Example #1
            u.context = context
            return await u.save()
        await UserState.create(uid=uid, branch=branch, context=context)

    async def all_users(self):
        """This method should return user_ids of all stated users"""
        return [u.uid async for u in UserState.all()]

    async def delete_user(self, uid: int):
        """This method should delete the user's bot from the database"""
        u = await UserState.get(uid=uid)
        await u.delete()

bot = Bot(os.environ.get("token"))
bot.branch = SqliteBranch()

class StoredBranch(ClsBranch):
    @rule_disposal(VBMLRule("/говорить <word>"))
    async def say(self, ans: Message, word: str):
        self.context["word"] = word
        return f"Теперь я буду говорить слово: {word}"

    async def stop(self, ans: Message):
        await bot.branch.exit(ans.peer_id)
        return "Бранч остановлен!"

    async def branch(self, ans: Message, *args):
        if "word" not in self.context:
Example #2
from vkbottle import Bot, Message
from vkbottle import PhotoUploader
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from config import Config
from routes import main, mentors, news, faq, schedule
from models import DBStoredBranch, UserState
from utils import init_db
from vkbottle.ext import Middleware
import os

token = os.environ.get('TOKEN')
bot = Bot(tokens=[token], debug=Config.DEBUG)
bot.branch = DBStoredBranch()
photo_uploader = PhotoUploader(bot.api, generate_attachment_strings=True)

class CheckUserStateMiddleware(Middleware):
    async def pre(self, msg: Message, *args):
        if not Config.USE_MIDDLEWARE:

        u = await UserState.filter(uid=msg.from_id).get_or_none()

        if u is None:
            u = await UserState.create(