def _project(pts3d, poses, K, dist_coefs=None): """Convert 3-D points to 2-D by projecting onto images.""" if USE_WORLD_CAM_FRAME: pts3d_rot = tools.rotate_points_aa(pts3d - poses[:, 3:6], -poses[:, 0:3]) else: pts3d_rot = tools.rotate_points_aa(pts3d, poses[:, 0:3]) + poses[:, 3:6] P = pts3d_rot / pts3d_rot[:, 2:3] if dist_coefs is not None: k1, k2 = np.pad(dist_coefs[0:2], (0, 2 - len(dist_coefs[0:2])), 'constant') r2 = np.sum(P[:, 0:2]**2, axis=1)[:, None] P[:, 0:2] *= (1 + k1 * r2 + k2 * r2**2) pts2d_proj = K[:2, :].dot(P.T).T return pts2d_proj
def _unpack(params, n_cams, n_pts, n_dist, n_cam_intr, n_meas, meas_r0): """ Retrieve camera parameters and 3-D coordinates. """ a = n_cams * 6 b = a + n_meas * (1 if ENABLE_DT_ADJ else 0) c = b + n_pts * 3 d = c + (7 if GLOBAL_ADJ > 2 else 4 if GLOBAL_ADJ else 0) e = d + n_dist f = e + n_cam_intr poses = params[:a].reshape((n_cams, 6)) if FIXED_PITCH_AND_ROLL: poses[:, 2] = np.sign(poses[:, 2]) * np.linalg.norm(poses[:, :3], axis=1) poses[:, :2] = 0 t_off = params[a:b].reshape((-1, 1)) pts3d = params[b:c].reshape((n_pts, 3)) dist_coefs, cam_intr = None, None if n_meas > 1 and GLOBAL_ADJ: rot_off = np.array( [[0, 0, 0]]) if GLOBAL_ADJ < 3 else params[d - 7:d - 4].reshape( (1, 3)) loc_off = params[d - 4:d - 1] scale_off = params[d - 1] # use rot_off, loc_off and scale_off to transform cam_params and pts3d instead of the measurements if USE_WORLD_CAM_FRAME: poses[:, :3] = tools.rotate_rotations_aa( np.repeat(-rot_off, len(poses), axis=0), poses[:, :3]) poses[:, 3:] = tools.rotate_points_aa( poses[:, 3:] - meas_r0 - loc_off, -rot_off) * math.exp(-scale_off) + meas_r0 pts3d = tools.rotate_points_aa(pts3d - meas_r0 - loc_off, -rot_off ) * math.exp(-scale_off) + meas_r0 else: # TODO: debug following, probably wrong cam_loc_wf = tools.rotate_points_aa(-poses[:, 3:], -poses[:, :3]) cam_loc_wf_adj = tools.rotate_points_aa( cam_loc_wf - meas_r0 - loc_off, -rot_off) * math.exp(-scale_off) + meas_r0 poses[:, 3:] = tools.rotate_points_aa( -cam_loc_wf_adj, poses[:, :3]) # can probably do with fewer calculations poses[:, :3] = tools.rotate_rotations_aa( np.repeat(rot_off, len(poses), axis=0), poses[:, :3]) pts3d = tools.rotate_points_aa(pts3d - meas_r0 - loc_off, -rot_off ) * math.exp(-scale_off) + meas_r0 if n_dist > 0: dist_coefs = params[d:e].reshape((-1, )) if n_cam_intr > 0: cam_intr = params[e:f].reshape((-1, )) return poses, pts3d, dist_coefs, cam_intr, t_off
