def ExitProximity(e): global lSelectedNode, rSelectedNode, lhandtarget, rhandtarget, molecExited, h2omodels, NUM_H2O print "moleucle has left the building!!" print "exit prox: ", lSelectedNode, rSelectedNode #drop molecule to specified place obj = None if == lhandtarget: obj = lSelectedNode lSelectedNode = None moleculeManager.removeTarget(lhandtarget) elif == rhandtarget: obj = rSelectedNode rSelectedNode = None moleculeManager.removeTarget(rhandtarget) rhGrabber.removeItems([obj]) lhGrabber.removeItems([obj]) print obj molecExited = True '''x,y,z = (h2omodels[0]).getPosition() x += .5 moveToH2O = vizact.moveTo([x,y,z] , speed = .75) obj.addAction(moveToH2O) print "should be moving!"''' viztask.schedule(moveCO2toH2O(obj)) #start molecule combination animation #hide and remove h20 and co2 molecules '''obj.visible(viz.OFF)
def custom_walk(self, points): self.points = points self.place_points = 0 self.avatar.setPosition(points[0][0]) self.next_point = points[0][0] self.next_speed = points[0][1] viztask.schedule(self.start_custom_walk())
def startThreeTouch(): #Captures the initial timeFrame whent the cubes are set up. global hfScoreTimes # global startTime # startTime = time.clock() viztask.schedule(playThreeTouch) print "scheduled the game at time = " + str(time.clock())
def startZone3Hunt(): global SWIM_ZONE_TO_ZONE_COMPLETE_EVENT # yield viztask.waitEvent(scavengerhunt.ZONE1_OVER_EVENT) # print "waiting for swimming to end" # yield viztask.waitEvent(SWIM_ZONE_TO_ZONE_COMPLETE_EVENT) # scavengerhunt.disableGrabber() # globals_oa.basket.disable(viz.RENDERING) yield fader.fadeOutTask() # #Untested fish hiding # for school in schooling.all_fish_schools: # chromis_chromis.hidePercentage(20) # diplodus_annularis.hidePercentage(100) # labrus_viridis.hidePercentage(100) # sarpa_salpa.hidePercentage(20) for school in schooling.all_fish_schools: school.hidePercentage(50) globals_oa.currentZoneNumber = 2 transport_vhil.cycleZones() #viz.res.addPublishFile('data/speciesToFindZone3.txt') #scavengerhunt.initialize(globals_oa.terrainZone3, globals_oa.filePathToSpeciesForScavengerHuntInZone3) #Enable swimming yield fader.fadeInTask() yield viztask.waitTime(3) # playAudioAndSaveGlobalPointer(globals_oa.ZONE3_AUDIO_1) viztask.schedule(startBoatOutro())
def main(): global masterTimerG, recordingTimer setUp() masterTimerG = vizact.ontimer(0, masterTimer) #recordingTimer = vizact.ontimer(0, recordCurrentSubjectStatus) if not KEYBOARD_NAVIGATE: addKeyPresses() else: # Setup keyboard/mouse tracker tracker = vizcam.addWalkNavigate(moveScale=10.0) tracker.setPosition([0,1.8,0]),viz.MainView) viz.mouse.setVisible(False) def printLocation(): print viz.MainView.getPosition(), viz.MainView.getEuler() vizact.onkeydown('p', printLocation) #Add Wiimote support # wii = viz.add('wiimote.dle') # #Connect to first available wiimote # wiimote = wii.addWiimote() # wiimote.led = wii.LED_4 # #Add button functions # vizact.onsensordown(wiimote,wii.BUTTON_A,TurnFlyingOn) # vizact.onsensordown(wiimote,wii.BUTTON_B,TurnFlyingOff) # vizact.onsensordown(wiimote,wii.BUTTON_1,endChildHappy) # #Hacky bug fix below, I apologize -Mark if not FLYING_F and YOKE_F: viztask.schedule(fixStartHeliPos)
def MoveToNextStation(): # Leave Station print('Leaving Station') # Train Audio train.addAction(moveForward) # Move train forward SetupHMD.MovePlayer() yield viztask.waitTime(30) # Wait 30 seconds print('Reset Train Pos') train.setPosition(-120, -1, 6) # Reset train at other end of tunnel if (SetupHMD.hmdconnected): SetupHMD.SetRotation(180) trainPos = train.getPosition() trainPos[1] += 1.5 trainPos[2] += 1.6 SetupHMD.SetPos(trainPos) else: pos = train.getPosition(viz.ABS_GLOBAL) pos[0] += 0.3 # Along Seat pos[1] = 1.7 # Eye Height pos[2] += 1.3 # Depth viz.MainView.setPosition(pos) viz.MainView.setEuler(180, 0, 0) yield viztask.waitTime(30) # Wait 30 seconds print('Arrived at Station') trainMove.stop() # Stop Audio viztask.schedule(StationReached()) # Trigger next function
def __init__(self, dataset): self.modeName = '' self._maxThreads = 8 self._curThreads = 0 self._meshes = [] self._meshesByFilename = {} self._keystones = [] self._proximityList = [] self._boundingBoxes = {} self._keyBindings = [] self._inRange = [] self._meshesById = {} self._boneInfo = None self._closestBoneIdx = None self._prevBoneIdx = None self._lastGrabbed = None self._lastMeshGrabbed = None self._lastBoxGrabbed = None self._highlighted = None self._gloveLink = None self._grabFlag = False self._snapAttempts = 0 self._imploded = False self._pointerTexture = model.pointer.getTexture() self._pointerOrigColor = model.pointer.getColor() # self.viewcube = puzzleView.viewCube() viztask.schedule(self.load(dataset))
def collision( self ): #self.next_point = [self.next_point[0] - .1, 0, self.next_point[2] - .1] #get_quadrant(self.avatar.getPosition()).get_random_walk()#[self.avatar.getPosition()[0], 0, self.avatar.getPosition()[2] - 0.05] yield viztask.addAction(self.avatar, vizact.waittime(0.5)) #self.avatar.lookat(self.next_point) #yield viztask.addAction(self.avatar, vizact.waittime(1)) self.coll = 0 viztask.schedule(self.walk_around())
def saveScreenshot(self): """ Save a BMP screenshot of the current Vizard window """ fn = 'svr_screenshot_{:d}.bmp'.format(self._next_screenshot) viz.window.screenCapture(fn) self._next_screenshot += 1 viztask.schedule(showVRText('Screenshot saved.')) print('Screenshot saved.')
