Example #1
def its_report(dbcon, filters):
    # Per release its information

    from vizgrimoire.ITS import ITS

    project_name = filters.type_analysis[1]
    project_name = project_name.replace(" ", "")
    if project_name == 'Documentation':
        ).closed_condition = "(new_value='Fix Committed' or new_value='Fix Released')"
        ITS.closed_condition = "(new_value='Fix Committed')"

    opened = its.Opened(dbcon, filters)
               "./release/its_opened_" + project_name + ".json")
    closed = its.Closed(dbcon, filters)
               "./release/its_closed_" + project_name + ".json")

    dataset = {}
    dataset["opened"] = opened.get_agg()["opened"]
    dataset["closed"] = closed.get_agg()["closed"]

    return dataset
def projects_efficiency(opts, people_out, affs_out):
    # BMI and time to review in mean per general project
    scr_dbcon = SCRQuery(opts.dbuser, opts.dbpassword, opts.dbreview, opts.dbidentities)
    scm_dbcon = SCMQuery(opts.dbuser, opts.dbpassword, opts.dbcvsanaly, opts.dbidentities)
    its_dbcon = ITSQuery(opts.dbuser, opts.dbpassword, opts.dbbicho, opts.dbidentities)

    projects = integrated_projects(scm_dbcon)

    projects_ids = projects["subproject_id"]
    projects_list = []
    bmi_list = []
    time2review_list = []
    bmi_its = []

    period = "month"
    releases = opts.releases.split(",")[-2:]
    startdate = "'"+releases[0]+"'"
    enddate = "'"+releases[1]+"'"

    for project_id in projects_ids:
        project_title = "'" + project_id + "'"
        type_analysis = ["project", project_id]
        project_filters = MetricFilters(period, startdate, enddate, type_analysis, 10,
                                        people_out, affs_out)
        scr_bmi = scr.BMISCR(scr_dbcon, project_filters)
        time2review = scr.TimeToReview(scr_dbcon, project_filters)
        # ITS BMI index
        from vizgrimoire.ITS import ITS

        if project_id == 'Documentation':
            ITS._get_backend().closed_condition = "(new_value='Fix Committed' or new_value='Fix Released')"
            ITS.closed_condition = "(new_value='Fix Committed')"

        opened = its.Opened(its_dbcon, project_filters)
        closed = its.Closed(its_dbcon, project_filters)

        tickets_opened = opened.get_agg()["opened"]
        tickets_closed = closed.get_agg()["closed"]

        its_bmi = 0
        if tickets_closed > 0:
           its_bmi = round(float(tickets_closed)/float(tickets_opened), 2)

        bmi_list.append(round(scr_bmi.get_agg()["bmiscr"], 2))
        time2review_list.append(round(time2review.get_agg()["review_time_days_median"], 2))

    createCSV({"projects":projects_list, "bmi":bmi_list, "timereview":time2review_list, "bmiits":bmi_its}, "./release/integrated_projects_efficiency.csv")    
def create_json(dbcon, filters):

    ITS._get_backend().closed_condition = " i.status = 'Closed' "

    pullrequests = PullRequests(dbcon, filters)
    submitters = Submitters(dbcon, filters)
    abandoned = Abandoned(dbcon, filters)
    merged = Merged(dbcon, filters)
    trackers = Trackers(dbcon, filters)

    #timeseries data
    data = dict(pullrequests.get_ts().items() +
                submitters.get_ts().items() +
                abandoned.get_ts().items() +
                merged.get_ts().items() +
    if filters.type_analysis == []:
        createJSON(data, "scr-evolutionary.json")
        tracker = filters.type_analysis[1]
        tracker = tracker.replace("'", "")
        name = tracker.split("/")[-1:][0]
        createJSON(data, name + "-scr-evolutionary.json")

    #aggregated data
    data = dict(pullrequests.get_agg().items() +
                submitters.get_agg().items() +
                abandoned.get_agg().items() +
                merged.get_agg().items() +

    enddate = filters.enddate

    for i in [7, 365, 0]:
        data = dict(data.items() +
                    pullrequests.get_trends(enddate, i).items() +
                    submitters.get_trends(enddate, i).items() +
                    abandoned.get_trends(enddate, i).items() +
                    merged.get_trends(enddate, i).items() +
                    trackers.get_trends(enddate, i).items())

    if filters.type_analysis == []:
        createJSON(data, "scr-static.json")
        tracker = filters.type_analysis[1]
        tracker = tracker.replace("'", "")
        name = tracker.split("/")[-1:][0]
        createJSON(data, name + "-scr-static.json")
def its_report(dbcon, filters):
    # basic metrics for ticketing systems

    dataset = {}

    from vizgrimoire.ITS import ITS

    opened = its.Opened(dbcon, filters)
    dataset["its_opened"] = opened.get_agg()["opened"]

    closed = its.Closed(dbcon, filters)
    dataset["its_closed"] = closed.get_agg()["closed"]

    return dataset
Example #5
def its_report(dbcon, filters):
    # basic metrics for ticketing systems

    dataset = {}

    from vizgrimoire.ITS import ITS

    opened = its.Opened(dbcon, filters)
    dataset["its_opened"] = opened.get_agg()["opened"]

    closed = its.Closed(dbcon, filters)
    dataset["its_closed"] = closed.get_agg()["closed"]

    return dataset
def data_source_increment_activity(opts, people_out, affs_out):
    # Per data source, the increment or decrement of the activity is displayed
    dataset = {}

    data_sources = ["Gits", "Tickets", "Mailing Lists", "Gerrit", "Askbot", "IRC"]
    action = ["commits", "closed tickets", "sent emails", "submitted reviews", "posted questions", "messages"]
    net_values = []
    rel_values = [] #percentage wrt the previous 365 days