def _rotated_points(params, pose0, fixed_pt3d, n_cams, n_pts, n_dist, cam_idxs, pt3d_idxs, pts2d, v_pts2d, K, px_err_sd, meas_r, meas_aa, meas_idxs, loc_err_sd, ori_err_sd, huber_coef): """ Compute residuals. `params` contains camera parameters and 3-D coordinates. """ if isinstance(params, (tuple, list)): params = np.array(params) params = np.hstack((pose0, params)) poses, pts3d, dist_coefs, t_off = _unpack( params, n_cams, n_pts if len(fixed_pt3d) == 0 else 0, n_dist, meas_idxs.size, meas_r0=None if len(meas_idxs) < 2 else meas_r[0]) points_3d = fixed_pt3d if len(pts3d) == 0 else pts3d points_3d_cf = tools.rotate_points_aa( points_3d[pt3d_idxs], poses[cam_idxs, :3]) + poses[cam_idxs, 3:6] return points_3d_cf.flatten()
def _rot_pt_jac(params, pose0, fixed_pt3d, n_cams, n_pts, n_dist, cam_idxs, pt3d_idxs, pts2d, v_pts2d, K, px_err_sd, meas_r, meas_aa, meas_idxs, loc_err_sd, ori_err_sd, huber_coef): params = np.hstack((pose0, params)) poses, pts3d, dist_coefs, t_off = _unpack( params, n_cams, n_pts if len(fixed_pt3d) == 0 else 0, n_dist, meas_idxs.size, meas_r0=None if len(meas_idxs) < 2 else meas_r[0]) # TODO: take into account dist_coefs? or is this function deprecated? poses_only = len(fixed_pt3d) > 0 points_3d = fixed_pt3d if poses_only else pts3d points_3d_cf = tools.rotate_points_aa( points_3d[pt3d_idxs], poses[cam_idxs, :3]) #+ poses[pose_idxs, 3:6] # output term count (rotated coords) m = cam_idxs.size * 3 # parameter count (6d poses) n = n_cams * 6 J = np.zeros((m, n)) i = np.arange(cam_idxs.size) # poses affect reprojection error terms ######################################## # - NOTE: for the following to work, need the poses in cam-to-world, i.e. rotation of world origin first, # then translation in rotated coordinates # - equation (11) # - also, section 10.3.5, eq 10.23 # - ksi: first three location, second three rotation # - de/dksi = de/dU' * dU'/dksi # - de/dU' = -[[fx/Zc, 0, -fx*Xc/Zc**2], # [0, fy/Zc, -fy*Yc/Zc**2]] # - dU'/dw = [I3 | -[U']^] = [[1, 0, 0, 0, Zc, -Yc], # [0, 1, 0, -Zc, 0, Xc], # [0, 0, 1, Yc, -Xc, 0]] # - -[[fx/Zc, 0, -Xc*fx/Zc**2, | -Xc*Yc*fx/Zc**2, Xc**2*fx/Zc**2 + fx, -Yc*fx/Zc], # [0, fy/Zc, -Yc*fy/Zc**2, | -Yc**2*fy/Zc**2 - fy, Xc*Yc*fy/Zc**2, Xc*fy/Zc]] / px_err_sd Xc, Yc, Zc = points_3d_cf[:, 0], points_3d_cf[:, 1], points_3d_cf[:, 2] # camera location J[3 * i + 0, cam_idxs * 6 + 3] = 1 J[3 * i + 0, cam_idxs * 6 + 4] = 0 J[3 * i + 0, cam_idxs * 6 + 5] = 0 J[3 * i + 1, cam_idxs * 6 + 3] = 0 J[3 * i + 1, cam_idxs * 6 + 4] = 1 J[3 * i + 1, cam_idxs * 6 + 5] = 0 J[3 * i + 2, cam_idxs * 6 + 3] = 0 J[3 * i + 2, cam_idxs * 6 + 4] = 0 J[3 * i + 2, cam_idxs * 6 + 5] = 1 # camera rotation J[3 * i + 0, cam_idxs * 6 + 0] = 0 J[3 * i + 0, cam_idxs * 6 + 1] = Zc J[3 * i + 0, cam_idxs * 6 + 2] = -Yc J[3 * i + 1, cam_idxs * 6 + 0] = -Zc J[3 * i + 1, cam_idxs * 6 + 1] = 0 J[3 * i + 1, cam_idxs * 6 + 2] = Xc J[3 * i + 2, cam_idxs * 6 + 0] = Yc J[3 * i + 2, cam_idxs * 6 + 1] = -Xc J[3 * i + 2, cam_idxs * 6 + 2] = 0 return J
