def inRadiusAndFacing(): cur_pos = viz.get(viz.HEAD_POS) cur_rot = viz.get(viz.HEAD_ORI) return inRadius(cur_pos, models['homePole'].getPosition(), POLE_TRIGGER_RADIUS) and facing( cur_pos, models['orientPole'].getPosition(), cur_rot[0], THRESHOLD_THETA)
def updatePositionLabel(): global driver, trialtype_signed, trialtype ##WHAT DO I NEED TO SAVE? # get head position(x, y, z) pos = viz.get(viz.HEAD_POS) pos[1] = 0.0 # (x, 0, z) # get body orientation ori = viz.get(viz.BODY_ORI) steeringWheel = driver.getPos() #what data do we want? RoadVisibility Flag. SWA. Time, TrialType. x,z of that trial These can be reset in processing by subtracting the initial position and reorienting. SaveData(pos[0], pos[2], ori, steeringWheel) ##.
def masterLoop(num): # global variables within masterLoop global DATA_COLLECT, DO_PRACTICE, is_practice, is_freewalk, data_collect, trial_stage, trial_num, \ freewalk_session, time, time_stamp, cur_pos, conditions, practice_conditions, condition, K, B, _alpha, \ reset_countDown, controlType,instruction, screenshot, data_batch, leaderSpd, leader, avatarID,\ time_elapsed, HZ, flag # Time elapsed since the last run of masterLoop and then added to the global time time_elapsed = viz.getFrameElapsed() time += time_elapsed if os.path.isfile(OUTPUT_DIR + 'image'+ str(screenshot) +'.bmp') == True: screenshot += 1 vizact.onkeydown('p', viz.window.screenCapture, OUTPUT_DIR + 'image'+ str(screenshot) +'.bmp') # Current position and roation of the participant cur_pos = viz.get(viz.HEAD_POS) cur_rot = viz.get(viz.HEAD_ORI) #>> Will only work in VENLab << emergencyWalls.popWalls(cur_pos) # Pops up the Emergency Walls when participant is close to physical room edge. ################## # Begin Freewalk # ################## if is_freewalk == True: # Writes Position and Rotation, but only when DATA_COLLECT set to True # and trial_stage has set data_collect to True if DATA_COLLECT and data_collect: # Position: Target_x, Target_y, Target_z, Participant_x, Participant_y, Participant_z, Yaw, Pitch, Row, time stamp data = [cur_pos[0], cur_pos[1], cur_pos[2], cur_rot[0], cur_rot[1], cur_rot[2]] strData = [str(round(t,4)) for t in data+[time]] strData = ','.join(strData)+'\n' data_batch = data_batch + strData ######### # 00 01 Freewalk Pretrial: sets up practice trial, establishes pole locations if trial_stage == 'pretrial_00_01': if flag: print '> Start Free Walking Session ' + str(freewalk_session) + ' Trial ' + str(trial_num) + ' ----------------------------------' flag = False # Set position of home pole (where participant stands to start trial) if models['homePole'].getVisible() == False: models['homePole'].setPosition(HOME_POLE[trial_num%2]) models['homePole'].alpha(1.0) models['homePole'].visible(viz.ON) # Set position of orientation pole (where participant faces to start trial) if models['orientPole'].getVisible() == False: models['orientPole'].setPosition(HOME_POLE[(trial_num+1)%2]) models['orientPole'].visible(viz.ON) if trial_num == 1 and freewalk_session == 1 and instruction: # placeholder for instructions instruction = False if not(trial_num == 1 and freewalk_session == 1) or countDown(5): # Move to next stage goToStage('orient_00_02') instruction = True reset_countDown = True ######### # 00 02 Orienting to Pole: Give time for participant to orient to the pole elif trial_stage == 'orient_00_02': flag = True if inRadiusAndFacing(): if trial_num == 1 and instruction: if freewalk_session == 2: pass # placeholder for instructions instruction = False if not(trial_num == 1) or (freewalk_session == 1) or (freewalk_session == 2 and countDown(5)): # Move to stage 3 goToStage('orient_00_02_wait') instruction = True reset_countDown = True ######### # wait