def init_data(self,normalization=True): verts, faces, normals, nothin = io.read_mesh("data/%s_normalized6.obj"%(self.mesh_name)) if normalization: centroid = np.mean(verts, axis=0, keepdims=True) furthest_distance = np.amax(np.sqrt(np.sum((verts - centroid) ** 2, axis=-1)), keepdims=True) # verts = (verts - centroid) / furthest_distance print('--furthest_distance,',furthest_distance) #verts = verts*1.3 meshdata = md.MeshData(vertices=verts, faces=faces) self.mesh = MyMeshData() self.mesh.set_vertices(verts) self.mesh.set_faces(faces) colors = np.tile(DEFAULT_COLOR, (verts.shape[0], 1)) self.mesh.set_vertex_colors(colors) vertices, filled, outline = self.mesh.get_glTriangles() self.set_data(vertices, filled, outline) self.faces = self.mesh.get_faces() # print(faces.shape) face_normals = self.mesh.get_face_normals() vertices = self.mesh.get_vertices() # print(type(vertices)) self.vertice_wrapper = np.ones([vertices.shape[0], 4]) self.vertice_wrapper[:, :-1] = verts self.face_normals_wrapper = np.ones([face_normals.shape[0], 4]) self.face_normals_wrapper[:, :-1] = face_normals
def update(self, t, crazyflies): if len(self.cfs) == 0: verts, faces, normals, nothin = io.read_mesh(CF_MESH_PATH) for i, cf in enumerate(crazyflies): color = cf.ledRGB mesh = scene.visuals.Mesh(parent=self.view.scene, vertices=verts, faces=faces, color=color, shading='smooth') mesh.transform = transforms.MatrixTransform() self.cfs.append(mesh) self.color_cache.append(color) for i in range(0, len(self.cfs)): x, y, z = crazyflies[i].position() roll, pitch, yaw = crazyflies[i].rpy() self.cfs[i].transform.reset() self.cfs[i].transform.rotate(90, (1, 0, 0)) self.cfs[i].transform.rotate(math.degrees(roll), (1, 0, 0)) self.cfs[i].transform.rotate(math.degrees(pitch), (0, 1, 0)) self.cfs[i].transform.rotate(math.degrees(yaw), (0, 0, 1)) self.cfs[i].transform.scale((0.001, 0.001, 0.001)) self.cfs[i].transform.translate((x, y, z)) # vispy does not do this check color = crazyflies[i].ledRGB if color != self.color_cache[i]: self.color_cache[i] = color self.cfs[i].color = color # sets dirty flag
def load_and_cache_mesh(file_path, url=None): """Load and save a binary-cached version of a mesh""" vertices, faces, normals, texcoords = io.read_mesh(file_path) if url is None: np.savez(file_path, vertices=vertices, faces=faces, normals=normals) else: np.savez(file_path, vertices=vertices, faces=faces, normals=normals, url=url) return vertices, faces, normals, texcoords
def load_mesh(self): verts, faces, normals, texcoords = io.read_mesh('mesh.obj') data = np.zeros(verts.shape[0], [('vertex', np.float32, 3), ('normal', np.float32, 3)]) data['vertex'] = verts data['normal'] = normals vertexbuffer = gloo.VertexBuffer(data) self.indices = gloo.IndexBuffer(faces) self.program.bind(vertexbuffer)
def create_sphere(): vtype = [('a_position', np.float32, 3), ('a_texcoord', np.float32, 3)] V, F, N, T = io.read_mesh(Path('./obj/sphere.obj')) f_buf = gloo.IndexBuffer(F) v_buf = np.zeros(len(V), dtype=vtype) v_buf['a_position'] = V v_buf['a_texcoord'] = T v_buf = gloo.VertexBuffer(v_buf) return v_buf, f_buf
def drawOutput(organism): fname1 = 'teapot.obj' fname2 = 'sphere.obj' fig = plot.Fig(title=TITLE) fig[0, 0].mesh(*io.read_mesh(fname1)[:2]) arr = io.read_mesh(fname2)[:2] for dot in organism: a = arr for elem in a[0]: elem[0] = elem[0] * 1 + dot[0] elem[1] = elem[1] * 1 + dot[1] elem[2] = elem[2] * 1 + dot[2] #print('workin') fig[0, 0].mesh(*arr, color=(1, 1, 0.1)) vispy.
