def _plug_bridge(self, vif, instance_info): """Plug using hybrid strategy Create a per-VIF linux bridge, then link that bridge to the OVS integration bridge via a veth device, setting up the other end of the veth device just like a normal OVS port. Then boot the VIF on the linux bridge using standard libvirt mechanisms. """ v1_name, v2_name = self.get_veth_pair_names(vif) linux_net.ensure_bridge(vif.bridge_name) mtu = self._get_mtu(vif) if not linux_net.device_exists(v2_name): linux_net.create_veth_pair(v1_name, v2_name, mtu) linux_net.add_bridge_port(vif.bridge_name, v1_name) linux_net.ensure_ovs_bridge(, self._get_vif_datapath_type(vif), timeout=self.config.ovs_vsctl_timeout, ovsdb_connection=self.config.ovsdb_connection) self._create_vif_port(vif, v2_name, instance_info) else: linux_net.update_veth_pair(v1_name, v2_name, mtu) self._update_vif_port(vif, v2_name)
def plug(self, instance, vif): """Plug using hybrid strategy Create a per-VIF linux bridge, then link that bridge to the OVS integration bridge via a veth device, setting up the other end of the veth device just like a normal OVS port. Then boot the VIF on the linux bridge using standard libvirt mechanisms. """ iface_id = vif.ovs_interfaceid br_name = vif.br_name v1_name, v2_name = vif.veth_pair_names if not linux_net.device_exists(br_name): processutils.execute('brctl', 'addbr', br_name, run_as_root=True) processutils.execute('brctl', 'setfd', br_name, 0, run_as_root=True) processutils.execute('brctl', 'stp', br_name, 'off', run_as_root=True) syspath = '/sys/class/net/%s/bridge/multicast_snooping' syspath = syspath % br_name processutils.execute('tee', syspath, process_input='0', check_exit_code=[0, 1], run_as_root=True) if not linux_net.device_exists(v2_name): linux_net.create_veth_pair(v1_name, v2_name, self.network_device_mtu) processutils.execute('ip', 'link', 'set', br_name, 'up', run_as_root=True) processutils.execute('brctl', 'addif', br_name, v1_name, run_as_root=True) linux_net.create_ovs_vif_port(vif.bridge_name, v2_name, iface_id, vif.address, instance.uuid)
def plug(self, vif, instance_info): """Plug using hybrid strategy Create a per-VIF linux bridge, then link that bridge to the OVS integration bridge via a veth device, setting up the other end of the veth device just like a normal OVS port. Then boot the VIF on the linux bridge using standard libvirt mechanisms. """ if not hasattr(vif, "port_profile"): raise exception.MissingPortProfile() if not isinstance(vif.port_profile, objects.vif.VIFPortProfileOpenVSwitch): raise exception.WrongPortProfile( profile=vif.port_profile.__class__.__name__) v1_name, v2_name = self.get_veth_pair_names(vif) if not linux_net.device_exists(vif.bridge_name): processutils.execute('brctl', 'addbr', vif.bridge_name, run_as_root=True) processutils.execute('brctl', 'setfd', vif.bridge_name, 0, run_as_root=True) processutils.execute('brctl', 'stp', vif.bridge_name, 'off', run_as_root=True) syspath = '/sys/class/net/%s/bridge/multicast_snooping' syspath = syspath % vif.bridge_name processutils.execute('tee', syspath, process_input='0', check_exit_code=[0, 1], run_as_root=True) disv6 = ('/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/%s/disable_ipv6' % vif.bridge_name) if os.path.exists(disv6): processutils.execute('tee', disv6, process_input='1', run_as_root=True, check_exit_code=[0, 1]) if not linux_net.device_exists(v2_name): linux_net.create_veth_pair(v1_name, v2_name, self.config.network_device_mtu) processutils.execute('ip', 'link', 'set', vif.bridge_name, 'up', run_as_root=True) processutils.execute('brctl', 'addif', vif.bridge_name, v1_name, run_as_root=True) linux_net.create_ovs_vif_port(, v2_name, vif.port_profile.interface_id, vif.address, instance_info.uuid, self.config.network_device_mtu, timeout=self.config.ovs_vsctl_timeout)
def _plug_bridge(self, vif, instance_info): """Plug using hybrid strategy Create a per-VIF linux bridge, then link that bridge to the OVS integration bridge via a veth device, setting up the other end of the veth device just like a normal OVS port. Then boot the VIF on the linux bridge using standard libvirt mechanisms. """ v1_name, v2_name = self.get_veth_pair_names(vif) linux_net.ensure_bridge(vif.bridge_name) if not linux_net.device_exists(v2_name): linux_net.create_veth_pair(v1_name, v2_name, self.config.network_device_mtu) linux_net.add_bridge_port(vif.bridge_name, v1_name) linux_net.ensure_ovs_bridge(, constants.OVS_DATAPATH_SYSTEM) self._create_vif_port(vif, v2_name, instance_info)
def _plug_bridge(self, vif, instance_info): """Plug using hybrid strategy Create a per-VIF linux bridge, then link that bridge to the OVS integration bridge via a veth device, setting up the other end of the veth device just like a normal OVS port. Then boot the VIF on the linux bridge using standard libvirt mechanisms. """ v1_name, v2_name = self.get_veth_pair_names(vif) linux_net.ensure_bridge(vif.bridge_name) if not linux_net.device_exists(v2_name): if and mtu = else: mtu = self.config.network_device_mtu linux_net.create_veth_pair(v1_name, v2_name, mtu) linux_net.add_bridge_port(vif.bridge_name, v1_name) linux_net.ensure_ovs_bridge(, constants.OVS_DATAPATH_SYSTEM) self._create_vif_port(vif, v2_name, instance_info)