def make_slide(time): plasma_file = vtk_path + plasma_file_head + str(time) +'.vtk' paraxial_file = vtk_path + paraxial_file_head + str(time) + '.vtk' fullwave_file = vtk_path + fullwave_file_head + str(time) + '.vtk' print('opening plamsa file:' + plasma_file) sts = vi.OpenDatabase(plasma_file,0,'VTK') if (sts != 1): print('open file failed! error code:' + str(sts)) return sts = vi.AddPlot('Pseudocolor','cutoff') vi.DrawPlots() po = vi.GetPlotOptions() vi.LoadAttribute(plasma_attr_file,po) vi.SetPlotOptions(po) print('opening paraxial file:' + paraxial_file) sts = vi.OpenDatabase(paraxial_file,0,'VTK') if (sts != 1): print('open file failed! error code:' + str(sts)) return sts = vi.AddPlot('Pseudocolor','Er_para') vi.DrawPlots() po = vi.GetPlotOptions() vi.LoadAttribute(wave_attr_file,po) vi.SetPlotOptions(po) print('opening fullwave file:' + fullwave_file) sts = vi.OpenDatabase(fullwave_file,0,'VTK') if (sts != 1): print('open file failed! error code:' + str(sts)) return sts = vi.AddPlot('Pseudocolor','Er_fullw') vi.DrawPlots() po = vi.GetPlotOptions() vi.LoadAttribute(wave_attr_file,po) vi.SetPlotOptions(po) view_attr = vi.GetView3D() vi.LoadAttribute(view_attr_file,view_attr) vi.SetView3D(view_attr) anno_attr = vi.GetAnnotationAttributes() vi.LoadAttribute(annotation_attr_file,anno_attr) vi.SetAnnotationAttributes(anno_attr) anno_names = vi.GetAnnotationObjectNames() for name in anno_names: legend = vi.GetAnnotationObject(name) legend.numberFormat = "%# -9.2g" legend.drawMinMax = 0 legend.controlTicks = 1 legend.numTicks = 3 vi.SaveWindow()
def test_visit(): import visit VISIT_ARGS = os.environ.get('VISIT_ARGS', ["-nosplash"]) if isinstance(VISIT_ARGS, str): VISIT_ARGS = VISIT_ARGS.split() for arg in VISIT_ARGS: visit.AddArgument(arg) visit.Launch() print "visit is installed in", os.path.dirname(visit.__file__) print "visit version", visit.Version() visit.ResetView() v3D = visit.GetView3D() v3D.SetViewUp(0, 0, 1) v3D.SetViewNormal(-0.5, -0.8, 0.4) v3D.SetImageZoom(1.0) visit.SetView3D(v3D) aa = visit.AnnotationAttributes() aa.SetAxesType(2) # outside edges aa.SetDatabaseInfoFlag(False) aa.SetUserInfoFlag(False) visit.SetAnnotationAttributes(aa) t = visit.CreateAnnotationObject("Text2D") t.SetText("Hello VisIt!") t.SetPosition(0.4, 0.9) # (0,0) is lower left corner t.SetFontFamily(0) # 0: Arial, 1: Courier, 2: Times t.SetWidth(0.25) # 25% t.SetTextColor((0, 0, 0)) t.SetUseForegroundForTextColor(False) t.SetVisible(True) visit.OpenDatabase("tmp_.vtk") visit.AddPlot("Mesh", "scalars") ma = visit.MeshAttributes() visit.SetPlotOptions(ma) visit.AddPlot("Pseudocolor", "scalars") pa = visit.PseudocolorAttributes() visit.SetPlotOptions(pa) visit.RedrawWindow() visit.DrawPlots() wait()
def createMesh(self, color='w', opacity=0.15, silo=False): _colors = dict( w=(255, 255, 255, 255), k=(0, 0, 0, 255), gray=(175, 175, 175), ) if silo: v.AddPlot('Mesh', "mesh") else: v.AddPlot('Mesh', "Mesh") ma = v.MeshAttributes() ma.legendFlag = 0 ma.meshColor = _colors[color] ma.meshColorSource = ma.MeshCustom if (opacity < 1.): ma.opaqueMode = ma.On ma.opacity = opacity v.SetPlotOptions(ma) pname = v.GetPlotList().GetPlots(v.GetNumPlots() - 1).plotName if silo: plot = Plot(pname, 'mesh', ma) else: plot = Plot(pname, 'Mesh', ma) self.nonplots.append(plot) return plot
def setup_visit(plot_variable_data, db_name): print 'Opening database...' # Get the complete database name including directory path, db file # pattern and extension, followed by the word database # Example: db_filename = './output*.vtk database' visit.OpenDatabase(db_name) # Getting the list of current variables db_meta_data = visit.GetMetaData(db_name) scalar_list = [db_meta_data.GetScalars(i).name for i in range(db_meta_data.GetNumScalars())] vector_list = [db_meta_data.GetVectors(i).name for i in range(db_meta_data.GetNumVectors())] for vec in vector_list: scalar_list.append(vec + '_magnitude') # Check if current variable name exists in the database. If no, then # res becomes 0. Hence, we need to define a scalar expression for the # current variable if plot_variable_data['plot variable'] in scalar_list or \ plot_variable_data['plot variable'] in vector_list: visit.AddPlot(plot_variable_data['plot type'], \ plot_variable_data['plot variable']) else: print 'No existing variable of that name' visit.DefineScalarExpression(plot_variable_data['plot variable'], \ plot_variable_data['plot variable definition']) visit.AddPlot(plot_variable_data['plot type'], \ plot_variable_data['plot variable']) if plot_variable_data['plot type'] == 'Pseudocolor': p = visit.PseudocolorAttributes() p.SetCentering(1) p.colorTableName = 'hot_desaturated' # p.colorTableName = 'rainbow' visit.SetPlotOptions(p)
def plotEnergyLinear(localPowerAllDB): data = visit.OpenDatabase(localPowerAllDB, 0, 'Vs') visit.AddPlot('Curve', 'Energy') AnnotationAtts = visit.AnnotationAttributes() AnnotationAtts.axes2D.yAxis.grid = 0 AnnotationAtts.axes2D.xAxis.grid = 0 AnnotationAtts.axes2D.xAxis.title.userTitle = 1 AnnotationAtts.axes2D.xAxis.title.userUnits = 1 AnnotationAtts.axes2D.xAxis.title.title = "z" AnnotationAtts.axes2D.xAxis.title.units = "m" AnnotationAtts.axes2D.yAxis.title.userTitle = 1 AnnotationAtts.axes2D.yAxis.title.userUnits = 1 AnnotationAtts.axes2D.yAxis.title.title = "Energy" AnnotationAtts.axes2D.yAxis.title.units = "J" AnnotationAtts.userInfoFlag = 0 AnnotationAtts.databaseInfoFlag = 0 AnnotationAtts.legendInfoFlag = 0 visit.SetAnnotationAttributes(AnnotationAtts) visit.DrawPlots() CurveAtts = visit.CurveAttributes() CurveAtts.showLines = 1 CurveAtts.lineStyle = CurveAtts.SOLID # SOLID, DASH, DOT, DOTDASH CurveAtts.lineWidth = 2 CurveAtts.curveColorSource = CurveAtts.Custom # Cycle, Custom CurveAtts.curveColor = (255, 0, 0, 255) CurveAtts.showLabels = 0 CurveAtts.showLegend = 0 visit.SetPlotOptions(CurveAtts)
def isosurfacePlot(self, stay=False, samples=100, contours=50): visit.AddWindow() returned = [] if len(visit.ListPlots()) > 0: visit.SetActivePlots(0) visit.HideActivePlots() p = visit.PseudocolorAttributes() q = visit.ResampleAttributes() r = visit.IsosurfaceAttributes() q.samplesX = samples q.samplesY = samples q.samplesZ = samples r.contourNLevels = contours plot = visit.AddPlot("Pseudocolor", "Heat") visit.AddOperator("Resample") # visit.AddOperator("Isosurface") visit.SetOperatorOptions(q) visit.SetOperatorOptions(r) visit.SetPlotOptions(p) visit.DrawPlots() returned.append(visit.SaveWindow()) count = 0 visit.AddOperator("Isosurface") visit.DrawPlots() time.sleep(60) returned.append(visit.SaveWindow()) return returned
def createContour(self, varname, value, color=None, linewidth=None): """Generic creation of a single contour without a legend""" v.AddPlot('Contour', varname) ca = v.ContourAttributes() ca.contourMethod = ca.Value ca.contourValue = (value,) ca.colorType = ca.ColorBySingleColor if color is None: color = vrc.rcParams['contour.color'] if type(color) is str: color = vc.common_colors[color] ca.singleColor = color if linewidth is None: linewidth = vrc.rcParams['contour.linewidth'] ca.lineWidth = linewidth # turn off legend for 2D surf ca.legendFlag = 0 v.SetPlotOptions(ca) pname = v.GetPlotList().GetPlots(v.GetNumPlots()-1).plotName plot = Plot(pname, 'Contour', ca) self.plots.append(plot) return plot