for orientation elif (trial_stage == 'orient_00_02_wait'): if countDown(ORIENT_TIME): goToStage('inposition_00_03') reset_countDown = True if not inRadiusAndFacing(): reset_countDown = True ######### # 00 03 Freewalk In Position: proceeds once participant is standing on home and facing orient for three seconds elif (trial_stage == 'inposition_00_03'): print 'Free walk start' # Turn off home pole models['homePole'].visible(viz.OFF) models['orientPole'].visible(viz.OFF) models['targetPole'].setPosition(HOME_POLE[(trial_num+1)%2]) models['targetPole'].visible(viz.ON) sounds['Begin'].play() # Start to collect data data_collect = True # initialize batch data output data_batch = '' time = 0 # Move to Stage 4 goToStage('target_00_04') ######### # 00 04 Freewalk: Participants Moves elif (trial_stage == 'target_00_04'): # Detects participant location, moves to Stage 5 (Ends Trial) when participant reache the end line if (trial_num%2 == 1) and (cur_pos[2] > endLine(cur_pos[0])) or \ (trial_num%2 == 0)and (cur_pos[2] < endLine(cur_pos[0])): goToStage('endtrial_00_05') ######### # 00 05 End Freewalk Trial: Close out the trial and reset values for next practice trial or start Experiment elif trial_stage == 'endtrial_00_05': # Clears the target pole models['targetPole'].visible(viz.OFF) # save the data of this trial fileName = OUTPUT_DIR + NICKNAME + '_freewalk' + '_subj' + subject + '_s' + str(freewalk_session) + '_trial' + str(trial_num).zfill(3) + '.csv' with open(fileName, 'a') as file: file.write(data_batch) print 'End Freewalk Trial ' + str(trial_num) data_collect = False # End Check: When trial_num is greater than FREEWALK_TRIALS, end practice and start experiment block if trial_num == FREEWALK_TRIALS: print '>> End Freewalk Session<<' if freewalk_session == 2: print '>>> End Experiment <<<' goToStage('NULL') if instruction: sounds['End'].play() instruction = False elif freewalk_session == 1: goToStage('pretrial_01_01') is_freewalk = False trial_num = 1 freewalk_session += 1 # Returns to Stage 1, resets clock else: trial_num += 1 goToStage('pretrial_00_01') instruction = True ################## # Begin practice # ################## elif is_practice == True: ######### # 01 01 Practice Pretrial: sets up practice trial, establishes pole locations if trial_stage == 'pretrial_01_01': if flag: print '> Start Practice Trial ' + str(trial_num) + ' ----------------------------------' flag = False # load input if practice_conditions[trial_num][3] == 'avatar': avatarID = random.choice(range(len(avatars))) leader = avatars[avatarID] leader.state(5) else: leader = models['leaderPole'] leaderSpd = 0 # play instruction if trial_num == 1 and instruction: # placeholder for instructions instruction = False # Move to Stage 2 if trial_num != 1 or countDown(5): goToStage('orient_01_02') ######### # 01 02 Orienting to Pole: Give time for participant to orient to the pole elif (trial_stage == 'orient_01_02'): flag = True # Set position of home pole (where participant stands to start trial) if models['homePole'].getVisible() == False: models['homePole'].setPosition(HOME_POLE[trial_num%2]) if _alpha < 1.0: models['homePole'].alpha(_alpha) models['homePole'].visible(viz.ON) _alpha += 1.0/HZ # Set position of orientation pole (where participant faces to start trial) if models['orientPole'].getVisible() == False: models['orientPole'].setPosition(HOME_POLE[(trial_num+1)%2]) models['orientPole'].visible(viz.ON) if inRadiusAndFacing(): reset_countDown = True # Move to stage 3 goToStage('orient_01_02_wait') instruction = True _alpha = 0.0 # Current time time_stamp = time ######### # wait for orientation elif (trial_stage == 'orient_01_02_wait'): if countDown(ORIENT_TIME): goToStage('inposition_01_03') reset_countDown = True if not inRadiusAndFacing(): reset_countDown = True ######### # 01 03 Practice In Position: proceeds once participant is standing on home and facing orient for three seconds elif trial_stage == 'inposition_01_03': print 'Practice Target Appears' # Turn off home pole and orientation pole models['homePole'].visible(viz.OFF) models['orientPole'].visible(viz.OFF) models['targetPole'].setPosition(HOME_POLE[(trial_num+1)%2]) models['targetPole'].visible(viz.ON) sounds['Begin'].play() # Move to Stage 4 goToStage('target_01_04') time = 0 ######### # 01 04 Moving leader: Leader Moves elif (trial_stage == 'target_01_04'): leaderOnset = float(practice_conditions[trial_num][4]) d0 = float(practice_conditions[trial_num][1]) v0 = float(practice_conditions[trial_num][2]) if time > leaderOnset: if not leader.getVisible(): models['targetPole'].visible(viz.OFF) # leader appear d0 meter in front of participant leader.setPosition(HOME_POLE[trial_num%2]) leader.lookAt(HOME_POLE[(trial_num+1)%2], mode=viz.ABS_GLOBAL) home = models['homePole'].getPosition() d = d0 + projection([x-y for x, y in zip(cur_pos, home)], [-x for x in home]) moveTarget(leader, d/time_elapsed, conditions[trial_num][3] == 'avatar') # move the leader by d0 from homepole to leader leader.visible(viz.ON) # leader moves moveTarget(leader, v0, practice_conditions[trial_num][3] == 'avatar') # Detects participant location, moves to Stage 6 (Ends Trial) when participant reache the end line if (trial_num%2 == 1) and (cur_pos[2] > endLine(cur_pos[0])) or \ (trial_num%2 == 0)and (cur_pos[2] < endLine(cur_pos[0])): goToStage('endtrial_01_05') ######### # 01 05 End Practice Trial: Close out the trial and reset values for next practice trial or start Experiment elif trial_stage == 'endtrial_01_05': # Clears the target pole leader.visible(viz.OFF) print 'End Practice Trial ' + str(trial_num) # End Check: When trial_num is greater than PRACTICE_TRIALS, end practice and start experiment block if trial_num >= PRACTICE_TRIALS: print '>> End Practice <<' goToStage('pretrial_02_01') is_practice = False trial_num = 1 # Returns to Stage 1, resets clock else: trial_num += 1 goToStage('pretrial_01_01') #################### # Begin Experiment # #################### elif is_practice == False: # Writes Position and Rotation, but only when DATA_COLLECT set to True # and trial_stage has set data_collect to True if DATA_COLLECT and data_collect: # Location of Target Pole leader_loc = leader.getPosition() leader_loc = leader.getPosition() # Position: Target_x, Target_y, Target_z, Participant_x, Participant_y, Participant_z, Yaw, Pitch, Row, time stamp data = [leader_loc[0], leader_loc[1], leader_loc[2], cur_pos[0], cur_pos[1], cur_pos[2], cur_rot[0], cur_rot[1], cur_rot[2]] strData = [str(round(t,4)) for t in data+[time]] + [str(avatarID)] strData = ','.join(strData)+'\n' data_batch = data_batch + strData # log IPD if trial_num == 1: file = open(OUTPUT_DIR + NICKNAME + '_subj' + subject + \ '_IPD_' + str(IPD) + '.txt', 'a') file.close() ######### # 02 01 Experiment Pretrial: sets up trial, establishes pole locations if trial_stage == 'pretrial_02_01': condition = ', '.join(conditions[trial_num][1:4]) # Print start of trial, trial #, and type of trial [pos][speed][turn] if flag: print '> Start Trial ' + str(trial_num) + ': ' + condition + ' ----------------------------------' flag = False # load input if conditions[trial_num][3] == 'avatar': avatarID = random.choice(range(len(avatars))) leader = avatars[avatarID] leader.state(5) elif conditions[trial_num][3] == 'pole': leader = models['leaderPole'] leaderSpd = 0 # play instruction if trial_num == 1 and instruction: instruction = False # Move to Stage 2 if