Example #1
def vc_init(runtime=None, directory="data/", printeq=True):
    """ Initialize verifiable computation system, storing all intermediate
    files in the given directory.
    If no runtime is given, the VC system can only be used for secret-sharing
    input data.
    If printeq is True, print equations to a file (only needed for key generation). """

    global vc_directory, my_suffix, vc_modulus, qap, qapo, qapv

    print "*** Initializing VC (data dir=" + directory + ")"

    vc_directory = directory
    if vc_directory[-1] != "/": vc_directory = vc_directory + "/"

    my_suffix = "" if runtime == None or runtime.__class__.__name__ == "LocalRuntime" else str(

    vc_modulus = 21888242871839275222246405745257275088548364400416034343698204186575808495617

    if runtime:
        if printeq: qap = open(vc_directory + "geppeq" + my_suffix, "w")
        print >> qap, "# geppetri qap"
        qapo = open(vc_directory + "geppout" + my_suffix, "w")
        print >> qapo, "# geppetri qap outputs"
        qapv = open(vc_directory + "geppval" + my_suffix, "w")
        print >> qapv, "# geppetri qap values"

        runtime.vc_counter = []
        runtime.Zp = GF(vc_modulus, runtime.res) if hasattr(
            runtime, "res") else GF(vc_modulus)
        return runtime
Example #2
    def synchronize(self):
        """Introduce a synchronization point.

        Returns a :class:`Deferred` which will trigger if and when all
        other players have made their calls to :meth:`synchronize`. By
        adding callbacks to the returned :class:`Deferred`, one can
        divide a protocol execution into disjoint phases.
        input_shares = [(GF(101)(player), GF(101)(0))
                        for player in self.players]
        yield DeferredList(self._exchange_shares(input_shares))
Example #3
def eval_poly(runtime):
    print "Starting protocol"
    start_time = time()

    modulus = find_prime(2**65, blum=True)
    Zp = GF(modulus)

    # In this example we just let Player 1 share the input values.
    if runtime.id == 1:
        x = runtime.shamir_share([1], Zp, 17)
        a = runtime.shamir_share([1], Zp, 42)
        b = runtime.shamir_share([1], Zp, -5)
        c = runtime.shamir_share([1], Zp, 87)
        x = runtime.shamir_share([1], Zp)
        a = runtime.shamir_share([1], Zp)
        b = runtime.shamir_share([1], Zp)
        c = runtime.shamir_share([1], Zp)

    # Evaluate the polynomial.
    p = a * (x * x) + b * x + c

    sign = (p < 0) * -1 + (p > 0) * 1
    output = runtime.open(sign)
    output.addCallback(done, start_time, runtime)
Example #4
    def __init__(self, runtime, security_parameter, p, random):
        assert p > 1
        self.random = random
        # TODO: Generate Paillier cipher with N_i sufficiently larger than p
        self.runtime = runtime
        self.p = p
        self.Zp = GF(p)
        self.k = self._bit_length_of(p)
        self.security_parameter = security_parameter
        self.u_bound = 2**(self.security_parameter + 4 * self.k)
        self.zk_random = Random(self.random.getrandbits(128))

        paillier_random = Random(self.random.getrandbits(128))
        alpha_random = Random(self.random.getrandbits(128))
        self.paillier = ModifiedPaillier(runtime, paillier_random)

        # Debug output.
        #print "n_%d**2:%d" % (runtime.id, self.paillier.pubkey['n_square'])
        #print "n_%d:%d" % (runtime.id, self.paillier.pubkey['n'])
        #print "n_%d bitlength: %d" % \
        #    (runtime.id, self._bit_length_of(self.paillier.pubkey['n']))