def teapot (): # this data type will keep the data recieved from the obj file organized. # vispy will automatically separate out the attributes included here and # set the vertex shader accordingly. vtype = [('a_position', np.float32, 3), ('a_normal', np.float32, 3)] # the last return value will be None since this object does not have any texture coordinates. V, F, N, _ = io.read_mesh(Path('./obj/teapot.obj')) vertices = np.zeros( len(V), dtype=vtype ) vertices['a_position'] = V vertices['a_normal'] = N return vertices, F
def __init__(self): visuals.Visual.__init__(self) # Create an interesting mesh shape for demonstration. fname = io.load_data_file('orig/triceratops.obj.gz') vertices, faces, normals, tex = io.read_mesh(fname) self._ibo = gloo.IndexBuffer(faces) self.program = visuals.shaders.ModularProgram(vertex_shader, fragment_shader) self.program.vert['position'] = gloo.VertexBuffer(vertices)
def load_and_cache_mesh(file_path, url=None): '''Load and save a binary-cached version of a mesh''' vertices, faces, normals, texcoords = io.read_mesh(file_path) if url is None: np.savez(file_path, vertices=vertices, faces=faces, normals=normals) else: np.savez(file_path, vertices=vertices, faces=faces, normals=normals, url=url) return vertices, faces, normals, texcoords
def test_wavefront(): """Test wavefront reader""" fname_mesh = load_data_file('orig/triceratops.obj.gz') fname_out = op.join(temp_dir, 'temp.obj') mesh1 = read_mesh(fname_mesh) assert_raises(IOError, read_mesh, 'foo.obj') assert_raises(ValueError, read_mesh, op.abspath(__file__)) assert_raises(ValueError, write_mesh, fname_out, *mesh1, format='foo') write_mesh(fname_out, mesh1[0], mesh1[1], mesh1[2], mesh1[3]) assert_raises(IOError, write_mesh, fname_out, *mesh1) write_mesh(fname_out, *mesh1, overwrite=True) mesh2 = read_mesh(fname_out) assert_equal(len(mesh1), len(mesh2)) for m1, m2 in zip(mesh1, mesh2): if m1 is None: assert_equal(m2, None) else: assert_allclose(m1, m2, rtol=1e-5) # test our efficient normal calculation routine assert_allclose(mesh1[2], _slow_calculate_normals(mesh1[0], mesh1[1]), rtol=1e-7, atol=1e-7)
def __init__(self): app.Canvas.__init__(self, size=(512, 512), title='Monkey', keys='interactive') verts, faces, normals, texcoords = io.read_mesh( "../model/monkey/monkey.obj") obj = MeshData(verts, faces) self.program = gloo.Program(vert=vertex, frag=fragment) V = verts.astype('float32') F = obj.get_faces().astype('uint32') E = obj.get_edges().astype('uint32') C = np.array([(1, 1, 1, 1)]) for i in range(len(V) - 1): if i % 2 != 0: C = np.append(C, [(1, 1, 1, 1)], axis=0) else: C = np.append(C, [(0, 0, 0, 1)], axis=0) self.program['a_position'] = V self.program['a_color'] = C.astype('float32') self.F = gloo.IndexBuffer(F) self.E = gloo.IndexBuffer(E) gloo.set_viewport(0, 0, *self.physical_size) gloo.set_polygon_offset(1.0, 1.0) # intialize transformation matrix view = np.eye(4, dtype=np.float32) model = np.eye(4, dtype=np.float32) projection = np.eye(4, dtype=np.float32) # set view view = translate((0, 0, -5)) self.program['u_model'] = model self.program['u_view'] = view self.program['u_projection'] = projection # bind a timer self.timer = app.Timer('auto', self.on_timer) self.theta = 0.0 self.phi = 0.0 self.timer.start() # show the canvas