def SetPseudocolorAttributes(valMin, valMax): # The minimum and maximum values of color box for the variable values # are set as constant values valMin and valMax (i.e. not varying in time). pa = visit.PseudocolorAttributes() # options I like to set pa.minFlag = 1 pa.min = valMin pa.maxFlag = 1 pa.max = valMax # other options with default values pa.scaling = pa.Linear # Linear, Log, Skew pa.skewFactor = 1 pa.limitsMode = pa.OriginalData # OriginalData, CurrentPlot pa.centering = pa.Natural # Natural, Nodal, Zonal pa.colorTableName = "hot" pa.invertColorTable = 0 pa.opacityType = pa.FullyOpaque # ColorTable, FullyOpaque, Constant, Ramp, VariableRange pa.opacityVariable = "" pa.opacity = 1 pa.opacityVarMin = 0 pa.opacityVarMax = 1 pa.opacityVarMinFlag = 0 pa.opacityVarMaxFlag = 0 pa.pointSize = 0.05 pa.pointType = pa.Point # Box, Axis, Icosahedron, Octahedron, Tetrahedron, SphereGeometry, Point, Sphere pa.pointSizeVarEnabled = 0 pa.pointSizeVar = "default" pa.pointSizePixels = 2 pa.lineType = pa.Line # Line, Tube, Ribbon pa.lineStyle = pa.SOLID # SOLID, DASH, DOT, DOTDASH pa.lineWidth = 0 pa.tubeDisplayDensity = 10 pa.tubeRadiusSizeType = pa.FractionOfBBox # Absolute, FractionOfBBox pa.tubeRadiusAbsolute = 0.125 pa.tubeRadiusBBox = 0.005 pa.varyTubeRadius = 0 pa.varyTubeRadiusVariable = "" pa.varyTubeRadiusFactor = 10 pa.endPointType = pa.None # None, Tails, Heads, Both pa.endPointStyle = pa.Spheres # Spheres, Cones pa.endPointRadiusSizeType = pa.FractionOfBBox # Absolute, FractionOfBBox pa.endPointRadiusAbsolute = 1 pa.endPointRadiusBBox = 0.005 pa.endPointRatio = 2 pa.renderSurfaces = 1 pa.renderWireframe = 0 pa.renderPoints = 0 pa.smoothingLevel = 0 pa.legendFlag = 1 pa.lightingFlag = 1 visit.SetPlotOptions(pa)
def binPhase(eDB): visit.OpenDatabase(eDB, 0) visit.AddPlot("Pseudocolor", "operators/DataBinning/2D/electrons", 1, 1) DataBinningAtts = visit.DataBinningAttributes() DataBinningAtts.numDimensions = DataBinningAtts.Two # One, Two, Three DataBinningAtts.dim1BinBasedOn = DataBinningAtts.Variable # X, Y, Z, Variable DataBinningAtts.dim1Var = "electrons_zSI" DataBinningAtts.dim1SpecifyRange = 1 DataBinningAtts.dim1MinRange = 0 DataBinningAtts.dim1MaxRange = 1.0E-7 DataBinningAtts.dim1NumBins = 100 DataBinningAtts.dim2BinBasedOn = DataBinningAtts.Variable # X, Y, Z, Variable DataBinningAtts.dim2Var = "electrons_gamma" DataBinningAtts.dim2SpecifyRange = 1 DataBinningAtts.dim2MinRange = 0.991 DataBinningAtts.dim2MaxRange = 1.005 DataBinningAtts.dim2NumBins = 100 DataBinningAtts.outOfBoundsBehavior = DataBinningAtts.Clamp # Clamp, Discard DataBinningAtts.reductionOperator = DataBinningAtts.Sum # Average, Minimum, Maximum, StandardDeviation, Variance, Sum, Count, RMS, PDF DataBinningAtts.varForReduction = "electrons_chargeSI" DataBinningAtts.emptyVal = 0 DataBinningAtts.outputType = DataBinningAtts.OutputOnBins # OutputOnBins, OutputOnInputMesh DataBinningAtts.removeEmptyValFromCurve = 1 visit.SetOperatorOptions(DataBinningAtts, 1) visit.SetTimeSliderState(0) visit.SetTimeSliderState(1) PseudocolorAtts = visit.PseudocolorAttributes() PseudocolorAtts.centering = PseudocolorAtts.Nodal # Natural, Nodal, Zonal PseudocolorAtts.opacityType = PseudocolorAtts.Ramp # ColorTable, FullyOpaque, Constant, Ramp, VariableRange PseudocolorAtts.colorTableName = "hot_desaturated" visit.SetPlotOptions(PseudocolorAtts) View2DAtts = visit.View2DAttributes() View2DAtts.fullFrameActivationMode = View2DAtts.On # View2DAtts.fullFrameAutoThreshold = 100 visit.SetView2D(View2DAtts) visit.ResetView() AnnotationAtts = visit.AnnotationAttributes() AnnotationAtts.axes2D.yAxis.grid = 0 AnnotationAtts.axes2D.xAxis.grid = 0 AnnotationAtts.axes2D.xAxis.title.userTitle = 1 AnnotationAtts.axes2D.xAxis.title.userUnits = 1 AnnotationAtts.axes2D.xAxis.title.title = "ct-z" AnnotationAtts.axes2D.xAxis.title.units = "m" AnnotationAtts.axes2D.yAxis.title.userTitle = 1 AnnotationAtts.axes2D.yAxis.title.userUnits = 1 AnnotationAtts.axes2D.yAxis.title.title = "gamma" AnnotationAtts.axes2D.yAxis.title.units = "" AnnotationAtts.userInfoFlag = 0 AnnotationAtts.databaseInfoFlag = 0 # AnnotationAtts.legendInfoFlag = 0 visit.SetAnnotationAttributes(AnnotationAtts) visit.DrawPlots()
def pseudocolorPlot(self): visit.AddWindow() returned = [] if len(visit.ListPlots()) > 0: visit.SetActivePlots(0) visit.HideActivePlots() p = visit.PseudocolorAttributes() plot = visit.AddPlot("Pseudocolor", "Heat") visit.SetPlotOptions(p) visit.DrawPlots() return visit.SaveWindow()
def _plot_pseudocolor(self): """Plots the data on a pseudocolor plot to use.""" # add the pseudocolor plot to contour v.AddPlot("Pseudocolor", att = v.PseudocolorAttributes() # min/max for the pseudocolor plot att.minFlag = True att.min = self.minN att.maxFlag = True att.max = self.maxN # plot v.SetPlotOptions(att) v.DrawPlots()
def plotEnergy(localPowerAllDB): # Get upper and lower limits for energy plots h5in = tables.open_file(localPowerAllDB, 'r') minZ = h5in.root.zSeries._v_attrs.vsLowerBounds maxZ = h5in.root.zSeries._v_attrs.vsUpperBounds h5in.close() data = visit.OpenDatabase(localPowerAllDB, 0, 'Vs') visit.AddPlot('Curve', 'Energy', 1, 1) # For log scale equivalent plot ViewCurveAtts = visit.ViewCurveAttributes() ViewCurveAtts.domainScale = ViewCurveAtts.LINEAR # LINEAR, LOG ViewCurveAtts.rangeScale = ViewCurveAtts.LOG # LINEAR, LOG visit.SetViewCurve(ViewCurveAtts) visit.DrawPlots() ViewCurveAtts.domainCoords = (minZ, maxZ) ViewCurveAtts.rangeCoords = (-12, 2) ViewCurveAtts.viewportCoords = (0.2, 0.95, 0.15, 0.95) visit.SetViewCurve(ViewCurveAtts) visit.DrawPlots() AnnotationAtts = visit.AnnotationAttributes() AnnotationAtts.axes2D.yAxis.grid = 1 AnnotationAtts.axes2D.xAxis.grid = 1 AnnotationAtts.axes2D.xAxis.title.userTitle = 1 AnnotationAtts.axes2D.xAxis.title.userUnits = 1 AnnotationAtts.axes2D.xAxis.title.title = "z" AnnotationAtts.axes2D.xAxis.title.units = "m" AnnotationAtts.axes2D.yAxis.title.userTitle = 1 AnnotationAtts.axes2D.yAxis.title.userUnits = 1 AnnotationAtts.axes2D.yAxis.title.title = "Energy" AnnotationAtts.axes2D.yAxis.title.units = "J" AnnotationAtts.userInfoFlag = 0 AnnotationAtts.databaseInfoFlag = 0 AnnotationAtts.legendInfoFlag = 0 visit.SetAnnotationAttributes(AnnotationAtts) visit.DrawPlots() CurveAtts = visit.CurveAttributes() CurveAtts.showLines = 1 CurveAtts.lineStyle = CurveAtts.SOLID # SOLID, DASH, DOT, DOTDASH CurveAtts.lineWidth = 2 CurveAtts.curveColorSource = CurveAtts.Custom # Cycle, Custom CurveAtts.curveColor = (51, 153, 102, 255) CurveAtts.showLegend = 0 CurveAtts.showLabels = 0 visit.SetPlotOptions(CurveAtts)
def current(): visit.OpenDatabase(iDB, 0) visit.AddPlot("Curve", "beamCurrent", 1, 1) visit.DrawPlots() # Begin spontaneous state ViewCurveAtts = visit.ViewCurveAttributes() ViewCurveAtts.domainCoords = (-0.0240932, 29.972) ViewCurveAtts.rangeCoords = (0, 22000) ViewCurveAtts.viewportCoords = (0.2, 0.95, 0.15, 0.95) ViewCurveAtts.domainScale = ViewCurveAtts.LINEAR # LINEAR, LOG ViewCurveAtts.rangeScale = ViewCurveAtts.LINEAR # LINEAR, LOG visit.SetViewCurve(ViewCurveAtts) # End spontaneous state ViewCurveAtts = visit.ViewCurveAttributes() ViewCurveAtts.domainCoords = (-0.0240932, 29.972) ViewCurveAtts.rangeCoords = (0, 22000) ViewCurveAtts.viewportCoords = (0.2, 0.95, 0.15, 0.95) ViewCurveAtts.domainScale = ViewCurveAtts.LINEAR # LINEAR, LOG ViewCurveAtts.rangeScale = ViewCurveAtts.LINEAR # LINEAR, LOG visit.SetViewCurve(ViewCurveAtts) AnnotationAtts = visit.AnnotationAttributes() AnnotationAtts.axes2D.yAxis.grid = 0 AnnotationAtts.axes2D.xAxis.grid = 0 AnnotationAtts.axes2D.xAxis.title.userTitle = 1 AnnotationAtts.axes2D.xAxis.title.userUnits = 1 AnnotationAtts.axes2D.xAxis.title.title = "z2bar" AnnotationAtts.axes2D.xAxis.title.units = "cooperation lengths" AnnotationAtts.axes2D.yAxis.title.userTitle = 1 AnnotationAtts.axes2D.yAxis.title.userUnits = 1 AnnotationAtts.axes2D.yAxis.title.title = "Current" AnnotationAtts.axes2D.yAxis.title.units = "A" AnnotationAtts.userInfoFlag = 0 AnnotationAtts.databaseInfoFlag = 0 AnnotationAtts.legendInfoFlag = 0 visit.SetAnnotationAttributes(AnnotationAtts) CurveAtts = visit.CurveAttributes() CurveAtts.showLines = 1 CurveAtts.lineStyle = CurveAtts.SOLID # SOLID, DASH, DOT, DOTDASH CurveAtts.lineWidth = 2 CurveAtts.curveColorSource = CurveAtts.Custom # Cycle, Custom CurveAtts.curveColor = (51, 153, 102, 255) CurveAtts.showLegend = 0 CurveAtts.showLabels = 0 visit.SetPlotOptions(CurveAtts)
def PhaseSpace(x1, x2, dumpNo): visit.AddWindow() ScatAttrs = visit.ScatterAttributes() ScatAttrs.var1 = x1 ScatAttrs.var2 = x2 # ScatAttrs.var1Role = visit.ScatterAtts.Coordinate0 # ScatAttrs.var2Role = visit.ScatterAtts.Coordinate1 # ScatAttrs.var3Role = visit.ScatterAtts.None # ScatAttsr.var4Role = visit.ScatterAtts.None ScatAttrs.SetVar1Role(0) #coord 0 ScatAttrs.SetVar2Role(1) #coord 1 ScatAttrs.SetVar3Role(4) #none ScatAttrs.SetVar4Role(4) #none ScatAttrs.scaleCube = 0 visit.AddPlot('Scatter', x1, 1, 1) visit.SetPlotOptions(ScatAttrs) visit.SetTimeSliderState(dumpNo) visit.DrawPlots()
