Example #1
def _list_tables(filename, pedantic=False):
    votable = parse(filename, pedantic=pedantic)
    tables = {}
    for i, table in enumerate(votable.iter_tables()):
        tables[i] = table.name
    return tables
Example #2
def read(self, filename, pedantic=False, tid=-1, verbose=True):
    Read a table from a VOT file

    Required Arguments:

        *filename*: [ string ]
            The VOT file to read the table from

    Optional Keyword Arguments:

        *tid*: [ integer ]
            The ID of the table to read from the VO file (this is
            only required if there are more than one table in the VO file)

        *pedantic*: [ True | False ]
            When *pedantic* is True, raise an error when the file violates
            the VO Table specification, otherwise issue a warning.



    # If no table is requested, check that there is only one table
    if tid==-1:
        tables = _list_tables(filename, pedantic=pedantic)
        if len(tables) == 1:
            tid = 0
        elif len(tables) == 0:
            raise Exception("There are no tables present in this file")
            raise TableException(tables, 'tid')

    votable = parse(filename, pedantic=pedantic)
    for id, table in enumerate(votable.iter_tables()):
        if id==tid:

    if table.ID:
        self.table_name = str(table.ID)
    elif table.name:
        self.table_name = str(table.name)

    for field in table.fields:

        if type(field.name) == str:
            colname = field.name
            if type(field._ID) == str:
                colname = field._ID
                raise Exception("Error reading in the VO table: no name or ID for field")

        data = table.array[colname]
        if len(data) > 0 and data.ndim == 1 and not np.all([np.isscalar(x) for x in data]):
            warnings.warn("VO Variable length vector column detected (%s) - converting to string" % colname)
            data = np.array([str(x) for x in data])

        if self._masked:
            self.add_column(colname, data, \
                unit=field.unit, mask=table.mask[colname])
            self.add_column(colname, data, \
Example #3
def read(self, filename, pedantic=False, tid=-1, verbose=True):
    Read a table from a VOT file

    Required Arguments:

        *filename*: [ string ]
            The VOT file to read the table from

    Optional Keyword Arguments:

        *tid*: [ integer ]
            The ID of the table to read from the VO file (this is
            only required if there are more than one table in the VO file)

        *pedantic*: [ True | False ]
            When *pedantic* is True, raise an error when the file violates
            the VO Table specification, otherwise issue a warning.



    # If no table is requested, check that there is only one table
    if tid == -1:
        tables = _list_tables(filename, pedantic=pedantic)
        if len(tables) == 1:
            tid = 0
        elif len(tables) == 0:
            raise Exception("There are no tables present in this file")
            raise TableException(tables, "tid")

    votable = parse(filename, pedantic=pedantic)
    for id, table in enumerate(votable.iter_tables()):
        if id == tid:

    if table.ID:
        self.table_name = str(table.ID)
    elif table.name:
        self.table_name = str(table.name)

    for field in table.fields:

        if type(field.name) == str:
            colname = field.name
            if type(field._ID) == str:
                colname = field._ID
                raise Exception("Error reading in the VO table: no name or ID for field")

        # ensure that colname is a valid python variable name (i.e. contains no non-allowed chars)
        # the following will replace any invalid chars with underscores, and/or prepend an initial
        # underscore to names that begin with a digit.
        clean = lambda varStr: re.sub("\W|^(?=\d)", "_", varStr)
        colname = clean(colname)

        data = table.array[colname]

        if len(data) > 0 and data.ndim == 1 and not np.all([np.isscalar(x) for x in data]):
            warnings.warn("VO Variable length vector column detected (%s) - converting to string" % colname)
            data = np.array([str(x) for x in data])

        if self._masked:
            self.add_column(colname, data, unit=field.unit, mask=table.mask[colname], description=field.description)
            self.add_column(colname, data, unit=field.unit, description=field.description)