def visualize_one_sample(self, old_points, expand_points, gt_box_3d, prop_box_3d, box2d_center_rect): import mayavi.mlab as mlab from viz_util import draw_lidar, draw_lidar_simple, draw_gt_boxes3d # fig = draw_lidar(pc_in_prop_box, pts_color=(1,1,1)) fig = draw_lidar(expand_points[:, :3], pts_color=(1, 1, 1)) fig = draw_lidar(old_points[:, :3], pts_color=(0, 1, 0), fig=fig) fig = draw_gt_boxes3d([gt_box_3d], fig, color=(1, 0, 0)) fig = draw_gt_boxes3d([prop_box_3d], fig, draw_text=False, color=(1, 1, 1)) # roi_feature_map # roi_features_size = 7 * 7 * 32 # img_roi_features = prop.roi_features[0:roi_features_size].reshape((7, 7, -1)) # bev_roi_features = prop.roi_features[roi_features_size:].reshape((7, 7, -1)) # img_roi_features = np.amax(img_roi_features, axis=-1) # bev_roi_features = np.amax(bev_roi_features, axis=-1) # fig1 = mlab.figure(figure=None, bgcolor=(0,0,0), # fgcolor=None, engine=None, size=(500, 500)) # fig2 = mlab.figure(figure=None, bgcolor=(0,0,0), # fgcolor=None, engine=None, size=(500, 500)) # mlab.imshow(img_roi_features, colormap='gist_earth', name='img_roi_features', figure=fig1) # mlab.imshow(bev_roi_features, colormap='gist_earth', name='bev_roi_features', figure=fig2) mlab.plot3d([0, box2d_center_rect[0][0]], [0, box2d_center_rect[0][1]], [0, box2d_center_rect[0][2]], color=(1, 1, 1), tube_radius=None, figure=fig) raw_input()
def viz_frame(self, pc_rect, mask, gt_boxes): import mayavi.mlab as mlab from viz_util import draw_lidar, draw_lidar_simple, draw_gt_boxes3d fig = draw_lidar(pc_rect) fig = draw_lidar(pc_rect[mask == 1], fig=fig, pts_color=(1, 1, 1)) fig = draw_gt_boxes3d(gt_boxes, fig, draw_text=False, color=(1, 1, 1)) raw_input()
def show_corners(points, calib, corners_anchors, ctr_points=None, sv_img_path=None): """ Input: points: [N, 3] calib: a calib object anchors: [N, 8, 3] """ if 'mlab' not in sys.modules: import mayavi.mlab as mlab from viz_util import draw_lidar_simple, draw_lidar, draw_gt_boxes3d # first project anchors back to the velo location points = calib.project_rect_to_velo(points) # first project it back to velo corners_anchors = np.reshape(corners_anchors, [-1, 3]) corners_anchors = calib.project_rect_to_velo(corners_anchors) corners_anchors = np.reshape(corners_anchors, [-1, 8, 3]) # now, we get the corners_anchors, then, we only have to draw them fig = mlab.figure(figure=None, bgcolor=(0,0,0), fgcolor=None, engine=None, size=(1000, 500)) draw_lidar(points, fig=fig) if ctr_points is not None: draw_lidar(ctr_points, fig=fig, pts_scale=0.10, pts_color=(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)) draw_gt_boxes3d(corners_anchors, fig=fig) if sv_img_path is not None: mlab.savefig(sv_img_path, figure=fig) else:
def show_lidar_with_boxes(pc_velo, objects, calib, img_fov=False, img_width=None, img_height=None): ''' Show all LiDAR points. Draw 3d box in LiDAR point cloud (in velo coord system) ''' if 'mlab' not in sys.modules: import mayavi.mlab as mlab from viz_util import draw_lidar_simple, draw_lidar, draw_gt_boxes3d print(('All point num: ', pc_velo.shape[0])) fig = mlab.figure(figure=None, bgcolor=(0,0,0), fgcolor=None, engine=None, size=(1000, 500)) if img_fov: pc_velo = get_lidar_in_image_fov(pc_velo, calib, 0, 0, img_width, img_height) print(('FOV point num: ', pc_velo.shape[0])) draw_lidar(pc_velo, fig=fig) for obj in objects: if obj.type=='DontCare':continue # Draw 3d bounding box box3d_pts_2d, box3d_pts_3d = utils.compute_box_3d(obj, calib.P) box3d_pts_3d_velo = calib.project_rect_to_velo(box3d_pts_3d) # Draw heading arrow ori3d_pts_2d, ori3d_pts_3d = utils.compute_orientation_3d(obj, calib.P) ori3d_pts_3d_velo = calib.project_rect_to_velo(ori3d_pts_3d) x1,y1,z1 = ori3d_pts_3d_velo[0,:] x2,y2,z2 = ori3d_pts_3d_velo[1,:] draw_gt_boxes3d([box3d_pts_3d_velo], fig=fig) mlab.plot3d([x1, x2], [y1, y2], [z1,z2], color=(0.5,0.5,0.5), tube_radius=None, line_width=1, figure=fig)
def visualize_proposals(self, pc_rect, prop_boxes, neg_boxes, gt_boxes, pc_seg): import mayavi.mlab as mlab from viz_util import draw_lidar, draw_gt_boxes3d fig = draw_lidar(pc_rect) fig = draw_lidar(pc_rect[pc_seg == 1], fig=fig, pts_color=(1, 1, 1)) fig = draw_gt_boxes3d(prop_boxes, fig, draw_text=False, color=(1, 0, 0)) fig = draw_gt_boxes3d(neg_boxes, fig, draw_text=False, color=(0, 1, 0)) fig = draw_gt_boxes3d(gt_boxes, fig, draw_text=False, color=(1, 1, 1)) raw_input()
def viz_sample(self, sample): import mayavi.mlab as mlab from viz_util import draw_lidar, draw_lidar_simple, draw_gt_boxes3d pc_rect = sample['pointcloud'] proposal = ProposalObject(sample['proposal_box']) proposal.ry = 0 proposal.t = np.zeros((3,)) _, prop_box = utils.compute_box_3d(proposal, sample['calib']) fig = draw_lidar(pc_rect) mask = pc_rect[:,5] == 1 fig = draw_lidar(pc_rect[mask], fig=fig, pts_color=(1, 1, 1)) fig = draw_gt_boxes3d([prop_box], fig, draw_text=False, color=(1, 1, 1)) raw_input()
def show_lidar(pc_velo, calib, fig, img_fov=False, img_width=None, img_height=None): ''' Show all LiDAR points. Draw 3d box in LiDAR point cloud (in velo coord system) ''' if 'mlab' not in sys.modules: import mayavi.mlab as mlab from viz_util import draw_lidar #mlab.clf(fig) print(('All point num: ', pc_velo.shape[0])) #fig = mlab.figure(figure=None, bgcolor=(0,0,0), fgcolor=None, engine=None, size=(1000, 500)) if img_fov: pc_velo = get_lidar_in_image_fov(pc_velo, calib, 0, 0, img_width, img_height) print(('FOV point num: ', pc_velo.shape[0])) draw_lidar(pc_velo, fig=fig)
def viz_kitti_video(): video_path = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'dataset/2011_09_26/') dataset = kitti_object_video(\ os.path.join(video_path, '2011_09_26_drive_0023_sync/image_02/data'), os.path.join(video_path, '2011_09_26_drive_0023_sync/velodyne_points/data'), video_path) print(len(dataset)) for i in range(len(dataset)): img = dataset.get_image(0) pc = dataset.get_lidar(0) Image.fromarray(img).show() draw_lidar(pc) raw_input() pc[:, 0:3] = dataset.get_calibration().project_velo_to_rect(pc[:, 0:3]) draw_lidar(pc) raw_input() return
def viz_kitti_video(): video_path = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'dataset/2011_09_26/') dataset = kitti_object_video(\ os.path.join(video_path, '2011_09_26_drive_0023_sync/image_02/data'), os.path.join(video_path, '2011_09_26_drive_0023_sync/velodyne_points/data'), video_path) print(len(dataset)) for i in range(len(dataset)): img = dataset.get_image(0) pc = dataset.get_lidar(0) Image.fromarray(img).show() draw_lidar(pc) raw_input() pc[:,0:3] = dataset.get_calibration().project_velo_to_rect(pc[:,0:3]) draw_lidar(pc) raw_input() return
def viz_kitti_video(): video_path = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "dataset/2011_09_26/") dataset = kitti_object_video( os.path.join(video_path, "2011_09_26_drive_0023_sync/image_02/data"), os.path.join(video_path, "2011_09_26_drive_0023_sync/velodyne_points/data"), video_path, ) print(len(dataset)) for i in range(len(dataset)): img = dataset.get_image(0) pc = dataset.get_lidar(0) cv2.imshow("video", img) draw_lidar(pc) raw_input() pc[:, 0:3] = dataset.get_calibration().project_velo_to_rect(pc[:, 0:3]) draw_lidar(pc) raw_input() return
def show_lidar_with_depth(data_idx, pc_velo, objects, calib, fig, objects_pred=None, depth=None, constraint_box=False, pc_label=False, save=False): print(("All point num: ", pc_velo.shape[0])) print("pc_velo", pc_velo.shape) draw_lidar(pc_velo, fig=fig, pc_label=pc_label) color = (0, 1, 0) for obj in objects: if obj.type == "DontCare": continue obj.score = norm_score(obj.score) if obj.score < threshold: continue box3d_pts_2d, box3d_pts_3d = utils.compute_box_3d(obj, calib.P) box3d_pts_3d_velo = calib.project_rect_to_velo(box3d_pts_3d) print("box3d_pts_3d_velo:") print(box3d_pts_3d_velo) draw_gt_box3d(box3d_pts_3d_velo, fig, obj) mlab.view( azimuth=180, elevation=65, # focalpoint=[12.0909996 , -1.04700089, -2.03249991], focalpoint=[0, 0, 0], distance=40.0, figure=fig) # MAKE SURE THAT FLAG IS TRUE mlab.savefig(filename=path.join(output_dir, 'pc_%.3d.png' % data_idx), figure=fig) # MAKE SURE THAT FLAG IS FALSE
