Example #1
def test___repr__():
    """Test str(Context)."""
    ahead_rs = RelationSymbol('Ahead', 4)
    behind_rs = RelationSymbol('Behind', 4)
    pm_rs = RelationSymbol('PM', 1)
    am_rs = RelationSymbol('AM', 1)
    vocabulary = Vocabulary(['C1', 'C2'], [ahead_rs, behind_rs, pm_rs, am_rs],
                            ['V1', 'V2'])

    f = Formula(vocabulary, 'Ahead', 'C1', 'V1')

    a = Attribute('hour', [Interval(0, 23)])
    a2 = Attribute('minute', [Interval(0, 59)])
    r_pm = Relation('R1(h1) <=> h1 > 11', ['hour'], 1)
    r_am = Relation('R2(h1) <=> h1 <= 11', ['hour'], 2)
    r_ahead = Relation(
        'R3(h1,m1,hhh2,mm2) <=> h1 > hhh2 or (h1 = hhh2 and m1 > mm2)',
        ['hour', 'minute', 'hour', 'minute'], 3)
    r_behind = Relation(
        'R4(h1,m1,h2,m2) <=> h1 <= h2 or (h1 = h2 and m1 < m2)',
        ['hour', 'minute', 'hour', 'minute'], 4)
    attribute_structure = AttributeStructure(a, a2, r_ahead, r_behind, r_pm,
    objects = ['s1', 's2']
    attribute_system = AttributeSystem(attribute_structure, objects)
    p = ConstantAssignment(vocabulary, attribute_system, {
        'C1': 's1',
        'C2': 's2'

    assumption_base = AssumptionBase(f)
    named_state = NamedState(attribute_system, p)

    C = Context(assumption_base, named_state)

    assert repr(C) == "hour(s1): {V(I(0, 23))}\n" + \
                      "hour(s2): {V(I(0, 23))}\n" + \
                      "minute(s1): {V(I(0, 59))}\n" + \
                      "minute(s2): {V(I(0, 59))}\n" + \
                      "CA{'C2': 's2', 'C1': 's1'}\n" + \
                      "AB(Ahead(C1, V1))"
Example #2
def test___deepcopy__():
    """Test copy.deepcopy for Context object."""
    ahead_rs = RelationSymbol('Ahead', 4)
    behind_rs = RelationSymbol('Behind', 4)
    pm_rs = RelationSymbol('PM', 1)
    am_rs = RelationSymbol('AM', 1)
    vocabulary = Vocabulary(['C1', 'C2'], [ahead_rs, behind_rs, pm_rs, am_rs],
                            ['V1', 'V2'])

    f = Formula(vocabulary, 'Ahead', 'C1', 'V1')

    a = Attribute('hour', [Interval(0, 23)])
    a2 = Attribute('minute', [Interval(0, 59)])
    r_pm = Relation('R1(h1) <=> h1 > 11', ['hour'], 1)
    r_am = Relation('R2(h1) <=> h1 <= 11', ['hour'], 2)
    r_ahead = Relation(
        'R3(h1,m1,hhh2,mm2) <=> h1 > hhh2 or (h1 = hhh2 and m1 > mm2)',
        ['hour', 'minute', 'hour', 'minute'], 3)
    r_behind = Relation(
        'R4(h1,m1,h2,m2) <=> h1 <= h2 or (h1 = h2 and m1 < m2)',
        ['hour', 'minute', 'hour', 'minute'], 4)
    attribute_structure = AttributeStructure(a, a2, r_ahead, r_behind, r_pm,
    objects = ['s1', 's2']
    attribute_system = AttributeSystem(attribute_structure, objects)
    p = ConstantAssignment(vocabulary, attribute_system, {
        'C1': 's1',
        'C2': 's2'

    assumption_base = AssumptionBase(f)
    named_state = NamedState(attribute_system, p)

    C = Context(assumption_base, named_state)

    from copy import deepcopy
    C_copy = deepcopy(C)
Example #3
    def point_test():
        """Do test with Point object and its parser."""
        from vivid.classes.point import Point
        point = Attribute('point', [Point('x', 'x', 'x', 'x')])
        r_is_on = Relation('R1(h1, h2, h3) <=> is_on(h1, h2, h3)',
                           ['point', 'point', 'point'], 1)
        r_not_same_point = Relation('R2(h1, h2) <=> not_same_point(h1, h2)',
                                    ['point', 'point'], 2)
        r_clocks_unequal = Relation('R3(h1, h2) <=> clocks_unequal(h1, h2)',
                                    ['point', 'point'], 3)
        r_can_observe = Relation(
            'R4(p, sp_loc, wls, wle) <=> can_observe(p, sp_loc, wls, wle)',
            ['point', 'point', 'point', 'point'], 4)

        attribute_structure = AttributeStructure(
            point, r_is_on, r_not_same_point, r_clocks_unequal, r_can_observe)

        rs_is_on = RelationSymbol('IS_ON', 3)
        rs_not_same_point = RelationSymbol('NOT_SAME_POINT', 2)
        rs_clocks_unequal = RelationSymbol('CLOCKS_UNEQUAL', 2)
        rs_can_observe = RelationSymbol('CAN_OBSERVE', 4)

        vocabulary = Vocabulary(['P1', 'P2', 'P3', 'P4'],
                                [rs_is_on, rs_not_same_point,
                                 rs_clocks_unequal, rs_can_observe],

        profiles = [
            [rs_is_on, ('point', 1), ('point', 2), ('point', 3)],
            [rs_not_same_point, ('point', 1), ('point', 2)],
            [rs_clocks_unequal, ('point', 1), ('point', 2)],
             ('point', 1), ('point', 2), ('point', 3), ('point', 4)]]

        mapping = {rs_is_on: 1, rs_not_same_point: 2, rs_clocks_unequal: 3,
                   rs_can_observe: 4}

        attribute_interpretation = AttributeInterpretation(vocabulary,

        objects = ['p1', 'p2', 'p3', 'p4']
        attribute_system = AttributeSystem(attribute_structure, objects)
        p = ConstantAssignment(vocabulary, attribute_system,
                               {'P1': 'p1', 'P2': 'p2', 'P3': 'p3', 'P4': 'p4'})

        named_state = NamedState(attribute_system, p, {
                                 ('point', 'p1'): [Point(1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5)],
                                 ('point', 'p2'): [Point(2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0)],
                                 ('point', 'p3'): [Point(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)],
                                 ('point', 'p4'): [Point(3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0)]})

        f1 = Formula(vocabulary, 'IS_ON', 'P1', 'P3', 'P4')
        f2 = Formula(vocabulary, 'NOT_SAME_POINT', 'P1', 'P2')
        f3 = Formula(vocabulary, 'CLOCKS_UNEQUAL', 'P1', 'P2')
        f4 = Formula(vocabulary, 'CAN_OBSERVE', 'P1', 'P2', 'P3', 'P4')