    scm_dbcon = SCMQuery(opts.dbuser, opts.dbpassword, opts.dbcvsanaly, opts.dbidentities) 
    its_dbcon = ITSQuery(opts.dbuser, opts.dbpassword, opts.dbbicho, opts.dbidentities)
    mls_dbcon = MLSQuery(opts.dbuser, opts.dbpassword, opts.dbmlstats, opts.dbidentities)
    scr_dbcon = SCRQuery(opts.dbuser, opts.dbpassword, opts.dbreview, opts.dbidentities)
    qaforums_dbcon = QAForumsQuery(opts.dbuser, opts.dbpassword, opts.dbqaforums, opts.dbidentities)
    irc_dbcon = IRCQuery(opts.dbuser, opts.dbpassword, opts.dbirc, opts.dbidentities)

    period = "month"
    type_analysis = None
    releases = opts.releases.split(",")[-2:]
    startdate = "'"+releases[0]+"'"
    enddate = "'"+releases[1]+"'"
    filters = MetricFilters(period, startdate, enddate, None, 10, people_out, affs_out)

    commits = scm.Commits(scm_dbcon, filters)
    closed = its.Closed(its_dbcon, filters)
    emails = mls.EmailsSent(mls_dbcon, filters)
    submitted = scr.Submitted(scr_dbcon, filters)
    questions = qa.Questions(qaforums_dbcon, filters)
    messages = irc.Sent(irc_dbcon, filters)

    from vizgrimoire.ITS import ITS

    net_values.append(commits.get_trends(releases[1], 365)["commits_365"])
    rel_values.append(commits.get_trends(releases[1], 365)["percentage_commits_365"])
    net_values.append(closed.get_trends(releases[1], 365)["closed_365"])
    rel_values.append(closed.get_trends(releases[1], 365)["percentage_closed_365"])
    net_values.append(emails.get_trends(releases[1], 365)["sent_365"])
    rel_values.append(emails.get_trends(releases[1], 365)["percentage_sent_365"])
    net_values.append(submitted.get_trends(releases[1], 365)["submitted_365"])
    rel_values.append(submitted.get_trends(releases[1], 365)["percentage_submitted_365"])
    net_values.append(questions.get_trends(releases[1], 365)["qsent_365"])
    rel_values.append(questions.get_trends(releases[1], 365)["percentage_qsent_365"])
    net_values.append(messages.get_trends(releases[1], 365)["sent_365"])
    rel_values.append(messages.get_trends(releases[1], 365)["percentage_sent_365"])

    createCSV({"datasource":data_sources, "metricsnames":action, "relativevalues":rel_values, "netvalues":net_values}, "./release/data_source_evolution.csv")
Example #7
def data_source_increment_activity(opts, people_out, affs_out):
    # Per data source, the increment or decrement of the activity is displayed
    dataset = {}

    data_sources = ["Gits", "Tickets", "Mailing Lists", "Gerrit", "Askbot", "IRC"]
    action = ["commits", "closed tickets", "sent emails", "submitted reviews", "posted questions", "messages"]
    net_values = []
    rel_values = [] #percentage wrt the previous 365 days

    scm_dbcon = SCMQuery(opts.dbuser, opts.dbpassword, opts.dbcvsanaly, opts.dbidentities)
    its_dbcon = ITSQuery(opts.dbuser, opts.dbpassword, opts.dbbicho, opts.dbidentities)
    mls_dbcon = MLSQuery(opts.dbuser, opts.dbpassword, opts.dbmlstats, opts.dbidentities)
    scr_dbcon = SCRQuery(opts.dbuser, opts.dbpassword, opts.dbreview, opts.dbidentities)
    qaforums_dbcon = QAForumsQuery(opts.dbuser, opts.dbpassword, opts.dbqaforums, opts.dbidentities)
    irc_dbcon = IRCQuery(opts.dbuser, opts.dbpassword, opts.dbirc, opts.dbidentities)

    period = "month"
    type_analysis = None
    releases = opts.releases.split(",")[-2:]
    startdate = "'"+releases[0]+"'"
    enddate = "'"+releases[1]+"'"
    filters = MetricFilters(period, startdate, enddate, None, 10, people_out, affs_out)

    commits = scm.Commits(scm_dbcon, filters)
    closed = its.Closed(its_dbcon, filters)
    emails = mls.EmailsSent(mls_dbcon, filters)
    submitted = scr.Submitted(scr_dbcon, filters)
    questions = qa.Questions(qaforums_dbcon, filters)
    messages = irc.Sent(irc_dbcon, filters)

    from vizgrimoire.ITS import ITS

    net_values.append(commits.get_trends(releases[1], 90)["commits_90"])
    rel_values.append(commits.get_trends(releases[1], 90)["percentage_commits_90"])
    net_values.append(closed.get_trends(releases[1], 90)["closed_90"])
    rel_values.append(closed.get_trends(releases[1], 90)["percentage_closed_90"])
    net_values.append(emails.get_trends(releases[1], 90)["sent_90"])
    rel_values.append(emails.get_trends(releases[1], 90)["percentage_sent_90"])
    net_values.append(submitted.get_trends(releases[1], 90)["submitted_90"])
    rel_values.append(submitted.get_trends(releases[1], 90)["percentage_submitted_90"])
    net_values.append(questions.get_trends(releases[1], 90)["qsent_90"])
    rel_values.append(questions.get_trends(releases[1], 90)["percentage_qsent_90"])
    net_values.append(messages.get_trends(releases[1], 90)["sent_90"])
    rel_values.append(messages.get_trends(releases[1], 90)["percentage_sent_90"])

    createCSV({"datasource":data_sources, "metricsnames":action, "relativevalues":rel_values, "netvalues":net_values}, "./release/data_source_evolution.csv")
Example #8
def GetClosedSummaryCompanies (period, startdate, enddate, identities_db, closed_condition, num_organizations):

    from vizgrimoire.ITS import ITS

    count = 1
    first_organizations = {}

    metric = DataSource.get_metrics("organizations", ITS)
    organizations = metric.get_list()
    organizations = organizations['name']