def test(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--avod_config_path', type=str, dest='avod_config_path', required=True, help='avod_config_path') parser.add_argument('--sample_idx', type=str, dest='sample_idx', required=True, help='sample id') args = parser.parse_args() _, _, _, dataset_config = \ config_builder.get_configs_from_pipeline_file( args.avod_config_path, is_training=False) dataset = get_dataset(dataset_config, 'val') idx = np.argwhere(dataset.sample_names==args.sample_idx).squeeze() # print(idx) kitti_samples = dataset.load_samples([idx]) sample = kitti_samples[0] label_mask = np.equal(sample[constants.KEY_LABEL_CLASSES], g_type2onehotclass['Car']+1) gt_cls = sample[constants.KEY_LABEL_CLASSES][label_mask] gt_boxes_3d = sample[constants.KEY_LABEL_BOXES_3D][label_mask] gt_boxes_bev = [] for i in range(len(gt_cls)): gt_obj = box_3d_encoder.box_3d_to_object_label(gt_boxes_3d[i], gt_cls[i]) gt_corner_3d = compute_box_3d(gt_obj) gt_boxes_bev.append(gt_corner_3d[:4, [0,2]]) print(gt_boxes_bev) rpn_out = pickle.load(open("rpn_out/%s" % sample[constants.KEY_SAMPLE_NAME], "rb")) pos_prop = [] for prop in rpn_out['proposals_and_scores']: corners = compute_box_3d(box_3d_encoder.box_3d_to_object_label(prop[:7])) label_idx, iou = find_match_label(corners[:4, [0,2]], gt_boxes_bev) if iou > 0.65: pos_prop.append(corners) pc = sample[constants.KEY_POINT_CLOUD].T import mayavi.mlab as mlab from viz_util import draw_lidar, draw_gt_boxes3d fig = draw_lidar(pc) fig = draw_gt_boxes3d(pos_prop, fig, draw_text=False, color=(1, 1, 1)) input() # visualize_rpn_out(sample, rpn_out['proposals_and_scores']) prediction = pickle.load(open("%s"%sample[constants.KEY_SAMPLE_NAME], "rb")) print(prediction) visualize(dataset, sample, prediction)
def visualize_rpn_out(sample, proposals_and_scores, rpn_score_threshold=0.1): import mayavi.mlab as mlab from viz_util import draw_lidar, draw_gt_boxes3d nms_idxs = nms_on_bev(proposals_and_scores, 0.5) proposals_and_scores = proposals_and_scores[nms_idxs] proposal_boxes_3d = proposals_and_scores[:, 0:7] proposal_scores = proposals_and_scores[:, 7] score_mask = proposal_scores > rpn_score_threshold # 3D box in the format [x, y, z, l, w, h, ry] proposal_boxes_3d = proposal_boxes_3d[score_mask] proposal_scores = proposal_scores[score_mask] proposal_objs = list(map(lambda pair: ProposalObject(pair[0], pair[1], None, None), zip(proposal_boxes_3d, proposal_scores))) propsasl_corners = list(map(lambda obj: compute_box_3d(obj), proposal_objs)) pc = sample[constants.KEY_POINT_CLOUD].T fig = draw_lidar(pc) fig = draw_gt_boxes3d(propsasl_corners, fig, draw_text=False, color=(1, 1, 1)) input()
def demo(): import mayavi.mlab as mlab from viz_util import draw_lidar, draw_lidar_simple, draw_gt_boxes3d dataset = kitti_object(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'dataset/KITTI/object')) data_idx = 38 # Load data from dataset objects = dataset.get_label_objects(data_idx) objects[0].print_object() img = dataset.get_image(data_idx) img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) img_height, img_width, img_channel = img.shape print(('Image Left shape: ', img.shape)) img_r = dataset.get_image_r(data_idx) img_r = cv2.cvtColor(img_r, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) img_height_r, img_width_r, img_channel_r = img_r.shape print(('Image Right shape: ', img_r.shape)) pc_velo = dataset.get_lidar(data_idx)[:,0:3] calib = dataset.get_calibration(data_idx) ## Draw lidar in rect camera coord #print(' -------- LiDAR points in rect camera coordination --------') #pc_rect = calib.project_velo_to_rect(pc_velo) #fig = draw_lidar_simple(pc_rect) #raw_input() # Draw 2d and 3d boxes on image print(' -------- 2D/3D bounding boxes in images --------') show_image_with_boxes(img, objects, calib) raw_input() # Show all LiDAR points. Draw 3d box in LiDAR point cloud print(' -------- LiDAR points and 3D boxes in velodyne coordinate --------') #show_lidar_with_boxes(pc_velo, objects, calib) #raw_input() show_lidar_with_boxes(pc_velo, objects, calib, True, img_width, img_height) raw_input() ## Visualize LiDAR points on images #print(' -------- LiDAR points projected to image plane --------') #show_lidar_on_image(pc_velo, img, calib, img_width, img_height) #raw_input() # Show LiDAR points that are in the 3d box print(' -------- LiDAR points in a 3D bounding box --------') box3d_pts_2d, box3d_pts_3d = utils.compute_box_3d(objects[0], calib.P) box3d_pts_3d_velo = calib.project_rect_to_velo(box3d_pts_3d) box3droi_pc_velo, _ = extract_pc_in_box3d(pc_velo, box3d_pts_3d_velo) print(('Number of points in 3d box: ', box3droi_pc_velo.shape[0])) fig = mlab.figure(figure=None, bgcolor=(0,0,0), fgcolor=None, engine=None, size=(1000, 500)) draw_lidar(box3droi_pc_velo, fig=fig) draw_gt_boxes3d([box3d_pts_3d_velo], fig=fig) raw_input() # UVDepth Image and its backprojection to point clouds print(' -------- LiDAR points in a frustum from a 2D box --------') imgfov_pc_velo, pts_2d, fov_inds = get_lidar_in_image_fov(pc_velo, calib, 0, 0, img_width, img_height, True) imgfov_pts_2d = pts_2d[fov_inds,:] imgfov_pc_rect = calib.project_velo_to_rect(imgfov_pc_velo) cameraUVDepth = np.zeros_like(imgfov_pc_rect) cameraUVDepth[:,0:2] = imgfov_pts_2d cameraUVDepth[:,2] = imgfov_pc_rect[:,2] # Show that the points are exactly the same backprojected_pc_velo = calib.project_image_to_velo(cameraUVDepth) print(imgfov_pc_velo[0:20]) print(backprojected_pc_velo[0:20]) fig = mlab.figure(figure=None, bgcolor=(0,0,0), fgcolor=None, engine=None, size=(1000, 500)) draw_lidar(backprojected_pc_velo, fig=fig) raw_input() # Only display those points that fall into the left 2d box print(' -------- LiDAR points in the left frustum from a 2D box --------') xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax = \ objects[0].xmin, objects[0].ymin, objects[0].xmax, objects[0].ymax boxfov_pc_velo = \ get_lidar_in_image_fov(pc_velo, calib, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) print(('Left 2D box FOV point num: ', boxfov_pc_velo.shape[0])) fig = mlab.figure(figure=None, bgcolor=(0,0,0), fgcolor=None, engine=None, size=(1000, 500)) draw_lidar(boxfov_pc_velo, fig=fig) raw_input() # Only display those points that fall into the right 2d box print(' -------- LiDAR points in the right frustums from a 2D box Method 1--------') # We need to project xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax to the right image cordinate box3d_pts_2d, box3d_pts_3d = utils.compute_box_3d(objects[0], calib.P3) xcord = box3d_pts_2d[:,0] ycord = box3d_pts_2d[:,1] xmin_r = int(min(xcord)) ymin_r = int(min(ycord)) xmax_r = int(max(xcord)) ymax_r = int(max(ycord)) box2d_r = xmin_r,ymin_r,xmax_r,ymax_r boxfov_pc_velo = get_lidar_in_image_fov_right(pc_velo, calib, xmin_r, ymin_r, xmax_r, ymax_r) print(('Right 2D box FOV point num Method 1: ', boxfov_pc_velo.shape[0])) fig = mlab.figure(figure=None, bgcolor=(0,0,0), fgcolor=None, engine=None, size=(1000, 500)) draw_lidar(boxfov_pc_velo, fig=fig) raw_input() # Draw 2d box in right image print(' -------- 2D bounding box in right images using Method 1 --------') draw_2d_box(img_r, [xmin_r, ymin_r, xmax_r, ymax_r], calib) raw_input() # Only display those points that fall into the right 2d box print(' -------- LiDAR points in the right frustums from a 2D box Method 2 --------') xmin_r,ymin_r,xmax_r,ymax_r = objects[0].xmin, objects[0].ymin, objects[0].xmax, objects[0].ymax point = np.zeros((1,3)) point[0,0]= xmin_r point[0,1]= ymin_r point[0,2]= 30 point_r = calib.project_rect_to_image_right(calib.project_image_to_rect(point)) xmin_r = point_r[0,0] ymin_r = point_r[0,1] point[0,0] = xmax_r point[0,1] = ymax_r point_r = calib.project_rect_to_image_right(calib.project_image_to_rect(point)) xmax_r = point_r[0,0] ymax_r = point_r[0,1] boxfov_pc_velo = get_lidar_in_image_fov_right(pc_velo, calib, xmin_r, ymin_r, xmax_r, ymax_r) print(('Right 2D box FOV point num Method 2: ', boxfov_pc_velo.shape[0])) fig = mlab.figure(figure=None, bgcolor=(0,0,0), fgcolor=None, engine=None, size=(1000, 500)) draw_lidar(boxfov_pc_velo, fig=fig) raw_input() # Draw 2d box in right image print(' -------- 2D bounding box in right images using Method 2 --------') draw_2d_box(img_r, [xmin_r, ymin_r, xmax_r, ymax_r], calib) raw_input() # Displays those points that fall into the intersection of right and left print(' -------- LiDAR points in the intersection right and left frustums --------') xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax = objects[0].xmin, objects[0].ymin, objects[0].xmax, objects[0].ymax # We need to project xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax to the right image cordinate box3d_pts_2d, box3d_pts_3d = utils.compute_box_3d(objects[0], calib.P3) xcord = box3d_pts_2d[:,0] ycord = box3d_pts_2d[:,1] xmin_r = int(min(xcord)) ymin_r = int(min(ycord)) xmax_r = int(max(xcord)) ymax_r = int(max(ycord)) #box2d_r = xmin_r, ymin_r, xmax_r, ymax_r boxfov_pc_velo = get_lidar_in_image_fov_intersect(pc_velo, calib, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, xmin_r, ymin_r, xmax_r, ymax_r) print((' Intersection of frustums point num: ', boxfov_pc_velo.shape[0])) fig = mlab.figure(figure=None, bgcolor=(0,0,0), fgcolor=None, engine=None, size=(1000, 500)) draw_lidar(boxfov_pc_velo, fig=fig) raw_input()
def demo(): import mayavi.mlab as mlab from viz_util import draw_lidar, draw_lidar_simple, draw_gt_boxes3d dataset = kitti_object(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'dataset/KITTI/object')) data_idx = 0 # Load data from dataset objects = dataset.get_label_objects(data_idx) objects[0].print_object() img = dataset.get_image(data_idx) img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) img_height, img_width, img_channel = img.shape print(('Image shape: ', img.shape)) pc_velo = dataset.get_lidar(data_idx)[:, 0:3] calib = dataset.get_calibration(data_idx) ## Draw lidar in rect camera coord #print(' -------- LiDAR points in rect camera coordination --------') #pc_rect = calib.project_velo_to_rect(pc_velo) #fig = draw_lidar_simple(pc_rect) #raw_input() # Draw 2d and 3d boxes on image print(' -------- 2D/3D bounding boxes in images --------') show_image_with_boxes(img, objects, calib) raw_input() # Show all LiDAR points. Draw 3d box in LiDAR point cloud print( ' -------- LiDAR points and 3D boxes in velodyne coordinate --------') #show_lidar_with_boxes(pc_velo, objects, calib) #raw_input() show_lidar_with_boxes(pc_velo, objects, calib, True, img_width, img_height) raw_input() # Visualize LiDAR points on images print(' -------- LiDAR points projected to image plane --------') show_lidar_on_image(pc_velo, img, calib, img_width, img_height) raw_input() # Show LiDAR points that are in the 3d box print(' -------- LiDAR points in a 3D bounding box --------') box3d_pts_2d, box3d_pts_3d = utils.compute_box_3d(objects[0], calib.P) box3d_pts_3d_velo = calib.project_rect_to_velo(box3d_pts_3d) box3droi_pc_velo, _ = extract_pc_in_box3d(pc_velo, box3d_pts_3d_velo) print(('Number of points in 3d box: ', box3droi_pc_velo.shape[0])) fig = mlab.figure(figure=None, bgcolor=(0, 0, 0), fgcolor=None, engine=None, size=(1000, 500)) draw_lidar(box3droi_pc_velo, fig=fig) draw_gt_boxes3d([box3d_pts_3d_velo], fig=fig) raw_input() # UVDepth Image and its backprojection to point clouds print(' -------- LiDAR points in a frustum from a 2D box --------') imgfov_pc_velo, pts_2d, fov_inds = get_lidar_in_image_fov( pc_velo, calib, 0, 0, img_width, img_height, True) imgfov_pts_2d = pts_2d[fov_inds, :] imgfov_pc_rect = calib.project_velo_to_rect(imgfov_pc_velo) cameraUVDepth = np.zeros_like(imgfov_pc_rect) cameraUVDepth[:, 0:2] = imgfov_pts_2d cameraUVDepth[:, 2] = imgfov_pc_rect[:, 2] # Show that the points are exactly the same backprojected_pc_velo = calib.project_image_to_velo(cameraUVDepth) print(imgfov_pc_velo[0:20]) print(backprojected_pc_velo[0:20]) fig = mlab.figure(figure=None, bgcolor=(0, 0, 0), fgcolor=None, engine=None, size=(1000, 500)) draw_lidar(backprojected_pc_velo, fig=fig) raw_input() # Only display those points that fall into 2d box print(' -------- LiDAR points in a frustum from a 2D box --------') xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax = \ objects[0].xmin, objects[0].ymin, objects[0].xmax, objects[0].ymax boxfov_pc_velo = \ get_lidar_in_image_fov(pc_velo, calib, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) print(('2d box FOV point num: ', boxfov_pc_velo.shape[0])) fig = mlab.figure(figure=None, bgcolor=(0, 0, 0), fgcolor=None, engine=None, size=(1000, 500)) draw_lidar(boxfov_pc_velo, fig=fig) raw_input()
def main(_): tv_utils.set_gpus_to_use() # if FLAGS.input_image is None: # logging.error("No input_image was given.") # # "Usage: python --input_image data/test.png " # "[--output_image output_image] [--logdir /path/to/weights] " # "[--gpus GPUs_to_use] ") # exit(1) if FLAGS.logdir is None: # Download and use weights from the MultiNet Paper if 'TV_DIR_RUNS' in os.environ: runs_dir = os.path.join(os.environ['TV_DIR_RUNS'], 'KittiSeg') else: runs_dir = 'RUNS' maybe_download_and_extract(runs_dir) logdir = os.path.join(runs_dir, default_run) else:"Using weights found in {}".format(FLAGS.logdir)) logdir = FLAGS.logdir # Loading hyperparameters from logdir hypes = tv_utils.load_hypes_from_logdir(logdir, base_path='hypes')"Hypes loaded successfully.") # Loading tv modules (,, from logdir modules = tv_utils.load_modules_from_logdir(logdir)"Modules loaded successfully. Starting to build tf graph.") # Create tf graph and build module. with tf.Graph().as_default(): # Create placeholder for input image_pl = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) image = tf.expand_dims(image_pl, 0) # build Tensorflow graph using the model from logdir prediction = core.build_inference_graph(hypes, modules, image=image)"Graph build successfully.") # Create a session for running Ops on the Graph. sess = tf.Session() saver = tf.train.Saver() # Load weights from logdir core.load_weights(logdir, sess, saver)"Weights loaded successfully.") dataset = kitti_object( os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'free-space/dataset/KITTI/object')) point_pub = rospy.Publisher('cloud', PointCloud2, queue_size=50) # picture_pub = rospy.Publisher("kitti_image",newImage,queue_size=50) rospy.init_node('point-cloud', anonymous=True) # h = std_msgs.msg.Header() # h.frame_id="base_link" # #rate = rospy.Rate(10) #point_msg=PointCloud2() video_dir = '/home/user/Data/lrx_work/free-space/kitti.avi' fps = 10 num = 4541 img_size = (1241, 376) fourcc = 'mp4v' videoWriter = cv2.VideoWriter(video_dir, cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*fourcc), fps, img_size) calib = dataset.get_calibration(0) for data_idx in range(len(dataset)): #objects = dataset.get_label_objects(data_idx) # Load and resize input image image = dataset.get_image(data_idx) image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) #scp.misc.imsave('new.png', image) if hypes['jitter']['reseize_image']: # Resize input only, if specified in hypes image_height = hypes['jitter']['image_height'] image_width = hypes['jitter']['image_width'] image = scp.misc.imresize(image, size=(image_height, image_width), interp='cubic') img_height, img_width, img_channel = image.shape print("picture-shape") print(len(image)) print(len(image[0])) pc_velo = dataset.get_lidar(data_idx)[:, 0:3] print(len(pc_velo)) velo_len = len(pc_velo) #calib = dataset.get_calibration(data_idx) # Run KittiSeg model on image feed = {image_pl: image} softmax = prediction['softmax'] output =[softmax], feed_dict=feed) # Reshape output from flat vector to 2D Image shape = image.shape output_image = output[0][:, 1].reshape(shape[0], shape[1]) # Plot confidences as red-blue overlay rb_image = seg.make_overlay(image, output_image) # scp.misc.imsave('new0.png', rb_image) # Accept all pixel with conf >= 0.5 as positive prediction # This creates a `hard` prediction result for class street threshold = 0.5 street_prediction = output_image > threshold index = np.where(street_prediction == True) chang = len(index[0]) print(chang) # test = np.zeros((velo_len,2), # for tmp0 in range(chang): # test[tmp0][0]=index[0][tmp0] # test[tmp0][1]=index[1][tmp0] print("suoyindayin") # if (chang>0): # print(test[0][0]) # print(test[0][1]) pts_2d = calib.project_velo_to_image(pc_velo) print(pts_2d.shape) # print(pts_2d[1][0]) # print(pts_2d[1][1]) fig = mlab.figure(figure=None, bgcolor=(0, 0, 0), fgcolor=None, engine=None, size=(1000, 500)) fov_inds = (pts_2d[:,0]<1242) & (pts_2d[:,0]>=0) & \ (pts_2d[:,1]<370) & (pts_2d[:,1]>=0) print(fov_inds.shape) # print(fov_inds[1000]) # print(pc_velo.shape) print("okok") fov_inds = fov_inds & (pc_velo[:, 0] > 0) print(fov_inds.shape) imgfov_pts_2d = pts_2d[fov_inds, :] imgfov_pc_velo = pc_velo[fov_inds, :] pts_2d0 = calib.project_velo_to_image(imgfov_pc_velo) fov_inds0 = (pts_2d0[:,0]<len(image[0])) & (pts_2d0[:,0]>=0) & \ (pts_2d0[:,1]<len(image)) & (pts_2d0[:,1]>=0) fov_inds0 = fov_inds0 & (imgfov_pc_velo[:, 0] > 2.0) print(fov_inds0.shape) print(street_prediction.shape) print(pts_2d0.shape) # if(chang>0): # print(int(imgfov_pts_2d[5,0])) # print(int(imgfov_pts_2d[5,1])) # print(street_prediction[int(imgfov_pts_2d[5,1]),int(imgfov_pts_2d[5,0])]) if (chang > 0): for i in range(len(fov_inds0)): if ((pts_2d0[i, 1] < len(street_prediction)) & (pts_2d0[i, 0] < len(street_prediction[0]))): fov_inds0[i] = fov_inds0[i] & ( street_prediction[int(pts_2d0[i, 1]), int(pts_2d0[i, 0])] == True) imgfov_pc_velo0 = imgfov_pc_velo[fov_inds0, :] print("number") green_image = tv_utils.fast_overlay(image, street_prediction) # pub point-cloud topic print(imgfov_pc_velo0.shape) number = len(imgfov_pc_velo0) header = std_msgs.msg.Header() header.stamp = header.frame_id = "velodyne" points = pc2.create_cloud_xyz32(header, imgfov_pc_velo0) # point=Point() # for t in range(0,number): # point_x=imgfov_pc_velo0[t][0] # point_y=imgfov_pc_velo0[t][1] # point_z=imgfov_pc_velo0[t][2] # point_msg.points[t].point.x=point_x # point_msg.points[t].point.y=point_y # point_msg.points[t].point.z=point_z # point_pub.publish(points) # videoWriter.write(green_image) # bridge=CvBridge() # picture_pub.publish(bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(green_image,"rgb8")) # minx=imgfov_pc_velo0[0][0] # miny=imgfov_pc_velo0[0][1] # minz=imgfov_pc_velo0[0][2] # maxx=imgfov_pc_velo0[0][0] # maxy=imgfov_pc_velo0[0][1] # maxz=imgfov_pc_velo0[0][2] # for t in range(len(imgfov_pc_velo0)): # minx=min(minx,imgfov_pc_velo0[t][0]) # miny=min(miny,imgfov_pc_velo0[t][1]) # minz=min(minz,imgfov_pc_velo0[t][2]) # maxx=max(maxx,imgfov_pc_velo0[t][0]) # maxy=max(maxy,imgfov_pc_velo0[t][1]) # maxz=max(maxz,imgfov_pc_velo0[t][2]) # print(minx,miny,minz,maxx,maxy,maxz) # width=1024 # height=1024 # img_res=np.zeros([width,height,3],dtype=np.uint8) # for p in range(len(imgfov_pc_velo0)): # velo_x=5*(int(imgfov_pc_velo0[p][0])+50) # velo_y=5*(int(imgfov_pc_velo0[p][1])+50) # img_res[velo_x][velo_y]=255 # scale=25 # if((velo_x>scale)&(velo_x+scale<1024)&(velo_y>scale)&(velo_y+scale<1024)): # for q in range(scale): # for m in range(scale): # img_res[velo_x-q][velo_y-m]=255 # img_res[velo_x-q][velo_y+m]=255 # img_res[velo_x+q][velo_y-m]=255 # img_res[velo_x+q][velo_y+m]=255 # scp.misc.imsave('res.png',img_res) draw_lidar(imgfov_pc_velo0, fig=fig) # for obj in objects: # if obj.type == 'DontCare': continue # # Draw 3d bounding box # box3d_pts_2d, box3d_pts_3d = utils.compute_box_3d(obj, calib.P) # box3d_pts_3d_velo = calib.project_rect_to_velo(box3d_pts_3d) # # Draw heading arrow # ori3d_pts_2d, ori3d_pts_3d = utils.compute_orientation_3d(obj, calib.P) # ori3d_pts_3d_velo = calib.project_rect_to_velo(ori3d_pts_3d) # x1, y1, z1 = ori3d_pts_3d_velo[0, :] # x2, y2, z2 = ori3d_pts_3d_velo[1, :] # draw_gt_boxes3d([box3d_pts_3d_velo], fig=fig) # mlab.plot3d([x1, x2], [y1, y2], [z1, z2], color=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), # tube_radius=None, line_width=1, figure=fig) # Plot the hard prediction as green overlay # Save output images to disk. if FLAGS.output_image is None: output_base_name = image else: output_base_name = FLAGS.output_image # raw_image_name = output_base_name.split('.')[0] + '_raw.png' # rb_image_name = output_base_name.split('.')[0] + '_rb.png' # green_image_name = output_base_name.split('.')[0] + '_green.png' # scp.misc.imsave('1.png', output_image) # scp.misc.imsave('2.png', rb_image) # scp.misc.imsave('3.png', green_image) raw_input()
def show_lidar_with_depth( pc_velo, objects, calib, fig, img_fov=False, img_width=None, img_height=None, objects_pred=None, depth=None, cam_img=None, constraint_box=False, pc_label=False, save=False, ): """ Show all LiDAR points. Draw 3d box in LiDAR point cloud (in velo coord system) """ from viz_util import draw_lidar_simple, draw_lidar, draw_gt_boxes3d print(("All point num: ", pc_velo.shape[0])) if img_fov: pc_velo_index = get_lidar_index_in_image_fov( pc_velo[:, :3], calib, 0, 0, img_width, img_height ) pc_velo = pc_velo[pc_velo_index, :] print(("FOV point num: ", pc_velo.shape)) print("pc_velo", pc_velo.shape) draw_lidar(pc_velo, fig=fig, pc_label=pc_label) # Draw depth if depth is not None: depth_pc_velo = calib.project_depth_to_velo(depth, constraint_box) indensity = np.ones((depth_pc_velo.shape[0], 1)) * 0.5 depth_pc_velo = np.hstack((depth_pc_velo, indensity)) print("depth_pc_velo:", depth_pc_velo.shape) print("depth_pc_velo:", type(depth_pc_velo)) print(depth_pc_velo[:5]) draw_lidar(depth_pc_velo, fig=fig, pts_color=(1, 1, 1)) if save: data_idx = 0 vely_dir = "data/obj/training/depth_pc" save_filename = os.path.join(vely_dir, "%06d.bin" % (data_idx)) print(save_filename) #".npy", np.array(depth_pc_velo)) depth_pc_velo = depth_pc_velo.astype(np.float32) depth_pc_velo.tofile(save_filename) color = (0, 1, 0) for obj in objects: if obj.type == "DontCare": continue # Draw 3d bounding box box3d_pts_2d, box3d_pts_3d = utils.compute_box_3d(obj, calib.P) box3d_pts_3d_velo = calib.project_rect_to_velo(box3d_pts_3d) print("box3d_pts_3d_velo:") print(box3d_pts_3d_velo) draw_gt_boxes3d([box3d_pts_3d_velo], fig=fig, color=color) if objects_pred is not None: color = (1, 0, 0) for obj in objects_pred: if obj.type == "DontCare": continue # Draw 3d bounding box box3d_pts_2d, box3d_pts_3d = utils.compute_box_3d(obj, calib.P) box3d_pts_3d_velo = calib.project_rect_to_velo(box3d_pts_3d) print("box3d_pts_3d_velo:") print(box3d_pts_3d_velo) draw_gt_boxes3d([box3d_pts_3d_velo], fig=fig, color=color) # Draw heading arrow ori3d_pts_2d, ori3d_pts_3d = utils.compute_orientation_3d(obj, calib.P) ori3d_pts_3d_velo = calib.project_rect_to_velo(ori3d_pts_3d) x1, y1, z1 = ori3d_pts_3d_velo[0, :] x2, y2, z2 = ori3d_pts_3d_velo[1, :] mlab.plot3d( [x1, x2], [y1, y2], [z1, z2], color=color, tube_radius=None, line_width=1, figure=fig, )