        VA = VariableAssignment(vocabulary, attribute_system, {}, dummy=True)

        assumption_base = AssumptionBase(f2, f3, f4)
        context = Context(assumption_base, named_state)

        # A context always entails its own named state
        assert context.entails_named_state(
            named_state, attribute_interpretation)

        named_state = NamedState(attribute_system, p, {
                                 ('point', 'p1'): [Point(1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5),
                                                   Point(2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5)],
                                 ('point', 'p2'): [Point(2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0)],
                                 ('point', 'p3'): [Point(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)],
                                 ('point', 'p4'): [Point(3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0)]})

        # A context entails named states that when the worlds of the context
        # extend the named state
        assert context.entails_named_state(
            named_state, attribute_interpretation)

        named_state = NamedState(attribute_system, p, {
                                 ('point', 'p1'): [Point(1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5),
                                                   Point(2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5)],
                                 ('point', 'p2'): [Point(2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0)],
                                 ('point', 'p3'): [Point(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)],
                                 ('point', 'p4'): [Point(3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0)]})
        context = Context(assumption_base, named_state)

        named_state = NamedState(attribute_system, p, {
                                 ('point', 'p1'): [Point(4.25, 1.3, 5.4, 7.5)],
                                 ('point', 'p2'): [Point(2.0, 2.4, 2.0, 2.0)],
                                 ('point', 'p3'): [Point(1.0, 1.0, 5.0, 1.0)],
                                 ('point', 'p4'): [Point(3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 8.0)]})
        # A context does not entail a named state when the worlds of the
        # context do not extend the named state
        assert not context.entails_named_state(
            named_state, attribute_interpretation)

        assumption_base = AssumptionBase(
            Formula(vocabulary, 'NOT_SAME_POINT', 'P1', 'P1'))
        context = Context(assumption_base, named_state)

        named_state = NamedState(attribute_system, p, {
                                 ('point', 'p1'): [Point(8.5, 1.4, 2.1, 3.6)],
                                 ('point', 'p2'): [Point(2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0)],
                                 ('point', 'p3'): [Point(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)],
                                 ('point', 'p4'): [Point(3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0)]})
        # A context trivially entails a named state when no world of the
        # context satisfies the context
        assert context.entails_named_state(
            named_state, attribute_interpretation)
Example #4
    def standard_test():
        """Do test with standard parser."""
        hour = Attribute('hour', [Interval(0, 23)])
        minute = Attribute('minute', [Interval(0, 59)])
        r_pm = Relation('R1(h1) <=> h1 > 11', ['hour'], 1)
        r_am = Relation('R2(h1) <=> h1 <= 11', ['hour'], 2)
        r_ahead = Relation(
            'R3(h1,m1,hhh2,mm2) <=> h1 > hhh2 or (h1 = hhh2 and m1 > mm2)',
            ['hour', 'minute', 'hour', 'minute'], 3)
        r_behind = Relation(
            'R4(h1,m1,h2,m2) <=> h1 <= h2 or (h1 = h2 and m1 < m2)',
            ['hour', 'minute', 'hour', 'minute'], 4)
        attribute_structure = AttributeStructure(
            hour, minute, r_ahead, r_behind, r_pm, r_am)

        rs_ahead = RelationSymbol('Ahead', 4)
        rs_behind = RelationSymbol('Behind', 4)
        rs_pm = RelationSymbol('PM', 1)
        rs_am = RelationSymbol('AM', 1)
        vocabulary = Vocabulary(
            ['C1', 'C2'], [rs_ahead, rs_behind, rs_pm, rs_am], ['V1', 'V2'])

        objects = ['s1', 's2']
        attribute_system = AttributeSystem(attribute_structure, objects)
        p = ConstantAssignment(
            vocabulary, attribute_system, {'C1': 's1', 'C2': 's2'})

        profiles = [
            [rs_pm, ('hour', 1)],
            [rs_am, ('hour', 1)],
            [rs_behind, ('hour', 1), ('minute', 1), ('hour', 2), ('minute', 2)],
            [rs_ahead, ('hour', 1), ('minute', 1), ('hour', 2), ('minute', 2)]]

        attribute_interpretation = AttributeInterpretation(
            vocabulary, attribute_structure,
            {rs_pm: 1, rs_am: 2, rs_ahead: 3, rs_behind: 4}, profiles)

        f1 = Formula(vocabulary, 'Ahead', 'C1', 'C2')
        f2 = Formula(vocabulary, 'Behind', 'C2', 'C1')
        f3 = Formula(vocabulary, 'PM', 'C1')
        f4 = Formula(vocabulary, 'AM', 'C2')
        assumption_base = AssumptionBase(f1, f3, f4)
        named_state = NamedState(attribute_system, p, {
                                 ("hour", "s1"): [Interval(15, 17)],
                                 ("hour", "s2"): [Interval(6, 9)],
                                 ("minute", "s1"): [23],
                                 ("minute", "s2"): [23]})
        context = Context(assumption_base, named_state)

