* Having two viewboxes that show different scenes
  * Using the same camera in both scenes, via multiple parenting

from vispy_experimental import ak_entities as entities

from vispy import app
from vispy.util import transforms

# Create figure with one pixel camera
fig = entities.CanvasWithScene()
fig.size = 800, 400
camera = entities.PixelCamera(fig.viewbox)
def on_mouse_move(event):

# Create two viewboxes
vp1 = entities.ViewBox(fig.viewbox)
vp2 = entities.ViewBox(fig.viewbox)
vp1.bgcolor = (0,0,0.2)
vp2.bgcolor = (0,0.2,0)

# Put them next to each-other
transforms.scale(vp1.transform, 400, 400)
transforms.scale(vp2.transform, 400, 400)
transforms.translate(vp1.transform, 0)
Example #2
You need to move the mouse to initialize the view for now.

import time
from vispy_experimental import ak_entities as entities

from vispy import app
from vispy.util import transforms

# Create a figure
fig = entities.CanvasWithScene()
fig.size = 600, 600

# Create a camera inside a container
camcontainer = entities.PixelCamera(fig.viewbox)
camera = entities.ThreeDCamera(camcontainer)
camera._fov = 90  # or other between 0 and 179

# Explicitly set the second camera, or the ViewBox will pick the second
fig.viewbox.camera = camera

# Create a points entity inside a container
pointscontainer = entities.Entity(fig.viewbox)
points = entities.PointsEntity(pointscontainer, 1000)

# Count FPS
t0, frames, t = time.time(), 0, 0