def draw(self): print "drawing window %d of dimension %d"%(self.i,self.dim) v.SetActiveWindow(self.i) v.SetAnnotationAttributes(self.annot) if self.dim == 2: # add the slice assert self._slice is not None for i,plot in enumerate(self.plots): sliced = False for op in plot.operators: if "slice" == op.oname: sliced = True if not sliced: print "slicing plot %d..."%i v.SetActivePlots(i) v.AddOperator("Slice") sa = self._slice.toAttributes() v.SetOperatorOptions(sa) plot.operators.append(Operator("slice", "Slice", sa)) if self.exaggeration is not None: print "exaggerating..." self._exaggerateVertical() # set the plot options for i, plot in enumerate(self.plots): print "setting plot options for plot %i..."%i v.SetActivePlots(i) v.SetPlotOptions(plot.patts) # set the view print "setting the view..." if self.dim == 2: v.SetView2D(self.view) else: v.SetView3D(self.view) print "drawing..." v.DrawPlots()
def setup_visit(plot_variable_data, db_name): print 'Opening database...' # Get the complete database name including directory path, db file # pattern and extension, followed by the word database # Example: db_filename = './output*.vtk database' visit.OpenDatabase(db_name) # Getting the list of current variables db_meta_data = visit.GetMetaData(db_name) scalar_list = [ db_meta_data.GetScalars(i).name for i in range(db_meta_data.GetNumScalars()) ] vector_list = [ db_meta_data.GetVectors(i).name for i in range(db_meta_data.GetNumVectors()) ] for vec in vector_list: scalar_list.append(vec + '_magnitude') # Check if current variable name exists in the database. If no, then # res becomes 0. Hence, we need to define a scalar expression for the # current variable if plot_variable_data['plot variable'] in scalar_list or \ plot_variable_data['plot variable'] in vector_list: visit.AddPlot(plot_variable_data['plot type'], \ plot_variable_data['plot variable']) else: print 'No existing variable of that name' visit.DefineScalarExpression(plot_variable_data['plot variable'], \ plot_variable_data['plot variable definition']) visit.AddPlot(plot_variable_data['plot type'], \ plot_variable_data['plot variable']) # Making mesh transparent and overlaying it on the plot visit.AddPlot('Mesh', 'mesh') p = visit.MeshAttributes() p.SetOpacity(0.25) visit.SetPlotOptions(p)
def surfIntens(fDB): visit.OpenDatabase(fDB, 0) visit.AddPlot("Pseudocolor", "operators/DataBinning/2D/meshScaled", 1, 1) DataBinningAtts = visit.DataBinningAttributes() DataBinningAtts.numDimensions = DataBinningAtts.Two # One, Two, Three DataBinningAtts.dim1BinBasedOn = DataBinningAtts.X # X, Y, Z, Variable DataBinningAtts.dim1Var = "default" DataBinningAtts.dim1SpecifyRange = 0 DataBinningAtts.dim1MinRange = 0 DataBinningAtts.dim1MaxRange = 1 DataBinningAtts.dim1NumBins = 85 DataBinningAtts.dim2BinBasedOn = DataBinningAtts.Y # X, Y, Z, Variable DataBinningAtts.dim2Var = "default" DataBinningAtts.dim2SpecifyRange = 0 DataBinningAtts.dim2MinRange = 0 DataBinningAtts.dim2MaxRange = 1 DataBinningAtts.dim2NumBins = 85 DataBinningAtts.dim3BinBasedOn = DataBinningAtts.Variable # X, Y, Z, Variable DataBinningAtts.dim3Var = "default" DataBinningAtts.dim3SpecifyRange = 0 DataBinningAtts.dim3MinRange = 0 DataBinningAtts.dim3MaxRange = 1 DataBinningAtts.dim3NumBins = 50 DataBinningAtts.outOfBoundsBehavior = DataBinningAtts.Clamp # Clamp, Discard DataBinningAtts.reductionOperator = DataBinningAtts.Average # Average, Minimum, Maximum, StandardDeviation, Variance, Sum, Count, RMS, PDF DataBinningAtts.varForReduction = "intensityScaled" DataBinningAtts.emptyVal = 0 DataBinningAtts.outputType = DataBinningAtts.OutputOnBins # OutputOnBins, OutputOnInputMesh DataBinningAtts.removeEmptyValFromCurve = 1 visit.SetOperatorOptions(DataBinningAtts, 1) View2DAtts = visit.View2DAttributes() View2DAtts.fullFrameActivationMode = View2DAtts.On # View2DAtts.fullFrameAutoThreshold = 100 visit.SetView2D(View2DAtts) visit.ResetView() PseudocolorAtts = visit.PseudocolorAttributes() PseudocolorAtts.centering = PseudocolorAtts.Nodal # Natural, Nodal, Zonal visit.SetPlotOptions(PseudocolorAtts) visit.DrawPlots()
def bunching(): #visit.OpenDatabase("localhost:/home/tml/tmp/test/build/examples/simple/1D/OptCommV165pp65-70/fig2/f2main_bunching1st_0_* database", 0) visit.OpenDatabase(iDB, 0) visit.AddPlot("Curve", "bunchingFundamental", 1, 1) visit.SetTimeSliderState(0) # Begin spontaneous state ViewCurveAtts = visit.ViewCurveAttributes() ViewCurveAtts.domainCoords = (0, 29.8745) ViewCurveAtts.rangeCoords = (0, 0.75) ViewCurveAtts.viewportCoords = (0.2, 0.95, 0.15, 0.95) ViewCurveAtts.domainScale = ViewCurveAtts.LINEAR # LINEAR, LOG ViewCurveAtts.rangeScale = ViewCurveAtts.LINEAR # LINEAR, LOG visit.SetViewCurve(ViewCurveAtts) AnnotationAtts = visit.AnnotationAttributes() AnnotationAtts.axes2D.yAxis.grid = 0 AnnotationAtts.axes2D.xAxis.grid = 0 AnnotationAtts.axes2D.xAxis.title.userTitle = 1 AnnotationAtts.axes2D.xAxis.title.userUnits = 1 AnnotationAtts.axes2D.xAxis.title.title = "z2bar" AnnotationAtts.axes2D.xAxis.title.units = "cooperation lengths" AnnotationAtts.axes2D.yAxis.title.userTitle = 1 AnnotationAtts.axes2D.yAxis.title.userUnits = 1 AnnotationAtts.axes2D.yAxis.title.title = "bunching" AnnotationAtts.axes2D.yAxis.title.units = "" AnnotationAtts.userInfoFlag = 0 AnnotationAtts.databaseInfoFlag = 0 AnnotationAtts.legendInfoFlag = 0 visit.SetAnnotationAttributes(AnnotationAtts) CurveAtts = visit.CurveAttributes() CurveAtts.showLines = 1 CurveAtts.lineStyle = CurveAtts.SOLID # SOLID, DASH, DOT, DOTDASH CurveAtts.lineWidth = 2 CurveAtts.curveColorSource = CurveAtts.Custom # Cycle, Custom CurveAtts.curveColor = (51, 153, 102, 255) CurveAtts.showLegend = 0 CurveAtts.showLabels = 0 visit.SetPlotOptions(CurveAtts) visit.DrawPlots()
def scatterPlot(self, coords=["var00", "var01", "var02", "var03"], colorTable="hot", pixelSize=5, stay=False): visit.AddWindow() if len(visit.ListPlots()) > 0: visit.SetActivePlots(0) visit.HideActivePlots() plot = visit.AddPlot("Scatter", coords[0]) p = visit.ScatterAttributes() # Variables if coords[1]: p.var2 = coords[1] if coords[2]: p.var3 = coords[2] if coords[3]: p.var4 = coords[3] #Role Variable Roles take intergers as inputs, not strings p.var1Role = 0 p.var2Role = 1 p.var3Role = 2 p.var4Role = 3 p.scaleCube = 0 #p.colorType = "ColorByColorTable" p.pointSizePixels = pixelSize p.colorTableName = colorTable #p.colorScaling = "Log" v = visit.GetView3D() v.viewNormal = (-0.571619, 0.405393, 0.713378) v.viewUp = (0.308049, 0.911853, -0.271346) visit.SetPlotOptions(p) visit.SetView3D(v) visit.DrawPlots() count = 0 time.sleep(5) return visit.SaveWindow()
def createPseudocolor(self, varname, display_name=None, cmap=None, limits=None, linewidth=None, legend=True, alpha=False): """Generic creation of pseudocolor""" if display_name is None: display_name = vrc.renameScalar(varname) if "temperature" in display_name: display_name = display_name.replace("[K]", "[C]") print "defining alias: %s = %s"%(display_name, varname) v.DefineScalarExpression(display_name, "%s - 273.15"%varname) elif display_name != varname: print "defining alias: %s = %s"%(display_name, varname) v.DefineScalarExpression(display_name, varname) v.AddPlot('Pseudocolor', display_name) pa = v.PseudocolorAttributes() # limits if limits is None: limits = vrc.getLimits(varname) if limits is not None: min = limits[0] max = limits[1] if min is not None: pa.minFlag = 1 pa.min = min if max is not None: pa.maxFlag = 1 pa.max = max # opacity if alpha: pa.opacity = 0 pa.opacityType = pa.ColorTable # colormap if cmap is not None: reverse = cmap.endswith("_r") if reverse: cmap = cmap.strip("_r") pa.invertColorTable = 1 pa.colorTableName = cmap # linewidth for 2D if linewidth is None: linewidth = vrc.rcParams['pseudocolor.linewidth'] pa.lineWidth = linewidth # turn off legend for 2D surf if not legend: pa.legendFlag = 0 v.SetPlotOptions(pa) pname = v.GetPlotList().GetPlots(v.GetNumPlots()-1).plotName if legend: plot = Plot(pname, 'Pseudocolor', pa, display_name) else: plot = Plot(pname, 'Pseudocolor', pa) self.plots.append(plot) return plot
