odat.Jo booking = odat.Booking print('Booking', booking, jo) con = odat.Container chassisdays = '' explain = 'Credit for Payments made: Overseas Shipping' idat = Income.query.filter(Income.Jo == jo).first() print(idat) if idat is not None: print('Found Income') paytojay = float(idat.Amount) fromjay = 0.00 netpay = paytojay - fromjay total = total + netpay paymentlist.append([ d1.strftime('%m/%d/%Y'), d2.strftime('%m/%d/%Y'), booking, con, explain, nodollar(paytojay) ]) indat = Invoices.query.filter(Invoices.Jo == jo).first() if indat is not None: print('Found Invoices') explain2 = 'Services Provided: Overseas Shipping' amount = float(indat.Total) servicelist.append([ d1.strftime('%m/%d/%Y'), d2.strftime('%m/%d/%Y'), booking, con, explain2, nodollar(amount) ]) print(bitemlist) bdata = FELBills.query.filter( (FELBills.bDate >= start) & (FELBills.bDate <= end) & ((FELBills.Co == 'J') | (FELBills.bCat == 'JaysAuto'))).order_by( FELBills.bDate).all() for data in bdata: print(data.bDate, data.Description, data.bAmount) bitemlist.append( [data.bDate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), data.Description, data.bAmount]) btotal = 0.00 l2 = len(bitemlist) print('l2=', l2) for i in range(l2): newlist = bitemlist[i] amount = newlist[2] btotal = btotal + float(amount) print(amount, btotal) print(dollar(btotal)) nettotal = total - btotal print(dollar(nettotal)) return paymentlist, servicelist, itemlist, bitemlist, total, btotal, nettotal
def plcalcs(): today ='%m/%d/%Y') invodate ='%m/%d/%Y') sdate = request.values.get('start') fdate = request.values.get('finish') start = datetime.datetime.strptime(sdate, '%Y-%m-%d') end = datetime.datetime.strptime(fdate, '%Y-%m-%d') itemlist = [] limit = 20 #Need itemlist in date order and job type order: T,O,S,M invodat = Invoices.query.filter((Invoices.Date >= start) & (Invoices.Date <= end) & (Invoices.Jo.contains('FT'))).order_by( Invoices.Date).all() for invo in invodat: jo = invo.Jo invoamt = float(invo.Amount) d1 = invo.Date service = invo.Service odat = Orders.query.filter(Orders.Jo == jo).first() if odat is not None: order = odat.Order container = odat.Container if '53D' in container: container = '53DryV' loc1 = odat.Company loc2 = odat.Company2 if len(loc1) > limit: loc1 = loc1[0:limit - 1] if len(loc2) > limit: loc2 = loc2[0:limit - 1] if container is None: container == 'None' itemlist.append([ d1.strftime('%m/%d/%Y'), 'T', service, order, container, loc1, loc2, nodollar(invoamt) ]) invodat = Invoices.query.filter((Invoices.Date >= start) & (Invoices.Date <= end) & (Invoices.Jo.contains('FO'))).order_by( Invoices.Date).all() for invo in invodat: jo = invo.Jo invoamt = float(invo.Amount) d1 = invo.Date service = invo.Service odat = OverSeas.query.filter(OverSeas.Jo == jo).first() if odat is not None: booking = odat.Booking container = odat.Container if container is not None: if '53D' in container: container = '53DryV' else: container = 'None' loc1 = odat.Pol loc2 = odat.Pod if len(loc1) > limit: loc1 = loc1[0:limit - 1] if len(loc2) > limit: loc2 = loc2[0:limit - 1] if container is None: container == 'None' if service == 'Towing': try: desc = invo.Description vin = desc.split('VIN:', 1)[1] loc1 = vin.strip() if len(loc1) > 17: loc1 = loc1[0:16] except: loc1 = 'NoVin' itemlist.append([ d1.strftime('%m/%d/%Y'), 'O', service, booking, container, loc1, loc2, nodollar(invoamt) ]) invodat = Invoices.query.filter((Invoices.Date >= start) & (Invoices.Date <= end) & (Invoices.Jo.contains('FS'))).order_by( Invoices.Date).all() for invo in invodat: jo = invo.Jo invoamt = float(invo.Amount) d1 = invo.Date service = invo.Service container = '' loc2 = invo.Description if len(loc2) > limit: loc2 = loc2[0:limit - 1] odat = Storage.query.filter(Storage.Jo == jo).first() if odat is not None: loc1 = odat.Company if len(loc1) > limit: loc1 = loc1[0:limit - 1] else: loc1 = 'None' itemlist.append([ d1.strftime('%m/%d/%Y'), 'S', service, jo, container, loc1, loc2, nodollar(invoamt) ]) invodat = Invoices.query.filter((Invoices.Date >= start) & (Invoices.Date <= end) & (Invoices.Jo.contains('FM'))).order_by( Invoices.Date).all() for invo in invodat: jo = invo.Jo invoamt = float(invo.Amount) d1 = invo.Date service = invo.Service container = '' loc2 = invo.Description if len(loc2) > limit: loc2 = loc2[0:limit - 1] odat = Moving.query.filter(Moving.Jo == jo).first() if odat is not None: loc1 = odat.Shipper if len(loc1) > limit: loc1 = loc1[0:limit - 1] else: loc1 = 'None' itemlist.append([ d1.strftime('%m/%d/%Y'), 'M', service, jo, container, loc1, loc2, nodollar(invoamt) ]) blist = [] categories = ['Container', 'Towing', 'Fuel', 'Payroll', 'Rentals', 'Other'] for cat in categories: bdata = FELBills.query.filter( (FELBills.bDate >= start) & (FELBills.bDate <= end) & (FELBills.bClass.contains(cat)) & ((FELBills.bType == 'Direct') | (FELBills.bType == 'JobSp'))).order_by(FELBills.bDate).all() for bdat in bdata: bclass = bdat.bClass d1 = bdat.bDate company = bdat.Company if len(company) > limit: company = company[0:limit - 1] desc = bdat.Description desc = desc.replace('\n', ' ') desc = desc.replace('\r', '') desc = desc.strip() if len(desc) > limit + 10: desc = desc[0:limit + 9] bamount = float(bdat.bAmount) acct = bdat.Account blist.append([ d1.strftime('%m/%d/%Y'), 'D:' + cat, company, desc, acct, nodollar(bamount) ]) categories = [ 'BldRent', 'BldRepMaint', 'Utilities', 'Adv-Mark', 'BankFees', 'Taxes', 'OfficeSupp', 'Insurance', 'ProfFees', 'Other' ] for cat in categories: bdata = FELBills.query.filter( (FELBills.bDate >= start) & (FELBills.bDate <= end) & (FELBills.bType == 'G-A') & (FELBills.bClass.contains(cat))).order_by(FELBills.bDate).all() for bdat in bdata: bclass = bdat.bClass d1 = bdat.bDate company = bdat.Company if len(company) > limit: company = company[0:limit - 1] desc = bdat.Description desc = desc.replace('\n', ' ') desc = desc.replace('\r', '') desc = desc.strip() if len(desc) > limit + 10: desc = desc[0:limit + 9] bamount = float(bdat.bAmount) acct = bdat.Account if len(acct) > 12: acct = acct[0:11] blist.append([ d1.strftime('%m/%d/%Y'), 'I:' + cat, company, desc, acct, nodollar(bamount) ]) return itemlist, blist
def custcalcs(thiscomp): today ='%m/%d/%Y') thisday = invodate ='%m/%d/%Y') sdate = request.values.get('start') fdate = request.values.get('finish') start = datetime.datetime.strptime(sdate, '%Y-%m-%d') end = datetime.datetime.strptime(fdate, '%Y-%m-%d') d2 = None oceantype = request.values.get('dt1') trucktype = request.values.get('dt2') openbalrequest = request.values.get('dc6') keyname = ['JO', 'Order', 'Booking', 'Container', 'BOL'] plist = [50, 65, 65, 70, 60] keydataname = [] ptot = 0.0 pstops = [] for i in range(5): key = request.values.get('dc' + str(i + 1)) if key == 