def _jacobian(params, pose0, fixed_pt3d, n_cams, n_pts, n_dist, n_cam_intr, cam_idxs, pt3d_idxs, pts2d, v_pts2d, K, px_err_sd, meas_r, meas_aa, meas_idxs, loc_err_sd, ori_err_sd, huber_coef): """ cost function jacobian, from """ assert not GLOBAL_ADJ and (not ENABLE_DT_ADJ or DT_ADJ_MEAS_VEL), \ 'analytical jacobian does not support GLOBAL_ADJ or ENABLE_DT_ADJ with pixel velocity' params = np.hstack((pose0, params)) poses, pts3d, dist_coefs, cam_intr, t_off = _unpack( params, n_cams, n_pts if len(fixed_pt3d) == 0 else 0, n_dist, n_cam_intr, meas_idxs.size, meas_r0=None if len(meas_idxs) < 2 else meas_r[0]) poses_only = len(fixed_pt3d) > 0 points_3d = fixed_pt3d if poses_only else pts3d points_3d_rot = tools.rotate_points_aa(points_3d[pt3d_idxs], poses[cam_idxs, :3]) points_3d_cf = points_3d_rot + poses[cam_idxs, 3:6] # error term count (first 2d reprojection errors, then 3d gps measurement error, then 3d orientation meas err) m1, m2, m3 = cam_idxs.size * 2, meas_idxs.size * 3, meas_idxs.size * 3 m = m1 + m2 + m3 # parameter count (6d poses, np x 3d keypoint locations, 1d time offset) n1 = n_cams * 6 n2 = meas_idxs.size * (1 if ENABLE_DT_ADJ else 0) n3 = (0 if poses_only else n_pts * 3) n4 = (0 if dist_coefs is None else 2) n5 = (0 if cam_intr is None else len(cam_intr)) n = n1 + n2 + n3 + n4 + n5 # n3 = meas_idxs.size * (1 if ENABLE_DT_ADJ else 0) # n4 = 0 if meas_idxs.size < 2 or not GLOBAL_ADJ else (7 if GLOBAL_ADJ > 2 else 4) # np = n1 + n2 + n3 + n4 J = sp.lil_matrix((m, n), dtype=np.float32) i = np.arange(cam_idxs.size) # poses affect reprojection error terms ######################################## # - NOTE: for the following to work, need the poses in cam-to-world, i.e. rotation of world origin first, # then translation in rotated coordinates # - equation (11) # - also, section 10.3.5, eq 10.23 # - U': points in distorted camera coords, Uc: points in undistorted camera coords, U: points in world coords # - ksi: first three location, second three rotation # - de/dksi = de/dU' * dU'/dUc * dUc/dksi # - de/dU' = -[[fx, 0], # [0, fy]] # # Using SymPy diff on U'(Uc) = Matrix([[Xc/Zc], [Yc/Zc]]) * (1 + k1*R**2 + k2*R**4): # - dU'/dUc = [[ (R2*k1 + R2**2*k2 + Xn**2*(4*R2*k2 + 2*k1) + 1)/Zc, # Xn*Yn*(4*R2*k2 + 2*k1)/Zc, # -Xn*(R2*k1 + R2**2*k2 + (Xn**2 + Yn**2)*(4*R2*k2 + 2*k1) + 1)/Zc # ], # [ Xn*Yn*(4*R2*k2 + 2*k1)/Zc, # (R2*k1 + R2**2*k2 + Yn**2*(4*R2*k2 + 2*k1) + 1)/Zc, # -Yn*(R2*k1 + R2**2*k2 + (Xn**2 + Yn**2)*(4*R2*k2 + 2*k1) + 1)/Zc # ]], # where R2 = Xn**2 + Yn**2, Xn=Xc/Zc, Yn=Yc/Zc # # Alternatively, if k1 and k2 are zero because undistorted keypoint measures are used: # - dU'/dUc = [[1/Zc, 0, -Xc/Zc**2], # [0, 1/Zc, -Yc/Zc**2]] # # - dUc/dw = [I3 | -[Uc]^] = [[1, 0, 0, 0, Zr, -Yr], # [0, 1, 0, -Zr, 0, Xr], # [0, 0, 1, Yr, -Xr, 0]] # # if k1 and k2 are zero: # - -[[fx/Zc, 0, -Xc*fx/Zc**2, | -Xc*Yr*fx/Zc**2, Xc*Xr*fx/Zc**2 + fx*Zr/Zc, -Yr*fx/Zc], # [0, fy/Zc, -Yc*fy/Zc**2, | -Yc*Yr*fy/Zc**2 - fy*Zr/Zc, Xr*Yc*fy/Zc**2, Xr*fy/Zc]] / px_err_sd # # else: # - [[-fx*(R2*k1 + R4*k2 + Xn**2*(4*R2*k2 + 2*k1) + 1)/Zc, # -Xn*Yn*fx*(4*R2*k2 + 2*k1)/Zc, # Xn*fx*(R2*k1 + R4*k2 + (Xn**2 + Yn**2)*(4*R2*k2 + 2*k1) + 1)/Zc, # | # Xn*fx*(Yn*Zr*(4*R2*k2 + 2*k1) + Yr*(R2*k1 + R4*k2 + (Xn**2 + Yn**2)*(4*R2*k2 + 2*k1) + 1))/Zc, # -fx*(Xn*Xr*(R2*k1 + R4*k2 + (Xn**2 + Yn**2)*(4*R2*k2 + 2*k1) + 1) + Zr*(R2*k1 + R4*k2 + Xn**2*(4*R2*k2 + 2*k1) + 1))/Zc, # fx*(-Xn*Xr*Yn*(4*R2*k2 + 2*k1) + Yr*(R2*k1 + R4*k2 + Xn**2*(4*R2*k2 + 2*k1) + 1))/Zc # ], # [-fy*Xn*Yn*(4*R2*k2 + 2*k1)/Zc, # -fy*(R2*k1 + R4*k2 + Yn**2*(4*R2*k2 + 2*k1) + 1)/Zc, # fy*Yn*(R2*k1 + R4*k2 + (Xn**2 + Yn**2)*(4*R2*k2 + 2*k1) + 1)/Zc, # | # fy*(Yn*Yr*(R2*k1 + R4*k2 + (Xn**2 + Yn**2)*(4*R2*k2 + 2*k1) + 1) + Zr*(R2*k1 + R4*k2 + Yn**2*(4*R2*k2 + 2*k1) + 1))/Zc, # -Yn*fy*(Xn*Zr*(4*R2*k2 + 2*k1) + Xr*(R2*k1 + R4*k2 + (Xn**2 + Yn**2)*(4*R2*k2 + 2*k1) + 1))/Zc, # fy*(Xn*Yn*Yr*(4*R2*k2 + 2*k1) - Xr*(R2*k1 + R4*k2 + Yn**2*(4*R2*k2 + 2*k1) + 1))/Zc # ]] # TODO: debug y-px coord at J if cam_intr is None or len(cam_intr) == 2: fx, fy = K[0, 0], K[1, 1] else: fx, fy = [cam_intr[0]] * 2 Xr, Yr, Zr = points_3d_rot[:, 0], points_3d_rot[:, 1], points_3d_rot[:, 2] iZc = 1 / points_3d_cf[:, 2] Xn, Yn = points_3d_cf[:, 0] * iZc, points_3d_cf[:, 1] * iZc iZciSD = iZc / px_err_sd.flatten() if dist_coefs is None: # camera location J[2 * i + 0, cam_idxs * 6 + 3] = -fx * iZciSD J[2 * i + 0, cam_idxs * 6 + 5] = fx * Xn * iZciSD J[2 * i + 1, cam_idxs * 6 + 4] = -fy * iZciSD J[2 * i + 1, cam_idxs * 6 + 5] = fy * Yn * iZciSD # camera rotation J[2 * i + 0, cam_idxs * 6 + 0] = fx * Xn * Yr * iZciSD J[2 * i + 0, cam_idxs * 6 + 1] = -fx * (Xn * Xr + Zr) * iZciSD J[2 * i + 0, cam_idxs * 6 + 2] = fx * Yr * iZciSD J[2 * i + 1, cam_idxs * 6 + 0] = fy * (Yn * Yr + Zr) * iZciSD J[2 * i + 1, cam_idxs * 6 + 1] = -fy * Yn * Xr * iZciSD J[2 * i + 1, cam_idxs * 6 + 2] = -fy * Xr * iZciSD else: k1, k2 = dist_coefs[:2] R2 = Xn**2 + Yn**2 R2k1 = R2 * k1 R4k2 = R2**2 * k2 alpha_xy = Xn * Yn * (4 * R2 * k2 + 2 * k1) y_gamma_r = Yn * (3 * R2k1 + 5 * R4k2 + 1) x_gamma_r = Xn * (3 * R2k1 + 5 * R4k2 + 1) gamma_x = R2k1 + R4k2 + Xn**2 * (4 * R2 * k2 + 2 * k1) + 1 gamma_y = R2k1 + R4k2 + Yn**2 * (4 * R2 * k2 + 2 * k1) + 1 # camera location J[2 * i + 0, cam_idxs * 6 + 3] = -fx * iZciSD * gamma_x J[2 * i + 0, cam_idxs * 6 + 4] = -fx * iZciSD * alpha_xy J[2 * i + 0, cam_idxs * 6 + 5] = fx * iZciSD * x_gamma_r J[2 * i + 1, cam_idxs * 6 + 3] = -fy * iZciSD * alpha_xy J[2 * i + 1, cam_idxs * 6 + 4] = -fy * iZciSD * gamma_y J[2 * i + 1, cam_idxs * 6 + 5] = fy * iZciSD * y_gamma_r # camera rotation J[2 * i + 0, cam_idxs * 6 + 0] = fx * iZciSD * (Zr * alpha_xy + Yr * x_gamma_r) J[2 * i + 0, cam_idxs * 6 + 1] = -fx * iZciSD * (Xr * x_gamma_r + Zr * gamma_x) J[2 * i + 0, cam_idxs * 6 + 2] = -fx * iZciSD * (Xr * alpha_xy - Yr * gamma_x) J[2 * i + 1, cam_idxs * 6 + 0] = fy * iZciSD * (Yr * y_gamma_r + Zr * gamma_y) J[2 * i + 1, cam_idxs * 6 + 1] = -fy * iZciSD * (Zr * alpha_xy + Xr * y_gamma_r) J[2 * i + 1, cam_idxs * 6 + 2] = fy * iZciSD * (Yr * alpha_xy - Xr * gamma_y) # keypoint locations affect reprojection error terms #################################################### # similar to above, first separate de/dU => de/dU' * dU'/dUc * dUc/dU, # first one (de/dU') is -[[fx, 0], # [0, fy]] # second one (dU'/dUc) is [[1/Zc, 0, -Xc/Zc**2], # [0, 1/Zc, -Yc/Zc**2]] (or the monstrosity from above if k1 or k2 are non-zero) # third one (dUc/dU => d/dU (RU + P) = R) is the camera rotation matrix R # => i.e. rotate (de/dU' * dU'/dUc) by R^-1 if not poses_only: if dist_coefs is None: dEu = -np.stack((fx * np.ones((len(Xn), )), np.zeros( (len(Xn), )), -fx * Xn), axis=1) * iZciSD[:, None] dEv = -np.stack((np.zeros((len(Xn), )), fy * np.ones( (len(Xn), )), -fy * Yn), axis=1) * iZciSD[:, None] else: dEu = np.zeros((len(Xn), 3)) dEv = np.zeros_like(dEu) dEu[:, 0] = -fx * iZciSD * gamma_x dEu[:, 1] = -fx * iZciSD * alpha_xy dEu[:, 2] = fx * iZciSD * x_gamma_r dEv[:, 0] = -fy * iZciSD * alpha_xy dEv[:, 1] = -fy * iZciSD * gamma_y dEv[:, 2] = fy * iZciSD * y_gamma_r dEuc = tools.rotate_points_aa(dEu, -poses[cam_idxs, :3]) dEvc = tools.rotate_points_aa(dEv, -poses[cam_idxs, :3]) J[2 * i + 0, n1 + n2 + pt3d_idxs * 3 + 0] = dEuc[:, 0] J[2 * i + 0, n1 + n2 + pt3d_idxs * 3 + 1] = 0 if RESTRICT_3D_POINT_Y else