def check_pos_and_move(): # Get currentcoordinates. Check to see if they match the "collide coordinates". If they do, # call learn_move x, y, z = viz.MainView.getPosition(viz.ABS_GLOBAL) if ((x >= collide_coords[0] and x <= collide_coords[1]) and (z >= collide_coords[2] and z <= collide_coords[3])): viztask.schedule(learn_move())
def load(self, dataset): """ Load datasets and initialize everything necessary to commence the puzzle game. """ # Dataset model.ds = bp3d.DatasetInterface() # Proximity management model.proxManager = vizproximity.Manager() target = vizproximity.Target(model.pointer) model.proxManager.addTarget(target) model.proxManager.onEnter(None, self.EnterProximity) model.proxManager.onExit(None, self.ExitProximity) #Setup Key Bindings self.bindKeys() self.score = PuzzleScore(self.modeName) # viztask.schedule(soundTask(glove)) self._meshesToLoad = model.ds.getOntologySet(dataset) self._filesToPreSnap = model.ds.getPreSnapSet() yield self.loadControl(self._meshesToLoad) yield self.prepareMeshes() yield self.preSnap() yield self.setKeystone(1) viztask.schedule(self.updateClosestBone())
def moveView(self): # move view xT,_,zT = self.cTrial.getPos('src', 'near') moveTo = vizact.moveTo([xT,ct.EYE_HEIGHT,zT], speed=5) viz.MainView.addAction(moveTo) yield viztask.waitActionEnd(viz.MainView, moveTo) # make source building semi transparent self.cTrial.showBuilding('src', 'transparent') # align reference vertex to mainview self.refVert.setMatrix( viz.MainView.getMatrix() ) # enable user mouse look WalkNavigate(forward='w', backward='s', left='a', right='d', moveScale=0, turnScale=1.0) vx, _, vz = viz.MainView.getPosition() # draw grid self.cross90.setPosition(vx, 0.01, vz) self.cross90.visible(viz.ON) self.grid.setPosition(vx, 0.1, vz) self.grid.visible(viz.ON) viztask.schedule( self.getTargetAngle() )
def CrosshairDisplay(s): Piazza.visible(viz.OFF) GrassGround.visible(viz.OFF) crosshair.visible(viz.ON) viztask.schedule(ReturnToExperiment(s)) stripe1.visible(viz.OFF) stripe2.visible(viz.OFF)
def playStory(): global selectedAvatar, playing, avs if == 'exit': viztask.schedule(playBusCloseAudio) else: playing = True toOutput = 'Started listening to ' + dc.collect(toOutput) yield viztask.waitMediaEnd(selectedAvatar.story) playing = False selectedAvatar.done = True if == 'son/father': for avatar in avs: if == 'father/son': avatar.done = True break if == 'father/son': for avatar in avs: if == 'son/father': avatar.done = True break toOutput = 'Finished listening to ' + dc.collect(toOutput) yield viztask.waitTime(0.1) selectedAvatar = None
def __init__(self): #init canvas and create themes for the test panel self.canvas = viz.addGUICanvas(align = viz.ALIGN_CENTER_CENTER) self.canvas.setPosition(0,0,0) viz.mouse.setVisible(False) = 'test' self._theme = viz.Theme() self._theme.borderColor = (0.1,0.1,0.1,1) self._theme.backColor = (0.4,0.4,0.4,1) self._theme.lightBackColor = (0.6,0.6,0.6,1) self._theme.darkBackColor = (0.2,0.2,0.2,1) self._theme.highBackColor = (0.2,0.2,0.2,1) self._theme.textColor = (1,1,1,1) self._theme.highTextColor = (1,1,1,1) #initialize test panel vizdlg.Panel.__init__(self, parent = self.canvas, theme = self._theme, align = viz.ALIGN_CENTER_TOP, fontSize = 15) self.visible(viz.OFF) self.setScale(*[i*config.menuScale[] for i in [1,1,1]]) self.alpha(0.6) # #title title = vizdlg.TitleBar('INSTRUCTIONS') self.addItem(title, align = viz.ALIGN_CENTER_TOP) #bones to be snapped. source snapped to target. source = 'a'*20 self.sourceText = viz.addTextbox(parent = self.canvas) self.sourceText.setLength(1.5) target = 'a'*20 self.targetText = viz.addTextbox(parent = self.canvas) self.targetText.setLength(1.5) #instructions self.Instruct1 = self.addItem(viz.addText('Snap the: ', parent = self.canvas), align = viz.ALIGN_CENTER_TOP) self.sourceCommand = self.addItem(self.sourceText, align = viz.ALIGN_CENTER_TOP) self.Instruct2 = self.addItem(viz.addText('To the: ', parent = self.canvas), align = viz.ALIGN_CENTER_TOP) self.targetCommand = self.addItem(self.targetText, align = viz.ALIGN_CENTER_TOP) #render canvas if config.dispMode == config.DisplayMode.monitor: self.canvas.billboard(viz.BILLBOARD_YAXIS) self.canvas.setPosition(-2,0,0) self.canvas.setBackdrop(viz.ALIGN_CENTER_TOP) if config.dispMode == config.DisplayMode.oculus: bb = self.canvas.getBoundingBox() self.canvas.setRenderWorldOverlay([bb.width*1, bb.height*1], fov = bb.height, distance = 0.4) self.canvas.setPosition(0,0.05,0) self.canvasViewPos = self.canvas.getPosition() self.canvas.setEuler(0,15,0) self.canvas.setPosition(0, -5, 0) self.canvasHidePos = self.canvas.getPosition() viztask.schedule(self.updatePanelPos()) vizact.onkeydown(viz.KEY_ESCAPE, self.toggle)