def __init__(self): visuals.Visual.__init__(self, vertex_shader, fragment_shader) # Create an interesting mesh shape for demonstration. fname = io.load_data_file('orig/triceratops.obj.gz') vertices, faces, normals, tex = io.read_mesh(fname) self._ibo = gloo.IndexBuffer(faces) self.shared_program.vert['position'] = gloo.VertexBuffer(vertices) # self.program.vert['normal'] = gloo.VertexBuffer(normals) self.set_gl_state('additive', cull_face=False) self._draw_mode = 'triangles' self._index_buffer = self._ibo
def update(self, t, crazyflies): if len(self.cfs) == 0: verts, faces, normals, nothin = io.read_mesh(CF_MESH_PATH) for i, cf in enumerate(crazyflies): color = cf.ledRGB mesh = scene.visuals.Mesh( parent=self.view.scene, vertices=verts, faces=faces, color=color, shading="smooth", ) mesh.light_dir = (0.1, 0.1, 1.0) mesh.shininess = 0.01 mesh.ambient_light_color = [0.5] * 3 mesh.transform = transforms.MatrixTransform() self.cfs.append(mesh) self.color_cache.append(color) positions = np.stack(cf.position() for cf in crazyflies) for i in range(0, len(self.cfs)): x, y, z = crazyflies[i].position() roll, pitch, yaw = crazyflies[i].rpy() self.cfs[i].transform.reset() self.cfs[i].transform.rotate(-90, (1, 0, 0)) self.cfs[i].transform.rotate(math.degrees(roll), (1, 0, 0)) self.cfs[i].transform.rotate(math.degrees(pitch), (0, 1, 0)) self.cfs[i].transform.rotate(math.degrees(yaw), (0, 0, 1)) self.cfs[i].transform.scale((0.002, 0.002, -0.002)) self.cfs[i].transform.translate(positions[i]) # vispy does not do this check color = crazyflies[i].ledRGB if color != self.color_cache[i]: self.color_cache[i] = color self.cfs[i].color = color # sets dirty flag # Update graph line segments to match new Crazyflie positions. if self.graph is not None: for k, (i, j) in enumerate(self.graph_edges): self.graph_lines[2 * k, :] = positions[i] self.graph_lines[2 * k + 1, :] = positions[j] self.graph.set_data(self.graph_lines)
def test_meshio(): '''Test meshio i/o''' vertices = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.], [-.0, 1.0, 0.], [1.0, 1.0, 0.]]) faces = np.array([[0, 1, 3], [1, 2, 3]]) fname_out = op.join(temp_dir, 'temp.vtk') write_mesh(fname_out, vertices=vertices, faces=faces, normals=None, texcoords=None, overwrite=True, reshape_faces=False) out_vertices, out_faces, _, _ = read_mesh(fname_out) assert np.all(np.abs(out_vertices - vertices) < 1.0e-14) assert np.all(out_faces == faces)
def __init__(self): app.Canvas.__init__(self, keys='interactive', size=(800, 600)) dirname = path.join(path.abspath(path.curdir),'data') positions, faces, normals, texcoords = \ read_mesh(load_data_file('cube.obj', directory=dirname)) self.filled_buf = gloo.IndexBuffer(faces) if False: self.program = gloo.Program(VERT_TEX_CODE, FRAG_TEX_CODE) self.program['a_position'] = gloo.VertexBuffer(positions) self.program['a_texcoord'] = gloo.VertexBuffer(texcoords) self.program['u_texture'] = gloo.Texture2D(load_crate()) else: self.program = gloo.Program(VERT_COLOR_CODE, FRAG_COLOR_CODE) self.program['a_position'] = gloo.VertexBuffer(positions) self.program['u_color'] = 1, 0, 0, 1 self.view = translate((0, 0, -5)) self.model = np.eye(4, dtype=np.float32) gloo.set_viewport(0, 0, self.physical_size[0], self.physical_size[1]) self.projection = perspective(45.0, self.size[0] / float(self.size[1]), 2.0, 10.0) self.program['u_projection'] = self.projection self.program['u_model'] = self.model self.program['u_view'] = self.view self.theta = 0 self.phi = 0 gloo.set_clear_color('gray') gloo.set_state('opaque') gloo.set_polygon_offset(1, 1) self._timer = app.Timer('auto', connect=self.on_timer, start=True)