    for company in organizations:
        type_analysis = ["company", "'"+company+"'"]
        filter_com = MetricFilters(period, startdate, enddate, type_analysis)
        mclosed = ITS.get_metrics("closed", ITS)
        mclosed.filters = filter_com
        closed = mclosed.get_ts()
        # Rename field closed to company name
        closed[company] = closed["closed"]
        del closed['closed']

        if (count <= num_organizations):
            #Case of organizations with entity in the dataset
            first_organizations = dict(first_organizations.items() + closed.items())
        else :
            #Case of organizations that are aggregated in the field Others
            if 'Others' not in first_organizations:
                first_organizations['Others'] = closed[company]
                first_organizations['Others'] = [a+b for a, b in zip(first_organizations['Others'],closed[company])]
        count = count + 1
    first_organizations = completePeriodIds(first_organizations, period, startdate, enddate)

Example #9
    def get_agg(self):
        fields = Set([])
        tables = Set([])
        filters = Set([])

            "TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, i.submitted_on, t1.changed_on) as timeto")
        tables.add("issues i")

        closed_condition = ITS._get_closed_condition()
        if self.filters.closed_condition is not None:
            closed_condition = self.filters.closed_condition

        # TODO: if RESOLVED and CLOSED appear in the same period of study, this
        # will affect the total time to close the issue. Both timeframes will
        # be taken into account.
        table_extra = "(select issue_id, changed_on from changes where " + closed_condition + " and changed_on < " + self.filters.enddate + " and changed_on >= " + self.filters.startdate + ") t1"


        query = "select " + self.db._get_fields_query(fields)
        query = query + " from " + self.db._get_tables_query(tables)
        query = query + " where " + self.db._get_filters_query(filters)

        return self.db.ExecuteQuery(query)
Example #10
    def get_list(self):
        startdate = self.filters.startdate
        enddate = self.filters.enddate
        closed_condition = ITS._get_closed_condition()
        if self.filters.closed_condition is not None:
             closed_condition = self.filters.closed_condition

        q = "select cou.name "+\
            "from issues i, "+\
            "     changes ch, "+\
            "     people_uidentities pup, "+\
            "     "+ self.db.identities_db+ ".profiles pro, "+\
            "     "+ self.db.identities_db+ ".countries cou "+\
            "where i.id = ch.issue_id and "+\
            "      ch.changed_by = pup.people_id and "+\
            "      pup.uuid = pro.uuid and "+\
            "      pro.country_code = cou.code and "+\
            "      ch.changed_on >= "+ startdate+ " and "+\
            "      ch.changed_on < "+ enddate+" and "+\
            "      "+ closed_condition+ " "+\
            "      group by cou.name  "+\
            "      order by count(distinct(i.id)) desc, cou.name"
        data = self.db.ExecuteQuery(q)
        return (data)
Example #11
    def __get_sql_default__(self, evolutionary, close=False):
        # closed_condition =  ITS._get_closed_condition()

        fields = Set([])
        tables = Set([])
        filters = Set([])

        fields.add("count(distinct(pup.uuid)) as changers")
        tables.add("issues i")
        tables.add("changes ch")
        filters.add("i.id = ch.issue_id")
        if close:
            fields = Set([])
            fields.add("count(distinct(pup.uuid)) as closers")
            closed_condition = ITS._get_closed_condition()
            if self.filters.closed_condition is not None:
                closed_condition = self.filters.closed_condition

        #unique identities filters
        tables.add("people_uidentities pup")
        filters.add("i.submitted_by = pup.people_id")

        query = self.db.BuildQuery(self.filters.period, self.filters.startdate,
                                   self.filters.enddate, " ch.changed_on ",
                                   fields, tables, filters, evolutionary,
        #Action needed to replace issues filters by changes one
        query = query.replace("i.submitted", "ch.changed")
        return query
Example #12
    def get_list(self, metric_filters=None, days=0):

        # Overwriting the filters used. This code should be
        # removed at some point.
        if metric_filters is not None:
            metric_filters_orig = self.filters
            self.filters = metric_filters

        startdate = metric_filters.startdate
        enddate = metric_filters.enddate
        limit = metric_filters.npeople
        filter_bots = self.db.get_bots_filter_sql(self.data_source,
        closed_condition = ITS._get_closed_condition()
        if self.filters.closed_condition is not None:
            closed_condition = self.filters.closed_condition

        dtables = Set([])
        dfilters = Set([])
        if (days > 0):
            dtables.add("(SELECT MAX(changed_on) as last_date from changes) t")
            dfilters.add("DATEDIFF (last_date, changed_on) < %s " % (days))

        fields = Set([])
        tables = Set([])
        filters = Set([])

        fields.add("up.uuid as id")
        fields.add("pro.name as closers")
        fields.add("COUNT(DISTINCT(ch.id)) as closed")

        tables.add("people_uidentities pup")
        tables.add(self.db.identities_db + ".uidentities up")
        tables.add(self.db.identities_db + ".profiles pro")
        tables.add("issues i")
        tables.add("changes ch")

        filters.add("i.id = ch.issue_id")
        filters.add("ch.changed_by = pup.people_id")
        filters.add("pup.uuid = up.uuid")
        filters.add("pup.uuid = pro.uuid")
        filters.add("ch.changed_on >= " + startdate)
        filters.add("ch.changed_on < " + enddate)
        if len(filter_bots) > 0:

        query = "select " + self.db._get_fields_query(fields)
        query = query + " from " + self.db._get_tables_query(tables)
        query = query + " where " + self.db._get_filters_query(filters)
        query = query + " GROUP BY pro.name ORDER BY closed DESC, closers LIMIT " + str(

        if metric_filters is not None: self.filters = metric_filters_orig

        return self.db.ExecuteQuery(query)
Example #13
    def get_agg(self):
        fields = Set([])
        tables = Set([])
        filters = Set([])

        fields.add("TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, i.submitted_on, t1.changed_on) as timeto")
        tables.add("issues i")

        closed_condition = ITS._get_closed_condition()
        if self.filters.closed_condition is not None:
             closed_condition = self.filters.closed_condition