def MainTask(): """Top level task that controls the game""" # Display instructions and wait for key press to continue yield DisplayInstructionsTask() tracker = vizcam.addWalkNavigate(moveScale=2.0) tracker.setPosition([0, 2.5, 0]), viz.MainView) viz.mouse.setVisible(False) # Create panel to display trial results resultPanel = vizinfo.InfoPanel('', align=viz.ALIGN_CENTER, fontSize=25, icon=False, key=None) resultPanel.visible(False) # Reset score score = 0 UpdateScore(score) sensors() found = True number = 0 while found and number < 7: # Perform a trial found = False found = yield TrialTask() # Update score and display status text if found: score += 1 UpdateScore(score) resultPanel.setText(TRIAL_SUCCESS) else: viztask.schedule(FadeToGrayTask()) resultPanel.setText(TRIAL_FAIL) viz.mouse.setVisible(True) Run_function() #Display success/failure message resultPanel.visible(True) # Add delay before starting next trial yield viztask.waitTime(TRIAL_DELAY) resultPanel.visible(False) number += 1 # Disable gray effect gray_effect.setEnabled(False) #Display results and ask to quit or play again resultPanel.setText(RESULTS.format(score, TRIAL_COUNT)) resultPanel.visible(True) yield viztask.waitTime(5) resultPanel.visible(False) UpdateScore(10)
def clearPoints(self): """ Remove previously placed point axes objects and clear the point data list """ for object in self._points: object.remove() self._points = [] viztask.schedule(showVRText('Points data cleared.')) print('Point data and axes cleared.')
def onCollideBegin(e): global people for person in people: if person.avatar == e.obj1: person.coll = 1 person.avatar.clearActions() viztask.schedule(person.collision())
def MainTask(): """Top level task that controls the game""" # Display instructions and wait for key press to continue yield DisplayInstructionsTask() # Create panel to display trial results resultPanel = vizinfo.InfoPanel("", align=viz.ALIGN_CENTER, fontSize=25, icon=False, key=None) resultPanel.visible(False) viztask.waitDirector(getData) while True: num_trials += 1 # Randomly choose hiding spots from list locations = random.sample(HIDING_SPOTS, TRIAL_COUNT) # Reset score score = 0 UpdateScore(score) # Go through each position for pos in locations: # Perform a trial found = yield TrialTask(pos) # Update score and display status text if found: viz.playSound("sounds/pigeon_catch.wav") score += 1 total_score += 1 UpdateScore(score) tracker.runAction(vizact.spinTo(point=pos, time=0.8, interpolate=vizact.easeOutStrong)) resultPanel.setText(TRIAL_SUCCESS) else: viz.playSound("sounds/pigeon_fly.wav") viztask.schedule(FadeToGrayTask()) resultPanel.setText(TRIAL_FAIL) # Display success/failure message resultPanel.visible(True) # Add delay before starting next trial yield viztask.waitTime(TRIAL_DELAY) resultPanel.visible(False) # Disable gray effect gray_effect.setEnabled(False) viztask.waitDirector(writeScore, score) # Display results and ask to quit or play again resultPanel.setText(RESULTS.format(score, TRIAL_COUNT)) resultPanel.visible(True) yield viztask.waitKeyDown(" ") resultPanel.visible(False)
def h2co3FormationTriggerEvent(e): global rightHandTarget, leftHandTarget, bubble print "Forming H2CO3 now!!!" bubble.disable(viz.RENDERING) if == rightHandTarget: vizact.ontimer2(0.004, 25, vibrateHandController, 2) elif == leftHandTarget: vizact.ontimer2(0.004, 25, vibrateHandController, 1) viztask.schedule(H2CO3formation())
def ExitProximity(e): global lSelectedNode, rSelectedNode, lhandtarget, rhandtarget, molecExited, h2omodels, NUM_H2O print "moleucle has left the building!!" print "exit prox: ", lSelectedNode, rSelectedNode #drop molecule to specified place obj = None if == lhandtarget: if lSelectedNode == None: return #If hand exits but has no molecule obj = lSelectedNode lSelectedNode = None moleculeManager.removeTarget(lhandtarget) elif == rhandtarget: if rSelectedNode == None: return #If hand exits but has no molecule obj = rSelectedNode rSelectedNode = None moleculeManager.removeTarget(rhandtarget) rhGrabber.removeItems([obj]) lhGrabber.removeItems([obj]) print obj molecExited = True x,y,z = (h2omodels[0]).getPosition() x += .5 '''moveToH2O = vizact.moveTo([x,y,z] , speed = .75) obj.addAction(moveToH2O) print "should be moving!"''' #viztask.schedule( fadeAndAppear() ) viztask.schedule(moveCO2toH2O(obj)) #moveCO2 = vizact.moveTo([x,y,z],speed = .75 ) #obj.addAction(moveCO2) '''co2 = obj print "in moveCO2toH20", co2 #global h2omodels, NUM_H2O x,y,z = (h2omodels[0]).getPosition() x += .3 moveToH2O = vizact.moveTo([x,y,z] , speed = 1.75) print x,y,z print (h2omodels[0]).getPosition() #viztask.addAction(co2, vizact.move(x,y,z,2)) sequence = vizact.sequence(moveToH2O, vizact.waittime(4), vizact.fadeTo(0, time = 1)) yield co2.add(sequence) print "should be moving!" #yield viztask.waitTime(2) #"before turning off co2" #co2.visible(viz.OFF) h2omodels[0].visible(viz.OFF) print "before removing h20" h2omodels.remove(h2omodels[0]) NUM_H2O -= 1 ''' print "past viztask in exit prox" #start molecule combination animation #hide and remove h20 and co2 molecules '''obj.visible(viz.OFF)
def enable(): global started, enabled global selector if not started: viztask.schedule(begin()) started = True enabled = True