        #self.Zp = GF(p)
        #self.Zn2 = GF(self.paillier.pubkey['n_square'])
        #self.alpha = self.Zp(self.random.randint(0, p - 1))
        self.alpha = alpha_random.randint(0, p - 1)
        self.n2 = runtime.players[runtime.id].pubkey['n_square']
Example #5
def protocol(rt):
    print "Starting protocol"
    Zp = GF(11)
    a, b, c = rt.prss_share([1, 2, 3], Zp, 0)
    x, y, z = rt.prss_share([1, 2, 3], Zp, 1)

    a_b = rt.open(rt.convert_bit_share(a, GF256))
    b_b = rt.open(rt.convert_bit_share(b, GF256))
    c_b = rt.open(rt.convert_bit_share(c, GF256))

    x_b = rt.open(rt.convert_bit_share(x, GF256))
    y_b = rt.open(rt.convert_bit_share(y, GF256))
    z_b = rt.open(rt.convert_bit_share(z, GF256))

    def check(result, variable, expected):
        if result == expected:
            print "%s: %s (correct)" % (variable, result)
            print "%s: %s (incorrect, expected %d)" \
                % (variable, result, expected)

    a_b.addCallback(check, "a_b", GF256(0))
    b_b.addCallback(check, "b_b", GF256(0))
    c_b.addCallback(check, "c_b", GF256(0))

    x_b.addCallback(check, "x_b", GF256(1))
    y_b.addCallback(check, "y_b", GF256(1))
    z_b.addCallback(check, "z_b", GF256(1))

    rt.wait_for(a_b, b_b, c_b, x_b, y_b, z_b)
Example #6
    def test_share_protocol_multi(self, runtime):
        p, k = 17, 5
        Zp = GF(p)
        random = Random(345453 + runtime.id)
        elms = [Zp(runtime.id), Zp(runtime.id * 3)]
        paillier_random = Random(random.getrandbits(128))
        zk_random = Random(random.getrandbits(128))
        paillier = ModifiedPaillier(runtime, paillier_random)
        partial_shares = generate_partial_share_contents(
            elms, runtime, paillier, k, zk_random)

        def decrypt(share_contents):
            self.assertEquals(2, len(share_contents))
            decrypted_shares = [
                paillier.decrypt(share_contents[i].enc_shares[runtime.id - 1])
                for i in range(2)
            decrypted_shares = [
                _convolute(runtime, decrypted_shares[i]) for i in range(2)

            def test_sum(vals, should_be):
                self.assertEquals([Zp(e) for e in should_be], vals)

            runtime.schedule_callback(decrypted_shares[0], test_sum, [1, 2, 3])
            runtime.schedule_callback(decrypted_shares[1], test_sum, [3, 6, 9])

        runtime.schedule_callback(partial_shares, decrypt)
        return partial_shares
def share_all(runtime):
    share_rounds = 0  # How many rounds to share all inputs
    for party in nodes_per_party:
        share_rounds = max(share_rounds, len(nodes_per_party[party]))

    # Share the inputs in rounds
    shares = {}  # will contain the shares.

    l = runtime.options.bit_length
    k = runtime.options.security_parameter
    Zp = GF(find_prime(2**65, blum=True))

    this_party_input = nodes_per_party[int(id)]
    for i in range(share_rounds):
        print "share round " + str(i) + "/" + str(share_rounds)
        value_to_share = 0
        if i < len(this_party_input):
            value_to_share = values[this_party_input[i]]
            value_to_share = INFINITY if value_to_share == float(
                "inf") else value_to_share

        round_shares = runtime.shamir_share(parties_list, Zp, value_to_share)
        for index in range(len(round_shares)):
            party = parties_list[index]
            sharing_party_inputs = nodes_per_party[int(party)]
            if i < len(sharing_party_inputs):
                shares[sharing_party_inputs[i]] = round_shares[index]

    return shares
Example #8
    def test_mul_same_player_inputs_and_receives(self, runtime):
        p = 17

        random = Random(283883)
        triple_generator = TripleGenerator(runtime, self.security_parameter, p,