def make_movie_auto(variableName, boundaryBox, vlsvFileName, inputDirectory, inputFileName, outputDirectory, outputFileName, colorTableName="hot_desaturated", startFrame=-1, endFrame=-1, thresholdCoefficient=0.6): ''' Function for making a movie Arguments: :param variableName Name of the variable :param boundaryBox Box for collecting min and max threshold (The movie will focus on that area) :param vlsvFileName Name of a vlsv file where the function collects the threshold for the boundary box :param inputDirectory Path to input vlsv/silo files :param inputFileName Name of the file(s) so for example if the filenames are bulk.0000.silo, bulk.0001.silo, .. then inputFileName=\"bulk.*.silo\"" :param outputDirectory Path to output directory :param outputFileName Name of the output file :param colorTableName="hot_desaturated" Color table for the plots :param thresholdCoefficient Sets the coefficient for a covariant collected from the values from boundary box. The lower this is, the more focused the movie will be on the boundary box area :param startFrame=-1 Starting frame of the movie (-1 equals 0) :param endFrame=-1 Starting frame of the movie (-1 equals last frame) ''' if thresholdCoefficient < 0: print("thresholdCoefficient must be non-negative!") return # OPTIONS ################################################################# # Input frame properties _startFrame = startFrame # Note: if _startFrame is set to -1 the start frame gets set to 0 _endFrame = endFrame # Note: if _endFrame is set to -1 the _endFrame is automatically the number of frames in the database # Input variable _variableName = variableName # Input directory and file names #_outputDir = "/home/hannukse/MOVINGFRAME_MOVIES/AAJ_BZ_REMAKE/" # Set the output directory (Where .png s are saved) _outputDir = outputDirectory #_outputFileName = "BZ_FORESHOCK_2_" # The file names for the png files. These for ex. will be saved visit0000.png, visit0001.png, .. _outputFileName = outputFileName # The file names for the png files. #databaseName = "localhost:/home/hannukse/meteo/stornext/field/vlasiator/2D/AAJ/silo_files/bulk.*.silo database" # For navigating to the silo files databaseName = "localhost:" + inputDirectory + inputFileName + " database" # For navigating to the silo files # Note: a slice of the plot in z-axis is taken automatically ################################################################# # Get the min and max values: # Get all cell ids within the boundary box: vlsvReader = VlsvReader(vlsvFileName) # Get global boundaries: # Get xmax, xmin and xcells_ini xmax = vlsvReader.read_parameter(name="xmax") xmin = vlsvReader.read_parameter(name="xmin") xcells = vlsvReader.read_parameter(name="xcells_ini") # Do the same for y ymax = vlsvReader.read_parameter(name="ymax") ymin = vlsvReader.read_parameter(name="ymin") ycells = vlsvReader.read_parameter(name="ycells_ini") # And for z zmax = vlsvReader.read_parameter(name="zmax") zmin = vlsvReader.read_parameter(name="zmin") zcells = vlsvReader.read_parameter(name="zcells_ini") #Calculate cell lengths: cell_lengths = np.array([(xmax - xmin) / (float)(xcells), (ymax - ymin) / (float)(ycells), (zmax - zmin) / (float)(zcells)]) # Get cell indices: cell_indice_bounds = np.array([ (int)(((float)(boundaryBox[0]) - xmin) / (float)(cell_lengths[0])), (int)(((float)(boundaryBox[1]) - xmin) / (float)(cell_lengths[0])), (int)(((float)(boundaryBox[2]) - ymin) / (float)(cell_lengths[1])), (int)(((float)(boundaryBox[3]) - ymin) / (float)(cell_lengths[1])), (int)(((float)(boundaryBox[4]) - zmin) / (float)(cell_lengths[2])), (int)(((float)(boundaryBox[5]) - zmin) / (float)(cell_lengths[2])) ]) # Get every cell id within the boundary box: cellids = [] cell_indice = np.array( [cell_indice_bounds[0], cell_indice_bounds[2], cell_indice_bounds[4]]) while True: cellids.append(cell_indice[0] + cell_indice[1] * xcells + cell_indice[2] * xcells * ycells + 1) if cell_indice[0] < cell_indice_bounds[1]: cell_indice[0] = cell_indice[0] + 1 elif cell_indice[1] < cell_indice_bounds[3]: cell_indice[1] = cell_indice[1] + 1 cell_indice[0] = cell_indice_bounds[0] elif cell_indice[2] < cell_indice_bounds[5]: cell_indice[2] = cell_indice[2] + 1 cell_indice[1] = cell_indice_bounds[1] cell_indice[0] = cell_indice_bounds[0] else: # Indice out of bounds -- got all cell ids break # Convert cell ids into set: cellids = Set(cellids) cellidlocations = [] # Get all of the cell ids locations: allcellids ="SpatialGrid", tag="MESH") for i in range(len(allcellids)): if allcellids[i] in cellids: #This cell id is within the user-given boundary cellidlocations.append(allcellids[i]) # Get all of the values: allvalues = vlsvReader.read_variables(name=_variableName) values = [] # Get the values of the cell ids within the boundary for i in cellidlocations: values.append(allvalues[i]) # We now have all the cell ids (and their locations in the arrays) from the area, set min and max thresholds: meanValue = np.mean(values) standardDeviationValue = np.std(values) maxValue = meanValue + ( float)(thresholdCoefficient) * standardDeviationValue minValue = meanValue - ( float)(thresholdCoefficient) * standardDeviationValue # Put threshold values: minVariableValue = minValue maxVariableValue = maxValue # LaunchNowin(vdir=visitBinDirectory) #dx = speedX * frameInSeconds # Note: This is in meters per frame! #dy = speedY * frameInSeconds # Note: This is in meters per frame! #LaunchNowin(vdir="/usr/local/visit/bin") #Set up window and annotations #vis.LaunchNowin(vdir="/usr/local/visit/bin") vis.OpenDatabase(databaseName, 0) #Load settings visSettings.load_visit_settings() vis.AddPlot("Pseudocolor", _variableName, 1, 1) #CONTINUE vis.SetActivePlots(0) vis.PseudocolorAtts = vis.PseudocolorAttributes() vis.PseudocolorAtts.legendFlag = 1 vis.PseudocolorAtts.lightingFlag = 1 vis.PseudocolorAtts.minFlag = 1 vis.PseudocolorAtts.maxFlag = 1 vis.PseudocolorAtts.centering = vis.PseudocolorAtts.Natural # Natural, Nodal, Zonal vis.PseudocolorAtts.scaling = vis.PseudocolorAtts.Linear # Linear, Log, Skew vis.PseudocolorAtts.limitsMode = vis.PseudocolorAtts.CurrentPlot # OriginalData, CurrentPlot vis.PseudocolorAtts.min = minVariableValue vis.PseudocolorAtts.max = maxVariableValue vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointSize = 0.05 vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointType = vis.PseudocolorAtts.Point # Box, Axis, Icosahedron, Point, Sphere vis.PseudocolorAtts.skewFactor = 1 vis.PseudocolorAtts.opacity = 1 vis.PseudocolorAtts.colorTableName = colorTableName vis.PseudocolorAtts.invertColorTable = 0 vis.PseudocolorAtts.smoothingLevel = 0 vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointSizeVarEnabled = 0 vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointSizeVar = "default" vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointSizePixels = 2 vis.PseudocolorAtts.lineStyle = vis.PseudocolorAtts.SOLID # SOLID, DASH, DOT, DOTDASH vis.PseudocolorAtts.lineWidth = 0 vis.PseudocolorAtts.opacityType = vis.PseudocolorAtts.Explicit # Explicit, ColorTable vis.SetPlotOptions(vis.PseudocolorAtts) vis.SetActivePlots(0) vis.AddOperator("Slice", 1) vis.SetActivePlots(0) vis.SliceAtts = vis.SliceAttributes() vis.SliceAtts.originType = vis.SliceAtts.Intercept # Point, Intercept, Percent, Zone, Node vis.SliceAtts.originPoint = (0, 0, 0) vis.SliceAtts.originIntercept = 0 vis.SliceAtts.originPercent = 0 vis.SliceAtts.originZone = 0 vis.SliceAtts.originNode = 0 vis.SliceAtts.normal = (0, 0, 1) vis.SliceAtts.axisType = vis.SliceAtts.ZAxis # XAxis, YAxis, ZAxis, Arbitrary, ThetaPhi vis.SliceAtts.upAxis = (0, 1, 0) vis.SliceAtts.project2d = 1 vis.SliceAtts.interactive = 1 vis.SliceAtts.flip = 0 vis.SliceAtts.originZoneDomain = 0 vis.SliceAtts.originNodeDomain = 0 vis.SliceAtts.meshName = "SpatialGrid" vis.SliceAtts.theta = 0 vis.SliceAtts.phi = 90 