def disable(): global enabled global selector if enabled: selector.disable() enabled = False viztask.schedule(playBusCloseAudio())
def experiment(): for trialN in range(10): if trialN < 9: datafile = 'Trial0' + str(trialN + 1) + '.txt' respfile = 'RT_Trial0' + str(trialN + 1) + time.strftime( "_%d-%b-%y_%H-%M") + '.csv' else: datafile = 'Trial' + str(trialN + 1) + '.txt' respfile = 'RT_Trial' + str(trialN + 1) + time.strftime( "_%d-%b-%y_%H-%M") + '.csv' colors = [] with open(datafile, 'rb') as csvfile: csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=' ') for row in csvreader: colors.append(row) colors = numpy.asarray(colors, dtype=uInt8) # colors = colors[0] strobes = Strobes(x, 100) leds = LEDs(colors, 0.05, 0.9403) vizact.onkeydown('.', leds.recordResp) sensor_Target = vizproximity.Sensor( vizproximity.RectangleArea([4, 0.1], center=[0, real_tg_dist[(-1)**trialN]]), None) manager.addSensor(sensor_Target) # Show where the target is and ask them to face to the target yield viztask.waitKeyDown('a') standBy = viztask.schedule(leds.standby(trialN % 2)) # Turn of the LED to get the experiment ready to start yield viztask.waitKeyDown('s') standBy.kill() leds.all_off() leds.stop() monitor_record_Network.send('Start!') strobes.StartTask() f = viztask.schedule(leds.flashing()) monitor_record_Network.send('Start!') yield vizproximity.waitEnter( sensor_Target) # flash until they enter the target zone f.kill() # Once reach the target turn off both the LEDs and strobes strobes.StopTask() strobes.ClearTask() leds.all_off() leds.stop() leds.clear() # Save the data into a csv file leds.saveAsFile(respfile) manager.clearSensors() yield viztask.waitTime(10) viz.quit()
def snap(self): """ Moves dog to the pos and euler of its target (dogTarget) """ movePos = vizact.moveTo(self.outlineCenter.getPosition(), time = self.snapTransitionTime) moveAng = vizact.spinTo(euler = self.outlineCenter.getEuler(), time = self.snapTransitionTime) transition = vizact.parallel(movePos, moveAng) self.dogCenter.addAction(transition) viz.playSound(".\\dataset\\snap.wav") viztask.schedule(self.mechanics())
def update(self): if not self.__nvd.isInView(): return True else: global seatQueue if timerEnded and abs(self.__node.getPosition()[0] - firstSeatPosition[0]) > 0.1: seatQueue.rotate(1) # Takes the most recent (past) position viztask.schedule( moveBackwards(self.__node, seatQueue[0]) ) return True#abs(seatQueue[0][0] - self.__node.getPosition()[0]) < 0.1 else: return False
def checkForNextEvent( obj ): global OBJS_WITH_NARRATION, selector evict = next((obj for obj in OBJS_WITH_NARRATION if == 'EvictionNotice'), None) door = next((obj for obj in OBJS_WITH_NARRATION if == 'Door'), None) if == 'Radio.OSGB': playNarrationFile(door) elif == 'Door': playNarrationFile(evict) else: selector.crosshair.visible(True) viztask.schedule(prepareForObjectSelling(evict))
def snap(dog, dogTarget): """ Moves dog to the pos and euler of its target (dogTarget) """ movePos = vizact.moveTo(dogTarget.getPosition(), time=snapTransitionTime) moveAng = vizact.spinTo(euler=dogTarget.getEuler(), time=snapTransitionTime) transition = vizact.parallel(movePos, moveAng) dog.addAction(transition) viz.playSound(".\\dataset\\snap.wav") viztask.schedule(Tutorial.mechanics())
def nextRoundAnimation(): global nextRoundPlaque, nextRoundSound if nextRoundPlaque is None: nextRoundPlaque = viz.addTexQuad() nextRoundPlaque.texture(viz.addTexture('./Resources/Misc/confetti.jpg')) nextRoundSound = nextRoundPlaque.playsound('./Resources/Misc/partyHorn.wav', viz.STOP, volume=0.1) nextRoundPlaque.setPosition(NRP_POS) nextRoundPlaque.setEuler(180, 0, 0) nextRoundPlaque.visible(viz.OFF) viztask.schedule(_plaqueAni)
def changeState(state): global objects, objectLocations, targetLocations, targetRotations, currentTarget, rotation, startPosition, set global cylinder, arrow, targetToFace, objectFiles, startFileIndex, targetObjects, targetPosition, startAngle global recordFile, angleIndex, sun, monument #-------------------------------------------------------------- #A state of 0 corresponds to showing all of the objects and no target if(state == 0): showScenery() for x in range(len(objects)): objects[x].visible(viz.ON) hideArrowCylinder() #-------------------------------------------------------------- #A state of 1 corresponds to showing the target and waiting for the participant to #walk toward the target and face the right direction elif(state == 1): targetPosition = rotate(rotation, targetLocations)[currentTarget] targetRotation = targetRotations[currentTarget] + rotation cylinder.setPosition(targetPosition) angleArray = [45,90,45] arrowPosition = rotate(rotation, arrowLocations)[currentTarget] arrow.setPosition(arrowPosition) cylinder.setEuler(targetRotation) #show all of the objects and the cylinder and the arrow for x in range(len(objects)): objects[x].visible(viz.ON) showArrowCylinder() #-------------------------------------------------------------- #A state of 2 corresponds to hiding