        Zp = GF(p)

        ais = [Zp(6), Zp(6), Zp(6), Zp(6)]
        b2 = Zp(7)
        cs = []
        for ai in ais:
            cs.append(triple_generator.paillier.encrypt(b2.value, 2))

        n = len(ais)

        r1 = triple_generator._mul(2, 2, n, ais, cs)

        def check(shares):
            for share in shares:
                if runtime.id == 2:
                    self.assertEquals(share.value, 8)
            return True

        return r1
Example #9
    def test_add_macs_produces_correct_sharing(self, runtime):
        # TODO: Here we use the open method of the BeDOZa runtime in
        # order to verify the macs of the generated full share. In
        # order to be more unit testish, this test should use its own
        # way of verifying these.
        p = 17
        Zp = GF(p)
        secret = 6
        random = Random(283883)
        paillier_random = Random(random.getrandbits(128))
        paillier = ModifiedPaillier(runtime, random)

        add_macs_random = Random(random.getrandbits(128))

        shares_random = Random(random.getrandbits(128))
        shares = []
                          secret + 1,
                          secret + 2,
                          secret + 3,

        bits_in_p = 5
        u_bound = 2**(4 * bits_in_p)
        alpha = 15

        zs = add_macs(runtime, Zp, u_bound, alpha, add_macs_random, paillier,

        def verify(open_shares):
            inx = secret
            for open_share in open_shares:
                self.assertEquals(inx, open_share.value)
                inx += 1

        opened_shares = []
        for s in zs:
        d = gather_shares(opened_shares)
        return d
Example #10
    def test_generate_triples_generates_correct_triples(self, runtime):
        p = 17

        Zp = GF(p)

        random = Random(574566 + runtime.id)
        triple_generator = TripleGenerator(runtime, self.security_parameter, p,

        triples = triple_generator._generate_triples(10)

        def check((a, b, c)):
            self.assertEquals(c, a * b)

        def open(triple):
            d1 = runtime.open(triple.a)
            d2 = runtime.open(triple.b)
            d3 = runtime.open(triple.c)
            d = gatherResults([d1, d2, d3])
            runtime.schedule_callback(d, check)
            return d

        for triple in triples:
            runtime.schedule_callback(triple, open)
        return gatherResults(triples)
Example #11
    def test_encrypted_random_real_shares_open_correctly(self, runtime):
        random = Random(3423993)
        modulus = 17
        Zp = GF(modulus)
        bits_in_p = 5
        u_bound = 2**(4 * bits_in_p)
        alpha = 15

        paillier = ModifiedPaillier(runtime, Random(random.getrandbits(128)))

        share_random = Random(random.getrandbits(128))
        gen = TestShareGenerator(Zp, runtime, share_random, paillier, u_bound,
        shares = gen.generate_random_shares(7)
        expected_result = [9, 16, 7, 12, 3, 5, 6]
        results = []
        for inx, share in enumerate(shares):

            def check(v, expected_result):
                self.assertEquals(expected_result, v)

            r = runtime.open(share)
            runtime.schedule_callback(r, check, expected_result[inx])
        return gather_shares(results)
Example #12
 def setUp(self):
     self.Zp = GF(17)
     bits_in_p = 5
     self.security_parameter = 32
     self.u_bound = 2**(self.security_parameter + 4 * bits_in_p)
     self.alpha = 15
Example #13
    def test_send_two_senders_in_parallel(self, runtime):
        """Test of send a value."""
        self.Zp = GF(

        def check(ls):
            for s, x in ls:
                self.assertEquals(int(x), 42)
            return ls

        value = 42

        receivers = [2, 3]
        if 1 == runtime.id:
            d1 = runtime.broadcast([1], receivers, str(value))
            d1 = runtime.broadcast([1], receivers)

        if 2 == runtime.id:
            d2 = runtime.broadcast([2], [3], str(value))
            d2 = runtime.broadcast([2], [3])