        # TODO: if RESOLVED and CLOSED appear in the same period of study, this 
        # will affect the total time to close the issue. Both timeframes will
        # be taken into account.
        table_extra = "(select issue_id, changed_on from changes where "+closed_condition+" and changed_on < "+self.filters.enddate+" and changed_on >= "+self.filters.startdate+") t1"


        query = "select " + self.db._get_fields_query(fields)
        query = query + " from " + self.db._get_tables_query(tables)
        query = query + " where " + self.db._get_filters_query(filters)

        return self.db.ExecuteQuery(query)
Example #14
    def get_list(self):
        startdate = self.filters.startdate
        enddate = self.filters.enddate
        closed_condition = ITS._get_closed_condition()
        if self.filters.closed_condition is not None:
            closed_condition = self.filters.closed_condition

        q = "select cou.name "+\
            "from issues i, "+\
            "     changes ch, "+\
            "     people_uidentities pup, "+\
            "     "+ self.db.identities_db+ ".profiles pro, "+\
            "     "+ self.db.identities_db+ ".countries cou "+\
            "where i.id = ch.issue_id and "+\
            "      ch.changed_by = pup.people_id and "+\
            "      pup.uuid = pro.uuid and "+\
            "      pro.country_code = cou.code and "+\
            "      ch.changed_on >= "+ startdate+ " and "+\
            "      ch.changed_on < "+ enddate+" and "+\
            "      "+ closed_condition+ " "+\
            "      group by cou.name  "+\
            "      order by count(distinct(i.id)) desc, cou.name"
        data = self.db.ExecuteQuery(q)
        return (data)
Example #15
    def get_list(self):
        from vizgrimoire.data_source import DataSource
        from vizgrimoire.filter import Filter
        startdate = self.filters.startdate
        enddate = self.filters.enddate
        closed_condition = ITS._get_closed_condition()
        if self.filters.closed_condition is not None:
            closed_condition = self.filters.closed_condition

        bots = DataSource.get_filter_bots(Filter("domain"))
        fbots = ''
        for bot in bots:
            fbots += " dom.name<>'" + bot + "' and "

        tables = Set([])
        filters = Set([])

        tables_str = self.db._get_tables_query(tables)
        filters_str = self.db._get_filters_query(filters)

        q = "SELECT DISTINCT(SUBSTR(email,LOCATE('@',email)+1)) as domain "+\
            "FROM "+ tables_str + " "+\
            "WHERE " + filters_str +" AND "+\
            "       "+ fbots +" "+\
            "       c.changed_on >= "+ startdate+ " AND "+\
            "       c.changed_on < "+ enddate+ " AND "+\
            "       "+ closed_condition+" "+\
            "GROUP BY domain "+\
            "ORDER BY COUNT(DISTINCT(c.issue_id)) DESC, domain LIMIT " + str(Metrics.domains_limit)
        data = self.db.ExecuteQuery(q)
        data['name'] = data.pop('domain')
        return (data)
Example #16
    def _get_top_repository (self, metric_filters, days = None):
        startdate = metric_filters.startdate
        enddate = metric_filters.enddate
        repo_name = metric_filters.type_analysis[1]
        limit = metric_filters.npeople
        filter_bots = self.db.get_bots_filter_sql(self.data_source, metric_filters)
        closed_condition =  ITS._get_closed_condition()
        if self.filters.closed_condition is not None:
             closed_condition = self.filters.closed_condition

        if filter_bots != '': filter_bots = " AND " + filter_bots

        dtables = dfilters = ""
        if (days > 0):
            dtables = ", (SELECT MAX(changed_on) as last_date from changes) t "
            dfilters = " AND DATEDIFF (last_date, changed_on) < %s " % (days)

        q = "SELECT up.uuid as id, up.identifier as closers, "+\
            "COUNT(DISTINCT(i.id)) as closed "+\
            "FROM issues i, changes c, trackers t, people_uidentities pup, " +\
            "     "+self.db.identities_db+".uidentities up "+ dtables + \
            "WHERE "+closed_condition+" "+\
            "      AND pup.uuid = up.uuid "+\
            "      AND c.changed_by = pup.people_id "+\
            "      AND c.issue_id = i.id "+\
            "      AND i.tracker_id = t.id "+\
            "      AND t.url = "+repo_name+" "+\
            "      AND changed_on >= "+startdate+" AND changed_on < " +enddate +\
            "      " + filter_bots + " " + dfilters + \
            " GROUP BY up.identifier ORDER BY closed DESC, closers LIMIT " + str(limit)
        data = self.db.ExecuteQuery(q)
        return (data)
Example #17
    def __get_sql_default__(self, evolutionary, close = False):
        # closed_condition =  ITS._get_closed_condition()

        fields = Set([])
        tables = Set([])
        filters = Set([])

        fields.add("count(distinct(pup.uuid)) as changers")
        tables.add("issues i")
        tables.add("changes ch")
        filters.add("i.id = ch.issue_id")
        if close:
            fields = Set([])
            fields.add("count(distinct(pup.uuid)) as closers")
            closed_condition =  ITS._get_closed_condition()
            if self.filters.closed_condition is not None:
                 closed_condition = self.filters.closed_condition

