def SetLegend(legendInfo): # set color box (i.e. position, size, font, etc.) legend = visit.GetAnnotationObject( visit.GetPlotList().GetPlots(0).plotName) # options I like to set = 1 legend.managePosition = 0 legend.position = (legendInfo.xlo, legendInfo.yhi) legend.xScale = legendInfo.xScale legend.yScale = legendInfo.yScale legend.orientation = legend.HorizontalBottom # VerticalRight, VerticalLeft, HorizontalTop, HorizontalBottom legend.controlTicks = 1 legend.numTicks = legendInfo.nTick legend.minMaxInclusive = 1 legend.drawLabels = legend.Values # None, Values, Labels, Both legend.numberFormat = legendInfo.valFormat legend.drawTitle = 0 legend.drawMinMax = 0 legend.fontHeight = legendInfo.fontHeight # other options legend.suppliedValues = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) legend.suppliedLabels = ("A", "B", "C", "D", "E")
def make_slide(time): plasma_file = vtk_path + plasma_file_head + str(time) +'.vtk' paraxial_file = vtk_path + paraxial_file_head + str(time) + '.vtk' fullwave_file = vtk_path + fullwave_file_head + str(time) + '.vtk' print('opening plamsa file:' + plasma_file) sts = vi.OpenDatabase(plasma_file,0,'VTK') if (sts != 1): print('open file failed! error code:' + str(sts)) return sts = vi.AddPlot('Pseudocolor','cutoff') vi.DrawPlots() po = vi.GetPlotOptions() vi.LoadAttribute(plasma_attr_file,po) vi.SetPlotOptions(po) print('opening paraxial file:' + paraxial_file) sts = vi.OpenDatabase(paraxial_file,0,'VTK') if (sts != 1): print('open file failed! error code:' + str(sts)) return sts = vi.AddPlot('Pseudocolor','Er_para') vi.DrawPlots() po = vi.GetPlotOptions() vi.LoadAttribute(wave_attr_file,po) vi.SetPlotOptions(po) print('opening fullwave file:' + fullwave_file) sts = vi.OpenDatabase(fullwave_file,0,'VTK') if (sts != 1): print('open file failed! error code:' + str(sts)) return sts = vi.AddPlot('Pseudocolor','Er_fullw') vi.DrawPlots() po = vi.GetPlotOptions() vi.LoadAttribute(wave_attr_file,po) vi.SetPlotOptions(po) view_attr = vi.GetView3D() vi.LoadAttribute(view_attr_file,view_attr) vi.SetView3D(view_attr) anno_attr = vi.GetAnnotationAttributes() vi.LoadAttribute(annotation_attr_file,anno_attr) vi.SetAnnotationAttributes(anno_attr) anno_names = vi.GetAnnotationObjectNames() for name in anno_names: legend = vi.GetAnnotationObject(name) legend.numberFormat = "%# -9.2g" legend.drawMinMax = 0 legend.controlTicks = 1 legend.numTicks = 3 vi.SaveWindow()
def set_annotation_objects(f, prefix): f.write('# Set annotation object properties\n') names = visit.GetAnnotationObjectNames() index = 0 plotNames = [] for name in names: obj = visit.GetAnnotationObject(name) objtype = object_type(obj) newname = prefix + "obj%03d" % index index = index + 1 if objtype == 'LineObject': f.write('%s = CreateAnnotationObject("Line2D", "%s")\n' % (newname, name)) elif objtype == 'Text2DObject': f.write('%s = CreateAnnotationObject("Text2D", "%s")\n' % (newname, name)) elif objtype == 'ImageObject': f.write('%s = CreateAnnotationObject("Image", "%s")\n' % (newname, name)) elif objtype == 'TimeSliderObject': f.write('%s = CreateAnnotationObject("TimeSlider", "%s")\n' % (newname, name)) elif objtype == 'LegendAttributesObject': plotNames = plotNames + [name] continue write_state_object_atts(f, obj, newname) f.write('\n') index = 0 for name in plotNames: legend = prefix + "legend%03d" % index f.write( '%s = GetAnnotationObject(GetPlotList().GetPlots(%d).plotName)\n' % (legend, index)) write_state_object_atts(f, visit.GetAnnotationObject(name), legend) index += 1 f.write('\n')