vis.SetOperatorOptions(vis.SliceAtts, 1) vis.DrawPlots() if _endFrame == -1: _endFrame = vis.TimeSliderGetNStates() - 1 if _startFrame == -1: _startFrame = 0 # Iterate through frames for i in range(_startFrame, _endFrame + 1): vis.SetTimeSliderState(i) frame = i - _startFrame vis.SaveWindowAtts = vis.SaveWindowAttributes() vis.SaveWindowAtts.outputToCurrentDirectory = 0 vis.SaveWindowAtts.outputDirectory = _outputDir vis.SaveWindowAtts.fileName = _outputFileName = 1 vis.SaveWindowAtts.format = vis.SaveWindowAtts.PNG # BMP, CURVE, JPEG, OBJ, PNG, POSTSCRIPT, POVRAY, PPM, RGB, STL, TIFF, ULTRA, VTK, PLY vis.SaveWindowAtts.width = 3000 vis.SaveWindowAtts.height = 300 vis.SaveWindowAtts.screenCapture = 0 vis.SaveWindowAtts.saveTiled = 0 vis.SaveWindowAtts.quality = 100 = 0 vis.SaveWindowAtts.binary = 0 vis.SaveWindowAtts.stereo = 0 vis.SaveWindowAtts.compression = vis.SaveWindowAtts.PackBits # None, PackBits, Jpeg, Deflate vis.SaveWindowAtts.forceMerge = 0 vis.SaveWindowAtts.resConstraint = vis.SaveWindowAtts.ScreenProportions # NoConstraint, EqualWidthHeight, ScreenProportions vis.SaveWindowAtts.advancedMultiWindowSave = 0 vis.SetSaveWindowAttributes(vis.SaveWindowAtts) vis.SaveWindow() vis.DeleteActivePlots() vis.CloseDatabase(databaseName) # Make the movie:"./ " + _outputDir + " " + _outputFileName) pyVisitPath = "pyVisit/" + pyVisitPath + "") + pyVisitPath + " " + _outputDir + " " + _outputFileName) frameRate = "10"[ pythonLibDirectoryPath + pyVisitPath + "", _outputDir, _outputFileName, frameRate ])
return pr.parse_args() if __name__ == '__main__': args = get_args() # Treat databases as time-varying v.SetTreatAllDBsAsTimeVarying(1) v.OpenDatabase(args.database + ' database') v.AddPlot('Volume', args.varname, 1, 1) if args.mesh: v.AddPlot('Mesh', 'mesh') matts = v.MeshAttributes() v.SetPlotOptions(matts) v.DrawPlots() # Set rendering type vatts = v.VolumeAttributes() if args.rndr == 'splatting': vatts.rendererType = vatts.Splatting elif args.rndr == 'raycast': vatts.rendererType = vatts.RayCasting elif args.rndr == 'texture': vatts.rendererType = vatts.Texture3D # Set scaling if args.scaling == 'lin': vatts.scaling = vatts.Linear elif args.scaling == 'log':
def visit_plot_qcrit_wx_3d(xdmf_dir, wx_range=(-5.0, 5.0), q_value=0.1, config_view=None, out_dir=os.getcwd(), out_prefix='wake3d_', figsize=(1024, 1024), visit_dir=None, visit_arch='linux-x86_64', state=None, states=None, states_range=[0, None, 1]): # Import VisIt package. if visit_dir is None: visit_dir = os.environ.get('VISIT_DIR') if visit_dir is None: raise ValueError('Provide VisIt installation path or ' 'set env variable VISIT_DIR') sys.path.append(os.path.join(visit_dir, visit_arch, 'lib', 'site-packages')) import visit visit.LaunchNowin() # Check version of VisIt. visit_check_version(visit.Version()) # Define some variables to get the q_crit and wx_cc. p_xdmf_path = os.path.join(str(xdmf_dir), 'p.xmf') visit.OpenDatabase(p_xdmf_path, 0) visit.DefineScalarExpression("operators/ConnectedComponents/p Grid", "cell_constant(<p Grid>, 0.)") visit.DefineCurveExpression("operators/DataBinning/1D/p Grid", "cell_constant(<p Grid>, 0)") visit.DefineScalarExpression("operators/DataBinning/2D/p Grid", "cell_constant(<p Grid>, 0)") visit.DefineScalarExpression("operators/DataBinning/3D/p Grid", "cell_constant(<p Grid>, 0)") visit.DefineScalarExpression("operators/Flux/p Grid", "cell_constant(<p Grid>, 0.)") visit.DefineCurveExpression("operators/Lineout/p", "cell_constant(<p>, 0.)") visit.DefineCurveExpression( "operators/Lineout/time_derivative/p Grid_time", "cell_constant(time_derivative/p Grid_time, 0.)") visit.DefineCurveExpression( "operators/Lineout/time_derivative/p Grid_lasttime", "cell_constant(time_derivative/p Grid_lasttime, 0.)") visit.DefineCurveExpression("operators/Lineout/time_derivative/p", "cell_constant(time_derivative/p, 0.)") visit.DefineScalarExpression("operators/ModelFit/model", "point_constant(<p Grid>, 0)") visit.DefineScalarExpression("operators/ModelFit/distance", "point_constant(<p Grid>, 0)") visit.DefineScalarExpression("operators/StatisticalTrends/Sum/p", "cell_constant(<p>, 0.)") visit.DefineScalarExpression("operators/StatisticalTrends/Mean/p", "cell_constant(<p>, 0.)") visit.DefineScalarExpression("operators/StatisticalTrends/Variance/p", "cell_constant(<p>, 0.)") visit.DefineScalarExpression("operators/StatisticalTrends/Std. Dev./p", "cell_constant(<p>, 0.)") visit.DefineScalarExpression("operators/StatisticalTrends/Slope/p", "cell_constant(<p>, 0.)") visit.DefineScalarExpression("operators/StatisticalTrends/Residuals/p", "cell_constant(<p>, 0.)") visit.DefineScalarExpression( "operators/StatisticalTrends/Sum/time_derivative/p Grid_time", "cell_constant(<time_derivative/p Grid_time>, 0.)") visit.DefineScalarExpression( "operators/StatisticalTrends/Sum/time_derivative/p Grid_lasttime", "cell_constant(<time_derivative/p Grid_lasttime>, 0.)") visit.DefineScalarExpression( "operators/StatisticalTrends/Sum/time_derivative/p", "cell_constant(<time_derivative/p>, 0.)") visit.DefineScalarExpression( "operators/StatisticalTrends/Mean/time_derivative/p Grid_time", "cell_constant(<time_derivative/p Grid_time>, 0.)") visit.DefineScalarExpression( "operators/StatisticalTrends/Mean/time_derivative/p Grid_lasttime", "cell_constant(<time_derivative/p Grid_lasttime>, 0.)") visit.DefineScalarExpression( "operators/StatisticalTrends/Mean/time_derivative/p", "cell_constant(<time_derivative/p>, 0.)") visit.DefineScalarExpression( "operators/StatisticalTrends/Variance/time_derivative/p Grid_time", "cell_constant(<time_derivative/p Grid_time>, 0.)") visit.DefineScalarExpression( "operators/StatisticalTrends/Variance/time_derivative/p Grid_lasttime", "cell_constant(<time_derivative/p Grid_lasttime>, 0.)") visit.DefineScalarExpression( "operators/StatisticalTrends/Variance/time_derivative/p", "cell_constant(<time_derivative/p>, 0.)") visit.DefineScalarExpression( "operators/StatisticalTrends/Std. Dev./time_derivative/p Grid_time", "cell_constant(<time_derivative/p Grid_time>, 0.)") visit.DefineScalarExpression( "operators/StatisticalTrends/Std. Dev./time_derivative/p Grid_lasttime", "cell_constant(<time_derivative/p Grid_lasttime>, 0.)") visit.DefineScalarExpression( "operators/StatisticalTrends/Std. Dev./time_derivative/p", "cell_constant(<time_derivative/p>, 0.)") visit.DefineScalarExpression( "operators/StatisticalTrends/Slope/time_derivative/p Grid_time", "cell_constant(<time_derivative/p Grid_time>, 0.)") visit.DefineScalarExpression( "operators/StatisticalTrends/Slope/time_derivative/p Grid_lasttime", "cell_constant(<time_derivative/p Grid_lasttime>, 0.)") visit.DefineScalarExpression( "operators/StatisticalTrends/Slope/time_derivative/p", "cell_constant(<time_derivative/p>, 0.)") visit.DefineScalarExpression( "operators/StatisticalTrends/Residuals/time_derivative/p Grid_time", "cell_constant(<time_derivative/p Grid_time>, 0.)") visit.DefineScalarExpression( "operators/StatisticalTrends/Residuals/time_derivative/p Grid_lasttime", "cell_constant(<time_derivative/p Grid_lasttime>, 0.)") visit.DefineScalarExpression( "operators/StatisticalTrends/Residuals/time_derivative/p", "cell_constant(<time_derivative/p>, 0.)") visit.DefineVectorExpression("operators/SurfaceNormal/p Grid", "cell_constant(<p Grid>, 0.)") # Define cell-centered velocity vector field. ux_xdmf_path = os.path.join(str(xdmf_dir), 'u.xmf') uy_xdmf_path = os.path.join(str(xdmf_dir), 'v.xmf') uz_xdmf_path = os.path.join(str(xdmf_dir), 'w.xmf') vel_exp = ('{' + 'pos_cmfe(<{}[0]id:u>, <p Grid>, 1.0),'.format(ux_xdmf_path) + 'pos_cmfe(<{}[0]id:v>, <p Grid>, 0.0),'.format(uy_xdmf_path) + 'pos_cmfe(<{}[0]id:w>, <p Grid>, 0.0)'.format(uz_xdmf_path) + '}') visit.DefineVectorExpression('velocity', vel_exp) # Define Q-criterion. qcrit_exp = ('q_criterion(' + 'gradient(velocity[0]),' + 'gradient(velocity[1]),' + 'gradient(velocity[2])' + ')') visit.DefineScalarExpression('q_crit', qcrit_exp) # Define cell-centered streamwise vorticity. wx_xdmf_path = os.path.join(str(xdmf_dir), 'wx.xmf') wx_exp = 'pos_cmfe(<{}[0]id:wx>, <p