Example #1
File: views.py Project: QRAAT/QRAAT
def processing_graphs(request):
    if not request.user.is_superuser:
        raise PermissionDenied

    nav_options = get_nav_options(request)
    if not request.GET: # no parameters from user yet
            #processing_graph_form = ProcessingGraphForm() # unbound form - uses default initial form values
            #return render(request, "graph/processing_graphs_form.html", {'nav_options': nav_options, 'form': processing_graph_form})
            end_timestamp = int(time.time())
            start_timestamp = end_timestamp - 18000 # 5 hour interval
            response = redirect("graph:processing_graphs")
            query_str = "?date_format=sts_i&start_timestamp={}&end_timestamp={}&graph_variables=estserver&graph_variables=server&graph_variables=site&site_names=all".format(start_timestamp, end_timestamp)
            response['Location'] += query_str
            return response
            return HttpResponseBadRequest("Sorry, something went wrong when trying to load the Processing Graphs page.")

    else: # user has already filled out the form or entered parameters via the URL
        requestGET = request.GET.copy()
        context = get_processing_graphs_context(request) # gets all the info from URL, runs query, formats data
        requestGET = update_form_time_and_date(requestGET, context)
        processing_graph_form = ProcessingGraphForm(data = requestGET)
        context['nav_options'] = nav_options
        context['form'] = processing_graph_form

        return render(request, "graph/processing_graphs.html", context)
Example #2
def dashboard_page(request):
    nav_options = get_nav_options(request)
    context = {}
    if not request.GET: # no parameters from user yet
            dashboard_page = DashboardForm() # unbound form - uses default initial form values
            context = get_context_for_all(request)
            context['form'] = dashboard_page
            context['nav_options'] = nav_options
            return render(request, "graph/dashboard.html", context)
            #return render(request, "graph/dashboard.html", {'nav_options': nav_options, 'form': dashboard_page})
            return HttpResponseBadRequest("Sorry, something went wrong when trying to load the dashboard page.")

    else: # user has already filled out the form or entered parameters via the URL
        requestGET = request.GET.copy()
        context = get_context_for_all(request)
        requestGET['datetime_start'] = str(context['datetime_start'])

        dashboard_page = DashboardForm(data = requestGET)
        context['form'] = dashboard_page
        context['nav_options'] = nav_options
        return render(request, "graph/dashboard.html", context)
Example #3
File: views.py Project: QRAAT/QRAAT
def graph_home(request):

    nav_options = get_nav_options(request)

        return render(request, "graph/graph_home.html", {'nav_options': nav_options})
        return HttpResponse("Sorry, the graph home page didn't render correctly.") # what type of response should this be?
Example #4
File: views.py Project: QRAAT/QRAAT
def show_users(request):
    """This view shows a list of registered users in the system.
    It is for admin use only"""

    user = request.user
    if request.method == 'GET':

        if user.is_superuser:
            users = User.objects.all()
            return render(
                request, 'account/users.html',
                {'users': users,
                'nav_options': get_nav_options(request) })
					  raise PermissionDenied #403

    return HttpResponse("Try a get!")