def driver():

    xlim = 30.0  #m
    ylim = 30.0  #m
    sig_r = 0.2  #m
    sig_phi = 0.1  #rad
    sig_v = 0.15  #m/s
    sig_w = 0.1  #rad/s
    x0 = -5.0  #m
    y0 = 0.0  #m
    th0 = 90.0  #deg!!!!
    th0 = th0 * math.pi / 180
    #alitude does not change

    ####need to get these parameters instead of using the parameters below.
    # Xtr = self.Xtr #from rover/RelPos
    # Rtr = self.Rtr #different measurement model.  Will come from cell/NED.  Make this N?
    # Phi_tr = self.Phi_tr #different measurement model.  Will come from cell/NED.  Make this E?
    # M = self.M #not needed for NE measurements.  Could use the base?
    # V = self.V #velocity comes from integrating accel from imu
    # vc =
    # W = self.W #angular velocity comes from integrating angular accel from imu
    # wc = self.wc
    # Uc = self.Uc #just a combination of the two.
    # Time = self.Time #comes from ROS?

    #read in given data
    path = rospy.get_param('/estimator/path')
    given = sio.loadmat(path + '/src/estimator/midterm_data.mat')
    Xtr = given['X_tr']
    Rtr = given['range_tr']
    Phi_tr = given['bearing_tr']
    M = given['m'].astype('float')
    V = given['v']
    vc = given['v_c']
    W = given['om']
    wc = given['om_c']
    Uc = np.squeeze(np.array([vc, wc]))
    Time = given['t']
    dt = 0.1  #seconds, this correlates with given Time
    tf = 30.0  #seconds, this correlates with given Time

    #my specified parameters and variables
    Sig = np.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0],\
        [0.0, 1.0, 0.0],\
        [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])

    Mu = np.array([[x0], [y0], [th0]])

    Sig_hist = []
    Mu_hist = []
    Ks_hist = []
    Z_hist = []

    #instantiate classes
    mr = Multirotor(sig_v, sig_w, sig_r, sig_phi, dt, M)
    viz = Visualizer(xlim, ylim)
    eif = Eif(mr.dyn_2d, mr.model_sensor, dt, sig_v, sig_w, sig_r, sig_phi, M)

    #loop through algorithm for each time step
    for i in range(len(Time[0])):
        Om = inv(Sig)
        Ks = Om @ Mu
        # Ut = mr.get_vel(Uc[:,i]) #use the given velocities
        # Zt = mr.model_sensor(Mu) #use the given measurements
        Ut = np.array([vc[0][i], wc[0][i]])
        Zt = np.array([Rtr[i], Phi_tr[i]])
        Ks, Om = eif.ext_info_filter(Ks, Om, Ut, Zt)
        Sig = inv(Om)
        Mu = Sig @ Ks
        # Mu[2] = utils.wrap(Mu[2]) #could be wrapped, but to match true theta, don't

    Ks_hat = np.squeeze(np.array(Ks_hist))
    Mu_hat = np.squeeze(np.array(Mu_hist))
    Sig_hat = np.squeeze(np.array(Sig_hist))
    Z_hat = np.squeeze(np.array(Z_hist))

    error = Xtr.T - Mu_hat
    error[:, 2] = utils.wrap(error[:, 2])

    viz.plotter(Ks_hat, Mu_hat, Xtr, error, Sig_hat, Z_hat, Rtr, Phi_tr, Time)
    viz.animator(Mu_hat, Xtr, M)
Example #2
#loop through algorithm for each time step
Dif = []
for i in range(len(Time[0])):
    Om = inv(Sig)
    Ks = Om @ Mu
    Ut = mr.get_vel(Uc[:,
                       i])  #to calculate velocities rather than use the given
    # Zt = mr.model_sensor(Mu) #to calculate measurements rather than use the given
    # Ut = np.array([vc[0][i],wc[0][i]])
    Zt = np.array([Rtr[i], Phi_tr[i]])
    Ks, Om = eif.ext_info_filter(Ks, Om, Ut, Zt)
    Sig = inv(Om)
    Mu = Sig @ Ks
    # Mu[2] = utils.wrap(Mu[2]) #could be wrapped, but to match true theta, don't

Ks_hat = np.squeeze(np.array(Ks_hist))
Mu_hat = np.squeeze(np.array(Mu_hist))
Sig_hat = np.squeeze(np.array(Sig_hist))
Z_hat = np.squeeze(np.array(Z_hist))

error = Xtr.T - Mu_hat
error[:, 2] = utils.wrap(error[:, 2])

viz.plotter(Ks_hat, Mu_hat, Xtr, error, Sig_hat, Z_hat, Rtr, Phi_tr, Time)
viz.animator(Mu_hat, Xtr, M)