dEuc[:, 1] J[2 * i + 0, n1 + n2 + pt3d_idxs * 3 + 2] = dEuc[:, 2] J[2 * i + 1, n1 + n2 + pt3d_idxs * 3 + 0] = dEvc[:, 0] J[2 * i + 1, n1 + n2 + pt3d_idxs * 3 + 1] = 0 if RESTRICT_3D_POINT_Y else dEvc[:, 1] J[2 * i + 1, n1 + n2 + pt3d_idxs * 3 + 2] = dEvc[:, 2] # distortion coefficients (D) affect reprojection error terms #################################################### # similar to above, first separate de/dD => de/dU' * dU'/dD # first one (de/dU') is -[[fx, 0], # [0, fy]] # # U'(Uc) = [[Xc/Zc], [Yc/Zc]] * (1 + k1*R2 + k2*R4), so: # second one (dU'/dD) is [[Xc/Zc*R2, Xc/Zc*R4], # [Yc/Zc*R2, Yc/Zc*R4]] # # total: # de/dU' = [[-fx*Xc/Zc*R**2, -fx*Xc/Zc*R**4], # [-fy*Yc/Zc*R**2, -fy*Yc/Zc*R**4]] # if dist_coefs is not None: J[2 * i + 0, n1 + n2 + n3 + 0] = tmp = -fx * Xn * R2 / px_err_sd.flatten() J[2 * i + 0, n1 + n2 + n3 + 1] = tmp * R2 J[2 * i + 1, n1 + n2 + n3 + 0] = tmp = -fy * Yn * R2 / px_err_sd.flatten() J[2 * i + 1, n1 + n2 + n3 + 1] = tmp * R2 # camera intrinsics (I=[fl, cx, cy]) affect reprojection error terms # [[e_u], [e_v]] = [[u - fl*Xn - cx], # [v - fl*Yn - cy]] # de/dI = [[-Xn, -1, 0], # [-Yn, 0, -1]] if n_cam_intr > 0: if n_cam_intr != 2: J[2 * i + 0, n1 + n2 + n3 + n4 + 0] = -Xn / px_err_sd.flatten() J[2 * i + 1, n1 + n2 + n3 + n4 + 0] = -Yn / px_err_sd.flatten() if n_cam_intr > 1: J[2 * i + 0, n1 + n2 + n3 + n4 + (1 if n_cam_intr != 2 else 0)] = -1 / px_err_sd.flatten() J[2 * i + 1, n1 + n2 + n3 + n4 + (2 if n_cam_intr != 2 else 1)] = -1 / px_err_sd.flatten() # # time offsets affect reprojection error terms (possible to do in a better way?) # if ENABLE_DT_ADJ: # p_offset = n1 + n2 # cam2meas = np.ones((np.max(pose_idxs)+1,), * -1 # cam2meas[meas_idxs] = np.arange(meas_idxs.size) # i = np.where(cam2meas[pose_idxs] >= 0)[0] # mc_idxs = cam2meas[pose_idxs[i]] # A[2 * i, p_offset + mc_idxs] = 1 # A[2 * i + 1, p_offset + mc_idxs] = 1 # frame loc affect loc measurement error terms (x~x, y~y, z~z only) ################################################################### # need to convert cam-to-world pose into world-cam location so that can compare # err = ((Rm^-1 * -Pm) - (R^-1 * -P)) / loc_err_sd # derr/dP = R^-1 / loc_err_sd # #, section 10.3.6, eq 10.25: # # derr/dR = -[[R[2,1]*pz - R[3,1]*py, ...], [...], [...]] # # #### derr/dw = d/dw [R(w0)R(w)]^-1 * (-P/loc_err_sd) = d/dR(w0)R(w) [R(w0)R(w)]' * (-P/loc_err_sd) # ### * d/dw R(w0)R(w) # ###=> -[R(w0)R(w)]' * (-P/loc_err_sd) * R(w0) * np.vstack([-e1^, -e2^, -e3^]) i = np.arange(meas_idxs.size) # cam locations affecting location measurement