Grid>, 0.0)'.format(wx_xdmf_path) visit.DefineScalarExpression('wx_cc', wx_exp) # Add a pseudocolor of the cell-centered streamwise vorticity. visit.AddPlot('Pseudocolor', 'wx_cc', 1, 1) PseudocolorAtts = visit.PseudocolorAttributes() PseudocolorAtts.minFlag = 1 PseudocolorAtts.min = wx_range[0] PseudocolorAtts.maxFlag = 1 PseudocolorAtts.max = wx_range[1] PseudocolorAtts.colorTableName = 'viridis' PseudocolorAtts.invertColorTable = 1 PseudocolorAtts.opacityType = PseudocolorAtts.Constant PseudocolorAtts.opacity = 0.8 PseudocolorAtts.legendFlag = 0 visit.SetPlotOptions(PseudocolorAtts) # Add an isosurface of the Q-criterion. visit.AddOperator('Isosurface', 1) IsosurfaceAtts = visit.IsosurfaceAttributes() IsosurfaceAtts.variable = 'q_crit' IsosurfaceAtts.contourMethod = IsosurfaceAtts.Value IsosurfaceAtts.contourValue = (q_value) IsosurfaceAtts.scaling = IsosurfaceAtts.Linear visit.SetOperatorOptions(IsosurfaceAtts, 1) # Remove info about user, time, database, and legend. AnnotationAtts = visit.AnnotationAttributes() AnnotationAtts.userInfoFlag = 0 AnnotationAtts.databaseInfoFlag = 0 AnnotationAtts.timeInfoFlag = 0 AnnotationAtts.legendInfoFlag = 0 AnnotationAtts.axes3D.visible = 0 AnnotationAtts.axes3D.triadFlag = 1 AnnotationAtts.axes3D.bboxFlag = 0 visit.SetAnnotationAttributes(AnnotationAtts) # Parse the 3D view configuration file. if config_view is not None: with open(str(config_view), 'r') as infile: config_view = yaml.load(infile, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) config_view = config_view['View3DAtts'] # Set attributes of the view. View3DAtts = visit.View3DAttributes() for key, value in config_view.items(): if type(value) is list: value = tuple(value) setattr(View3DAtts, key, value) visit.SetView3D(View3DAtts) visit.SetActiveWindow(1) visit.Source(os.path.join(visit_dir, visit_arch, 'bin', '')) visit.ToggleCameraViewMode() # Create output directory if necessary. if not os.path.isdir(str(out_dir)): os.makedirs(str(out_dir)) # Loop over the states to render and save the plots. if state is not None: states = [state] elif states is None: if states_range[1] is None: states_range[1] = visit.TimeSliderGetNStates() else: states_range[1] += 1 states = range(*states_range) for i, state in enumerate(states): print('[state {}] Rendering and saving figure ...'.format(state)) visit.SetTimeSliderState(state) if i == 0: visit.DrawPlots() RenderingAtts = visit.RenderingAttributes() visit.SetRenderingAttributes(RenderingAtts) SaveWindowAtts = visit.SaveWindowAttributes() SaveWindowAtts.outputToCurrentDirectory = 0 SaveWindowAtts.outputDirectory = str(out_dir) SaveWindowAtts.fileName = '{}{:0>4}'.format(out_prefix, state) = 0 SaveWindowAtts.format = SaveWindowAtts.PNG SaveWindowAtts.width = figsize[0] SaveWindowAtts.height = figsize[1] SaveWindowAtts.quality = 100 SaveWindowAtts.resConstraint = SaveWindowAtts.NoConstraint visit.SetSaveWindowAttributes(SaveWindowAtts) visit.SaveWindow() os.remove('') visit.CloseComputeEngine() visit.Close() return
def visit_plot_pseudocolor_2d(xdmf_path, name, value_range=(-5.0, 5.0), curve2d_paths=None, config_view=None, out_dir=os.getcwd(), out_prefix='wake2d_', figsize=(1024, 1024), visit_dir=None, visit_arch='linux-x86_64', state=None, states=None, states_range=[0, None, 1]): # Import VisIt package. if visit_dir is None: visit_dir = os.environ.get('VISIT_DIR') if visit_dir is None: raise ValueError('Provide VisIt installation path or ' 'set env variable VISIT_DIR') sys.path.append(os.path.join(visit_dir, visit_arch, 'lib', 'site-packages')) import visit visit.LaunchNowin() # Check version of VisIt. visit_check_version(visit.Version()) # Create database correlation with optional Curve2D files. num_bodies = 0 databases = [str(xdmf_path)] if curve2d_paths is not None: num_bodies = len(curve2d_paths) databases = [str(path) for path in curve2d_paths] databases.append(str(xdmf_path)) visit.CreateDatabaseCorrelation('common', databases[num_bodies:], 0) # Open the file with the coordinates of the immersed boundary. if num_bodies > 0: for i in range(num_bodies): visit.OpenDatabase(databases[i], 0) # Add plot the mesh points. visit.AddPlot('Curve', 'curve', 1, 1) # Set attributes of the curve. CurveAtts = visit.CurveAttributes() CurveAtts.lineWidth = 1 CurveAtts.curveColorSource = CurveAtts.Custom CurveAtts.curveColor = (0, 0, 0, 255) CurveAtts.showLegend = 0 CurveAtts.showLabels = 0 visit.SetPlotOptions(CurveAtts) # Open the XMF file for the spanwise-averaged z-component of the vorticity. visit.OpenDatabase(databases[-1], 0) # Add a pseudocolor plot of the scalar field. visit.AddPlot('Pseudocolor', name, 1, 1) # Set attributes of the pseudocolor. PseudocolorAtts = visit.PseudocolorAttributes() PseudocolorAtts.minFlag = 1 PseudocolorAtts.min = value_range[0] PseudocolorAtts.maxFlag = 1 PseudocolorAtts.max = value_range[1] PseudocolorAtts.colorTableName = 'viridis' visit.SetPlotOptions(PseudocolorAtts) # Parse the 2D view configuration file. if config_view is not None: with open(str(config_view), 'r') as infile: config_view = yaml.load(infile, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) config_view = config_view['View2DAtts'] # Set attributes of the view. View2DAtts = visit.View2DAttributes() for key, value in config_view.items(): if type(value) is list: value = tuple(value) setattr(View2DAtts, key, value) visit.SetView2D(View2DAtts) # Remove time and user info. AnnotationAtts = visit.AnnotationAttributes() AnnotationAtts.userInfoFlag = 0 AnnotationAtts.timeInfoFlag = 1 visit.SetAnnotationAttributes(AnnotationAtts) visit.SetActiveWindow(1) visit.Source(os.path.join(visit_dir, visit_arch, 'bin', '')) visit.ToggleCameraViewMode() # Create output directory if necessary. if not os.path.isdir(str(out_dir)): os.makedirs(str(out_dir)) # Loop over the states to render and save the plots. if state is not None: states = [state] elif states is None: if states_range[1] is None: states_range[1] = visit.TimeSliderGetNStates() else: states_range[1] += 1 states = range(*states_range) for i, state in enumerate(states): print('[state {}] Rendering and saving figure ...'.format(state)) visit.SetTimeSliderState(state) if i == 0: visit.DrawPlots() RenderingAtts = visit.RenderingAttributes() visit.SetRenderingAttributes(RenderingAtts) SaveWindowAtts = visit.SaveWindowAttributes() SaveWindowAtts.outputToCurrentDirectory = 0 SaveWindowAtts.outputDirectory = str(out_dir) SaveWindowAtts.fileName = '{}{:0>4}'.format(out_prefix, state) = 0 SaveWindowAtts.format = SaveWindowAtts.PNG SaveWindowAtts.width = figsize[0] SaveWindowAtts.height = figsize[1] SaveWindowAtts.quality = 100 SaveWindowAtts.resConstraint = SaveWindowAtts.NoConstraint visit.SetSaveWindowAttributes(SaveWindowAtts) visit.SaveWindow() os.remove('') visit.Close() return
def visit_plot_contour_3d(xdmf_path, name, value_range=(-5.0, 5.0), p3d_paths=None, config_view=None, out_dir=os.getcwd(), out_prefix='wake3d_', figsize=(1024, 1024), visit_dir=None, visit_arch='linux-x86_64', state=None, states=None, states_range=[0, None, 1]): # Import VisIt package. if visit_dir is None: visit_dir = os.environ.get('VISIT_DIR') if visit_dir is None: raise ValueError('Provide VisIt installation path or ' 'set env variable VISIT_DIR') sys.path.append(os.path.join(visit_dir, visit_arch, 'lib', 'site-packages')) import visit visit.LaunchNowin() # Check version of VisIt. visit_check_version(visit.Version()) # Create database correlation with optional Point3D files. num_bodies = 0 databases = [str(xdmf_path)] if p3d_paths is not None: num_bodies = len(p3d_paths) databases = [str(path) for path in p3d_paths] databases.append(str(xdmf_path)) visit.CreateDatabaseCorrelation('common', databases[num_bodies:], 0) # Open the file with the coordinates of the immersed boundary. if num_bodies > 0: for i in range(num_bodies): visit.OpenDatabase(databases[i], 0, 'Point3D_1.0') # Add plot the mesh points. visit.AddPlot('Mesh', 'points', 1, 1) # Set attributes of the mesh plot. MeshAtts = visit.MeshAttributes() MeshAtts.legendFlag = 0 MeshAtts.meshColor = (255, 204, 0, 1.0 * 255) MeshAtts.meshColorSource = MeshAtts.MeshCustom MeshAtts.pointSize = 0.05 MeshAtts.pointType = MeshAtts.Point MeshAtts.pointSizePixels = 2 MeshAtts.opacity = 1 visit.SetPlotOptions(MeshAtts) # Open the XMF file for the z-component of the vorticity. visit.OpenDatabase(databases[-1], 0) # Add the plot of the contour of the z-component of the vorticity. visit.AddPlot('Contour', name, 1, 1) # Set attributes of the contour. ContourAtts = visit.ContourAttributes() ContourAtts.contourNLevels = 2 ContourAtts.SetMultiColor(0, (0, 51, 102, 0.6 * 255)) ContourAtts.SetMultiColor(1, (255, 0, 0, 0.6 * 255)) ContourAtts.legendFlag = 1 ContourAtts.minFlag = 1 ContourAtts.maxFlag = 1 ContourAtts.min = value_range[0] ContourAtts.max = value_range[1] visit.SetPlotOptions(ContourAtts) # Parse the 3D view configuration file. if config_view is not None: with open(str(config_view), 'r') as infile: config_view = yaml.load(infile, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) config_view = config_view['View3DAtts'] # Set attributes of the view. View3DAtts = visit.View3DAttributes() for key, value in config_view.items(): if type(value) is list: value = tuple(value) setattr(View3DAtts, key, value) visit.SetView3D(View3DAtts) # Remove time and user info. AnnotationAtts = visit.AnnotationAttributes() AnnotationAtts.userInfoFlag = 0 AnnotationAtts.timeInfoFlag = 0 AnnotationAtts.axes3D.visible = 0 AnnotationAtts.axes3D.triadFlag = 1 AnnotationAtts.axes3D.bboxFlag = 0 visit.SetAnnotationAttributes(AnnotationAtts) visit.SetActiveWindow(1) visit.Source(os.path.join(visit_dir, visit_arch, 'bin', '')) visit.ToggleCameraViewMode() # Create output directory if necessary. if not os.path.isdir(str(out_dir)): os.makedirs(str(out_dir)) # Loop over the states to render and save the plots. if state is not None: states = [state] elif states is None: if states_range[1] is None: states_range[1] = visit.TimeSliderGetNStates() else: states_range[1] += 1 states = range(*states_range) for i, state in enumerate(states): print('[state {}] Rendering and saving figure ...'.format(state)) visit.SetTimeSliderState(state) if i == 0: visit.DrawPlots() RenderingAtts = visit.RenderingAttributes() visit.SetRenderingAttributes(RenderingAtts) SaveWindowAtts = visit.SaveWindowAttributes() SaveWindowAtts.outputToCurrentDirectory = 0 SaveWindowAtts.outputDirectory = str(out_dir) SaveWindowAtts.fileName = '{}{:0>4}'.format(out_prefix, state) = 0 SaveWindowAtts.format = SaveWindowAtts.PNG SaveWindowAtts.width = figsize[0] SaveWindowAtts.height = figsize[1] SaveWindowAtts.quality = 100 SaveWindowAtts.resConstraint = SaveWindowAtts.NoConstraint visit.SetSaveWindowAttributes(SaveWindowAtts) visit.SaveWindow() os.remove('') visit.Close() return
# visit: open datafile and add pseudocolor plot of S(k) visit.OpenDatabase(datafile) visit.AddPlot("Pseudocolor", "S_k") visit.HideToolbars() # colorbar range pa = visit.PseudocolorAttributes() pa.minFlag = 1 pa.min = minSk pa.maxFlag = 1 pa.max = maxSk visit.SetPlotOptions(pa) # x- and y-ranges of plot and position of plot va = visit.View2DAttributes() va.windowCoords = (kxlo, kxhi, kylo, kyhi) va.viewportCoords = (0.06, 0.94, 0.11, 0.99) visit.SetView2D(va) # legend(colorbox) and user/database info on/off | axes aa = visit.AnnotationAttributes() aa.legendInfoFlag = 1 aa.userInfoFlag = 0 aa.databaseInfoFlag = 0 aa.axes2D.visible = 1
def _updateDisplay(self,bSameDomain): print("") print("_updateDisplay() - start ..... variable="+str(self._variable)+", plot="+str(self._currentPlot)+", op="+str(self._currentOperator)+", opEnabled="+str(self._operatorEnabled)) # # remove old plot if not applicable # if (bSameDomain == False or (self._currentPlot != None and (self._variable == None or (self._currentPlot[1] != self._variable)))): print(" _updateDisplay() - removing plots and operators") visit.DeleteAllPlots() self._currentPlot = None visit.RemoveAllOperators() self._currentOperator = None # # remove old operator if not needed # if (self._currentOperator != None and self._operatorEnabled == False): print(" _updateDisplay() - removing operators, operatorEnabled is False") visit.RemoveAllOperators() self._currentOperator = None # # remove old operator if wrong type # if (self._currentOperator == "Slice" and self._operatorProject2d == False): print(" _updateDisplay() - removing operators, 'Slice' incompatible with project2d==False") visit.RemoveAllOperators() self._currentOperator = None if (self._currentOperator == "Clip" and self._operatorProject2d == True): print(" _updateDisplay() - removing operators, 'Clip' incompatible with project2d==True") visit.RemoveAllOperators() self._currentOperator = None # # add new plot if needed # if (self._variable != None and self._currentPlot == None): print(" _updateDisplay() - adding 'Pseudocolor' plot for variable '"+str(self._variable)+"'") print(" _updateDisplay() -- variable without str = ") print(self._variable) visit.AddPlot("Pseudocolor", str(self._variable)) visit.SetPlotOptions(self._pseudocolorAttributes) self._currentPlot = ("Pseudocolor",str(self._variable)) # Turn off display database name in plot window to reduce clutter attributes = visit.AnnotationAttributes() attributes.databaseInfoFlag=0 visit.SetAnnotationAttributes(attributes) # # if operator needed, set operator attributes (add new operator if needed) # if (self._operatorEnabled == True and self._currentPlot != None): # # if no operator, then add one # if (self._currentOperator == None): if (self._operatorProject2d): print(" _updateDisplay() - adding operator 'Slice'") visit.AddOperator("Slice") self._currentOperator = "Slice" else: print(" _updateDisplay() - adding operator 'Clip'") visit.AddOperator("Clip") self._currentOperator = "Clip" # # set operator attributes # if (self._currentOperator == "Slice"): print(" _updateDisplay() - setting operator options for 'Slice'") visit.SetOperatorOptions(self._getSliceAttributes()) else: print(" _updateDisplay() - setting operator options for 'Clip'") visit.SetOperatorOptions(self._getClipAttributes()) # # Redraw # print(" _updateDisplay() - redrawing") visit.DrawPlots() print("_updateDisplay() - end") print("")
SliceAtts = visit.SliceAttributes() SliceAtts.originType = SliceAtts.Point SliceAtts.originPoint = (0, 0, 0) SliceAtts.normal = (0, 0, -1) SliceAtts.axisType = SliceAtts.ZAxis SliceAtts.upAxis = (1, 0, 0) SliceAtts.project2d = 1 SliceAtts.flip = 1 visit.SetOperatorOptions(SliceAtts, 1) PseudocolorAtts = visit.PseudocolorAttributes() PseudocolorAtts.minFlag = 1 PseudocolorAtts.min = 0. PseudocolorAtts.maxFlag = 1 PseudocolorAtts.max = alpha visit.SetPlotOptions(PseudocolorAtts) View2DAtts = visit.View2DAttributes() View2DAtts.windowCoords = (-0.01, 0.07, 0, 1.58) View2DAtts.viewportCoords = (0.7, 0.95, 0.1, 0.95) visit.SetView2D(View2DAtts) AnnotationAtts = visit.AnnotationAttributes() AnnotationAtts.axes2D.autoSetTicks = 0 AnnotationAtts.axes2D.autoSetScaling = 0 AnnotationAtts.axes2D.tickLocation = AnnotationAtts.axes2D.Outside AnnotationAtts.axes2D.tickAxes = AnnotationAtts.axes2D.BottomLeft AnnotationAtts.axes2D.xAxis.title.visible = 0 AnnotationAtts.axes2D.xAxis.label.visible = 0 AnnotationAtts.axes2D.xAxis.tickMarks.visible = 0 AnnotationAtts.axes2D.xAxis.grid = 0
f.write( print("Successfully downloaded example silo") visit.LaunchNowin() saveatts = visit.SaveWindowAttributes() saveatts.fileName = 'result-visit.png' = 0 saveatts.width = 1024 saveatts.height = 768 saveatts.resConstraint = saveatts.NoConstraint saveatts.outputToCurrentDirectory = 1 visit.SetSaveWindowAttributes(saveatts) visit.OpenDatabase('example.silo') visit.AddPlot('Contour', 'density') c = visit.ContourAttributes() c.colorType = c.ColorByColorTable c.colorTableName = "hot" visit.SetPlotOptions(c) visit.DrawPlots() v = visit.GetView3D() v.viewNormal = (-0.554924, 0.703901, 0.443377) v.viewUp = (0.272066, -0.3501, 0.896331) visit.SetView3D(v) visit.SaveWindow() visit.DeleteAllPlots() visit.CloseDatabase('example.silo') print("Successfully rendered output raster") print("All done!")