        #unique identities filters
        tables.add("people_uidentities pup")
        filters.add("i.submitted_by = pup.people_id")

        query = self.db.BuildQuery(self.filters.period, self.filters.startdate,
                               self.filters.enddate, " ch.changed_on ",
                               fields, tables, filters, evolutionary,
        #Action needed to replace issues filters by changes one
        query = query.replace("i.submitted", "ch.changed")
        return query
Example #18
    def get_list(self):
        from vizgrimoire.data_source import DataSource
        from vizgrimoire.filter import Filter
        startdate = self.filters.startdate
        enddate = self.filters.enddate
        closed_condition = ITS._get_closed_condition()
        if self.filters.closed_condition is not None:
             closed_condition = self.filters.closed_condition

        bots = DataSource.get_filter_bots(Filter("domain"))
        fbots = ''
        for bot in bots:
            fbots += " dom.name<>'"+bot+"' and "

        tables = Set([])
        filters = Set([])

        tables.add(self.db.identities_db + ".domains dom")
        tables_str = self.db._get_tables_query(tables)
        filters_str = self.db._get_filters_query(filters)

        q = "SELECT dom.name "+\
            "FROM "+ tables_str + " "+\
            "WHERE " + filters_str +" AND "+\
            "       dom.id = upd.domain_id and "+\
            "       "+ fbots +" "+\
            "       c.changed_on >= "+ startdate+ " AND "+\
            "       c.changed_on < "+ enddate+ " AND "+\
            "       "+ closed_condition+" "+\
            "GROUP BY dom.name "+\
            "ORDER BY COUNT(DISTINCT(c.issue_id)) DESC LIMIT " + str(Metrics.domains_limit)
        data = self.db.ExecuteQuery(q)
        return (data)
Example #19
    def get_list (self):
        # Projects activity needs to include subprojects also
        logging.info ("Getting projects list for ITS")
        from vizgrimoire.metrics.metrics_filter import MetricFilters

        q = "SELECT p.id AS name FROM  %s.projects p" % (self.db.projects_db)
        projects = self.db.ExecuteQuery(q)
        data = []

        # Loop all projects getting reviews
        for project in projects['name']:
            type_analysis = ['project', project]

            period = None
            filter_com = MetricFilters(period, self.filters.startdate,
                                       self.filters.enddate, type_analysis)
            mclosed = ITS.get_metrics("closed", ITS)
            mclosed.filters = filter_com
            issues = mclosed.get_agg()

            issues = issues['closed']
            if (issues > 0):

        # Order the list using reviews: https://wiki.python.org/moin/HowTo/Sorting
        from operator import itemgetter
        data_sort = sorted(data, key=itemgetter(0),reverse=True)
        names = [name[1] for name in data_sort]

Example #20
def create_json(dbcon, filters):

    ITS._get_backend().closed_condition = " i.status = 'Closed' "

    pullrequests = PullRequests(dbcon, filters)
    submitters = Submitters(dbcon, filters)
    abandoned = Abandoned(dbcon, filters)
    merged = Merged(dbcon, filters)
    trackers = Trackers(dbcon, filters)

    #timeseries data
    data = dict(pullrequests.get_ts().items() + submitters.get_ts().items() +
                abandoned.get_ts().items() + merged.get_ts().items() +
    if filters.type_analysis == []:
        createJSON(data, "scr-evolutionary.json")
        tracker = filters.type_analysis[1]
        tracker = tracker.replace("'", "")
        name = tracker.split("/")[-1:][0]
        createJSON(data, name + "-scr-evolutionary.json")

    #aggregated data
    data = dict(pullrequests.get_agg().items() + submitters.get_agg().items() +
                abandoned.get_agg().items() + merged.get_agg().items() +

    enddate = filters.enddate

    for i in [7, 365, 0]:
        data = dict(data.items() +
                    pullrequests.get_trends(enddate, i).items() +
                    submitters.get_trends(enddate, i).items() +
                    abandoned.get_trends(enddate, i).items() +
                    merged.get_trends(enddate, i).items() +
                    trackers.get_trends(enddate, i).items())

    if filters.type_analysis == []:
        createJSON(data, "scr-static.json")
        tracker = filters.type_analysis[1]
        tracker = tracker.replace("'", "")
        name = tracker.split("/")[-1:][0]
        createJSON(data, name + "-scr-static.json")
Example #21
def projects_efficiency(opts, people_out, affs_out):
    # BMI and time to review in mean per general project
    scr_dbcon = SCRQuery(opts.dbuser, opts.dbpassword, opts.dbreview, opts.dbidentities, opts.dbprojects)
    scm_dbcon = SCMQuery(opts.dbuser, opts.dbpassword, opts.dbcvsanaly, opts.dbidentities, opts.dbprojects)
    its_dbcon = ITSQuery(opts.dbuser, opts.dbpassword, opts.dbbicho, opts.dbidentities, opts.dbprojects)

    bmi_list = []
    time2review_list = []
    bmi_its = []

    period = "month"
    releases = opts.releases.split(",")[-2:]
    startdate = "'"+releases[0]+"'"
    enddate = "'"+releases[1]+"'"

    type_analysis = None
    project_filters = MetricFilters(period, startdate, enddate, type_analysis, 10,
                                        people_out, affs_out)
    scr_bmi = scr.BMISCR(scr_dbcon, project_filters)
    time2review = scr.TimeToReview(scr_dbcon, project_filters)

