def download_datasets(root: str):
    Download the Imagenet-R dataset archives and expand them
    in the folder provided as parameter
    download_and_extract_archive(url=IMAGENET_R_URL, download_root=root)
Example #2
def download_dataset(root: str):
    Download the K700 dataset video path, annotations and videos

    # Download the video path and the annotations
    for split in ["train", "val"]:

    # Download all the videos and expand the archive
    for split in ["train", "val"]:
        with open(os.path.join(root, f"k700_2020_{split}_path.txt")) as f:
            for line in f:
                video_batch_url = line.strip()
                split_root = os.path.join(root, split)
                    url=video_batch_url, download_root=split_root
Example #3
def download_dtd_dataset(root: str):
    Download the Oxford Pets dataset archives and expand them
    in the folder provided as parameter
    url = ""
    download_and_extract_archive(url, root)
def download_oxford_pets(root: str):
    Download the Oxford Pets dataset archives and expand them
    in the folder provided as parameter
    url_folder = ""
    for url_file in ["images.tar.gz", "annotations.tar.gz"]:
        download_and_extract_archive(url=url_folder + url_file, download_root=root)
def download_oxford_flowers(root: str):
    Download the Oxford Pets dataset archives and expand them
    in the folder provided as parameter
    url_folder = ""
    download_and_extract_archive(url_folder + "102flowers.tgz", download_root=root)
    for url_file in ["imagelabels.mat", "setid.mat"]:
        download_url(url_folder + url_file, root)
def download_dataset(root: str):
    Download the iWildCam2020 dataset
    URL taken from:
    URL = ""
def download_fgvc_aircraft(root: str):
    Download the FGVC Aircraft dataset archives and expand them
    in the folder provided as parameter
    url_folder = ""
    for url_file in [
        download_and_extract_archive(url_folder + url_file, root)
Example #8
def download_oxford_dataset(root: str):
    Download the Oxford dataset archive and expand it in the folder provided as parameter
    images_url = ""
    download_and_extract_archive(images_url, root)

    metadata_url = (
    download_url(metadata_url, root)
def download_dataset(root: str):
    Download the KITTI dataset archive and expand it in the folder provided as parameter
    IMAGE_URL = (
    LABEL_URL = (
    download_and_extract_archive(url=IMAGE_URL, download_root=root)
    download_and_extract_archive(url=LABEL_URL, download_root=root)
def download_dataset(root: str):
    Download the CLEVR dataset archive and expand it in the folder provided as parameter
    URLS = [
    for url in URLS:
        download_and_extract_archive(url=url, download_root=root)
Example #11
def download_dataset(root: str):
    Download the Standford Cars dataset archives and expand them in the folder provided as parameter
    download_and_extract_archive(url=TRAIN_IMAGE_URL, download_root=root)
    download_and_extract_archive(url=TRAIN_ANNOT_URL, download_root=root)
    download_and_extract_archive(url=TEST_IMAGE_URL, download_root=root)
    download_url(url=TEST_ANNOT_URL, root=root)
Example #12
def download_gtsrb(root: str):
    Download the GTSRB dataset archives and expand them in the folder
    provided as parameter
    url_training = ""
    url_test = ""
    url_test_gt = ""
    download_and_extract_archive(url_training, download_root=root)
    download_and_extract_archive(url_test, download_root=root)
    download_and_extract_archive(url_test_gt, download_root=root)
Example #13
def download_dataset(input_dir_path: str):
    Download the iNaturalist2018 annotations and dataset
    """"========Downloading Annotations ========")
        url=TRAINING_ANNOTATIONS_URL, download_root=input_dir_path
    download_and_extract_archive(url=VAL_ANNOTIATIONS_URL, download_root=input_dir_path)"========Downloading Images. This may take awhile! ========")
    download_and_extract_archive(url=IMAGES_URL, download_root=input_dir_path)
def download_dataset(root: str):
    Download the EuroSAT dataset archive and expand it in the folder provided as parameter
    URL = ""
    download_and_extract_archive(url=URL, download_root=root)
def download_dataset(root: str):
    Download the CLEVR dataset archive and expand it in the folder provided as parameter
    URL = ""
    download_and_extract_archive(url=URL, download_root=root)
def download_dataset(root: str):
    Download the dSprites dataset archive and expand it in the folder provided as parameter
    URL = ""
    download_and_extract_archive(url=URL, download_root=root)
def download_dataset(root: str):
    Download the FOOD101 dataset archive and expand it in the folder provided as parameter
    URL = ""
    download_and_extract_archive(url=URL, download_root=root)
Example #18
def download_dataset(root: str):
    Download the SUN397 dataset archive and expand it in the folder provided as parameter
    URL = ""
    download_and_extract_archive(url=URL, download_root=root)