'on': keydataname.append(keyname[i]) ptot = ptot + plist[i] pstops.append(plist[i]) tofromavail = 220 - (ptot - 140) tfeach = round(tofromavail / 12.0 / .8) print(oceantype, trucktype) itemlist = [] print(trucktype, oceantype, start, end) if trucktype == 'on': if thiscomp == 'ALLT': odata = Orders.query.filter((Orders.Date >= start) & (Orders.Date <= end)).order_by( Orders.Date).all() elif thiscomp == 'LB' or thiscomp == 'WM' or thiscomp == 'AF' or thiscomp == 'BP': pdata = People.query.filter(People.Addr3 == thiscomp).all() companies = [] for pdat in pdata: companies.append(pdat.Company) print(companies) odata = Orders.query.filter( (Orders.Date >= start) & (Orders.Date <= end) & (Orders.Shipper.in_(companies))).order_by(Orders.Date).all() else: odata = Orders.query.filter( (Orders.Date >= start) & (Orders.Date <= end) & (Orders.Shipper == thiscomp)).order_by(Orders.Date).all() elif oceantype == 'on': odata = OverSeas.query.filter( (OverSeas.PuDate >= start) & (OverSeas.PuDate <= end) & (OverSeas.BillTo == thiscomp)).order_by(OverSeas.PuDate).all() for odat in odata: if trucktype == 'on': d1 = odat.Date keydata_all = [ odat.Jo, odat.Order, odat.Booking, odat.Container, odat.BOL ] elif oceantype == 'on': d1 = odat.PuDate keydata_all = [ odat.Jo, odat.MoveType, odat.Booking, odat.Container, odat.ContainerType ] #keydata_all=[odat.Jo,odat.Order,odat.Booking,odat.Container,odat.BOL] keydata = [] for i in range(5): key = request.values.get('dc' + str(i + 1)) if key == 'on': keydata.append(keydata_all[i]) invodat = Invoices.query.filter(Invoices.Jo == odat.Jo).first() if invodat is not None: invoamt = invodat.Total d2 = invodat.Date try: invof = float(invoamt) except: invof = 0.00 else: invof = 0.00 incodat = Income.query.filter(Income.Jo == odat.Jo).first() if incodat is not None: incoamt = incodat.Amount try: incof = float(incoamt) except: incof = 0.00 else: incof = 0.00 openf = invof - incof if trucktype == 'on': shi = odat.Shipper loc = odat.Company if shi is None: shi = 'No Shipper' if loc is None: loc = 'No Location' if 'seagirt' in loc.lower(): loc = odat.Company2 elif oceantype == 'on': shi = odat.Pol loc = odat.Pod if 'port' in loc.lower() or 'baltimore' in loc.lower(): loc = 'Seagirt' if 'baltimore' in loc.lower(): loc = 'Seagirt' if len(shi) > tfeach: shi = shi[0:tfeach - 1] if len(loc) > tfeach: loc = loc[0:tfeach - 1] shi = shi.title() loc = loc.title() print('openbalrequest=', openbalrequest, openf) if d2 is not None: d1 = d2 if openbalrequest == 'on' and openf > 0.0: delta = thisday - d1 ndays = delta.days itemlist.append( [d1.strftime('%m/%d/%Y')] + keydata + [shi, loc, nodollar(invof), str(ndays), nodollar(openf)]) elif openbalrequest == 'off' or openbalrequest is None: itemlist.append( [d1.strftime('%m/%d/%Y')] + keydata + [shi, loc, nodollar(invof), nodollar(incof), nodollar(openf)]) #itemlist.append([d1.strftime('%m/%d/%Y'),order,container,loc1,loc2,nodollar(invof),nodollar(incof),nodollar(openf)]) if openbalrequest == 'on': if thiscomp == 'ALLT': headerlist = ['InvoDate'] + keydataname + [ 'Company', 'Key-Loc', 'Invo$', 'Days', 'Open$' ] else: headerlist = ['InvoDate'] + keydataname + [ 'From', 'To', 'Invo$', 'Days', 'Open$' ] else: headerlist = ['InvoDate'] + keydataname + [ 'From', 'To', 'Invo$', 'Paid$', 'Open$' ] print('headerlist=', headerlist) itemlist = sorted(itemlist, key=itemgetter(0)) return itemlist, headerlist, pstops