the scene and waiting for the #participant to finish turning elif(state == 2): global startTime if not sight: hideScenery() for x in range(len(objects)): objects[x].visible(viz.OFF) hideArrowCylinder() startPosition = view.getPosition() viz.MainView.velocity(0,0,0) startAngle = view.getEuler()[0]#ERROR startTime = time.clock() viztask.schedule(ShowMessage('Please turn to face %s' % objectAddresses[set][(fileStartIndex + targetObjects[currentTarget][targetToFace]) % len(objectFiles[set])])) #-------------------------------------------------------------- #A state of 3 corresponds to showing only the cylinder and arrow #so that the participant can be reoriented to the starting position elif(state == 3): if not sight: hideScenery() for x in range(len(objects)): objects[x].visible(viz.OFF) showArrowCylinder()
def main(): global TRACKER viz.go(0) # configure the phasespace. mocap = vrlab.Phasespace('', freq=100., postprocess=True) mocap.start_thread() TRACKER = mocap.track_points(M) viztask.schedule(workflow)
def main(): global train train = viz.addChild('Assets/Railcar_Main_OS.osgb', scene=viz.Scene1) platform = viz.addChild('Assets/environment.osgb', scene=viz.Scene1) viz.addChild('sky_day.osgb', scene=viz.Scene1) EnvironmentSetup.Start(train) NPCSpawner.InitPlat(platform) NPCSpawner.InitSeatedPos(train) NPCSpawner.InitStandingPos(train) NPCSpawner.SpawnPlatformNPC() viztask.schedule(RecordHR()) viztask.schedule(InitalSetup(train))
def sellObject(self): line = viz.MainWindow.screenToWorld([0.5, 0.5]) # TODO: Make sure this works for Rift intersection = self.scene.intersect(line.begin, line.end) if intersection.valid: self.foundObj = intersection.object if in self.selectables: wait = vizact.waittime(self.delay) fadeout = vizact.fadeTo(0, time=self.fadetime) self.foundObj.addAction(wait) self.foundObj.addAction(fadeout) viztask.schedule(self.playAudio()) self.selectables.remove(
def start_custom_walk(self): walk = vizact.walkTo(self.next_point, self.next_speed, 90) yield viztask.addAction(self.avatar, walk) if(self.place_points < len(self.points)): self.next_point = self.points[self.place_points][0] self.next_speed = self.points[self.place_points][1] self.place_points += 1 else: self.next_point = get_quadrant(self.avatar.getPosition()).get_random_walk() self.next_speed = random.uniform(4, 5) #change tophat speed here if self.coll == 0: ##print "no collision" viztask.schedule(self.start_custom_walk())
def walk_around( self ): global quadrants if random.random() > 1:#0.3: walk = vizact.walkTo(self.next_point) else: walk = vizact.walkTo(self.next_point, random.uniform(4, 5), 90) #change everyone else speed here #print self.next_point yield viztask.addAction(self.avatar, walk) self.next_point = get_quadrant(self.avatar.getPosition()).get_random_walk() if self.coll == 0: ##print "no collision" viztask.schedule(self.walk_around())
def flyDownToChild(): global isYoking, subjectState #Play TRUMPET! if not TOURING_F: subjectState = SS_CURRENTLY_PULLED_TOWARDS_CHILD for i in range(END_FLY_SPEED): if FLYING_F: flyingLink.postTrans(newTrans) yield viztask.waitTime(0.01) isYoking = False subjectState = SS_CURRENTLY_LANDED_AT_CHILD viztask.schedule(endingPhase)
def getTargetAngle(self): gotAngle = 0 # log trial onset self.trialData['trialOnset'] = viz.tick() # show pointing target, self.trialCtr+1, len(self.trials)) while not gotAngle: keyObj = yield viztask.waitKeyDown(keys=None) if keyObj.key == ' ': trgAngle = viz.MainView.getEuler(viz.ABS_GLOBAL) print trgAngle[0] gotAngle = 1 # if keyObj.key == 't': # viz.MainView.lookAt( self.cTrial.getPos('trg', 'center') ) # self.cTrial.showBuilding('trg', 'opaque') # trueAngle = viz.MainView.getEuler(viz.ABS_GLOBAL) # print trueAngle[0] if keyObj.key == 'q': self.cTrial.src.toggleTransp() # hide buildings self.cTrial.hideBuildings() # hide pointing info # log trial end self.trialData['tChoiceMade'] = viz.tick() # log target angle self.trialData['measAngle'] = trgAngle[0] # measured self.refVert.lookAt( self.cTrial.getPos('trg', 'center') ) trueAngle = self.refVert.getEuler(viz.ABS_GLOBAL) print "refVert: ", trueAngle[0] self.trialData['trueAngle'] = trueAngle[0] # ground truth # DEBUGGING # print self.trialData # log data self.logHdl.logDictData(self.trialData) # start new trial viztask.schedule( self.startNewTrial() )
def init(avatar, pack_objs, intro, **kwargs): global isBusScene, moveSeats, seatQueue isBusScene = False DetectWhetherInView.init(**kwargs) seats = [Seats.getseatplacement(id)[0] for id in avatar.teleSeatIDs] # TODO: Abstract to handle arbitrary orientation too (for front right seats) seatQueue = deque([[seat[0],seat[1],seat[2]-0.5] for seat in seats]) # Node is in bus aisle global introAudio1, introAudio2 introAudio1 = intro introAudio2 = viz.addAudio('Audio/CreepyTaskIntroduction.wav') FadeObject.init(pack_objs, 25, 0.01, **kwargs) viztask.schedule( creepilyMoveCloser(avatar) )