def show_lidar_with_boxes(pc_velo, objects, calib, img_fov=False, img_width=None, img_height=None, objects_pred=None, depth=None, cam_img=None, data_idx=None, pseudo_lidar=None): """ Show all LiDAR points. Draw 3d box in LiDAR point cloud (in velo coord system) """ if "mlab" not in sys.modules: import mayavi.mlab as mlab from viz_util import draw_lidar_simple, draw_lidar, draw_gt_boxes3d print(("All point num: ", pc_velo.shape[0])) fig = mlab.figure( figure=None, # bgcolor=(1, 1, 1), # black background bgcolor=(0, 0, 0), # white background fgcolor=None, engine=None, size=(1000, 500) # figure=None ) if img_fov: # filter pcl out of fov pc_velo = get_lidar_in_image_fov(pc_velo[:, 0:3], calib, 0, 0, img_width, img_height) print(pc_velo.shape) print(("FOV point num: ", pc_velo.shape[0])) print("pc_velo", pc_velo.shape) draw_lidar(pc_velo, fig=fig, pts_color=(0, 1, 0)) # show_box_lidar(objects, calib, data_idx, fig) car_obj = [] color = (1, 0, 0) for obj in objects: if obj.type == "DontCare": print("############## Dont care gt: t: {}, (h: {}, l: {}, w: {})". format(obj.t, obj.h, obj.l, obj.w)) continue # Draw 3d bounding box box3d_pts_2d, box3d_pts_3d = utils.compute_box_3d(obj, calib.P) box3d_pts_3d_velo = calib.project_rect_to_velo(box3d_pts_3d) if obj.type == "Car": car_obj.append(box3d_pts_3d) draw_gt_boxes3d([box3d_pts_3d_velo], fig=fig, color=color, data_idx=data_idx, type=obj.type, occlu=obj.occlusion) # Draw depth from ego-vehicle to objects if depth is not None: # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() depth_pt3d = depth_region_pt3d(depth, obj) depth_UVDepth = np.zeros_like(depth_pt3d) depth_UVDepth[:, 0] = depth_pt3d[:, 1] depth_UVDepth[:, 1] = depth_pt3d[:, 0] depth_UVDepth[:, 2] = depth_pt3d[:, 2] print("depth_pt3d:", depth_UVDepth) dep_pc_velo = calib.project_image_to_velo(depth_UVDepth) print("dep_pc_velo:", dep_pc_velo) draw_lidar(dep_pc_velo, fig=fig, pts_color=(1, 1, 1)) # Draw heading arrow ori3d_pts_2d, ori3d_pts_3d = utils.compute_orientation_3d(obj, calib.P) ori3d_pts_3d_velo = calib.project_rect_to_velo(ori3d_pts_3d) x1, y1, z1 = ori3d_pts_3d_velo[0, :] x2, y2, z2 = ori3d_pts_3d_velo[1, :] mlab.plot3d( [x1, x2], [y1, y2], [z1, z2], color=color, tube_radius=None, line_width=1, figure=fig, )
def demo(): import mayavi.mlab as mlab from viz_util import draw_lidar, draw_lidar_simple, draw_gt_boxes3d dataset = kitti_object(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'dataset/KITTI/object')) data_idx = 0 # Load data from dataset objects = dataset.get_label_objects(data_idx) objects[0].print_object() img = dataset.get_image(data_idx) img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) img_height, img_width, img_channel = img.shape print(('Image shape: ', img.shape)) pc_velo = dataset.get_lidar(data_idx)[:,0:3] calib = dataset.get_calibration(data_idx) ## Draw lidar in rect camera coord #print(' -------- LiDAR points in rect camera coordination --------') #pc_rect = calib.project_velo_to_rect(pc_velo) #fig = draw_lidar_simple(pc_rect) #raw_input() # Draw 2d and 3d boxes on image print(' -------- 2D/3D bounding boxes in images --------') show_image_with_boxes(img, objects, calib) raw_input() # Show all LiDAR points. Draw 3d box in LiDAR point cloud print(' -------- LiDAR points and 3D boxes in velodyne coordinate --------') #show_lidar_with_boxes(pc_velo, objects, calib) #raw_input() show_lidar_with_boxes(pc_velo, objects, calib, True, img_width, img_height) raw_input() # Visualize LiDAR points on images print(' -------- LiDAR points projected to image plane --------') show_lidar_on_image(pc_velo, img, calib, img_width, img_height) raw_input() # Show LiDAR points that are in the 3d box print(' -------- LiDAR points in a 3D bounding box --------') box3d_pts_2d, box3d_pts_3d = utils.compute_box_3d(objects[0], calib.P) box3d_pts_3d_velo = calib.project_rect_to_velo(box3d_pts_3d) box3droi_pc_velo, _ = extract_pc_in_box3d(pc_velo, box3d_pts_3d_velo) print(('Number of points in 3d box: ', box3droi_pc_velo.shape[0])) fig = mlab.figure(figure=None, bgcolor=(0,0,0), fgcolor=None, engine=None, size=(1000, 500)) draw_lidar(box3droi_pc_velo, fig=fig) draw_gt_boxes3d([box3d_pts_3d_velo], fig=fig) raw_input() # UVDepth Image and its backprojection to point clouds print(' -------- LiDAR points in a frustum from a 2D box --------') imgfov_pc_velo, pts_2d, fov_inds = get_lidar_in_image_fov(pc_velo, calib, 0, 0, img_width, img_height, True) imgfov_pts_2d = pts_2d[fov_inds,:] imgfov_pc_rect = calib.project_velo_to_rect(imgfov_pc_velo) cameraUVDepth = np.zeros_like(imgfov_pc_rect) cameraUVDepth[:,0:2] = imgfov_pts_2d cameraUVDepth[:,2] = imgfov_pc_rect[:,2] # Show that the points are exactly the same backprojected_pc_velo = calib.project_image_to_velo(cameraUVDepth) print(imgfov_pc_velo[0:20]) print(backprojected_pc_velo[0:20]) fig = mlab.figure(figure=None, bgcolor=(0,0,0), fgcolor=None, engine=None, size=(1000, 500)) draw_lidar(backprojected_pc_velo, fig=fig) raw_input() # Only display those points that fall into 2d box print(' -------- LiDAR points in a frustum from a 2D box --------') xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax = \ objects[0].xmin, objects[0].ymin, objects[0].xmax, objects[0].ymax boxfov_pc_velo = \ get_lidar_in_image_fov(pc_velo, calib, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) print(('2d box FOV point num: ', boxfov_pc_velo.shape[0])) fig = mlab.figure(figure=None, bgcolor=(0,0,0), fgcolor=None, engine=None, size=(1000, 500)) draw_lidar(boxfov_pc_velo, fig=fig) raw_input()
def show_lidar_with_depth(pc_velo, objects, calib, fig, img_fov=False, img_width=None, img_height=None, objects_pred=None, depth=None, cam_img=None, data_idx=0, constraint_box=False, pc_label=False, save=False, fov_restrict=False): """ Show all LiDAR points. Draw 3d box in LiDAR point cloud (in velo coord system) """ from viz_util import draw_lidar_simple, draw_lidar, draw_gt_boxes3d print(("All point num: ", pc_velo.shape[0])) if img_fov: pc_velo_index = get_lidar_index_in_image_fov(pc_velo[:, :3], calib, 0, 0, img_width, img_height) pc_velo = pc_velo[pc_velo_index, :] print(("FOV point num: ", pc_velo.shape)) pc_velo = pc_velo[pc_velo[:, 0] < 70.4] if fov_restrict: x_range = [0, 70.4] y_range = [-40, 40] z_range = [-1, 3] pts_x, pts_y, pts_z = pc_velo[:, 0], pc_velo[:, 1], pc_velo[:, 2] range_flag = (pts_x >= x_range[0]) & (pts_x <= x_range[1]) \ & (pts_y >= y_range[0]) & (pts_y <= y_range[1]) \ & (pts_z >= z_range[0]) & (pts_z <= z_range[1]) pc_velo = pc_velo[range_flag, :] print("pc_velo", pc_velo.shape) draw_lidar(pc_velo, fig=fig, pc_label=pc_label, pts_scale=1.0) color = (0, 1, 0) for obj in objects: if obj.type != "Car" or obj.t[2] > 70.4: continue # Draw 3d bounding box box3d_pts_2d, box3d_pts_3d = utils.compute_box_3d(obj, calib.P) box3d_pts_3d_velo = calib.project_rect_to_velo(box3d_pts_3d) print("box3d_pts_3d_velo:") print(box3d_pts_3d_velo) color_list = [(0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1)] draw_gt_boxes3d([box3d_pts_3d_velo], fig=fig, color=color, label=obj.type, color_list=color_list, draw_text=False) if objects_pred is not None: color = (1, 0, 0) for obj in objects_pred: if obj.type != "Car": continue # Draw 3d bounding box box3d_pts_2d, box3d_pts_3d = utils.compute_box_3d(obj, calib.P) box3d_pts_3d_velo = calib.project_rect_to_velo(box3d_pts_3d) print("box3d_pts_3d_velo:") print(box3d_pts_3d_velo) draw_gt_boxes3d([box3d_pts_3d_velo], fig=fig, color=color) # Draw heading arrow ori3d_pts_2d, ori3d_pts_3d = utils.compute_orientation_3d( obj, calib.P) ori3d_pts_3d_velo = calib.project_rect_to_velo(ori3d_pts_3d) x1, y1, z1 = ori3d_pts_3d_velo[0, :] x2, y2, z2 = ori3d_pts_3d_velo[1, :] mlab.plot3d( [x1, x2], [y1, y2], [z1, z2], color=color, tube_radius=None, line_width=1, figure=fig, ) if (args.save_img): mlab.savefig(args.save_dir + 'lidar/' + str(data_idx).zfill(6) + '.png') mlab.clf() else:
