Example #1
class ExceptionView(object):
    """ Exception view, for error messages.
        Note that context might not be related to what caused the error.
    def __init__(self, exception, request):
        self.exception = exception
        self.context = request.context
        self.request = request
        self.api = APIView(request.context, request)

    @view_config(context=HTTPForbidden, permission=NO_PERMISSION_REQUIRED)
    def forbidden_view(self):
        """ I.e. 403. If it is a xhr request return Forbidden else 
            find first context where user has view permission
            if they're logged in, otherwise redirect to login form.
        if self.request.is_xhr:
            return HTTPForbidden(self.exception.detail)
        # is user logged in
        if self.api.userid:
            obj = self.context
            while obj.__parent__:
                if self.api.context_has_permission(security.VIEW, obj):
                    url = resource_url(obj, self.request)
                    return HTTPFound(location=url)
                obj = obj.__parent__
            return HTTPFound(location=self.request.application_url)
        #Redirect to login
        return HTTPFound(location="%s/login?came_from=%s" %
                         (self.request.application_url, self.request.url))

    @view_config(context=HTTPNotFound, permission=NO_PERMISSION_REQUIRED)
    def not_found_view(self):
        """ I.e. 404. If it is a xhr request return NotFound else
            find first context where user has view permission 
        err_msg = _(
            u"Can't find anything at '${path}'. Maybe it has been removed?",
            mapping={'path': self.exception.detail})
        if self.request.is_xhr:
            return HTTPNotFound(err_msg)
        self.api.flash_messages.add(err_msg, type='error', close_button=False)
        return HTTPFound(location=_find_good_redirect_url(
            self.context, self.request, self.api))

    @view_config(context=SMTPError, permission=NO_PERMISSION_REQUIRED)
    def smtp_error_view(self):
        """ SMTP connection error caused during transaction commits.
            Note that the SMTP action is performed after the request has completed.
            In other words, things may be committed to database even though send failed.
        if self.request.is_xhr:
            raise self.exception
        exc_txt = unicode(self.exception)
        err_msg = _(u"smtp_error_msg",
                    default=u"There was an error while sending mail. "
                    u"Error was: ${exc_txt}",
                    mapping={'exc_txt': exc_txt})
        self.api.flash_messages.add(err_msg, type='error')
        logger.critical("SMTP exception: %s" % exc_txt)
        return HTTPFound(location=_find_good_redirect_url(
            self.context, self.request, self.api))
Example #2
class ExceptionView(object):
    """ Exception view, for error messages.
        Note that context might not be related to what caused the error.

    def __init__(self, exception, request):
        self.exception = exception
        self.context = request.context
        self.request = request
        self.api = APIView(request.context, request)
    @view_config(context=HTTPForbidden, permission=NO_PERMISSION_REQUIRED)
    def forbidden_view(self):
        """ I.e. 403. If it is a xhr request return Forbidden else 
            find first context where user has view permission
            if they're logged in, otherwise redirect to login form.
        if self.request.is_xhr:
            return HTTPForbidden(self.exception.detail)
                                    type = 'error',
                                    close_button = False)
        # is user logged in
        if self.api.userid:
            obj = self.context
            while obj.__parent__:
                if self.api.context_has_permission(security.VIEW, obj):
                    url = self.request.resource_url(obj)
                    return HTTPFound(location = url)
                obj = obj.__parent__
            return HTTPFound(location = self.request.application_url)
        #Redirect to login
        return HTTPFound(location="%s/login?came_from=%s" %(self.request.application_url, self.request.url))

    @view_config(context = HTTPNotFound, permission = NO_PERMISSION_REQUIRED)
    def not_found_view(self):
        """ I.e. 404. If it is a xhr request return NotFound else
            find first context where user has view permission 
        err_msg = _(u"404_error_msg",
                    default = u"Can't find anything at '${path}'. Maybe it has been removed?",
                    mapping = {'path': self.exception.detail})
        if self.request.is_xhr:
            return HTTPNotFound(err_msg)
                                    type = 'error',
                                    close_button = False)
        return HTTPFound(location = _find_good_redirect_url(self.context, self.request, self.api))

    @view_config(context = SMTPError, permission = NO_PERMISSION_REQUIRED)
    def smtp_error_view(self):
        """ SMTP connection error caused during transaction commits.
            Note that the SMTP action is performed after the request has completed.
            In other words, things may be committed to database even though send failed.
        if self.request.is_xhr:
            raise self.exception
        exc_txt = unicode(self.exception)
        err_msg = _(u"smtp_error_msg",
                    default = u"There was an error while sending mail. "
                        u"Error was: ${exc_txt}",
                    mapping = {'exc_txt': exc_txt})
                                    type = 'error')
        logger.critical("SMTP exception: %s" % exc_txt)
        return HTTPFound(location = _find_good_redirect_url(self.context, self.request, self.api))

    @view_config(context = HTTPError, permission = NO_PERMISSION_REQUIRED, renderer = "voteit.core:views/templates/exception.pt")
    def error_view(self):
        """ More chatty http-errors that users might need to understand.
            Will also catch CSRF errors.
        if self.request.is_xhr:
            raise self.exception
        return {'exc': self.exception, 'api': self.api}