def d(a): if a==1: move=vizact.moveTo([-0.4,6,6],speed=12) head_tracker.addAction(move) head_tracker.runAction(move) # viz.window.displayHTML('F:\Lab 2\index.html',size=[1200,600],pos=[30,30,-30]) # head_tracker.setEuler([0,0,0]) viztask.schedule(MyTask()) if a==2: viz.window.hideHTML() move=vizact.moveTo([0,1.5,0],speed=15) head_tracker.addAction(move) head_tracker.runAction(move) head_tracker.setEuler([0,0,0])
def d(a): if a == 1: move = vizact.moveTo([-0.4, 6, 6], speed=12) head_tracker.addAction(move) head_tracker.runAction(move) # viz.window.displayHTML('F:\Lab 2\index.html',size=[1200,600],pos=[30,30,-30]) # head_tracker.setEuler([0,0,0]) viztask.schedule(MyTask()) if a == 2: viz.window.hideHTML() move = vizact.moveTo([0, 1.5, 0], speed=15) head_tracker.addAction(move) head_tracker.runAction(move) head_tracker.setEuler([0, 0, 0])
def startNewRound(self): self.cTrial = None self.trialCtr = -1 # prepare trials for cS in self.buildings: for cT in self.buildings: if not cS == cT: #Debugging: print src and trg #print "src: %s; trg: %s"%(cS.bName, cT.bName) self.trials.append( Ptrial(cS, cT) ) random.shuffle(self.trials) viztask.schedule( self.startNewTrial() )
def trialSetting_Exp(block_no, node): info.setText("Hurrah!! Please wait for the experimenter.") for m in range(4): yield viztask.waitNetwork(serverName) sub_rt.write('\nBlock ' + str(block_no) + ' Trial ' + str(m + 1)) node.color(viz.ORANGE) Target.visible(viz.ON) myNetwork.send('Ready') yield viztask.waitNetwork(serverName) myNetwork.send('Block ' + str(block_no) + ' Trial ' + str(m + 1)) colorChange = viztask.schedule(changeColor(node)) yield vizproximity.waitEnter(sensor_Target) Target.visible(viz.OFF) sound.stop() colorChange.kill() myNetwork.send('Reach Target!') ori = (1 + (-1)**m) * 90 Target.setPosition(SPpos[(-1)**m], mode=viz.ABS_PARENT) Target.setEuler([ori, 0, 0], mode=viz.REL_LOCAL) if m < 3: info.visible(viz.ON) yield viztask.waitTime(3) info.visible(viz.OFF) else: sub_rt.write('\nend of block' + str(block_no)) info.setText('End of Block ' + str(block_no)) info.visible(viz.ON) yield viztask.waitTime(3) info.visible(viz.OFF)
def launch_ball(self): """ Launch the ball and start logging data. Schedule next trial. :return: None """ # initialize new data file # viz.playSound('res/sounds/beeps.wav') # yield viztask.waitTime(3.41) self.data_file = open(self.data_filename, 'w') self.data_file.write(HEADER) self.ball.setAlpha(1) # reset timer self.timer = 0 # start logging data self.log_action.setEnabled(True) # launch the ball #self.ball.setPosition(self.ball_pos) if self.is_fly_ball: self.ball.launch_fly(speed=self.trial_info['speed'], target=self.ball_dir) else: self.ball.launch_straight(speed=self.trial_info['speed'], direction=self.ball_dir) # TODO: maybe calculate trial duration and call end_trial with wait_time argument self.has_started = True self.await_end_task = viztask.schedule(self.await_end_trial())
def lightUp(self, toucher = None): if not self._isLit: self._isLit = True if TouchCube.bingSound != None: viz.VizNode.color(self, CUBE_LIT_COLOR) self.dimTask = viztask.schedule(self._waitForDim)
def __init__(self): self.device = u6.U6() print self.device.configU6() #for the labjack self.numChannels = 12 self.firstChannel = 2 self.resolutionIndex = 4 self.gainIndex = 0 self.settlingFactor = 0 self.differential = False self.latestAinValues = np.array([0]*self.numChannels, dtype='float') self.lastForceMoments = np.array([0]*self.numChannels, dtype='float') self.latestForceMoments = np.array([0]*self.numChannels, dtype='float') = np.array([0]*self.numChannels, dtype='float') self.lastTime = 0 self.latestTime = 0 self.lastLeftOn = False self.latestLeftOn = False self.lastLeftCOP = [0, 0] self.latestLeftCOP = [0, 0] self.lastRightOn = False self.latestRightOn = False self.lastRightCOP = [0, 0] self.latestRightCOP = [0, 0] FIOEIOAnalog = ( 2 ** self.numChannels ) - 1; fios = FIOEIOAnalog & (0xFF) eios = FIOEIOAnalog/256 self.device.getFeedback(u6.PortDirWrite(Direction = [0, 0, 0], WriteMask = [0, 0, 15])) self.feedbackArguments = [] self.feedbackArguments.append(u6.DAC0_8(Value = 125)) self.feedbackArguments.append(u6.PortStateRead()) for i in range(self.firstChannel, self.numChannels+self.firstChannel): self.feedbackArguments.append( u6.AIN24(i, self.resolutionIndex, self.gainIndex, self.settlingFactor, self.differential) ) self.task = viztask.schedule(self.