Example #1
def process_chunk(chunk):
    line = chunk[0]
    commands = []
    if "vlan" in line:
        vlan = VLAN(chunk, iface_map)
        commands = vlan.generate_junos()
    elif "interface ve" in line:
        ve = VE(chunk)
    elif "interface ethernet" in line:
        iface = INTERFACE(chunk)
        # print(iface)
    elif "lag" in line:
        lag = LAG(chunk, iface_map)
        commands = lag.generate_junos()
        for c in commands:
    elif "snmp-server" in line:
        snmp = SNMP(chunk)
    elif "router ospf" in line:
        ospf = OSPF(chunk, debug=0)
        commands = ospf.generate_junos()
    elif "router bgp" in line:
        bgp = BGP(chunk)
        commands = bgp.generate_junos()
    return commands
Example #2
    def test_generate_junos(self):
        """ Test the function generate_junos in the VLAN class """

        # Define a static map of interfaces
        iface_map = {"eth 1/1": "et-1/0/1"}
        chunk = [
            "vlan 2 name TEST", "untagged ethe 1/1", "router-interface ve 2"
        result = ["set vlans TEST", "set vlans TEST vlan-id 2"]

        vlan = VLAN(chunk, iface_map)
        commands = vlan.generate_junos()

        self.assertEqual(commands, result)