def draw_point_picture(variableName, minValue, maxValue, inputDirectory, inputFileName, coordinate, outputDirectory, outputFileName, colorTable="hot_desaturated"): ''' Function for making a visit plot with a point Arguments: :param variableName Name of the variable :param minValue Minimum value of the variable :param maxValue Maximum value of the variable :param inputDirectory Path to input vlsv/silo files :param inputFileName Name of the file, for example \"bulk.00000.silo\" :param coordinates Coordinates corresponding to the files so for example [ [[0,0,0], [0,1,0]], [[2,1,2], [2,1,4]] ] :param outputDirectory Path to output directory :param outputFileName Name of the output file :param colorTable="hot_desaturated" Color table for the plots ''' # OPTIONS ################################################################# # Input variable _variableName = variableName minVariableValue = minValue maxVariableValue = maxValue colorTableName = colorTable # Input directory and file names _outputDir = outputDirectory _outputFileName = outputFileName # The file names for the png files. databaseName = "localhost:" + inputDirectory + inputFileName # For navigating to the silo files # Note: a slice of the plot in z-axis is taken automatically ################################################################# inputFileName2 = "point.vtk" databaseName2 = "localhost:" + os.getcwd() + "/" + inputFileName2 currentPlot = 0 vis.OpenDatabase(databaseName, 0) #vis.ActiveDatabase("localhost:" + inputDirectory + inputFileName) #Load settings visSettings.load_visit_settings() vis.AddPlot("Pseudocolor", _variableName, 1, 1) #CONTINUE vis.SetActivePlots(currentPlot) vis.PseudocolorAtts = vis.PseudocolorAttributes() vis.PseudocolorAtts.legendFlag = 1 vis.PseudocolorAtts.lightingFlag = 1 vis.PseudocolorAtts.minFlag = 1 vis.PseudocolorAtts.maxFlag = 1 vis.PseudocolorAtts.centering = vis.PseudocolorAtts.Natural # Natural, Nodal, Zonal vis.PseudocolorAtts.scaling = vis.PseudocolorAtts.Linear # Linear, Log, Skew vis.PseudocolorAtts.limitsMode = vis.PseudocolorAtts.CurrentPlot # OriginalData, CurrentPlot vis.PseudocolorAtts.min = minVariableValue vis.PseudocolorAtts.max = maxVariableValue vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointSize = 0.05 vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointType = vis.PseudocolorAtts.Point # Box, Axis, Icosahedron, Point, Sphere vis.PseudocolorAtts.skewFactor = 1 vis.PseudocolorAtts.opacity = 1 vis.PseudocolorAtts.colorTableName = colorTableName vis.PseudocolorAtts.invertColorTable = 0 vis.PseudocolorAtts.smoothingLevel = 0 vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointSizeVarEnabled = 0 vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointSizeVar = "default" vis.PseudocolorAtts.pointSizePixels = 2 vis.PseudocolorAtts.lineStyle = vis.PseudocolorAtts.SOLID # SOLID, DASH, DOT, DOTDASH vis.PseudocolorAtts.lineWidth = 0 vis.PseudocolorAtts.opacityType = vis.PseudocolorAtts.Explicit # Explicit, ColorTable vis.SetPlotOptions(vis.PseudocolorAtts) vis.AddOperator("Slice", 1) vis.SliceAtts = vis.SliceAttributes() vis.SliceAtts.originType = vis.SliceAtts.Intercept # Point, Intercept, Percent, Zone, Node vis.SliceAtts.originPoint = (0, 0, 0) vis.SliceAtts.originIntercept = 0 vis.SliceAtts.originPercent = 0 vis.SliceAtts.originZone = 0 vis.SliceAtts.originNode = 0 vis.SliceAtts.normal = (0, 0, 1) vis.SliceAtts.axisType = vis.SliceAtts.ZAxis # XAxis, YAxis, ZAxis, Arbitrary, ThetaPhi vis.SliceAtts.upAxis = (0, 1, 0) vis.SliceAtts.project2d = 1 vis.SliceAtts.interactive = 1 vis.SliceAtts.flip = 0 vis.SliceAtts.originZoneDomain = 0 vis.SliceAtts.originNodeDomain = 0 vis.SliceAtts.meshName = "SpatialGrid" vis.SliceAtts.theta = 0 vis.SliceAtts.phi = 90 vis.SetOperatorOptions(vis.SliceAtts, 1) vis.DrawPlots() create_point_vtk(fileName=inputFileName2, coordinates=coordinate) vis.OpenDatabase(databaseName2, 0) currentPlot = currentPlot + 1 vis.SetActivePlots(currentPlot) vis.AddPlot("Mesh", "mesh", 1, 1) vis.MeshAtts = vis.MeshAttributes() vis.MeshAtts.legendFlag = 1 vis.MeshAtts.lineStyle = vis.MeshAtts.SOLID # SOLID, DASH, DOT, DOTDASH vis.MeshAtts.lineWidth = 0 vis.MeshAtts.meshColor = (0, 0, 0, 255) vis.MeshAtts.outlineOnlyFlag = 0 vis.MeshAtts.errorTolerance = 0.01 vis.MeshAtts.meshColorSource = vis.MeshAtts.Foreground # Foreground, MeshCustom vis.MeshAtts.opaqueColorSource = vis.MeshAtts.Background # Background, OpaqueCustom vis.MeshAtts.opaqueMode = vis.MeshAtts.Auto # Auto, On, Off vis.MeshAtts.pointSize = 0.05 vis.MeshAtts.opaqueColor = (255, 255, 255, 255) vis.MeshAtts.smoothingLevel = vis.MeshAtts.None # None, Fast, High vis.MeshAtts.pointSizeVarEnabled = 0 vis.MeshAtts.pointSizeVar = "default" vis.MeshAtts.pointType = vis.MeshAtts.Point # Box, Axis, Icosahedron, Point, Sphere vis.MeshAtts.showInternal = 0 vis.MeshAtts.pointSizePixels = 25 vis.MeshAtts.opacity = 1 vis.SetPlotOptions(vis.MeshAtts) vis.DrawPlots() vis.SaveWindowAtts = vis.SaveWindowAttributes() vis.SaveWindowAtts.outputToCurrentDirectory = 0 vis.SaveWindowAtts.outputDirectory = _outputDir vis.SaveWindowAtts.fileName = _outputFileName = 1 vis.SaveWindowAtts.format = vis.SaveWindowAtts.PNG # BMP, CURVE, JPEG, OBJ, PNG, POSTSCRIPT, POVRAY, PPM, RGB, STL, TIFF, ULTRA, VTK, PLY vis.SaveWindowAtts.width = 3000 vis.SaveWindowAtts.height = 3000 vis.SaveWindowAtts.screenCapture = 0 vis.SaveWindowAtts.saveTiled = 0 vis.SaveWindowAtts.quality = 100 = 0 vis.SaveWindowAtts.binary = 0 vis.SaveWindowAtts.stereo = 0 vis.SaveWindowAtts.compression = vis.SaveWindowAtts.PackBits # None, PackBits, Jpeg, Deflate vis.SaveWindowAtts.forceMerge = 0 vis.SaveWindowAtts.resConstraint = vis.SaveWindowAtts.ScreenProportions # NoConstraint, EqualWidthHeight, ScreenProportions vis.SaveWindowAtts.advancedMultiWindowSave = 0 vis.SetSaveWindowAttributes(vis.SaveWindowAtts) vis.SaveWindow() vis.SetActivePlots((0, 1)) vis.DeleteActivePlots() vis.CloseDatabase(databaseName2) vis.CloseDatabase(databaseName)