def extract_frustum_data_rgb_detection(det_filename, split, output_filename, viz=True, type_whitelist=['Car'], img_height_threshold=30, img_width_threshold=20, lidar_point_threshold=50): ''' Extract point clouds in frustums extruded from 2D detection boxes. Update: Lidar points and 3d boxes are in *rect camera* coord system (as that in 3d box label files) Input: det_filename: string, each line is img_path typeid confidence xmin ymin xmax ymax split: string, either trianing or testing output_filename: string, the name for output .pickle file type_whitelist: a list of strings, object types we are interested in. img_height_threshold: int, neglect image with height lower than that. lidar_point_threshold: int, neglect frustum with too few points. Output: None (will write a .pickle file to the disk) ''' dataset = kitti_object(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'dataset/KITTI/object'), split) det_id_list, det_type_list, det_box2d_list, det_prob_list = \ read_det_file(det_filename) cache_id = -1 cache = None # print(det_id_list) id_list = [] type_list = [] box2d_list = [] prob_list = [] input_list = [] # channel number = 4, xyz,intensity in rect camera coord frustum_angle_list = [] # angle of 2d box center from pos x-axis for det_idx in range(len(det_id_list)): data_idx = det_id_list[det_idx] print('det idx: %d/%d, data idx: %d' % \ (det_idx, len(det_id_list), data_idx)) if cache_id != data_idx: calib = dataset.get_calibration(data_idx) # 3 by 4 matrix pc_velo = dataset.get_lidar(data_idx) pc_rect = np.zeros_like(pc_velo) pc_rect[:, 0:3] = calib.project_velo_to_rect(pc_velo[:, 0:3]) pc_rect[:, 3] = pc_velo[:, 3] img = dataset.get_image(data_idx) img_height, img_width, img_channel = img.shape _, pc_image_coord, img_fov_inds = get_lidar_in_image_fov(\ pc_velo[:,0:3], calib, 0, 0, img_width, img_height, True) cache = [calib, pc_rect, pc_image_coord, img_fov_inds] cache_id = data_idx else: calib, pc_rect, pc_image_coord, img_fov_inds = cache if det_type_list[det_idx] not in type_whitelist: print('WTF not in list') print(data_idx) continue # 2D BOX: Get pts rect backprojected xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = det_box2d_list[det_idx] offset = 0 xmax = min(xmax + offset, img_width) xmin = max(xmin - offset, 0) ymax = min(ymax + offset, img_height) ymin = max(ymin - offset, 0) box_fov_inds = (pc_image_coord[:,0]<xmax) & \ (pc_image_coord[:,0]>=xmin) & \ (pc_image_coord[:,1]<ymax) & \ (pc_image_coord[:,1]>=ymin) box_fov_inds = box_fov_inds & img_fov_inds pc_in_box_fov = pc_rect[box_fov_inds, :] # Get frustum angle (according to center pixel in 2D BOX) box2d_center = np.array([(xmin + xmax) / 2.0, (ymin + ymax) / 2.0]) uvdepth = np.zeros((1, 3)) uvdepth[0, 0:2] = box2d_center uvdepth[0, 2] = 20 # some random depth box2d_center_rect = calib.project_image_to_rect(uvdepth) frustum_angle = -1 * np.arctan2(box2d_center_rect[0, 2], box2d_center_rect[0, 0]) # Pass objects that are too small if ymax-ymin<img_height_threshold or xmax-xmin<img_width_threshold or\ len(pc_in_box_fov)<lidar_point_threshold: print('WTF too small') continue id_list.append(data_idx) type_list.append(det_type_list[det_idx]) box2d_list.append(det_box2d_list[det_idx]) prob_list.append(det_prob_list[det_idx]) input_list.append(pc_in_box_fov) frustum_angle_list.append(frustum_angle) with open(output_filename, 'wb') as fp: pickle.dump(id_list, fp) pickle.dump(box2d_list, fp) pickle.dump(input_list, fp) pickle.dump(type_list, fp) pickle.dump(frustum_angle_list, fp) pickle.dump(prob_list, fp) print(id_list) if viz: print("Enter viz") import mayavi.mlab as mlab from viz_util import draw_lidar_simple, draw_lidar, draw_gt_boxes3d for i in range(10): p1 = input_list[i] print(id_list[i]) fig = mlab.figure(figure=None, bgcolor=(0, 0, 0), fgcolor=None, engine=None, size=(500, 500)) draw_lidar(p1, fig=fig, pts_scale=0.1, pts_mode='point') #mlab.points3d(p1[:,0], p1[:,1], p1[:,2], p1[:,1], mode='point', # colormap='gnuplot', scale_factor=1, figure=fig) #fig = mlab.figure(figure=None, bgcolor=(0.4,0.4,0.4), # fgcolor=None, engine=None, size=(500, 500)) #mlab.points3d(p1[:,2], -p1[:,0], -p1[:,1], seg, mode='point', # colormap='gnuplot', scale_factor=1, figure=fig) raw_input()
cv2.imwrite('messigray.png', img2) raw_input() # Show LiDAR points that are in the 3d box print(' -------- LiDAR points in a 3D bounding box --------') box3d_pts_2d, box3d_pts_3d = utils.compute_box_3d(objects[0], calib.P) box3d_pts_3d_velo = calib.project_rect_to_velo(box3d_pts_3d) box3droi_pc_velo, _ = extract_pc_in_box3d(pc_velo, box3d_pts_3d_velo) print(('Number of points in 3d box: ', box3droi_pc_velo.shape[0])) fig = mlab.figure(figure=None, bgcolor=(0, 0, 0), fgcolor=None, engine=None, size=(1000, 500)) draw_lidar(box3droi_pc_velo, fig=fig) draw_gt_boxes3d([box3d_pts_3d_velo], fig=fig) raw_input() # UVDepth Image and its backprojection to point clouds print(' -------- LiDAR points in a frustum from a 2D box --------') imgfov_pc_velo, pts_2d, fov_inds = get_lidar_in_image_fov( pc_velo, calib, 0, 0, img_width, img_height, True) imgfov_pts_2d = pts_2d[fov_inds, :] imgfov_pc_rect = calib.project_velo_to_rect(imgfov_pc_velo) cameraUVDepth = np.zeros_like(imgfov_pc_rect) cameraUVDepth[:, 0:2] = imgfov_pts_2d cameraUVDepth[:, 2] = imgfov_pc_rect[:, 2]
# integer data type return pick if __name__ == '__main__': frame_id = sys.argv[1] pointcloud_file_path = './kitti/velodyne/{0}.bin'.format(frame_id) with open(pointcloud_file_path, 'rb') as fid: data_array = np.fromfile(fid, np.single) points = data_array.reshape(-1, 4) calib_filename = os.path.join('./kitti/calib/', '{0}.txt'.format(frame_id)) calib = kitti_util.Calibration(calib_filename) fig = draw_lidar(points) # ground truth obj_labels = obj_utils.read_labels('./kitti/label_2', int(frame_id)) gt_boxes = [] for obj in obj_labels: if obj.type not in ['Car']: continue _, corners = kitti_util.compute_box_3d(obj, calib.P) corners_velo = calib.project_rect_to_velo(corners) gt_boxes.append(corners_velo) fig = draw_gt_boxes3d(gt_boxes, fig, color=(1, 0, 0)) # proposals proposal_objs = load_proposals(frame_id) boxes = []
def show_lidar_with_numpy_boxes(pc_rect, objects, calib, save_figure, save_figure_dir='', img_name='', img_fov=False, img_width=None, img_height=None, color=(1, 1, 1)): ''' Show all LiDAR points. Draw 3d box in LiDAR point cloud (in velo coord system) ''' if 'mlab' not in sys.modules: import mayavi.mlab as mlab from viz_util import draw_lidar_simple, draw_lidar, draw_gt_boxes3d pc_velo = calib.project_rect_to_velo(pc_rect) print(('All point num: ', pc_velo.shape[0])) fig = mlab.figure(figure=None, bgcolor=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), fgcolor=None, engine=None, size=(1600, 1000)) if img_fov: pc_velo = get_lidar_in_image_fov(pc_velo, calib, 0, 0, img_width, img_height) print(('FOV point num: ', pc_velo.shape[0])) draw_lidar(pc_velo, fig=fig) for obj in objects: # Draw 3d bounding box box3d_pts_2d, box3d_pts_3d = utils.compute_numpy_boxes_3d(obj, calib.P) box3d_pts_3d_velo = calib.project_rect_to_velo(box3d_pts_3d) # Draw heading arrow ori3d_pts_2d, ori3d_pts_3d = utils.compute_numpy_orientation_3d( obj, calib.P) ori3d_pts_3d_velo = calib.project_rect_to_velo(ori3d_pts_3d) x1, y1, z1 = ori3d_pts_3d_velo[0, :] x2, y2, z2 = ori3d_pts_3d_velo[1, :] draw_gt_boxes3d([box3d_pts_3d_velo], fig=fig, color=color, draw_text=False) mlab.plot3d([x1, x2], [y1, y2], [z1, z2], color=(0.8, 0.8, 0.8), tube_radius=None, line_width=1, figure=fig) # # mlab.view(azimuth=180, elevation=70, focalpoint=[12.0909996, -1.04700089, -2.03249991], distance='auto', figure=fig) mlab.view(azimuth=180, elevation=60, focalpoint=[12.0909996, -1.04700089, 5.03249991], distance=62.0, figure=fig) if save_figure: if save_figure_dir != '': save_figure_dir = os.path.join(root_dir(), save_figure_dir) print(save_figure_dir) if not os.path.exists(save_figure_dir): os.makedirs(save_figure_dir) print("done!!!!") filename = os.path.join(save_figure_dir, img_name) mlab.savefig(filename) time.sleep(0.03)