        # A context always entails its own named state
        assert context.entails_named_state(
            named_state, attribute_interpretation)

        named_state = NamedState(attribute_system, p, {
                                 ("hour", "s1"): [Interval(15, 17)],
                                 ("hour", "s2"): [Interval(4, 11)],
                                 ("minute", "s1"): [23],
                                 ("minute", "s2"): [23]})
        # A context entails named states that when the worlds of the context
        # extend the named state
        assert context.entails_named_state(
            named_state, attribute_interpretation)

        f1 = Formula(vocabulary, 'PM', 'C1')
        assumption_base = AssumptionBase(f1)
        named_state = NamedState(attribute_system, p, {
                                 ("hour", "s1"): [Interval(15, 17)],
                                 ("hour", "s2"): [Interval(6, 9)],
                                 ("minute", "s1"): [23],
                                 ("minute", "s2"): [23]})
        context = Context(assumption_base, named_state)

        named_state = NamedState(attribute_system, p, {
                                 ("hour", "s1"): [23],
                                 ("hour", "s2"): [13],
                                 ("minute", "s1"): [23],
                                 ("minute", "s2"): [23]})
        # A context does not entail a named state when the worlds of the
        # context do not extend the named state
        assert not context.entails_named_state(
            named_state, attribute_interpretation)

        f1 = Formula(vocabulary, 'PM', 'C1')
        assumption_base = AssumptionBase(f1)
        named_state = NamedState(attribute_system, p, {
                                 ("hour", "s1"): [Interval(6, 9)],
                                 ("hour", "s2"): [Interval(15, 17)],
                                 ("minute", "s1"): [23],
                                 ("minute", "s2"): [23]})
        context = Context(assumption_base, named_state)

        named_state = NamedState(attribute_system, p, {
                                 ("hour", "s1"): [23],
                                 ("hour", "s2"): [13],
                                 ("minute", "s1"): [23],
                                 ("minute", "s2"): [23]})

        # A context trivially entails a named state when no world of the
        # context satisfies the context
        assert context.entails_named_state(
            named_state, attribute_interpretation)
Example #5
    def point_test():
        """Do test with Point object and its parser."""
        from vivid.classes.point import Point
        point = Attribute('point', [Point('x', 'x', 'x', 'x')])
        r_is_on = Relation('R1(h1, h2, h3) <=> is_on(h1, h2, h3)',
                           ['point', 'point', 'point'], 1)
        r_not_same_point = Relation('R2(h1, h2) <=> not_same_point(h1, h2)',
                                    ['point', 'point'], 2)
        r_clocks_unequal = Relation('R3(h1, h2) <=> clocks_unequal(h1, h2)',
                                    ['point', 'point'], 3)
        r_can_observe = Relation(
            'R4(p, sp_loc, wls, wle) <=> can_observe(p, sp_loc, wls, wle)',
            ['point', 'point', 'point', 'point'], 4)

        attribute_structure = AttributeStructure(
            point, r_is_on, r_not_same_point, r_clocks_unequal, r_can_observe)

        rs_is_on = RelationSymbol('IS_ON', 3)
        rs_not_same_point = RelationSymbol('NOT_SAME_POINT', 2)
        rs_clocks_unequal = RelationSymbol('CLOCKS_UNEQUAL', 2)
        rs_can_observe = RelationSymbol('CAN_OBSERVE', 4)

        vocabulary = Vocabulary(['P1', 'P2', 'P3', 'P4', 'P5'],
                                [rs_is_on, rs_not_same_point,
                                 rs_clocks_unequal, rs_can_observe],

        profiles = [
            [rs_is_on, ('point', 1), ('point', 2), ('point', 3)],
            [rs_not_same_point, ('point', 1), ('point', 2)],
            [rs_clocks_unequal, ('point', 1), ('point', 2)],
             ('point', 1), ('point', 2), ('point', 3), ('point', 4)]]

        mapping = {rs_is_on: 1, rs_not_same_point: 2, rs_clocks_unequal: 3,
                   rs_can_observe: 4}

        attribute_interpretation = AttributeInterpretation(vocabulary,

        objects = ['p1', 'p2', 'p3', 'p4', 'p5']
        attribute_system = AttributeSystem(attribute_structure, objects)
        p = ConstantAssignment(vocabulary, attribute_system,
                               {'P1': 'p1', 'P2': 'p2', 'P3': 'p3', 'P4': 'p4',
                                'P5': 'p5'})

        world = NamedState(attribute_system, p, {
                           ('point', 'p1'): [Point(1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5)],
                           ('point', 'p2'): [Point(2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0)],
                           ('point', 'p3'): [Point(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)],
                           ('point', 'p4'): [Point(3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0)]})

        f1 = Formula(vocabulary, 'IS_ON', 'P1', 'P3', 'P4')
        f2 = Formula(vocabulary, 'NOT_SAME_POINT', 'P1', 'P2')
        f3 = Formula(vocabulary, 'CLOCKS_UNEQUAL', 'P1', 'P2')
        f4 = Formula(vocabulary, 'CAN_OBSERVE', 'P1', 'P2', 'P3', 'P4')

        VA = VariableAssignment(vocabulary, attribute_system, {}, dummy=True)

        assumption_base = AssumptionBase(f2, f3, f4)
        context = Context(assumption_base, world)

        # Whenever we can observe a Point, we're either at that point or on
        # same worldline so IS_ON should hold
        assert context.entails_formula(f1, attribute_interpretation)
        # We always entail our own formulae
        assert context.entails_formula(f2, attribute_interpretation)
        assert context.entails_formula(f3, attribute_interpretation)
        assert context.entails_formula(f4, attribute_interpretation)
Example #6
    def standard_test():
        """Do test with standard parser."""
        hour = Attribute('hour', [Interval(0, 23)])
        minute = Attribute('minute', [Interval(0, 59)])
        r_pm = Relation('R1(h1) <=> h1 > 11', ['hour'], 1)
        r_am = Relation('R2(h1) <=> h1 <= 11', ['hour'], 2)
        r_ahead = Relation(
            'R3(h1,m1,hhh2,mm2) <=> h1 > hhh2 or (h1 = hhh2 and m1 > mm2)',
            ['hour', 'minute', 'hour', 'minute'], 3)
        r_behind = Relation(
            'R4(h1,m1,h2,m2) <=> h1 <= h2 or (h1 = h2 and m1 < m2)',
            ['hour', 'minute', 'hour', 'minute'], 4)
        attribute_structure = AttributeStructure(
            hour, minute, r_ahead, r_behind, r_pm, r_am)

        rs_ahead = RelationSymbol('Ahead', 4)
        rs_behind = RelationSymbol('Behind', 4)
        rs_pm = RelationSymbol('PM', 1)
        rs_am = RelationSymbol('AM', 1)
        vocabulary = Vocabulary(
            ['C1', 'C2'], [rs_ahead, rs_behind, rs_pm, rs_am], ['V1', 'V2'])

