Example #1
 def Global(self, **kwargs):
   """Sets global metadata, like plugin author."""
   for key, value in kwargs.items():
     if key in self.globals:
       raise error.RedundantControl(key)
     self.globals[key] = value
Example #2
 def ConsumeMetadata(self, block):
     assert block.locals.get('type') in [vimdoc.SECTION, vimdoc.BACKMATTER]
     # Error out for deprecated controls.
     if 'author' in block.globals:
         raise error.InvalidBlock(
             'Invalid directive @author.'
             ' Specify author field in addon-info.json instead.')
     if 'tagline' in block.globals:
         raise error.InvalidBlock(
             'Invalid directive @tagline.'
             ' Specify description field in addon-info.json instead.')
     for control in ['stylization', 'library']:
         if control in block.globals:
             if getattr(self, control) is not None:
                 raise error.RedundantControl(control)
             setattr(self, control, block.globals[control])
Example #3
    def Merge(self, block, namespace=None):
        """Merges a block with the module."""
        typ = block.locals.get('type')

        # This block doesn't want to be spoken to.
        if not typ:
        # If the type still hasn't been set, it never will be.
        if typ is True:
            raise error.AmbiguousBlock

        # Consume module-level metadata
        if 'order' in block.globals:
            if self.order is not None:
                raise error.RedundantControl('order')
            self.order = block.globals['order']

        # Sections and Backmatter are specially treated.
        block_id = block.locals.get('id')
        if typ == vimdoc.SECTION:
            # Overwrite existing section if it's a default.
            if block_id not in self.sections or self.sections[
                self.sections[block_id] = block
            elif not block.IsDefault():
                # Tried to overwrite explicit section with explicit section.
                raise error.DuplicateSection(block_id)
        elif typ == vimdoc.BACKMATTER:
            # Overwrite existing section backmatter if it's a default.
            if (block_id not in self.backmatters
                    or self.backmatters[block_id].IsDefault()):
                self.backmatters[block_id] = block
            elif not block.IsDefault():
                # Tried to overwrite explicit backmatter with explicit backmatter.
                raise error.DuplicateBackmatter(block_id)
            collection_type = self.plugin.GetCollectionType(block)
            if collection_type is not None:
                self.collections.setdefault(collection_type, []).append(block)