Example #1
def test_transcription():
    parameters = {
        'sequence': toy_chromosome_config['sequence'],
        'templates': toy_chromosome_config['promoters'],
        'genes': toy_chromosome_config['genes'],
        'promoter_affinities': toy_chromosome_config['promoter_affinities'],
        'transcription_factors': ['tfA', 'tfB'],
        'elongation_rate': 10.0

    chromosome = Chromosome(toy_chromosome_config)
    transcription = Transcription(parameters)

    experiment = process_in_experiment(
        transcription, {
            'initial_state': {
                'chromosome': chromosome.to_dict(),
                {nucleotide: 10
                 for nucleotide in transcription.monomer_ids},
                'proteins': {
                    UNBOUND_RNAP_KEY: 10
                'factors': {
                    'tfA': 0.2,
                    'tfB': 0.7


Example #2
    def next_update(self, timestep, states):
        chromosome_state = states['chromosome']
        # chromosome_state['rnaps'] = list(chromosome_state['rnaps'].values())
        original_rnap_keys = [
            rnap['id'] for rnap in chromosome_state['rnaps'].values()
        chromosome = Chromosome(self.chromosome_config(chromosome_state))

        molecules = states['molecules']
        proteins = states['proteins']
        factors = states['factors']  # as concentrations

        promoter_rnaps = chromosome.promoter_rnaps()
        promoter_domains = chromosome.promoter_domains()

        # Find out how many promoters are currently blocked by a
        # newly initiated or occluding rnap
        promoter_count = len(chromosome.promoter_order)
        blocked_promoters = np.zeros(promoter_count, dtype=np.int64)
        open_domains = {}
        bound_domains = {}
        for promoter_index, promoter_key in enumerate(
            domains = []
            for rnap in promoter_rnaps.get(promoter_key, {}).values():
                if rnap.is_occluding():
                    blocked_promoters[promoter_index] += 1

            bound_domains[promoter_key] = set(domains)
            open_domains[promoter_key] = promoter_domains[
                promoter_key] - bound_domains[promoter_key]

        blocked_promoters = np.array(blocked_promoters)

        # Make the state for a gillespie simulation out of total number of each
        # promoter by copy number not blocked by initiated rnap,
        # concatenated with the number of each promoter that is bound by rnap.
        # These are the two states for each promoter the simulation
        # will operate on, essentially going back and forth between
        # bound and unbound states.
        copy_numbers = chromosome.promoter_copy_numbers()
        original_unbound_rnaps = proteins[UNBOUND_RNAP_KEY]
        monomer_limits = {
            monomer: molecules[monomer]
            for monomer in self.monomer_ids
        unbound_rnaps = original_unbound_rnaps

        time = 0
        now = 0
        elongation = Elongation(self.sequences, chromosome.promoters,
                                monomer_limits, self.symbol_to_monomer,

        initiation_affinity = self.build_affinity_vector(
            chromosome.promoters, factors)

        while time < timestep:
            # build the state vector for the gillespie simulation
            substrate = np.concatenate([
                copy_numbers - blocked_promoters, blocked_promoters,

            log.debug('transcription substrate: {}'.format(substrate))
            log.debug('blocked promoters: {}'.format(blocked_promoters))

            # find number of monomers until next terminator
            distance = 1 / self.elongation_rate  # chromosome.terminator_distance()

            # find interval of time that elongates to the point of the next terminator
            interval = min(distance, timestep - time)

            if interval == distance:
                # perform the elongation until the next event
                terminations, monomer_limits, chromosome.rnaps = elongation.step(
                    interval, monomer_limits, chromosome.rnaps)
                unbound_rnaps += terminations
                terminations = 0

            log.debug('time: {} --- interval: {}'.format(time, interval))
            log.debug('monomer limits: {}'.format(monomer_limits))
            log.debug('terminations: {}'.format(terminations))

            # run simulation for interval of time to next terminator
            result = self.initiation.evolve(interval, substrate,

            log.debug('result: {}'.format(result))

            # perform binding
            for now, event in zip(result['time'], result['events']):
                # RNAP has bound the promoter
                promoter_key = chromosome.promoter_order[event]
                promoter = chromosome.promoters[promoter_key]
                domains = open_domains[promoter_key]
                domain = choose_element(domains)

                blocked_promoters[event] += 1

                # create a new bound RNAP and add it to the chromosome.
                new_rnap = chromosome.bind_rnap(event, domain)

                log.debug('newly bound RNAP: {}'.format(new_rnap))

                unbound_rnaps -= 1

            # deal with occluding rnap
            for rnap in chromosome.rnaps.values():
                if rnap.is_unoccluding(self.polymerase_occlusion):
                    log.debug('RNAP unoccluding: {}'.format(rnap))

                    blocked_promoters[rnap.template_index] -= 1
                log.debug('rnap: {}'.format(rnap))

            log.debug('complete: {}'.format(elongation.complete_polymers))

            time += interval

        # track how far elongation proceeded to start from next iteration
        self.elongation = elongation.elongation - int(elongation.elongation)

        proteins = {UNBOUND_RNAP_KEY: unbound_rnaps - original_unbound_rnaps}

        molecules = {
            key: count * -1
            for key, count in elongation.monomers.items()

        # 1 ATP hydrolysis cost per nucleotide elongation
        molecules['ATP'] = 0
        molecules['ADP'] = 0
        for count in elongation.monomers.values():
            molecules['ATP'] -= count
            molecules['ADP'] += count

        chromosome_dict = chromosome.to_dict()
        rnaps = chromosome_dict['rnaps']

        original = set(original_rnap_keys)
        current = set(rnaps.keys())
        bound_rnaps = current - original
        completed_rnaps = original - current
        continuing_rnaps = original - completed_rnaps

        rnap_updates = {
            rnap_id: rnaps[rnap_id]
            for rnap_id in continuing_rnaps

        add_rnaps = [{
            'path': (bound, ),
            'state': rnaps[bound]
        } for bound in bound_rnaps]

        delete_rnaps = [(completed, ) for completed in completed_rnaps]

        rnap_updates['_add'] = add_rnaps
        rnap_updates['_delete'] = delete_rnaps
        chromosome_dict['rnaps'] = rnap_updates

        update = {
            {key: chromosome_dict[key]
             for key in self.chromosome_ports},
            'proteins': proteins,
            'molecules': molecules,
            'transcripts': elongation.complete_polymers

        log.debug('molecules update: {}'.format(update['molecules']))

        return update