        objects = ['s1', 's2']
        attribute_system = AttributeSystem(attribute_structure, objects)
        p = ConstantAssignment(
            vocabulary, attribute_system, {'C1': 's1', 'C2': 's2'})

        profiles = [
            [rs_pm, ('hour', 1)],
            [rs_am, ('hour', 1)],
            [rs_behind, ('hour', 1), ('minute', 1), ('hour', 2), ('minute', 2)],
            [rs_ahead, ('hour', 1), ('minute', 1), ('hour', 2), ('minute', 2)]]

        attribute_interpretation = AttributeInterpretation(
            vocabulary, attribute_structure,
            {rs_pm: 1, rs_am: 2, rs_ahead: 3, rs_behind: 4}, profiles)

        f1 = Formula(vocabulary, 'Ahead', 'C1', 'C2')
        f2 = Formula(vocabulary, 'Behind', 'C2', 'C1')
        f3 = Formula(vocabulary, 'PM', 'C1')
        f4 = Formula(vocabulary, 'AM', 'C2')
        assumption_base = AssumptionBase(f1, f3, f4)
        named_state = NamedState(attribute_system, p, {
                                 ("hour", "s1"): [Interval(15, 17)],
                                 ("hour", "s2"): [11],
                                 ("minute", "s1"): [23],
                                 ("minute", "s2"): [23]})

        context = Context(assumption_base, named_state)

        assert context.entails_formula(f1, attribute_interpretation)
        assert context.entails_formula(f2, attribute_interpretation)
        assert context.entails_formula(f3, attribute_interpretation)
        assert context.entails_formula(f4, attribute_interpretation)

        vocabulary = Vocabulary(
            ['C1'], [rs_ahead, rs_behind, rs_pm, rs_am], ['V1', 'V2'])

        objects = ['s1', 's2']
        attribute_system = AttributeSystem(attribute_structure, objects)
        p = ConstantAssignment(
            vocabulary, attribute_system, {'C1': 's1'})

        profiles = [
            [rs_pm, ('hour', 1)],
            [rs_am, ('hour', 1)],
            [rs_behind, ('hour', 1), ('minute', 1), ('hour', 2), ('minute', 2)],
            [rs_ahead, ('hour', 1), ('minute', 1), ('hour', 2), ('minute', 2)]]

        attribute_interpretation = AttributeInterpretation(
            vocabulary, attribute_structure,
            {rs_pm: 1, rs_am: 2, rs_ahead: 3, rs_behind: 4}, profiles)

        f1 = Formula(vocabulary, 'Ahead', 'C1', 'V1')
        f2 = Formula(vocabulary, 'PM', 'C1')
        f3 = Formula(vocabulary, 'AM', 'V1')
        f4 = Formula(vocabulary, 'AM', 'V2')
        f5 = Formula(vocabulary, 'Behind', 'V1', 'C1')
        assumption_base = AssumptionBase(f1)
        named_state = NamedState(attribute_system, p, {
                                 ("hour", "s1"): [Interval(15, 17)],
                                 ("hour", "s2"): [11],
                                 ("minute", "s1"): [23],
                                 ("minute", "s2"): [23]})

        context = Context(assumption_base, named_state)
        assert context.entails_formula(f1, attribute_interpretation)
        assert context.entails_formula(f2, attribute_interpretation)
        assert context.entails_formula(f3, attribute_interpretation)
        # assert not here as it does not hold for every variable assignment;
        # e.g. the following configuration is valid but its truth value is unknown:
        # profile: [('hour', 'V1')]
        #           CA{'C1': 's1'}
        #           VA{'V2': 's2'}, which means all terms are not defined
        assert not context.entails_formula(f4, attribute_interpretation)
        assert context.entails_formula(f5, attribute_interpretation)
Example #7
def test___eq__():
    """Test == operator for Context."""
    def test_TypeError(self, other):
        """Test TypeError raising in == operator of Context."""
        with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
            self == other

    ahead_rs = RelationSymbol('Ahead', 4)
    behind_rs = RelationSymbol('Behind', 4)
    pm_rs = RelationSymbol('PM', 1)
    am_rs = RelationSymbol('AM', 1)
    vocabulary = Vocabulary(['C1', 'C2'], [ahead_rs, behind_rs, pm_rs, am_rs],
                            ['V1', 'V2'])

    f = Formula(vocabulary, 'Ahead', 'C1', 'V1')
    f2 = Formula(vocabulary, 'Behind', 'C1', 'V1')
    f_copy = Formula(vocabulary, 'Ahead', 'C1', 'V1')

    a = Attribute('hour', [Interval(0, 23)])
    a2 = Attribute('minute', [Interval(0, 59)])
    r_ahead = Relation(
        'R3(h1,m1,hhh2,mm2) <=> h1 > hhh2 or (h1 = hhh2 and m1 > mm2)',
        ['hour', 'minute', 'hour', 'minute'], 3)
    attribute_structure = AttributeStructure(a, a2, r_ahead)
    objects = ['s1', 's2']
    attribute_system = AttributeSystem(attribute_structure, objects)
    attribute_system_copy = AttributeSystem(attribute_structure, objects)
    p = ConstantAssignment(vocabulary, attribute_system, {
        'C1': 's1',
        'C2': 's2'
    p2 = ConstantAssignment(vocabulary, attribute_system, {
        'C1': 's2',
        'C2': 's1'
    p_copy = ConstantAssignment(vocabulary, attribute_system, {
        'C1': 's1',
        'C2': 's2'

    assumption_base = AssumptionBase(f)
    assumption_base_copy = AssumptionBase(f_copy)
    assumption_base2 = AssumptionBase(f, f2)
    named_state = NamedState(attribute_system, p)
    named_state_copy = NamedState(attribute_system_copy, p_copy)
    named_state2 = NamedState(attribute_system, p2)