    # ITS BMI index
    from vizgrimoire.ITS import ITS

    opened = its.Opened(its_dbcon, project_filters)
    closed = its.Closed(its_dbcon, project_filters)

    tickets_opened = opened.get_agg()["opened"]
    tickets_closed = closed.get_agg()["closed"]

    its_bmi = 0
    if tickets_closed > 0:
       its_bmi = round(float(tickets_closed)/float(tickets_opened), 2)

    bmi_list.append(round(scr_bmi.get_agg()["bmiscr"], 2))
    time2review_list.append(round(time2review.get_agg()["review_time_days_median"], 2))

    createCSV({"projects":"general", "bmi":bmi_list, "timereview":time2review_list, "bmiits":bmi_its}, "./release/integrated_projects_efficiency.csv")
Example #22
    def result(self, data_source = None):
        from vizgrimoire.ITS import ITS
        if data_source is not None and data_source != ITS: return None
        period = self.filters.period
        startdate = self.filters.startdate
        enddate = self.filters.enddate
        idb = self.db.identities_db
        from vizgrimoire.ITS import ITS
        backend = ITS._get_backend()

        time_to_response = self.ticketsTimeToResponse(period, startdate, enddate, idb, backend)
        time_from_opened = self.ticketsTimeOpened(period, startdate, enddate, idb, backend)
        return dict(time_to_response.items() + time_from_opened.items())
Example #23
 def _get_sql(self, evolutionary):
     """ Implemented using Changers (changed metric should exists first) """
     close = True
     changers = ITS.get_metrics("changers", ITS)
     if changers is None:
         # We need to create changers metric
         changers = Changers(self.db, self.filters)
         q = changers._get_sql(evolutionary, close)
         cfilters = changers.filters
         changers.filters = self.filters
         q = changers._get_sql(evolutionary, close)
         changers.filters = cfilters
     return q
Example #24
 def _get_sql(self, evolutionary):
     """ Implemented using Changed """
     close = True
     changed = ITS.get_metrics("changed", ITS)
     if changed is None:
         # We need to create changers metric
         changed = Changed(self.db, self.filters)
         q = changed._get_sql(evolutionary, close)
         cfilters = changed.filters
         changed.filters = self.filters
         q = changed._get_sql(evolutionary, close)
         changed.filters = cfilters
     return q
Example #25
    def __get_sql_trk_prj__(self, evolutionary, close=False):
        # First get changers and then join with people_upeople
        fields = Set([])
        tables = Set([])
        filters = Set([])

        # TODO: double check this, it does not make sense that distinct without a group action
        fields.add("distinct(changed_by) as cpeople, changed_on")
        tables.add("issues i")
        tables.add("changes ch")
        filters.add("i.id = ch.issue_id")

        if close:
            closed_condition = ITS._get_closed_condition()
            if self.filters.closed_condition is not None:
                closed_condition = self.filters.closed_condition



        tpeople_sql = "select " + self.db._get_fields_query(fields)
        tpeople_sql = tpeople_sql + " from " + self.db._get_tables_query(
        tpeople_sql = tpeople_sql + " where " + self.db._get_filters_query(

        fields = Set([])
        tables = Set([])
        filters = Set([])

        fields.add("count(distinct(pup.uuid)) as changers")
        tables.add("people_uidentities pup")
        tables_str = "(%s) tpeople " % (tpeople_sql)
        filters.add("tpeople.cpeople = pup.people_id")

        if close:
            fields = Set([])
            fields.add("count(distinct(pup.uuid)) as closers")

        query = self.db.BuildQuery(self.filters.period, self.filters.startdate,
                                   " tpeople.changed_on ", fields, tables,
                                   filters, evolutionary,
        return query
Example #26
    def _get_top_global(self, days=0, metric_filters=None):
        """ Implemented using Openers """
        top = None
        openers = ITS.get_metrics("stories_openers", ITS)
        if openers is None:
            openers = StoriesOpeners(self.db, self.filters)
            top = openers._get_top(days, metric_filters)
            afilters = openers.filters
            openers.filters = self.filters
            top = openers._get_top(days, metric_filters)
            openers.filters = afilters

        top['name'] = top.pop('openers')
        return top
Example #27
    def _get_top_global(self, days=0, metric_filters=None):
        """ Implemented using Closers """
        top = None
        closers = ITS.get_metrics("closers", ITS)
        if closers is None:
            closers = Closers(self.db, self.filters)
            top = closers._get_top(days, metric_filters)
            afilters = closers.filters
            closers.filters = self.filters
            top = closers._get_top(days, metric_filters)
            closers.filters = afilters

        top['name'] = top.pop('closers')
        return top
Example #28
    def __get_sql_trk_prj__(self, evolutionary, close=False):
        """ First get the issues filtered and then join with changes. Optimization for projects and trackers """

        fields = Set([])
        tables = Set([])
        filters = Set([])

        fields.add("i.id as id")
        tables.add("issues i")
        filters.union_update(self.db.GetSQLReportWhere(self.filters, "issues"))

        issues_sql = "select " + self.db._get_fields_query(fields)
        issues_sql = issues_sql + " from " + self.db._get_tables_query(tables)
        issues_sql = issues_sql + " where " + self.db._get_filters_query(

        #Action needed to replace issues filters by changes one
        # issues_sql = issues_sql.replace("i.submitted", "ch.changed")

        # closed_condition =  ITS._get_closed_condition()
        fields = Set([])
        tables = Set([])
        filters = Set([])

        fields.add("count(distinct(t.id)) as changed")
        tables.add("changes ch")
        tables.add("(%s) t" % (issues_sql))
        filters.add("t.id = ch.issue_id")

        if close:
            closed_condition = ITS._get_closed_condition()
            if self.filters.closed_condition is not None:
                closed_condition = self.filters.closed_condition

            fields = Set([])
            fields.add("count(distinct(t.id)) as closed")

        query = self.db.BuildQuery(self.filters.period, self.filters.startdate,
                                   self.filters.enddate, " ch.changed_on ",
                                   fields, tables, filters, evolutionary,
        return query
Example #29
def GetClosedSummaryCompanies(period, startdate, enddate, identities_db,
                              closed_condition, num_organizations):

    from vizgrimoire.ITS import ITS

    count = 1
    first_organizations = {}

    metric = DataSource.get_metrics("organizations", ITS)
    organizations = metric.get_list()
    organizations = organizations['name']

    for company in organizations:
        type_analysis = ["company", "'" + company + "'"]
        filter_com = MetricFilters(period, startdate, enddate, type_analysis)
        mclosed = ITS.get_metrics("closed", ITS)
        mclosed.filters = filter_com
        closed = mclosed.get_ts()
        # Rename field closed to company name
        closed[company] = closed["closed"]
        del closed['closed']