        ds = [d1]
        if [] != d2:
        dls = DeferredList(ds)
        return dls
Example #14
 def mpc_share_guess(self, guess):
     # For the comparison protocol to work, we need a field modulus
     # bigger than 2**(l+1) + 2**(l+k+1), where the bit length of
     # the input numbers is l and k is the security parameter.
     # Further more, the prime must be a Blum prime (a prime p such
     # that p % 4 == 3 holds). The find_prime function lets us find
     # a suitable prime.
     l = self.runtime.options.bit_length
     k = self.runtime.options.security_parameter
     Zp = GF(find_prime(2**(l + 1) + 2**(l + k + 1), blum=True))
     # We must secret share our input with the other parties. They
     # will do the same and we end up with three variables
     # We can only share between the remaining player, don't wait
     # for a dead person's input.
     # TODO: only require the living players to respond.
     alive_player_array = self.alive_players()
     if not self.lives[self.runtime.id - 1] > 0:
         print "sorry you're dead ignoring your input  %s " % self.runtime.id
         return self.runtime.shamir_share(alive_player_array, Zp, None)
         print "you're alive  your player num  %s " % self.runtime.id
         print "alive  mcp %s " % alive_player_array
         if self.is_player:
             print "in 1,2 "
             g1, g2 = self.runtime.shamir_share([1, 2], Zp, guess)
             print "in 3"
             g1, g2 = self.runtime.shamir_share([1, 2], Zp)
     return [g1, g2]
Example #15
    def __init__(self, runtime):
        # Save the Runtime for later use
        self.runtime = runtime
        self.k = 256
        self.b = 2
        self.threshold = 1

        self.matrix = [[0 for x in range(self.k + 1)]
                       for y in range(self.k + 1)]
        self.openmatrix = [[0 for x in range(self.k + 1)]
                           for y in range(self.k + 1)]
        self.prefix = 0

        # This is the value we will use in the protocol.
        self.target = 3

        Zp = GF(find_prime(2**64))

        if runtime.id == 1:
            a = runtime.shamir_share([1], Zp, self.target)
            a = runtime.shamir_share([1], Zp)
        self.a = a
	for i in range(self.k + 1):
		if runtime.id == 1:
	    		self.matrix[0][i] = self.runtime.shamir_share([1], Zp, self.b**i)
	    		self.matrix[0][i] = self.runtime.shamir_share([1], Zp)


        #self.matrix[0][1] = TriplesHyperinvertibleMatricesMixin.single_share_random(1,self.threshold,Zp)
        if runtime.id == 1:
            self.matrix[0][0] = self.runtime.shamir_share([1], Zp, 0)
            self.matrix[0][1] = self.runtime.shamir_share([1], Zp, self.b)
            self.matrix[0][0] = self.runtime.shamir_share([1], Zp)
            self.matrix[0][1] = self.runtime.shamir_share([1], Zp)
        for i in range(2, self.k + 1):
            self.matrix[0][i] = self.matrix[0][i - 1] * self.matrix[0][1]


        for i in range(self.k + 1):
            self.openmatrix[0][i] = self.runtime.open(self.matrix[0][i])

        self.matrix[1][0] = self.a
        self.matrix[1][1] = self.matrix[1][0] * self.matrix[0][1]

        self.prefix = self.runtime.open(a - self.matrix[0][1])

        list1 = [self.prefix, a, self.matrix[1][1]]
        list1 = list1 + [self.matrix[0][i] for i in range(1, self.k + 1)]
        print len(list1)
        #results = list1

        results = gather_shares(list1)
Example #16
 def test_not_hyper(self):
     """Check a non-hyper-invertible matrix."""
     Zp = GF(11)
     # This is an invertible matrix, but it is not hyper-invertible
     # since none of the three the upper 2x2 matrices are
     # invertible.
     m = Matrix([[Zp(2), Zp(3), Zp(4)], [Zp(4), Zp(6), Zp(9)],
                 [Zp(3), Zp(5), Zp(8)]])
Example #17
    def test_shares_have_correct_type(self, runtime):
        Zp = GF(23)
        share = partial_share(Random(23499), runtime, Zp, 7)

        def test(share):
            self.assertEquals(Zp, share.value.field)