trial_num != 1 or countDown(5): goToStage('orient_02_02') ######### # 02 02 Orienting to Pole: Give time for participant to orient to the pole elif (trial_stage == 'orient_02_02'): flag = True ## Set position of home pole (where participant stands to start trial) if models['homePole'].getVisible() == False: models['homePole'].setPosition(HOME_POLE[trial_num%2]) if _alpha < 1.0: models['homePole'].alpha(_alpha) models['homePole'].visible(viz.ON) _alpha += 1.0/HZ # Set position of orient pole (where participant faces to start trial) if models['orientPole'].getVisible() == False: models['orientPole'].setPosition(HOME_POLE[(trial_num+1)%2]) models['orientPole'].visible(viz.ON) if inRadiusAndFacing(): # Move to stage 3 goToStage('orient_02_02_wait') _alpha = 0.0 instruction = True reset_countDown = True ######### # wait for orientation elif (trial_stage == 'orient_02_02_wait'): if countDown(ORIENT_TIME): goToStage('inposition_02_03') reset_countDown = True if not inRadiusAndFacing(): reset_countDown = True ######### # 02 03 In Position: proceeds once participant is standing on home and facing orient elif trial_stage == 'inposition_02_03': # Turn off home and orient poles models['homePole'].visible(viz.OFF) models['orientPole'].visible(viz.OFF) models['targetPole'].setPosition(HOME_POLE[(trial_num+1)%2]) models['targetPole'].visible(viz.ON) sounds['Begin'].play() # Turn on data collection for this trial data_collect = True # Move to Stage 5 goToStage('target_02_04') # initialize batch data output data_batch = '' time = 0 ######### # 02 04 Moving Leader: Leader Moves elif (trial_stage == 'target_02_04'): # read data leaderOnset = float(conditions[trial_num][4]) d0 = float(conditions[trial_num][1]) v0 = float(conditions[trial_num][2]) if time > leaderOnset: if not leader.getVisible(): models['targetPole'].visible(viz.OFF) # leader appear d0 meter in front of participant leader.setPosition(HOME_POLE[trial_num%2]) leader.lookAt(HOME_POLE[(trial_num+1)%2], mode=viz.ABS_GLOBAL) home = models['homePole'].getPosition() d = d0 + projection([x-y for x, y in zip(cur_pos, home)], [-x for x in home]) moveTarget(leader, d/time_elapsed, conditions[trial_num][3] == 'avatar') # move the leader by d0 from homepole to leader leader.visible(viz.ON) # leader moves moveTarget(leader, v0, conditions[trial_num][3] == 'avatar') # Detects participant location, moves to Stage 6 (Ends Trial) when participant reache the end line if (trial_num%2 == 1) and (cur_pos[2] > endLine(cur_pos[0])) or \ (trial_num%2 == 0)and (cur_pos[2] < endLine(cur_pos[0])): goToStage('endtrial_02_05') ######### # 02 05 End Trial: Close out the trial and reset values for next trial elif trial_stage == 'endtrial_02_05': # Clears the target pole leader.visible(viz.OFF) # End data collection for this trial data_collect = False # save the data of this trial fileName = OUTPUT_DIR + NICKNAME + '_subj' + subject + '_trial' + str(trial_num).zfill(3) + '_' + condition + '.csv' with open(fileName, 'a') as file: file.write(data_batch) print 'End Trial ' + str(trial_num) # When trial_num is greater than TOTAL_TRIALS, end experiment if trial_num == TOTAL_TRIALS: is_freewalk = True goToStage('pretrial_00_01') trial_num = 1 # Returns to Stage 1, resets clock else: trial_num += 1 goToStage('pretrial_02_01')
