Example #1
def find(img, hue_min=20, hue_max=175, sat_min=0, sat_max=255, val_min=0, val_max=255):
    Detect the qualification gate.
    :param img: HSV image from the bottom camera
    :return: tuple of location of the center of the gate in a "targeting" coordinate system: origin is at center of image, axes range [-1, 1]

    img = np.copy(img)

    bin = vision_util.hsv_threshold(img, hue_min, hue_max, sat_min, sat_max, val_min, val_max)

    canny = vision_util.canny(bin, 50)

    # find contours after first processing it with Canny edge detection
    contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(canny, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)

    hulls = vision_util.convex_hulls(contours)
    cv2.drawContours(bin, hulls, -1, 255)

    cv2.imshow('bin', bin)


    if len(hulls) < 2:
        return ()

    # get the two highest scoring candidates
    left = cv2.minAreaRect(hulls[0])
    right = cv2.minAreaRect(hulls[1])

    # if we got left and right mixed up, switch them
    if right[0][0] < left[0][0]:
        left, right = right, left

    confidence = score_pair(left, right)
    if confidence < 80:
        return 0, 0

    # draw hulls in Blaze Orange
    cv2.drawContours(img, hulls, -1, (0, 102, 255), -1)
    # draw green outlines so we know it actually detected it
    cv2.drawContours(img, hulls, -1, (0, 255, 0), 2)

    cv2.imshow('img', img)

    center_actual = (np.mean([left[0][0], right[0][0]]), np.mean([left[0][1], right[0][1]]))
    # shape[0] is the number of rows because matrices are dumb
    center = (center_actual[0] / img.shape[1], center_actual[1] / img.shape[0])
    # convert to the targeting system of [-1, 1]
    center = ((center[0] * 2) - 1, (center[1] * 2) - 1)

    return center
Example #2
def find_balls(gray):
    canny = vision_common.canny(gray, 50)
    cv2.imshow('canny', canny)
Example #3
def find_balls(gray):
    canny = vision_common.canny(gray, 50)
    cv2.imshow('canny', canny)