def process_voinfo(scm_generated, found, not_found, description_hashes, key, voinfo, recheck=False): '''Process given plugin If ``recheck`` is ``True`` then it only prints to stderr whether something changed. If ``recheck`` is ``False`` then it records found URL in scm_generated and puts corresponding plugin number into ``found``. If no URL was found it records plugin number into ``not_found``. ''' '> Checking plugin {script_name} (vimscript #{script_id})'.format( **voinfo)) try: candidate = find_repo_candidate(voinfo) if recheck: desc = '%s : %s' % (voinfo['script_id'], voinfo['script_name']) if candidate: c_sg = candidate_to_sg(candidate) s_sg = scm_generated[voinfo['script_id']] if c_sg == s_sg: print('== ' + desc) else:'> {0!r} (new) /= {1!r} (old)'.format( c_sg, s_sg)) print('/= ' + desc) else: print('no ' + desc) else: if candidate: scm_generated[key] = candidate_to_sg(candidate)'> Recording found candidate for {0}: {1}'.format( key, scm_generated[key])) not_found.discard(key) else: '> Recording failure to find candidates for {0}'.format( key)) not_found.add(key) found.add(key) if not args['--no-descriptions']: description_hashes[key] = get_voinfo_hash(voinfo) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e)
def process_voinfo(scm_generated, found, not_found, description_hashes, key, voinfo, recheck=False): '''Process given plugin If ``recheck`` is ``True`` then it only prints to stderr whether something changed. If ``recheck`` is ``False`` then it records found URL in scm_generated and puts corresponding plugin number into ``found``. If no URL was found it records plugin number into ``not_found``. ''''> Checking plugin {script_name} (vimscript #{script_id})' .format(**voinfo)) try: candidate = find_repo_candidate(voinfo) if recheck: desc = '%s : %s' % (voinfo['script_id'], voinfo['script_name']) if candidate: c_sg = candidate_to_sg(candidate) s_sg = scm_generated[voinfo['script_id']] if c_sg == s_sg: print ('== ' + desc) else:'> {0!r} (new) /= {1!r} (old)'.format(c_sg, s_sg)) print ('/= ' + desc) else: print ('no ' + desc) else: if candidate: scm_generated[key] = candidate_to_sg(candidate)'> Recording found candidate for {0}: {1}' .format(key, scm_generated[key])) not_found.discard(key) else:'> Recording failure to find candidates for {0}'.format(key)) not_found.add(key) found.add(key) if not args['--no-descriptions']: description_hashes[key] = get_voinfo_hash(voinfo) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e)
def annotate_scmsources(): url_regex = re.compile('^(.*)$') line_regex_strict = re.compile( r"^let\s+scmnr\.(\d+)\s*=\s*\{'type':\s*'(\w+)',\s*'url':\s*'([^']+)'\s*\}\s*" ) line_snr_regex = re.compile(r'(\d+)') line_url_regex = re.compile(r"'url': '([^']+)'") line_scm_regex = re.compile(r"'type': '([^']+)'") prnt( '┌ X if line contains information besides repository URL and SCM used') prnt('│┌ ? or ! if line failes to be parsed by regular expressions') prnt('││┌ A if scm type is unknown') prnt('│││┌ F if match failes') prnt( '││││┌ O if match deduced from the description is different, M if there are no' ) prnt( '│││││┌ E if exception occurred, C if printing candidate on this line') prnt( '┴┴┴┴┴┴┬─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────' ) with lshg.MercurialRemoteParser() as remote_parser: set_remote_parser(remote_parser) for line in process_scmsources(False): try: numcolumns = 5 best_candidate = None line = line.decode('utf-8')'Checking line ' + line) match = line_regex_strict.match(line) if match: write(' ') numcolumns -= 2 snr, scm, url = match.groups() else: write('X') numcolumns -= 1 if args['--no-extra-check']: raise NotLoggedError snr = scm = url = if snr: snr = if scm: scm = if url: url = if not snr: write('!') numcolumns -= 1 raise ValueError('snr key not found') if not scm: write('?A') numcolumns -= 2 url = None elif not url: write('?-') numcolumns -= 2 scm = None else: write(' ') numcolumns -= 1 if scm not in scm_matches: write('A') numcolumns -= 1 url = None scm = None else: write(' ') numcolumns -= 1 voinfo = db[snr] vofiles = set(get_file_list(voinfo)) if url: match = url_regex.match(url) candidate = scm_matches[scm](match, voinfo) files = get_scm_file_list(candidate) prefix, key2 = compare_file_lists(candidate, vofiles, files) write(' ' if key2 else 'F') numcolumns -= 1 else: write('-') numcolumns -= 1 best_candidate = find_repo_candidate(voinfo, vofiles) if not best_candidate: write('M') numcolumns -= 1 elif not (url and best_candidate.scm_url == url and best_candidate.scm == scm): write('O') numcolumns -= 1 else: write(' ') numcolumns -= 1 best_candidate = None write(' ') numcolumns -= 1 except Exception as e: if not isinstance(e, NotLoggedError): logger.exception(e) write(('-' * numcolumns) + 'E') finally: # XXX line ends with \n, thus not writing `+ '\n'` here. write('│' + line) if best_candidate and args['--print-other-candidate']: write( "-----C│let scmnr.%-4u = {'type': '%s', 'url': '%s'}\n" % (int(snr), best_candidate.scm, best_candidate.scm_url))
def annotate_scmsources(): url_regex = re.compile('^(.*)$') line_regex_strict = re.compile(r"^let\s+scmnr\.(\d+)\s*=\s*\{'type':\s*'(\w+)',\s*'url':\s*'([^']+)'\s*\}\s*") line_snr_regex = re.compile(r'(\d+)') line_url_regex = re.compile(r"'url': '([^']+)'") line_scm_regex = re.compile(r"'type': '([^']+)'") prnt ('┌ X if line contains information besides repository URL and SCM used') prnt ('│┌ ? or ! if line failes to be parsed by regular expressions') prnt ('││┌ A if scm type is unknown') prnt ('│││┌ F if match failes') prnt ('││││┌ O if match deduced from the description is different, M if there are no') prnt ('│││││┌ E if exception occurred, C if printing candidate on this line') prnt ('┴┴┴┴┴┴┬─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────') with lshg.MercurialRemoteParser() as remote_parser: set_remote_parser(remote_parser) for line in process_scmsources(False): try: numcolumns = 5 best_candidate = None line = line.decode('utf-8')'Checking line ' + line) match = line_regex_strict.match(line) if match: write(' ') numcolumns -= 2 snr, scm, url = match.groups() else: write('X') numcolumns -= 1 if args['--no-extra-check']: raise NotLoggedError snr = scm = url = if snr: snr = if scm: scm = if url: url = if not snr: write('!') numcolumns -= 1 raise ValueError('snr key not found') if not scm: write('?A') numcolumns -= 2 url = None elif not url: write('?-') numcolumns -= 2 scm = None else: write(' ') numcolumns -= 1 if scm not in scm_matches: write('A') numcolumns -= 1 url = None scm = None else: write(' ') numcolumns -= 1 voinfo = db[snr] vofiles = set(get_file_list(voinfo)) if url: match = url_regex.match(url) candidate = scm_matches[scm](match, voinfo) files = get_scm_file_list(candidate) prefix, key2 = compare_file_lists(candidate, vofiles, files) write(' ' if key2 else 'F') numcolumns -= 1 else: write('-') numcolumns -= 1 best_candidate = find_repo_candidate(voinfo, vofiles) if not best_candidate: write('M') numcolumns -= 1 elif not (url and best_candidate.scm_url == url and best_candidate.scm == scm): write('O') numcolumns -= 1 else: write(' ') numcolumns -= 1 best_candidate = None write(' ') numcolumns -= 1 except Exception as e: if not isinstance(e, NotLoggedError): logger.exception(e) write(('-' * numcolumns) + 'E') finally: # XXX line ends with \n, thus not writing `+ '\n'` here. write('│' + line) if best_candidate and args['--print-other-candidate']: write("-----C│let scmnr.%-4u = {'type': '%s', 'url': '%s'}\n" % (int(snr), best_candidate.scm, best_candidate.scm_url))