Example #1
def test_py_info_cached_symlink(mocker, tmp_path, session_app_data):
    spy = mocker.spy(cached_py_info, "_run_subprocess")
    first_result = PythonInfo.from_exe(sys.executable, session_app_data)
    assert first_result is not None
    count = spy.call_count
    # at least two, one for the venv, one more for the host
    exp_count = 1 if first_result.executable == sys.executable else 2
    assert count >= exp_count  # at least two, one for the venv, one more for the host

    new_exe = tmp_path / "a"
    pyvenv = Path(sys.executable).parents[1] / "pyvenv.cfg"
    if pyvenv.exists():
        (tmp_path / pyvenv.name).write_text(pyvenv.read_text())
    new_exe_str = str(new_exe)
    second_result = PythonInfo.from_exe(new_exe_str, session_app_data)
    assert second_result.executable == new_exe_str
    assert spy.call_count == count + 1  # no longer needed the host invocation, but the new symlink is must
Example #2
def test_discover_ok(tmp_path, monkeypatch, suffix, impl, version, arch, into, caplog, session_app_data):
    folder = tmp_path / into
    folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    dest = folder / "{}{}".format(impl, version, arch, suffix)
    os.symlink(CURRENT.executable, str(dest))
    pyvenv = Path(CURRENT.executable).parents[1] / "pyvenv.cfg"
    if pyvenv.exists():
        (folder / pyvenv.name).write_text(pyvenv.read_text())
    inside_folder = str(tmp_path)
    base = CURRENT.discover_exe(session_app_data, inside_folder)
    found = base.executable
    dest_str = str(dest)
    if not fs_is_case_sensitive():
        found = found.lower()
        dest_str = dest_str.lower()
    assert found == dest_str
    assert len(caplog.messages) >= 1, caplog.text
    assert "get interpreter info via cmd: " in caplog.text

    dest.rename(dest.parent / (dest.name + "-1"))
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        CURRENT.discover_exe(session_app_data, inside_folder)