__update) self.going = True self.history = [] self.recording = False #magic numbers to turn volts into Newtons and Newton.meters #left is stored in first 6 (x,y,z,mx,my,mz) and right in second 6 self.M = np.array([[0, -2.309900 , 0.000000 , 1.308000 , 0.000000 , 2.306800 , 0.000000 , -495.780000 , 0.000000 , -494.040000 , 0.000000 , -2.034400],\ [0, 6.308900 , 0.000000 , 5.913600 , 0.000000 , 11.633000 , 0.000000 , -2.295700 , 0.000000 , -13.079000 , 0.000000 , 499.990000],\ [0, -491.360000 , 0.000000 , -488.510000 , 0.000000 , -488.270000 , 0.000000 , 5.064000 , 0.000000 , 6.732400 , 0.000000 , 0.391790],\ [0, 48.162000 , 0.000000 , -298.930000 , 0.000000 , 299.410000 , 0.000000 , -1.565600 , 0.000000 , 4.956800 , 0.000000 , 54.786000],\ [0, -254.760000 , 0.000000 , -26.647000 , 0.000000 , -25.153000 , 0.000000 , 42.462000 , 0.000000 , 42.087000 , 0.000000 , 1.601900],\ [0, -7.032800 , 0.000000 , 1.345700 , 0.000000 , -1.140100 , 0.000000 , -243.640000 , 0.000000 , 354.550000 , 0.000000 , -4.020500],\ [-2.688400 , 0.000000 , -0.083334 , 0.000000 , 1.258500 , 0.000000 , 491.220000 , 0.000000 , -495.750000 , 0.000000 , -6.723600 , 0],\ [-7.642900 , 0.000000 , -5.959700 , 0.000000 , -3.659100 , 0.000000 , 15.847000 , 0.000000 , -12.401000 , 0.000000 , 507.580000 , 0],\ [-490.840000 , 0.000000 , -490.690000 , 0.000000 , -492.520000 , 0.000000 , -6.428000 , 0.000000 , 3.723600 , 0.000000 , 4.807000 , 0],\ [300.830000 , 0.000000 , -300.260000 , 0.000000 , 48.265000 , 0.000000 , -5.152500 , 0.000000 , -1.434500 , 0.000000 , 49.278000 , 0],\ [26.955000 , 0.000000 , 27.005000 , 0.000000 , 253.680000 , 0.000000 , -40.116000 , 0.000000 , 41.703000 , 0.000000 , -1.501700 , 0],\ [-1.380200 , 0.000000 , -2.450800 , 0.000000 , -1.349500 , 0.000000 , -348.250000 , 0.000000 , -245.680000 , 0.000000 , 10.366000 , 0]],\ dtype='float')
def trials(block_no, vis_dist, isDisks=False): info.setText("Hurrah!! Please wait for the experimenter.") for m in range(4): vis_pos = [0, real_tg - vis_dist, vis_dist] sensor_Target = vizproximity.Sensor( vizproximity.RectangleArea([6, 0.1], center=[0, real_tg_dist[(-1)**(m + 1)]]), None) manager.addSensor(sensor_Target) if isDisks: disks.remove() global disks disks = diskCreator(vis_tg) disks.setPosition([0, 0, -vis_dist]) yield viztask.waitNetwork(serverName) sub_rt.write('\nBlock ' + str(block_no) + ' Trial ' + str(m + 1)) vis_tg.color(viz.ORANGE) vis_tg.visible(viz.ON) myNetwork.send('Ready') yield viztask.waitNetwork(serverName) myNetwork.send('Block ' + str(block_no) + ' Trial ' + str(m + 1)) colorChange = viztask.schedule(changeColor(vis_tg)) yield vizproximity.waitEnter(sensor_Target) print str(block_no) + ' ' + str(m + 1) + ' ' + str( view.getPosition()) + ' ' + str(vis_tg.getPosition()) vis_tg.visible(viz.OFF) sound.stop() colorChange.kill() myNetwork.send('Reach Target!') ori = (1 + (-1)**m) * 90 vistg_p = vis_tg.getPosition() vis_tg.setPosition(vistg_p[0], vistg_p[1], vis_pos[(-1)**m], mode=viz.ABS_PARENT) vis_tg.setEuler([ori, 0, 0], mode=viz.REL_LOCAL) manager.clearSensors() if m < 3: info.visible(viz.ON) yield viztask.waitTime(3) info.visible(viz.OFF) else: sub_rt.write('\nend of block' + str(block_no)) info.setText('End of Block ' + str(block_no)) info.visible(viz.ON) yield viztask.waitTime(3) info.visible(viz.OFF) if isDisks: disks.remove()
def load(self, dataset = 'right arm'): """ Load datasets and initialize everything necessary to commence the puzzle game. Customized for test mode. """ # Dataset model.ds = bp3d.DatasetInterface() # Proximity management model.proxManager = vizproximity.Manager() target = vizproximity.Target(model.pointer) model.proxManager.addTarget(target) model.proxManager.onEnter(None, self.EnterProximity) model.proxManager.onExit(None, self.ExitProximity) #create list of meshes to load self._meshesToLoad = model.ds.getOntologySet(dataset) self._filesToPreSnap = model.ds.getPreSnapSet() #create and add quiz panel self._quizPanel = puzzleView.TestSnapPanel() self._quizPanel.toggle() #load and prep meshes viz.MainWindow.setScene(viz.Scene2) #change to loading screen scene yield self.loadControl(self._meshesToLoad) yield self.prepareMeshes() yield self.preSnap() yield self.addToBoundingBox(self._meshes) yield self.disperseRandom(self._boundingBoxes.values()) yield self.setKeystone(3) yield self.testPrep() yield self.hideMeshes() yield rotateAbout(self._boundingBoxes.values(), [0,0,0], [0,90,0]) viz.MainWindow.setScene(viz.Scene1) #change back to game scene # Setup Key Bindings self.bindKeys() #Schedule closest bone calculation viztask.schedule(self.updateClosestBone)
def init3dMouse(self): connexion = viz.add('3dconnexion.dle') device = connexion.addDevice() device.setRotateScale([0, 1, 0]) device.setTranslateScale([0, 0, 1]) #link =, self.pointer, viz.REL_PARENT) #link.preEuler([0,90,0]) myTask = viztask.schedule(getCoords(device, self.pointer))
def savePoints(self, filename='viz_svr_debug.csv'): """ Save list of stored coordinate points Args: filename (str): Name of CSV output file """ fields = ['point', 'device', 'marker', 'posX', 'posY', 'posZ', 'eulerX', 'eulerY', 'eulerZ'] with open(filename, 'w') as pfile: writer = csv.DictWriter(pfile, delimiter='\t', lineterminator='\n', fieldnames=fields, extrasaction='ignore') writer.writeheader() for pidx, point in enumerate(self._points): p = point.getPosition() e = point.getEuler() writer.writerow({'point': pidx, 'posX': p[0], 'posY': p[1], 'posZ': p[2], 'eulerX': e[0], 'eulerY': e[1], 'eulerZ': e[2], 'device': point._dev_index, 'marker': point._label}) viztask.schedule(showVRText('Points data saved.')) print('Points data saved.')