error iR = quaternion.as_rotation_matrix( quaternion.from_rotation_vector(-poses[meas_idxs, :3])) iRs = iR / loc_err_sd for s in range(3): for r in range(3): J[m1 + 3 * i + s, meas_idxs * 6 + 3 + r] = iRs[:, s, r] # cam orientations affecting location measurement error R = quaternion.as_rotation_matrix( quaternion.from_rotation_vector(poses[meas_idxs, :3])) Rs = R / loc_err_sd for s in range(3): for r in range(3): a, b = [1, 0, 0][r], [2, 2, 1][r] sign = -1 if r == 1 else 1 J[m1 + 3 * i + s, meas_idxs * 6 + r] = sign * (Rs[:, a, s] * poses[meas_idxs, 3 + b] - Rs[:, b, s] * poses[meas_idxs, 3 + a]) # time offset affecting location measurement error if t_off is not None and len(t_off) > 0 and DT_ADJ_MEAS_VEL: v_pts3d = (v_pts2d / loc_err_sd).flatten() for s in range(3): J[m1 + 3 * i + s, n1 + i] = v_pts3d[3 * i + s] # orientation components affect ori measurement error terms ########################################################### # dw_e = log(Rm*exp(w)*R(w0)) / ori_err_sd # based on # by chain rule: # dw_e/dw = 1/ori_err_sd * d/dw log(Rm*exp(w)*R(w0)) # = 1/ori_err_sd # * d/d(Rm*exp(w)*R(w0)) log(Rm*exp(w)*R(w0)) # * d/dw Rm*exp(w)*R(w0) # 1) d/dR log(R) = <see the source, long expression> (3x9, section 10.3.2, eq 10.11) # 2) d/dw Rm*exp(w)*R(w0) = [-Rm*dc1^, -Rm*dc2^, -Rm*dc3^].T (9x3, section 10.3.7, eq 10.28) Rm = quaternion.as_rotation_matrix( quaternion.from_rotation_vector(meas_aa)) Rw0 = quaternion.as_rotation_matrix( quaternion.from_rotation_vector(poses[meas_idxs, :3])) for u in range(len(meas_idxs)): D1 = tools.dlogR_dR(Rm[u].dot(Rw0[u])) D2 = np.vstack((-Rm[u].dot(tools.wedge(Rw0[u, :, 0])), -Rm[u].dot(tools.wedge(Rw0[u, :, 1])), -Rm[u].dot(tools.wedge(Rw0[u, :, 2])))) e_off = m1 + m2 + 3 * u p_off = meas_idxs[u] * 6 J[e_off:e_off + 3, p_off:p_off + 3] = / ori_err_sd # if n4 > 0: # # measurement rotation offset affects all measurement error terms # d, p_offset = 0, n1 + n2 + n3 # if n4 > 4: # d = 3 # for s in range(6): # A[m1 + 6 * i + s, p_offset:p_offset + 3] = 1 # # # measurement location offset affects loc measurement error terms # for s in range(3): # A[m1 + 6 * i + s, p_offset + d + s] = 1 # # # measurement scale offset affects loc measurement error terms # for s in range(3): # A[m1 + 6 * i + s, p_offset + d + 3] = 1 if FIXED_PITCH_AND_ROLL: J[:, :2] = 0 # maybe skip first poses if pose0.size > 0: J = J[:, pose0.size:] # for debugging if 0: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure(2) plt.imshow((J.toarray() != 0).astype(int)) return J.tocsr()