def __init__(self, pname, ptype, patts, varname=None): """Plot class""" self.pname = pname self.varname = varname self.ptype = ptype self.patts = patts self.operators = [] self.annot = v.GetAnnotationObject(pname) self.annot.fontFamily = vrc.getDefaultFont() self.annot.fontHeight = vrc.rcParams['legend.fontheight'] self.annot.managePosition = 0 self.annot.xScale = vrc.rcParams['legend.scale'][0] self.annot.yScale = vrc.rcParams['legend.scale'][1] self.annot.position = vrc.rcParams['legend.position'] self.annot.drawMinMax = vrc.rcParams['legend.minmax'] if varname is not None: self.annot.drawTitle = 0 self.title = v.CreateAnnotationObject("Text2D") self.title.text = varname self.title.fontFamily = vrc.getDefaultFont() self.title.height = vrc.rcParams['legend.title.fontheight'] self.title.position = vrc.rcParams['legend.title.position']
aa.axes2D.xAxis.tickMarks.minorSpacing = (kxhi - kxlo) / 16. aa.axes2D.xAxis.tickMarks.majorSpacing = (kxhi - kxlo) / 4. aa.axes2D.xAxis.grid = 1 aa.axes2D.yAxis.title.visible = 0 aa.axes2D.yAxis.label.visible = 0 aa.axes2D.yAxis.tickMarks.visible = 1 aa.axes2D.yAxis.tickMarks.majorMinimum = kylo aa.axes2D.yAxis.tickMarks.majorMaximum = kyhi aa.axes2D.yAxis.tickMarks.minorSpacing = (kyhi - kylo) / 16. aa.axes2D.yAxis.tickMarks.majorSpacing = (kyhi - kylo) / 4. aa.axes2D.yAxis.grid = 1 visit.SetAnnotationAttributes(aa) # colorbox setting legend = visit.GetAnnotationObject(visit.GetPlotList().GetPlots(0).plotName) = 1 legend.managePosition = 0 legend.position = (0.5, 0.08) legend.xScale = 1.2 legend.yScale = 0.4 legend.orientation = legend.HorizontalBottom # VerticalRight, VerticalLeft, HorizontalTop, HorizontalBottom legend.controlTicks = 1 legend.numTicks = 5 legend.minMaxInclusive = 1 legend.drawLabels = legend.Values # None, Values, Labels, Both legend.numberFormat = "%.2f" legend.drawTitle = 0 legend.drawMinMax = 0 legend.fontHeight = 0.08
def viewit(): tl = visit.CreateAnnotationObject("Text2D") tl.position = (.08, .93) tl.height = .026 tl.fontFamily = 0 tl.fontBold = 1 tl.fontShadow = 1 visit.DeleteAllPlots() k = 30000 kMax = 40001 while k < kMax: filename = "scalar" + str(k) + ".Point3D" print "opening database file: " + filename status = visit.OpenDatabase(filename, 0, "Point3D") if status != 1: print "Could not open " + filename return status = visit.AddPlot("Pseudocolor", "density") visit.DrawPlots() pca = visit.GetPlotOptions() pca.colorTableName = "density" pca.invertColorTable = 1 pca.minFlag = 1 pca.maxFlag = 1 pca.min = -.21 pca.max = .21 # visit.SetPlotOptions(pca) names = visit.GetAnnotationObjectNames() print names lastName = names[-1] print "lastName = " + lastName legend = visit.GetAnnotationObject(lastName) legend.numTicks = 3 legend.managePosition = 0 legend.position = (.1, .88) legend.orientation = 1 legend.drawMinMax = 0 legend.drawTitle = 0 legend.drawLabels = "Labels" legend.suppliedLabels = (" -.15", " 0.", " .15") legend.fontHeight = .024 legend.numberFormat = "%#-9.2g" legend.fontFamily = 2 legend.fontBold = 1 tl.text = "Density Fluctuation - Step " + str(k) tl.visible = 1 visit.SaveWindow() k = k + 1000 if k < kMax: tl.visible = 0 visit.DeleteAllPlots() visit.CloseDatabase(filename)
annot_attr.axes3D.yAxis.title.title = "Y" annot_attr.axes3D.yAxis.title.font.scale = 1.5 annot_attr.axes3D.zAxis.title.userTitle = True annot_attr.axes3D.zAxis.title.title = "image * gauss" annot_attr.axes3D.zAxis.title.font.scale = 1.5 annot_attr.axes3D.zAxis.tickMarks.visible = False annot_attr.axes3D.zAxis.label.visible = False annot_attr.userInfoFlag = False annot_attr.databaseInfoFlag = False visit.SetAnnotationAttributes(annot_attr) ## Set plot Annotations: p = visit.GetAnnotationObjectNames()[0] psc_ann = visit.GetAnnotationObject(p) psc_ann.drawTitle = False psc_ann.managePosition = False psc_ann.position = (0.05, 0.98) psc_ann.orientation = psc_ann.HorizontalTop ## SaveWindow attributes swa = visit.SaveWindowAttributes() #swa.outputToCurrentDirectory = False #swa.outputDirectory = "2d_filter_frames" #swa.format = swa.JPEG #swa.quality = 100 #visit.SetSaveWindowAttributes(swa) ## Set properties for the animation: animation_settings = MoverSettings()