        runtime.schedule_callback(share, test)
        return share
Example #18
    def test_convolute_field_element(self, runtime):
        Zp = GF(17)
        res = _convolute_gf_elm(runtime, Zp(runtime.id))

        def verify(result):
            self.assertEquals(runtime.players.keys(), result)

        runtime.schedule_callback(res, verify)
        return res
Example #19
 def test_vec_mul_E_is_correct(self):
     s, prover_id, k, Zn = 5, 1, 0, GF(17)
     c = [None] * s
     y = [Zn(i) for i in range(1, 6)]
     zk = ZKProof(s, prover_id, k, RuntimeStub(), c)
     zk.e = [1, 0, 1, 1, 0]
     x = [1, 2, 0, 1, 0]
     x_mul_E = zk._vec_mul_E(x)
     self.assertEquals([v for v in [1, 2, 1, 4, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0]], x_mul_E)
Example #20
    def __init__(self, runtime):
        # Save the Runtime for later use
        self.runtime = runtime

        # This is the value we will use in the protocol.
        self.millions = rand.randint(1, 200)
        print "I am Millionaire %d and I am worth %d millions." \
            % (runtime.id, self.millions)

        # For the comparison protocol to work, we need a field modulus
        # bigger than 2**(l+1) + 2**(l+k+1), where the bit length of
        # the input numbers is l and k is the security parameter.
        # Further more, the prime must be a Blum prime (a prime p such
        # that p % 4 == 3 holds). The find_prime function lets us find
        # a suitable prime.
        l = runtime.options.bit_length
        k = runtime.options.security_parameter
        Zp = GF(find_prime(2**(l + 1) + 2**(l + k + 1), blum=True))

        # We must secret share our input with the other parties. They
        # will do the same and we end up with three variables
        m1, m2, m3 = runtime.shamir_share([1, 2, 3], Zp, self.millions)

        # Now that everybody has secret shared their inputs we can
        # compare them. We compare the worth of the first millionaire
        # with the two others, and compare those two millionaires with
        # each other.
        m1_ge_m2 = m1 >= m2
        m1_ge_m3 = m1 >= m3
        m2_ge_m3 = m2 >= m3

        # The results are secret shared, so we must open them before
        # we can do anything usefull with them.
        open_m1_ge_m2 = runtime.open(m1_ge_m2)
        open_m1_ge_m3 = runtime.open(m1_ge_m3)
        open_m2_ge_m3 = runtime.open(m2_ge_m3)

        # We will now gather the results and call the
        # self.results_ready method when they have all been received.
        results = gather_shares([open_m1_ge_m2, open_m1_ge_m3, open_m2_ge_m3])

        # We can add more callbacks to the callback chain in results.
        # These are called in sequence when self.results_ready is
        # finished. The first callback acts like a barrier and makes
        # all players wait on each other.
        # The callbacks are always called with an argument equal to
        # the return value of the preceeding callback. We do not need
        # the argument (which is None since self.results_ready does
        # not return anything), so we throw it away using a lambda
        # expressions which ignores its first argument.
        runtime.schedule_callback(results, lambda _: runtime.synchronize())
        # The next callback shuts the runtime down, killing the
        # connections between the players.
        runtime.schedule_callback(results, lambda _: runtime.shutdown())
Example #21
    def test_shares_are_additive(self, runtime):
        secret = 7
        share = partial_share(Random(34993), runtime, GF(23), secret)

        def convolute(share):
            values = _convolute_gf_elm(runtime, share.value)

            def test_sum(vals):
                self.assertEquals(secret, sum(vals))

            runtime.schedule_callback(values, test_sum)

        runtime.schedule_callback(share, convolute)
        return share
Example #22
    def test_mul_computes_correct_result(self, runtime):
        p = 17

        random = Random(283883)
        triple_generator = TripleGenerator(runtime, 32, p, random)