    C = Context(assumption_base, named_state)
    C2 = Context(assumption_base, named_state)
    C3 = Context(assumption_base_copy, named_state_copy)
    C4 = Context(assumption_base2, named_state)
    C5 = Context(assumption_base, named_state2)

    test_TypeError(C, None)
    test_TypeError(C, object)
    test_TypeError(C, named_state)
    test_TypeError(C, assumption_base)
    assert C == C
    assert C is C
    assert C == C2
    assert C is not C2
    assert C == C3
    assert C is not C3
    assert not C == C4
    assert not C == C5
Example #8
    def point_test():
        """Do test with Point object and its parser."""
        from vivid.classes.point import Point
        point = Attribute('point', [Point('x', 'x', 'x', 'x')])
        r_is_on = Relation('R1(h1, h2, h3) <=> is_on(h1, h2, h3)',
                           ['point', 'point', 'point'], 1)
        r_not_same_point = Relation('R2(h1, h2) <=> not_same_point(h1, h2)',
                                    ['point', 'point'], 2)
        r_clocks_unequal = Relation('R3(h1, h2) <=> clocks_unequal(h1, h2)',
                                    ['point', 'point'], 3)
        r_can_observe = Relation(
            'R4(p, sp_loc, wls, wle) <=> can_observe(p, sp_loc, wls, wle)',
            ['point', 'point', 'point', 'point'], 4)

        attribute_structure = AttributeStructure(point, r_is_on,

        rs_is_on = RelationSymbol('IS_ON', 3)
        rs_not_same_point = RelationSymbol('NOT_SAME_POINT', 2)
        rs_clocks_unequal = RelationSymbol('CLOCKS_UNEQUAL', 2)
        rs_can_observe = RelationSymbol('CAN_OBSERVE', 4)

        vocabulary = Vocabulary(
            ['P1', 'P2', 'P3', 'P4'],
            [rs_is_on, rs_not_same_point, rs_clocks_unequal, rs_can_observe],

        profiles = [[rs_is_on, ('point', 1), ('point', 2), ('point', 3)],
                    [rs_not_same_point, ('point', 1), ('point', 2)],
                    [rs_clocks_unequal, ('point', 1), ('point', 2)],
                        rs_can_observe, ('point', 1), ('point', 2),
                        ('point', 3), ('point', 4)

        mapping = {
            rs_is_on: 1,
            rs_not_same_point: 2,
            rs_clocks_unequal: 3,
            rs_can_observe: 4

        attribute_interpretation = AttributeInterpretation(
            vocabulary, attribute_structure, mapping, profiles)

        objects = ['p1', 'p2', 'p3', 'p4']
        attribute_system = AttributeSystem(attribute_structure, objects)
        p = ConstantAssignment(vocabulary, attribute_system, {
            'P1': 'p1',
            'P2': 'p2',
            'P3': 'p3',
            'P4': 'p4'

        named_state = NamedState(
            attribute_system, p, {
                ('point', 'p1'): [Point(1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5)],
                ('point', 'p2'): [Point(2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0)],
                ('point', 'p3'): [Point(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)],
                ('point', 'p4'): [Point(3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0)]

        f1 = Formula(vocabulary, 'IS_ON', 'P1', 'P3', 'P4')
        f2 = Formula(vocabulary, 'NOT_SAME_POINT', 'P1', 'P2')
        f3 = Formula(vocabulary, 'CLOCKS_UNEQUAL', 'P1', 'P2')
        f4 = Formula(vocabulary, 'CAN_OBSERVE', 'P1', 'P2', 'P3', 'P4')

        VA = VariableAssignment(vocabulary, attribute_system, {}, dummy=True)

        assumption_base = AssumptionBase(f2, f3, f4)
        context = Context(assumption_base, named_state)

        # A context always entails its own named state
        assert context.entails_named_state(named_state,

        named_state = NamedState(
            attribute_system, p, {
                ('point', 'p1'):
                [Point(1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5),
                 Point(2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5)],
                ('point', 'p2'): [Point(2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0)],
                ('point', 'p3'): [Point(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)],
                ('point', 'p4'): [Point(3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0)]

        # A context entails named states that when the worlds of the context
        # extend the named state
        assert context.entails_named_state(named_state,

        named_state = NamedState(
            attribute_system, p, {
                ('point', 'p1'):
                [Point(1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5),
                 Point(2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 2.5)],
                ('point', 'p2'): [Point(2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0)],
                ('point', 'p3'): [Point(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)],
                ('point', 'p4'): [Point(3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0)]
        context = Context(assumption_base, named_state)

        named_state = NamedState(
            attribute_system, p, {
                ('point', 'p1'): [Point(4.25, 1.3, 5.4, 7.5)],
                ('point', 'p2'): [Point(2.0, 2.4, 2.0, 2.0)],
                ('point', 'p3'): [Point(1.0, 1.0, 5.0, 1.0)],
                ('point', 'p4'): [Point(3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 8.0)]
        # A context does not entail a named state when the worlds of the
        # context do not extend the named state
        assert not context.entails_named_state(named_state,

        assumption_base = AssumptionBase(
            Formula(vocabulary, 'NOT_SAME_POINT', 'P1', 'P1'))
        context = Context(assumption_base, named_state)

        named_state = NamedState(
            attribute_system, p, {
                ('point', 'p1'): [Point(8.5, 1.4, 2.1, 3.6)],
                ('point', 'p2'): [Point(2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0)],
                ('point', 'p3'): [Point(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)],
                ('point', 'p4'): [Point(3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0)]
        # A context trivially entails a named state when no world of the
        # context satisfies the context
        assert context.entails_named_state(named_state,
Example #9
    def standard_test():
        """Do test with standard parser."""
        hour = Attribute('hour', [Interval(0, 23)])
        minute = Attribute('minute', [Interval(0, 59)])
        r_pm = Relation('R1(h1) <=> h1 > 11', ['hour'], 1)
        r_am = Relation('R2(h1) <=> h1 <= 11', ['hour'], 2)
        r_ahead = Relation(
            'R3(h1,m1,hhh2,mm2) <=> h1 > hhh2 or (h1 = hhh2 and m1 > mm2)',
            ['hour', 'minute', 'hour', 'minute'], 3)
        r_behind = Relation(
            'R4(h1,m1,h2,m2) <=> h1 <= h2 or (h1 = h2 and m1 < m2)',
            ['hour', 'minute', 'hour', 'minute'], 4)
        attribute_structure = AttributeStructure(hour, minute, r_ahead,
                                                 r_behind, r_pm, r_am)

