def testSimplifyFeatureRatio(self): result = self.standard(ratio=0.1) b = vw.simplify_feature(self.fixture, ratio=0.90) assert len(b['geometry']['coordinates']) > len(result['geometry']['coordinates']) for i, j in zip(range(1, 9), range(2, 10)): r = vw.simplify_feature(self.fixture, ratio=float(i) / 10) s = vw.simplify_feature(self.fixture, ratio=float(j) / 10) assert len(r['geometry']['coordinates']) <= len(s['geometry']['coordinates'])
def testSimplifyFeatureRatio(self): result = self.standard(ratio=0.1) b = vw.simplify_feature(self.fixture, ratio=0.90) assert len(b['geometry']['coordinates']) > len( result['geometry']['coordinates']) for i, j in zip(range(1, 9), range(2, 10)): r = vw.simplify_feature(self.fixture, ratio=float(i) / 10) s = vw.simplify_feature(self.fixture, ratio=float(j) / 10) assert len(r['geometry']['coordinates']) <= len( s['geometry']['coordinates'])
def standard(self, **kwargs): result = vw.simplify_feature(self.fixture, **kwargs) assert 'geometry' in result assert 'properties' in result assert result['properties'] == self.fixture['properties'] assert self.fixture['geometry']['type'] == result['geometry']['type'] assert self.fixture['geometry']['coordinates'][0] == result['geometry']['coordinates'][0] assert len(self.fixture['geometry']['coordinates']) > len(result['geometry']['coordinates']) return result
def standard(self, **kwargs): result = vw.simplify_feature(self.fixture, **kwargs) assert 'geometry' in result assert 'properties' in result assert result['properties'] == self.fixture['properties'] assert self.fixture['geometry']['type'] == result['geometry']['type'] assert self.fixture['geometry']['coordinates'][0] == result[ 'geometry']['coordinates'][0] assert len(self.fixture['geometry']['coordinates']) > len( result['geometry']['coordinates']) return result
def order(**kwargs): for key,value in kwargs.items(): if key=='name': dbundle['name']=value if key=='sid': if value is not None: dbundle['subscription_id']=int(value) else: dbundle.pop('subscription_id',None) if key=='item': dbundle['products'][0]['item_type']=value if key=='asset': dbundle['products'][0]['product_bundle']=value if key=='idlist': l=[] if value.endswith('.csv'): with open(value) as f: try: reader = csv.reader(f) for row in reader: item_id=row[0] if str(item_id.isalpha())=='False': l.append(item_id) except Exception as e: print('Issue with reading: '+str(value)) elif value.endswith('.txt'): with open(value) as f: for line in f: item_id=line.strip() l.append(item_id) dbundle['products'][0]['item_ids'] = l k=dbundle for key,value in kwargs.items(): if key=='op' and value!=None: for items in value: if items=='clip': dbundle['tools'].append(dclip) elif items=='toar': dbundle['tools'].append(dtoar) elif items=='zip': dbundle.update(dzip) elif items=='zipall': dbundle.update(dszip) elif items=='email': dbundle.update(demail) elif items=='aws': dbundle.update(daws) elif items=='azure': dbundle.update(dazure) elif items=='gcs': dbundle.update(dgcs) elif items=='composite': dbundle['tools'].append(dcomposite) elif items=='projection': dbundle['tools'].append(dreproject) elif items=='ndvi': dndvi={"pixel_type": "32R","ndvi": "(b4 - b3) / (b4+b3)"} dbmath['bandmath'].update(dndvi) elif items=='gndvi': dgndvi={"pixel_type": "32R","gndvi": "(b4 - b2) / (b4+b2)"} dbmath['bandmath'].update(dgndvi) elif items=='ndwi': dndwi={"pixel_type": "32R","ndwi": "(b2 - b4) / (b4+b2)"} dbmath['bandmath'].update(dndwi) elif items=='bndvi': bndvi={"pixel_type": "32R","bndvi": "(b4-b1)/(b4+b1)"} dbmath['bandmath'].update(bndvi) elif items=='tvi': dtvi={"pixel_type": "32R","tvi": "((b4-b3)/(b4+b3)+0.5) ** 0.5"} dbmath['bandmath'].update(dtvi) elif items=='osavi': dosavi={"pixel_type": "32R","osavi": "1.16 * (b4-b3)/(b4+b3+0.16)"} dbmath['bandmath'].update(dosavi) elif items=='evi2': devi2={"pixel_type": "32R","evi2": "2.5 * (b4 - b3) / ((b4 + (2.4* b3) + 1))"} dbmath['bandmath'].update(devi2) elif items=='sr': dsr={"pixel_type": "32R","sr": "(b4/b3)"} dbmath['bandmath'].update(dsr) elif items=='msavi2': dmsavi2={"pixel_type": "32R", "msavi2": "(2 * b4 - ((2 * b4 + 1) ** 2 - 8 * (b4 - b3)) ** 0.5) / 2"} dbmath['bandmath'].update(dmsavi2) elif items=='compression': dbundle['tools'].append(dtiff) #dbundle[] for key,value in kwargs.items(): if key=='boundary' and value!=None: for items in k['tools']: if items.get('clip'): try: if value.endswith('.geojson'): with open(value) as aoi: aoi_resp = json.load(aoi) for things in aoi_resp['features']: ovall.append(things['geometry']['coordinates']) #print(list_depth(ovall)) if len(ovall)>1: aoi_geom=ovall items['clip']['aoi']['coordinates']=aoi_geom temp=shape(items.get('clip')['aoi']) if not temp.is_valid: print('Solving shapely self intersection for multipolygon') temp=temp.buffer(0) geojson_string = json.dumps(shapely.geometry.mapping(temp)) items['clip']['aoi']['coordinates']=json.loads(geojson_string)['coordinates'] ft = {"type": "Feature","geometry": {"type": "Polygon","coordinates": []},"properties": {}} ft['geometry']['coordinates']=json.loads(geojson_string)['coordinates'] print('Total number of vertices in geometry: '+str(vertexcount(ft))) if int(vertexcount(ft))>500: print('Simplifying geometry since Ordersv2 will only accept upto 500 vertex points') b= vw.simplify_feature(ft, number=495) print('Total number of vertices in simplified geometry: '+str(vertexcount(b))+'\n') items['clip']['aoi']['coordinates']=b['geometry']['coordinates'] temp=shape(b['geometry']) if not temp.is_valid: temp=temp.buffer(0) geojson_string = json.dumps(shapely.geometry.mapping(temp)) items['clip']['aoi']['coordinates']=json.loads(geojson_string)['coordinates'] elif temp.is_valid: items['clip']['aoi']['coordinates']=b['geometry']['coordinates'] else: if list_depth(ovall)==0: aoi_geom = ovall items['clip']['aoi']['type']="Polygon" items['clip']['aoi']['coordinates']=aoi_geom elif list_depth(ovall)==1: aoi_geom = ovall[0] items['clip']['aoi']['type']="Polygon" items['clip']['aoi']['coordinates']=aoi_geom elif list_depth(ovall)==2: aoi_geom = ovall[0][0] items['clip']['aoi']['type']="Polygon" items['clip']['aoi']['coordinates']=aoi_geom else: print('Please check GeoJSON: Could not parse coordinates') elif value.endswith('.json'): with open (value) as aoi: aoi_resp=json.load(aoi) items['clip']['aoi']['coordinates']=aoi_resp['config'][0]['config']['coordinates'] elif value.endswith('.kml'): getcoord=kml2coord(value) items['clip']['aoi']['coordinates']=getcoord except Exception as e: #print(e) print('Could not parse geometry') # #print(e) for key,value in kwargs.items(): if key=='aws' and value!=None: with open(value, 'r') as ymlfile: cfg = yaml.load(ymlfile) for section in cfg: k['delivery']['amazon_s3']['bucket']=cfg['amazon_s3']['bucket'] k['delivery']['amazon_s3']['aws_region']=cfg['amazon_s3']['aws_region'] k['delivery']['amazon_s3']['aws_access_key_id']=cfg['amazon_s3']['aws_access_key_id'] k['delivery']['amazon_s3']['aws_secret_access_key']=cfg['amazon_s3']['aws_secret_access_key'] k['delivery']['amazon_s3']['path_prefix']=cfg['amazon_s3']['path_prefix'] for key,value in kwargs.items(): if key=='azure' and value!=None: with open(value, 'r') as ymlfile: cfg = yaml.load(ymlfile) for section in cfg: k['delivery']['azure_blob_storage']['account']=cfg['azure']['account'] k['delivery']['azure_blob_storage']['container']=cfg['azure']['container'] k['delivery']['azure_blob_storage']['sas_token']=cfg['azure']['sas_token'] k['delivery']['azure_blob_storage']['storage_endpoint_suffix']=cfg['azure']['storage_endpoint_suffix'] k['delivery']['azure_blob_storage']['path_prefix']=cfg['azure']['path_prefix'] for key,value in kwargs.items(): if key=='gcs' and value!=None: with open(value, 'r') as ymlfile: cfg = yaml.load(ymlfile) for section in cfg: k['delivery']['google_cloud_storage']['bucket']=cfg['gcs']['bucket'] k['delivery']['google_cloud_storage']['credentials']=cfg['gcs']['credentials'] k['delivery']['google_cloud_storage']['path_prefix']=cfg['gcs']['path_prefix'] for key,value in kwargs.items(): if key=='compression' and value!=None: for items in k['tools']: if items.get('tiff_optimize'): items['tiff_optimize']['compression']=value for key,value in kwargs.items(): if key=='kernel' and value!=None: for items in k['tools']: if items.get('reproject'): items['reproject']['kernel']=value for key,value in kwargs.items(): if key=='projection' and value!=None: for items in k['tools']: if items.get('reproject'): items['reproject']['projection']=value bnames=[] for items in dbmath['bandmath']: if items !='pixel_type': bnames.append(items) rg=len(bnames) if rg<6: dck=['b'+str(el) for el in range(1,rg+1)] #get serialized bands plist=[list(pair) for pair in zip(dck, bnames)] x.field_names = ["Band Number", "Band Name"] for items in plist: i=items[0] f=items[1] x.add_row([i,f]) dbmath['bandmath'][i]=dbmath['bandmath'].pop(f) else: print('You can only use upto 5 bands') sys.exit() if len(dbmath['bandmath'])>0: k['tools'].append(dbmath) json_data = json.dumps(k) payload = json_data if len(bnames): print('\n') print(x) print('\n') # print('') #print(dbmath) #print(payload) ordname=k['name'] payload=payload.replace("Explorer_{{name}}.zip",ordname+'_'+str("T")[0]+".zip") headers = {'content-type': 'application/json', 'cache-control': 'no-cache'} response = requests.request('POST', url, data=payload, headers=headers, auth=(PL_API_KEY, '')) if response.status_code==202: content = response.json() try: clipboard.copy(str(url) + '/' + str(content['id'])) print('Order created at '+str(url) + '/' + str(content['id']+' and url copied to clipboard')) return (str(url) + '/' + str(content['id'])) except Exception: print('Headless Setup: Order created at '+str(url) + '/' + str(content['id'])) elif response.status_code==400: print('Failed with response: Bad request') print(response.json()['general'][0]['message']) elif response.status_code==401: print('Failed with response: Forbidden') elif response.status_code==409: print('Failed with response: MaxConcurrency') else: print(response.text)
def geosimple(inp, output, num): try: import fiona shape = with open(inp) as aoi: aoi_resp = json.load(aoi) if list_depth( aoi_resp['features'][0]['geometry']['coordinates']) == 0: print('Number of current vertices ' + str( len(aoi_resp['features'][0]['geometry']['coordinates'][0])) ) elif list_depth( aoi_resp['features'][0]['geometry']['coordinates']) == 1: print('Number of current vertices ' + str( len(aoi_resp['features'][0]['geometry']['coordinates'][0] [0]))) else: print('Please check GeoJSON: Could not parse coordinates') with fiona.Env(): with, 'r') as src: with, 'w', schema=src.schema, driver=src.driver, as sink: for f in src: sink.write(vw.simplify_feature(f, number=num)) print('Write Completed to: ' + str(output)) except ImportError: with open(inp) as aoi: aoi_resp = json.load(aoi) if list_depth( aoi_resp['features'][0]['geometry']['coordinates']) == 0: aoi_geom = aoi_resp['features'][0]['geometry']['coordinates'] print('Number of current vertices ' + str( len(aoi_resp['features'][0]['geometry']['coordinates'][0])) ) elif list_depth( aoi_resp['features'][0]['geometry']['coordinates']) == 1: aoi_geom = aoi_resp['features'][0]['geometry']['coordinates'][ 0] print('Number of current vertices ' + str( len(aoi_resp['features'][0]['geometry']['coordinates'][0] [0]))) else: print('Please check GeoJSON: Could not parse coordinates') ft = { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [] }, "properties": { "vertex_count": num } } ft['geometry']['coordinates'] = aoi_geom #returns a copy of the feature, simplified (using number of vertices) b = vw.simplify_feature(ft, number=num) ft['geometry']['coordinates'] = b['geometry']['coordinates'] with open(output, 'w') as g: json.dump(ft, g) print('Write Completed to: ' + str(output))
def order(**kwargs): for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key == "name": dbundle["name"] = value if key == "sid": if value is not None: dbundle["subscription_id"] = int(value) else: dbundle.pop("subscription_id", None) if key == "item": dbundle["products"][0]["item_type"] = value if key == "asset": dbundle["products"][0]["product_bundle"] = value if key == "idlist": l = [] if value.endswith(".csv"): with open(value) as f: try: reader = csv.reader(f) for row in reader: item_id = row[0] if str(item_id.isalpha()) == "False": l.append(item_id) except Exception as e: print("Issue with reading: " + str(value)) elif value.endswith(".txt"): with open(value) as f: for line in f: item_id = line.strip() l.append(item_id) dbundle["products"][0]["item_ids"] = l k = dbundle for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key == "op" and value != None: for items in value: if items == "clip": dbundle["tools"].append(dclip) elif items == "toar": dbundle["tools"].append(dtoar) elif items == "harmonize": dbundle["tools"].append(dharmonize) elif items == "coreg": dbundle["tools"].append(dcoreg) elif items == "format": dbundle["tools"].append(dformat) elif items == "zip": dbundle["delivery"].update(dzip["delivery"]) elif items == "zipall": dbundle["delivery"].update(dszip["delivery"]) elif items == "email": dbundle.update(demail) elif items == "aws": dbundle["delivery"].update(daws["delivery"]) elif items == "azure": dbundle["delivery"].update(dazure["delivery"]) elif items == "gcs": dbundle["delivery"].update(dgcs["delivery"]) elif items == "gee": dbundle["delivery"].update(dgee["delivery"]) elif items == "composite": dbundle["tools"].append(dcomposite) elif items == "projection": dbundle["tools"].append(dreproject) elif items == "ndvi": dndvi = {"pixel_type": "32R", "ndvi": "(b4 - b3) / (b4+b3)"} dbmath["bandmath"].update(dndvi) elif items == "gndvi": dgndvi = {"pixel_type": "32R", "gndvi": "(b4 - b2) / (b4+b2)"} dbmath["bandmath"].update(dgndvi) elif items == "ndwi": dndwi = {"pixel_type": "32R", "ndwi": "(b2 - b4) / (b4+b2)"} dbmath["bandmath"].update(dndwi) elif items == "bndvi": bndvi = {"pixel_type": "32R", "bndvi": "(b4-b1)/(b4+b1)"} dbmath["bandmath"].update(bndvi) elif items == "tvi": dtvi = {"pixel_type": "32R", "tvi": "((b4-b3)/(b4+b3)+0.5) ** 0.5"} dbmath["bandmath"].update(dtvi) elif items == "osavi": dosavi = { "pixel_type": "32R", "osavi": "1.16 * (b4-b3)/(b4+b3+0.16)", } dbmath["bandmath"].update(dosavi) elif items == "evi2": devi2 = { "pixel_type": "32R", "evi2": "2.5 * (b4 - b3) / ((b4 + (2.4* b3) + 1))", } dbmath["bandmath"].update(devi2) elif items == "sr": dsr = {"pixel_type": "32R", "sr": "(b4/b3)"} dbmath["bandmath"].update(dsr) elif items == "msavi2": dmsavi2 = { "pixel_type": "32R", "msavi2": "(2 * b4 - ((2 * b4 + 1) ** 2 - 8 * (b4 - b3)) ** 0.5) / 2", } dbmath["bandmath"].update(dmsavi2) elif items == "compression": dbundle["tools"].append(dtiff) # dbundle[] for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key == "boundary" and value != None: for items in k["tools"]: if items.get("clip"): try: if value.endswith(".geojson"): aoi_resp = multipoly(value) try: for things in aoi_resp["features"]: ovall.append(things["geometry"]["coordinates"]) except Exception: for things in json.loads(aoi_resp)["features"]: ovall.append(things["geometry"]["coordinates"]) aoi_geom = ovall if ( list_depth(ovall) == 2 and json.loads(aoi_resp)["features"][0]["geometry"][ "type" ] == "MultiPolygon" ): items["clip"]["aoi"]["coordinates"] = aoi_geom[0] elif ( list_depth(ovall) == 2 and json.loads(aoi_resp)["features"][0]["geometry"][ "type" ] != "MultiPolygon" ): aoi_geom = ovall[0][0] items["clip"]["aoi"]["type"] = "Polygon" items["clip"]["aoi"]["coordinates"] = aoi_geom elif list_depth(ovall) == 1: aoi_geom = ovall[0] items["clip"]["aoi"]["type"] = "Polygon" items["clip"]["aoi"]["coordinates"] = aoi_geom elif list_depth(ovall) == 0: aoi_geom = ovall items["clip"]["aoi"]["type"] = "Polygon" items["clip"]["aoi"]["coordinates"] = aoi_geom else: print( "Please check GeoJSON: Could not parse coordinates" ) try: temp = shape(items.get("clip")["aoi"]) except Exception as e: print(e) if not temp.is_valid: print( "Solving shapely self intersection for multipolygon" ) temp = temp.buffer(0) geojson_string = json.dumps( shapely.geometry.mapping(temp) ) items["clip"]["aoi"]["coordinates"] = json.loads( geojson_string )["coordinates"] ft = { "type": "Feature", "geometry": {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": []}, "properties": {}, } ft["geometry"]["coordinates"] = json.loads( geojson_string )["coordinates"] print( "Total number of vertices in geometry: " + str(vertexcount(ft)) ) if int(vertexcount(ft)) > 500: print( "Simplifying geometry since Ordersv2 will only accept upto 500 vertex points" ) b = vw.simplify_feature(ft, number=495) print( "Total number of vertices in simplified geometry: " + str(vertexcount(b)) + "\n" ) items["clip"]["aoi"]["coordinates"] = b["geometry"][ "coordinates" ] temp = shape(b["geometry"]) if not temp.is_valid: temp = temp.buffer(0) geojson_string = json.dumps( shapely.geometry.mapping(temp) ) items["clip"]["aoi"][ "coordinates" ] = json.loads(geojson_string)["coordinates"] elif temp.is_valid: items["clip"]["aoi"]["coordinates"] = b[ "geometry" ]["coordinates"] elif value.endswith(".json"): with open(value) as aoi: aoi_resp = json.load(aoi) items["clip"]["aoi"]["coordinates"] = aoi_resp[ "config" ][0]["config"]["coordinates"] elif value.endswith(".kml"): getcoord = kml2coord(value) items["clip"]["aoi"]["coordinates"] = getcoord except Exception as e: print(e) # print('Could not parse geometry') # #print(e) for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key == "aws" and value != None: with open(value, "r") as ymlfile: cfg = yaml.load(ymlfile, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) for section in cfg: k["delivery"]["amazon_s3"]["bucket"] = cfg["amazon_s3"]["bucket"] k["delivery"]["amazon_s3"]["aws_region"] = cfg["amazon_s3"][ "aws_region" ] k["delivery"]["amazon_s3"]["aws_access_key_id"] = cfg["amazon_s3"][ "aws_access_key_id" ] k["delivery"]["amazon_s3"]["aws_secret_access_key"] = cfg[ "amazon_s3" ]["aws_secret_access_key"] k["delivery"]["amazon_s3"]["path_prefix"] = cfg["amazon_s3"][ "path_prefix" ] for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key == "azure" and value != None: with open(value, "r") as ymlfile: cfg = yaml.load(ymlfile, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) for section in cfg: k["delivery"]["azure_blob_storage"]["account"] = cfg["azure"][ "account" ] k["delivery"]["azure_blob_storage"]["container"] = cfg["azure"][ "container" ] k["delivery"]["azure_blob_storage"]["sas_token"] = cfg["azure"][ "sas_token" ] k["delivery"]["azure_blob_storage"][ "storage_endpoint_suffix" ] = cfg["azure"]["storage_endpoint_suffix"] k["delivery"]["azure_blob_storage"]["path_prefix"] = cfg["azure"][ "path_prefix" ] for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key == "gcs" and value != None: with open(value, "r") as ymlfile: cfg = yaml.load(ymlfile, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) for section in cfg: k["delivery"]["google_cloud_storage"]["bucket"] = cfg["gcs"][ "bucket" ] k["delivery"]["google_cloud_storage"]["credentials"] = cfg["gcs"][ "credentials" ] k["delivery"]["google_cloud_storage"]["path_prefix"] = cfg["gcs"][ "path_prefix" ] for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key == "gee" and value != None: project = value.split(',')[0] collection = value.split(',')[-1] k["delivery"]["google_earth_engine"]["project"] = project k["delivery"]["google_earth_engine"]["collection"] = collection for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key == "compression" and value != None: for items in k["tools"]: if items.get("tiff_optimize"): items["tiff_optimize"]["compression"] = value for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key == "kernel" and value != None: for items in k["tools"]: if items.get("reproject"): items["reproject"]["kernel"] = value for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key == "projection" and value != None: for items in k["tools"]: if items.get("reproject"): items["reproject"]["projection"] = value for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key == "anchor" and value != None: for items in k["tools"]: if items.get("coregister"): items["coregister"]["anchor_item"] = value for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key == "format" and value != None: for items in k["tools"]: if items.get("file_format"): items["file_format"]["format"] = value bnames = [] for items in dbmath["bandmath"]: if items != "pixel_type": bnames.append(items) rg = len(bnames) if rg < 6: dck = ["b" + str(el) for el in range(1, rg + 1)] # get serialized bands plist = [list(pair) for pair in zip(dck, bnames)] x.field_names = ["Band Number", "Band Name"] for items in plist: i = items[0] f = items[1] x.add_row([i, f]) dbmath["bandmath"][i] = dbmath["bandmath"].pop(f) else: print("You can only use upto 5 bands") sys.exit() if len(dbmath["bandmath"]) > 0: k["tools"].append(dbmath) json_data = json.dumps(k) payload = json_data if len(bnames): print("\n") print(x) print("\n") # print('') # print(dbmath) #print(payload) ordname = k["name"] payload = payload.replace( "{{name}}_{{order_id}}.zip", "{{name}}_{{order_id}}_" + str( + ".zip", ) # print(payload) headers = {"content-type": "application/json", "cache-control": "no-cache"} response = requests.request( "POST", url, data=payload, headers=headers, auth=(PL_API_KEY, "") ) if response.status_code == 202: content = response.json() try: clipboard.copy(str(url) + "/" + str(content["id"])) print( "Order created at " + str(url) + "/" + str(content["id"] + " and url copied to clipboard") ) return str(url) + "/" + str(content["id"]) except Exception: print( "Headless Setup: Order created at " + str(url) + "/" + str(content["id"]) ) elif response.status_code == 400: print("Failed with response: Bad request") print(response.json()["general"][0]["message"]) elif response.status_code == 401: print("Failed with response: Forbidden") elif response.status_code == 409: print("Failed with response: MaxConcurrency") else: print(response.text)
def geosimple(inp, output, num): if int(num) >= 500: print("\n" + "Note: Ordersv2 will only accept upto 500 vertex points") print("") try: import fiona shape = with open(inp) as aoi: aoi_resp = json.load(aoi) if list_depth( aoi_resp["features"][0]["geometry"]["coordinates"]) == 0: print("Number of current vertices: " + str( len(aoi_resp["features"][0]["geometry"]["coordinates"][0])) ) elif list_depth( aoi_resp["features"][0]["geometry"]["coordinates"]) == 1: print("Number of current vertices: " + str( len(aoi_resp["features"][0]["geometry"]["coordinates"][0] [0]))) else: print("Please check GeoJSON: Could not parse coordinates") with fiona.Env(): with, "r") as src: with, "w", schema=src.schema, driver=src.driver, as sink: for f in src: if int(num) == 500: num = int(num) - 2 else: num = int(num) - 1 sink.write(vw.simplify_feature(f, number=num)) print("Write Completed to: " + str(output)) vertexcount(output) except ImportError: with open(inp) as aoi: aoi_resp = json.load(aoi) if list_depth( aoi_resp["features"][0]["geometry"]["coordinates"]) == 0: aoi_geom = aoi_resp["features"][0]["geometry"]["coordinates"] print("Number of current vertices: " + str( len(aoi_resp["features"][0]["geometry"]["coordinates"][0])) ) elif list_depth( aoi_resp["features"][0]["geometry"]["coordinates"]) == 1: aoi_geom = aoi_resp["features"][0]["geometry"]["coordinates"][ 0] print("Number of current vertices: " + str( len(aoi_resp["features"][0]["geometry"]["coordinates"][0] [0]))) else: print("Please check GeoJSON: Could not parse coordinates") ft = { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [] }, "properties": { "vertex_count": num }, } ft["geometry"]["coordinates"] = aoi_geom # returns a copy of the feature, simplified (using number of vertices) if int(num) == 500: num = int(num) - 2 else: num = int(num) - 1 b = vw.simplify_feature(ft, number=num) ft["geometry"]["coordinates"] = b["geometry"]["coordinates"] with open(output, "w") as g: json.dump(ft, g) print("Write Completed to: " + str(output)) vertexcount(output) except Exception as e: print(e)