        Zp = GF(p)

        ais = [Zp(6), Zp(6), Zp(6), Zp(6)]
        b2 = Zp(7)
        cs = []
        for ai in ais:
            cs.append(triple_generator.paillier.encrypt(b2.value, 2))

        n = len(ais)

        if runtime.id == 1:
            r1 = triple_generator._mul(1, 2, n, ais, cs)

            def check1(shares):
                for share in shares:
                    pc = tuple(runtime.program_counter)
                    runtime.protocols[2].sendData(pc, TEXT, str(share.value))
                return True

            return r1
            r1 = triple_generator._mul(1, 2, n)

            def check(shares):
                deferreds = []
                for share in shares:
                    if runtime.id == 2:

                        def check_additivity(zi, zj):
                            self.assertEquals((Zp(long(zi)) + zj).value, 8)
                            return None

                        d = Deferred()
                        d.addCallback(check_additivity, share.value)
                        runtime._expect_data(1, TEXT, d)
                        self.assertEquals(share.value, 0)
                return gatherResults(deferreds)

            return r1
Example #23
    def test_fullmul_encrypted_values_are_the_same_as_the_share(self, runtime):
        p = 17

        Zp = GF(p)

        random = Random(283883)
        triple_generator = TripleGenerator(runtime, self.security_parameter, p,

        paillier = triple_generator.paillier

        share_as = []
        share_bs = []
            partial_share(random, runtime, GF(p), 6, paillier=paillier))
            partial_share(random, runtime, GF(p), 7, paillier=paillier))
            partial_share(random, runtime, GF(p), 5, paillier=paillier))
            partial_share(random, runtime, GF(p), 4, paillier=paillier))
            partial_share(random, runtime, GF(p), 2, paillier=paillier))
            partial_share(random, runtime, GF(p), 3, paillier=paillier))

        share_zs = triple_generator._full_mul(share_as, share_bs)

        def check(shares):
            all_enc_shares = []
            for share in shares:

                def test_enc(enc_shares, value):
                    all_the_same, zi_enc = reduce(
                        lambda x, y: (x[0] and x[1] == y, y), enc_shares,
                        (True, enc_shares[0]))
                    zi_enc = triple_generator.paillier.decrypt(zi_enc)
                    self.assertEquals(value, Zp(zi_enc))
                    return True

                for inx, enc_share in enumerate(share.enc_shares):
                    d = _convolute(runtime, enc_share)
                    if runtime.id == inx + 1:
                        d.addCallback(test_enc, share.value)
            return gatherResults(all_enc_shares)

        d = gatherResults(share_zs)
        return d
Example #24
def main(runtime):
    global tv, Zp
    tv = runtime
    k = tv.options.security_parameter
    l = tv.options.bit_length
    ln = len(tv.players).bit_length()
    Zp = GF(find_prime(2**(l + k + ln + 1), blum=True))
    yield declareReturn(tv, Zp)

    shareZp = lambda x: Share(tv, Zp, Zp(x))
    t = 12
    for i in xrange(t):
        a = secret_index(shareZp(i), t)
        a = yield map(tv.open, a)
        print i, map(lambda v: int(v.value), a)
Example #25
    def test_sender_in_receivers(self, runtime):
        """Test of send a value."""
        self.Zp = GF(

        value = 42
        if 1 == runtime.id:
            d = runtime.broadcast([1], [1, 2, 3], str(value))
            d = runtime.broadcast([1], [1, 2, 3])

        def check(x):
            self.assertEquals(int(x), 42)
            return x

        return d
Example #26
File: util.py Project: lu562/viff
    def setUp(self):
        """Configure and connect three Runtimes.

