def test_analytical_delta(self): while self.tdi.has_next(): row = self.tdi.next_row() S, K, t, r, sigma = row['S'], row['K'], row['t'], row['R'], row[ 'v'] self.assertTrue( almost_equal('c', S, K, t, r, sigma), row['CD'], epsilon=.000001)) self.assertTrue( almost_equal('p', S, K, t, r, sigma), row['PD'], epsilon=.000001))
def test_analytical_delta(self): while self.tdi.has_next(): row = self.tdi.next_row() S,K,t,r,sigma = row['S'],row['K'],row['t'],row['R'],row['v'] self.assertTrue( almost_equal('c', S, K, t, r, sigma), row['CD'], epsilon=.000001 ) ) self.assertTrue( almost_equal('p', S, K, t, r, sigma), row['PD'], epsilon=.000001 ) )
def implied_vol_calc(exp, fut, option): global rate iv_fun = lambda x: implied_volatility(x['SETTLE_PR'], fut, x[ 'STRIKE_PR'], exp, 0.1, 'c' if x.OPTION_TYP == 'CE' else 'p') * 100, S, K, t, r, sigma) option['VOLATILITY'] = option.apply(iv_fun, axis=1) delta_fun = lambda x: delta(('c' if x.OPTION_TYP == 'CE' else 'p'), fut, x[ 'STRIKE_PR'], exp, 0.1, x.VOLATILITY / 100) gamma_fun = lambda x: gamma(('c' if x.OPTION_TYP == 'CE' else 'p'), fut, x[ 'STRIKE_PR'], exp, 0.1, x.VOLATILITY / 100) vega_fun = lambda x: vega(('c' if x.OPTION_TYP == 'CE' else 'p'), fut, x[ 'STRIKE_PR'], exp, 0.1, x.VOLATILITY / 100) theta_fun = lambda x: theta(('c' if x.OPTION_TYP == 'CE' else 'p'), fut, x[ 'STRIKE_PR'], exp, 0.1, x.VOLATILITY / 100) rho_fun = lambda x: rho(('c' if x.OPTION_TYP == 'CE' else 'p'), fut, x[ 'STRIKE_PR'], exp, 0.1, x.VOLATILITY / 100) option['DELTA'] = option.apply(delta_fun, axis=1) option['GAMMA'] = option.apply(gamma_fun, axis=1) option['VEGA'] = option.apply(vega_fun, axis=1) option['THETA'] = option.apply(theta_fun, axis=1) option['RHO'] = option.apply(rho_fun, axis=1) #Remove option with delta <0.05 for calls and delta >-0.05 for puts option = option[(option.DELTA > 0.05) | (option.DELTA < -0.05)] #Remove where no contracts are being traded option = option[option.CONTRACTS != 0] option['FUT'] = fut return option
def calc_iv_greeks(self): '''(price, S, K, t, r, flag (flag, S, K, t, r, sigma)''' global r self.vol=implied_volatility(self.price,self.underlying,self.strike,self.timedelta,r,self.flag),self.underlying,self.strike,self.timedelta,r,self.vol) self.gamma=gamma(self.flag,self.underlying,self.strike,self.timedelta,r,self.vol) self.vega=vega(self.flag,self.underlying,self.strike,self.timedelta,r,self.vol) self.theta=theta(self.flag,self.underlying,self.strike,self.timedelta,r,self.vol)
def test_delta(self): S = 100.0 for flag in ['c', 'p']: for K in numpy.linspace(20, 200, 10): for r in numpy.linspace(0, 0.2, 10): for sigma in numpy.linspace(0.1, 0.5, 10): for t in numpy.linspace(0.01, 2, 10): for i in range(5): val1 = delta(flag, S, K, t, r, sigma) val2 = ndelta(flag, S, K, t, r, sigma) results_match = abs(val1 - val2) < epsilon if not results_match: print flag, val1, val2 self.assertTrue(results_match)
def test_delta(self): S = 100.0 for flag in ['c','p']: for K in numpy.linspace(20,200,10): for r in numpy.linspace(0,0.2,10): for sigma in numpy.linspace(0.1,0.5,10): for t in numpy.linspace(0.01,2,10): for i in range(5): val1 = delta(flag, S, K, t, r, sigma) val2 = ndelta(flag, S, K, t, r, sigma) results_match = abs(val1-val2)<epsilon if not results_match: print flag, val1, val2 self.assertTrue(results_match)