def onNetwork(e): msg = str( info.setText(msg) if msg[2] == 'B': global recording print msg recording = viztask.schedule(writing(msg[2:-3].replace(' ', '_', 3))) elif msg[2] == 'R': try: recording.kill() except NameError: pass
def load(self, dataset): """ Load datasets and initialize everything necessary to commence the puzzle game. """ # Dataset model.ds = bp3d.DatasetInterface() # Proximity management model.proxManager = vizproximity.Manager() target = vizproximity.Target(model.pointer) model.proxManager.addTarget(target) model.proxManager.onEnter(None, self.EnterProximity) model.proxManager.onExit(None, self.ExitProximity) #Setup Key Bindings self.bindKeys() self.score = PuzzleScore(self.modeName) # viztask.schedule(soundTask(glove)) self._meshesToLoad = model.ds.getOntologySet(dataset) self._filesToPreSnap = model.ds.getPreSnapSet() viz.MainWindow.setScene(viz.Scene2) #change to loading screen scene yield self.loadControl(self._meshesToLoad) yield self.addToBoundingBox(self._meshes) yield self.prepareMeshes() yield self.disperseRandom(self._boundingBoxes.values()) yield self.preSnap() yield self.setKeystone(3) yield rotateAbout(self._boundingBoxes.values() + self._meshes, [0,0,0], [0,90,0]) viz.MainWindow.setScene(viz.Scene1) #change back to game scene # yield self.enableSlice() viztask.schedule(self.updateClosestBone())
def __init__(self, tmill, forceplates): #use enable to prevent the belts from moving/view updating self.enable = False self.tmill = tmill self.forceplates = forceplates self.leftStrideLength = 0.#m, this is only an initial estimate, it will be measured self.rightStrideLength = 0.#m self.leftDistToDesired = 0.0#m self.rightDistToDesired = 0.0#m self.numSamples = 10 #average over this many stride times self.leftStrideTime = np.array([STRIDE_TIME_GUESS]*self.numSamples, dtype='float')#s, 1 is initial guess self.rightStrideTime = np.array([STRIDE_TIME_GUESS]*self.numSamples, dtype='float')#s, 1 is initial guess self.leftSpeed = self.leftStrideLength / np.median(self.leftStrideTime) self.rightSpeed = self.rightStrideLength / np.median(self.rightStrideTime) self.leftDownTime = 0.0#s self.leftUpTime = 0.0#s self.rightDownTime = 0.0#s self.rightUpTime = 0.0#s self.leftDownPos = [0.,0.]#m self.leftUpPos = [0.,0.]#m self.rightDownPos = [0.,0.]#m self.rightUpPos = [0.,0.]#m self.history = [] viztask.schedule(self.__update) viztask.schedule(self.__stride) viztask.schedule(self.__ZeroSpacing)
def __init__(self, verbose=True): self.T1 = treadmill.Treadmill() #linkables that keep track of the current position self.track = viz.add('box.wrl', alpha=0) self.separation = 0.05 #meters between the feet (approx is probably ok, or get it from force plates) self.going = False viztask.schedule(self.__start) viztask.schedule(self.__stop) viztask.schedule(self.__trackResponse) viztask.schedule(self.updatePos) self.verbose = verbose #for logutil self.history = [] self.recording = False
def experiment(): for trial in range(10): sensor_Target = vizproximity.Sensor( vizproximity.RectangleArea([4, 0.1], center=[0, real_tg_dist[(-1)**trial]]), None) manager.addSensor(sensor_Target) yield viztask.waitNetwork(serverName) record = viztask.schedule(writing(trial)) yield viztask.waitTime(0.5) yield vizproximity.waitEnter(sensor_Target) winsound.Beep( 800, 1000 ) # Make a sound to notify the participant that he/she has reached the target. record.kill() manager.clearSensors()
def updateKeybindings(self): """Menu keybinding state machine""" for keybinding in self.keybindings: keybinding.remove() if self.activeMenu == self.inGameMenu: self.keybindings.append( vizact.onkeydown(viz.KEY_ESCAPE, self.toggle)) elif self.activeMenu == self.layerMenu: self.keybindings.append( vizact.onkeydown(viz.KEY_RETURN, lambda: viztask.schedule(self.start)) ) #use viztask to make loading screen appear before loading (necessary event when not multithreading) self.keybindings.append( vizact.onkeydown(viz.KEY_ESCAPE, self.backMenu)) elif self.activeMenu == self.mainMenu: self.keybindings.append( vizact.onkeydown(viz.KEY_RETURN, self.nextMenu)) self.keybindings.append( vizact.onkeydown(viz.KEY_ESCAPE, self.exitGame)) elif self.activeMenu == self.modeMenu: self.keybindings.append( vizact.onkeydown(viz.KEY_RETURN, self.nextMenu)) self.keybindings.append( vizact.onkeydown(viz.KEY_ESCAPE, self.backMenu))