        rs_ahead = RelationSymbol('Ahead', 4)
        rs_behind = RelationSymbol('Behind', 4)
        rs_pm = RelationSymbol('PM', 1)
        rs_am = RelationSymbol('AM', 1)
        vocabulary = Vocabulary(['C1', 'C2'],
                                [rs_ahead, rs_behind, rs_pm, rs_am],
                                ['V1', 'V2'])

        objects = ['s1', 's2']
        attribute_system = AttributeSystem(attribute_structure, objects)
        p = ConstantAssignment(vocabulary, attribute_system, {
            'C1': 's1',
            'C2': 's2'

        profiles = [[rs_pm, ('hour', 1)], [rs_am, ('hour', 1)],
                        rs_behind, ('hour', 1), ('minute', 1), ('hour', 2),
                        ('minute', 2)
                        rs_ahead, ('hour', 1), ('minute', 1), ('hour', 2),
                        ('minute', 2)

        attribute_interpretation = AttributeInterpretation(
            vocabulary, attribute_structure, {
                rs_pm: 1,
                rs_am: 2,
                rs_ahead: 3,
                rs_behind: 4
            }, profiles)

        f1 = Formula(vocabulary, 'Ahead', 'C1', 'C2')
        f2 = Formula(vocabulary, 'Behind', 'C2', 'C1')
        f3 = Formula(vocabulary, 'PM', 'C1')
        f4 = Formula(vocabulary, 'AM', 'C2')
        assumption_base = AssumptionBase(f1, f3, f4)
        named_state = NamedState(
            attribute_system, p, {
                ("hour", "s1"): [Interval(15, 17)],
                ("hour", "s2"): [Interval(6, 9)],
                ("minute", "s1"): [23],
                ("minute", "s2"): [23]
        context = Context(assumption_base, named_state)

        # A context always entails its own named state
        assert context.entails_named_state(named_state,

        named_state = NamedState(
            attribute_system, p, {
                ("hour", "s1"): [Interval(15, 17)],
                ("hour", "s2"): [Interval(4, 11)],
                ("minute", "s1"): [23],
                ("minute", "s2"): [23]
        # A context entails named states that when the worlds of the context
        # extend the named state
        assert context.entails_named_state(named_state,

        f1 = Formula(vocabulary, 'PM', 'C1')
        assumption_base = AssumptionBase(f1)
        named_state = NamedState(
            attribute_system, p, {
                ("hour", "s1"): [Interval(15, 17)],
                ("hour", "s2"): [Interval(6, 9)],
                ("minute", "s1"): [23],
                ("minute", "s2"): [23]
        context = Context(assumption_base, named_state)

        named_state = NamedState(
            attribute_system, p, {
                ("hour", "s1"): [23],
                ("hour", "s2"): [13],
                ("minute", "s1"): [23],
                ("minute", "s2"): [23]
        # A context does not entail a named state when the worlds of the
        # context do not extend the named state
        assert not context.entails_named_state(named_state,

        f1 = Formula(vocabulary, 'PM', 'C1')
        assumption_base = AssumptionBase(f1)
        named_state = NamedState(
            attribute_system, p, {
                ("hour", "s1"): [Interval(6, 9)],
                ("hour", "s2"): [Interval(15, 17)],
                ("minute", "s1"): [23],
                ("minute", "s2"): [23]
        context = Context(assumption_base, named_state)

        named_state = NamedState(
            attribute_system, p, {
                ("hour", "s1"): [23],
                ("hour", "s2"): [13],
                ("minute", "s1"): [23],
                ("minute", "s2"): [23]

        # A context trivially entails a named state when no world of the
        # context satisfies the context
        assert context.entails_named_state(named_state,
Example #10
    def point_test():
        """Do test with Point object and its parser."""
        from vivid.classes.point import Point
        point = Attribute('point', [Point('x', 'x', 'x', 'x')])
        r_is_on = Relation('R1(h1, h2, h3) <=> is_on(h1, h2, h3)',
                           ['point', 'point', 'point'], 1)
        r_not_same_point = Relation('R2(h1, h2) <=> not_same_point(h1, h2)',
                                    ['point', 'point'], 2)
        r_clocks_unequal = Relation('R3(h1, h2) <=> clocks_unequal(h1, h2)',
                                    ['point', 'point'], 3)
        r_can_observe = Relation(
            'R4(p, sp_loc, wls, wle) <=> can_observe(p, sp_loc, wls, wle)',
            ['point', 'point', 'point', 'point'], 4)

        attribute_structure = AttributeStructure(point, r_is_on,

        rs_is_on = RelationSymbol('IS_ON', 3)
        rs_not_same_point = RelationSymbol('NOT_SAME_POINT', 2)
        rs_clocks_unequal = RelationSymbol('CLOCKS_UNEQUAL', 2)
        rs_can_observe = RelationSymbol('CAN_OBSERVE', 4)

        vocabulary = Vocabulary(
            ['P1', 'P2', 'P3', 'P4', 'P5'],
            [rs_is_on, rs_not_same_point, rs_clocks_unequal, rs_can_observe],

        profiles = [[rs_is_on, ('point', 1), ('point', 2), ('point', 3)],
                    [rs_not_same_point, ('point', 1), ('point', 2)],
                    [rs_clocks_unequal, ('point', 1), ('point', 2)],
                        rs_can_observe, ('point', 1), ('point', 2),
                        ('point', 3), ('point', 4)

        mapping = {
            rs_is_on: 1,
            rs_not_same_point: 2,
            rs_clocks_unequal: 3,
            rs_can_observe: 4

        attribute_interpretation = AttributeInterpretation(
            vocabulary, attribute_structure, mapping, profiles)

        objects = ['p1', 'p2', 'p3', 'p4', 'p5']
        attribute_system = AttributeSystem(attribute_structure, objects)
        p = ConstantAssignment(vocabulary, attribute_system, {
            'P1': 'p1',
            'P2': 'p2',
            'P3': 'p3',
            'P4': 'p4',
            'P5': 'p5'

        world = NamedState(
            attribute_system, p, {
                ('point', 'p1'): [Point(1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5)],
                ('point', 'p2'): [Point(2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0)],
                ('point', 'p3'): [Point(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)],
                ('point', 'p4'): [Point(3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0)]

        f1 = Formula(vocabulary, 'IS_ON', 'P1', 'P3', 'P4')
        f2 = Formula(vocabulary, 'NOT_SAME_POINT', 'P1', 'P2')
        f3 = Formula(vocabulary, 'CLOCKS_UNEQUAL', 'P1', 'P2')
        f4 = Formula(vocabulary, 'CAN_OBSERVE', 'P1', 'P2', 'P3', 'P4')