def mesh_viewer(fname, camera="arcball", bgcolor="black"): canvas = scene.SceneCanvas(keys="interactive", show=True, bgcolor=bgcolor) view = canvas.central_widget.add_view() = camera verts, faces, normals, nothin = io.read_mesh(fname) vc = np.zeros((len(verts), 4)) fc = np.zeros((len(faces), 4)) vc[:, 3] = 1 vc[:, 0] = 1 fc[:, 3] = 1 fc[:, 1] = 1 mesh = scene.visuals.Mesh(vertices=verts, faces=faces, face_colors=fc, vertex_colors=vc, mode="triangles") view.add(mesh)
def update(self, t, crazyflies): if len(self.cfs) == 0: verts, faces, normals, nothin = io.read_mesh( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "crazyflie2.obj.gz")) for i in range(0, len(crazyflies)): mesh = scene.visuals.Mesh(vertices=verts, shading='smooth', faces=faces, parent=self.view.scene) mesh.transform = transforms.MatrixTransform() self.cfs.append(mesh) for i in range(0, len(self.cfs)): x, y, z = crazyflies[i].position() roll, pitch, yaw = crazyflies[i].rpy() self.cfs[i].transform.reset() self.cfs[i].transform.rotate(90, (1, 0, 0)) self.cfs[i].transform.rotate(math.degrees(roll), (1, 0, 0)) self.cfs[i].transform.rotate(math.degrees(pitch), (0, 1, 0)) self.cfs[i].transform.rotate(math.degrees(yaw), (0, 0, 1)) self.cfs[i].transform.scale((0.001, 0.001, 0.001)) self.cfs[i].transform.translate((x, y, z))
vhandle.append(mesh.add_vertex(np.array([1.5, 0.5, 0]))) # Add faces faces = [[0, 1, 3], [1, 2, 3], [2, 4, 3]] for v in faces: face_vhandles = [] face_vhandles.append(vhandle[v[0]]) face_vhandles.append(vhandle[v[1]]) face_vhandles.append(vhandle[v[2]]) mesh.add_face(face_vhandles) decimated = decimate(mesh, 3) print(decimated.n_vertices()) print(mesh.n_vertices()) assert decimated.n_vertices() == 3 if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('input_mesh') parser.add_argument('output_mesh') parser.add_argument('--vertices', type=int, default=6890) args = parser.parse_args() mesh = openmesh.read_trimesh(args.input_mesh) decimated = decimate(mesh, args.vertices) openmesh.write_mesh(args.output_mesh, decimated) vertices1, faces1, normals, nothin = read_mesh("faust_ref.obj") vertices2, faces, normals, nothin = read_mesh("testtest.obj")
FRAG_CODE = """ uniform sampler2D u_texture; varying vec2 v_texcoord; void main() { float ty = v_texcoord.y; float tx = sin(ty*50.0)*0.01 + v_texcoord.x; gl_FragColor = texture2D(u_texture, vec2(tx, ty)); } """ # Read cube data positions, faces, normals, texcoords = \ read_mesh(load_data_file('orig/cube.obj')) colors = np.random.uniform(0, 1, positions.shape).astype('float32') faces_buffer = gloo.IndexBuffer(faces.astype(np.uint16)) class Canvas(app.Canvas): def __init__(self, **kwargs): app.Canvas.__init__(self, size=(400, 400), **kwargs) self.program = gloo.Program(VERT_CODE, FRAG_CODE) # Set attributes self.program['a_position'] = gloo.VertexBuffer(positions) self.program['a_texcoord'] = gloo.VertexBuffer(texcoords)
fragment = """ void main() { gl_FragColor = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); } """ program = gloo.Program(vertex, fragment) program['a_position'] = np.c_[ np.random.uniform(-0.5, +0.5, 1000).astype(np.float32), np.random.uniform(-0.5, +0.5, 1000).astype(np.float32)] '''''' fname1 = 'teapot.obj' fname2 = 'sphere.obj' fig = plot.Fig() fig[0, 0].mesh(*io.read_mesh(fname1)[:2]) fig[0, 0].mesh(*io.read_mesh(fname2)[:2]) '''''' @c.connect def on_resize(event): gloo.set_viewport(0, 0, *event.size) @c.connect def on_draw(event): gloo.clear((0, 0, 0, 1)) program.draw('points')
