Example #1
    def __init__(
        context: interfaces.context.ContextInterface,
        config_path: str,
        name: str,
        isf_url: str,
        native_types: interfaces.symbols.NativeTableInterface = None,
        table_mapping: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
        validate: bool = True,
        class_types: Optional[Dict[
            str, Type[interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface]]] = None
    ) -> None:
        """Instantiates a SymbolTable based on an IntermediateSymbolFormat JSON file.  This is validated against the
        appropriate schema.  The validation can be disabled by passing validate = False, but this should almost never be

            context: The volatility context for the symbol table
            config_path: The configuration path for the symbol table
            name: The name for the symbol table (this is used in symbols e.g. table!symbol )
            isf_url: The URL pointing to the ISF file location
            native_types: The NativeSymbolTable that contains the native types for this symbol table
            table_mapping: A dictionary linking names referenced in the file with symbol tables in the context
            validate: Determines whether the ISF file will be validated against the appropriate schema
            class_types: A dictionary of type names and classes that override StructType when they are instantiated
        # Check there are no obvious errors
        # Open the file and test the version
        self._versions = dict([(x.version, x)
                               for x in class_subclasses(ISFormatTable)])
        fp = volatility.framework.layers.resources.ResourceAccessor().open(
        reader = codecs.getreader("utf-8")
        json_object = json.load(reader(fp))  # type: ignore

        # Validation is expensive, but we cache to store the hashes of successfully validated json objects
        if validate and not schemas.validate(json_object):
            raise exceptions.SymbolSpaceError(
                "File does not pass version validation: {}".format(isf_url))

        metadata = json_object.get('metadata', None)

        # Determine the delegate or throw an exception
        self._delegate = self._closest_version(metadata.get(
            'format', "0.0.0"), self._versions)(context, config_path, name,
                                                json_object, native_types,

        # Inherit
                         native_types or self._delegate.natives,
Example #2
    def __init__(self,
                 context: interfaces.context.ContextInterface,
                 config_path: str,
                 name: str,
                 isf_url: str,
                 native_types: interfaces.symbols.NativeTableInterface = None,
                 table_mapping: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
                 validate: bool = True,
                 class_types: Optional[Mapping[
                     str, Type[interfaces.objects.ObjectInterface]]] = None,
                 symbol_shift: int = 0,
                 symbol_mask: int = 0) -> None:
        """Instantiates a SymbolTable based on an IntermediateSymbolFormat JSON file.  This is validated against the
        appropriate schema.  The validation can be disabled by passing validate = False, but this should almost never be

            context: The volatility context for the symbol table
            config_path: The configuration path for the symbol table
            name: The name for the symbol table (this is used in symbols e.g. table!symbol )
            isf_url: The URL pointing to the ISF file location
            native_types: The NativeSymbolTable that contains the native types for this symbol table
            table_mapping: A dictionary linking names referenced in the file with symbol tables in the context
            validate: Determines whether the ISF file will be validated against the appropriate schema
            class_types: A dictionary of type names and classes that override StructType when they are instantiated
            symbol_shift: An offset by which to alter all returned symbols for this table
            symbol_mask: An address mask used for all returned symbol offsets from this table (a mask of 0 disables masking)
        # Check there are no obvious errors
        # Open the file and test the version
        self._versions = dict([(x.version, x)
                               for x in class_subclasses(ISFormatTable)])
        fp = volatility.framework.layers.resources.ResourceAccessor().open(
        reader = codecs.getreader("utf-8")
        json_object = json.load(reader(fp))  # type: ignore

        # Validation is expensive, but we cache to store the hashes of successfully validated json objects
        if validate and not schemas.validate(json_object):
            raise exceptions.SymbolSpaceError(
                "File does not pass version validation: {}".format(isf_url))

        metadata = json_object.get('metadata', None)

        # Determine the delegate or throw an exception
        self._delegate = self._closest_version(metadata.get(
            'format', "0.0.0"), self._versions)(context, config_path, name,
                                                json_object, native_types,
        if self._delegate.version < constants.ISF_MINIMUM_SUPPORTED:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "ISF version {} is no longer supported: {}".format(
                    metadata.get('format', "0.0.0"), isf_url))
        elif self._delegate.version < constants.ISF_MINIMUM_DEPRECATED:
            vollog.warning("ISF version {} has been deprecated: {}".format(
                metadata.get('format', "0.0.0"), isf_url))

        # Inherit
                         native_types or self._delegate.natives,

        # Since we've been created with parameters, ensure our config is populated likewise
        self.config['isf_url'] = isf_url
        self.config['symbol_shift'] = symbol_shift
        self.config['symbol_mask'] = symbol_mask