        if (count <= num_organizations):
            #Case of organizations with entity in the dataset
            first_organizations = dict(first_organizations.items() +
            #Case of organizations that are aggregated in the field Others
            if 'Others' not in first_organizations:
                first_organizations['Others'] = closed[company]
                first_organizations['Others'] = [
                    a + b for a, b in zip(first_organizations['Others'],
        count = count + 1
    first_organizations = completePeriodIds(first_organizations, period,
                                            startdate, enddate)

    return (first_organizations)
Example #30
    def get_list(self):
        from vizgrimoire.data_source import DataSource
        from vizgrimoire.filter import Filter
        bots = DataSource.get_filter_bots(Filter("company"))
        fbots = ''
        for bot in bots:
            fbots += " org.name<>'"+bot+"' and "
        startdate = self.filters.startdate
        enddate = self.filters.enddate
        closed_condition = ITS._get_closed_condition()
        if self.filters.closed_condition is not None:
             closed_condition = self.filters.closed_condition

        # list each of the organizations analyzed
        # those are order by number of closed issues
        q = "select org.name "+\
            "from issues i, "+\
            "     changes ch, "+\
            "     people_uidentities pup, "+\
            "     "+ self.db.identities_db+ ".enrollments enr, "+\
            "     "+ self.db.identities_db+ ".organizations org "+\
            "where i.id = ch.issue_id and "+\
            "      ch.changed_by = pup.people_id and "+\
            "      pup.uuid = enr.uuid and "+\
            "      enr.organization_id = org.id and "+\
            "      ch.changed_on >= "+ startdate+ " and "+\
            "      ch.changed_on < "+ enddate+" and "+\
            "      i.submitted_on >= enr.start and "+\
            "      i.submitted_on < enr.end and "+\
            "      "+ fbots  +\
                   closed_condition +\
            "      group by org.name  "+\
            "      order by count(distinct(i.id)) desc"

        data = self.db.ExecuteQuery(q)
        return (data)
Example #31
    def result(self, data_source = None):
        # FIXME: this import is needed to get the list of
        # states available on the tracker. This should be moved
        # to configuration file to let the user choose among states.
        from vizgrimoire.ITS import ITS
        if data_source is not None and data_source != ITS: return None
        backend = ITS._get_backend()

        if backend.its_type == 'bg':
            backend_type = 'bugzilla'
            backend_type = backend.its_type

        states = self.get_state_types(backend_type)

        backlog = self.get_backlog(states, backend_type)
        current_states = self.get_current_states(states)
        data = dict(backlog.items() + current_states.items())

        prep_data = {}

        # Capitalize first letter to avoid collision with other metrics
        capitalize = lambda s: s[0].upper() + s[1:]

        for k in data:
            if k in ['id', 'date', 'month', 'unixtime']:
                prep_data[k] = data[k]
                if k.startswith('current_'):
                    state = capitalize(k.partition('_')[2])
                    state = 'current_' + state
                    state = capitalize(k)

                prep_data[state] = data[k]

        return prep_data
Example #32
    def result(self, data_source=None, destdir=None):
        if data_source != SCM or destdir is None: return None

        automator = Report.get_config()
        db_identities = automator["generic"]["db_identities"]
        dbuser = automator["generic"]["db_user"]
        dbpass = automator["generic"]["db_password"]

        start_date = automator['r']['start_date']
        if 'end_date' not in automator['r']:
            end_date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
            end_date = automator['r']['end_date']

        start_year = int(start_date.split("-")[0])
        end_year = int(end_date.split("-")[0])

        activity = {}
        activity['name'] = []

        # Commits
        data = self.db.ExecuteQuery(self.get_sql_commits())
        activity = self.add_organizations_data(activity, data)
        self.add_metric_years("commits", activity, start_year, end_year)
        # Authors
        data = self.db.ExecuteQuery(self.get_sql_authors())
        activity = self.add_organizations_data(activity, data)
        self.add_metric_years("authors", activity, start_year, end_year)
        # Committers
        data = self.db.ExecuteQuery(self.get_sql_committers())
        activity = self.add_organizations_data(activity, data)
        self.add_metric_years("committers", activity, start_year, end_year)
        # Committers active: only valid for today
        data = self.db.ExecuteQuery(self.get_sql_committers(None, True))
        data = self._convert_dict_field(data, "committers_active",
        activity = self.add_organizations_data(activity, data)
        # Committers inactive: only valid for today
        activity['committers-inactive'] = \
            [ activity['committers'][i] - activity['committers-active'][i] \
             for i in range(0, len(activity['committers']))]
        activity['committers-percent-active'] = []
        for i in range(0, len(activity['committers'])):
            if activity['committers'][i] == 0:
                (activity['committers-active'][i]*100) / activity['committers'][i])
        # Actions
        data = self.db.ExecuteQuery(self.get_sql_actions())
        activity = self.add_organizations_data(activity, data)
        self.add_metric_years("actions", activity, start_year, end_year)
        # Source lines of code added
        data = self.db.ExecuteQuery(self.get_sql_lines_added())
        data = self._convert_dict_field(data, "lines_added", "lines-added")
        activity = self.add_organizations_data(activity, data)
        self.add_metric_years("lines-added", activity, start_year, end_year)
        # Source lines of code removed
        data = self.db.ExecuteQuery(self.get_sql_lines_removed())
        data = self._convert_dict_field(data, "lines_removed", "lines-removed")
        activity = self.add_organizations_data(activity, data)
        self.add_metric_years("lines-removed", activity, start_year, end_year)
        # Source lines of code total (added+removed)
        data = self.db.ExecuteQuery(self.get_sql_lines_total())
        data = self._convert_dict_field(data, "lines_total", "lines-total")
        activity = self.add_organizations_data(activity, data)
        self.add_metric_years("lines-total", activity, start_year, end_year)
        # Lines per commit
        self.add_metric_lines_commit(activity, start_year, end_year)