def _costfun(params, pose0, fixed_pt3d, n_cams, n_pts, n_dist, n_cam_intr, cam_idxs, pt3d_idxs, pts2d, v_pts2d, K, px_err_sd, meas_r, meas_aa, meas_idxs, loc_err_sd, ori_err_sd, huber_coef): """ Compute residuals. `params` contains camera parameters and 3-D coordinates. """ if isinstance(params, (tuple, list)): params = np.array(params) params = np.hstack((pose0, params)) poses, pts3d, dist_coefs, cam_intr, t_off = _unpack( params, n_cams, n_pts if len(fixed_pt3d) == 0 else 0, n_dist, n_cam_intr, meas_idxs.size, meas_r0=None if len(meas_idxs) < 2 else meas_r[0]) if cam_intr is not None: if len(cam_intr) != 2: K[0, 0] = K[1, 1] = cam_intr[0] if len(cam_intr) > 1: K[0, 2], K[1, 2] = cam_intr[-2:] points_3d = fixed_pt3d if len(pts3d) == 0 else pts3d points_proj = _project(points_3d[pt3d_idxs], poses[cam_idxs], K, dist_coefs) if t_off is not None and len(t_off) > 0 and not DT_ADJ_MEAS_VEL: d_pts2d = v_pts2d * t_off[ cam_idxs] # for 1st order approximation of where the 2d points would when meas_r recorded else: d_pts2d = 0 # # global rotation, translation and scale, applied to measurements # if len(meas_idxs) > 1 and GLOBAL_ADJ: # rot_off = np.array([[0, 0, 0]]) if GLOBAL_ADJ < 3 else params[d-7:d-4].reshape((1, 3)) # loc_off = params[d-4:d-1] # scale_off = params[d-1] # # meas_r = tools.rotate_points_aa(meas_r - meas_r[0], rot_off) * math.exp(scale_off) + meas_r[0] + loc_off # meas_aa = tools.rotate_rotations_aa(np.repeat(rot_off, len(meas_aa), axis=0), meas_aa) px_err = (((pts2d + d_pts2d) - points_proj) / px_err_sd[:, None]).ravel() if USE_WORLD_CAM_FRAME: loc_err = ((meas_r - poses[meas_idxs, 3:]) / loc_err_sd).ravel() rot_err_aa = tools.rotate_rotations_aa(meas_aa, -poses[meas_idxs, :3]) else: if t_off is not None and len(t_off) > 0 and DT_ADJ_MEAS_VEL: d_meas_r = v_pts2d * t_off else: d_meas_r = 0 cam_rot_wf = -poses[meas_idxs, :3] cam_loc_wf = tools.rotate_points_aa(-poses[meas_idxs, 3:6], cam_rot_wf) loc_err = ((meas_r + d_meas_r - cam_loc_wf) / loc_err_sd).ravel() if 0: # TODO: rot_err_aa can be 2*pi shifted, what to do? rot_err_aa = tools.rotate_rotations_aa(meas_aa, -cam_rot_wf) else: Rm = quaternion.as_rotation_matrix( quaternion.from_rotation_vector(meas_aa)) Rw = quaternion.as_rotation_matrix( quaternion.from_rotation_vector(poses[meas_idxs, :3])) E = np.matmul(Rm, Rw) rot_err_aa = tools.logR(E) ori_err = (rot_err_aa / ori_err_sd).ravel() loc_err = loc_err if 1 else np.zeros((len(meas_idxs) * 3, )) ori_err = ori_err if 1 else np.zeros((len(meas_idxs) * 3, )) err = np.concatenate((px_err, loc_err, ori_err)) return err