def implied_vol_calc(exp,fut,option): global rate iv_fun=lambda x:implied_volatility(x['SETTLE_PR'],fut,x['STRIKE_PR'],exp,0.1,'c' if x.OPTION_TYP=='CE' else 'p')*100, S, K, t, r, sigma) option['VOLATILITY']=option.apply(iv_fun,axis=1) delta_fun=lambda x:delta(('c' if x.OPTION_TYP=='CE' else 'p'),fut,x['STRIKE_PR'],exp,0.1,x.VOLATILITY/100) gamma_fun=lambda x:gamma(('c' if x.OPTION_TYP=='CE' else 'p'),fut,x['STRIKE_PR'],exp,0.1,x.VOLATILITY/100) vega_fun=lambda x:vega(('c' if x.OPTION_TYP=='CE' else 'p'),fut,x['STRIKE_PR'],exp,0.1,x.VOLATILITY/100) theta_fun=lambda x:theta(('c' if x.OPTION_TYP=='CE' else 'p'),fut,x['STRIKE_PR'],exp,0.1,x.VOLATILITY/100) rho_fun=lambda x:rho(('c' if x.OPTION_TYP=='CE' else 'p'),fut,x['STRIKE_PR'],exp,0.1,x.VOLATILITY/100) option['DELTA']=option.apply(delta_fun,axis=1) option['GAMMA']=option.apply(gamma_fun,axis=1) option['VEGA']=option.apply(vega_fun,axis=1) option['THETA']=option.apply(theta_fun,axis=1) option['RHO']=option.apply(rho_fun,axis=1) #Remove option with delta <0.05 for calls and delta >-0.05 for puts option=option[(option.DELTA>0.05) | (option.DELTA<-0.05)] #Remove where no contracts are being traded option=option[option.CONTRACTS!=0] option['FUT']=fut return option
data = json.load(f) else: sys.exit('ERROR: given input file does not exist') # Iterate json entries and calculate greeks using Black-Scholes for entry in data: last_price = entry['last_price'] K = entry['strike'] S = config.underlying_price # underlying_price session_date = datetime.strptime(config.session_date, "%d%m%Y").date() opt_date = datetime.strptime(entry['expiration_date'], "%d/%m/%Y").date() t = (opt_date - session_date).days / 365. # time to expiration (in years) r = config.risk_free_rate flag = entry['right'].lower() sigma = iv.implied_volatility(last_price, S, K, t, r, flag) print(sigma, last_price, S, K, t, r, flag) sigma = 0 if sigma < 1e-10 else sigma entry['iv'] = sigma entry['delta'] =, S, K, t, r, sigma) entry['gamma'] = gk.gamma(flag, S, K, t, r, sigma) entry['theta'] = gk.theta(flag, S, K, t, r, sigma) * 365 entry['vega'] = gk.vega(flag, S, K, t, r, sigma) # Remove existing json file and save the new one with the greeks #os.remove(config.input_json) TODO os.remove('test2.json') #TODO with open('test2.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=4)
help='[Required] Option expiration date. Required format: ddmmyyyy') parser.add_argument('-r', '--risk_free_rate', type=float, required=True, help='[Required] Risk free rate. Example: 0.01') parser.add_argument('-p', '--option_price', type=float, required=True, help='[Required] Current option price') parser.add_argument('-ri', '--right', type=str, required=True, help='[Required] Option right (C for call, P for Put)') config = parser.parse_args() last_price = config.option_price K = config.strike S = config.underlying_price # underlying_price opt_date = datetime.strptime(config.expiration_date, "%d%m%Y").date() t = (opt_date - / 365. # time to expiration (in years) r = config.risk_free_rate flag = config.right.lower() if flag != 'c' and flag != 'p': print('ERROR: flag shall be \'C\' or \'P\'') else: sigma = iv.implied_volatility(last_price, S, K, t, r, flag) delta =, S, K, t, r, sigma) gamma = gk.gamma(flag, S, K, t, r, sigma) theta = gk.theta(flag, S, K, t, r, sigma) vega = gk.vega(flag, S, K, t, r, sigma) print('Delta: ' + str(delta)) print('Gamma: ' + str(gamma)) print('Theta: ' + str(theta) + ' --> (annual): ' + str(theta * 365)) print('Vega: ' + str(vega)) print('IV: ' + str(sigma))