        .. warning::
           Subclasses that override this method *must* remember to do
           a super-call to it. Otherwise the runtimes wont be
           connected and :meth:`tearDown` wont work.
        # Our standard 65 bit Blum prime
        self.Zp = GF(30916444023318367583)

        configs = self.generate_configs(self.num_players, self.threshold)
        self.protocols = {}

        # initialize the dictionary of random generators
        seed = rand.random()
        self.shared_rand = dict([(player_id, Random(seed))
                  for player_id in range(1, self.num_players + 1)])

        # This will be a list of Deferreds which will trigger when the
        # virtual connections between the players are closed.
        self.close_sentinels = []

        self.runtimes = []
        for id in reversed(range(1, self.num_players+1)):
            _, players = load_config(configs[id])
            self.create_loopback_runtime(id, players)

        if isinstance(reactor, ViffReactor):
            def set_loop_call(runtimes):
                self.i = 0

                # This loop call should ensure the queues of the parties are
                # processed in a more or less fair manner. This is necessary
                # because we have only one reactor for all parties here.
                def loop_call():
                    i = self.i
                    for j in range(len(runtimes)):
                        self.i = (self.i + 1) % len(runtimes)
                        runtimes[(i + j) % len(runtimes)].process_deferred_queue()


Example #27
    def __init__(self, runtime, k):
        self.k = k
        self.runtime = runtime
        self.inputs = [0 for _ in range(self.k)]
        self.p = find_prime(2**256, blum=True)
        self.Zp = GF(self.p)
        self.open_value = [0 for _ in range(self.k)]
        self.precomputed_powers = [[0 for _ in range(self.k)]
                                   for _ in range(self.k)]

        # load -1/1 shares from file
        self.load_input_from_file(self.k, self.p)

        for i in range(self.k):
            self.open_value[i] = self.runtime.open(self.inputs[i])
        #print self.open_value
        result = gather_shares(self.open_value)
Example #28
    def test_fullmul_computes_the_correct_result(self, runtime):
        p = 17

        Zp = GF(p)

        random = Random(283883)
        triple_generator = TripleGenerator(runtime, self.security_parameter, p,

        paillier = triple_generator.paillier

        share_as = []
        share_bs = []
            partial_share(random, runtime, GF(p), 6, paillier=paillier))
            partial_share(random, runtime, GF(p), 7, paillier=paillier))
            partial_share(random, runtime, GF(p), 5, paillier=paillier))
            partial_share(random, runtime, GF(p), 4, paillier=paillier))
            partial_share(random, runtime, GF(p), 2, paillier=paillier))
            partial_share(random, runtime, GF(p), 3, paillier=paillier))

        share_zs = triple_generator._full_mul(share_as, share_bs)

        def check(shares):
            def test_sum(ls):
                self.assertEquals(8, Zp(sum(ls[0])))
                self.assertEquals(3, Zp(sum(ls[1])))
                self.assertEquals(6, Zp(sum(ls[2])))

            values = []
            for share in shares:
                value = _convolute(runtime, share.value.value)
            d = gatherResults(values)
            runtime.schedule_callback(d, test_sum)
            return d

        d = gatherResults(share_zs)
        return d
Example #29
    def load_input_from_file(self, k, p):
        filename = "party" + str(self.runtime.id) + "-input"

        FD = open(filename, "r")
        line = FD.readline()
        if int(line) != k:
            print "k dismatch!! k in file is %d" % (int(line))
        line = FD.readline()
        if int(line) != p:
            print "prime dismatch!! prime in file is %d" % (int(line))
        self.Zp = GF(p)

        line = FD.readline()
        i = 0
        while line and i < self.k:
            #print i
            self.inputs[i] = Share(self.runtime, self.Zp, self.Zp(int(line)))

            line = FD.readline()
            i = i + 1
Example #30
    def test_encrypted_real_share_open_correctly(self, runtime):
        random = Random(3423993)
        modulus = 17
        Zp = GF(modulus)
        bits_in_p = 5
        u_bound = 2**(4 * bits_in_p)
        alpha = 15

        paillier = ModifiedPaillier(runtime, Random(random.getrandbits(128)))

        share_random = Random(random.getrandbits(128))
        gen = ShareGenerator(Zp, runtime, share_random, paillier, u_bound,
        share = gen.generate_share(7)

        def check(v):
            self.assertEquals(7, v)

        r = runtime.open(share)
        runtime.schedule_callback(r, check)
        return r