def demo(data_idx=11, object_idx=0, show_images=True, show_lidar=True, show_lidar_2d=True, show_lidar_box=True, show_project=True, show_lidar_frustum=True): import mayavi.mlab as mlab from viz_util import draw_lidar, draw_lidar_simple, draw_gt_boxes3d dataset = kitti_object(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'dataset/KITTI/object')) # Load data from dataset objects = dataset.get_label_objects( data_idx) #objects = [Object3d(line) for line in lines] objects[object_idx].print_object() calib = dataset.get_calibration( data_idx) #utils.Calibration(calib_filename) box2d = objects[object_idx].box2d xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = box2d box2d_center = np.array([(xmin + xmax) / 2.0, (ymin + ymax) / 2.0]) uvdepth = np.zeros((1, 3)) uvdepth[0, 0:2] = box2d_center uvdepth[0, 2] = 20 # some random depth box2d_center_rect = calib.project_image_to_rect(uvdepth) frustum_angle = -1 * np.arctan2(box2d_center_rect[0, 2], box2d_center_rect[0, 0]) print('frustum_angle:', frustum_angle) ''' Type, truncation, occlusion, alpha: Pedestrian, 0, 0, -0.200000 2d bbox (x0,y0,x1,y1): 712.400000, 143.000000, 810.730000, 307.920000 3d bbox h,w,l: 1.890000, 0.480000, 1.200000 3d bbox location, ry: (1.840000, 1.470000, 8.410000), 0.010000 ''' img = dataset.get_image(data_idx) #(370, 1224, 3) img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) img_height, img_width, img_channel = img.shape print(('Image shape: ', img.shape)) pc_velo = dataset.get_lidar(data_idx)[:, 0:3] #(115384, 3) calib = dataset.get_calibration( data_idx) #utils.Calibration(calib_filename) ## Draw lidar in rect camera coord #print(' -------- LiDAR points in rect camera coordination --------') #pc_rect = calib.project_velo_to_rect(pc_velo) #fig = draw_lidar_simple(pc_rect) #raw_input() # Draw 2d and 3d boxes on image if show_images: print(' -------- 2D/3D bounding boxes in images --------') show_image_with_boxes(img, objects, calib) raw_input() if show_lidar: # Show all LiDAR points. Draw 3d box in LiDAR point cloud print( ' -------- LiDAR points and 3D boxes in velodyne coordinate --------' ) #show_lidar_with_boxes(pc_velo, objects, calib) #raw_input() show_lidar_with_boxes(pc_velo, objects, calib, True, img_width, img_height) raw_input() if show_lidar_2d: # Visualize LiDAR points on images print(' -------- LiDAR points projected to image plane --------') show_lidar_on_image(pc_velo, img, calib, img_width, img_height, showtime=True) raw_input() if show_lidar_box: # Show LiDAR points that are in the 3d box print(' -------- LiDAR points in a 3D bounding box --------') box3d_pts_2d, box3d_pts_3d = utils.compute_box_3d( objects[object_idx], calib.P) box3d_pts_3d_velo = calib.project_rect_to_velo(box3d_pts_3d) box3droi_pc_velo, _ = extract_pc_in_box3d(pc_velo, box3d_pts_3d_velo) print(('Number of points in 3d box: ', box3droi_pc_velo.shape[0])) fig = mlab.figure(figure=None, bgcolor=(0, 0, 0), fgcolor=None, engine=None, size=(1000, 500)) draw_lidar(box3droi_pc_velo, fig=fig) draw_gt_boxes3d([box3d_pts_3d_velo], fig=fig) raw_input() if show_project: # UVDepth Image and its backprojection to point clouds print(' -------- LiDAR points in a frustum from a 2D box --------') imgfov_pc_velo, pts_2d, fov_inds = get_lidar_in_image_fov( pc_velo, calib, 0, 0, img_width, img_height, True) imgfov_pts_2d = pts_2d[fov_inds, :] imgfov_pc_rect = calib.project_velo_to_rect(imgfov_pc_velo) cameraUVDepth = np.zeros_like(imgfov_pc_rect) cameraUVDepth[:, 0:2] = imgfov_pts_2d cameraUVDepth[:, 2] = imgfov_pc_rect[:, 2] # Show that the points are exactly the same backprojected_pc_velo = calib.project_image_to_velo(cameraUVDepth) print(imgfov_pc_velo[0:20]) print(backprojected_pc_velo[0:20]) fig = mlab.figure(figure=None, bgcolor=(0, 0, 0), fgcolor=None, engine=None, size=(1000, 500)) draw_lidar(backprojected_pc_velo, fig=fig) raw_input() if show_lidar_frustum: # Only display those points that fall into 2d box print(' -------- LiDAR points in a frustum from a 2D box --------') xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax = \ objects[object_idx].xmin, objects[object_idx].ymin, objects[object_idx].xmax, objects[object_idx].ymax boxfov_pc_velo = \ get_lidar_in_image_fov(pc_velo, calib, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) print(('2d box FOV point num: ', boxfov_pc_velo.shape[0])) fig = mlab.figure(figure=None, bgcolor=(0, 0, 0), fgcolor=None, engine=None, size=(1000, 500)) draw_lidar(boxfov_pc_velo, fig=fig) raw_input()
def show_lidar_with_boxes( pc_velo, objects, calib, img_fov=False, img_width=None, img_height=None, objects_pred=None, depth=None, cam_img=None, ): """ Show all LiDAR points. Draw 3d box in LiDAR point cloud (in velo coord system) """ if "mlab" not in sys.modules: import mayavi.mlab as mlab from viz_util import draw_lidar_simple, draw_lidar, draw_gt_boxes3d print(("All point num: ", pc_velo.shape[0])) fig = mlab.figure(figure=None, bgcolor=(0, 0, 0), fgcolor=None, engine=None, size=(1000, 500)) if img_fov: pc_velo = get_lidar_in_image_fov(pc_velo[:, 0:3], calib, 0, 0, img_width, img_height) print(("FOV point num: ", pc_velo.shape[0])) print("pc_velo", pc_velo.shape) draw_lidar(pc_velo, fig=fig) # pc_velo=pc_velo[:,0:3] color = (0, 1, 0) for obj in objects: if obj.type == "Car": # Draw 3d bounding box box3d_pts_2d, box3d_pts_3d = utils.compute_box_3d(obj, calib.P) box3d_pts_3d_velo = calib.project_rect_to_velo(box3d_pts_3d) print("box3d_pts_3d_velo:") print(box3d_pts_3d_velo) draw_gt_boxes3d([box3d_pts_3d_velo], fig=fig, color=color) # Draw depth if depth is not None: # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() depth_pt3d = depth_region_pt3d(depth, obj) depth_UVDepth = np.zeros_like(depth_pt3d) depth_UVDepth[:, 0] = depth_pt3d[:, 1] depth_UVDepth[:, 1] = depth_pt3d[:, 0] depth_UVDepth[:, 2] = depth_pt3d[:, 2] print("depth_pt3d:", depth_UVDepth) dep_pc_velo = calib.project_image_to_velo(depth_UVDepth) print("dep_pc_velo:", dep_pc_velo) draw_lidar(dep_pc_velo, fig=fig, pts_color=(0, 0, 255)) # # Draw heading arrow ori3d_pts_2d, ori3d_pts_3d = utils.compute_orientation_3d( obj, calib.P) ori3d_pts_3d_velo = calib.project_rect_to_velo(ori3d_pts_3d) x1, y1, z1 = ori3d_pts_3d_velo[0, :] x2, y2, z2 = ori3d_pts_3d_velo[1, :] mlab.plot3d( [x1, x2], [y1, y2], [z1, z2], color=color, tube_radius=None, line_width=1, figure=fig, ) if objects_pred is not None: color = (1, 0, 0) for obj in objects_pred: if obj.type != "Car": continue # Draw 3d bounding box box3d_pts_2d, box3d_pts_3d = utils.compute_box_3d(obj, calib.P) box3d_pts_3d_velo = calib.project_rect_to_velo(box3d_pts_3d) print("box3d_pts_3d_velo:") print(box3d_pts_3d_velo) draw_gt_boxes3d([box3d_pts_3d_velo], fig=fig, color=color) # Draw heading arrow ori3d_pts_2d, ori3d_pts_3d = utils.compute_orientation_3d( obj, calib.P) ori3d_pts_3d_velo = calib.project_rect_to_velo(ori3d_pts_3d) x1, y1, z1 = ori3d_pts_3d_velo[0, :] x2, y2, z2 = ori3d_pts_3d_velo[1, :] mlab.plot3d( [x1, x2], [y1, y2], [z1, z2], color=color, tube_radius=None, line_width=1, figure=fig, )