def run_trial(i_trial, s0, d0, angle, recorded): global trial_time, alpha, print_flag, ii, timer_on, v0, p_goal, data_buffer, recording time_elapsed = viz.getFrameElapsed() trial_time += time_elapsed # Current position and roation of the participant cur_pos = viz.get(viz.HEAD_POS) cur_rot = viz.get(viz.HEAD_ORI) # Pops up the Emergency Walls when participant is close to physical room edge. popWalls(cur_pos) # Record data to buffer if recorded and recording: goal = models['goalPole'].getPosition() data = [ trial_time, cur_pos[0], cur_pos[1], cur_pos[2], cur_rot[0], cur_rot[1], cur_rot[2], goal[0], goal[2], models['goalPole'].getVisible() ] data_buffer += ','.join([str(dat) for dat in data]) + '\n' if stage == 'ready': # Print start of trial, trial # and condition, initialize trial if print_flag: print_flag = False print('>>> Start Trial ' + str(i_trial) + ': ' + ', '.join([str(s0), str(d0), str(angle)])) # Compute goal pole position and pacePole velocity for later use ang = angle / 360 * 2 * math.pi subj_goal_unit = rotate( DIAGONAL_UNIT[i_trial % 2], ang) # unit vector pointing from subj to goal p_goal = [ h + d * RAMP_DIST + i * d0 for i, h, d in zip(subj_goal_unit, HOME_POLE[i_trial % 2], DIAGONAL_UNIT[i_trial % 2]) ] p_pace = [ h + d * PACE_DIST for h, d in zip(HOME_POLE[i_trial % 2], DIAGONAL_UNIT[i_trial % 2]) ] v0 = [i * s0 for i in DIAGONAL_UNIT[i_trial % 2]] models['goalPole'].setPosition(p_goal) models['pacePole'].setPosition(p_pace) models['homePole'].setPosition(HOME_POLE[i_trial % 2]) models['orientPole'].setPosition(ORI_POLE[i_trial % 2]) models['pacePole'].setPosition(p_pace) models['homePole'].visible(viz.ON) models['orientPole'].visible(viz.ON) if recorded: data_buffer += '\n' + ','.join([ 'trial', str(i_trial).zfill(3), 's0', str(s0), 'd0', str(d0), 'angle', str(angle) ]) + '\n' data_buffer += 'timeStamp,subjX,subjY,subjZ,subjYaw,subjPitch,subjRow,' + 'goalX,goalZ,goalVisible\n' if alpha < 1.0: models['homePole'].alpha(alpha) models['orientPole'].alpha(alpha) alpha += time_elapsed if inRadiusAndFacing(): if timer(ORIENT_TIME): goToStage('pace') else: timer_on = False elif stage == 'pace': # Turn off home and orient poles, turn on pacePole if models['homePole'].getVisible(): models['homePole'].visible(viz.OFF) models['orientPole'].visible(viz.OFF) if s0: models['pacePole'].visible(viz.ON) else: # For freewalk trial models['goalPole'].setPosition(ORI_POLE[i_trial % 2]) models['goalPole'].visible(viz.ON) sounds['begin'].play() trial_time = 0 recording = True # Move pacePole if s0: moveTarget(models['pacePole'], v0, time_elapsed) # Is stage ended? if overTheLine(cur_pos, RAMP_DIST, i_trial): goToStage('approach') else: # Check subject lateral deviation if offCourse(cur_pos): sounds['startover'].play() reset_trial() # Obstacle appears elif stage == 'approach': if s0: if not models['goalPole'].getVisible(): models['goalPole'].visible(viz.ON) models['pacePole'].visible(viz.OFF) # Trial end end_dist = END_DIST if not s0: p_goal = HOME_POLE[(i_trial + 1) % 2] end_dist = 2 if distance(cur_pos[0], cur_pos[2], p_goal[0], p_goal[2]) < end_dist: # Write data to disk if recorded: filename = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, 'Approach_subj' + subject + '.csv')) with open(filename, 'a') as file: file.write(data_buffer) reset_trial() if i_trial == TOTAL_TRIALS: stage == 'NULL' sounds['end'].play() else: ii += 1
def Hide(): viz.get(viz.HEAD_LIGHT).enable() key_spot.disable()
def updatePositionLabel(): global driver, trialtype_signed, fixation, fixation_counter, rdsize, outside_edge, inside_edge, trialtype, groundplane # get head position(x, y, z) pos = viz.get(viz.HEAD_POS) pos[1] = 0.0 # (x, 0, z) # get body orientation ori = viz.get(viz.BODY_ORI) steeringWheel = driver.getPos() ######Fixation. This section makes sure the fixation is moved with the observer. fpheight = .12 fixation.setEuler((ori, 0.0, 0.0),viz.ABS_GLOBAL) ##fixation point always faces observer if trialtype_signed > 0: ##fixations for right bends while fixation_counter < 3142: fix_dist = mt.sqrt( ( ( pos[0] - x_right_mid[fixation_counter] )**2 ) + ( ( pos[2] - z_right_mid[fixation_counter] )**2 ) ) if ( (fix_dist < 16.0) | (fix_dist > 16.3) ): fixation_counter += 1 continue elif ( (fix_dist > 16.0) and (fix_dist < 16.3) ): fpx = x_right_mid[fixation_counter] fpz = z_right_mid[fixation_counter] centre_x = x_right_mid[fixation_counter] centre_z = z_right_mid[fixation_counter] break else: ##if you move more than 16m away from any possible fixation, fixation goes back to 0,0,0 fixation_counter = 0 ##if you end up finding your path again, there is a brand new fixation for you! fpx = 0 fpz = 0 centre_x = 0 centre_z = 0 else: ##fixations for left bends while fixation_counter < 3142: fix_dist = mt.sqrt( ( ( pos[0] - x_left_mid[fixation_counter] )**2 ) + ( ( pos[2] - z_left_mid[fixation_counter] )**2 ) ) if ( (fix_dist < 16.0) | (fix_dist > 16.3) ): fixation_counter += 1 #compCount += 1 continue elif ( (fix_dist > 16.0) and (fix_dist < 16.3) ): fpx = x_left_mid[fixation_counter] fpz = z_left_mid[fixation_counter] centre_x = x_left_mid[fixation_counter] centre_z = z_left_mid[fixation_counter] #print fix_dist break else: fixation_counter = 0 fpx = 0 fpz = 0 centre_x = 0 centre_z = 0 ############################ ## added by Yuki # insert variables in driver class driver.function_insert(centre_x, centre_z, pos[0], pos[2], fix_dist) ############################ # fixation coordinate(X, eye height, Z) fixation.translate(fpx, fpheight, fpz) eyedata = 9999
def Show(): vizact.ontimer (0, ontimer) viz.get(viz.HEAD_LIGHT).disable() key_spot.enable()
def updateCues(self): (x, y, z) = viz.get(viz.HEAD_POS) t = viz.get(viz.HEAD_ORI)[0] for cue in self.CueList: cue.setCurtain(x, z, t)
def run_trial(i_trial, angle, speed, dsize, ipd, recorded): global trial_time, alpha, print_flag, ii, timer_on, obst_v, data_buffer, recording, \ IPD, eye_height time_elapsed = viz.getFrameElapsed() trial_time += time_elapsed # Current position and roation of the participant cur_pos = viz.get(viz.HEAD_POS) cur_rot = viz.get(viz.HEAD_ORI) # Pops up the Emergency Walls when participant is close to physical room edge. popWalls(cur_pos) # print(viz.MainWindow.getIPD()) # print(eye_height, models['obstPole'].getPosition()[1] + models['obstPole'].getScale()[1] * 3) # Record data to buffer if recorded and recording: obst = models['obstPole'].getPosition() goal = models['goalPole'].getPosition() obstScale = models['obstPole'].getScale() data = [ trial_time, cur_pos[0], cur_pos[1], cur_pos[2], cur_rot[0], cur_rot[1], cur_rot[2], obst[0], obst[1], obst[2], obstScale[0], obstScale[1], obstScale[2], goal[0], goal[1], goal[2] ] data_buffer += ','.join([str(round(dat, 4)) for dat in data]) + '\n' if stage == 'ready': # Print start of trial, trial # and condition, initialize trial if print_flag: print_flag = False print('>>> Start Trial ' + str(i_trial) + ': ' + str(angle) + ', ' + str(speed) + ', ' + str(dsize) + ', ' + str(ipd)) # Update IPD for this the trial IPD = ipd # Compute obstacle position and velocity for later use ang, dist = angle / 360 * 2 * math.pi, (DIAGONAL - 4) / 2 obst_vi = rotate(DIAGONAL_UNIT[i_trial % 2], ang) # unit vector obst_p = [-i * dist for i in obst_vi] obst_v = [vi * speed for vi in obst_vi] models['obstPole'].setPosition(obst_p) models['obstPole'].setScale([0.5, 0.6, 0.5]) models['homePole'].setPosition(HOME_POLE[i_trial % 2]) models['orientPole'].setPosition(ORI_POLE[i_trial % 2]) models['homePole'].visible(viz.ON) models['orientPole'].visible(viz.ON) if recorded: data_buffer += '\n' + 'trial,' + str(i_trial).zfill(3) + ',angle,' + str(angle) + ',speed,' + str(speed) +\ ',dsize,' + str(dsize) + ',ipd,' + str(ipd) + '\n' data_buffer += 'timeStamp,subjX,subjY,subjZ,subjYaw,subjPitch,subjRow,obstX,obstY,obstZ,obstScaleX,obstScaleY,obstScaleZ,goalX,goalY,goalZ\n' if alpha < 1.0: models['homePole'].alpha(alpha) models['orientPole'].alpha(alpha) alpha += time_elapsed if inRadiusAndFacing(): if timer(ORIENT_TIME): goToStage('go') else: timer_on = False elif stage == 'go': # Turn off home and orient poles, turn on goal pole if models['homePole'].getVisible(): # Read eye height eye_height = cur_pos[1] models['homePole'].visible(viz.OFF) models['orientPole'].visible(viz.OFF) models['goalPole'].setPosition(ORI_POLE[i_trial % 2]) models['goalPole'].visible(viz.ON) sounds['begin'].play() trial_time = 0 recording = True # Is stage ended? if overTheLine(cur_pos, RAMP_DIST, i_trial): goToStage('avoid') else: # Check subject lateral deviation if offCourse(cur_pos): sounds['startover'].play() reset_trial() # Obstacle appears elif stage == 'avoid': if speed > 0: if not models['obstPole'].getVisible(): models['obstPole'].visible(viz.ON) # Move obstPole moveTarget(models['obstPole'], obst_v, time_elapsed) # Change the size of obstPole when it's on the opposite side of homePole # if models['obstPole'].getPosition()[0] * models['homePole'].getPosition()[0] < 0: changeSize(models['obstPole'], eye_height, cur_pos, dsize, time_elapsed) # Trial end if overTheLine(cur_pos, -END_DIST, i_trial): # Write data to disk if recorded: filename = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, 'exp_a_Subj' + subject + '.csv')) with open(filename, 'a') as file: file.write(data_buffer) reset_trial() if i_trial == TOTAL_TRIALS: stage == 'NULL' models['homePole'].setPosition(HOME_POLE[(i_trial + 1) % 2]) models['homePole'].visible(viz.ON) models['orientPole'].visible(viz.OFF) models['goalPole'].visible(viz.OFF) sounds['end'].play() else: ii += 1
''' ************************* Initializations *************************** ''' #tracker = viz.add('intersense.dls') #viz.translate(viz.HEAD_POS,0,-1.8,0) #viz.eyeheight(1.8); initialKnee = 0 LKvert = 0 RKvert = 0 #data = 0 #timeElapsed = 0 stepCounter = 0 threshold = .1 text1 = viz.addText("Stand still") #stepTimeDif = 0 view = viz.get(viz.MAIN_VIEWPOINT) view.setPosition(0,1.8,-3) prevStep = "DOWN" initialStep = 0 checkYaw = 0 yaw = 0 yaws = [] aveYaw = 0 YAW_SIZE = 10 now = counter = 0 filename = 'Output files/output {}-{} {}h{}m{}s.csv'.format(now.month,,now.hour,now.minute,now.second) ''' ********************* End of Initializations ************************ '''
if string.find(file, name) >= 0: dirFiles.append(file) #print "Found matches for ",name,": ",file return dirFiles if __name__ == '__main__': prefix = "MTM" dirPrefix = "" env = "Demo" InitMsg = None prompt = True if prompt: print __doc__ viz.go(viz.PROMPT | viz.FULLSCREEN) InitMsg = viz.get(viz.INITMESG) giveDirs = viz.get(viz.OPTION1) skipTraining = viz.get(viz.OPTION2) movie = viz.get(viz.TRACKER) if viz.get(viz.HMD): group = 1 else: group = 0 else: viz.go(viz.FULLSCREEN) InitMsg = "MTM Grid D 1 1" giveDirs = 0 skipTraining = 0 movie = 0 movement = 0 group = 0 viz.mouse(viz.OFF) viz.cursor(viz.OFF)
import viz import vizact import vizinput viz.setMultiSample(4) viz.fov(60) # Start Vizard with a prompt dialog box viz.go(viz.PROMPT) import vizinfo vizinfo.add('This script demonstrates how to gather input from the user at startup.') #Retrieve text from the prompt speed = viz.get(viz.INITMESG) #Ask user for name name = vizinput.input('What is your name?') choices = ['Blue','Green','Orange'] colors = [[0,0,1],[0,1,0],[1,0.5,0]] #Ask user for favorite color favColor = vizinput.choose('Which of the following colors is your most favorite?',choices) #Create text object of user name text = viz.addText(name) text.setPosition([0,3,7]) text.color(colors[favColor]) # Try to convert the text into a number. # If the text is invalid, then set the rotation speed to 90.