        VA = VariableAssignment(vocabulary, attribute_system, {}, dummy=True)

        assumption_base = AssumptionBase(f2, f3, f4)
        context = Context(assumption_base, world)

        # Whenever we can observe a Point, we're either at that point or on
        # same worldline so IS_ON should hold
        assert context.entails_formula(f1, attribute_interpretation)
        # We always entail our own formulae
        assert context.entails_formula(f2, attribute_interpretation)
        assert context.entails_formula(f3, attribute_interpretation)
        assert context.entails_formula(f4, attribute_interpretation)
Example #11
    def standard_test():
        """Do test with standard parser."""
        hour = Attribute('hour', [Interval(0, 23)])
        minute = Attribute('minute', [Interval(0, 59)])
        r_pm = Relation('R1(h1) <=> h1 > 11', ['hour'], 1)
        r_am = Relation('R2(h1) <=> h1 <= 11', ['hour'], 2)
        r_ahead = Relation(
            'R3(h1,m1,hhh2,mm2) <=> h1 > hhh2 or (h1 = hhh2 and m1 > mm2)',
            ['hour', 'minute', 'hour', 'minute'], 3)
        r_behind = Relation(
            'R4(h1,m1,h2,m2) <=> h1 <= h2 or (h1 = h2 and m1 < m2)',
            ['hour', 'minute', 'hour', 'minute'], 4)
        attribute_structure = AttributeStructure(hour, minute, r_ahead,
                                                 r_behind, r_pm, r_am)

        rs_ahead = RelationSymbol('Ahead', 4)
        rs_behind = RelationSymbol('Behind', 4)
        rs_pm = RelationSymbol('PM', 1)
        rs_am = RelationSymbol('AM', 1)
        vocabulary = Vocabulary(['C1', 'C2'],
                                [rs_ahead, rs_behind, rs_pm, rs_am],
                                ['V1', 'V2'])

        objects = ['s1', 's2']
        attribute_system = AttributeSystem(attribute_structure, objects)
        p = ConstantAssignment(vocabulary, attribute_system, {
            'C1': 's1',
            'C2': 's2'

        profiles = [[rs_pm, ('hour', 1)], [rs_am, ('hour', 1)],
                        rs_behind, ('hour', 1), ('minute', 1), ('hour', 2),
                        ('minute', 2)
                        rs_ahead, ('hour', 1), ('minute', 1), ('hour', 2),
                        ('minute', 2)

        attribute_interpretation = AttributeInterpretation(
            vocabulary, attribute_structure, {
                rs_pm: 1,
                rs_am: 2,
                rs_ahead: 3,
                rs_behind: 4
            }, profiles)

        f1 = Formula(vocabulary, 'Ahead', 'C1', 'C2')
        f2 = Formula(vocabulary, 'Behind', 'C2', 'C1')
        f3 = Formula(vocabulary, 'PM', 'C1')
        f4 = Formula(vocabulary, 'AM', 'C2')
        assumption_base = AssumptionBase(f1, f3, f4)
        named_state = NamedState(
            attribute_system, p, {
                ("hour", "s1"): [Interval(15, 17)],
                ("hour", "s2"): [11],
                ("minute", "s1"): [23],
                ("minute", "s2"): [23]

        context = Context(assumption_base, named_state)

        assert context.entails_formula(f1, attribute_interpretation)
        assert context.entails_formula(f2, attribute_interpretation)
        assert context.entails_formula(f3, attribute_interpretation)
        assert context.entails_formula(f4, attribute_interpretation)

        vocabulary = Vocabulary(['C1'], [rs_ahead, rs_behind, rs_pm, rs_am],
                                ['V1', 'V2'])

        objects = ['s1', 's2']
        attribute_system = AttributeSystem(attribute_structure, objects)
        p = ConstantAssignment(vocabulary, attribute_system, {'C1': 's1'})

        profiles = [[rs_pm, ('hour', 1)], [rs_am, ('hour', 1)],
                        rs_behind, ('hour', 1), ('minute', 1), ('hour', 2),
                        ('minute', 2)
                        rs_ahead, ('hour', 1), ('minute', 1), ('hour', 2),
                        ('minute', 2)

        attribute_interpretation = AttributeInterpretation(
            vocabulary, attribute_structure, {
                rs_pm: 1,
                rs_am: 2,
                rs_ahead: 3,
                rs_behind: 4
            }, profiles)

        f1 = Formula(vocabulary, 'Ahead', 'C1', 'V1')
        f2 = Formula(vocabulary, 'PM', 'C1')
        f3 = Formula(vocabulary, 'AM', 'V1')
        f4 = Formula(vocabulary, 'AM', 'V2')
        f5 = Formula(vocabulary, 'Behind', 'V1', 'C1')
        assumption_base = AssumptionBase(f1)
        named_state = NamedState(
            attribute_system, p, {
                ("hour", "s1"): [Interval(15, 17)],
                ("hour", "s2"): [11],
                ("minute", "s1"): [23],
                ("minute", "s2"): [23]

        context = Context(assumption_base, named_state)
        assert context.entails_formula(f1, attribute_interpretation)
        assert context.entails_formula(f2, attribute_interpretation)
        assert context.entails_formula(f3, attribute_interpretation)
        # assert not here as it does not hold for every variable assignment;
        # e.g. the following configuration is valid but its truth value is unknown:
        # profile: [('hour', 'V1')]
        #           CA{'C1': 's1'}
        #           VA{'V2': 's2'}, which means all terms are not defined
        assert not context.entails_formula(f4, attribute_interpretation)
        assert context.entails_formula(f5, attribute_interpretation)
Example #12
 def test_ValueError(assumption_base, named_state):
     """Test ValueError raising in Context construction."""
     with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
         Context(assumption_base, named_state)
Example #13
def test___init__():
    """Test Context construction."""
    def test_TypeError(assumption_base, named_state):
        """Test TypeError raising in Context construction."""
        with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
            Context(assumption_base, named_state)