        # We need to change the db to tickets
        dbname = automator["generic"]["db_bicho"]
        dsquery = ITS.get_query_builder()
        dbcon = dsquery(dbuser, dbpass, dbname, db_identities)
        self.db = dbcon
        # Tickets opened
        data = self.db.ExecuteQuery(self.get_sql_opened())
        activity = self.add_organizations_data(activity, data)
        self.add_metric_years("opened", activity, start_year, end_year)
        # Tickets closed
        data = self.db.ExecuteQuery(self.get_sql_closed())
        activity = self.add_organizations_data(activity, data)
        self.add_metric_years("closed", activity, start_year, end_year)

        # Messages sent
        dbname = automator["generic"]["db_mlstats"]
        dsquery = MLS.get_query_builder()
        dbcon = dsquery(dbuser, dbpass, dbname, db_identities)
        self.db = dbcon

        data = self.db.ExecuteQuery(self.get_sql_sent())
        activity = self.add_organizations_data(activity, data)
        self.add_metric_years("sent", activity, start_year, end_year)

        createJSON(activity, destdir + "/organizations-activity.json")
        logging.info(destdir + "/organizations-activity.json created")
Example #33
def projects_efficiency(opts, people_out, affs_out):
    # BMI and time to review in mean per general project
    scr_dbcon = SCRQuery(opts.dbuser, opts.dbpassword, opts.dbreview,
                         opts.dbidentities, opts.dbprojects)
    scm_dbcon = SCMQuery(opts.dbuser, opts.dbpassword, opts.dbcvsanaly,
                         opts.dbidentities, opts.dbprojects)
    its_dbcon = ITSQuery(opts.dbuser, opts.dbpassword, opts.dbbicho,
                         opts.dbidentities, opts.dbprojects)

    projects = integrated_projects(scm_dbcon)

    projects_ids = projects["subproject_id"]
    projects_list = []
    bmi_list = []
    time2review_list = []
    bmi_its = []

    period = "month"
    releases = opts.releases.split(",")[-2:]
    startdate = "'" + releases[0] + "'"
    enddate = "'" + releases[1] + "'"

    for project_id in projects_ids:
        project_title = "'" + project_id + "'"
        type_analysis = ["project", project_id]
        project_filters = MetricFilters(period, startdate, enddate,
                                        type_analysis, 10, people_out,
        scr_bmi = scr.BMISCR(scr_dbcon, project_filters)
        time2review = scr.TimeToReview(scr_dbcon, project_filters)

        # ITS BMI index
        from vizgrimoire.ITS import ITS

        if project_id == 'Documentation':
            ).closed_condition = "(new_value='Fix Committed' or new_value='Fix Released')"
            ITS.closed_condition = "(new_value='Fix Committed')"

        opened = its.Opened(its_dbcon, project_filters)
        closed = its.Closed(its_dbcon, project_filters)

        tickets_opened = opened.get_agg()["opened"]
        tickets_closed = closed.get_agg()["closed"]

        its_bmi = 0
        if tickets_closed > 0:
            its_bmi = round(float(tickets_closed) / float(tickets_opened), 2)

        bmi_list.append(round(scr_bmi.get_agg()["bmiscr"], 2))
            round(time2review.get_agg()["review_time_days_median"], 2))

            "projects": projects_list,
            "bmi": bmi_list,
            "timereview": time2review_list,
            "bmiits": bmi_its
        }, "./release/integrated_projects_efficiency.csv")
Example #34
        project_sloc = float(sonar_metrics["ncloc"])
        print "Project: " + str(project)
        print "NCLOC: " + str(project_sloc)

        filters = MetricFilters("month", startdate, enddate,
                                ["project", "'" + project + "'"], opts.npeople,
                                people_out, affs_out)

        #SCM report
        scm_dbcon = SCMQuery(opts.dbuser, opts.dbpassword, opts.dbcvsanaly,
        data.update(scm_report(scm_dbcon, filters, project_sloc))

        #ITS report
        its_dbcon = ITSQuery(opts.dbuser, opts.dbpassword, opts.dbbicho,
        data.update(its_report(its_dbcon, filters, project_sloc))

        #SCR Report
        #scr_dbcon = SCRQuery(opts.dbuser, opts.dbpassword, opts.dbreview, opts.dbidentities)
        #data["scr"] = scr_report(scr_dbcon, filters)

        #MLS Report
        mls_dbcon = MLSQuery(opts.dbuser, opts.dbpassword, opts.dbmlstats,
        data.update(mls_report(mls_dbcon, filters, project_sloc))
        #FUDFORUMS Report
        fudforums_dbcon = MLSQuery(opts.dbuser, opts.dbpassword,
                                   opts.dbfudforums, opts.dbidentities)
Example #35
        tracker = filters.type_analysis[1]
        tracker = tracker.replace("'", "")
        name = tracker.split("/")[-1:][0]
        createJSON(data, name + "-scr-static.json")

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # PYTHONPATH=./:../../:../analysis/:../ python scr_jira_metrics.py
    filters = MetricFilters("month", "'2008-10-20'", "'2014-10-01'", [])
    dbcon = ITSQuery("root", "", "lcanas_bicho_gerrit_liferay_4444",

    create_json(dbcon, filters)

    ITS._get_backend().closed_condition = " i.status = 'Closed' "
    #per tracker data
    trackers = Trackers(dbcon, filters)
    trackers_list = trackers.get_list()
    trackers_names = []
    for tracker in trackers_list["name"]:
        tracker_name = tracker.split("/")[-1:][0]
        tracker_str = "'" + tracker + "'"
        filters = MetricFilters("month", "'2008-10-20'", "'2014-10-01'",
                                ['repository', tracker_str])
        create_json(dbcon, filters)

    createJSON({"name": trackers_names}, "scr-repos.json")