import argparse from vispy import app, scene from import read_mesh, load_data_file from vispy.scene.visuals import Mesh from vispy.scene import transforms from vispy.visuals.filters import ShadingFilter, WireframeFilter parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() default_mesh = load_data_file('orig/triceratops.obj.gz') parser.add_argument('--mesh', default=default_mesh) parser.add_argument('--shininess', default=100) parser.add_argument('--wireframe-width', default=1) args, _ = parser.parse_known_args() vertices, faces, normals, texcoords = read_mesh(args.mesh) canvas = scene.SceneCanvas(keys='interactive', bgcolor='white') view = canvas.central_widget.add_view() = 'arcball' = 1e3 # Create a colored `MeshVisual`. mesh = Mesh(vertices, faces, color=(.5, .7, .5, 1)) mesh.transform = transforms.MatrixTransform() mesh.transform.rotate(90, (1, 0, 0)) mesh.transform.rotate(-45, (0, 0, 1)) view.add(mesh) # Use filters to affect the rendering of the mesh.
FRAG_CODE = """ uniform sampler2D u_texture; varying vec2 v_texcoord; void main() { float ty = v_texcoord.y; float tx = sin(ty*50.0)*0.01 + v_texcoord.x; gl_FragColor = texture2D(u_texture, vec2(tx, ty)); } """ # Read cube data positions, faces, normals, texcoords = io.read_mesh('cube.obj') colors = np.random.uniform(0,1,positions.shape).astype('float32') faces_buffer = oogl.ElementBuffer(faces.astype(np.uint16)) class Canvas(app.Canvas): def __init__(self, **kwargs): app.Canvas.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.geometry = 0, 0, 400, 400 self.program = oogl.Program(VERT_CODE, FRAG_CODE) # Set attributes self.program['a_position'] = oogl.VertexBuffer(positions)
FRAG_CODE = """ uniform sampler2D u_texture; varying vec2 v_texcoord; void main() { float ty = v_texcoord.y; float tx = sin(ty*50.0)*0.01 + v_texcoord.x; gl_FragColor = texture2D(u_texture, vec2(tx, ty)); } """ # Read cube data positions, faces, normals, texcoords = \ read_mesh(load_data_file('orig/cube.obj')) colors = np.random.uniform(0, 1, positions.shape).astype('float32') faces_buffer = gloo.IndexBuffer(faces.astype(np.uint16)) class Canvas(app.Canvas): def __init__(self, **kwargs): app.Canvas.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.geometry = 0, 0, 400, 400 self.program = gloo.Program(VERT_CODE, FRAG_CODE) # Set attributes self.program['a_position'] = gloo.VertexBuffer(positions) self.program['a_texcoord'] = gloo.VertexBuffer(texcoords)
def __init__(self): GpaphicBlueprint.__init__(self) vertices, indices, normals, _ = io.read_mesh('3.obj') self._mesh = Mesh(vertices, indices) self._color = (1, .5, .2) self.buildProgram()
""" Surface normals wireframe ========================= Display a 3D mesh with normals and wireframe """ from import read_mesh, load_data_file import napari vert, faces, _, _ = read_mesh(load_data_file('orig/triceratops.obj.gz')) # put the mesh right side up, scale it up (napari#3477) and fix faces handedness vert *= -100 faces = faces[:, ::-1] viewer = napari.Viewer(ndisplay=3) surface = viewer.add_surface(data=(vert, faces)) # enable normals and wireframe surface.normals.face.visible = True surface.normals.vertex.visible = True surface.wireframe.visible = True if __name__ == '__main__':
