Example #1
def test_font_glyph():
    """Test loading glyphs"""
    # try both a vispy and system font
    for face in ('OpenSans', list_fonts()[0]):
        font_dict = dict(face=face, size=12, bold=False, italic=False)
        glyphs_dict = dict()
        chars = 'foobar^C&#'
        for char in chars:
            # Warning that Arial might not exist
            _load_glyph(font_dict, char, glyphs_dict)
        assert_equal(len(glyphs_dict), np.unique([c for c in chars]).size)
Example #2
def test_font_glyph():
    """Test loading glyphs"""
    # try both a vispy and system font
    sys_fonts = set(list_fonts()) - set(_vispy_fonts)
    assert_true(len(sys_fonts) > 0)
    for face in ('OpenSans', list(sys_fonts)[0]):
        font_dict = dict(face=face, size=12, bold=False, italic=False)
        glyphs_dict = dict()
        chars = 'foobar^C&#'
        for char in chars:
            # Warning that Arial might not exist
            _load_glyph(font_dict, char, glyphs_dict)
        assert_equal(len(glyphs_dict), np.unique([c for c in chars]).size)
Example #3
def test_font_glyph():
    """Test loading glyphs"""
    # try both a vispy and system font
    sys_fonts = set(list_fonts()) - set(_vispy_fonts)
    assert_true(len(sys_fonts) > 0)
    for face in ('OpenSans', list(sys_fonts)[0]):
        font_dict = dict(face=face, size=12, bold=False, italic=False)
        glyphs_dict = dict()
        chars = 'foobar^C&#'
        if face != 'OpenSans' and os.getenv('APPVEYOR', '').lower() == 'true':
            continue  # strange system font failure
        for char in chars:
            # Warning that Arial might not exist
            _load_glyph(font_dict, char, glyphs_dict)
        assert_equal(len(glyphs_dict), np.unique([c for c in chars]).size)
Example #4
def test_font_glyph():
    """Test loading glyphs"""
    # try both a vispy and system font
    sys_fonts = set(list_fonts()) - set(_vispy_fonts)
    assert_true(len(sys_fonts) > 0)
    for face in ['OpenSans'] + sorted(list(sys_fonts)):
        print(face)  # useful for debugging
        font_dict = dict(face=face, size=12, bold=False, italic=False)
        glyphs_dict = dict()
        chars = 'foobar^C&#'
        for char in chars:
            # Warning that Arial might not exist
            with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
                _load_glyph(font_dict, char, glyphs_dict)
        assert_equal(len(glyphs_dict), np.unique([c for c in chars]).size)
Example #5
def test_font_list():
    """Test font listing"""
    f = list_fonts()
    assert_true(len(f) > 0)
    for font in _vispy_fonts:
        assert_in(font, f)
Example #6
def test_font_list():
    """Test font listing"""
    f = list_fonts()
    assert_true(len(f) > 0)
    for font in _vispy_fonts:
        assert_in(font, f)
Example #7
# Distributed under the (new) BSD License. See LICENSE.txt for more info.

import numpy as np
import warnings

from vispy.testing import assert_in, run_tests_if_main
from vispy.util.fonts import list_fonts, _load_glyph, _vispy_fonts
import pytest

known_bad_fonts = set([
    'Noto Color Emoji',  # https://github.com/vispy/vispy/issues/1771
    'Bahnschrift',  # https://github.com/vispy/vispy/pull/1974

# try both a vispy and system font   <--- what does this mean???
sys_fonts = set(list_fonts()) - set(_vispy_fonts)

def test_font_list():
    """Test font listing"""
    f = list_fonts()
    assert len(f) > 0
    for font in _vispy_fonts:
        assert_in(font, f)

@pytest.mark.parametrize('face', ['OpenSans'] + sorted(sys_fonts))
def test_font_glyph(face):
    """Test loading glyphs"""
    if face in known_bad_fonts or face.split(" ")[0] in known_bad_fonts: