Example #1
def showModel3d(basedir,ptcode, ctcode, cropname='ring', showVol='MIP',
    showmodel=True, graphname='model', **kwargs):
    """ show model and vol in 3d by mip iso or 2D
    graphname 'all' draws all graph models stored in s, if multiple
    s = loadmodel(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropname, modelname='modelavgreg')
    vol = loadvol(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropname, what='avgreg').vol
    # figure
    f = vv.figure(); vv.clf()
    f.position = 0.00, 22.00,  1920.00, 1018.00
    a = vv.gca()
    a.axis.axisColor = 1,1,1
    a.axis.visible = False
    a.bgcolor = 0,0,0
    a.daspect = 1, 1, -1
    t = show_ctvolume(vol, axis=a, showVol=showVol, removeStent=False, 
                        climEditor=True, **kwargs)
    label = pick3d(a, vol)
    vv.xlabel('x (mm)');vv.ylabel('y (mm)');vv.zlabel('z (mm)')
    if showmodel:
        if graphname == 'all':
            for key in dir(s):
                if key.startswith('model'):
                    s[key].Draw(mc='b', mw = 5, lc='g', alpha = 0.5)
            s[graphname].Draw(mc='b', mw = 5, lc='g', alpha = 0.5)
    vv.title('Model for LSPEAS %s  -  %s' % (ptcode[8:], ctcode))
    # f.eventKeyDown.Bind(lambda event: _utils_GUI.RotateView(event, [a], axishandling=False ))
    f.eventKeyDown.Bind(lambda event: _utils_GUI.ViewPresets(event, [a]) )
    return f, a, label, s
Example #2
    def DoAction(self):
		This method is affiliated to the method <self.SartAction>
        # Zak add you code here
        # e.g., in what follows we just acquire spectra

        # If you want to apply some radom phase maske then uncomment the following:
        #amplitude_mask = self.PulseShaper.GetZeroMask() + 1
        #phase_mask = np.random.rand(max_amplitude_mask.size)
        #self.PulseShaper.SetMasks(amplitude_mask, phase_mask)

        # Getting spectrum
        spectrum = self.Spectrometer.AcquiredData()

        # Plot the spectra
        visvis.plot(self.wavelengths, spectrum)
        visvis.xlabel("wavelength (nm)")
        visvis.title("Spectrum from radom pulse shape")

        # Going to the next iteration
        if self._continue_action:
Example #3
	def DisplayOptimization (self) :
		Display the progress of optimization
		# abort, if requested 
		if self.need_abort : return
		def GetValueColourIter (d) :
			return izip_longest( d.itervalues(), ['r', 'g', 'b', 'k'],  fillvalue='y' )
		visvis.cla(); visvis.clf()
		# Plot optimization statistics
		for values, colour in GetValueColourIter(self.optimization_log) :
			try : visvis.plot ( values, lc=colour ) 
			except Exception : pass
		visvis.xlabel ('iteration')
		visvis.ylabel ('Objective function')
		visvis.legend( self.optimization_log.keys() )
		# Display reference signal
		# Plot reference signal
		for values, colour in GetValueColourIter(self.log_reference_signal) :
			try : visvis.plot ( values, lc=colour ) 
			except Exception : pass
		visvis.xlabel ('iteration')
		visvis.ylabel ("Signal from reference pulse")
		visvis.legend( ["channel %d" % x for x in self.log_reference_signal.keys()] )
Example #4
    def PlotReferencePhase(self, event):
		Plot reference phase

        # get actual amplitude and phased
        phase = self.GetReferencePhase()[0]
        ampl = np.ones(phase.size)
        ampl, phase = self.DevPulseShaper.GetUnwrappedAmplPhase(ampl, phase)

        # Wrap the phase in radians
        phase %= (2 * np.pi)

        # Get the phase in unites of 2*pi
        phase /= (2 * np.pi)

        visvis.ylabel('Reference phase')
        visvis.xlabel('puls shaper pixel number')
        visvis.title('Current reference phase (in unites of 2*pi)')

        visvis.plot(self.corrections, lc='r', ms='*', mc='r')
        visvis.ylabel('Value of coefficients')
        visvis.xlabel('coefficient number')
        visvis.title('Value of corrections')
Example #5
def vis2Dfit(fitted, ptcode, ctcode, showAxis):
    """Visualize ellipse fit in 2D in current axis
    input: fitted = _fit3D output = (pp3, plane, pp3_2, e3)
    from stentseg.utils import fitting
    import numpy as np
    plane,pp3_2,e3 = fitted[1],fitted[2],fitted[3]
    # endpoints axis
    x0,y0,res1,res2,phi = e3[0], e3[1], e3[2], e3[3], e3[4]
    dxax1 = np.cos(phi)*res1 
    dyax1 = np.sin(phi)*res1
    dxax2 = np.cos(phi+0.5*np.pi)*res2 
    dyax2 = np.sin(phi+0.5*np.pi)*res2
    p1ax1, p2ax1 = (x0+dxax1, y0+dyax1), (x0-dxax1, y0-dyax1)
    p1ax2, p2ax2 = (x0+dxax2, y0+dyax2), (x0-dxax2, y0-dyax2)
    a = vv.gca()
    vv.xlabel('x (mm)');vv.ylabel('y (mm)')
    vv.title('Ellipse fit for model %s  -  %s' % (ptcode[7:], ctcode))
    a.axis.axisColor= 0,0,0
    a.bgcolor= 0,0,0
    a.axis.visible = showAxis
    a.daspectAuto = False
    a.axis.showGrid = True
    vv.plot(pp3_2, ls='', ms='.', mc='r', mw=9)
    vv.plot(fitting.sample_ellipse(e3), lc='b', lw=2)
    vv.plot(np.array([p1ax1, p2ax1]), lc='w', lw=2) # major axis
    vv.plot(np.array([p1ax2, p2ax2]), lc='w', lw=2) # minor axis
    vv.legend('3D points projected to plane', 'Ellipse fit on projected points')
Example #6
def vis3Dfit(fitted, vol, model, ptcode, ctcode, showAxis, **kwargs):
    """Visualize ellipse fit in 3D with CT volume in current axis
    input: fitted = _fit3D output = (pp3, plane, pp3_2, e3)
    from stentseg.utils import fitting
    import numpy as np
    pp3,plane,pp3_2,e3 = fitted[0],fitted[1],fitted[2],fitted[3]
    a = vv.gca()
    # show_ctvolume(vol, model, showVol=showVol, clim=clim0, isoTh=isoTh)
    show_ctvolume(vol, model, **kwargs)
    vv.xlabel('x (mm)');vv.ylabel('y (mm)');vv.zlabel('z (mm)')
    vv.title('Ellipse fit for model %s  -  %s' % (ptcode[7:], ctcode))
    a.axis.axisColor= 1,1,1
    a.bgcolor= 0,0,0
    a.daspect= 1, 1, -1  # z-axis flipped
    a.axis.visible = showAxis
    # For visualization, calculate 4 points on rectangle that lies on the plane
    x1, x2 = pp3.min(0)[0]-0.3, pp3.max(0)[0]+0.3
    y1, y2 = pp3.min(0)[1]-0.3, pp3.max(0)[1]+0.3
    p1 = x1, y1, -(x1*plane[0] + y1*plane[1] + plane[3]) / plane[2]
    p2 = x2, y1, -(x2*plane[0] + y1*plane[1] + plane[3]) / plane[2]
    p3 = x2, y2, -(x2*plane[0] + y2*plane[1] + plane[3]) / plane[2]
    p4 = x1, y2, -(x1*plane[0] + y2*plane[1] + plane[3]) / plane[2]
    vv.plot(pp3, ls='', ms='.', mc='y', mw = 10)
    vv.plot(fitting.project_from_plane(pp3_2, plane), lc='r', ls='', ms='.', mc='r', mw=9)
    #     vv.plot(fitting.project_from_plane(fitting.sample_circle(c3), plane), lc='r', lw=2)
    vv.plot(fitting.project_from_plane(fitting.sample_ellipse(e3), plane), lc='b', lw=2)
    vv.plot(np.array([p1, p2, p3, p4, p1]), lc='g', lw=2)
    #     vv.legend('3D points', 'Projected points', 'Circle fit', 'Ellipse fit', 'Plane fit')
    vv.legend('3D points', 'Projected points', 'Ellipse fit', 'Plane fit')
Example #7
def figparts():
    """ Visualize ring parts
    fig = vv.figure(4);
    fig.position = 8.00, 30.00,  944.00, 1002.00
    a0 = vv.subplot(121)
    show_ctvolume(vol, model, showVol=showVol, clim=clim0, isoTh=isoTh)
    modelR1, modelR2 = modelsR1R2[0][0], modelsR1R2[0][1]
    modelR1.Draw(mc='g', mw = 10, lc='g') # R1 = green
    modelR2.Draw(mc='c', mw = 10, lc='c') # R2 = cyan
    vv.xlabel('x (mm)');vv.ylabel('y (mm)');vv.zlabel('z (mm)')
    vv.title('Analysis for model LSPEAS %s  -  %s' % (ptcode[7:], ctcode))
    a0.axis.axisColor= 1,1,1
    a0.bgcolor= 0,0,0
    a0.daspect= 1, 1, -1  # z-axis flipped
    a0.axis.visible = showAxis
    a1 = vv.subplot(122)
    show_ctvolume(vol, model, showVol=showVol, clim=clim0, isoTh=isoTh)
    models[0][0].Draw(mc='y', mw = 10, lc='y') # struts = yellow
    models[0][1].Draw(mc='r', mw = 10, lc='r') # hooks = red
    vv.xlabel('x (mm)');vv.ylabel('y (mm)');vv.zlabel('z (mm)')
    vv.title('Analysis for model LSPEAS %s  -  %s' % (ptcode[7:], ctcode))
    a1.axis.axisColor= 1,1,1
    a1.bgcolor= 0,0,0
    a1.daspect= 1, 1, -1  # z-axis flipped
    a1.axis.visible = showAxis
    a0.camera = a1.camera
Example #8
File: vis.py Project: jupito/dwilib
def plot(image):
    # ax = vv.gca()
    # ms = vv.Mesh(ax)
    logging.warning([image.shape, image.spacing])
    vol = image[:, :, :, 0]
    logging.warning([vol.min(), vol.max()])
    vol = util.normalize(vol, 'ADCm')
    logging.warning([vol.min(), vol.max()])
    vol = vv.Aarray(vol, image.spacing)

    cmap = None
    # cmap = vv.CM_VIRIDIS
    render_style = 'mip'
    # render_style = 'iso'
    # render_style = 'ray'
    # render_style = 'edgeray'
    # render_style = 'litray'

    vv.xlabel('x axis')
    vv.ylabel('y axis')
    vv.zlabel('z axis')

    a1 = vv.subplot(111)
    t1 = vv.volshow(vol, cm=cmap, renderStyle=render_style)
    t1.isoThreshold = 0.7

    # a1.camera = a2.camera = a3.camera
Example #9
def plot(image):
    # ax = vv.gca()
    # ms = vv.Mesh(ax)
    logging.warning([image.shape, image.spacing])
    vol = image[:, :, :, 0]
    logging.warning([vol.min(), vol.max()])
    vol = util.normalize(vol, 'ADCm')
    logging.warning([vol.min(), vol.max()])
    vol = vv.Aarray(vol, image.spacing)

    cmap = None
    # cmap = vv.CM_VIRIDIS
    render_style = 'mip'
    # render_style = 'iso'
    # render_style = 'ray'
    # render_style = 'edgeray'
    # render_style = 'litray'

    vv.xlabel('x axis')
    vv.ylabel('y axis')
    vv.zlabel('z axis')

    a1 = vv.subplot(111)
    t1 = vv.volshow(vol, cm=cmap, renderStyle=render_style)
    t1.isoThreshold = 0.7

    # a1.camera = a2.camera = a3.camera
Example #10
def show_surface_and_vol(vol,
                         clim=(-200, 1000),
    """ Show the generated isosurface in original volume
    f = vv.figure()
    ax = vv.gca()
    ax.daspect = 1, 1, -1
    ax.axis.axisColor = 1, 1, 1
    ax.bgcolor = 0, 0, 0
    # show vol and iso vertices
    label = pick3d(vv.gca(), vol)
    vv.plot(pp_isosurface, ms='.', ls='', mc='r', alpha=0.2, mw=4)
    a = vv.gca()
    f.eventKeyDown.Bind(lambda event: _utils_GUI.ViewPresets(event, [a]))
    print('Use keys 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 for preset anatomic views')
    print('Use v for a default zoomed view')
    print('Use x to show and hide axis')

    vv.xlabel('x (mm)')
    vv.ylabel('y (mm)')
    vv.zlabel('z (mm)')

    return label
Example #11
	def PlotReferencePhase (self, event) :
		Plot reference phase
		visvis.cla(); visvis.clf(); 
		# get actual amplitude and phased
		phase = self.GetReferencePhase()[0]
		ampl = np.ones(phase.size)
		ampl, phase = self.DevPulseShaper.GetUnwrappedAmplPhase(ampl, phase) 
		# Wrap the phase in radians
		phase %= (2*np.pi)
		# Get the phase in unites of 2*pi
		phase /= (2*np.pi)
		visvis.ylabel ('Reference phase')
		visvis.xlabel ('puls shaper pixel number')
		visvis.title ('Current reference phase (in unites of 2*pi)')
		visvis.plot( self.corrections, lc='r',ms='*', mc='r' )
		visvis.ylabel ('Value of coefficients')
		visvis.xlabel ('coefficient number')
		visvis.title ('Value of corrections')
def drawmodelphasescycles(vol1,
    """ draw model and volume (show optional) at different phases cycle
    if ax is None:
        ax = vv.gca()
    ax.daspect = 1, 1, -1
    ax.axis.axisColor = 0, 0, 0
    ax.bgcolor = 1, 1, 1
    vv.xlabel('x (mm)')
    vv.ylabel('y (mm)')
    vv.zlabel('z (mm)')
    # draw
    t = show_ctvolume(vol1,
    if showmodelavgreg:
        # show model and CT mid cycle
        mw = 5
        for model in model1:
            model.Draw(mc='b', mw=mw, lc='b', alpha=0.5)
        label = pick3d(ax, vol1)
    if not showvol:
        t.visible = False
    # get models in different phases
    for model in model1:
        for phasenr in phases:
            model_phase = get_graph_in_phase(model, phasenr=phasenr)
            if meshWithColors:
                modelmesh1 = create_mesh_with_abs_displacement(model_phase,
                m = vv.mesh(modelmesh1, colormap=vv.CM_JET, clim=clim2)
                #todo: use colormap Viridis or Magma as JET is not linear (https://bids.github.io/colormap/)
                model_phase.Draw(mc=colors[phasenr], mw=10, lc=colors[phasenr])
        #         modelmesh1 = create_mesh(model_phase, radius = radius)
        #         m = vv.mesh(modelmesh1); m.faceColor = colors[phasenr]
    if meshWithColors:
    return ax
    def ScanVoltage(self):
		Using the iterator <self.scan_pixel_voltage_pair> record the spectral response 
		by applying the voltages
        # Pause calibration, if user requested
            if self.pause_calibration: return
        except AttributeError:

            param = self.scan_pixel_voltage_pair.next()

            # Getting spectrum
            spectrum = self.Spectrometer.AcquiredData()
            # Save the spectrum
                self.SpectraGroup["voltages_%d_%d" % param] = spectrum
            except RuntimeError:
                print "There was RuntimeError while saving scan voltages_%d_%d" % param

            # Plot the spectra

            visvis.plot(self.wavelengths, spectrum)
            visvis.xlabel("wavelength (nm)")

            # Scanning progress info
            self.scanned += 1.
            percentage_completed = 100. * self.scanned / self.scan_length
            seconds_left = (time.clock() - self.initial_time) * (
                100. / percentage_completed - 1.)
            # convert to hours:min:sec
            m, s = divmod(seconds_left, 60)
            h, m = divmod(m, 60)

            title_info = param + (percentage_completed, h, m, s)
                "Scanning spectrum by applying voltages %d/%d. Progress: %.1f%% completed. Time left: %d:%02d:%02d."
                % title_info)


            # Measure the next pair
        except StopIteration:
            # Perform processing of the measured data
            # All voltages are scanned
            # Sop using the shaper
    def DrawSpectrum(self, event):
		Draw spectrum interactively
        spectrum = self.Spectrometer.AcquiredData()
        if spectrum == RETURN_FAIL: return
        # Display the spectrum
        if len(spectrum.shape) > 1:
            except AttributeError:
                # Spectrum is a 2D image
                self.__interact_2d_spectrum__ = visvis.imshow(spectrum,

            # Plot a vertical binning
            spectrum = spectrum.sum(axis=0)

        # Linear spectrum
        except AttributeError:
            if self.wavelengths is None:
                self.__interact_1d_spectrum__ = visvis.plot(spectrum, lw=3)
                self.__interact_1d_spectrum__ = visvis.plot(self.wavelengths,
                visvis.xlabel("wavelength (nm)")

        if self.is_autoscaled_spectrum:
            # Smart auto-scale linear plot
                self.spectrum_plot_limits = GetSmartAutoScaleRange(
                    spectrum, self.spectrum_plot_limits)
            except AttributeError:
                self.spectrum_plot_limits = GetSmartAutoScaleRange(spectrum)


        # Display the current temperature
            visvis.title("Temperature %d (C)" %
        except AttributeError:
	def AnalyzeTotalFluorescence (self, event=None) :
		`analyse_button` was clicked
		# Get current settings
		settings = self.GetSettings()
		# Apply peak finding filter
		signal = self.peak_finders[ settings["peak_finder"] ](self.total_fluorescence)
		# Scale to (0,1)
		signal -= signal.min()
		signal = signal / signal.max()
		# Partition signal into segments that are above the background noise  
		#signal = gaussian_filter(total_fluorescence, sigma=0.5)
		background_cutoff = settings["background_cutoff"]
		segments = [ [] ]
		for num, is_segment in enumerate( signal > background_cutoff ) :
			if is_segment : 
				# this index is in the segment
				segments[-1].append( num )
			elif len(segments[-1]) : # this condition is not to add empty segments
				# Start new segments
				segments.append( [] )
		# Find peaks as weighted average of the segment
		peaks = [ np.average(self.positions[S], weights=self.total_fluorescence[S]) for S in segments if len(S) ]
		# Saving the positions
		self.chanel_positions_ctrl.SetValue( ", ".join( "%2.4f" % p for p in peaks ) )
		# Plot acquired data
		visvis.cla(); visvis.clf()
		visvis.plot( self.positions, signal )
		visvis.plot( peaks, background_cutoff*np.ones(len(peaks)), ls=None, ms='+', mc='r', mw=20)
		visvis.plot( [self.positions.min(), self.positions.max()], [background_cutoff, background_cutoff], lc='r', ls='--', ms=None)
		visvis.legend( ["measured signal", "peaks found", "background cut-off"] )
		visvis.ylabel( "total fluorescence") 
		visvis.xlabel( 'position (mm)')
Example #16
def visVol(volData):
    """ This example demonstrates rendering a color volume.
    We demonstrate two renderers capable of rendering color data:
    the colormip and coloriso renderer.

    import visvis as vv

    app = vv.use()

    # Load volume
    vol = volData

    # set labels
    vv.xlabel("x axis")
    vv.ylabel("y axis")
    vv.zlabel("z axis")

    #    # Create figure and make subplots with different renderers
    #    vv.figure(1); vv.clf()
    #    RS = ['mip', 'iso', 'edgeray', 'ray', 'litray']
    #    a0 = None
    #    tt = []
    #    for i in range(5):
    #        a = vv.subplot(3,2,i+2)
    #        t = vv.volshow(vol)
    #        vv.title('Renderstyle ' + RS[i])
    #        t.colormap = vv.CM_HOT
    #        t.renderStyle = RS[i]
    #        t.isoThreshold = 200  # Only used in iso render style
    #        tt.append(t)
    #        if a0 is None:
    #            a0 = a
    #        else:
    #            a.camera = a0.camera
    t = vv.volshow(vol, renderStyle="edgeray")
    t.colormap = vv.CM_HOT

    # Get axes and set camera to orthographic mode (with a field of view of 70)
    a = vv.gca()
    a.camera.fov = 45

    # Create colormap editor wibject.

    # Create colormap editor in first axes
    # cme = vv.ColormapEditor(vv.gcf(), t)

    # Run app
    # app.Create()
Example #17
def DrawModelAxes(vol,
    """ Draw model with volume with axes set
    ax = axes to draw (a1 or a2 or a3); graph = sd._nodes1 or 2 or 3
    meshColor = None or faceColor e.g. 'g'
    #todo: prevent TypeError: draw() got an unexpected keyword argument mc/lc when not given as required variable
    #todo: *args voor vol in drawModelAxes of **kwargs[key] in functies hieronder
    if ax is None:
        ax = vv.gca()
    ax.daspect = 1, 1, -1
    ax.axis.axisColor = 1, 1, 1
    ax.bgcolor = 0, 0, 0
    ax.axis.visible = axVis
    vv.xlabel('x (mm)')
    vv.ylabel('y (mm)')
    vv.zlabel('z (mm)')
    if graph is None:
        show_ctvolume(vol, graph, axis=ax, removeStent=False, **kwargs)
        label = pick3d(vv.gca(), vol)
        return label
    if hasattr(graph, 'number_of_edges'):
        if graph.number_of_edges(
        ) == 0:  # get label from picked seeds sd._nodes1
            show_ctvolume(vol, graph, axis=ax, **kwargs)
            label = pick3d(vv.gca(), vol)
            graph.Draw(mc=mc, lc=lc)
            return label
    if not meshColor is None:
        bm = create_mesh(graph, 0.5)  # (argument is strut tickness)
        m = vv.mesh(bm)
        m.faceColor = meshColor  # 'g'
    show_ctvolume(vol, graph, axis=ax, **kwargs)
    graph.Draw(mc=mc, lc=lc)
    if getLabel == True:
        label = pick3d(vv.gca(), vol)
        return label
        pick3d(vv.gca(), vol)
	def ScanVoltage (self) :
		Using the iterator <self.scan_pixel_voltage_pair> record the spectral response 
		by applying the voltages
		# Pause calibration, if user requested
		try : 
			if self.pause_calibration : return
		except AttributeError : return
		try :
			param = self.scan_pixel_voltage_pair.next()
			# Getting spectrum
			spectrum = self.Spectrometer.AcquiredData() 
			# Save the spectrum
			try : self.SpectraGroup["voltages_%d_%d" % param] = spectrum
			except RuntimeError : print "There was RuntimeError while saving scan voltages_%d_%d" % param
			# Plot the spectra
			visvis.plot (self.wavelengths, spectrum)
			visvis.xlabel("wavelength (nm)")
			# Scanning progress info
			self.scanned += 1.
			percentage_completed = 100.*self.scanned/self.scan_length
			seconds_left = ( time.clock() - self.initial_time )*(100./percentage_completed - 1.)
			# convert to hours:min:sec
			m, s = divmod(seconds_left, 60)
			h, m = divmod(m, 60)
			title_info = param + (percentage_completed, h, m, s)
			visvis.title ("Scanning spectrum by applying voltages %d/%d. Progress: %.1f%% completed. Time left: %d:%02d:%02d." %  title_info)
			# Measure the next pair
		except StopIteration :
			# Perform processing of the measured data
			wx.CallAfter(self.ExtractPhaseFunc, filename=self.calibration_file.filename)
			# All voltages are scanned
			# Sop using the shaper
Example #19
    def __init__(self, sampleinterval=0.1, timewindow=10.0, size=(600, 350)):
        # Data stuff
        self._interval = int(sampleinterval * 1000)
        self._bufsize = int(timewindow / sampleinterval)
        self.databuffer = collections.deque([0.0] * self._bufsize, self._bufsize)
        self.x = np.linspace(-timewindow, 0.0, self._bufsize)
        self.y = np.zeros(self._bufsize, dtype=np.float)
        # Visvis stuff
        self.app = vv.use("qt4")
        vv.title("Dynamic Plotting with VisVis")
        self.line = vv.plot(self.x, self.y, lc="b", lw=3, ms="+")
        self.ax = vv.gca()

        self.timer = vv.Timer(self.app, 50, oneshot=False)
	def DrawSpectrum (self, event) :
		Draw spectrum interactively
		spectrum = self.Spectrometer.AcquiredData() 
		if spectrum == RETURN_FAIL : return
		# Display the spectrum
		if len(spectrum.shape) > 1:
			try :
			except AttributeError :
				visvis.cla(); visvis.clf(); 	
				# Spectrum is a 2D image
				self.__interact_2d_spectrum__ = visvis.imshow(spectrum, cm=visvis.CM_JET)
			# Plot a vertical binning
			spectrum = spectrum.sum(axis=0)
		# Linear spectrum
		try :
		except AttributeError :
			if self.wavelengths is None : 
				self.__interact_1d_spectrum__ = visvis.plot (spectrum, lw=3)
				visvis.xlabel ("pixels")
			else : 
				self.__interact_1d_spectrum__ = visvis.plot (self.wavelengths, spectrum, lw=3)
				visvis.xlabel("wavelength (nm)")
		if self.is_autoscaled_spectrum :
			# Smart auto-scale linear plot
			try :
				self.spectrum_plot_limits = GetSmartAutoScaleRange(spectrum, self.spectrum_plot_limits)
			except AttributeError :
				self.spectrum_plot_limits = GetSmartAutoScaleRange(spectrum)
		visvis.gca().SetLimits ( rangeY=self.spectrum_plot_limits )
		# Display the current temperature
		try : visvis.title ("Temperature %d (C)" % self.Spectrometer.GetTemperature() )
		except AttributeError : pass
    def show_vox(self, vfunc):
        Displays a 3-D rendering of a voxelized property.
        :param vfunc: function accepting this MasonView instance and
            returning a 3-D np.array of some voxelized property
        app = vv.use()
        vv.xlabel('Eastings (units)')
        vv.ylabel('Northings (units)')
        vv.zlabel('Depth (units)')
        a = vv.gca()
        a.camera.fov = 70
        a.daspect = 1, 1, -1
        vox = vfunc(self)
        t = vv.volshow(vox, cm=vv.CM_JET, renderStyle='ray')

Example #22
    def __init__(self, sampleinterval=0.1, timewindow=10., size=(600, 350)):
        # Data stuff
        self._interval = int(sampleinterval * 1000)
        self._bufsize = int(timewindow / sampleinterval)
        self.databuffer = collections.deque([0.0] * self._bufsize,
        self.x = np.linspace(-timewindow, 0.0, self._bufsize)
        self.y = np.zeros(self._bufsize, dtype=np.float)
        # Visvis stuff
        self.app = vv.use('qt4')
        vv.title('Dynamic Plotting with VisVis')
        self.line = vv.plot(self.x, self.y, lc='b', lw=3, ms='+')
        self.ax = vv.gca()

        self.timer = vv.Timer(self.app, 50, oneshot=False)
    def ShowSpectra_by_VaryingPixelBundle(self):
		This method is affiliated to the method <self.VaryPixelBundle>
        # Exit if the iterator is not defined
        except AttributeError:

            voltage = self.pixel_bundel_value_iter.next()

            # Set the mask for pixel bundle
            width = self.SettingsNotebook.CalibrateShaper.pixel_bundle_width.GetValue(
            ) / 2
            start_pixel_bundle = self.pixel_to_vary.GetValue()
            mask = np.copy(self.fixed_mask)
            if width:
                mask[max(start_pixel_bundle -
                         width, 0):min(mask.size, start_pixel_bundle +
                                       width)] = voltage
                # Enforce single pixel width
                mask[min(max(start_pixel_bundle, 0), mask.size)] = voltage
            self.PulseShaper.SetMasks(mask, self.fixed_mask)

            # Getting spectrum
            spectrum = self.Spectrometer.AcquiredData()

            # Plot the spectra
            visvis.plot(self.wavelengths, spectrum)
            visvis.xlabel("wavelength (nm)")
            visvis.title("Voltage %d / %d " % (voltage, self.fixed_mask[0]))

            # Going to the next iteration
        except StopIteration:
            # Finish the job
Example #24
			def draw_spectrum (event) :
				"""Timer function """
				spectrum = self.Spectrometer.AcquiredData() 
				if spectrum == RETURN_FAIL : return
				# Display the spectrum
				############### Take the log of spectrum ##########
				#spectrum = spectrum / float(spectrum.max())
				#np.log10(spectrum, out=spectrum)
				ax = visvis.gca()
				visvis.plot (self.wavelengths, spectrum)
				visvis.xlabel("wavelength (nm)")
				# Display the current temperature
				visvis.title ("Temperature %d (C)" % self.Spectrometer.GetTemperature() )
Example #25
def psf_volume(stack, xyz_ratio, filepath):

    app = vv.use()
    # Init a figure with two axes
    a1 = vv.subplot(121)
    vv.title('PSF Volume')
    a2 = vv.subplot(122)
    vv.title('PSF XYZ Cross Sections')
    # show
    t1 = vv.volshow(stack, axes=a1)  # volume
    t2 = vv.volshow2(stack, axes=a2)  # cross-section interactive
    # set labels for both axes
    vv.xlabel('Pixel X', axes=a1)
    vv.ylabel('Pixel Y', axes=a1)
    vv.zlabel('Z-Slice', axes=a1)
    vv.xlabel('Pixel X', axes=a2)
    vv.ylabel('Pixel Y', axes=a2)
    vv.zlabel('Z-Slice', axes=a2)
    # set colormaps
    t1.colormap = vv.CM_JET
    t2.colormap = vv.CM_JET

    # set correct aspect ration corresponding to voxel size    
    a1.daspect = 1, 1, xyz_ratio
    a2.daspect = 1, 1, xyz_ratio
    # show grid
    a1.axis.showGrid = 1
    a2.axis.showGrid = 1    
    # run visvis and show results

    # save screenshot
    if filepath != 'nosave':
        print 'Saving PSF volume.'
        savename = filepath[:-4] + '_PSF_3D.png'
        # sf: scale factor
        vv.screenshot(savename, sf=1, bg='w')
Example #26
            def draw_spectrum(event):
                """Timer function """
                spectrum = self.Spectrometer.AcquiredData()
                if spectrum == RETURN_FAIL: return
                # Display the spectrum

                ############### Take the log of spectrum ##########
                #spectrum = spectrum / float(spectrum.max())
                #np.log10(spectrum, out=spectrum)

                ax = visvis.gca()
                visvis.plot(self.wavelengths, spectrum)
                visvis.xlabel("wavelength (nm)")

                # Display the current temperature
                visvis.title("Temperature %d (C)" %
Example #27
        def show_results(self, what='value'):
            """ show_results()
            Show the results.

            # Get params for x
            param_x, values_x = self.get_series_params(1)

            # Get results
            results = self.quantify_results(what)

            # Plot or show
                import visvis as vv
                vv.plot(values_x, results)
            except ImportError:
                print('param', param_x, ': values')
                for x, r in zip(values_x, results):
                    print(x, ':', r)
	def ShowSpectra_by_VaryingPixelBundle (self) :
		This method is affiliated to the method <self.VaryPixelBundle>
		# Exit if the iterator is not defined
		try : self.pixel_bundel_value_iter
		except AttributeError : return
		try :
			voltage = self.pixel_bundel_value_iter.next()
			# Set the mask for pixel bundle
			width = self.SettingsNotebook.CalibrateShaper.pixel_bundle_width.GetValue() / 2
			start_pixel_bundle = self.pixel_to_vary.GetValue()
			mask = np.copy(self.fixed_mask)
			if width:
				mask[max(start_pixel_bundle-width, 0):min(mask.size, start_pixel_bundle+width)] = voltage
				# Enforce single pixel width
				mask[min(max(start_pixel_bundle,0),mask.size)] = voltage	
			self.PulseShaper.SetMasks( mask, self.fixed_mask)
			# Getting spectrum
			spectrum = self.Spectrometer.AcquiredData()
			# Plot the spectra
			visvis.plot (self.wavelengths, spectrum)
			visvis.xlabel("wavelength (nm)")
			visvis.title ("Voltage %d / %d " % (voltage, self.fixed_mask[0]) )
			# Going to the next iteration
			wx.CallAfter (self.ShowSpectra_by_VaryingPixelBundle)
		except StopIteration :
			# Finish the job
    def show_layer_boundaries(self, sample):
        Displays a 3-D rendering of boundary surfaces.
        :param sample: index of sample for which to plot boundaries
        app = vv.use()
        X = np.linspace(self.xbounds[0], self.xbounds[1], self.xres)
        Y = np.linspace(self.ybounds[0], self.xbounds[1], self.yres)
        Z = np.linspace(self.zbounds[0], self.xbounds[1], self.zres)
        vv.xlabel('Eastings (m)')
        vv.ylabel('Northings (m)')
        vv.zlabel('Depth (m)')
        a = vv.gca()
        a.camera.fov = 70
        a.daspect = 1, 1, -1
        for i in range(len(self.layers)):
            C = plt.cm.jet(i / float(len(self.layers)))
            C = np.array([[[C[0], C[1], C[2]]]])
            m = vv.surf(X, Y, self.fbounds[i][sample], C)

Example #30
    ringpart = True # True; False
    nstruts = 8
    clim0  = (0,3000)
    # clim0 = -550,500
    clim2 = (0,4)
    radius = 0.07
    dimensions = 'xyz'
    isoTh = 250

    ## Visualize with GUI
    f = vv.figure(3); vv.clf()
    f.position = 968.00, 30.00,  944.00, 1002.00
    a = vv.gca()
    show_ctvolume(vol, model, showVol=showVol, clim=clim0, isoTh=isoTh)
    model.Draw(mc='b', mw = 10, lc='g')
    vv.xlabel('x (mm)');vv.ylabel('y (mm)');vv.zlabel('z (mm)')
    vv.title('Analysis for model LSPEAS %s  -  %s' % (ptcode[7:], ctcode))
    a.axis.axisColor= 1,1,1
    a.bgcolor= 0,0,0
    a.daspect= 1, 1, -1  # z-axis flipped
    a.axis.visible = showAxis
    # Initialize labels GUI
    from visvis import Pointset
    from stentseg.stentdirect import stentgraph
    t1 = vv.Label(a, 'Edge ctvalue: ', fontSize=11, color='c')
    t1.position = 0.1, 5, 0.5, 20  # x (frac w), y, w (frac), h
    t1.bgcolor = None
    t1.visible = False
    t2 = vv.Label(a, 'Edge cost: ', fontSize=11, color='c')
Example #31
    def AnalyzeTotalFluorescence(self, event=None):
		`analyse_button` was clicked
        # Get current settings
        settings = self.GetSettings()

        # Apply peak finding filter
        signal = self.peak_finders[settings["peak_finder"]](

        # Scale to (0,1)
        signal -= signal.min()
        signal = signal / signal.max()


        # Partition signal into segments that are above the background noise
        #signal = gaussian_filter(total_fluorescence, sigma=0.5)
        background_cutoff = settings["background_cutoff"]
        segments = [[]]
        for num, is_segment in enumerate(signal > background_cutoff):
            if is_segment:
                # this index is in the segment
            elif len(segments[-1]
                     ):  # this condition is not to add empty segments
                # Start new segments

        # Find peaks as weighted average of the segment
        peaks = [
            np.average(self.positions[S], weights=self.total_fluorescence[S])
            for S in segments if len(S)


        # Saving the positions
        self.chanel_positions_ctrl.SetValue(", ".join("%2.4f" % p
                                                      for p in peaks))


        # Plot acquired data

        visvis.plot(self.positions, signal)
                    background_cutoff * np.ones(len(peaks)),
            [self.positions.min(), self.positions.max()],
            [background_cutoff, background_cutoff],

        visvis.legend(["measured signal", "peaks found", "background cut-off"])

        visvis.ylabel("total fluorescence")
        visvis.xlabel('position (mm)')
Example #32
# calculate B field at given points
B = sol.CalculateB(points=points)

Babs = np.linalg.norm(B, axis=1)

# draw results

# prepare axes
a = vv.gca()
a.cameraType = '3d'
a.daspectAuto = False

vol = Babs.reshape(grid.shape[1:]).T
vol = np.clip(vol, 0.002, 0.01)
vol = vv.Aarray(vol,
                sampling=(resolution, resolution, resolution),
                origin=(volume_corner1[2], volume_corner1[1],

# set labels
vv.xlabel('x axis')
vv.ylabel('y axis')
vv.zlabel('z axis')


t = vv.volshow2(vol, renderStyle='mip', cm=vv.CM_JET)
app = vv.use()
Example #33

def zlabel(text, axes=None):
    """ zlabel(text, axes=None)
    Set the zlabel of an axes.
    Note that you can also use "axes.axis.zLabel = text".
    text : string
        The text to display.
    axes : Axes instance
        Display the image in this axes, or the current axes if not given.
    if axes is None:
        axes = vv.gca()
    axes.axis.zLabel = text

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Create a 3D plot
    a = vv.gca()
    vv.plot([1, 2, 3], [1, 3, 2], [3, 1, 2])
    a.cameraType = '3d'
    # Set labels for all 3 dimensions
    vv.xlabel('label x')
    vv.ylabel('label y')
    vv.zlabel('label z')
Example #34
    def __init__(self,ptcode,ctcode,basedir, seed_th=[600], show=True, 
                normalize=False, modelname='model'):
        import os
        import numpy as np
        import visvis as vv
        from visvis import ssdf
        from stentseg.utils import PointSet, _utils_GUI
        from stentseg.utils.datahandling import select_dir, loadvol, loadmodel
        from stentseg.stentdirect.stentgraph import create_mesh
        from stentseg.stentdirect import stentgraph, StentDirect, getDefaultParams
        from stentseg.stentdirect import AnacondaDirect, EndurantDirect, NellixDirect
        from stentseg.utils.visualization import show_ctvolume
        from stentseg.utils.picker import pick3d, label2worldcoordinates, label2volindices
        import scipy
        from scipy import ndimage
        import copy
        # Select dataset to register
        cropname = 'prox'
        # phase = 10
        #dataset = 'avgreg'
        #what = str(phase) + dataset # avgreg
        what = 'avgreg'
        # Load volumes
        s = loadvol(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropname, what)
        # sampling was not properly stored after registration for all cases: reset sampling
        vol_org = copy.deepcopy(s.vol)
        s.vol.sampling = [vol_org.sampling[1], vol_org.sampling[1], vol_org.sampling[2]] # z,y,x
        s.sampling = s.vol.sampling
        vol = s.vol
        ## Initialize segmentation parameters
        stentType = 'nellix'  # 'zenith';'nellix' runs modified pruning algorithm in Step3
        p = getDefaultParams(stentType)
        p.seed_threshold = seed_th     # step 1 [lower th] or [lower th, higher th]
        # p.seedSampleRate = 7                  # step 1, nellix
        p.whatphase = what                
        ## Perform segmentation
        # Instantiate stentdirect segmenter object
        if stentType == 'anacondaRing':
                sd = AnacondaDirect(vol, p) # inherit _Step3_iter from AnacondaDirect class
                #runtime warning using anacondadirect due to mesh creation, ignore
        elif stentType == 'endurant':
                sd = EndurantDirect(vol, p)
        elif stentType == 'nellix':
                sd = NellixDirect(vol, p)
                sd = StentDirect(vol, p) 

        ## show histogram and normalize
        # f = vv.figure(3)
        # a = vv.gca()
        # vv.hist(vol, drange=(300,vol.max()))
        # normalize vol to certain limit
        if normalize:
                vol = sd._vol
                # b= vv.hist(vol, drange=(300,3071))
                # b.color = (1,0,0)
        ## Perform step 1 for seeds
        ## Visualize
        if show:
                fig = vv.figure(2); vv.clf()
                fig.position = 0.00, 22.00,  1920.00, 1018.00
                clim = (0,2000)
                # Show volume and model as graph
                a1 = vv.subplot(121)
                a1.daspect = 1,1,-1
                # t = vv.volshow(vol, clim=clim)
                t = show_ctvolume(vol, axis=a1, showVol='MIP', clim =clim, isoTh=250, 
                                removeStent=False, climEditor=True)
                label = pick3d(vv.gca(), vol)
                sd._nodes1.Draw(mc='b', mw = 2)       # draw seeded nodes
                #sd._nodes2.Draw(mc='b', lc = 'g')    # draw seeded and MCP connected nodes
                vv.xlabel('x (mm)');vv.ylabel('y (mm)');vv.zlabel('z (mm)')
                # Show volume and cleaned up graph
                a2 = vv.subplot(122)
                a2.daspect = 1,1,-1
                sd._nodes1.Draw(mc='b', mw = 2)       # draw seeded nodes
                # t = vv.volshow(vol, clim=clim)
                # label = pick3d(vv.gca(), vol)
                # sd._nodes2.Draw(mc='b', lc='g')
                # sd._nodes3.Draw(mc='b', lc='g')
                vv.xlabel('x (mm)');vv.ylabel('y (mm)');vv.zlabel('z (mm)')
                # # Show the mesh
                # a3 = vv.subplot(133)
                # a3.daspect = 1,1,-1
                # t = vv.volshow(vol, clim=clim)
                # pick3d(vv.gca(), vol)
                # #sd._nodes3.Draw(mc='b', lc='g')
                # m = vv.mesh(bm)
                # m.faceColor = 'g'
                # # _utils_GUI.vis_spared_edges(sd._nodes3)
                # vv.xlabel('x (mm)');vv.ylabel('y (mm)');vv.zlabel('z (mm)')
                # Use same camera
                a1.camera = a2.camera #= a3.camera
                switch = True
                a1.axis.visible = switch
                a2.axis.visible = switch
                #a3.axis.visible = switch

        ## Store segmentation to disk
        # Get graph model
        model = sd._nodes1
        # Build struct
        s2 = vv.ssdf.new()
        s2.sampling = s.sampling
        s2.origin = s.origin
        s2.stenttype = s.stenttype
        s2.croprange = s.croprange
        for key in dir(s):
                if key.startswith('meta'):
                    suffix = key[4:]
                    s2['meta'+suffix] = s['meta'+suffix]
        s2.what = what
        s2.params = p
        s2.stentType = stentType
        # Store model (not also volume)
        s2.model = model.pack()
        # Save
        filename = '%s_%s_%s_%s.ssdf' % (ptcode, ctcode, cropname, modelname+ what)
        ssdf.save(os.path.join(basedir, ptcode, filename), s2)
        print('saved to disk as {}.'.format(filename) )

        ## Make model dynamic (and store/overwrite to disk)
        # import pirt
        # from stentsegf.motion.dynamic import incorporate_motion_nodes, incorporate_motion_edges  
        # # Load deforms
        # s = loadvol(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropname, '10deforms')
        # deformkeys = []
        # for key in dir(s):
        #     if key.startswith('deform'):
        #         deformkeys.append(key)
        # deforms = [s[key] for key in deformkeys]
        # deforms = [pirt.DeformationFieldBackward(*fields) for fields in deforms]
        # paramsreg = s.params
        # # Load model
        # s = loadmodel(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropname, 'model'+what)
        # model = s.model
        # # Combine ...
        # incorporate_motion_nodes(model, deforms, s.origin)
        # incorporate_motion_edges(model, deforms, s.origin)
        # # Save back
        # filename = '%s_%s_%s_%s.ssdf' % (ptcode, ctcode, cropname, 'model'+what)
        # s.model = model.pack()
        # s.paramsreg = paramsreg
        # ssdf.save(os.path.join(basedir, ptcode, filename), s)
        # print('saved to disk as {}.'.format(filename) )
	def DoScannning (self, event) :
		Perform scanning of different phase mask 
		# Create pseudonyms of necessary devices 
		self.DevSpectrometer 	= self.parent.Spectrometer.dev
		self.DevPulseShaper		= self.parent.PulseShaper.dev
		self.DevSampleSwitcher	= self.parent.SampleSwitcher.dev
		self.DevFilterWheel		= self.parent.FilterWheel.dev
		# Save global settings and get the name of log file
		self.log_filename = SaveSettings(SettingsNotebook=self.parent, 
								title="Select file to save phase mask scanning", filename="scanning_phase_mask.hdf5")
		if self.log_filename is None : return
		####################### Initiate devices #############################

		# Initiate spectrometer
		settings = self.parent.Spectrometer.GetSettings()
		if self.DevSpectrometer.SetSettings(settings) == RETURN_FAIL : return
		# Initiate pulse shaper
		settings = self.parent.PulseShaper.GetSettings()
		if self.DevPulseShaper.Initialize(settings) == RETURN_FAIL : return
		# Get number of optimization variables 
		self.num_pixels = self.DevPulseShaper.GetParamNumber()
		if self.num_pixels == RETURN_FAIL :
			raise RuntimeError ("Optimization cannot be started since calibration file was not loaded")
		# Initiate sample switcher
		settings = self.parent.SampleSwitcher.GetSettings()
		if self.DevSampleSwitcher.Initialize(settings) == RETURN_FAIL : return
		# Initialize the filter wheel
		settings = self.parent.FilterWheel.GetSettings()
		if self.DevFilterWheel.Initialize(settings) == RETURN_FAIL : return
		# Saving the name of channels 
		settings = self.GetSettings()
		self.channels = sorted( eval( "(%s,)" % settings["channels"] ) )
		if self.DevSampleSwitcher.GetChannelNum()-1 < max(self.channels) :
			raise ValueError ("Error: Some channels specified are not accessible by sample switcher.")
		# Saving the name of filter 
		self.filters = sorted( eval( "(%s,)" % settings["filters"] ) )
		if self.DevFilterWheel.GetNumFilters() < max(self.filters) :
			raise ValueError ("Error: Some filters specified are not accessible by filter wheel.")
		# Check whether the background signal array is present
		# Get range of coefficient 
		coeff_range = np.linspace( settings["coeff_min"], settings["coeff_max"], settings["coeff_num"] )
		min_N = settings["min_polynomial_order"]
		max_N = settings["max_polynomial_order"]
		# Create all polynomial coefficients for scanning
		coeff_iter = product( *chain(repeat([0], min_N), repeat(coeff_range, max_N+1-min_N)) )
		poly_coeffs = np.array( list(coeff_iter) )
		# Chose max amplitude
		max_ampl = settings["max_ampl"]*np.ones(self.num_pixels)
		# Arguments of the basis 
		X = np.linspace(-1., 1., self.num_pixels)
		# Retrieve the basis type
		polynomial_basis = self.polynomial_bases[ settings["polynomial_basis"] ]
		# Adjusting button's settings
		button = event.GetEventObject()
		button.SetLabel (button._stop_label)
		button.Bind( wx.EVT_BUTTON, button._stop_method)
		self.need_abort = False
		# Start scanning
		with  h5py.File (self.log_filename, 'a') as log_file :
			# Allocate memory for fluorescence signal of all proteins
			fluorescences =  dict( 
				(key, np.zeros(len(poly_coeffs), dtype=np.int)) for key in product(self.channels, self.filters) 
			# Allocate memory for reference fluoresence
			ref_fluorescences = dict( (C, []) for C in self.channels ) 
			# Iterator for polynomial coefficients
			poly_coeffs_iter = enumerate(poly_coeffs)
			while True :
				# Chunk up the data
				chunk_poly_coeffs = list( islice(poly_coeffs_iter, len(coeff_range)) )
				# about, if there is nothing to iterate over
				if len(chunk_poly_coeffs) == 0 : break
				# abort, if requested
				if self.need_abort : break
				for channel in self.channels :
					# Move to a selected channel 
					# abort, if requested 
					if self.need_abort : break
					# Looping over pulse shapes
					for scan_num, coeff in chunk_poly_coeffs :
						# Calculate new phase
						phase = polynomial_basis(coeff)(X)
						# Set the pulse shape
						self.DevPulseShaper.SetAmplPhase(max_ampl, phase) 
						# abort, if requested 
						if self.need_abort : break
						# Looping over filters in filter wheels
						for filter in self.filters :
							# abort, if requested
							if self.need_abort : break
							# Get spectrum sum, i.e., fluorescence
							spectrum_sum = self.GetSampleSpectrum(channel).sum()
							# Save the spectrum
							fluorescences[ (channel, filter) ][scan_num] = spectrum_sum
					# Record reference fluorescence 
					self.DevPulseShaper.SetAmplPhase(max_ampl, np.zeros_like(max_ampl)) 
					# Go to filters with max transmission (ASSUMING that it has lowest number) 
					self.DevFilterWheel.SetFilter( min(self.filters) )
					spectrum_sum = self.GetSampleSpectrum(channel).sum()
					ref_fluorescences[channel].append( spectrum_sum )
				# Display the currently acquired data
				try : 
					for key, img in fluorescence_imgs.items() :
						img.SetYdata( fluorescences[key] )
				except NameError :
					visvis.cla(); visvis.clf()
					# Iterator of colours
					colour_iter = cycle(['r', 'g', 'b', 'k', 'y'])
					fluorescence_imgs = dict( 
						(K, visvis.plot( F, lw=1, lc=colour_iter.next() ) ) for K, F  in fluorescences.items() 
					visvis.xlabel("phase masks")
					visvis.ylabel("Integrated fluorescence")
					visvis.title("Measured fluorescence")
			################ Scanning is over, save the data ########################
			# Delete and create groups corresponding to channel
			for channel in self.channels :
				try : del log_file[ "channel_%d" % channel ]
				except KeyError : pass
				gchannel_grp = log_file.create_group( "channel_%d" % channel )
				gchannel_grp["ref_fluorescence"] = ref_fluorescences[channel]
				gchannel_grp["poly_coeffs"]	= poly_coeffs
			for channel_filter, fluorescence in  fluorescences.items() :	
				log_file["channel_%d/filter_%d_fluorescence" % channel_filter ]	= fluorescence
		# Readjust buttons settings
    'r': [(0.0, 0.0), (0.17727272, 1.0)],
    'g': [(0.0, 0.0), (0.27272728, 1.0)],
    'b': [(0.0, 0.0), (0.34545454, 1.0)],
    'a': [(0.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0)]

import visvis as vv
fig = vv.figure(1)
fig.position = 0, 22, 1366, 706
a1 = vv.subplot(121)
t1 = vv.volshow(vol1, clim=(0, 3000), renderStyle='iso')  # iso or mip
t1.isoThreshold = 400
t1.colormap = colormap
a1b = vv.volshow2(vol1, clim=(-550, 500))
vv.xlabel('x'), vv.ylabel('y'), vv.zlabel('z')
# vv.title('One volume at %i procent of cardiac cycle' % phase )

a2 = vv.subplot(122)
a2.daspect = 1, 1, -1
t2 = vv.volshow(vol2, clim=(0, 3000), renderStyle='iso')  # iso or mip
t2.isoThreshold = 400
t2.colormap = colormap
a2b = vv.volshow2(vol2, clim=(-550, 500))
vv.xlabel('x'), vv.ylabel('y'), vv.zlabel('z')
# vv.title('One volume at %i procent of cardiac cycle' % phase )

a1.camera = a2.camera
Example #37
            if i >= jj:
                i = "%1.0f %s%s" % (i / jj, c, unit)
                D[il] = i
    return D

SIZE_log = [math.log(i, 2) for i in SIZE]
BPS_log = [math.log(i, 2) for i in BPS]
TPM_log = [math.log(i, 10) for i in TPM]

fig = vv.figure(1)
a1 = vv.subplot(211)
vv.plot(SIZE_log, BPS_log, ms=".")
vv.ylabel("speed [bytes/s]")
a1.axis.yTicks = logticks2()
a2 = vv.subplot(212)
vv.plot(SIZE_log, TPM_log, ms=".")  # 0.001 0.4
vv.ylabel("time per message [s]")
a2.axis.yTicks = logticks10("s")

for a in [a1, a2]:
    a.axis.xLabel = "message size"
    a.axis.showGrid = True
    a.axis.xTicks = logticks2("B")

# vv.screenshot('c:/almar/projects/yoton_performance.jpg', fig)
Example #38
import os
from stentseg.utils.datahandling import select_dir
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
import prettyplotlib as ppl

f = vv.figure()
f.position = 0, 22, 1077, 273
# B1  (A=0.6, T=0.8, N=20, top=0.35)
ax1 = vv.subplot(121)  #; vv.title('profile1')
plot_pattern(*(tt1, aa1))
ax1.axis.showGrid = False
ax1.axis.showBox = False
ax1.SetLimits(rangeX=(-0.01, 2), rangeY=(-0.02, 2.5))
vv.xlabel('time (s)')
vv.ylabel('position (mm)')
vv.legend('B1 (A=0.6, T=0.8)')
# B5  (A=2.0, T=0.8, N=20, top=0.35, extra=(0.7, 0.8, 0.05))
ax5 = vv.subplot(122)  #; vv.title('profile5')
plot_pattern(*(tt5, aa5))
ax5.axis.showGrid = False
ax5.SetLimits(rangeX=(-0.01, 2), rangeY=(-0.02, 2.5))
ax5.axis.showBox = False
vv.xlabel('time (s)')
vv.ylabel('position (mm)')
vv.legend('B5 (A=2.0, T=0.8, extra=0.7, 0.8, 0.05)')

f.relativeFontSize = 1.2

if False:
    exceldir = select_dir(r'C:\Users\Maaike\Desktop',
Example #39
import visvis as vv

def zlabel(text, axes=None):
    """ zlabel(text, axes=None)
    Set the zlabel of an axes. 
    Note that you can also use "axes.axis.zLabel = text".
    text : string
        The text to display.
    axes : Axes instance
        Display the image in this axes, or the current axes if not given.
    if axes is None:
        axes = vv.gca()
    axes.axis.zLabel = text

if __name__=='__main__':
    # Create a 3D plot
    a = vv.gca()
    a.cameraType = '3d'
    # Set labels for all 3 dimensions
    vv.xlabel('label x')
    vv.ylabel('label y')
    vv.zlabel('label z')
	def ExtractPhaseFunc (self, event=None, filename=None) :
		This function is the last stage of calibration, 
		when measured data is mathematically processed to obtain the calibration curves.
		# If filename is not specified, open the file dialogue
		if filename is None : 
			filename = self.LoadSettings (title="Load calibration file...")
			# Update the name of pulse shaper calibration file
			import os
			self.SettingsNotebook.PulseShaper.SetSettings({"calibration_file_name" : os.path.abspath(filename)})
		# Loading the file calibration file
		with h5py.File(filename, 'a') as calibration_file :
			############### Loading data ####################
			wavelengths 		= calibration_file["calibration_settings/wavelengths"][...]
			fixed_voltage 		= calibration_file["calibration_settings/fixed_voltage"][...]
			pulse_shaper_pixel_num = calibration_file["calibration_settings/pulse_shaper_pixel_num"][...]
			initial_pixel	 	= calibration_file["settings/CalibrateShaper/initial_pixel"][...]
			final_pixel 		= calibration_file["settings/CalibrateShaper/final_pixel"][...]
			pixel_bundle_width 	= calibration_file["settings/CalibrateShaper/pixel_bundle_width"][...]
			pixel_to_lamba		= str(calibration_file["settings/CalibrateShaper/pixel_to_lamba"][...])
			# Convert to dict
			pixel_to_lamba 		= eval( "{%s}" % pixel_to_lamba )
			# Loading scans of slave and masker masks
			master_mask_scans = []; slave_mask_scans = []
			for key, spectrum in calibration_file["spectra_from_uniform_masks"].items() :
				master_volt, slave_volt = map(int, key.split('_')[-2:])
				if master_volt == fixed_voltage : slave_mask_scans.append( (slave_volt, spectrum[...]) )
				if slave_volt == fixed_voltage	: master_mask_scans.append( (master_volt, spectrum[...]) )
			# Sort by voltage
			master_mask_scans.sort(); slave_mask_scans.sort()
			# Extract spectral scans and voltages for each mask
			master_mask_voltage, master_mask_scans = zip(*master_mask_scans) 
			master_mask_voltage = np.array(master_mask_voltage); master_mask_scans = np.array(master_mask_scans)
			slave_mask_voltage, slave_mask_scans = zip(*slave_mask_scans)
			slave_mask_voltage = np.array(slave_mask_voltage); slave_mask_scans = np.array(slave_mask_scans)
			################### Find the edges of pixels #################
			# function that converts pixel number to pulse shaper
			# `pixel_to_lamba` is a dictionary  with key = pixel, value = lambda
			deg = 1 #min(1,len(pixel_to_lamba)-1)
			print np.polyfit(pixel_to_lamba.keys(), pixel_to_lamba.values(), 1 )
			pixel2lambda_func = np.poly1d( np.polyfit(pixel_to_lamba.keys(), pixel_to_lamba.values(), deg=deg ) )
			#lambda2pixel_func = np.poly1d( np.polyfit(pixel_to_lamba.values(), pixel_to_lamba.keys(), deg=deg ) )
			# Get pixels_edges in shaper pixels 
			pixels_edges_num = np.arange(initial_pixel, final_pixel, pixel_bundle_width)
			if pixels_edges_num[-1] < final_pixel :
				pixels_edges_num = np.append( pixels_edges_num, [final_pixel])
			# Get pixels_edges in logical_pixel_lambda
			pixels_edges = pixel2lambda_func(pixels_edges_num)
			# Get pixels_edges in positions of the spectrometer spectra
			pixels_edges = np.abs(wavelengths - pixels_edges[:,np.newaxis]).argmin(axis=1)
			# Sorting
			indx = np.argsort(pixels_edges)
			pixels_edges = pixels_edges[indx]
			pixels_edges_num = pixels_edges_num[indx]
			# Plot
			visvis.cla(); visvis.clf()
			visvis.plot( pixel_to_lamba.values(), pixel_to_lamba.keys(), ls=None, ms='*', mc='g', mw=15)
			visvis.plot ( wavelengths[pixels_edges], pixels_edges_num, ls='-',lc='r')
			visvis.xlabel('wavelength (nm)')
			visvis.ylabel ('pulse shaper pixel')
			visvis.legend( ['measured', 'interpolated'])
			################ Perform fitting of the phase masks #################	
			master_mask_fits = self.FitSpectralScans(  master_mask_scans, master_mask_voltage, pixels_edges )
			slave_mask_fits = self.FitSpectralScans(  slave_mask_scans, slave_mask_voltage, pixels_edges )
			################# Perform fitting of dispersion and phase functions #################
			master_mask_TC_fitted, master_mask_scans, master_mask_disp_ph_curves = \
				self.GetDispersionPhaseCurves (wavelengths, master_mask_scans, master_mask_voltage, 
					pixels_edges, master_mask_fits, pixel2lambda_func, pulse_shaper_pixel_num ) 
			slave_mask_TC_fitted, slave_mask_scans, slave_mask_disp_ph_curves = \
				self.GetDispersionPhaseCurves (wavelengths, slave_mask_scans, slave_mask_voltage, 
					pixels_edges, slave_mask_fits, pixel2lambda_func, pulse_shaper_pixel_num ) 
			################ Saving fitting parameters ####################
			# Save surface calibration
			try : del calibration_file["calibrated_surface"]
			except KeyError : pass
			CalibratedSurfaceGroupe = calibration_file.create_group("calibrated_surface")
			master_mask_calibrated_surface = CalibratedSurfaceGroupe.create_group("master_mask")
			for key, value in master_mask_disp_ph_curves.items() :
				master_mask_calibrated_surface[key] = value
			slave_mask_calibrated_surface = CalibratedSurfaceGroupe.create_group("slave_mask")
			for key, value in slave_mask_disp_ph_curves.items() :
				slave_mask_calibrated_surface[key] = value
			# Clear the group, if it exits 
			try : del calibration_file["calibrated_pixels"]
			except KeyError : pass
			# This group is self consistent, thus the redundancy in saved data (with respect to other group in the file)
			CalibratedPixelsGroupe = calibration_file.create_group ("calibrated_pixels")
			CalibratedPixelsGroupe["pixels_edges"] 			= pixels_edges
			# Finding spectral bounds for each pixel
			pixels_spectral_bounds = zip( wavelengths[pixels_edges[:-1]], wavelengths[pixels_edges[1:]] )
			# Pulse shaper pixel bounds
			pixels_bounds = zip(pixels_edges_num[:-1], pixels_edges_num[1:])
			PixelsGroup = CalibratedPixelsGroupe.create_group("pixels")
			for pixel_num, master_mask_calibration, slave_mask_calibration, \
				spectral_bound, pixel_bound in zip( range(len(master_mask_fits)), \
						master_mask_fits, slave_mask_fits, pixels_spectral_bounds, pixels_bounds  ) :
				pixel =	PixelsGroup.create_group("pixel_%d" % pixel_num)
				pixel["spectral_bound"] 		= spectral_bound
				pixel["pixel_bound"]			= pixel_bound
				# Saving fitted calibration data in the tabular form
				pixel["voltage_master_mask"] 	= master_mask_calibration[0]
				pixel["phase_master_mask"] 		= master_mask_calibration[1]
				pixel["voltage_slave_mask"] 	= slave_mask_calibration[0]
				pixel["phase_slave_mask"]		= slave_mask_calibration[1]
		################ Plotting results of calibration ####################
		visvis.cla(); visvis.clf(); 
		visvis.imshow( master_mask_scans, cm=visvis.CM_JET )
		visvis.title ("Master mask (measured data)")
		visvis.ylabel ('voltage'); visvis.xlabel ('wavelength (nm)')
		visvis.imshow( master_mask_TC_fitted, cm=visvis.CM_JET )
		visvis.title ("Master mask (fitted data)")
		visvis.ylabel ('voltage'); visvis.xlabel ('wavelength (nm)')
		visvis.imshow( slave_mask_scans, cm=visvis.CM_JET )
		visvis.title ("Slave mask (measured data)")
		visvis.ylabel ('voltage'); visvis.xlabel ('wavelength (nm)')
		visvis.imshow( slave_mask_TC_fitted, cm=visvis.CM_JET )
		visvis.title ("Slave mask (fitted data)")
		visvis.ylabel ('voltage'); visvis.xlabel ('wavelength (nm)')
	def FitSpectralScans (self, scans, voltages, pixels_edges) :
		Perform fitting to the pulse shaper's mask transmission coefficient 
		def FitIndividualPixel (voltages, pixel, modulation, p0=None) :
			Find fit for individual pixel with initial guess for phase function given by `modulation`.
			`voltages` voltage values for which `pixel` was measured
			`pixel` measured transmission (to be fitted) 
			`p0` is the initial guess for fitting parametres
			def GetVM (V0, V1, m0, m1) :
				Return voltage and phase modulation from parameters
				M = m0 + m1*modulation
				V = np.linspace(V0, V1, M.size)
				return V, M
			def FittedTransmission  (voltages, offset, amplitude, *params) :
				Return the transmission function for a shaper
				V, M = GetVM(*params)
				return amplitude*np.cos( pchip_interpolate(V,M,voltages) )**2 + offset
			# Set fitting parameters to their default values
			if p0 is None : p0 = [0., 1., voltages.min(), voltages.max(), 0., 1.]
			# Fitting the transmission
			try : popt, _ = curve_fit(FittedTransmission, voltages, pixel, p0=p0)
			except RuntimeError : popt = p0
			# Get fitting error
			fitting_error = np.sum( ( FittedTransmission(voltages, *popt) - pixel )**2 )
			return fitting_error, GetVM(*popt[2:]), popt
		# Selecting the voltage range
		V_min = max( voltages_trial.min(), voltages.min() )
		V_max = min( voltages_trial.max(), voltages.max() )
		indx = np.nonzero( (V_min <= voltages)&(voltages <= V_max) )
		# Number of calibration points lying within the voltage region
		num_vol_trial = np.sum( (V_min <= voltages_trial)&(voltages_trial <= V_max) ) 
		if num_vol_trial < 2 : num_vol_trial = 2
		# Re-sample modulation provided by CRi so that the voltage is equidistantly spaced
		resampled_vis_modulation = pchip_interpolate(voltages_trial, vis_modulation,
			np.linspace(V_min, V_max, min(len(voltages), num_vol_trial) )
		resampled_nir_modulation = pchip_interpolate(voltages_trial, nir_modulation,
			np.linspace(V_min, V_max, min(len(voltages), num_vol_trial) )
		# Normalizing scans
		scans -= scans.min(axis=0); scans /= scans.max(axis=0)
		# Bin the spectrum into pixels
		spectral_slices = map( lambda begin,end : scans[:,begin:end].mean(axis=1), pixels_edges[:-1], pixels_edges[1:] ) 
		# List containing calibration data for each pixel
		calibration = []
		# Initial guesses for fitting
		vis_p0 = None; nir_p0 = None;
		# Fit individual pulse shaper pixels them
		for pixel_num, pixel in enumerate(spectral_slices) :
			# Smoothing and normalizing each pixel 
			#pixel = gaussian_filter(pixel,sigma=1)
			pixel -= pixel.min(); pixel /= pixel.max()
			# Fit the pixel by using the vis calibration curve as the initial guess
			vis_err, vis_calibration, vis_p0 = FitIndividualPixel(voltages[indx], pixel[indx], 
																	resampled_vis_modulation, vis_p0)
			# Fit the pixel by using the nir calibration curve as the initial guess
			nir_err, nir_calibration, nir_p0 = FitIndividualPixel(voltages[indx], pixel[indx],
																	resampled_nir_modulation, nir_p0)
			# Choose the best fit
			if nir_err > vis_err : 
				calibation_voltage, calibration_phase = vis_calibration
				fit_err = vis_err
			else : 
				calibation_voltage, calibration_phase = nir_calibration
				fit_err = nir_err
			###################### Plot ######################## 
			# Plot measured data
			visvis.plot( voltages, pixel, lc='r',ms='*', mc='r')
			# Plot fitted data
			plot_voltages = np.linspace( calibation_voltage.min(), calibation_voltage.max(), 500) 
			transmission_fit = np.cos( pchip_interpolate(calibation_voltage, calibration_phase, plot_voltages) )**2
			visvis.plot( plot_voltages, transmission_fit, lc='b')
			visvis.title ('Calibrating pixel %d / %d' % (pixel_num, len(spectral_slices)-1) )
			visvis.legend(['measured', 'fitted'])
			visvis.xlabel ('voltages')
			visvis.ylabel ('Transmission coefficient')
			############ Save the calibration data ##################
			calibration.append( ( calibation_voltage, calibration_phase, fit_err ) )
		return calibration
Example #42
def demo(*args, **kwargs):
    import math
    m = 80  # width of grid
    n = m ** 2  # number of points

    minVal = -2.0
    maxVal = 2.0
    delta = (maxVal - minVal) / (m - 1)
    X, Y = numpy.mgrid[minVal:maxVal + delta:delta, minVal:maxVal + delta:delta]

    X = X.flatten()
    Y = Y.flatten()

    Z = numpy.sin(X) * numpy.cos(Y)

    # Create the data point-matrix
    M = numpy.array([X, Y, Z]).T

    # Translation values (a.u.):
    Tx = 0.5
    Ty = -0.3
    Tz = 0.2

    # Translation vector
    T = numpyTransform.translation(Tx, Ty, Tz)

    S = numpyTransform.scaling(1.0, N=4)

    # Rotation values (rad.):
    rx = 0.3
    ry = -0.2
    rz = 0.05

    Rx = numpy.matrix([[1, 0, 0, 0],
                      [0, math.cos(rx), -math.sin(rx), 0],
                      [0, math.sin(rx), math.cos(rx), 0],
                      [0, 0, 0, 1]])

    Ry = numpy.matrix([[math.cos(ry), 0, math.sin(ry), 0],
                       [0, 1, 0, 0],
                       [-math.sin(ry), 0, math.cos(ry), 0],
                       [0, 0, 0, 1]])

    Rz = numpy.matrix([[math.cos(rz), -math.sin(rz), 0, 0],
                       [math.sin(rz), math.cos(rz), 0, 0],
                       [0, 0, 1, 0],
                       [0, 0, 0, 1]])

    # Rotation matrix
    R = Rx * Ry * Rz

    transformMat = numpy.matrix(numpy.identity(4))
    transformMat *= T
    transformMat *= R
    transformMat *= S

    # Transform data-matrix plus noise into model-matrix
    D = numpyTransform.transformPoints(transformMat, M)

    # Add noise to model and data
    M = M + 0.01 * numpy.random.randn(n, 3)
    D = D + 0.01 * numpy.random.randn(n, 3)

    # Run ICP (standard settings)
    initialGuess = numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    lowerBounds = numpy.array([-pi, -pi, -pi, -100.0, -100.0, -100.0])
    upperBounds = numpy.array([pi, pi, pi, 100.0, 100.0, 100.0])
    icp = ICP(M, D, maxIterations=15, dataDownsampleFactor=1, minimizeMethod='fmincon', **kwargs)
#    icp = ICP(M, D, maxIterations=15, dataDownsampleFactor=1, minimizeMethod='point', **kwargs)
    transform, err, t = icp.runICP(x0=initialGuess, lb=lowerBounds, ub=upperBounds)

    # Transform data-matrix using ICP result
    Dicp = numpyTransform.transformPoints(transform[-1], D)

    # Plot model points blue and transformed points red
    if False:
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 1, projection='3d')
        ax.scatter(M[:, 0], M[:, 1], M[:, 2], c='r', marker='o')
        ax.scatter(D[:, 0], D[:, 1], D[:, 2], c='b', marker='^')
        ax.set_xlabel('X Label')
        ax.set_ylabel('Y Label')
        ax.set_zlabel('Z Label')

        ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 2, projection='3d')
        ax.scatter(M[:, 0], M[:, 1], M[:, 2], c='r', marker='o')
        ax.scatter(Dicp[:, 0], Dicp[:, 1], Dicp[:, 2], c='b', marker='^')
        ax.set_xlabel('X Label')
        ax.set_ylabel('Y Label')
        ax.set_zlabel('Z Label')

        ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 3)
        ax.plot(t, err, 'x--')
        ax.set_xlabel('X Label')
        ax.set_ylabel('Y Label')

        import visvis as vv
        app = vv.use()
        vv.subplot(2, 2, 1)
        vv.plot(M[:, 0], M[:, 1], M[:, 2], lc='b', ls='', ms='o')
        vv.plot(D[:, 0], D[:, 1], D[:, 2], lc='r', ls='', ms='x')
        vv.xlabel('[0,0,1] axis')
        vv.ylabel('[0,1,0] axis')
        vv.zlabel('[1,0,0] axis')
        vv.title('Red: z=sin(x)*cos(y), blue: transformed point cloud')

        # Plot the results
        vv.subplot(2, 2, 2)
        vv.plot(M[:, 0], M[:, 1], M[:, 2], lc='b', ls='', ms='o')
        vv.plot(Dicp[:, 0], Dicp[:, 1], Dicp[:, 2], lc='r', ls='', ms='x')
        vv.xlabel('[0,0,1] axis')
        vv.ylabel('[0,1,0] axis')
        vv.zlabel('[1,0,0] axis')
        vv.title('ICP result')

        # Plot RMS curve
        vv.subplot(2, 2, 3)
        vv.plot(t, err, ls='--', ms='x')
        vv.xlabel('time [s]')
        vv.title('KD-Tree matching')
        if 'optAlg' in kwargs:
            opt2 = nlopt.opt(kwargs['optAlg'], 2)
            del opt2
            vv.title('KD-Tree matching')
Example #43
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2012, Almar Klein
# Visvis is distributed under the terms of the (new) BSD License.
# The full license can be found in 'license.txt'.

import visvis as vv

def ylabel(text, axes=None):
    """ ylabel(text, axes=None)
    Set the ylabel of an axes. 
    Note that you can also use "axes.axis.yLabel = text".
    text : string
        The text to display.
    axes : Axes instance
        Display the image in this axes, or the current axes if not given.
    if axes is None:
        axes = vv.gca()
    axes.axis.yLabel = text

if __name__=='__main__':
    a = vv.gca()
    a.cameraType = '2d'    
    vv.ylabel('label test')
Example #44
            jj = float(factor)**j
            if i>=jj:
                i = '%1.0f %s%s' % (i/jj, c, unit)
                D[il] = i
    return D

SIZE_log = [math.log(i,2) for i in SIZE]
BPS_log = [math.log(i,2) for i in BPS]
TPM_log = [math.log(i,10) for i in TPM]

fig = vv.figure(1); vv.clf()
a1 = vv.subplot(211)
vv.plot(SIZE_log, BPS_log, ms='.')
vv.ylabel('speed [bytes/s]')
a1.axis.yTicks = logticks2()
a2 = vv.subplot(212)
vv.plot(SIZE_log, TPM_log, ms='.') # 0.001 0.4
vv.ylabel('time per message [s]')
a2.axis.yTicks = logticks10('s')

for a in [a1, a2]:
    a.axis.xLabel = 'message size'
    a.axis.showGrid = True
    a.axis.xTicks = logticks2('B')
# vv.screenshot('c:/almar/projects/yoton_performance.jpg', fig)
Example #45
        [e[2] for e in c1_ends],
        axes=a1)  # ends
vv.plot(centerline1, ms='.', ls='', mw=8, mc='y', axes=a1)
vv.plot(renal1, ms='.', ls='', mc='m', mw=18, axes=a1)
vv.plot(renal1_and_cl_point, ms='.', ls='-', mc='m', mw=18, axes=a1)
# vv.plot(R1_left_and_cl_point, ms='.', ls='-', mc='c', mw=18, axes = a1)
# vv.plot(R1_right_and_cl_point, ms='.', ls='-', mc='c', mw=18, axes = a1)
# vv.plot(R1_ant_and_cl_point, ms='.', ls='-', mc='c', mw=18, axes = a1)
# vv.plot(R1_post_and_cl_point, ms='.', ls='-', mc='c', mw=18, axes = a1)

vv.xlabel('x (mm)')
vv.ylabel('y (mm)')
vv.zlabel('z (mm)')
vv.title('Analysis for model LSPEAS %s  -  %s' % (ptcode[7:], ctcode1))
a1.axis.axisColor = 1, 1, 1
a1.bgcolor = 0, 0, 0
a1.daspect = 1, 1, -1  # z-axis flipped
a1.axis.visible = showAxis

if ctcode2:
    a2 = vv.subplot(122)
    show_ctvolume(vol2, model2, showVol=showVol, clim=clim0, isoTh=isoTh)
    pick3d(vv.gca(), vol2)
    model2.Draw(mc='b', mw=10, lc='g')
    vm = vv.mesh(modelmesh2)
    vm.faceColor = 'g'
    # m = vv.mesh(vessel2)
Example #46
    def DoScannning(self, event):
		Perform scanning of different phase mask 
        # Create pseudonyms of necessary devices
        self.DevSpectrometer = self.parent.Spectrometer.dev
        self.DevPulseShaper = self.parent.PulseShaper.dev
        self.DevSampleSwitcher = self.parent.SampleSwitcher.dev
        self.DevFilterWheel = self.parent.FilterWheel.dev

        # Save global settings and get the name of log file
        self.log_filename = SaveSettings(
            title="Select file to save phase mask scanning",
        if self.log_filename is None: return

        ####################### Initiate devices #############################

        # Initiate spectrometer
        settings = self.parent.Spectrometer.GetSettings()
        if self.DevSpectrometer.SetSettings(settings) == RETURN_FAIL: return

        # Initiate pulse shaper
        settings = self.parent.PulseShaper.GetSettings()
        if self.DevPulseShaper.Initialize(settings) == RETURN_FAIL: return

        # Get number of optimization variables
        self.num_pixels = self.DevPulseShaper.GetParamNumber()
        if self.num_pixels == RETURN_FAIL:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Optimization cannot be started since calibration file was not loaded"

        # Initiate sample switcher
        settings = self.parent.SampleSwitcher.GetSettings()
        if self.DevSampleSwitcher.Initialize(settings) == RETURN_FAIL: return

        # Initialize the filter wheel
        settings = self.parent.FilterWheel.GetSettings()
        if self.DevFilterWheel.Initialize(settings) == RETURN_FAIL: return

        # Saving the name of channels
        settings = self.GetSettings()
        self.channels = sorted(eval("(%s,)" % settings["channels"]))
        if self.DevSampleSwitcher.GetChannelNum() - 1 < max(self.channels):
            raise ValueError(
                "Error: Some channels specified are not accessible by sample switcher."

        # Saving the name of filter
        self.filters = sorted(eval("(%s,)" % settings["filters"]))
        if self.DevFilterWheel.GetNumFilters() < max(self.filters):
            raise ValueError(
                "Error: Some filters specified are not accessible by filter wheel."

        # Check whether the background signal array is present


        # Get range of coefficient
        coeff_range = np.linspace(settings["coeff_min"], settings["coeff_max"],

        min_N = settings["min_polynomial_order"]
        max_N = settings["max_polynomial_order"]

        # Create all polynomial coefficients for scanning
        coeff_iter = product(
            *chain(repeat([0], min_N), repeat(coeff_range, max_N + 1 - min_N)))
        poly_coeffs = np.array(list(coeff_iter))

        # Chose max amplitude
        max_ampl = settings["max_ampl"] * np.ones(self.num_pixels)

        # Arguments of the basis
        X = np.linspace(-1., 1., self.num_pixels)

        # Retrieve the basis type
        polynomial_basis = self.polynomial_bases[settings["polynomial_basis"]]

        # Adjusting button's settings
        button = event.GetEventObject()
        button.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, button._stop_method)
        self.need_abort = False


        # Start scanning
        with h5py.File(self.log_filename, 'a') as log_file:

            # Allocate memory for fluorescence signal of all proteins
            fluorescences = dict(
                (key, np.zeros(len(poly_coeffs), dtype=np.int))
                for key in product(self.channels, self.filters))

            # Allocate memory for reference fluoresence
            ref_fluorescences = dict((C, []) for C in self.channels)

            # Iterator for polynomial coefficients
            poly_coeffs_iter = enumerate(poly_coeffs)

            while True:
                # Chunk up the data
                chunk_poly_coeffs = list(
                    islice(poly_coeffs_iter, len(coeff_range)))

                # about, if there is nothing to iterate over
                if len(chunk_poly_coeffs) == 0: break

                # abort, if requested
                if self.need_abort: break

                for channel in self.channels:
                    # Move to a selected channel

                    # abort, if requested
                    if self.need_abort: break

                    # Looping over pulse shapes
                    for scan_num, coeff in chunk_poly_coeffs:

                        # Calculate new phase
                        phase = polynomial_basis(coeff)(X)

                        # Set the pulse shape
                        self.DevPulseShaper.SetAmplPhase(max_ampl, phase)

                        # abort, if requested
                        if self.need_abort: break

                        # Looping over filters in filter wheels
                        for filter in self.filters:

                            # abort, if requested
                            if self.need_abort: break

                            # Get spectrum sum, i.e., fluorescence
                            spectrum_sum = self.GetSampleSpectrum(

                            # Save the spectrum
                                           filter)][scan_num] = spectrum_sum

                    # Record reference fluorescence

                    # Go to filters with max transmission (ASSUMING that it has lowest number)

                    spectrum_sum = self.GetSampleSpectrum(channel).sum()

                # Display the currently acquired data
                    for key, img in fluorescence_imgs.items():
                except NameError:

                    # Iterator of colours
                    colour_iter = cycle(['r', 'g', 'b', 'k', 'y'])

                    fluorescence_imgs = dict(
                        (K, visvis.plot(F, lw=1, lc=colour_iter.next()))
                        for K, F in fluorescences.items())
                    visvis.xlabel("phase masks")
                    visvis.ylabel("Integrated fluorescence")
                    visvis.title("Measured fluorescence")

            ################ Scanning is over, save the data ########################

            # Delete and create groups corresponding to channel
            for channel in self.channels:
                    del log_file["channel_%d" % channel]
                except KeyError:
                gchannel_grp = log_file.create_group("channel_%d" % channel)
                gchannel_grp["ref_fluorescence"] = ref_fluorescences[channel]
                gchannel_grp["poly_coeffs"] = poly_coeffs

            for channel_filter, fluorescence in fluorescences.items():
                log_file["channel_%d/filter_%d_fluorescence" %
                         channel_filter] = fluorescence

        # Readjust buttons settings
Example #47
	def DoScannning (self, event) :
		Perform scanning of different phase mask 
		# Create pseudonyms of necessary devices 
		self.DevSpectrometer 	= self.parent.Spectrometer.dev
		self.DevPulseShaper		= self.parent.PulseShaper.dev
		self.DevSampleSwitcher	= self.parent.SampleSwitcher.dev
		# Save global settings and get the name of log file
		self.log_filename = SaveSettings(SettingsNotebook=self.parent, 
								title="Select file to save phase mask scanning", filename="scanning_phase_mask.hdf5")
		if self.log_filename is None : return
		####################### Initiate devices #############################
		# Initiate spectrometer
		settings = self.parent.Spectrometer.GetSettings()
		if self.DevSpectrometer.SetSettings(settings) == RETURN_FAIL : return
		# Initiate pulse shaper
		settings = self.parent.PulseShaper.GetSettings()
		if self.DevPulseShaper.Initialize(settings) == RETURN_FAIL : return
		# Get number of optimization variables 
		self.num_pixels = self.DevPulseShaper.GetParamNumber()
		if self.num_pixels == RETURN_FAIL :
			raise RuntimeError ("Optimization cannot be started since calibration file was not loaded")
		# Initiate sample switcher
		settings = self.parent.SampleSwitcher.GetSettings()
		if self.DevSampleSwitcher.Initialize(settings) == RETURN_FAIL : return
		# Saving the name of channels 
		odd_settings = self.GetSettings()
		self.channels = sorted(eval( "(%s,)" % odd_settings["channels"] ))
		if self.DevSampleSwitcher.GetChannelNum()-1 < max(self.channels) :
			raise ValueError ("Error: Some channels specified are not accessible by sample switcher.")
		# Check whether the background signal array is present
		# Get range of coefficient 
		coeff_range = np.linspace( odd_settings["coeff_min"], odd_settings["coeff_max"], odd_settings["coeff_num"] )
		# List all polynomial coefficients
		N = odd_settings["polynomial_order"]
		poly_coeffs = np.zeros( (coeff_range.size*N, N+1) )
		for n in range(1,N+1) :
			poly_coeffs[(n-1)*coeff_range.size:n*coeff_range.size, n ] = coeff_range
		# Chose max amplitude
		max_ampl = odd_settings["max_ampl"]*np.ones(self.num_pixels)
		# Arguments of the basis 
		X = np.linspace(-1., 1., self.num_pixels)
		# Retrieve the basis type
		polynomial_basis = self.polynomial_bases[ odd_settings["polynomial_basis"] ]
		# Adjusting button's settings
		button = event.GetEventObject()
		button.SetLabel (button._stop_label)
		button.Bind( wx.EVT_BUTTON, button._stop_method)
		self.need_abort = False
		# Start scanning
		with  h5py.File (self.log_filename, 'a') as log_file :
			for channel in self.channels :
				# Move to a selected channel 
				# abort, if requested 
				if self.need_abort : break
				# Looping over pulse shapes
				for scan_num, coeff in enumerate(poly_coeffs) :
					# Calculate new phase
					phase = polynomial_basis(coeff)(X)
					# Set the pulse shape
					self.DevPulseShaper.SetAmplPhase(max_ampl, phase) 
					# Save phase in radians 
					ampl, phase = self.DevPulseShaper.GetUnwrappedAmplPhase(max_ampl, phase)
					if scan_num == 0 :
						# Initialize the array
						phases_rad = np.zeros( (len(poly_coeffs), phase.size), dtype=phase.dtype )
						amplitudes = np.zeros_like(phases_rad)
						amplitudes[:] = ampl.min()
					# Save phase
					phases_rad[scan_num] = phase
					amplitudes[scan_num] = ampl
					# abort, if requested 
					if self.need_abort : break
					# Get spectrum
					spectrum = self.GetSampleSpectrum(channel)
					# Vertical binning
					spectrum = ( spectrum.sum(axis=0) if len(spectrum.shape) == 2 else spectrum )
					if scan_num == 0 :
						# Initialize the array
						spectra = np.zeros( (len(poly_coeffs), spectrum.size), dtype=spectrum.dtype )
						spectra[:] = spectrum.min()
					# Save the spectrum
					spectra[scan_num] = spectrum
					# Display the currently acquired data
					try : 
						phases_rad_2d_img.SetData( phases_rad%(2*np.pi) )
						#amplitudes_2d_img.SetData( amplitudes )
					except NameError :
						visvis.cla(); visvis.clf()
						spectra_2d_img = visvis.imshow(spectra, cm=visvis.CM_JET)
						visvis.ylabel ('scans'); visvis.xlabel ('wavelegth')
						visvis.title("spectral scan")
						phases_rad_2d_img = visvis.imshow( phases_rad%(2*np.pi), cm=visvis.CM_JET)
						visvis.title("phase shapes")
						#amplitudes_2d_img = visvis.imshow(amplitudes, cm=visvis.CM_JET)
				# Save the data for the given channel
				try : del log_file[ str(channel) ]
				except KeyError : pass
				channel_grp = log_file.create_group( str(channel) )
				channel_grp["spectra"] 		= spectra
				channel_grp["phases_rad"]	= phases_rad
				channel_grp["amplitudes"]	= amplitudes
				channel_grp["poly_coeffs"]	= poly_coeffs
		# Readjust buttons settings
Example #48
        print( "FPS : %.2f (%d frames in %.2f second)"
               % (frames/elapsed, frames, elapsed))
        t0, frames = t,0
# Run!

if False:
    ## Evaluate measurements 
    # Measured
    ncolrow = [6,  7,   8,  9, 10, 11, 12]
    fpss    = [48, 37, 28, 23, 18, 15, 12]  # Measured earlier
    fpss    = [32, 24, 19, 15, 12, 10, 8]   # Measured later, probably added extra overhead
    # Process
    xx = [x**2 for x in ncolrow]
    yy = [1.0 / fps for fps in fpss]
    timepersubplot = [1000*y/x for x, y in zip(xx, yy)]
    # Show
    import visvis as vv
    vv.figure(1); vv.clf()
    vv.plot(xx, yy)
    vv.xlabel('number of subplots')
    vv.ylabel('timer per frame')
    vv.figure(2); vv.clf()
    vv.gca().SetLimits(rangeY=(0, 1.1*max(timepersubplot)))
Example #49
import time
import visvis as vv
import numpy as np
import cPickle as pickle
import gzip

#!/usr/bin/env python

app = vv.use()

# set labels
vv.xlabel('x axis')
vv.ylabel('y axis')
vv.zlabel('z axis')

# show
print np.sum(data) 
t = vv.volshow(data,renderStyle='iso',axesAdjust=True)
#t.isoThreshold = 0.5
# try the differtent render styles, for examample 
# "t.renderStyle='iso'" or "t.renderStyle='ray'"
# If the drawing hangs, your video drived decided to render in software mode.
# This is unfortunately (as far as I know) not possible to detect. 
# It might help if your data is shaped a power of 2.

# Get axes and set camera to orthographic mode (with a field of view of 70)
a = vv.gcf()
f = vv.gca()#fqwang
Example #50
	def GetDeltaScan (self, event) :
		Measure spectra by varying parameter delta in reference phase mask
		# Create pseudonyms of necessary devices 
		self.DevSpectrometer 	= self.parent.Spectrometer.dev
		self.DevPulseShaper		= self.parent.PulseShaper.dev
		####################### Initiate devices #############################
		# Initiate spectrometer
		settings = self.parent.Spectrometer.GetSettings()
		if self.DevSpectrometer.SetSettings(settings) == RETURN_FAIL : return
		# Initiate pulse shaper
		settings = self.parent.PulseShaper.GetSettings()
		if self.DevPulseShaper.Initialize(settings) == RETURN_FAIL : return
		# Get number of optimization variables 
		self.num_pixels = self.DevPulseShaper.GetParamNumber()
		if self.num_pixels == RETURN_FAIL :
			raise RuntimeError ("Optimization cannot be started since calibration file was not loaded")
		miips_settings = self.GetSettings()
		# Get range of coefficient 
		coeff_range = np.linspace( miips_settings["coeff_min"], miips_settings["coeff_max"], miips_settings["coeff_num"] )
		# Get reference phase based on the corrections already obtained
		reference_phase, X, polynomial_basis = self.GetReferencePhase(miips_settings)
		# Get new polynomial
		new_coeffs = np.zeros(miips_settings["polynomial_order"] + 1)
		new_coeffs[-1] = 1
		current_polynomial = polynomial_basis(new_coeffs)(X)
		# Chose max amplitude
		max_ampl = miips_settings["max_ampl"]*np.ones(self.num_pixels)
		# Adjusting button's settings
		button = event.GetEventObject()
		button.SetLabel (button._stop_label)
		button.Bind( wx.EVT_BUTTON, button._stop_method)
		self.need_abort = False
		for scan_num, coeff in enumerate(coeff_range) :
			# Get current phase mask
			current_phase = coeff*current_polynomial
			current_phase += reference_phase
			# Check for consistency
			current_phase %= 1
			# Set the pulse shape
			self.DevPulseShaper.SetAmplPhase(max_ampl, current_phase) 
			# abort, if requested 
			if self.need_abort : break
			# Get spectrum
			spectrum = self.DevSpectrometer.AcquiredData()
			# Vertical binning
			spectrum = ( spectrum.sum(axis=0) if len(spectrum.shape) == 2 else spectrum )
			try : spectral_scans
			except NameError :
				# Allocate space for spectral scans
				spectral_scans = np.zeros( (coeff_range.size, spectrum.size), dtype=spectrum.dtype )
			# Save spectrum
			spectral_scans[ scan_num ] = spectrum
			# Display the currently acquired data
			try : spectral_scan_2d_img.SetData(spectral_scans)
			except NameError :
				visvis.cla(); visvis.clf(); 	
				spectral_scan_2d_img = visvis.imshow(spectral_scans, cm=visvis.CM_JET)
				visvis.ylabel ('coefficeints')
				visvis.xlabel ('wavelegth')
		# Get current wavelength
		wavelength = self.DevSpectrometer.GetWavelengths()
		# Adding the scan to log
		self.scan_log.append( {
			"spectral_scans" 	:	spectral_scans,
			"reference_phase" 	:	reference_phase,
			"current_polynomial":	current_polynomial,
			"coeff_range"		: 	coeff_range,
			"wavelength"		:	wavelength
		} )
		# Plotting fit
		visvis.cla(); visvis.clf(); 	
		################ Find the value of coeff such that it maximizes the total intensity of SHG
		# Method 1: use polynomial filter
		# Ignored not scanned parameter
		spectral_sum = spectral_scans.sum(axis=1)
		indx = np.nonzero(spectral_sum > 0)		
		# Fit the total spectral intensity with chosen polynomials
		spectral_sum_fit = polynomial_basis.fit(coeff_range[indx], spectral_sum[indx] , 10)
		# Find extrema of the polynomial fit
		opt_coeff = spectral_sum_fit.deriv().roots()
		# Find maximum
		fit_max_sum_val = opt_coeff[ np.argmax(spectral_sum_fit(opt_coeff)) ].real
		print "\n\nOptimal value of the coefficient (using the polynomial fit) is ", fit_max_sum_val
		# Method 2: Use Gaussian filter 
		# Smoothing spectral scans
		filtered_spectral_scans = gaussian_filter(spectral_scans, (2, 0.5) )
		gauss_max_sum_val = coeff_range[ np.argmax(filtered_spectral_scans.sum(axis=1)) ]
		print "\nOptimal value of the coefficient (using the Gaussian filter) is ", gauss_max_sum_val
		# If the difference between methods is great then use the Gaussian filter 
		if abs(gauss_max_sum_val - fit_max_sum_val)/np.abs([gauss_max_sum_val, fit_max_sum_val]).max() > 0.3 :
			max_sum_val = gauss_max_sum_val
		else : 
			max_sum_val = fit_max_sum_val
		self.current_coeff_val.SetValue( max_sum_val )
		filtered_spectral_scans[ np.searchsorted(coeff_range, max_sum_val) ][0:-1:2] = spectral_scans.min()		
		################ Plotting results ####################
		#spectral_scan_2d_img.SetClim( spectral_scans.min(), spectral_scans.max() )
		visvis.title("Raw spectral scans")
		visvis.imshow(spectral_scans, cm=visvis.CM_JET)
		visvis.ylabel ('coefficeints'); visvis.xlabel ('wavelegth')
		visvis.title("Finding maximum")
		visvis.imshow(filtered_spectral_scans, cm=visvis.CM_JET)
		visvis.ylabel ('coefficeints'); visvis.xlabel ('wavelegth')
		# Readjust buttons settings