def update(self, t, crazyflies): if len(self.cfs) == 0: verts, faces, normals, nothin = io.read_mesh(CF_MESH_PATH) for i, cf in enumerate(crazyflies): color = cf.ledRGB mesh = scene.visuals.Mesh( parent=self.view.scene, vertices=verts, faces=faces, color=color, shading="smooth", ) mesh.light_dir = (0.1, 0.1, 1.0) mesh.shininess = 0.01 mesh.ambient_light_color = [0.5] * 3 mesh.transform = transforms.MatrixTransform() self.cfs.append(mesh) self.led_color_cache.append(color) if self.ellipsoid_radii is not None and self.ellipsoids is None: sphere_mesh = geometry.create_sphere(radius=1.0) self.ellipsoids = [ scene.visuals.Mesh( parent=self.view.scene, meshdata=sphere_mesh, color=ELLIPSOID_COLOR_OK, shading="smooth", ) for _ in self.cfs ] for ell in self.ellipsoids: ell.light_dir = (0.1, 0.1, 1.0) ell.shininess = 0.0 ell.ambient_light_color = [0.5] * 3 ell.transform = transforms.MatrixTransform() positions = np.stack([cf.position() for cf in crazyflies]) for i in range(0, len(self.cfs)): x, y, z = crazyflies[i].position() roll, pitch, yaw = crazyflies[i].rpy() self.cfs[i].transform.reset() self.cfs[i].transform.rotate(-90, (1, 0, 0)) self.cfs[i].transform.rotate(math.degrees(roll), (1, 0, 0)) self.cfs[i].transform.rotate(math.degrees(pitch), (0, 1, 0)) self.cfs[i].transform.rotate(math.degrees(yaw), (0, 0, 1)) self.cfs[i].transform.scale((0.002, 0.002, -0.002)) self.cfs[i].transform.translate(positions[i]) # vispy does not do this check color = crazyflies[i].ledRGB if color != self.led_color_cache[i]: self.led_color_cache[i] = color self.cfs[i].color = color # sets dirty flag # Update graph line segments to match new Crazyflie positions. if self.graph is not None: for k, (i, j) in enumerate(self.graph_edges): self.graph_lines[2 * k, :] = positions[i] self.graph_lines[2 * k + 1, :] = positions[j] self.graph.set_data(self.graph_lines) # Update collsiion ellipsoids. if self.ellipsoids is not None: colliding = util.check_ellipsoid_collisions( positions, self.ellipsoid_radii) for i, pos in enumerate(positions): ell = self.ellipsoids[i] tf = ell.transform tf.reset() tf.scale(self.ellipsoid_radii) tf.translate(pos) new_color = ELLIPSOID_COLOR_COLLISION if colliding[ i] else ELLIPSOID_COLOR_OK if not (new_color == ell.color): # vispy Color lacks != override. ell.color = new_color
def _parseObjFile(self, filename): """ """ self._vertices, self._faces, self._normals, self._textureCoords = read_mesh(self._filePath + filename)
from vispy import app, scene from import imread, load_data_file, read_mesh from vispy.scene.visuals import Mesh from vispy.scene import transforms from vispy.visuals.filters import TextureFilter parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--shading', default='smooth', choices=['none', 'flat', 'smooth'], help="shading mode") args, _ = parser.parse_known_args() mesh_path = load_data_file('spot/spot.obj.gz') texture_path = load_data_file('spot/spot.png') vertices, faces, normals, texcoords = read_mesh(mesh_path) texture = np.flipud(imread(texture_path)) canvas = scene.SceneCanvas(keys='interactive', bgcolor='white', size=(800, 600)) view = canvas.central_widget.add_view() = 'arcball' # Adapt the depth to the scale of the mesh to avoid rendering artefacts. = 10 * (vertices.max() - vertices.min()) shading = None if args.shading == 'none' else args.shading mesh = Mesh(vertices, faces, shading=shading, color='white') mesh.transform = transforms.MatrixTransform() mesh.transform.rotate(90, (1, 0, 0))
FRAG_CODE = """ uniform sampler2D u_texture; varying vec2 v_texcoord; void main() { float ty = v_texcoord.y; float tx = sin(ty*50.0)*0.01 + v_texcoord.x; gl_FragColor = texture2D(u_texture, vec2(tx, ty)); } """ # Read cube data positions, faces, normals, texcoords = read_mesh(load_data_file("orig/cube.obj")) colors = np.random.uniform(0, 1, positions.shape).astype("float32") faces_buffer = gloo.IndexBuffer(faces.astype(np.uint16)) class Canvas(app.Canvas): def __init__(self, **kwargs): app.Canvas.__init__(self, size=(400, 400), **kwargs) self.program = gloo.Program(VERT_CODE, FRAG_CODE) # Set attributes self.program["a_position"] = gloo.VertexBuffer(positions) self.program["a_texcoord"] = gloo.VertexBuffer(texcoords)