def extract_proposal_data(idx_filename, split, output_filename, viz=False, perturb_box3d=False, augmentX=1, type_whitelist=['Car'], kitti_path=os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'dataset/KITTI/object'), pos_neg_ratio=None, source='label'): ''' Extract point clouds and corresponding annotations in frustums defined generated from 2D bounding boxes Lidar points and 3d boxes are in *rect camera* coord system (as that in 3d box label files) Input: idx_filename: string, each line of the file is a sample ID split: string, either trianing or testing output_filename: string, the name for output .pickle file viz: bool, whether to visualize extracted data perturb_box3d: bool, whether to perturb the box2d (used for data augmentation in train set) augmentX: scalar, how many augmentations to have for each 2D box. type_whitelist: a list of strings, object types we are interested in. Output: None (will write a .pickle file to the disk) ''' # import mayavi.mlab as mlab dataset = kitti_object_avod(kitti_path, split) data_idx_list = [int(line.rstrip()) for line in open(idx_filename)] id_list = [] # int number box2d_list = [] # [xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax] box3d_list = [] # (8,3) array in rect camera coord input_list = [] # channel number = 4, xyz,intensity in rect camera coord label_list = [] # 1 for roi object, 0 for clutter type_list = [] # string e.g. Car heading_list = [] # ry (along y-axis in rect camera coord) radius of # (cont.) clockwise angle from positive x axis in velo coord. box3d_size_list = [] # array of l,w,h frustum_angle_list = [] # angle of 2d box center from pos x-axis roi_feature_list = [] # feature map crop for proposal region # type_idxs = {key: [] for key in type_whitelist} # idxs of each type type_idxs = {key: [] for key in type_whitelist[:3]} # idxs of each type type_idxs['NonCar'] = [] type_idxs['NonPeople'] = [] prop_idx = 0 for data_idx in data_idx_list: print('------------- ', data_idx) calib = dataset.get_calibration(data_idx) # 3 by 4 matrix # ground truth objects = dataset.get_label_objects(data_idx) # proposal boxes from avod if source == 'avod': proposals = dataset.get_proposals(data_idx, rpn_score_threshold=0.1, nms_iou_thres=0.8) else: proposals = [] pc_velo = dataset.get_lidar(data_idx) pc_rect = np.zeros_like(pc_velo) pc_rect[:, 0:3] = calib.project_velo_to_rect(pc_velo[:, 0:3]) pc_rect[:, 3] = pc_velo[:, 3] gt_boxes_xy = [] gt_boxes_3d = [] objects = filter(lambda obj: obj.type in type_whitelist, objects) for obj in objects: _, gt_corners_3d = utils.compute_box_3d(obj, calib.P) gt_boxes_xy.append(gt_corners_3d[:4, [0, 2]]) gt_boxes_3d.append(gt_corners_3d) if source == 'label': # generate proposal from label to ensure recall true_prop = get_proposal_from_label(obj, calib, type_whitelist) proposals.append(true_prop) pos_proposals_in_frame = [] neg_proposals_in_frame = [] for prop_ in proposals: prop_corners_image_2d, prop_corners_3d = utils.compute_box_3d( prop_, calib.P) if prop_corners_image_2d is None: print('skip proposal behind camera') continue prop_box_xy = prop_corners_3d[:4, [0, 2]] # find corresponding label object obj_idx, iou_with_gt = find_match_label(prop_box_xy, gt_boxes_xy) if obj_idx == -1: # non-object obj_type = 'NonObject' gt_box_3d = np.zeros((8, 3)) heading_angle = 0 box3d_size = np.zeros((1, 3)) frustum_angle = 0 neg_proposals_in_frame.append(prop_corners_3d) # get points within proposal box _, prop_inds = extract_pc_in_box3d(pc_rect, prop_corners_3d) pc_in_prop_box = pc_rect[prop_inds, :] # shuffle points order np.random.shuffle(pc_in_prop_box) label = np.zeros((pc_in_prop_box.shape[0])) id_list.append(data_idx) # box2d_list.append(np.array([xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax])) box3d_list.append(gt_box_3d) input_list.append(pc_in_prop_box) label_list.append(label) type_list.append(obj_type) heading_list.append(heading_angle) box3d_size_list.append(box3d_size) frustum_angle_list.append(frustum_angle) roi_feature_list.append(prop_.roi_features) # type_idxs[obj_type].append(prop_idx) if prop_.l > 2 or prop_.w > 2: type_idxs['NonCar'].append(prop_idx) else: type_idxs['NonPeople'].append(prop_idx) prop_idx += 1 else: # only do augmentation on objects for _ in range(augmentX): prop = copy.deepcopy(prop_) if perturb_box3d: prop = random_shift_box3d(prop) prop_corners_image_2d, prop_corners_3d = utils.compute_box_3d( prop, calib.P) if prop_corners_image_2d is None: print('skip proposal behind camera') continue # get points within proposal box _, prop_inds = extract_pc_in_box3d(pc_rect, prop_corners_3d) pc_in_prop_box = pc_rect[prop_inds, :] # shuffle points order np.random.shuffle(pc_in_prop_box) # segmentation label label = np.zeros((pc_in_prop_box.shape[0])) obj = objects[obj_idx] obj_type = obj.type gt_box_3d = gt_boxes_3d[obj_idx] _, inds = extract_pc_in_box3d(pc_in_prop_box, gt_box_3d) label[inds] = 1 # Reject object without points if np.sum(label) == 0: print('Reject object without points') continue pos_proposals_in_frame.append(prop_corners_3d) # Get 3D BOX heading heading_angle = obj.ry # Get 3D BOX size box3d_size = np.array([obj.l, obj.w, obj.h]) # Get frustum angle xmin, ymin = prop_corners_image_2d.min(0) xmax, ymax = prop_corners_image_2d.max(0) box2d_center = np.array([(xmin + xmax) / 2.0, (ymin + ymax) / 2.0]) uvdepth = np.zeros((1, 3)) uvdepth[0, 0:2] = box2d_center uvdepth[0, 2] = 20 # some random depth box2d_center_rect = calib.project_image_to_rect(uvdepth) frustum_angle = -1 * np.arctan2(box2d_center_rect[0, 2], box2d_center_rect[0, 0]) id_list.append(data_idx) # box2d_list.append(np.array([xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax])) box3d_list.append(gt_box_3d) input_list.append(pc_in_prop_box) label_list.append(label) type_list.append(obj_type) heading_list.append(heading_angle) box3d_size_list.append(box3d_size) frustum_angle_list.append(frustum_angle) roi_feature_list.append(prop.roi_features) type_idxs[obj_type].append(prop_idx) prop_idx += 1 # visualize one proposal if viz and False: import mayavi.mlab as mlab from viz_util import draw_lidar, draw_gt_boxes3d fig = draw_lidar(pc_rect) fig = draw_gt_boxes3d([gt_box_3d], fig, color=(1, 0, 0)) fig = draw_gt_boxes3d([prop_corners_3d], fig, draw_text=False, color=(1, 1, 1)) # roi_feature_map roi_features_size = 7 * 7 * 32 img_roi_features = prop.roi_features[ 0:roi_features_size].reshape((7, 7, -1)) bev_roi_features = prop.roi_features[ roi_features_size:].reshape((7, 7, -1)) img_roi_features = np.amax(img_roi_features, axis=-1) bev_roi_features = np.amax(bev_roi_features, axis=-1) fig1 = mlab.figure(figure=None, bgcolor=(0, 0, 0), fgcolor=None, engine=None, size=(500, 500)) fig2 = mlab.figure(figure=None, bgcolor=(0, 0, 0), fgcolor=None, engine=None, size=(500, 500)) mlab.imshow(img_roi_features, colormap='gist_earth', name='img_roi_features', figure=fig1) mlab.imshow(bev_roi_features, colormap='gist_earth', name='bev_roi_features', figure=fig2) # mlab.plot3d([0, box2d_center_rect[0][0]], [0, box2d_center_rect[0][1]], [0, box2d_center_rect[0][2]], color=(1,1,1), tube_radius=None, figure=fig) raw_input() print('%d positive proposal in frame %d' % (len(pos_proposals_in_frame), data_idx)) print('%d negative proposal in frame %d' % (len(neg_proposals_in_frame), data_idx)) # draw all proposal in frame if viz: import mayavi.mlab as mlab from viz_util import draw_lidar, draw_gt_boxes3d fig = draw_lidar(pc_rect) fig = draw_gt_boxes3d(gt_boxes_3d, fig, color=(1, 1, 1)) fig = draw_gt_boxes3d(pos_proposals_in_frame, fig, draw_text=False, color=(1, 0, 0)) fig = draw_gt_boxes3d(neg_proposals_in_frame, fig, draw_text=False, color=(0, 1, 0)) raw_input() if pos_neg_ratio is not None: keep_idxs = balance(type_idxs, pos_neg_ratio) else: keep_idxs = [idx for sublist in type_idxs.values() for idx in sublist] random.shuffle(keep_idxs) id_list = [id_list[i] for i in keep_idxs] box3d_list = [box3d_list[i] for i in keep_idxs] input_list = [input_list[i] for i in keep_idxs] label_list = [label_list[i] for i in keep_idxs] type_list = [type_list[i] for i in keep_idxs] heading_list = [heading_list[i] for i in keep_idxs] box3d_size_list = [box3d_size_list[i] for i in keep_idxs] frustum_angle_list = [frustum_angle_list[i] for i in keep_idxs] roi_feature_list = [roi_feature_list[i] for i in keep_idxs] print_statics(input_list, label_list, type_list, type_whitelist) with open(output_filename, 'wb') as fp: pickle.dump(id_list, fp) pickle.dump(box2d_list, fp) pickle.dump(box3d_list, fp) pickle.dump(input_list, fp) pickle.dump(label_list, fp) pickle.dump(type_list, fp) pickle.dump(heading_list, fp) pickle.dump(box3d_size_list, fp) pickle.dump(frustum_angle_list, fp) pickle.dump(roi_feature_list, fp)