    def test_ValueError(assumption_base, named_state):
        """Test ValueError raising in Context construction."""
        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
            Context(assumption_base, named_state)

    ahead_rs = RelationSymbol('Ahead', 4)
    behind_rs = RelationSymbol('Behind', 4)
    pm_rs = RelationSymbol('PM', 1)
    am_rs = RelationSymbol('AM', 1)
    vocabulary = Vocabulary(['C1', 'C2'], [ahead_rs, behind_rs, pm_rs, am_rs],
                            ['V1', 'V2'])
    bad_vocabulary = Vocabulary(['C1', 'C2'],
                                [ahead_rs, behind_rs, pm_rs, am_rs], ['V1'])

    f = Formula(vocabulary, 'Ahead', 'C1', 'V1')
    f2 = Formula(vocabulary, 'Behind', 'C1', 'V1')
    f_bad = Formula(bad_vocabulary, 'Ahead', 'C1', 'V1')

    a = Attribute('hour', [Interval(0, 23)])
    a2 = Attribute('minute', [Interval(0, 59)])
    r_pm = Relation('R1(h1) <=> h1 > 11', ['hour'], 1)
    r_am = Relation('R2(h1) <=> h1 <= 11', ['hour'], 2)
    r_ahead = Relation(
        'R3(h1,m1,hhh2,mm2) <=> h1 > hhh2 or (h1 = hhh2 and m1 > mm2)',
        ['hour', 'minute', 'hour', 'minute'], 3)
    r_behind = Relation(
        'R4(h1,m1,h2,m2) <=> h1 <= h2 or (h1 = h2 and m1 < m2)',
        ['hour', 'minute', 'hour', 'minute'], 4)
    attribute_structure = AttributeStructure(a, a2, r_ahead, r_behind, r_pm,
    objects = ['s1', 's2']
    attribute_system = AttributeSystem(attribute_structure, objects)
    p = ConstantAssignment(vocabulary, attribute_system, {
        'C1': 's1',
        'C2': 's2'
    bad_p = ConstantAssignment(bad_vocabulary, attribute_system, {
        'C1': 's1',
        'C2': 's2'

    assumption_base = AssumptionBase(f, f2)
    named_state = NamedState(attribute_system, p)
    bad_assumption_base = AssumptionBase(f_bad)
    bad_named_state = NamedState(attribute_system, bad_p)

    test_TypeError(assumption_base, None)
    test_TypeError(assumption_base, object)
    test_TypeError(None, named_state)
    test_TypeError(object, named_state)
    test_ValueError(bad_assumption_base, named_state)
    test_ValueError(assumption_base, bad_named_state)

    C = Context(assumption_base, named_state)
    assert C._assumption_base == assumption_base
    # assert C._assumption_base is not assumption_base
    assert C._named_state == named_state
Example #14
def test_memory_binding():
    """Test that a vocabulary is shared across all objects that use it."""
    from vivid.classes.attribute import Attribute
    from vivid.classes.relation import Relation
    from vivid.classes.attribute_structure import AttributeStructure
    from vivid.classes.attribute_system import AttributeSystem
    from vivid.classes.constant_assignment import ConstantAssignment
    from vivid.classes.variable_assignment import VariableAssignment
    from vivid.classes.named_state import NamedState
    from vivid.classes.formula import Formula
    from vivid.classes.assumption_base import AssumptionBase
    from vivid.classes.attribute_interpretation import AttributeInterpretation
    from vivid.classes.context import Context

    color = Attribute("color", ['R', 'G', 'B'])
    size = Attribute("size", ['S', 'M', 'L'])
    r = Relation('R1(c) <=> c', ['color'], 1)
    attribute_structure = AttributeStructure(color, size, r)
    o = ['s1', 's2']
    attribute_system = AttributeSystem(attribute_structure, o)

    dummy_rs = RelationSymbol('DUMMY', 3)
    vocabulary = Vocabulary(["dummy"], [dummy_rs], [])
    p = ConstantAssignment(vocabulary, attribute_system, {})
    p2 = ConstantAssignment(vocabulary, attribute_system, {})
    X = VariableAssignment(vocabulary, attribute_system, {})

    s = NamedState(attribute_system, p)
    s2 = NamedState(attribute_system, p2)

    f = Formula(vocabulary, 'DUMMY', "dummy")
    assumption_base = AssumptionBase(f)

    context = Context(assumption_base, s)

    profiles = [[dummy_rs, ('color', 1)]]

    mapping = {dummy_rs: 1}

    attribute_interpretation = AttributeInterpretation(vocabulary,
                                                       mapping, profiles)


    assert str(vocabulary) == str(p._vocabulary) == str(X._vocabulary) == \
        str(s._p._vocabulary) == str(f._vocabulary) == \
        str(assumption_base._vocabulary) == \
        str(context._named_state._p._vocabulary) == \

    assert vocabulary is p._vocabulary
    assert vocabulary is X._vocabulary
    assert vocabulary is s._p._vocabulary
    assert vocabulary is f._vocabulary
    assert vocabulary is assumption_base._vocabulary
    assert vocabulary is context._named_state._p._vocabulary
    assert vocabulary is attribute_interpretation._vocabulary

    from copy import deepcopy
    p_copy = deepcopy(p)
    X_copy = deepcopy(X)
    s_copy = deepcopy(s)
    f_copy = deepcopy(f)
    assumption_base_copy = deepcopy(assumption_base)
    context_copy = deepcopy(context)
    attribute_interpretation_copy = deepcopy(attribute_interpretation)

    assert vocabulary is p_copy._vocabulary
    assert vocabulary is X_copy._vocabulary
    assert vocabulary is s_copy._p._vocabulary
    assert vocabulary is f_copy._vocabulary
    assert vocabulary is assumption_base_copy._vocabulary
    assert vocabulary is context_copy._named_state._p._vocabulary
    assert vocabulary is attribute_interpretation_copy._vocabulary