def update(self, t, crazyflies, spheres=[], obstacles=[], crumb=None): if len(self.cfs ) == 0: # add the crazyflies if they don't exist already verts, faces, normals, nothin = io.read_mesh( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "crazyflie2.obj.gz")) for i in range(0, len(crazyflies)): mesh = scene.visuals.Mesh(vertices=verts, shading='smooth', faces=faces, parent=self.view.scene) mesh.transform = transforms.MatrixTransform() self.cfs.append(mesh) if crumb is not None: # add breadcrumb trails behind drones if requested. if len(self.crumbs) == 0 or np.linalg.norm(self.crumbs[-1] - crumb) > 0.05: # Only add them if drone is sufficiently far from the last breakcrumb. self.crumbs.append(crumb) self.markers.set_data(np.array(self.crumbs), size=5, face_color='black', edge_color='black') elif self.crumbs: self.markers.set_data(np.array([[1e10, 1e10]])) self.crumbs = [] if spheres: # sphere: (position, color) if not self.spheres: for pos, color in spheres: self.spheres.append( scene.visuals.Sphere(radius=.02, color=color, parent=self.view.scene)) self.spheres[-1].transform = transforms.STTransform( translate=pos) for i, (pos, color) in enumerate(spheres): self.spheres[i].transform.translate = pos if obstacles: # cube : (position, size) if not self.obstacles: for pos, size, _ in obstacles: self.obstacles.append( scene.visuals.Cube(size=size, color=random.choice( get_color_names()), parent=self.view.scene)) self.obstacles[-1].transform = transforms.STTransform( translate=pos) for i, (pos, size, _) in enumerate(obstacles): self.obstacles[i].transform.translate = pos # update the location of the crazyflies if they have changed for i in range(0, len(self.cfs)): x, y, z = crazyflies[i].position(t) roll, pitch, yaw = crazyflies[i].rpy(t) self.cfs[i].transform.reset() self.cfs[i].transform.rotate(90, (1, 0, 0)) self.cfs[i].transform.rotate(math.degrees(roll), (1, 0, 0)) self.cfs[i].transform.rotate(math.degrees(pitch), (0, 1, 0)) self.cfs[i].transform.rotate(math.degrees(yaw), (0, 0, 1)) self.cfs[i].transform.scale((0.001, 0.001, 0.001)) self.cfs[i].transform.translate((x, y, z)) # redraw the canvas
from vispy import scene, io canvas = scene.SceneCanvas(keys='interactive', show=True) view = canvas.central_widget.add_view() verts, faces, normals, nothing = io.read_mesh("output/000002._mesh.obj") mesh = scene.visuals.Mesh(vertices=verts, faces=faces, shading='smooth') view.add(mesh) = scene.TurntableCamera() = 10 if __name__ == '__main__':
import time canvas = scene.SceneCanvas(keys='interactive', size=(800, 600), show=True) # Set up a viewbox to display the cube with interactive arcball view = canvas.central_widget.add_view() view.bgcolor = '#efefef' = 'turntable' view.padding = 100 color = Color("#3f51b5") # cube = scene.visuals.Cube(size=1, color=color, edge_color="black", # parent=view.scene) verts, faces, normals, nothin = io.read_mesh("crazyflie2.obj.gz") cfs = [] # cftransforms = [] for i in range(0, 10): mesh = scene.visuals.Mesh(vertices=verts, shading='smooth', faces=faces, parent=view.scene) mesh.transform = transforms.MatrixTransform() cfs.append(mesh) # cube_transform = transforms.MatrixTransform() # mesh.transform = cube_transform theta = 0 lastTime = time.time()
json_object = { 'mesh_indices': vertices, 'predicted_vertex_indices': pred, } with open(out_File_Name, 'wt') as f: json.dump(json_object, f) #print (pred.shape) #data_path = '/home/eman/Documents/PhD/pytorch_geometric-master/examples/Test Meshes/shapify/' #shapify data #data_path = '/home/eman/Documents/PhD/pytorch_geometric-master/examples/ALL_FAUST/' #FAUST data data_path = '/home/eman/Documents/PhD/body-modeling-master_initial/smpl-viewer/Data-survey-smpl/AllData/' #SMPL data dirs = os.listdir(data_path) for data_size in range(len(dirs)): vertices, faces, normals, nothin = read_mesh(data_path + dirs[data_size]) out_File_Name = dirs[data_size] + '.json' print(vertices.shape) print(faces.shape) vertices = vertices.astype(np.float) faces = faces.astype(np.int32) vertices = torch.tensor(vertices, dtype=torch.float) faces = torch.tensor(faces.T, dtype=torch.long) data = Data(pos=vertices) data.face = faces data = transforms.FaceToEdge()(data) data.face = None data.x = torch.ones((data.num_nodes, 1)) data = transforms.Cartesian()(data) test_loader = DataLoader(data, batch_size=1)
meshes = [] for data_size in range(len(dirs)): prediction_file = dirs[data_size] + '.json' with open(prediction_file, 'rt') as f: prediction_data = json.load(f) mesh_indices = prediction_data['mesh_indices'] mesh_index = None if len(mesh_indices) == 0 else mesh_indices[0] predicted_indices = np.array( prediction_data['predicted_vertex_indices'][:], dtype=int) test_Mesh = data_path + dirs[data_size] #vertices, faces, normals, nothin = read_mesh(args.mesh_file) test_vertices, test_faces, normals, nothin = read_mesh(test_Mesh) #if vertices.max() > 1e3: # vertices /= 1e3 if test_vertices.max() > 1e3: test_vertices /= 1e3 n_vertices = len(test_vertices) assert n_vertices == len(predicted_indices), \ 'number of vertices do not match {:d} != {:d}' \ .format(n_vertices, len(predicted_indices)) prediction_vertex_values = predicted_indices
} """ FRAG_CODE = """ uniform sampler2D u_texture; varying vec2 v_texcoord; void main() { float ty = v_texcoord.y; float tx = sin(ty*20.0)*0.05 + v_texcoord.x; gl_FragColor = texture2D(u_texture, vec2(tx, ty)); } """ # Read cube data (replace 'cube.obj' with 'teapot.obj' positions, faces, normals, texcoords = io.read_mesh('cube.obj') colors = np.random.uniform(0, 1, positions.shape).astype('float32') class Canvas(app.Canvas): def __init__(self): app.Canvas.__init__(self) self.size = 400, 400 self.init_transforms() self.timer = app.Timer(1.0 / 60) self.timer.connect(self.update_transforms) self.timer.start() def on_initialize(self, event): gl.glClearColor(1, 1, 1, 1)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # vispy: gallery 30 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) Vispy Development Team. All Rights Reserved. # Distributed under the (new) BSD License. See LICENSE.txt for more info. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- """Show how to display mesh normals on a mesh.""" from vispy import app, scene from import read_mesh, load_data_file from vispy.scene.visuals import Mesh, MeshNormals from vispy.visuals.filters import WireframeFilter mesh_file = load_data_file('orig/triceratops.obj.gz') vertices, faces, _, _ = read_mesh(mesh_file) mesh = Mesh(vertices, faces, shading='flat') meshdata = mesh.mesh_data wireframe_filter = WireframeFilter(color='lightblue') mesh.attach(wireframe_filter) face_normals = MeshNormals(meshdata, primitive='face', color='yellow') vertex_normals = MeshNormals(meshdata, primitive='vertex', color='orange', width=2) canvas = scene.SceneCanvas(keys='interactive', bgcolor='white') view = canvas.central_widget.add_view() = 'arcball' view.add(mesh)